Phuket Post 158

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16 - 31 AUGUST 2011


Phuket On Drugs thailand's bad brits mama cooking and more...


News 2-3 NEWs 4-5 weird phuket &

phuket religion


phuket's britons


phuket pc


PHUKET on drugs



1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

Phuket makes kids' dreams come true

14-15 Picture PHUKET & DINING 16-17 PHUKET property 18-19


Have a story? Would you like to tell Phuket all about a particular restaurant, hotel or show? If so, then contact and let everybody know. Phone: 076 620 054 Fax: 076 273 202


terminally-ill children from Ayutthaya and Bangkok flew to Phuket earlier this month and had their wishes come true. Pop, Indy, Benz 1, Benz 2 and Rath are all kids from the recently-formed Thai branch of the Make a Wish Foundation (MAWF) who all had the same wish: to fly on an airplane before they died. Faisal Malik, a volunteer at MAWF accompanied the children and said that they had a great time, “From the moment they arrived at the airport they didn’t stop. They had so much fun.” Crucial to the success of the foundation is its list of contacts and sponsors. These ensure costs are kept low. Faisal said that typically during the monthly meetings, new cases are presented and the feasibility of granting a wish is discussed before being assigned to a volunteer. “Depending on who has the contacts and interest, is who gets the particular client and wish. There is a volunteer who also works at Sony Music, so if a child wants to meet a singer for

example, he is obviously perfect for that,” explained Faisal. The majority of the expenses on the recent trip were therefore covered. Flights from Bangkok to Phuket were provided complimentary on behalf of Bangkok Air, all of the on-the-ground transportation was provided by Asia World and all of the meals were provided by Hard Rock Cafe. Their accommodation at the Courtyard Marriot, Patong was also provided for free. The kids, two of which were orphans, while the other three lived with single mothers, were especially surprised and delighted by the room service at the Courtyard Marriot. Faisal said, “It was something they hadn’t really experienced before. They invariably have to tidy up after themselves at home and so having somebody do that for them and often twice a day was something that they enjoyed immensely.” Along with the airplane ride wish, the children were also treated to burger and chips at the Hard Rock Cafe. Benz 1, who is also blind, took to the stage and played his guitar

like a pro while his travel mates danced and banged around on the drums. The children took in the show at Phuket Fantasea in the evening and on the next day before they went back went snorkeling and canoeing around a small island off Phuket. The Thailand branch of the Make a Wish Foundation is still in its infancy - having only granted its first wish in November 2010 - and therefore is ironing out logistics and appealing for volunteers and donations. William Kuipers, the Make a Wish Foundation, Thailand President said, “We are only looking for serious, experienced, dedicated volunteers. If interested send your resume along with a photo.” William added that it was imperative to have co-ordinators and volunteers around Thailand and hoped one day for Phuket to have its own branch, “but it depends on the enthusiasm of people in that area supporting the Make-A-Wish Foundation Thailand.” If you would like to make a donation, please visit for more information.


1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

Record ya ice bust at airport C ustom officials found 3.2 kgs of ya ice in the suitcase of a woman who landed at Phuket International Airport on 13 August. The drugs, which has a street value of over 10 million baht, is the island’s largest meth bust in history. The 39-year-old suspect arrived on a Qatar Airways flight from Doha, via Kuala Lumpur. The suspect has been charged with possession of a Category 1 drug and the large amounts would seem to suggest that she had intent to supply. According to Thai law, this would mean that she might be facing the death penalty, although Thailand has not executed anybody found guilty of drug running since 2004. For a special on 'Phuket On Drugs' turn to page 10-11.

24 hour Phuket project


he mayor of Patong, famed for his snappy dress sense and willingness to talk to locals about the issues that affect Phuket, has pledged 24-hour police patrols during the upcoming high season. Mayor Pian Keeson recently admitted that many businesses were operating illegally in Patong and that enough was enough. He in particular referenced the beach vendors and jet-ski operators and pledged

to not only more closely monitor them in the future, but also pay more attention to keeping the beach free from litter. In addition, he revealed plans to install lights to illuminate the beach to crack down on illegal activity during the evenings. Mayor Pian once again said that if all of Phuket pulls in the right direction, then its goals might be realised much quicker. He also praised the Tourist Police, for 'working much harder recently'.

Phuket Youth Sails forward A fter providing sailing opportunities for the underprivileged children of Phuket since 2009, the Phuket Youth Sailing Club (PYSC) has been finally awarded the membership of the Yacht Racing Association of Thailand (YRAT) and is also officially recognised by The Sports Authority of Thailand (SAT) and the Phuket Sports Association. The club is open to all youth on Phuket from the age of seven, yet specifically facilitates underprivileged children to participate in the club’s activities. The PYSC has over 20 junior members, 17 of which live at the Phuket Sunshine Village Foundation. The Sailing Team (a.k.a. the Phuket Youth Sailing Squadron), has competed successfully in several regattas in Thailand since starting out in 2010 and are now in training for the next Optimist Championship, Hua Hin Regatta 2011. The Hua Hin Regatta is an annual sailing event that was organised to honour His Majesty King Bhumiphol Adulyadej in 2000, who himself excels in sailing sportsmanship. This year’s regatta will also celebrate His Majesty’s 84th birthday anniversary and sailors will be competing for several

Royal Trophies, namely: Royal Vega Rudder trophy for various classes from His Majesty the King Super Mod National Championship trophy from HIs Majesty the King OK dinghy National Championship trophy from Her Majesty the Queen Princess Cup for Optimist Championship from HRH Princess Galyani Vadhana. The PYSC is a charitable organisation and is therefore appealing for help from the public in helping to raise enough funds to give eight sailors the opportunity to compete in this prestigious event. Support youth sailing on Phuket and sponsor a sailor or event today. For further information on sponsorship packages, visit or contact Katy on 085 2159185

am , i ian y t ris tral re s K A u s n he i e i r nd am ha bo y a ith y n l f T was s a w . ha d I te t g i g ou ends an n i k n et. ta gi ek uk just han n we h P e s o in I lov ime ds t ien e m fr so me so


3 What has been your most perfect day in phuket? One of my most perfect days was when i joined my friends on a beach clean up organised by my school. It was enjoyable because we were doing our part to keep Phuket beautiful and clean for the local people and the tourists. Even though our class can't completely clean the beach up, a little help from other people could make all the difference. What's your favourite part of your body? I would say my eyes because they help me to see how beautiful the environment is and appreciate how fortunate I am to be living in such a lovely part of the world. Would you like to be a cat or a bird? Defiantly a bird because I love how birds can soar above into the sky, and seem to fly through life with ease and seemingly without problems.


weird phuket

1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

Staying cool in the rainy season Pulse Media Company Limited 122/5 Moo 4, Srisoonthorn

Stick your thoughts!

Sub-District, Thalang District, Phuket 83110, Thailand

Editor Sukhonthip Tantanak

Associate Editor Jody Houton



hat’s cooler than being cool? Obviously not many things when you’re a Thai teenager. This is a shot taken during the rainy season. It's obviously no fun to drive a bike in the rain, and even worse if you have to wear a very unfashionable raincoat and a helmet. Forget it! The helmet goes in the basket. The humble umbrella is therefore the solution for people who do not care about themselves or others.

