The First Tee 2011 Annual Review - Final

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Her story, and so many others like it, very simply provide fuel for The First Tee’s mission. Helping young people build character and learn life lessons that serve them far beyond the golf course is driving every decision we make. The First Tee is at an important point in its history and our growing network has never been more focused. The talented people throughout our network (all 50 states and six international locations) are incredibly committed to having an impact on the young people we serve. Dedicated volunteers, coaches and physical educators deliver the programs. Chapter staff, board members and school administrators lead the way. Numerous individuals and corporations provide resources to strengthen our work. For everyone involved, the goal is the same. We are investing in today’s young people who represent 100% of our future. All of us involved are fortunate to be a part of The First Tee. More so, I am proud of the incredible work that happens each day throughout our network. We are impacting, influencing and inspiring young people to be tomorrow’s leaders.

I am very pleased with the impact The First Tee is having on the lives of so many young people. Through participating in the lifelong sport of golf and being exposed to The First Tee Nine Core Values, young people are learning the life skills and building the character that will prepare them for success on and off the golf course. It is with this in mind that many people are diligently working on a campaign to bring this program to an additional 10 million young people. As Joe mentioned, 2011 was an important year in the evolution of The First Tee. In addition to the launch of The First Tee Campaign for 10 Million Young People, we proudly announced that President George W. Bush had been named Honorary Chair of The First Tee, taking over for his father, President George H.W. Bush, who had held that role since the program’s launch. With support like this and the hard work of many passionate people, the program is positioned to make an even bigger impact on the lives of our youth. Thank you for your support of The First Tee.

Timothy W. Finchem Commissioner, PGA TOUR Chairman, The First Tee Board of Directors

Joe Louis Barrow, Jr. Chief Executive Officer, The First Tee

HONESTY “The First Tee Life Skills Experience has had a profound impact on my life. Through the many years of my involvement, it has molded an indelible imprint in my development as a person.” Davis Turner, The First Tee of Atlanta

The First Tee Annual Review •

2011 was a milestone year for The First Tee in many ways. In February we kicked off a new strategic plan at an invigorating Network Meeting (page 2), and in July we launched The First Tee Campaign for 10 Million Young People (page 4). Yet, when I heard the story of young Summer Wright in Santa Barbara, Calif. (page 6), I wonder if perhaps that was the single most important accomplishment in 2011.


LAUNCHING THE NEXT PHASE In February, the historic landscape of the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas served as the backdrop for the launch of The First Tee Phase IV 2011-2017 Strategic Plan. More than 600 chapter executive directors, program directors, coaches and volunteer board members gathered for The First Tee’s biennial Network Meeting. The theme, Impact, Influence and Inspire, propelled the organization into its new strategic plan which includes the goal of reaching 10 million additional young people between 2011 and 2017. The three-day meeting included classes, general sessions and a few exciting announcements.

The First Tee Annual Review •

• Former President George W. Bush was named The First Tee’s Honorary Chair. He spoke to the audience about his new role when he said, “I love the idea of being involved with an organization that believes with certainty that there are core values that make a difference in our country’s development and in a person’s life.”


• The First Tee Nine Healthy Habits™, a new framework for curriculum that focuses on promoting health and wellness through golf, was officially launched. World Golf Hall of Famer Annika Sorenstam (pictured below) was introduced as the spokesperson, and showed her passion for youth wellness and girls in the game when speaking with attendees. The Nine Healthy Habits were created in conjunction with the ANNIKA Foundation and Florida Hospital for Children. • Eight regional participants who demonstrated excellence in leadership were recognized through a newly-established Outstanding Participant Award. The winner was Paul Spano from The First Tee of Metropolitan New York, who was presented with a $20,000 college scholarship from Founding Corporate Partner Shell Oil Company.

THE FIRST TEE PHASE IV GOALS • Positively impact 10 million additional young people between 2011 and 2017 • Expand program locations from 700 to 1,500 • Grow the number of coaches from 700 to 1,750 • Extend network-wide volunteer base from 4,000 to 14,000 • Expand the number of elementary schools delivering the program from 4,000 to 10,000 • Increase female participation at chapters from 35% to 45% • Increase ethnic minority participation at chapters from 48% to 55%


• As a part of the most ambitious effort to date, The First Tee Campaign for 10 Million Young People launched in July with a goal to raise $100 million by the end of 2012 to help The First Tee reach an additional 10 million young people between 2011 and 2017. • The First Tee released National School Program 2.0, an enhanced curriculum that seamlessly integrates golf, core values and health and wellness activities into lessons for elementary school students in physical education classes. • The First Tee National School Program continued to expand, growing to a total of 4,716 elementary schools delivering the program in 689 school districts.

National Guardsmen and Reservists were also offered complimentary programming at The First Tee chapters. • In an effort to add to existing research about The First Tee, youth development experts conducted a case study to measure the effects of the National School Program across four schools in one school district. Additional case studies are planned and results will be used to enhance the programs. • PGA TOUR player Anthony Kim (pictured above with a participant) and LPGA Tour player Paula Creamer, co-chairs of The First Tee Young Ambassadors Council, continued to volunteer their time at various chapter events throughout the network. Additionally, Kim fi lmed a PSA for the PGA TOUR with The First Tee participants during THE PLAYERS Championship and Creamer addressed participants during the LPGA’s Walmart NW Arkansas Championship presented by P&G.

• The First Tee launched and began rolling out its Nine Healthy Habits initiative in schools and across the chapter network.

• The First Tee formed an all-star team of experts in golf and youth development to create an enhanced golf curriculum that will pilot in 2012 and launch in 2013. The curriculum will build upon The First Tee’s current golf instruction and help participants further their game and grow their long-term interest in the sport.

• Continuing its partnership with the Department of Defense, The First Tee introduced golf and Nine Core Values to the children of military personnel on 100 domestic and 20 overseas installations. Children of

• The First Tee established and announced its Board of Directors, which will grow to 15 members including representation from the five Founding Partners and two alumni.

