18 minute read

Spiritual Life Blessing on my knees

A friend had quadruple bypass surgery and his first hospital stay. Instead of parking in the ministers' reserved area and visiting the sick, he lay in an airy hospital gown and received visitors. Later, his sweet wife listed the kindnesses extended from hospital staff, family, and friends because many rallied to "bless" this godly couple. Their helpers bowed their knees to them, not in worship but in service.

When God called Abram, one of the promises he made was to "bless" him. The primary root for "bless" means "to kneel" or "to bow the knee": [God said to Abram,] "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you" (Genesis 12:2-3).

The idea of blessing may come from several factors including that of bending the knees to give or to receive. Both elements of giving and receiving are present in God's call to Abram.

First, God bowed his knees and served Abram so Abram could accomplish God's will for his life. Eventually through Abram's lineage, God gifted the entire earth with Jesus Christ. Abram believed God's promises, used God's provisions, and bowed his knee in service to his family and foreigners.

I easily imagine Abram bowing his knee to serve God and his contemporaries. However, I have difficulty when I picture God on his knees, serving Abram, not in worship but through the keeping of his promises to bless Abram.

While the picture of God kneeling to serve might be difficult to visualize, testimonies of God's gracious service appear all through scripture. From the earliest days, God has served his creation and expressed his all-out love through provisions and justice. The Creator seeded the earth and set up an atmosphere to support plant life and humans. He didn't let Cain get away with murder. For thousands of years, God has nurtured humanity, yet we as humans have continued to ignore or bite the hand that feeds us.

is shaped by a gardener, and the clay vessel in the potter’s hand, or the shoreline of the sea under the watery hand of the mighty waves, by home and church; by school and street, through sights and sounds and the touch of my hand on their hand and Christ’s spirit on their heart!

So I believe that they will mature as only people can – through laughter and tears, through trial and error, by reward and punishment, through affection and discipline, until they stretch their wings and leave their nest to fly!

O God – I believe in my children. Help me so to live that they may always believe in me and so in Thee.”

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you, bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart; then you will find favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.” Proverbs 3:3-4 (NIV)

After celebrating the seasons of Lent and Easter, and the feasts of the Ascension of Jesus and the descent of the Holy Spirit, we are back to the ordinary season of the liturgical year. You would have noticed that the readings of the gospel during those seasons and feasts gave us many fundamental teachings about our faith. I would like to recall that the forty days of lent, which began with Ash Wednesday and culminated at the Mass of the Holy Eucharist on Holy Thursday, allowed us to worthily prepare for a worthy celebration of the paschal triduum through acts of piety, penance and charity. Easter and the Sundays following it together with the daily masses provided each one of us the opportunity to know and realize that by dying with Jesus through our baptism, we will also share in his promised resurrection from the dead because of our faith. We celebrated these mysteries for forty days so that we could understand that the return of Jesus to the Father on the feast of the Ascension reaffirmed three important truths of our faith, namely, the divinity of Jesus, the role of the Holy Spirit and our incorporation into the Mystical body of Christ as well as our rights and responsibilities in collaborating actively in his mission of salvation.

All these mysteries of the faith could only become less incomprehensible with he descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost whose indwelling in our lives would inspire, encourage and enlighten to know and live according the truths as revealed by the abovementioned mysteries. This happened during Pentecost day, fifty days after Easter when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles gathered around Mary. Jesus mentioned this even when he said “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming.”

(John 12, 13)

Today we are celebrating the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, the mystery of our faith in One God in

Three Divine Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Like any mystery, the mystery of the reality that our God is one and triune is one that transcends pure human comprehension but reveals the nature and existence of God, and his presence in our midst and in the world. Not even St. Augustine, one of the greatest Catholic thinkers in history, could explain in simple terms the meaning of this reality. However with the eyes of faith that penetrates all mysteries we can only believe in the existence of God who is love and because of his great love himself his nature could least be surmised from the divine actions in history, namely his creative, salvific and animating activities in the universe and towards the whole human race. As recorded in Sacred Scriptures he revealed himself as the creator of everything, as the savior of the human race and the soul that has given life the community of disciples that today is known as the Church. As a creator is the Father, as the Savior he is the Son sent by the Father out of love for sinful humanity and as the life of the Church he is known as the Holy Spirit. The bible reveals this mystery in the actions of God in the life of man as he exists in the world. Reflecting more deeply into this mystery we may come to realize that the unity of God is based on love from which the Son is generated by the Father and in loving response to the love of the Father, proceeds the Holy Spirit who unites the Father and the Son in a unity of life and love. Each person of the Blessed Trinity is equal with each other in nature and dignity, but their distinction may be seen in how they act in the world and in relation

to humanity.

