I was on a road trip with Mum in early March— Dad was back in Nelson at work—and Invercargill was nice but I was mad keen to get back to the canals. We’d stopped while heading south and I’d caught eight small salmon in the one day, so was desperate for another crack.
Fishing Ohau A close to the outlet, I chopped and
Mum and I had watched a
I’d pegged this day to be my
It was early evening on
was to come my way, it had
Mum the spinning set; best
She was busy casting and retrieving the Shimano rod Okuma reel combo with a
Suddenly she started screaming, “Help, help, help!”
Mum’s happy casting but because she always loses them, so I raced down and
to start with—just bouncing
control but it would power think I was going to run out
had it close to shore but it
only had a short handled
Mum was nervous because it was slippery near the ramp
lent her a long handled net we managed to get the beast
We cut it into portions and took it home to eat,
delicious and we still
Meanwhile, I am dreaming
Stuart Graham
hunting sector or shooting
the volunteer committees that oversee their operation
These restrictions will see
Amongst the proposed suite
a particularly alarming proposal is a ban on on ranges and banning or shooting clubs activities including helping out on
The consequence will be that range shooting will be
controlled environments where there is an ethos and into the backcountry
consultation at the
over the Roar period, Easter holidays and duck shooting to make submissions and let have overlooked the critical role that shooting clubs and
More information on the proposal, and details on how to submit can be found here:
It is no coincidence that
There has always been a running joke in our family, that from time to time, gifts from Dad to Mum (usually on Mother’s Day) would be for the boat. These are given tongue in cheek, with Dad knowing full well he
which normally works in his favour.
On my recent wedding day, my uncle Malcolm tried to
over with a wink, thinking it would most likely end up in
A month or so later, with
settled Wellington weather to take the boat out, it was
evenings where Wellington’s south coast turned it on and it didn’t take us long to start
couple around the 5kg mark, the new rod, which stood up to it despite the ‘arguing’ on the other end on the
Georgie with her Capital catch, a brace of PBs.
will be keeping that one,
Well, better late than never. The protesters, or more like anti-authority moved from the Parliament grounds. The hard core of in the end the police gave them one.
Commissioner Chambers and the troops on the ground have to admit, I got some complaining bitterly and was clip around the ear with a that bothered him so much,
Another one was reported some anti-authority dick children to the illegal protest have been really serious
a hotel and visited the site was really hard core, wasn’t he?
I suppose some are thinking, what’s Coutta on about two issues running? What it is, and I’m sure I’m not alone, I am sick to lawlessness being allowed to happen in a country, which
to imagine a weak-kneed
thing I would have done
read about a motorist on
vehicle and having the shit
nothing wrong but ended up in hospital in a critical
recently put an article in the members on motor cycles
he’s been smoking but I hope he can convince the
Then I see that putting observers on commercial to some, not all, crews
Observers were meant to be a tool to stop unscrupulous skippers and boat owners and destroying a resource
smoking meth, which I’ll remind you is a Class A drug,
This and so much other shit is continually allowed to happen, while we sit and listen to the news and read the papers about the murders, rapes, robberies and drug dealing we only used to see going on in other
• 2.5 tonne braked towing
• great rock hopping ground clearance and super visibility
• 6 speed manual giving you total control
• anti braking system ABS
• ESP with hill hold/descent control
• 2WD & 4WD options
PLUS all the safety features and mod cons you’d expect.
I’m not even going to start on Rotorua, my home that has been turned into
the hopeless, homeless and criminals, who the
Shit, I hope I can get back
The Westport Deep Sea Fishing School has been operating since 1988. It was established by Mickey and Doreen Ryan and for the past 21 years by the current owner Peter Maich, a former a passion for the seafood industry.