INTEGRITY “Through my journey within The First Tee, I have witnessed myself develop a love and understanding for the game of golf, as well as a strong set of values to govern myself by.” Kade Keith, The First Tee of Piney Woods (Texas)

The First Tee Annual Review •

The First Tee experienced significant growth and success in the fi rst year of its Phase IV 2011-2017 Strategic Plan. At chapters, elementary schools and military installations, impressive milestones were reached as the organization continued to focus its efforts on expanding capacity to impact more young people.


10 MILLION MORE - INVESTING IN THEIR FUTURE July 7, 2011 will mark a significant date in The First Tee’s history. After reaching almost five million young people since the organization began 14 years earlier, The First Tee launched a campaign to double its impact in half the time—seeking to reach 10 million additional new young people from 2011 to 2017.

The First Tee Annual Review •

The fundraising goal for The First Tee Campaign for 10 Million Young People is $100 million by the end of 2012. The financial resources will allow The First Tee to reinforce the chapters’ work through matching grants that will challenge chapters to increase their donor base and ongoing strategic grants to allow chapters to meet key Phase IV goals. Funds will also allow the home office to continue developing and enhancing its programs.


The announcement, which took place at the Nature Valley First Tee Open at Pebble Beach, an official Champions Tour event, included the Campaign Co-Chairs Tim Finchem and Jim McGlothlin, The First Tee CEO Joe Louis Barrow, Jr. and a videotaped message from The First Tee Honorary Chair, President George W. Bush. Through 2011, $25 million was pledged in support of the Campaign. Gifts came from companies like Nature Valley and TaylorMade Adidas Golf, and individuals including Mr. McGlothlin.


Jim McGlothlin,

PGA TOUR Commissioner and Chairman of The First Tee Board

President and CEO of The United Company

WHY 10 MILLION MORE? • One in four public school children in America drop out before they finish high school. That’s 1.3 million students a year. One every 26 seconds. 7,000 every school day. 1 • For African-American and Hispanic students, the chances of graduating are 50-50. 1 • One-third of young people in America today are overweight or obese. 2 Today’s young people face many challenges. The First Tee, through its character-focused educational programs, helps young people learn the needed skills to overcome these challenges and be successful in school, college and life. The First Tee is an America’s Promise Alliance partner in the Grad Nation initiative, and supports First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” childhood obesity campaign.

1 Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates. National Center for Educational Statistics. October2011 2 Let’s Move! First Lady Michelle Obama’s initiative to solve the problem of obesity


Ages (chapters)

Chapter Participants Elementary Students * Total

7 & under 8-10 11-12 13-15 16-17 18+

314,000 2,358,000 2,672,000

Program Delivery Chapters Program Locations School Districts Elementary Schools Military Installations

198 709 689 4,716 120

13% 33.9% 23.9% 21% 5.7% 2.3%

Gender (chapters) The First Tee All Golfers ** 36% 25% 64% 75%

Female Male

African-American Asian Caucasian Hispanic Other

Chapters 18% 6% 53% 13% 10%

Schools 22% 3% 49% 25%

All Golfers ** 6% 4% 84% 5%



Student count reflects grade K-5 and an average of 500 students per participating school.

** 2010 National Golf Foundation


SPORTSMANSHIP “Participation in the program not only allowed me to improve my golf skill and increase on-course experience, it also granted me the opportunity to pass on the valuable life skills and the strength of character taught to me by the mentors to the younger generation of golfers.” Lei Wei, The First Tee of Contra Costa

The First Tee Annual Review •




The First Tee Annual Review •

Hi, my name is Charles Wright. I would like to start by telling you how much The First Tee program has done for my child. I recently began spending time with my eightyear-old daughter, Summer Wright, whom I had not seen since she was about a year old. When we began our visits, she had a great deal of difficulty concentrating and completing tasks. I had been told that she was on the autism spectrum and I should not expect her to respond to concepts in the usual “kid way.” After buying her many of the regular toys that kids her age have, I became frustrated as she always lost interest quickly. In August I was having a pretty bad day and decided to go hit some balls at the local driving range. While I was doing this my daughter said, “Hey dad, can I try?” I went into the clubhouse and borrowed a few junior clubs and let her give it a try. She immediately showed an interest and much excitement when she hit the ball. When we were done, as we were walking to the truck, a gentleman named Matt Cradduck who was hitting balls told me about The First Tee program. I fi lled out the application, but was having trouble coming up with the money as I was recovering from a work-related back injury. I called the number and spoke with Billy Gibbs, who is the programming director of The First Tee of Central Coast in California. He informed me that there was a scholarship available and to bring her to the next class. I cannot tell you enough how much that day changed my daughter’s life. When she began golfi ng, she was reading at an early second grade level (34 words per minute). Friday, October 28th, she was retested and she read 72 words per minute. She has changed in so many ways. I do not know if it is the magic Billy has with kids, or the focus she has gained through golf, but she is not the same child. She now runs, plays, and makes friends everywhere she goes. She constantly wants to go hit balls, practice putting at home, and clean her golf clubs. In short, I just want to thank you all for providing this opportunity for my child. Billy is the greatest and I feel he, and golf, have rescued my daughter. Thanks again.


Sincerely, Charles Wright

Summer Wright, daughter of Charles Wright, is a current participant at The First Tee of Central Coast

Patrick Molloy is a freshman, pre-law major at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Penn. He was named to the dean’s list for his outstanding academic achievement during the Fall 2011 semester.

LIVING THE DREAM classes, participating in school clubs and activities, playing sports or working a summer job. “Society has many misconceptions about blindness. One goal of mine is to demonstrate to people that my blindness is anything but a disability. I feel I have accomplished this in several ways over the years.

These are the words of The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia alumnus Patrick Molloy. He credits The First Tee and his coaches at the chapter for helping him build the confidence to accomplish extraordinary things in life.

“I have been able to use my love of the game of golf to further spread my message that blindness doesn’t stop me from doing things I feel passionate about. As a member of The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia, I took to heart the Nine Core Values and incorporated them into my daily life.”

“At the age of five, Patrick became a golfer when his grandfather, Joe, would tell him stories about the game,” said David Smith, Patrick’s coach at The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia. “Patrick defines the word perseverance. He displays a strong will accompanied with courageous confidence. His ‘I’ll try anything’ approach to life is contagious.”