Admin & Accounts

Photograph taken by Stephan Audiger. See more of his work:

Hathaikan (Tooky) Singthong


Graphic Designer Panyapol Phuenpha

CONTACT INFORMATION Advertising Sales: Classified Advertising: Editorial: Reporters: Design: Distribution: Jobs: Main Phone: 076 620 054 Fax Number: 076 273 202 Website:

EMERGENCY helplines Police: 191 Tourist Police: 1155 or 1699, Immigration Police: 076-212108 Phuket Tourist Rescue Centre, Chalong: 076-383907-9 Phuket Emergency Rescue Centre: 076-217833 Royal Thai Naval Centre: 076-391590, 076-391598 Patong Beach Emergency Rescue Centre (Thung Thong Police Station): 076-321182

What’s in a drink? By Joe Sutherland


erhaps the most enduring and famous pickup line is, "May I buy you a drink?" It at once establishes you as a considerate, generous, and civilized individual. Indeed, should she accept, it will also go some small way to ensuring that she doesn't have enough sense about her to figure out otherwise- at least not until too late. The man's role, as usual, is all too simple. He proffers the drink and waits for the woman's acceptance or rejection. The moral quandary falls entirely upon the woman when she accepts the drink. A clear refusal obviously does not obligate her to anything, but to what obligation does she incur if she does accept the drink? Must she endure the company of the man until she's finished the entire drink or only long enough to take a few sips, say thank you, and excuse herself? I have discussed this with a few women, and the harshest response has been along the lines of caveat emptor: if the man is foolish enough to offer a drink with no explicitly mentioned strings, then he's now a man out the cost of a drink and still without the company of a woman.

This, to my surprise, was a relatively frequent response among my admittedly small sample size of women. I, on the other hand, fall toward the opposite extreme. I feel, perhaps having wasted too much money on drinks already, that a woman should only accept a drink from a man that has a legitimate chance of catching her fancy. If she can tell by a glance that he's definitely not her type, then I don't think she should accept the drink. If, however, she thinks that with a few more drinks she might, perchance, begin to fancy him just a bit, then she is in the clear to accept the drink without regrets. A second drink offered can be a second drink accepted just so long as the woman, in all honesty, still thinks he has a chance. This is only my opinion, but I would be interested in the ways that women interpret the offer of a drink and what it obligates them to socially. Let the Post know so that I can either save my money or have more righteous indignation when the woman excuses herself to go to the bathroom after a few sips of the mojito I just bought. Contact:

The London riots, which quickly spread to other cities in England, provided some horrendous scenes of the depths of human depravity but also – luckily for this section – some weirdness. When a shop window was smashed and subsequently boarded up, passers by used it to express their own views at what was happening by posting loads of little post-it notes. One read, “Stop now guys, not Greggs!” Greggs is a popular British national bakery chain. Thousands of anti-rioters also joined together, after a particularly bad night, armed with brooms to quite literally sweep the streets.

Real life Cheddar Bob

Remember the scene in 8 Mile, when hapless token white boy Cheddar Bob shoots himself in his nether regions? Men all around the globe mocked him, while secretly emphasising with his plight. I mean who hasn’t wanted to stuff a gun down their pants? No? Well you’re perhaps not American. Last month, a 27-yearold Arizona native shot his penis off when he put his pistol down his pants.

Always the bride, never the groom

Living in Phuket, it’s not out of the question for the odd chap to be ‘duped’ into thinking that she was a he, by an attractive ladyboy. On odd occasions, I’m sure that the situation may even have progressed to the stage of marriage and beyond, blissfully unsuspecting. Rarely though does this happen the other way around. But this is exactly what has happened to an Indonesian woman who while at the altar was expecting her groom-to-be to say ‘I do’ in his regular gruff voice, but instead a high-pitched female voice sqeaked out her agreement. The groom who turned out to be a bride, is being investigated for fraud.


phuket religion

1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

Choosing to become religious The sudden death of longstanding Catholic priest, Father Richard Woodarek earlier this month, caused many to worry about the fate of the Phuket Catholic community and even more to be surprised that there even was one. Italy-born Father Ferdinando Ronconi, (pic: right) who worked alongside Father Richard, assured the Post that services would resume as normal and that - at least to him – his colleague and good friend’s passing was not a surprise. “I’d known Father Richard ever since I arrived in Thailand back in 1972, he had a good character. His death wasn’t a shock; he’d had problems with his heart for many years. We were all expecting it as during Mass he often used to faint.” The taking of Mass at the Assumption Church in Phuket town is just one of the duties that Father Ferdinando will now be taking over. “It’s the only real church in Phuket; it’s the mother so it definitely needs to continue. The Sacred Heart Catholic Chapel in Patong will also run as normal.” Ever since Father Ferdinando finished high school in his native city of Verona, Italy, he was quite clear of his path, just not so sure of the destination. “When one wants to become a priest, after the regular schooling, you study two years of Philosophy and four years of Theology, and then the church asks you what

you want to become. I said I wanted to be a missionary, and the church assigned me to Thailand in 1972.” After stints in Trang, Ranong and Bangkok, Father Ferdinando settled in Phuket to where he now resides, and sometimes gives classes, at the Dowroong Wittaya School. As well as taking over the late Father Richard’s duties of performing Mass and wedding ceremonies, Father Ferdinando also travels around the island donating bags of rice to around 35 poor families every Friday. Surprisingly, only three of which are Catholics, “We separate faith and charity; I don’t want to be buying their faith, at those

times I don’t even talk about Christianity.” His life as a missionary is perhaps far from what one may assume it to be, “We don’t really go around knocking on doors anymore. Sometimes they come here and ask us for help, if they want to become Catholic and learn about the faith, they will come and find us.” This typically occurs whenever a Thai family wishes their offspring to follow in their or in fact adopt a whole new religious tradition. “They tend to bring their child to the school or to one of the places of worship, and we will talk to the parents about whether they know what Catholicism is and if they really know what they are doing.”

He added that, “At around six years old, we will baptise them and they will start attending Mass and learning about the faith, and then at 10–12 years-old, they will take communion.” Central to this philosophy, is that parents and then their children do so completely of their own volition. “Christianity is on radio, TV, newspapers and the internet; people know that if they wish to learn more about it they can, we don’t force it. Even if we put up large billboard signs, more people will not necessarily come.” This refreshing no-pressure approach is at the core of Father Ferdinando’s preaching and view of Catholicism as a whole. Underpinning this philosophy is his view that the recent decline of church-goer numbers in Europe is not necessarily a negative thing, “Although 20 years ago, churches were full, if we were to ask why they actually went, we would get many ‘I don’t know’ answers. It’s much better now, as many people believe because they want to believe.” He added that this freedom to choose religion, or not, was undoubtedly a good thing, “In a way, all the faiths are improving along with their quality of followers. Instead of just accepting Catholicism or Buddhism or Islam as fact and as part of tradition, now people are questioning the concept of faith and asking why.”


British phuket

1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

Thailand: a haven for badly behaved Brits The British Behaviour Abroad Report 2011 published by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office has found that, proportionally, British nationals resident in, or visiting, Thailand are more likely to be arrested and admitted to hospital than in any other country. British Ambassador to Thailand, Asif Ahmad took time out of his busy schedule to talk to us about why this might be

Thailand has the highest number of British nationals arrested or hospitalised. Is that number higher than last year? What is the exact number? 847,000 British tourists visited Thailand in 2010 and over 50,000 British people are resident or spend much of the year here.

ed a UK poll conducted by ICM which showed that 32% of people were not aware that they would be prosecuted under local law if they break the law overseas, 6% thought they would be prosecuted under UK law and 22% thought it depended on the country they were in.