Attempts at explain this wonderful mystery have been done in history, but in my personal reflections I consider the human family that consists of the father, mother and their children is one human institution that concretizes, although very imperfectly, the nature and mission of the Most Holy Trinity. The identity of both parents is clearly distinguished in their nature, their distinction spelled out in their role as partners and parents of their children. Their union and fidelity can only be sealed by their love and care for each other and also their concern for the welfare of their children. The children remain different from them, but become part of a community of love and life through their response in obedience and respect to them as the example of God’s own love from humanity and humanity love in response to God. This paradigm could help us better understand the nature and mission the Holy Trinity should we know put into life concretely the teachings of Jesus himself, particularly the new commandment of love as He loves us unconditionally.

I believe it is for this reason that many strong forces are moving around the world to destroy by all means the traditional concept and reality of marriage as one that consists in the unity between two human beings of different genders, namely man and woman. In a similar way, advocacy for marriages without procreation has also been made more acceptable not only morally but even legally in many countries of the world. On this feast day of the Holy Trinity, we Catholics should unite in prayer and sacrifices to uphold the perennial doctrine of the Church about marriage and family which concretely mirrors the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, the nature of God and the mission of salvation that He reveals in history. Let us pray that our families be united in love and life so that we all can be real witnesses in the world that has been blinded by self-love, secularism, materialism, relativism and non regard for the existence of God in the world.

In addition, God planned a complete demonstration of his love through Jesus Christ - a demonstration of love that would impact us like nothing before or since.

Ultimately, God let us view his servant heart through his Son Jesus, and his three year ministry held countless revelations of God's truth and grace (John 1:14-18). On the evening before his crucifixion, Jesus assured his disciples, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14:9).

Earlier that night, Jesus had demonstrated God-as-servant, showing his disciples the "full extent of his love" (John 13:1). When the Master Teacher had gathered to dine with his disciples in the upper room, street grime had come along on their feet. That's when the God of Abram, "found in appearance as a man" (Philippians 2:8), got up from the meal, took off his outer garment, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After pouring water into a basin, the God of Abram knelt, and one at a time he would lift and clean 24 dirty feet. Wash and dry. Wash and dry. Wash and dry. Thomas.

John. Thaddeus. Andrew. James.

Bartholomew. Peter. Judas.

The cleansing wasn't brief: The meal stopped. It took time. Minutes and more minutes ticked by as Jesus, found in appearance as a man, made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant (Philippians 2:6-8). Servant God knelt. Moved from man to man, foot to foot, and physically touched each disciple.

Dipping water from a basin, scrubbing toes, toweling ankles, Jesus humbled himself one more time before he "became obedient unto death-even death on a cross!"

(Philippians 2:8).

When Jesus reached the reluctant Peter, we find these words in John's story of Jesus: He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?" Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." "No," said Peter, "you shall never wash my feet." Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me" (John 13:6-8). Later ... the disciples comprehended. They remembered the night Jesus made himself of no reputation and took upon the form of a servant - the night he declared most of them were clean and set in motion a perpetual cleansing. They learned from God "found in appearance as a man" that protocol couldn't hinder lavish love.

When Abram received his call, Servant God eventually furnished everything Abram needed to carry out the divine path for his life. Abram believed God and his belief equaled righteousness in God's court (Genesis 15:6).

I find it easy to picture looking up into the heavens and praying to God. I can even clearly picture God at my side walking in a garden as we talk about life. However, the image blurs when I look down into the eyes of the God of Abram fashioned as a man washing my feet.

I am ready for a new portrait. I am praying that God will place in my mind and heart the knowledge of a towel-draped Savior at my feet who will equip me to bless - bow my knees to others.