While at the chapter, Patrick formatted multiple copies of The First Tee curriculum into Braille and met with the directors of the Overbrook School for the Blind in Philadelphia to help arrange The First Tee program there. He also created inroads for programming at an area elementary school for the visually impaired.

“For me, blindness is not a disability, but just a part of who I am,” Patrick wrote in an application for The First Tee’s RBS Achievers of the Year Award, for which he was named one of 10 semifinalists and ultimately received a $10,000 college scholarship. “I never let the fact that I can’t see stop me from doing anything that I want to do, whether it’s taking honors

“Luckily for me, the folks at The First Tee saw my commitment and I was able to acquire a position at the chapter, in which I mentored sighted youth in golf and life skills,” Patrick said. “When the children see me teaching, mentoring and playing golf, they realize that blindness hasn’t stopped me from doing what I want to do with my life.”

RESPECT “The Nine Core Values of The First Tee have become a testament that I live by, headed by perseverance, and I will be forever thankful to the organization for it.” Ashley Diggs, The First Tee of Greater Texarkana

The First Tee Annual Review •

“I’m on the golf course. The sun shines down on a clear spring day with just a hint of a breeze. I’m standing over a 15-foot putt. Nothing to do but hit it. Slowly, I bring back the putter. Then I swing through with the easy follow-through I’ve practiced for so many years. I wait, then I hear the best sound any golfer can hear: the sound of the ball going into the hole. I say hear, because I can’t see that I’ve just sunk that 15foot putt.”


CHAPTERS | SCHOOL DISTRICTS | INSTALLATIONS | 2011 GREEN = State | BLACK= Chapter | RED= School District | BLUE= Military Installation | GOLD= International ALABAMA The First Tee of Greater Birmingham The First Tee of Montgomery The First Tee of Pursell Farms The First Tee of Tuscaloosa Madison City School District Montgomery Public Schools Phenix City School District Talladega County School District Tuscaloosa City Schools Tuscaloosa County Schools Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base ALASKA The First Tee of Alaska Anchorage School District Elmendorf Air Force Base Fort Richardson ARIZONA The First Tee of Phoenix The First Tee of Tucson Altar Valley School District #51 Amphitheater School District Catalina Foothills School District Chandler Unified School District Continental School District 39 Flowing Wells School District Fort Huachuca Accomodation School District Ft. Huachuca Accommodation Schools Kyrene School District No. 28 Marana Unified School District Mesa Public Schools Mesa Unified School District #4 Pendergast Elementary School District Phoenix Elementary School District No. 1 Sahuarita Unified School District Sunnyside School District Tanque Verde School District Tucson Unified School District Vail Unified School District Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Fort Huachuca Luke Air Force Base

The First Tee Annual Review •

ARKANSAS The First Tee of Central Arkansas The First Tee of Fort Smith The First Tee of Greater Texarkana The First Tee of Northeast Arkansas The First Tee of Northwest Arkansas Arkadelphia Public Schools Bentonville Public Schools Blytheville Public Schools Decatur School District Diocese of Little Rock Farmington School District Fayetteville Public School District Gentry School District Gravette School District Greenland School District Harrison Public Schools Huntsville School District Pea Ridge School District Pulaski County Special School Rogers School District Siloam Springs School District Springdale School District Texarkana Arkansas Independent School District Little Rock Air Force Base Pine Bluff Arsenal


CALIFORNIA The First Tee of Central Coast The First Tee of Central Valley The First Tee of Contra Costa The First Tee of Fresno The First Tee of Greater Sacramento The First Tee of Los Angeles The First Tee of Monterey County The First Tee of Oakland The First Tee of Pasadena The First Tee of San Diego The First Tee of San Francisco The First Tee of San Joaquin The First Tee of Silicon Valley The First Tee of South Los Angeles The First Tee of the Coachella Valley The First Tee of the Tri-Valley Alisal Union School District Alum Rock Union Elementary School District Antioch Unified School District Bass Lake Joint Union Elementary School District Beaumont Unified School District Carpinteria Unified School District Central Unified School District (Fresno) Clovis Unified School District Coachella Valley Unified School District Compton Unified School District

Delano Union Elementary School District Desert Sands Unified School District Dinuba School District Fresno Unified School District Goleta Union School District Los Alamos School District Oakley Union School District Oceanside Unified School District Palo Alto Unified School District Pasadena Unified School District Pittsburg Unified School District Pleasanton Unified School District Pomona Unified School District Rocketship Education Sacramento City Unified School District San Bernardino City Unified School District San Diego Unified School District San Diego-Albert Einstein Academy San Francisco Unified School District San Luis Obispo Unified School District San Marcos Unified School District Santa Barbara Unified School District Santa Clara County Office of Education Santa Maria School District Santa Rosa City Schools Travis Unified School District Vacaville Unified School District Western Sierra Charter Schools MCAS Miramar Murphy Canyon, San Diego Naval Air Station, Lemoore Naval Base, Ventura County Naval Supply Depot, Monterey Presidio of Monterey Twenty-Nine Palms Vandenberg AFB COLORADO The First Tee of Denver The First Tee of Eagle County The First Tee of Green Valley Ranch The First Tee of Pueblo Alamosa School District RE-11J Cherry Creek School District Colorado Springs District 11 Delta County School District 50J Denver - Denver Academy Denver - Tennyson Center for Children Denver Public Schools Douglas County School District Falcon School District 49 Montrose County School District RE-1J Pueblo City Schools Pueblo School District #70 Pueblo School District 60 St. Vrain Valley School District RE1J Woodland Park School District Fort Carson U.S. Air Force Academy CONNECTICUT The First Tee of Connecticut The First Tee of Fairchild Wheeler Brookfield School District Cromwell School District Hartford Public Schools Middletown Public Schools New Haven Public Schools New Milford Public Schools Norwalk Public Schools Rocky Hill Public Schools Naval Submarine Base New London DELAWARE The First Tee of Delaware Christina School District Indian River School District Dover Air Force Base DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA The First Tee of Washington, DC District of Columbia Public Schools FLORIDA The First Tee of Brooksville The First Tee of Broward The First Tee of Central Florida The First Tee of Clearwater The First Tee of Jacksonville The First Tee of Lakeland The First Tee of Miami The First Tee of Naples/Collier The First Tee of Northwest Florida The First Tee of Sarasota/Manatee The First Tee of St. Johns County The First Tee of St. Petersburg The First Tee of Tampa Bay The First Tee of The Palm Beaches Broward County Public Schools Clay County Public Schools Collier County School District Duval County Public Schools Escambia County School District