The official number of incidents for calendar years is in the centre of the page.

The recent riots and looting, questionable journalistic practices and and towel-disputes, the British and especially English have a pretty bad reputation abroad, how do you hope - do you hope? - to change this perception in Thailand? We work with a range of Thai contacts and we have consistently found that people in Thailand treat British nationals with courtesy and respect.

Do crimes/requests for information and assistance vary according to the area? What are the main ones in Phuket? In Phuket, British residents and visitors get into difficulties over issues such as loss of passport, visa overstay, mental illness, assault and sexual assault or are victims of varying crimes and scams. We also have reports of disputes over property and there are often complicated hospitalisations due to road traffic accidents. Many people expect us to be able to help with passport and visa enquiries; these are now handled by other departments; for passports please call Careline in the UK +44 20 8082 4744 (there is a charge for this service) and for visa enquiries please call the Bangkok VFS office on 02 800 8050. Why does Phuket not have a British consulate? Surely these figures would seem to suggest that Thailand is a country where scrimping on consulates cannot and should not occur. We currently have a large consular section in Bangkok and two consulates: one in Chiang Mai and the other in Pattaya. We keep this network under regular review but have to recognise that expansion of the network is unlikely in the current economic climate. We will continue to look at ways of improving our service to consular customers on Phuket. If a British National needs advice about a difficult situation, they will find information about what they can do to help themselves, as well as what we can do (and what we cannot do) on our website. If they can’t find the information they need there they should telephone the British Embassy in Bangkok (02 305 8333) and we will be happy to help. We have an Honorary Consul in Phuket, if you want to contact him, please contact the embassy in Bangkok. Describe a typical day. On one day in June, we: Sadly dealt with 4 new deaths, and 9 other recent death cases. In one, where the person died in a




















Advice and self help cases




road traffic accident, we received the court judgement about compensation. There were 4 hospitalisations (one of someone who had been lost at sea and clung onto floating material all night, another was unconscious following a motorbike accident), one mental illness case (hospitalised), three ongoing parental child abduction cases, 7 ongoing arrest / detention cases. The following evening there were three more Road Traffic Accident deaths. Three prison officers from a London prison arrived to prepare to transfer a British prisoner to the UK under the UK/Thai Prisoner Transfer Agreement. A consular officer visited the Immigration Detention Centre to visit 6 British Nationals detained there. Our Honorary Consuls also conducted prison visits. We issued 3 Emergency Travel Documents, 7 people visited the Embassy in need of advice on welfare (one had run out of insulin, another had been in a fight over the weekend and had wounds from being ‘bottled’), 59 people visited the

consular counter for documentary services (e.g. certifying copies of passports), we received 157 emails from customers, 251 phone calls from customers, 2 emergency out of hours calls (missing person). We received tragic early morning reports of a suicide (cut wrists) on a busy roadside in Bangkok - the deceased was not British so we passed his case to another Embassy. We held a teleconference with FCO's Child Abduction Unit (we are second worldwide for the number of child abduction cases).’ Why do you think the numbers of arrested Brits are so high in Thailand? Many people don’t realise that the penalties for crimes, particularly those involving drugs, are different from the UK and sometimes much higher, and that issues like visa overstay are criminal offences and treated seriously. Over half of those arrested are visitors rather than residents. The British Behaviour report highlight-

What should British people do if they need help or assistance in Phuket? If British Nationals need advice about a difficult situation, they will find information about what they can do to help themselves, as well as what we can do (and what we cannot do) on our website. If they can’t find the information they need there they should telephone us and we will be happy to help. In your opinion, what are the main problems/ causes for concern affecting residents in Phuket. Which are the ones that are peculiar (in both senses of the word) to Phuket. Residents or visitors in Phuket have found themselves in difficulty with problems such as scams, mental illness, arrest, road accidents, drowning, visa overstay, working without a work permit and some are victims of crime; robbery, drugging and assault. These problems are similar to those encountered in other resorts in Thailand. You have been the British Ambassador for 6 months, are you enjoying it? What are the challenges and rewards of holding such a prestigious position? Why did you choose Thailand? Thailand is a great posting for a British Ambassador. I chose Thailand having dealt with country for seven years from London. The large number of Britons who live or visit gives the role a direct connection. The commercial links are strong and I can play a role in securing deals. The Thai government is very accessible and we are able to talk about all issues of interest. The Royal links give the relationship added weight. And like so many tourists I have been able to enjoy the country's resorts, food and meeting so many gracious people."

8 Dusit Charity Cup 2011, 20 Augu st

Dusit Thani La guna Phuket will ho ld its first charitabl e bowling tournament , this week. 1,500 baht regi stration fee.

Phuket flo wer and vegetable festival, 16-25 Aug ust

Get in touc h with your hippy sid ing the 9-d e duray festival at Saphan Hin in Phuk et town.

PIWC 18 Aug monthly lunc ust h,

The PI month WC hosts t ly mee heir tin ramic Kitche g at Cen, Che talay a rng t baht f 11.30 a.m. 5 00 or mem b 650 fo r non- ers and membe rs.

phuket pC

By Masaya Mikami

1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

Sci-Fi technology that will change the world.


ave you ever noticed that technology once reserved only for Sci-Fi movies have become reality in recent years? At the time, nobody ever thought that such futuristic innovations would ever come to be, but that’s exactly what has happened, although I am still waiting for that hoverboard. There are 3 specific items of technology that I think will dramatically change the world as we know it. First and foremost is the Surrounding Gate Transistor, known as (SGT). This is truly an innovative idea in the hardware world. Even from the birth of the computer chip until today, all chips and cores have been designed horizontally. This is like a one story flat house or bungalow that has many rooms. However, the SGT will soon make it possible to have a skyscraper of cores. It means that the processing speed and number of parallel processors increases significantly.

A few examples of how this innovation might help us to consider how its usage could benefit military development, weather forecasting, DNA analysis and so on. It could make it possible to forecast earthquakes, tornados or volcano eruption or incoming powerful weapons. SGT is still in the development phase. Electronic paper also known as E-Ink started shipping from last

year. Electronic paper is basically paper-thick display that can be bent or rolled. Apple's iPad and Amazon's Kindle apply some of the key elements of this technology. In Sci-Fi movies, you often see a large transparent display that is controlled by a finger's movement (not actually touching the display). This once futuristic equipment is about to come to reality.

