The Film Festival Doctor is a specialist PR & consultancy service. Objective – To help producers get their short and/or feature films seen at festivals around the world, in order to successfully expose their film. As your consultant, Rebekah offers bespoke and constructive one to one advice to help you approach the film festival sector correctly and to design an effective festival campaign for your film. As your Festival Manager, Rebekah the creates and manages your film festival PR campaign, (including submitting films to festivals & pitching the film to festivals directly), fee waivering, promoting and organising film festival screenings & managing the social media campaign.
Feature film surgeries are one to one film festival consultations, which can take place via either Skype or face to face in London or Essex. The cost per consultation is £100.00 which is paid up front on the day or in advance. All follow up consultations cost £60.00. The producer can have as many consultations with Rebekah as they require. Consultations can be booked during your films pre-production, production or post-production stages (consultations during the pre-production phase are strongly advised). During the consultation, after viewing your feature (if its completed or in the post-production phase), Rebekah advises you how to design an effective and bespoke festival strategy for your film which can include; how to create a strong press kit, how to manage your festival strategy & the submission process, creating a strong social media campaign, additional PR opportunities, how a feature film festival PR campaign differs from a short film campaign and how to make the most out of a festival screening.
The Short Film Surgery consultancy service consists of one to one film festival consultations, which can take place via either Skype or face to face in either London or Essex, UK. The cost per consultation is £60.00 which is paid upfront on the day or in advance. You can have as many consultations with Rebekah as you require. During the consultations, Rebekah advises you how to design an effective and bespoke festival strategy for the film, how to create a strong press kit, how to manage the submission process and how to make the most out of a festival screening. Consultations during the pre-production phase is strongly advised)
For a minimum of 6 or 12 months (on a renewable contract) Rebekah occupies the role as your Festival PR Manager, which includes 1. Creating the festival PR Campaign which includes: designing a film festival strategy & agenda for your film. 2. Managing the festival strategy & festival administration work which includes: Submitting the film to festivals. Pitching the film directly to her key festival contacts. Keeping track of when festival deadlines are approaching. Managing the social media campaigns.
Chasing festivals for feedback. Shipping DVDs (provided by the producer). Organising International & National premieres/screenings. Liaising with the festival organisers and determining their deliverables for any festivals where the film plays. Make every effort to have festival fees waived where possible. Getting the best deals possible on festival travel and accommodation for the producer.
The producer will cover all pre-approved overhead costs which include – Postage & Packaging Cost of submission fees (only if applicable). Cost of shipping deliverables to festivals. Although every effort will be made, the nature of PR involves an element of risk. Therefore, Rebekah can not guarantee that your film will defiantly get seen at festivals.
Film Festival Manager Package - £1,000.00 per month, per film, on either a 6 or 12 month renewable contract. Feature Film Surgery – £100 first consultation, £60 for all follow up consultations Short Film Surgery - £60.00 Contact – +44(0)7530 953676