Hernando County Public Schools Hillsborough County Public Schools Lee County Public Schools Leon County School District Manatee County School District Miami-Dade County Public Schools Okaloosa County School District Orange County Public Schools Osceola County Public Schools Palm Beach County, The School District of Polk County Schools Sarasota County School District Seffner - New Jerusalem Christian Academy Seminole County School District St. Augustine - Florida School for the Deaf and Blind St. Johns County School District West Palm Beach - Rosarian Academy Hurlbert Air Force Base MacDill Air Force Base Naval Air Station Whiting Field Naval Air Station, Pensacola Naval Station, Mayport GEORGIA The First Tee of Albany The First Tee of Atlanta The First Tee of Augusta The First Tee of East Lake The First Tee of Savannah The First Tee of Troup County Alpharetta - Alpharetta Christian Academy Atlanta Public Schools Cobb County School District Greene County Schools Gwinnett County School District Hall County Schools Pierce County Schools Rockdale County Public Schools Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools Troup County School System Fort Gordon Fort McPherson Fort Stewart Hunter Army Airfield HAWAII The First Tee of Hawaii Maui County Schools Hickam Air Force Base Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Base Naval Station Pearl Harbor IDAHO The First Tee of Idaho Boise Independent District Kellogg School District #391 Meridian School District Mountain Home Air Force Base ILLINOIS The First Tee of Aurora & Fox River Valley The First Tee of Decatur The First Tee of Great River The First Tee of Greater Chicago The First Tee of Greater Rockford The First Tee of Joliet The First Tee of Western Illinois University Archdiocese of Chicago Belvidere School District #100 Brookwood SD 167 Chicago Heights SD 170 Chicago Public Schools Decatur Public Schools East Aurora School District 131 Flossmoor SD 161 Harvey School District 152 Joliet Public School District 86 Oswego CUSD 308 Park Forest Chicago Heights SD 163 Prairie-Hills ESD 144 Quincy Public Schools Rockford School District 205 Rondout School District # 72 St. Cyril & Methodius School Troy Community Consolidated School District 30 West Aurora School District 129 Will County School District 92 INDIANA The First Tee of Central Indiana The First Tee of Hammond The First Tee of Valparaiso Centerville/Abington School District Indianapolis Public Schools Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township Porter Township School Corporation Richmond Community Schools Valparaiso Community Schools

IOWA The First Tee of Greater Des Moines The First Tee of Quad Cities Sioux City Community School District Davenport Community Schools Moline School District No. 40 KANSAS The First Tee of Cimarron The First Tee of Manhattan The First Tee of Salina The First Tee of Shawnee County Geary County Schools Unified School District 475 Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 USD 475 Geary County Schools KENTUCKY The First Tee of Lexington The First Tee of Louisville The First Tee of Owensboro The First Tee of Pine Mountain Bell County School District Clark County Public Schools Fort Campbell Schools District Lexington-Fayette County Public Schools Pineville Independent Schools Webster County Schools Fort Campbell Fort Knox LOUISIANA The First Tee of Avoyelles The First Tee of Central Louisiana The First Tee of East Baton Rouge Parish The First Tee of Greater New Orleans The First Tee of Northeast Louisiana The First Tee of Northwest Louisiana Caddo Parish Public Schools District DeSoto Parish School District Jefferson Parish Public Schools Monroe City Schools Rapides Parish School District Barksdale Air Force Base NAS JRB, New Orleans MAINE The First Tee of Maine Biddeford School Department Maine Regional School Unit 1 Maine School Administration District #51 Maine School Administration District #75 Portland School District South Portland School Department Westbrook Schools Department MARYLAND The First Tee of Baltimore The First Tee of Howard County The First Tee of Montgomery County, MD The First Tee of Prince George’s County Baltimore City Public Schools Baltimore County Public School District Harford County Public Schools Howard County Public School System Aberdeen Proving Ground Andrews Air Force Base Fort Meade NAS Patuxent River MASSACHUSETTS The First Tee of Massachusetts Archdiocese of Boston Barnstable Public School District Brookline School District Concord School District Everett Public Schools Lynnfield School District Mansfield Public Schools Natick Public Schools Norton Public Schools Sudbury School District Hanscom Air Force Base MICHIGAN The First Tee of Battle Creek The First Tee of Benton Harbor The First Tee of Boyne Highlands The First Tee of Mid-Michigan The First Tee of West Michigan Battle Creek Public Schools Grand Rapids Public Schools Huron Valley School District Inland Lakes School District Lansing Public Schools Lincoln Consolidated School District Michigan City Public Schools South Lyon Community Schools MINNESOTA The First Tee of Blaine The First Tee of Minneapolis The First Tee of Rochester The First Tee of St. Paul