Applicable usage will be digital signage and computing on a car's windshield. A neat technology that will soon be released in the public arena is wireless energy transfer also known as wireless charge. Studies into wireless energy transfers have been conducted for many years. However, health concerns affected by wireless charging (since it creates electricmagnetic field and strong EM field often is known to trigger cancer) initially prevented further development. A few years ago, after a long field study, scientists concluded that EM's effect on health was limited even when EM field power was extremely strong. Therefore, development of wireless energy transfer once again is speeded up. These technologies are extremely close to being released. It is just a matter of time before these innovative ideas and technologies become possible right in front of your eyes.

pc phuket

1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

Your PC: The Shocking Truth

By Seth Bareiss


o you get a little shock every time you touch your PC? In this issue I’ll show you how to fix that problem with less than 500 baht, one shopping trip, and 30 minutes of labour. In the last issue, I wrote about protecting your computer and other expensive electronics with an APC-brand Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). This time, you'll read about how to get the most out of that UPS; protect your PC and other electronics, and eliminate the little shocks that many in Phuket get when they touch their PCs. It's all about being well grounded and not getting your wires crossed is not just good philosophical advice. In Britain, North America, New Zealand, Japan, or Australia, there's a reasonable expectation (a law, actually) that any electrical socket will have the positive (live, hot) wire and neutral wire in a predictable arrangement and colouring scheme. The negative (ground, earth) wire, too, is connected up, if there's a 3rd hole in the wall outlet. In Thailand, though... well, things are less predictable. I've seen positive and negative wires swapped, even on work done by reliable electricians. I've seen ground wires missing or even attached to the neutral wire. You can also expect that wire colour coding is nonexistent or unpredictable. In the electronics and home appliance stores, if you're buying a plug adapter or power strip or surge protector, just because you see three holes or three prongs on the plug does NOT mean that those holes and prongs are actually connected to anything. There's also no guarantee that the

positive and neutral wires won't have swapped places when they come out the far end. Welcome to the Wild, Wild East. When the positive and neutral wires are swapped, the OUTside of connectors (like light bulb sockets and your PC's metal housing) can give you a nasty shock, even when the thing is “off”. An off switch ordinarily cuts the wire on the positive “upstream” side where all the electron action is coming from. The housing of your PC and whatnot is ordinarily tied in with anything BUT that “hot” wire. When those wires are swapped, though, those super-caffeinated, hyperactive little electrons are looking for any way to a place with a neutral or negative polarity... even if that path is through you. Hiring a reliable electrician to check and fix the wiring in your house, though, can be a BIG expensive project, and unless you test the results yourself, you may find that the electrician's concentration lapsed at some point. Worse, what if you assume your house doesn't have proper grounding? When you unwittingly install a second ground... or your house's ground becomes the ground for the whole neighborhood... you're opening yourself up to a world of hurt. In the first case, the soil on one side of your property may have a slightly different negative ‘potential’ than the other side so your house becomes one big battery even when the power's off: electricity will run through your house's wiring from one “ground” pole to another. In the second case, at some point your house's wiring will go “kerpoof” under the strain of providing grounding for all those neighboring houses.

So what can you do that's safe, easy, and cheap? Grab 300 baht and go to one of those home appliance stores like Homepro and Home Depot. You're going to buy three things: a plug adapter, a long, thick, insulated copper wire, and a copper rod about 1m to 1.5m long. If you have the extra money and a connection in North America, have a 220-volt electrical outlet tester sent to you. See a typical one: ** Be sure that it's not a 110-volt tester, which is the typical voltage in a North American home. If your home is in Britain or Australia, do not get a tester from home because your country's standard is to put the neutral and positive wires in places /opposite/from Thai/American/Canadian standard. For 60 baht, buy a plug adapter like the one shown here. Use 150 baht for that copper rod as thick as your pinky finger, and the rest for a good long length of thick insulated copper wire. Notice that the adapters use only two wires going into the wall outlet. The “ground” wire is, instead, a small metal ring. To this ring you're going to attach an exposed metal section of that long wire. If you're handy with a soldering iron, use it. Make sure there's as much contact area as possible. Cover the connection with some electrical (non-conductive) tape so there's nothing for your dog/ cat/kid to zap himself with. Run that ground wire out of your house to some low, soft soil on your property. Borrow a big hammer and drive that copper rod deep. It's got to reach ground water to work. Permanently attach an exposed metal portion of your wire to the top of the rod,

and solder it if you can. Make sure there's as much contact area as possible. If you like cats, do your best to make it catproof: Either drive the entirety of exposed metal - rod and wire - into the ground, or cover the thing with a turned over sturdy flowerpot, so you don't electrocute Fluffy in your yard. Test your creation with the wall outlet tester. At this point, the ground should be working. If you're lucky the positive and negative aren't reversed. If you're looking at the wall socket with the round "ground" hole at the bottom, the flat positive ("hot") hole is at top right, and the flat neutral hole is at top left. If they are reversed, call any electrician, or perhaps buy an inexpensive plug adapter that you can open up and make a crossover so the positive and neutral wires are double-crossed. Two wrongs do make a right is not just inaccurate philosophical advice.


Now, assess the cable that runs from your PC or UPS to the wall. Make sure it's thick-ish, and has three prongs at the wall end. If you need to, buy replacements for less than 150 baht in any PC store, especially in the basement of Big C. Don't buy the cheapest. Thick metal and thick cable are signs of important quality. Now you've got a proper ground for just that one plug. Plug your APC-brand UPS into it if you've got one, and now you've got three extra-safe plugs. (If you don't have one already, pry open your wallet and get one. They're only 1850 baht. Don't plug your PC into it, and then make the mistake of plugging your monitor or printer into an ungrounded outlet: that's a neat way to accidentally run a current straight through both appliances! That's it! No more shocks, and your computer's much safer than it was yesterday…

10 By Jody Houton


phuket drugs

1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

Phuket on drugs

rug offenders make up more than 80% of the inmates in Phuket prisons and on a typical month, narcotics-related crime tops the monthly Phuket crime statistics. And while the existence of the reassuring ‘Welcome Clean Patong Project: Drugs-Free Zone’ billboards in Patong would suggest that the problem and in fact solution lies firmly and solely there, drug use and the crimes fuelled by their circulation, abound all over the island. Indeed Phuket town was, for the third year in a row, placed as the top district in the Southern Thailand area for cases of drug crime. Akanit Danpitaksat, the Police Lieutenant Colonel and Head of the Drug Suppression unit of Kathu Police station said however that drug use in Phuket was not limited to one area or to just one strata of society. “Lots of people who work in the service industry conceal their usage and the problems tend to spread among the staff. There are also many tourists and expats who come who are used to indulging in drug-taking behaviour.” Pol Lt Col Akanit said that drug users often turn to selling as a result of a lack of money and of opportunities. “Most drug users are people or teenagers who do not live with their family. The parents don’t really look after them, so they have a chance to get involved with drugs. Often being a user can lead to being a dealer later on.” The debate of how to solve drug-related problems is of course not exclusive to

Thailand. Like anywhere, there exists a stark distinction and active debate between proponents of rehabilitation and those who support more punitive measures. Perhaps never was more punitive action taken than in 2003, during former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s ‘War on Drugs’ campaign, where more than 2,000 known drug dealers were killed. Many were allegedly killed by their rivals. Controversial or not, the statistics of drug-related crimes fell quite dramatically from 215,209 in 2002, to just 58,853 in 2004. So, as the Pheu Thai political party prepares to take its seat, drug dealers up and down the island are sure to be wondering as to whether continuing to ply their trade is really worth it. But considering the strict and some would say, harsh punishment for users and dealers, is it ever really worth it? Whether it is the brief feelings of euphoria that ya bah or cocaine professes to provide, or of the manic thoughts of XTC or even the dull contentment of marijuana, is it, was it, or will it be, ever really worth it? The current Thai Narcotics Act stipulates the death penalty for those caught in possession of Category 1 drugs for purposes of ‘disposal’. This includes methamphetamines (ya bah), cocaine, ecstasy as well as heroin. For those caught with lesser amounts, there are two options: jail or rehabilitation. The Thai government often offers a combination of both. The first step after the Thai police arrest