God knows that you can stand that trial; He would not give it to you if you could not. It is His trust in you that explains the trials of life, however bitter they may be. God knows our strength, and He measures it to the last inch; and a trial was never given to any man that was greater than that man's strength, through God, to bear it.


Sa pangaraw-araw nating kabuhayan May mga katotohanan na dapat nating maliwanagan Ang Kalayaan ay ninanais ng karamihan Subalit alam ba natin ang tunay na kahulugan?

Bahagi ng ating pagkatao ay ang biyaya ng Kalayaan Malaya tayong magdesisyon bago kumilos at ikasatuparan Kung papaano natin gamitin ang ating Kalayaan Maging alipin o malaya ang kahihinatnan.

Tayo ay pinagkalooban ng Panginoon ng Kalayaan Subalit ito ay hindi nagbibigay ng Karapatan na gawin ang hindi tama Kaya ngat mayroon tayong batas ng Diyos at ng Lipunan Huwag gawin ang labag sa Karapatan ng iba

Ang taong malaya ay ang taong sumusunod sa kautusan Anong Kalayaan mayroon ang taong nalulong sa bisyo at kasalanan Katunayan siya ay isang Alipin ng kanyang hangarin Mapagbigyan ang pagnanais na nakakasama sa Ispiritu at katawan.

Bakit nga ba binigyan tayo ng Diyos ng Kalayaan Sapagkat ayaw ng Diyos na tayo sunod-sunoran Ang maayos na pakikitungo sa Diyos ay di sapilitan Ang pagmamahal sa Kanya ay kusa na galling sa ating kalooban.

Ang tamang gamit ng Kalayaan ay pinagaaralan at pinaghahandaan Wala tayong karapatang gawin ang mga bagay na hindi natin sapat na alam at naiintindihan Kaya ngat ang bata ay tinuturuan at sinusubaybayan Ginagabayan hanggang sa magkaroon ng sapat ng isip, handa ng gamitin ang sariling Kalayaan.

Ano naman ang Kalayaan na tinatamasa ng isang bansang malaya Na ang mga taong bayan ay malayang pumili ng kung sino ang mamumuno sa kanila Kalayaang sambahin ang Diyos ayon sa kanilang paniniwala Kalayaang kumilos at gawin anumang bagay na ikakabuti ng iba.

Nakaukit na sa puso ng tao ang Kalayaan Isang biyaya na sa Diyos ang pinagmulan Ating gamitin ang Kalayaan sa tamang paraan Upang sa buhay natin tagumpay at kaligayahan ay makamtan.

Marcos added.

The proposed MIF is an independent fund that adheres to the principles of good governance, transparency and accountability and shall be sourced from the investible funds of select government financial institutions, from contributions of the national government, declared dividends of the BSP and other fund sources.

Under the scheme, the MIF shall be used to invest in strategic and commercial activities in a manner designed to promote fiscal stability for economic development and strengthen the top-performing GFIs through additional investment platforms that will help attain the national government’s priority plans.

Maeda said the JBIC wants to know more details about the Philippines' potential and targeted projects, including those in the pipeline, so it could make "more tangible, specific" proposals to upgrade the value of Tokyo and Manila's strategic cooperation.

The JBIC is a policy-based financial institution wholly-owned by the Japanese government that conducts lending, investment and guarantee operations. It is also a leading public financial institution in the international financial market.

The bank’s main operational principle is to supplement the financial transactions implemented by private financial institutions.

The JBIC has supported projects all over the world such as infrastructure, natural resources and renewable energy, with the primary mission of contributing to the sound development of Japan, the international economy and society.

Indonesian billionaire pledges support to PBBM admin’s social welfare and healthcare

Indonesian businessman Dato’ Sri Tahir made a commitment on Tuesday to assist the Marcos administration in improving the lives of the Filipino people through social work and the provision of low-cost housing. Tahir met President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. in Malacañang and handed over SGD1 million, or Php41.6 million, to the chief executive.

The Indonesian businessman told President Marcos that he was eager to see and congratulate him after winning the elections last year. Tahir earlier met the Marcos family in Hawaii when they were in exile.