The First Tee of Three Rivers Park District ISD 279 Osseo Area Schools Minneapolis - Maranatha Christian Academy Minneapolis Public Schools Rochester Public Schools MISSISSIPPI The First Tee of Meridian The First Tee of The Pine Belt Forrest County School District Greenwood Public School District Grenada School District Hattiesburg School District Hinds County Schools Jefferson Davis County School District Lauderdale County School District Leflore County School District Madison County School District Petal School District Rankin County School District Smith County School District Naval Air Station, Meridian MISSOURI The First Tee of Greater Kansas City The First Tee of Greater St. Louis The First Tee of The Ozarks Hazelwood School District Jennings School District Riverview Gardens School District St. Louis Public Schools Scott Air Force Base MONTANA The First Tee of Montana Big Timber School District Billings Catholic Schools Billings Elementary School District Billings Public Schools Glasgow School District 1A NEBRASKA The First Tee of Omaha Elkhorn Public Schools Lincoln Public Schools Seward Public Schools Offutt Air Force Base NEVADA The First Tee of Northern Nevada The First Tee of Southern Nevada Carson City School District Clark County School District Nellis Air Force Base NEW HAMPSHIRE The First Tee of New Hampshire Conway School District Fremont School District Grantham School Distric Hampton School District Hanover School District Manchester School District Milton School District New Hampshire Schools Newmarket School District North Hampton School District Pelham School District Portsmouth School District Seabrook School District Stratham School District Sunapee School District NEW JERSEY The First Tee of Essex County The First Tee of Greater Atlantic City The First Tee of Greater Trenton The First Tee of Monmouth and Ocean Counties The First Tee of Plainfield The First Tee of Raritan Valley Asbury Park School District Elizabeth School District Gladstone - Montgomery Academy Hamilton Township School District Highland Park School District Jersey City Schools Lakewood Township Schools Long Branch School District Neptune Township School District New Brunswick Public School District Newark Public Schools North Bergen School District North Brunswick Township School District North Plainfield School District Ocean Township School District Old Tappan School District Paramus Public Schools Perth Amboy Public Schools Plainfield Public Schools Pleasantville Public Schools

NEW MEXICO The First Tee of San Juan County, NM The First Tee of Santa Fe The First Tee of the Pecos Valley Albuquerque Public Schools Artesia Public Schools Bloomfield School District Central Consolidated School District Deming Public Schools Farmington Municipal Schools Grants-Cibola County School District Las Cruces Public Schools Roswell Independent School District Ruidoso Municipal Schools Santa Fe Public Schools NEW YORK The First Tee of Corning The First Tee of Metropolitan New York The First Tee of Nassau County The First Tee of Rochester, NY The First Tee of Syracuse The First Tee of Western New York Archdiocese of New York East Syracuse Minoa Central School District Greece Central School District Greenburgh North Castle Union Free School District Half Hollow Hills Central School District Highland Falls Fort Montgomery Central School District Hilton Central School District Holland Central School District Ithaca City School District Jamesville DeWitt Central Schools Lansing Central Schools Lyncourt Union Free School District New York City School District #1 North Rose-Wolcott Central School District NYC - The Children’s Storefront School Port Byron Central School District Queens-School District 28 Rochester - True North Rochester Preparatory Charter School Rochester City School District Rush-Henrietta School District Scarsdale Union Free School District Scotia-Glenville Central School District Southern Cayuga Central Schools Spencerport Central School District Syracuse City School District Wayne Central School District West Genesee Central Schools Westhill Central School District White Plains Public Schools Yonkers Public Schools USMA West Point NORTH CAROLINA The First Tee of Brunswick County The First Tee of Charlotte The First Tee of Cleveland County The First Tee of the Sandhills The First Tee of the Triad The First Tee of the Triangle The First Tee of Wilmington Alexander County Schools Brunswick County Schools Caldwell County Schools Camp Lejeune School District Catawba County Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Chatham County Schools Cleveland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Forsyth County Public Schools Fort Bragg Schools Gaston County Schools Georgetown County School District Hickory Public Schools Jackson County Public Schools Macon County School District Moore County School District Newton-Conover City Schools Wake County Public School System Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School District Fort Bragg MCB Camp Lejeune New River Marine Installation NORTH DAKOTA The First Tee of Minot Minot Public Schools Minot Air Force Base

OHIO The First Tee of Akron The First Tee of Canton The First Tee of Cleveland The First Tee of Columbus The First Tee of Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky The First Tee of Greater Miami Valley The First Tee of Lake Erie The First Tee of Mahoning Valley Akron Public Schools Buckeye Valley Local Schools Canal Winchester School District Canton - Canton Country Day School Canton - Heritage Christian School Cincinatti Public Schools Cleveland Municipal School District Columbus City Schools Columbus Public Schools Columbus School for Girls Diocese of Columbus Diocese of Youngstown Dublin City Schools Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools Gilmour Academy Independent School Granville Exempted Village Schools Hamilton City Schools Hilliard City School District Kenston Local Schools Logan Elm School District Louisville City School District Marysville Schools Massillon City School District Middletown City Schools New Albany - Plain Local School District North Folk Local Schools Northmont City School District Olentangy Local School District Ontario Local Schools Pickerington Local Schools South Euclid/Lyndhurst City Schools Southeast Local School District South-Western City School District St. Marys City School District Talawanda School District Teays Valley Local Schools The Edge Academy School District Toledo Public Schools Upper Arlington City School District Village Academy Schools Westerville City Schools Westfall Local School District Whitehall City School District Worthington City Schools Zenith Academy Wright-Patterson Air Force Base OKLAHOMA The First Tee of Metropolitan Oklahoma City The First Tee of Greater Tulsa Bartlesville Public Schools Oklahoma City School District Tulsa School District Tinker Air Force Base OREGON The First Tee of Greater Portland Central Curry School District#1 Portland School District Salem-Keizer School District PENNSYLVANIA The First Tee of Beaver Falls The First Tee of Lehigh Valley The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia The First Tee of Pittsburgh The First Tee of Sharon Albert Gallatin Area School District Archdiocese of Philadelphia Boyertown Area School District Brownsville Area School District Chester/Upland School District First Philadelphia Charter School Frazier School District Laurel Highlands School District Philadelphia - Global Leadership Academy Charter School Philadelphia - New Foundations Charter School Pittsburgh Public Schools Pocono Mountain School District School District of Philadelphia Sharpsville Area School District State College Area School District Uniontown Area School District Fort Dix McGuire Air Force Base RHODE ISLAND Chariho Regional School District SOUTH CAROLINA The First Tee of Aiken The First Tee of Columbia The First Tee of The Grand Strand The First Tee of Greater Charleston The First Tee of Greenville The First Tee of Spartanburg Aiken County Public School District