Dr Kai Goh (centre) and his international staff

"For those caught with lesser amounts, there are two options: jail or rehabilitation. The Thai government often offers a combination of both." a suspected drug offender is to take blood the view that drug addicts need to be, and urine samples, if the tests come back and can be, saved on a spiritual level, yet positive they are sent to a medical centre instead are punished as criminals. Despite this, Dr Pattaree said that the in Phuket town where they are assessed as to whether they are ‘addicts’ or not. situation is much better than it once was, Regardless of the results, the majority “It has only been very recently and under of the patients attend a compulsory out- the leadership of Prime Minsiter Abhisit patient rehabilitation course at Vachira Vejjajiva that there was such a strong Hospital in Phuket town in lieu of facing government initiative and societal shift in viewing drug addiction as a form of criminal charges. Dr Pattaree Pinkaew is a psychiatrist illness that required help and not just at Vachira Hospital who oversees many punishment.” of the 120 patients currently undergoing However, although the course is availa drug rehabilitation course. She said, able and advertised on the radio, this does “Treatment involves group therapy and not necessarily mean addicts will recogtime with a psychiatrist. They typically nise that they need the help and therefore meet 2-3x week for a duration of 6 weeks.” actually accept it. Dr Pattaree said, “It’s not difficult to If a patient is unable to pass the course or satisfy the doctor’s expectations, then get help if they are aware that they have they will invariably be sent to jail. Drug a problem, if they are not concerned then dealers however always face a prison sen- of course it gets much harder.” Elsewhere on the island, Dr Kai Goh, tence and very rarely attend such courses. This is the only government-funded the Singaporean founder and CEO of drug rehabilitation centre that exists in Phuket’s recently opened private drug Phuket, but Dr Pattaree said that there rehabilitation centre, Bhavana, concurs needs to be many more, “All of the drug and said that a country’s and society’s users from Patong and Karon and the rest cultural and traditional viewpoint of drug of the island are sent here, there needs to use can be a hindrance to the rehabilitabe more, we can only do so much with tion process. the little budget we have.” “Drug addiction in general, but espePerhaps as a result of this, sometimes cially in Thailand, is viewed much like even Thai temples serve as makeshift a mental illness in that it has a stigma, rehab centres, with the Wat Tham Krabok is rather a taboo subject and not openly in Bangkok being an especially popular addressed. Often attempts are made to and successful place for heroin and crack remedy the problem in temples, much cocaine addicts to go to. like mental illness is.” However, this could once again showDr Goh, who has practiced in rehacase the dichotomy and uneasy relation- bilitation clinic for the stars, the Priory ship between Thai culture and Thai law; Clinic in England, said that it was not


drugs phuket

1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

Vachira Hospital psychiatrist Dr Pattaree Pinkaew

Another day of surpressing drugs for Patong Police Lieutenant Colonel Akanit Danpitaksat

his intention to disassociate the spiritual from the healing/recovery process but to add other elements to aid the treatment. And Bhavana, an ex-resort set in a secluded beachfront location of Cape Panwa, certainly offers an abundance of other elements: qualified and accredited international psychiatrists, meetings and lectures with industry experts, luxurious live-in rooms, fully intensive and tailored assessment of a patient’s history and the latest in addiction treatments, all in a wonderfully resplendent setting. It also offers treatments for gambling addiction, Internet addiction and sex addiction. This, of course, all comes at quite a cost, (12,000-27,000 baht a day) but one that Dr Goh believes is quite justified. “When guests were at the Priory Clinic in England, they often said, “For what we’re paying we could be staying at the Ritz.” I would always reply, “Yes, but you don’t get doctors on call 24 hours a day at the Ritz.” Although patients are not forced to stay for any particular period of time, residential care, including access to trained psychiatrists, tends to be restricted to between 4-6 weeks (“Long enough to be effective, without feeling isolated”). Dr Goh said, “About 70% of people who suffer from drug addiction also suffer from some form of mental illness, whether that be depression or schizophrenia. Likewise, if a patient is suffering from a mental illness, they are much more prone and likely to use drugs.” Dr Goh has been a practicing psychiatrist, specialising in adult psychiatric

disorders and alcohol and drug addiction gardless of cultural expectations and treatment since 1998. views of addiction. Many of our patients He trained in psychiatry at University are from the Middle East and China, College London Hospital (UCLH) and which in many ways carries a bigger has held senior clinical and management stigma than Thailand with regards to positions in several NHS teaching hos- addiction.” A common modern-day perception of pitals, and at several world-class private healthcare institutions in the UK. drug addiction and a tenant of its treatFor him, the decision to open a clinic in ment is that it is not only a physiological Phuket was an easy one to make, “There’s problem, but also a psychiatric one. This nothing of this standard elsewhere in level of awareness, both doctors agree South East Asia. I have been to Thailand needs to occur in every aspect of socimany times, and Phuket was a natural ety, not just in the hospitals, and drug choice. It has access to an international rehabilitation centres, but also in homes standard of doctors, great hospitals nearby and schools. This, Dr Goh believes, is the first step for additional support, and also has the appeal to get international staff to come in solving the local drug problem on the and stay. island, "It’s all about education. The kids Dr Goh added, “There are great links who take ya bah need to be aware of how from the airport so people can fly directly destructive it can be, so that they can to the treatment centre and of course there choose to resist the peer pressure and are the great views and treatments. It’s a temptation. one stop shop for everything you need!” “It’s like smoking – which Thailand is Although research has shown that the actually pretty good at - there needs to be drug of choice may vary depending on steps taken to inform people that a) it’s social class, and although few of the ya dangerous and b) there is help ‘theoretibah-taking, motorbike-speeding young cally’ out there to help you quit.” Dr Pattaree concurred, but said that it Thai men on the island would realistically be able to afford a stay at Bhavana, Dr would take time for such changes to occur, Goh believes that what a patient needs, re- “Although we keep in contact with teachgardless of nationality, ethnic background ers and sometimes give talks at schools, or financial status is more or less the same. we would like to do more and have more “Drug use and addiction affects all staff in order to do more.” “We would also like to have huge billspectrums of society, the treatment is slightly different between private and boards that advertise a hotline for people public health care, but the principals are to call for help. But unfortunately such now relatively similar; namely abstinence a number does not exist. Of course we would like to provide information to adand group therapy,” Dr Goh said. He added, “Addiction affects all, re- dicts and have more radio spots, but we

have very little budget.” In an ideal world then, the second step would be for the government to provide more funding to build more drug rehabilitation centres around Thailand. And although they may not turn out to be as equipped or luxurious as Bhavana, Dr Goh hopes that the centre may act as a sort of beacon and inspiration for future centres to be opened. Pol Lt Col Akanit however, believes that instead, more effort should be spent on the suppression of drugs, “The most important way {to remedy the problem} is to try to prohibit drugs from being spread around.” He also said that key to the police’s success in dealing with drug crime was communication. “We try to cooperate with everybody in the community. It's a good way for police to get more information about people who are involved with drugs. Everybody should participate; it’s a valuable way to prevent drugs from spreading,” Pol Lt Col Akanit said. Then, perhaps in the future there will be huge billboards and signs providing information, help and guidance for addicts alongside those that boast of the government’s 100% drug free areas and 0% tolerance warnings. There is irony in opening such a rehabilitation centre retreat as Bhavana, on an island partly famed for its residents’ lives of excess, but despite that, its existence, what it symbolises and what it could usher in could mark the beginning of a new Phuket, of new Phuketians and of new Phuket visitors.