“So maybe I use this opportunity. I like to see, explore, we can work together in social work,” Tahir said. “We have been working in the region. So, I hope that, with your permission, with your support, let me arrange to explore.”

Marcos briefed Tahir on the current government social welfare programs for children, the elderly, as well as the ongoing initiatives for housing.

“We have a program that we are going to start for the street children. Unfortunately, we still have people who are homeless. So, we are trying to look after them,” said the President, adding the government program for senior citizens to help them financially and medically.

“So, this is how we view social work in the Philippines. As much as possible, we would like people not to become dependent on the government. And Filipinos, I think, have that attitude. So, that’s a good situation. So, that’s more or less how we are approaching a new way of doing social work,” Marcos told Tahir.

In terms of housing, the President said his administration has been very aggressive in its housing programs because the country has to catch up in this area.

Marcos told Tahir that his government is targeting one million units each year for the next six years, noting the country’s backlog of 6.5 million in terms of housing units for socialized and local housing.

“That is a very important part of our agenda. It causes so many social problems if we don’t have available housing. It’s very hard for people to be productive if they do not have their own home,” he stressed.

“Even if they are just paying for it, it’s different from being informal settlers, squatters. That’s why it’s a big priority. So, housing is moving well.”

Tahir, for his part, said he is also active in providing healthcare support to countries in crisis situations and has donated about US$40 million to the US government, and assisted the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Tahir said he went to Syria and Libya, and also extended support to Afghanistan and Turkey. “Anything regarding humanitarian, I’m interested in that,” he added.

Tahir also said he is interested to build a hospital in the country. “We are running the largest private hospital in Indonesia. So maybe if we can invest also in hospital here,” he said.

The President said he will ask the concerned government agencies to help him put together his proposals when he comes back to the country sometime in July or August.

Tahir founded the Mayapada Group, an Indonesian conglomerate, with businesses in the financial, healthcare, hotel and real estate, specialty retail, media and mining industries.

In 2019, Tahir was appointed to the Presidential Advisory Council by Indonesian President Joko Widodo. (MNS)

Dear Readers,

“There is a mistaken notion among some that to own a paper is to have a license to clobber one’s enemies and attack people we don’t like. A newspaper is an information tool to reach a large number of people at a given time. A newspaper should inform, educate, entertain and provide viewpoints that could give us the means to make intelligent decisions for ourselves and others.” — Ernie Flores Jr., founding editor and publisher

He commented that video ads featuring stories of successful Filipinos in other countries were also released within the same period.

Soriano added that similar ads are now being planned and intended to be released in other nations, such as the United States and the Middle East.

He also stressed that the project is not solely a tourism campaign, noting that the Department of Tourism will launch its own version of the “best” branding.

Moving on - for the past few decades, Cannes Film Festival has been gaining notoriety as one of the most glamorous events on the calendar. The world watched as supermodels and global stars in elegant gowns and sharp tuxedos strut down Promenade de la Croisette. From Bella Hadid and Angelina Jolie to Brigitte Bardot and Elizabeth Taylor, this invitationonly event has welcomed the most decorated film and fashion icons on its red carpet.

Yes, in reality, it was that time of the year again (from May 16 to 27) – the Cannes Film Festival begun its 76th iteration. The annual celebration of cinematic excellence previews films from the minds of great directors around the world – and in point of fact, Filipinas are now part of this history.

Filipina beauty queens Pia Wurtzbach and Kylie Verzosa looked exquisite during their debut appearance on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival.

On 16 May 2023 - Miss International 2016 Kylie Verzosa captivated everyone on the opening day of the Cannes Film Festival, as she walked the red carpet in a jawdropping custom gown designed by Mark Bumgarner.

Kylie confidently showcased her assets in a sophisticated black gown, accentuated by sultry side cutouts. The ensemble boasted a ball skirt with a majestic long train, adorned with feathers and crystal embellishments. For this red-carpet look, Kylie was styled by Kat Cruz.

Mark revealed on Instagram the incredible feat of creating Kylie’s gown in just two weeks. He wrote, “We had less than 2 weeks to create this look. I wanted it to be simple, classic, with a little bit of drama. This gown is adorned with feathers and crystals, cascading down to the hem that creates a halo like effect. This dress is so special, only Kylie can work it.”