Barnwell School District 19 Beaufort County School District Berekeley 01 School District Charleston County School District Greenville County Schools Greenwood School District 50 Horry County Schools Myrtle Beach - The Academy of Hope New Hanover County Schools Richland School District 1 Spartanburg - South Carolina School for Deaf and Blind Spartanburg 01 School District Spartanburg 02 School District Spartanburg 03 School District Spartanburg 04 School District Spartanburg 06 School District Spartanburg 07 School District Sumter County School District 17 Charleston Air Force Base Fort Jackson Naval Weapons Station, Charleston SOUTH DAKOTA The First Tee of Rapid City The First Tee of South Dakota The First Tee of The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Baltic School District 49-1 Harrisburg School District Jones County School District 37-3 Lead-Deadwood School District #40-1 Mitchell School District 17-2 Mount Vernon School District 17-3 Newell School District Rapid City Area School District 51-4 Shannon County Schools Sioux Falls Catholic School System Sioux Falls School District Spearfish School District No. 40-2 Tea Area School District Wall School District #51-5 Watertown School District Yankton School District Ellsworth Air Force Base TENNESSEE The First Tee of Chattanooga The First Tee of Clarksville The First Tee of Greater Knoxville The First Tee of Memphis The First Tee of Nashville The First Tee of Smyrna The First Tee of the Tri-Cities Clarksville Montgomery County School District Hamilton County Schools Knox County Schools Memphis City Schools Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools Naval Support Activity, Mid-South TEXAS The First Tee of Fort Worth The First Tee of Greater Austin The First Tee of Greater Brownsville The First Tee of Greater Dallas The First Tee of Greater El Paso The First Tee of Houston/F.M. Law Park The First Tee of Greater Houston The First Tee of Greater Tyler The First Tee of Killeen The First Tee of the Golden Triangle The First Tee of The Piney Woods The First Tee of San Antonio The First Tee of Trinity Aldine Independent School District Birdville Independent School District Clear Creek Independent School District Coppell Independent School District Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District Dallas Independent School District Dickinson Independent School District El Paso - St. Marks Day School El Paso Independent School District Fort Bend Independent School District Fort Sam Houston ISD Fort Worth Independent School District Galena Park Independent School District Galveston - Ambassadors Preparatory Academy Houston Independent School District Houston Independent School District (FM Law Park) Humble Independent School District Irving Independent School District Killeen Independent School District Lackland Independent School District Manor Independent School District Nederland Independent School District Orange Grove Independent School District Pearland Independent School District Port Neches-Groves Independent School District San Antonio Independent School District Spring Branch Independent School District

Texas City Independent School District Tyler Independent School District Waller Independent School District West Houston Christian Athletic Conference Fort Bliss Fort Hood Fort Sam Houston & Medical Center Lackland Air Force Base NAS JRB Fort Worth UTAH The First Tee of Utah Granite School District Murray School District VERMONT Addison Central Supervisory Union Addison Northeast Supervisory Union Alburgh School District Barnard School District Battenkill Valley Supervisory Union Berkshire School District Blue Mountain Union School District Bradford School District Brandon School District Brattleboro School District Bridgewater School District Bridport School District Bristol School District Burlington School District Caledonia North Supervisory Union Cavendish School District Chelsea School District Chester-Andover Unified School District Chittenden South Supervisory Union Diocese of Burlington Dover School District East Barre School District East Dummerston School District East Montpelier School District Fayston School District Franklin Central Supervisory Union Georgia School District Grafton School District Grand Isle Supervisory Union Killington School District Lamoille South Supervisory Union Ludlow School District Lyndon School District Manchester School District Manchester School District Middlesex School District Milton Independent School District Milton Town School District Mount Holly School District New Haven School District Newbury School District North Clarendon School District North Springfield School District Northfield School District Orange Central Supervisory Union Orange East Supervisory Union Orange North Supervisory Union Orange-Windsor Supervisory Union Pittsford School District Plymouth School District Pomfret School District Proctor School District Reading School District Rochester School District Rutland Central Supervisory Union Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union Rutland South Supervisory Union Rutland Southwest Supervisory Union Rutland Town School District Rutland-Windsor Supervisory Union South Burlington School District Springfield School District St. Albans School District Swanton School District Wardsboro School District Warren School District Washington Central Supervisory Union Washington South Supervisory Union Washington West Supervisory Union West Pawlet School District Westminster School District Willston School District Windham Central Supervisory Union Windham Northeast Supervisory Union Windham Southeast Supervisory Union Windsor Central School District Windsor County School District Windsor Northwest Supervisory Union Windsor School District Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union Windsor Southwest Supervisory Union VIRGINIA The First Tee of Charlottesville The First Tee of Danville The First Tee of Hampton Roads The First Tee of Harrisonburg The First Tee of Prince William County The First Tee of Richmond & Chesterfield The First Tee of Roanoke Valley The First Tee of the Maury River Basin The First Tee of the Virginia Peninsula Albemarle County Public Schools

Arlington Diocese Bath County School District Charlottesville City Schools Chesterfield County Public Schools Diocese of Richmond VA Fluvanna County School District Greene County Public Schools District Hampton City Schools Harrisonburg City Public Schools Loudoun County Public Schools Newport News Public Schools Portsmouth Public Schools Prince William County School District Roanoke City Public Schools Rockingham County Public Schools Virginia Beach City Public Schools York County School Division Fort Belvoir Fort Lee MCB Quantico Naval Air Station, Oceana Naval Amphibious Base, Little Creek WASHINGTON The First Tee of Columbia Basin The First Tee of Greater Seattle The First Tee of North Puget Sound The First Tee of South Puget Sound The First Tee of The Inland Northwest The First Tee of Yakima Archdiocese of Seattle Auburn School District Granger School District Kennewick School District Kent School District Pasco School District Richland School District Seattle Public Schools Spokane Public Schools Tacoma Public Schools Yakima School District Naval Station Everett (East Sound) Naval Station Whidbey WEST VIRGINIA The First Tee of West Virginia Berekeley County Schools Cabell County School District Fayette County Schools Jefferson County Schools Kanawha County Schools Morgan County School District Raleigh County School District WISCONSIN The First Tee of Milwaukee County The First Tee of Northeast Wisconsin The First Tee of South Central Wisconsin Madison Metropolitan School District Milwaukee Public Schools WYOMING The First Tee University of Wyoming Albany County School District #1 Campbell County School District Laramie County School District One Natrona County School District #1 Sheridan County School District #1 F. E. Warren Air Force Base INTERNATIONAL CANADA The First Tee of Greater Vancouver The First Tee of Montreal IRELAND The First Tee of Ireland NEW ZEALAND The First Tee of New Zealand SINGAPORE The First Tee of Singapore UNITED KINGDOM The First Tee of Manchester, UK* *denotes International Pilot Initiative