Detoxing from drug use

Richard Patrick Cracknell, N.D., PhD is a traditional naturopath, and as such, is not a medical doctor and does not diagnose, prescribe, or treat disease or illness, but treats the “human triad” - body, mind and spirit with nutrition, supplements and natural therapies. The views expressed by Richard Cracknell, in no way reflect those of the Post. His beliefs and advice should be referred to as an alternative and not as a replacement to any treatment you are currently receiving for an existing ailment.


etox : what a buzz word! But people do actually notice a difference after a ‘cleanse.’ Even if most ‘cleanses’ or ‘detoxes’ on Phuket and Samui only address cleansing the colon, you will still ‘feel’ better, lose weight and revitalise your self by joining in on a ‘detox’ program. This article goes a bit further, in terms of cleansing more organs in your body and specifically detoxing from drugs, whether recreational or pharmaceutical. Thailand’s foremost drug detox facility is outside of Bangkok. Wat Tham Krabok, this wat gained global notoriety for its heroin and opium drug rehabili-


1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

tation program. Over 100,000 heroin and opium addicts have gone through the unique Wat Tham Krabok detox program, which includes Buddhist meditation, Asian herbal supplementation used for relaxation, induced vomiting, and the consumption of a secret detoxification potion made of over 100 unknown Asian herbs. The protocol at Wat Tham Krabok is purging, ridding the body of toxins (i.e. Vomiting). The drug detoxing protocol I am most familiar with is the one devised by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, and detailed in his book Clear Body, Clear Mind. Hubbard’s regime "flushes" poisons from the body's fat stores using an intensive circuit of jogging, sauna, and high doses of vitamins, particularly niacin. Today his regime is not only used for drugs but also for environmental toxins. Niacin, also known as Vitamin B3, causes the body to produce histamines, which open up capillaries. Natural medicine practitioners believe that this opening of the capillaries helps clean out toxins. Niacin is also proven to help lower cholesterol. For these reasons, niacin detoxes have become popular. During a niacin detox, the client takes enough niacin to cause skin flushing and itching. This is a signal that the body is producing histamines and flushing the toxins out through the skin. Toxic substances (drug toxins, pollutants, pesticides, and various pharmaceuticals) are stored largely in the body's fatty tissues. Detoxification is thus made possible by "mobilizing" fat reserves; that is, by releasing portions of stored fat that contain dissolved toxins into the bloodstream, and then eliminat-

ing these toxins, mainly through sweating. In order to ‘unleash’ fats, the participants take increasing doses of niacin (up to a whopping 3,500 mg to 5,000 mg per day), along with other vitamins and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Participants also spend a half an hour jogging, followed by 2.5 - 5 hours in a sauna (while drinking ample water), to eliminate contaminants through sweat. The program generally runs seven days a week for three to four weeks or until the patient no longer ‘feels the effects of past drugs or chemicals’ and reports a ‘marked resurgence of overall sense of well-being.’ There is a semblance between the Hubbard method and other rituals of purification found in many cultural and religious traditions, in which cleansing of the body allows for mental and spiritual renewal. During detox, patients are said to experience "manifestations" of old traumas or toxins; they taste or smell long-forgotten chemicals or drugs; they re-experience symptoms, allergies, and wounds that ‘turn off’ again when toxins are ‘flushed’ from the body. Hubbard himself was hos-

edies to bring his clients back to a state of tranquil well-being. He is also well versed in stepping into people’s homes and applying the life transforming art of Feng Shui

or analyzing birth information to deliver destiny analysis through BaZi - the Chinese version of horoscope analysis which has long been proven to be the most accurate of all astrology. John delivers a variety of powerful therapies including pranic healing which is scientifically recognised for producing phenomenal results by holistically removing old energy before harnessing new energy to repair the mind, body and spirit. Having just returned from treating clients in Australia, John is back in Phuket and would now like to invite readers to sample some of these wonderful therapies at a special local cost

Cleanse: Improve your diet and consider a transition to healthier foods. Mobilise: Get your body moving before the elimination stage and help toxins to move by improving lymphatic flow (exercise, running, rebounding and skin brushing all improve the lymphatic flow)

West meets East

huket is renowned as being magnetic for nontraditional wellness practitioners and holistic healers. Visit any hotel spa and you will discover a wealth of treatments usually not found in the West, including reflexology and Thai massage to balance our body’s energy meridians. Additionally, you don’t need to wander far before you come across a shop selling spiritual artifacts or someone offering to read your palm. Proficient in Pranic Healing and Chinese Metaphysics, Phuket resident and British expat John Campbell has long studied and applied ancient Eastern rem-

tile to psychiatry; but what his method seems to offer is a potent physiological analogue to talk therapy. (It's worth noting that at high doses niacin can cause dilation of peripheral blood vessels, redness, and skin irritation, so patients may experience at least some "manifestations" for this reason). Hubbard’s protocol was designed and implemented in the 1950’s for heroin addicts specifically (and with fantastic results). Today Dr George Yu has taken this niacin detox protocol into the new millennium. He mainly uses this process to eliminate environmental toxins, but it is still an effective drug detox. Toxins are stored in the fat cells, when you take niacin it penetrates the fat cells and causes them to explode, releasing fatty acids and toxic chemicals. This is called lipolysis. Then you move the toxins out of the body through perspiration and the colon. Cleanse, mobilize, eliminate and detoxify, this is the detox method of Dr George Yu, detoxification expert and practicing physician for over 25 years. Dr Yu is also an expert on hormonal health.

Eliminate: Through the use of infrared sauna, charcoal and retention implants (retention enemas). The epidermis is the largest excretion organ next to the lungs and colon. Detoxify: Binding the remaining toxins with something like activated charcoal to maximize the effectiveness Some substances mobilize toxins, and if there is nothing present to bind to these toxins, they will get taken back up by the body. This is why it is necessary to be strategic when detoxing the body under proper medical supervision. Please consult with your medical health practioner on the use of this information. Richard Patrick Cracknell, N.D., PhD is a traditional naturopath, and as such, is not a medical doctor and does not diagnose, prescribe, ‘cure’ or treat disease or illness, but treats the "human triad" - body, mind and spirit with nutrition, supplements, energy and natural therapies. Dr Richard also runs Wellness House in Nai Harn Beach, South East Asia’s only Naturopathic guided detox programs and the Living Food Café, Phuket’s only Raw Vegan Restaurant and Health Food Store 076 388 638 Visit: www.wellnesshouse. asia




1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

Cutting down on your golf time

our mind should be constantly focused on the golf shot you want to play. Keeping the same routine using the same amount of time for a positive result will help your consistency. It’s very important to hit one shot at a time without letting any outside influences interfere. Just play golf. If only Tiger Woods had heeded said advice… Take Note We call this a process goal; staying in the process of what you want to do and committing to it. If your mind is focused on something else, for example steping up to the ball with a big old check list of what you think you need to do or “Did I feed the cat this morning? Don’t hit left, don’t hit right, don’t hit in the bunker,” are all things you don’t want to do. Generally the last thing you tell yourself what not to do is the first thing you will do. This will cloud your mind, and interfere with your golf shot. You need to tell yourself what you want really want to do. Understanding and applying

Part of the routine and process is aiming the ball to target, picturing the golf ball going to the target and then relaxing. Then all you need to do is get into the process of hitting the ball.