Kylie graced the premier of the highly anticipated opening film Jeanne du Barry, directed by the acclaimed

French actress and filmmaker Maiwenn Le Basco, known simply as Maiwenn. In this movie, Johnny Depp made his much-awaited comeback, portraying King Louis XV, while the director herself portrayed the titular character.

For Kylie, attending the premier was a dream comes true. In an Instagram post on 17 May 2023, she wrote, “Dream comes true (emoji) Such an honor to walk on the 76th Cannes Film Festival opening night, thank you for having me @festivaldecannes It was so surreal (emoji)”

Equally mesmerizing was Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach, who attended the premier of the movie Le Retour – Homecoming in a fullysequined red gown also masterfully crafted by Bumgarner. Her ensemble showcased a structured strapless asymmetrical bustier that perfectly complemented the gracefully draped long skirt, creating a truly enchanting red-carpet look. Pia sought the help of interet personality Perry Tabora for her outfit. Yes, Pia Wurtzbach Jauncey (she just got married, too!) – The Miss Universe 2015 – has finally walked the red carpet of the esteemed international festival, and she looked stunning while doing so – and may finally add another title under her belt – best dressed at the 76th Cannes film festival.

By the same token, celebrity hairstylist Renz Pangilinan expertly recreated Pia’s winning bun hairstyle at the Miss Universe 2015 pageant. Make-up artist Mickey See also worked his amazing magic to enhance Pia’s beauty, giving her a natural yet glamorous movie-star glow that accentuated her bronzy complexion.

Walking on the red carpet at Cannes on Wednesday, 17 May2023, Pia felt she had stepped into a movie, immersing herself in the magical atmosphere of the festival. That day, Pia shared the red carpet with esteemed celebrities, such as Gemma Chan, Viola Davis, and fellow former Miss Universe titleholder Iris Mittenaere of France. In an Instagram post on Thursday, 18 May 2023, Pia wrote, “Just like the movies (emoji) my first time walking the red carpet @ festivaldecannes. Somebody pinch me (emoji).”

In the world’s limelight, too, Mutya ng Pilipinas Annie Uson was crowned 2023 Miss Chinese World in ceremonies staged in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, last month. Uson represented the capital city of Manila on the annual pageant that gathers women of Chinese descent from all over the world. She succeeded last year’s winner, Kao Man Jung from Taipei, Taiwan.

The national pageant organization chose Uson to join the global tilt when the International organization granted them the franchise. Mutya ng Pilipinas President Cory Quirino announced at a media gathering that a national license is allowed to send up to five delegates

The Miss Chinese World pageant is organized by D’Touch International Sdn. Bhd. Foundation, the same team behind the Miss Tourism International

Competition where Mutya ng Pilipinas has a long-standing partnership with.

The Chinese World pageant’s official website shows the contest’s motto is “the beauty of heart, the world of wisdom” and aims to promote tourism, foster friendship and love, and provide experiences on Chinese culture.

Finally, our beloved old homeland – the Philippines – has been one of the most dynamic economies in the East Asia and Pacific region as of to date. With increasing urbanization, a growing middle class, and a large, educated and young population, the Philippines’ economic vibrancy is rooted in strong consumer demand supported by a passionate labor market and robust remittances. The private sector remains buoyant, with positive performances from the services sector including business process outsourcing, wholesale and retail trade, real estate, and tourism.

Poverty rate declined from 23.5 percent in 2015 to 18.1 percent in 2021 despite the shocks endured through the Covid-19 pandemic and other global headwinds such as the high worldwide commodity prices and tight international financial conditions. The Philippine government pursues larger investments in both human and physical capital to boost growth over the medium and long term.

No doubt about it, our old country has been growing in recent years accelerating from 5.6 percent in 2021 to 7.6 percent in 2022. With continued recovery and reform efforts, the Philippines are getting back on track on its way from a lower middleincome country with a gross national income per capita of US$3,640 in 2021 to an upper middle-income nation (per capita income range of US$4,256US$13,205) in the short term.

Indeed, our “kababayans” are implementing its 8-point socioeconomic agenda and the Philippine Development Plan 20232028 to ensure inclusive, resilient, and sustainable growth for a prosperous society.


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