The First Tee Annual Review •

Red Bank Borough Public Schools Roselle - St. Joseph The Carpenter Somerville Public School District South River School District Toms River Regional Schools Trenton Public Schools Wall Township Public Schools Woodbridge Township Englewood Public Schools Fort Monmouth Picatinny Arsenal


INSPIRING YOUTH IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS On first thought, the idea of golf in an elementary school physical education setting may seem inconceivable to some educators. The First Tee is convincing them otherwise. “Students have enjoyed the introduction of a new lifetime sport that wouldn’t have been possible without The First Tee,” said Deb Pangrazi, elementary school education specialist, Mesa Public Schools in Mesa, Ariz. “The partnership we have formed has created an ideal situation: age appropriate equipment and exceptional instruction by highly-trained certified physical educators. Together we are able to provide the best possible learning situation for students where everyone experiences success.” The First Tee National School Program has become an important part of physical education classes across the United States, and the growth continues. More than 4,700 elementary schools in 650 districts offer the program to kindergarten through fifth grade students as part of in-school physical education.

The First Tee Annual Review •

Students experience a safe and fun introduction to the game, along with seamless integration of The First Tee Nine Core Values and Nine Healthy Habits in each lesson.


The National School Program is embraced by school district leadership, teachers and local foundations and organizations that collaborate in making the one-time investment to bring the program to schools.

Communities like Phoenix are truly seeing the benefits of the program. More than 150 elementary schools in five school districts are reaching more than 72,000 students on an annual basis. “The First Tee National School Program makes it easy for physical education teachers to teach the basics of golf to large groups,” said Liane Bowles, physical education specialist for Fulton Elementary outside of Phoenix. Every elementary school in the country should be teaching golf this way!” Staff from The First Tee of Phoenix make regular visits to the school districts to monitor the program’s implementation. The chapter, which is part of the Thunderbird Junior Golf Foundation, has also created relationships with nearby golf courses in or near every school district to enable students to transition from the classroom to the golf course more easily. They also coordinate special enrichment fieldtrips throughout the school year, bringing teachers and students to chapter activities and special events like the PGA TOUR’s Waste Management Phoenix Open and AJGA’s Winn Grips Heather Farr Classic. “The National School Program has given us an opportunity to connect with thousands of young people in the Phoenix metropolitan area that otherwise would have no introduction to golf, or The First Tee,” said Hugh Smith, executive director of The First Tee of Phoenix. “Many participants at our chapter are now coming to us from the National School Program.”

CONFIDENCE “The First Tee has also helped me come out of myself and not be as shy when meeting new people. I will always be grateful to The First Tee for what it has done for me.” Dylan O’Connor, The First Tee of Ireland

Ryan Johnson, Alumnus, The First Tee of Greater Dallas, spoke to The First Tee Trustees in Oct. 2011

I AM PREPARED… IN RYAN’S WORDS My plan with The First Tee program seven years ago was to hit a few golf balls on a real golf course and go home. It ended up being so much more than that! The First Tee became a lifesaver to me. The game and the program gave me something to look forward to each day and each morning. The coaches at our chapter introduced me to hundreds of mentoring coaches, parents, community leaders and volunteers who assisted me both on and off the golf course.

Today, I am a freshman at the University of North Texas majoring in engineering technology. After college, my dream is to continue in engineering and work within the auto industry to test and design better, safer and more fuel-efficient vehicles. Ambitious plans, but thanks to The First Tee, I am prepared. Not only has The First Tee honed me as a leader, it has prepared me for college, introduced me to wellness, taught me the value of creative activity and self-confidence, and helped me to make intelligent decisions. I would not be where I am today without The First Tee, and for it, I will always be grateful.

I am capable of whatever I set my mind to.”

The First Tee Annual Review •

Each of these individuals have become motivational role models that have had a positive influence in shaping my life.

Award. Each of these experiences has had a profound and lasting impact on my life. The First Tee has played a tremendous role in my development as a person and given me numerous opportunities to grow and flourish.

Alexandra Agrella, The First Tee of Greater Austin


I have been a participant in many of The First Tee’s national opportunities including the Toro Future Leaders Forum, the Life Skills and Leadership Academy, and was recently recognized as a semifinalist for the RBS Achiever of the Year

RESPONSIBILITY “The core values The First Tee has taught me showed me that my fate in life is up to no one other than me;

CREATING LEADERS IN GOLF AND LIFE The benevolence of corporate partners and donors allows The First Tee to offer golf, leadership and educational opportunities to participants throughout the network. These events often become life-changing experiences as they allow young people to learn and develop new skills and make life-long friends while working alongside peers and coaches. In 2011, Arizona State University hosted 96 participants during The First Tee Life Skills and Leadership Academy, a program that began with the vision of The First Tee Trustee Fred Tattersall. Each summer, participants gather at a different college campus to play championship golf, participate in life skills activities and career exploration, experience dorm living and meet a wide variety of young people from around the world.

The First Tee Annual Review •

Additionally, 25 advanced golfers attended The First Tee PLAYer Advanced Academy at the University of Richmond, a week-long event that came to fruition in 2009 because of an on-going seed donation by David Cohen, a generous supporter of The First Tee and its leadership programs. Participants interested in competing at the collegiate level receive instruction in the areas of managing emotions, golf equipment, golf technique, physical fitness and nutrition and preparing for success.

“The PLAYer Academy was one of the most exciting, fun, best experiences in my entire golfing career,” said Pearlissa Harris (above with brother Tim), from The First Tee of Greater New Orleans. The First Tee Academies are just a few of the opportunities available to teenage participants. These programs have a positive and lasting impact on young people on and off the course. For some, it’s their first time getting on an airplane; for others, it’s an opportunity to meet peers who share similar interests and goals. These academies are often a defining moment as they prepare for college and careers.