We are taking about a comfortable setup position to the ball doing the waggles, a forward press so you keep moving around the ball which relaxes you before you swing and keep the same routine every time. Staying in process is doing the same thing every time that works for you, for example when I get up in the morning I do the same routine every day. I’m English, so I have a cup of tea, have a shower, get dressed and then off to work I go, singing

BODY TALK By Garnett Symonds


The effects of ya bah

a bah, or Methamphetamine involves two main types of abuse patterns: each with its own distinct psychological consequences. The low-intensity user of methamphetamine are better known as occasional users of the drug and not classified as true meth addicts. This type of user usually swallows or snorts this drug for the extra mental stimulation it provides. Users in this group include truck drivers, high school/college students and other people who need to stay alert and concentrate for long periods of time without sleep. The high-intensity ‘binge’ user of Meth generally smokes or injects the drug for the express purpose of getting high! Immediately after injecting or smoking the drug, the user will experience a ‘rush’ euphoria that also becomes psychologically addictive. During the ‘rush’ the user has feelings similar to that of sexual orgasm, along with increased heart rate and BP. Methamphetamine causes a release of epinephrine into the body as well as a release of a brain chemical called dopamine, which is naturally released when we feel great pleasure. These feelings the user has during the rush will last between 5-30 minutes. After this rush, the binge user will expe-


rience a high lasting 4-16 hours. This high is also known as the “shoulder”, during which time the Meth user could feel more aggressive and smarter. Many users will continue to smoke or inject meth for days. As the Meth binge continues, the user may become more irritable, argumentative, aggressive and mentally exhausted. A binge episode can last from 3-15 days. After the binge episode, comes the “tweaking”. Tweaking occurs when no amount of meth can bring back the high or rush. The user will experience mental symptoms of emptiness, depression and paranoia. They can often suffer a form of meth-induced schizophrenia. Users who experience this will have visual or auditory hallucinations. Often meth users will take heroin or alcohol during this stage to try to combat the negative mental effects. Lastly comes “crashing” and the Meth user will fall into a deep exhaustive sleep. Crashing happens because the body’s store of epinephrine has been depleted. The crash can last up to 3 days. Garnett B Symonds, is an osteopath and a fellow of the British Institute of Homeopathy. Contact: 081 607 2343 or

a happy song to myself. This always takes the same amount of time. This is the same on the golf course, when preparing for your golf shot, executing it should take the same amount of time, every try. For me, once I have selected the golf shot I want to play, it takes 8 seconds to hit the golf shot, this is my routine time, not 7.9 seconds or 8.1 seconds, 8 seconds every time. If my routine is distracted by the group behind rushing me, or so called ‘golf

mates’ talking and moving around or a mosquito a hundred yards away in my line of play, I will stop and start the routine all over again, I don’t want to waste a golf shot by a change of routine, even to the point of starting all over again by putting the golf club back in the golf bag. Have a routine; keep the same time and stay in the process. This will help you become a more consistent golfer. Good Luck with your golf game. Visit www. for more advice.

8 August, 2011, Somboon Maneenakthong Deputy Director Of Show Animals (Left bed) from Phuket Fantasea with management team and staff participated in blood donation for the occasion of the birthday of our beloved Her Majesty the Queen of Thailand.

Island Life Photo

Everyone loves their mama, folks at Central Festival celebrate Mother’s Day on August 12 in style.

6-7 August, 2011 Eco Creative Contest was held at Jungceylon, Patong. The winner of the best eco-design of creative house decorations received a trophy and 50,000 baht scholarship from Princess Siripa Juthaporn.

Island Life Photo

Voranai Vanijaka, Political & Social Commentator for the Bangkok Post speaks to the ibap crowd at Full Moon Brewery on August 12


1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

By Jody Houton


Mama cooking at Amari

he Amari Coral Beach, Phuket has seen many changes in Patong since its opening in 1985, but the one thing that has remained consistent to the beachside-resort are the incredible views and complete and utterly luxurious feeling of seclusion. There are five dining venues around the grounds of Amari, Coral Beach that attracts an even split between outside and inside guests with many drawn to the exquisite food and views of La Gritta. Other dining venues include The ‘Rim Talay’: an 'international' restaurant that serves a wide variety of international cuisine and is home to the hugely popular buffets. Coral Beach also has a pool bar that serves light snacks while guests are lazing around and enjoying a paddle. For those wishing to sample the finest in Thai foods, there is also the Kinaree Thai restaurant. The Amari, Coral Beach even has a pier that stretches out into the sea, enables its guests a level of peace, tranquility and cool breeze one would think unavailable in Patong. It hosts starlight BBQs and a few light snacks at other times. “La Griita,” Alexander Mack, the Executive Assistant Manager explains, “is for when you want to spoil yourself.” Easily the most popular venue, La Gritta is an Italian restaurant with unrivalled views of the sea and a

luxury of peacefully viewing Patong Bay in the distance. The Executive Chef, Thomas Vanderlieb has been at Amari, Phuket for three years but before that was at Amari Trang and his speciality is luckily something he is quite passionate about, “The focus of my cuisine is on homemade pasta, I love pasta,” said Chef Thomas. The Amari, Phuket has changed and revised its menu over the last few years, mainly as a response to what the customers want, explained Chef Thomas. “Many of our guests have a firm idea of what Italian food should be. They are also on holiday, so we are not here to educate them. He added that there was still plenty of room to express himself in the kitchen. “Considering our great location, many of the dishes have great selections of fish. Many have what I like to call ‘mama cooking,” said Chef Thomas. Sounds delightful but the Post is not 100% sure what ‘mama cooking’ is. Once pressed Chef Thomas explained that this was real good food, like-a mama used to make-a, (Is that still acceptable to do? – Ed) Hearty meals with the main priority on flavourful ingredients. A great example of the different dishes available to diners at LaGritta is the set menu, ‘Arrivederci from paradise’, which is a selection of handpicked dishes typically served to guests on the

final night of their stay. All of the fine dishes are of course available at Amari, Coral Beach, La Gritta to be savoured on their own. To begin with is the Antipasto misto LaGritta. This is a mouthwateringly fresh and sumptuous house selection of assorted antipasti. Mozzarella and sundried tomatoes, parma ham and cantaloupe and salami- wrapped

breadsticks. LaGritta has many soups on offer, including ‘Minestrone di verdure con parmigiano’, a minestrone soup with fresh vegetables a-plenty and served with grated parmesan bread. For the main dish, I was treated to ‘Pollo Brasato in crosta di nocciale’. A spring chicken tenderly rolled in hazelnut with honey and bal-


samic. The sweetness of both sauces adds to the overall flavoursome package. The Amari, Coral Beach also hosts a variety of themed nights, social gatherings and soon-to-be live music events that make full use of the exquisite location and wonderful setting. For more information, visit or call 07634 0106

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1 - -1531JUNE 16 AUGUST phuketphuketPOST.COM POST.COM