The school gives students comprehensive training based around working on deep sea and inshore
are based on industry
processing and vessel operations to create the
with students doing both practical and theory training ashore and experience on
school has been involved with the Limited Service Volunteer (LSV) programme, which is a six-week motivational training course
young people entering employment or training
The school recently won the Outstanding Employer Contribution to the LSV programme, presented at
The award recognises outstanding contribution LSV programme by an employer or company who support through their time,
attend all LSV employment days promoting their
They regularly spend extra time with the trainees to ensure they understand
Once the trainees course, Westport Deep Sea Fishing School work
Social Development’s case managers to support them with the transition to starting the course and entering into They link trainees to major
course placement support to help new graduates transition to employment
many the school has been involved with over the years, complete the courses since
MSD, Tertiary Education Commission and Te Ohu Kai
Saying the school runs like a military training camp is
have strict rules around appearance, attendance, cleaning duties and a strict mirror those required at the hostel accommodation meals provided in the
onboard to work and live
The school is an integral community and participates in many local events, with students assisting those in
For more information on the school and its programmes, go to their webpage at www.deepsea. co.nz or phone Peter Maich on (03) 7888 060 for a chat on your options to attend. Watch the LSV video on the schools Facebook page. Information for this article taken from LSV media release and the schools website.
There’s a sense of the nomadic in him— wanderlust—a desire to explore or perhaps an inability to sit still. The foundation may have been laid at age six when his family emigrated from Scotland to the warmer climes of Australia; a month on a ship and endless hours at the stern watching the wake change the colour of
the sea like a magic wand had a profound impact. Al Nisbet loosely attributes that experience to his enduring love of boats, the sea and
However, Australia proved uprooted again and, at Christchurch with its cold drizzly days and austere
architecture drew him into and promoted his desire to
work and, ultimately, a time permitted, he rambled about the country, drawn to scenery and always with a
This restless spirit was also a cartoonist, an innate ability and creating comic strips as
cartoonist and commercial him under his wing and into newspaper’s advertising
meticulous cut and paste— pre-computer graphics—and illustrating by hand, but couldn’t put the ‘doodling’ completely to bed; Al cartooned in his spare time publication and, in doing so, developed broad shoulders and the ability to weather
where he lived in a van
the Art Department but a convinced him the South Island contained better
in Education played to his creative talent and he was kept busy designing pages to lure kids into reading was some educational merit to the concept, he says it was more about increasing circulation and selling more provided the connectivity between the kids and current
‘outside the media and tackling what people think
“I like pushing the envelope!”
“They just pop into your head and then you have to wrestle them and tie them
Other cartoons have to be outrage or annoyance that
Ironically it’s his edginess
out there in my little boat
Interestingly it’s not the big catches that create indelible
When his kids were young, he had two in the boat and they spotted a
one behind us and another the ocean exploded with breeching orca, including a mother with a pup the size
cartoon in print, it was such a buzz—addictive— something that never really goes away!”
wanderlust and growing
As a cartoonist he was driven; he always wanted to improve, to create a cartoon
He says his best cartoons are the contentious ones; the ones that should never have been published but
‘because his cartoons upset too many people’—welcome took redundancy, cashed in to Kaikoura where he built a
“The kids were excited and scared witless at the same time!”
It’s what you see’ while
he does a weekly cartoon clients through his website: www.cartoonyoo.com
Whether it’s a gurnard’s blazing lumo green wings or the blue mackerel’s mesmerizing stripes, the colours from the underwater world continue to stagger me.
hobbies these days is just
A ‘grunter’s’ wings are individual, with no two the brightest blue spots whereas others possess white are like a random paint
the striking red colouration
absolute best colouration don’t think anything comes the body are these brilliant, mottled stripes which then red spots rounded with blue
is the most spectacular
lights up red like a Christmas
blue could look this
The yellow and green to complement the widely varied greens across the golden stripe cuts through
Ever since I was young, their colouration and unique
Ideal for chasing Trout or Salmon, these eggs are designed to mimic live or dead fish roe, which regularly flow in rivers, streams and canals. Available in 2 sizes - 5mm (42 eggs per pack), and 6.5mm (30 eggs per pack). Both sizes are available in 8 UV and pearlescent colours.
Best rigged on Black Magic Series A, G or M fly hooks
eggs and size 10 or 12 for 6.5mm eggs.