THE FIRST TEE PARTICIPANT OPPORTUNITIES • A/B Honor Roll • The First Tee Junior Course Reporters • Life Skills and Leadership Academy • PLAYer Advanced Academy • Future Leaders Forum • The First Tee Training Program at Hank Haney IJGA • RBS Achievers of the Year Awards • Nature Valley First Tee Open at Pebble Beach • America’s Future-The Coca-Cola Company • Walmart NW Arkansas Championship Presented by P&G • The First Tee Outstanding Participant Award • The Scholars Program • PwC Executive Business Forum visit for more information


COACH WITH A PURPOSE I had a successful job after college, but it didn’t fulfill me. I wanted a purpose in my career. I chose The First Tee because it is a mission-driven organization that combines two of my passions in life: youth development and golf. The smiles make coaching at The First Tee rewarding. There are the smiles of children meeting and greeting, after hitting a shot they have been working on, and those from parents who see the joy and excitement of their child before, during and after a session.

All my life I have been someone that brings people together, a conduit for relationship building. I enjoy bringing volunteers together at my chapter. And, I enjoy watching them work with the young people, empowering them to see a change in themselves. These relationships lead them—the volunteer and the young person—to expect more and thus achieve more than they thought possible. It’s part of The First Tee’s “coach philosophy,” and it’s pretty powerful to watch.

I was asked to do the reflections at the end of each day during the 2011 Life Skills and Leadership Academy in Phoenix. At the end of the session I received a thank you from a participant for helping him understand how to use what he learned that day on and off the course. It made me proud of the work I do each day.

The First Tee Annual Review •

Eric Amato, Coach, The First Tee of Pittsburgh


THE SPIRIT OF GIVING Arthur M. Blank (left), chairman of Golf & Tennis Pro Shop, which owns and operates PGA TOUR Superstore, builds his businesses on a foundation of core values. One of the values challenges associates to recognize that the wellbeing of business cannot be separated from the well-being of society. Therefore, associates are encouraged to identify meaningful ways to give back to others, through time, talents, labor and financial commitments.

The First Tee Annual Review •

The First Tee has benefited not only from Mr. Blank’s personal philanthropy, but also from the local chapter programming support and grants in each PGA TOUR Superstore market: Atlanta, Chicago (stores scheduled to open in 2012), Dallas, Delray Beach and Naples, Fla., Denver, Myrtle Beach, S.C. and Phoenix.


At each store, a “community captain” is designated to lead the relationship with the area chapter of The First Tee. The captains get to know chapter leadership and the young people who are experiencing first-hand The First Tee’s core value and life skills lessons. Beyond personally distributing financial donations to chapters in the areas where PGA TOUR

Superstores are located, the stores offer access and store resources to The First Tee participants, including indoor simulators, golf clinics, equipment and golf tournaments. Stores also host chapter board meetings and fundraisers. In 2012, the stores will add permanent visual displays to build awareness for The First Tee and to show their support of the program that positively introduces golf and core values to youth. Mr. Blank’s support through the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation began in 1999 with a $25,000 grant to The First Tee of Atlanta. His belief in the youth development organization has grown over the years, as has his foundation’s support. In 2010, when he became controlling owner of PGA TOUR Superstore, support of The First Tee further expanded through the partnerships formed in store markets. In late 2011, Mr. Blank made a commitment to The First Tee Campaign for 10 Million Young People, officially becoming a Trustee. “We’re proud to partner with The First Tee to impact the lives of young people in so many important ways,” said Blank, who is also owner & chairman of the Atlanta Falcons NFL football club. “The values and life skills that The First Tee instills in our youth will serve as positive guides throughout their lives.”

PERSEVERANCE “I have come to learn through The First Tee, persisting towards your goals is more gratifying and promising than any shortcut.” Selina Dudley, The First Tee of Washington, D.C.


It is with that mission in mind that Mr. Wagner committed to supporting The First Tee Campaign for 10 Million Young People by becoming a Trustee. Beyond his business interests, which include co-ownership of 2929 Entertainment with Mark Cuban, Mr. Wagner remains tirelessly committed to uplifting his community and investing in future generations.

His foundation has created signature programs and played a pivotal role in the growth of innovative opportunities for youth including After-School All-Stars and the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP). “My foundation is focused on supporting innovative work that is making a measurable difference in the lives of kids and atrisk communities,” Mr. Wagner said. “The First Tee is doing just that and I look forward to hearing about its continued impact for years to come.”

COURTESY “The First Tee has taught me how to step up and become a leader among those around me and always treat people with respect.” Richard Allen Moore II, The First Tee of Charlotte

The First Tee Annual Review •

Established in 2000 by entrepreneur Todd Wagner, the Todd Wagner Foundation has invested more than $25 million to improve the lives of at-risk children and build strong communities through education, technology and enrichment opportunities.


OPERATING FUND REPORT Revenue Founding Partners Corporations Individuals & Other TOTAL

$3,593,000 3,852,000 3,538,000

33% 35% 32%



The First Tee Annual Review •

Chapters, Life Skills Education, National School Program and Military Installations Designated Funds to Chapters Fund-raising and Administrative



$7,051,000 870,000 2,751,000

66% 8% 26%



$7,490,000 $7,801,000

Unaudited | Year ending December 31 , 201 1

JUDGMENT “The First Tee has helped me realize that anything is possible and my dreams can become reality.” Rachael Floeder, The First Tee of St. Paul


THE FI RS T TE E B O AR D O F D IR E C TO R S Jim Armstrong

Christie Austin

Rear Admiral Marty Evans

Tim Finchem

Executive Director Augusta National Golf Club

Executive Committee USGA

United States Navy (Retired)

Commissioner PGA TOUR

Jin Roy Ryu

Jesse Saldivar

Fred T. Tattersall

Allen Wronowski

Chairman and CEO Poongsan America Corp.

Sr. Advisor, US Business Affairs Shell Oil Company

Founder (retired) Tattersall Advisory Group

President PGA of America

Š2012 The First Tee. All rights reserved. Use with permission.




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