By CB Richard Ellis Thailand


he first half of 2011 shows a clear rebound for the Phuket tourism market, marked by an influx of mass tourism and changing visitor demographics. Chinese and Russian tourists currently account for up to 25% of total arrivals, with Asian visitors growing in significance, while Middle Eastern tourists are peaking during the summer months. Arrivals to Phuket in the first half of the year totalled just over 2 million, with a 30% increase in international arrivals. Budget and economy hotels are benefiting most from the increase in mass tourism. Tourism indicators are positive and show Phuket is back on track. CBRE sees a direct correlation between tourist arrivals and property sales. Whilst not all packaged tourists are property buyers, the higher the number of tourists, the more chance of generating property sales. In recent months, CBRE has seen a recovery across the board, from transactions of luxury villas in excess of USD 3 million to activity at the other end of the market for 5 - 15 million baht condominiums. Developers and property agents are reporting not only increasing enquiries but also conversion to sales. Recovery trends identified earlier on in the year are

now proving real and enquiries generated from the 2010/2011 high season are now translating into sales. The bulk of the sales activity is concentrated on the west coast and west is still best in the opinion of most buyers, with sales activity moving up further to the northwest coast. There has reportedly been a sale of a 6-bedroom villa at Istana at an estimated USD 6 million and 3 villa sales at Malaiwana between May and July where all transactions are believed to have achieved in excess of USD 3.8 million. These recent transactions are an

evidence of renewed interests in the luxury villa segment. Research also shows that sales activity is dominated by end-users rather than by investors who purchase purely for capital appreciation and rental returns. As with the change in tourist demographics, the demographic of buyers has also evolved. At the very top-end, in addition to traditional Asia based European buyers, we are seeing an increased dominance by Indian and Russian buyers. Buyers’ requirements for the luxury segment are also specific. The preference

is for sea-view properties close to the beach with good management and facilities, with west coast being the key area of interest as it offers the best beaches and accessibility to the island’s main amenities. The west coast not only has the highest concentration of the island’s top-end properties, it is also an area that has shown significant capital appreciation where in some instances owners have achieved up to a 100% capital gain upon re-sale for prime luxury villas. Like the luxury market, the demand for 5 - 15 million baht condominiums is also concentrated on the west coast. Predictions are arrivals will exceed 4 million in 2011 and the upcoming high season is expected to be one of Phuket’s best compared to the past few years. On the development side, CBRE is also seeing renewed interests from developers and expect to see a generation of new condominiums and luxury villa projects to cater to renewed demand for Phuket properties. For the latest update on the Phuket property market, covering the condominium/apartment, villa, hotel and land & investment sectors, keep in tune for the release of CBRE’s Q2 Phuket Property Report.

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Winning a Thailand Property Award is one of the most prestigious acknowledgments of a company’s achievements. The awards have become a benchmark for high quality standards in the property industry, with buyers often choosing award winning properties, agents, architects and designers when investing in the kingdom.

The awards are highly coveted by real estate agents, property developers, interior designers and architects in Thailand’s residential real estate industry and the Gala Awards Dinner attracts over 600 CEOs, managing directors, presidents and other senior management figures every year. This year the event will be held at the Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok Hotel on the 5th of November. For more information and reservations Ensign Media Co., Ltd. Tel: 02-662-5195 Fax: 02-662-5198


B usiness L istings for P huket

Classifieds Phone: 076 620 054 Fax: 076 273 202 Website: E-mail:

Accommodation House share in Cape Panwa



Items for Sale

Honda Steed 600

House in Nai Harn Rawai

New in Phuket Capsule coffee machine

Large ocean view house with western comforts share with 1 or two others 7,500 Thai baht/month. Will suit easy going resourceful person. Tel: 081 691 9907

A very nice Honda Steed 600, with green book, This motorcycle is driven by an older man, it is very well maintained Price: 150,000 baht mobile: 0801447894 email:

Teak house near Nai Harn beach, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms , furnished, air condition, living room, kitchen and storage. 12,000 baht per month Tel: 081-451-9027, 084-8988258.

fully automatic, 6'490.- 1 year guarantee Espresso and Arabica creme capsule for 18.- Milk foamer for cappuccino 2'490.- all prices including 7% V.A.T. Email : sunparasol@gmail. com

nice clean safe apts 1br kata beach

Pick Up isuzu 2010 FOR RENT

Bar in Karon for Sale

Out door sofa for sale

1 bedroom apartments with aircon, fast internet, kitchen cable TV and jacuzzi. 500 baht a day, call Ari 0865958512 / 0819704638 short walk to beach

pick up spacecab dmax isuzu 2010 for rent 15000 long term 3 month+ 18000 one month 6000 one week Email:

Snazzy bar in Karon Plaza for sale. Includes 2 air-conditioned guestrooms and kitchen. Real Bargain. Contact (Lee) for details.

10 seats sofa with table. Second hand brand OHMM in perfect condition. initial value Bht. 100,000.-- selling for Bht.40,000.-URGENT SALE Contact: Tel :076 256 697

168 sq. wai, single house in Saiyuan, Naiharn beach

Wanted D-Max , Vigo or Fortuner


168 sq.wha.(672 sq.m) with coconut trees surrounding, mountain view, 2 stories + decking area. 35,000 b/m + 2 months deposit. For sale at 9.5m. For more info, e-mail: or call 081-5978315

Cash waiting for the right vehicle , must be 4 door and immaculate with low mileage , definitely not black color. 1 to 4 years old. Email: peteroconnor1980@

Chao Fah West - 300 M from Chalong Circle Double unit 7.5 m, 3 storeys : 9.9 million with chanote 0841113977

Great Bargain! Brand new Samsung LED Smart TV 46". Retail price 42000 THB and my price only 36000 THB! I sell because I need cash urgently. My loss your gain! Model UA46D6000SR Call: 0801423141

Car and auction plates for sale


Jeunesse Products

Substantial Seaview Pool villa with mangnificent sea and mountian views. This villa needs the complete interior to be finished. 50 sqms living area 800 sqm outdoor area.Located in a quiet area on a private road. Chanote title: 10.5 m

Ford Explorer V8 (white) with plate no.2 and no. 4 Ford Escape 3.(golden bronze) with plate no. 4433 Honda Jazz (blue) with no. 4433 Contact Khun. Pitipat: 084-1844-053

ONLY THB 7,5 MILL - 3 HONGS - 15 X 20 M. MAIN ROAD / ROAD 2 SIDES - SAIYUAN AND SOI 5 - stefan 084 1113977 Best for Development

New house for sale at Kamala beach

Yamaha Nouvo for sale. 15,000 baht

Town House in town for rent/ sale


Detached house, 2 floors. 65 sq. wai.3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms with 3 x 8 m pool. 7.5 million baht.

Yamaha Nouvo Limited Edition grey and green colour for sale. Bike is in perfect condition, New tyres, new battery, new belt and rebuilt engine rebuild. Have green book and tax and insurance. Bike is 7 years old. Contact:

2 stories, 2 bedrooms ,2 bath rooms,located in town next to Mission Hospital. For rent at 8000 b/m. Sale at 1.85 MB. For more info pls. e-mail '' call at 081-7872201

1,000 baht

Kata Seaview Pool Villa Needs Finishing

Call 081-5377146

Samsung LED Smart TV 46" NEW!!!

American Jeunesse anti-ageing products now available in Phuket. Contact : count slackula Email :count.slackula@gmail. com

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