A spoon style lure with an enticing and lifelike appearance. The ‘fluttering’ action makes them particularly attractive to predatory fish. Available in 7g, 12g and 20g sizes.
Top of the hill and top of the morning, midway through a big loop with hopes of encountering the beaut 12-pointer I saw two years back. It’s been a non-event thus far. I’ve been hunting back to front instead of front to back as the predicted sou’-east is actually blowing gusty nor’west.
blew up my back passage,
a nanosecond I realised the splashing was a stag wallowing in the near-empty
embrace and bolted towards
head and antlers as nasally-
Sunday – no church, no the breeze is minimal and
like a pro, when suddenly my eye is drawn to a brown hump in the long grass head behind a porcupine bush but every now and then
Thanks to the porcupine unaware I’m approaching tail, dropping digested and pelletised greenery almost as cover and stares at the washes get smashed right jeans and old grey top have been thrashed around in am invisible to his questing
He is young, has a crown that does not interest me and his back is turned I sling my
This morning I’m stalking
I get?
Several times the young
He is not alarmed, just
Stag is still oblivious to my presence and I’ve gotta say boi – I’ll mature into a real
With an explosive leap he startles then gallops into the wild blue yonder without
Up at the stag wallow-cum-
a shiny mud trail enters the into the breeze, hoping to
I enter the big trees there are stags roaring every
No.8 bow strings epitomise New Zealanders can-do approach to life.
Designed by Advanced Archery’s Carol and Kevin Watson for our rugged conditions and made right here in New Zealand.
We’ve refined the latest string building techniques, equipment, and materials we use through constant field testing to get the string quality we’re excited about. Go Kiwi with all black or choose from thousands of colour combinations with clear serving to customise it your way.
Pre-stretched for zero peep rotation, with speed buttons installed and a bow tune, we’ll send your bow back to you shooting as good as new, maybe even better!
and who cares anyway? My rampant through me – all logic evaporates – adrenaline
Sliding and stumbling Clambering and crabbing between stag song and rut
they shout at each other, their insults echoing back
mine do not attract rutting stags, and nor does my girly their testosterone-charged calls without letting the cat tits’n’bum type human in our and they’re all streaking around seeing who has the deepest voice, the largest
despite doing my best to streak around and intercept
second, when we’re both playing ‘I Spy’ – he sees the stag and spook another – he
Eventually, when I cannot pell-mell about in the nearexhausted, I have had my
At 4.30am my alarm shattered the silence. My initial thoughts were, what the hell is that going off for? I quickly realised I had agreed to chase albacore tuna in Tasman Bay and, considering I was in Kaikoura, an early start was called for.
and at my brother’s place
arrived at the same instant, which meant we were on the
Always a good thing in my
his Hardtop McLay in the and the water was crystal
birds were about and we
Malcolm delighted to get
a daisy chain to help attract
cleared to give him the best
was able to grab the trace, while I did the honours with
years, so it was great to get
we headed in their direction, where we had seen them,
tangled in the daisy chain got it to the boat and I had bleeding it, we added it to turned the boat and went back over the spot and this
action and landed another
With more than enough tuna on board, we headed a nice snapper joined the
home I was back, shattered but very bloody happy with
to have another go at these are so privileged to have
Black Magic’s Enticer range now has four exciting new colours, providing anglers with even more options when using this popular freshwater lure. Each colour has a ‘cracked finish’ appearance, and they feature a mix of luminous and high UV content making them particularly attractive to Trout and Salmon alike.
As an added benefit, a 20g option has been added to selected colours within the
range. This extra weight is ideal for reaching fish lurking in deeper water. It also makes it possible to get the lure down more quickly in faster flowing water ensuring it doesn’t simply pass well above fish in the strong current.
Available from your local tackle store or check out www.blackmagictackle.com/ product/enticer/
adventures closer.
Enjoy our fastest-ever Autorouting and next-gen C-MAP® charts. Experience new, intuitive touch screens and simple sonar setup with hints to assist you when you need it. Count on high-resolution imagery from state-ofthe-art sonar technology, like FishReveal™, DownScan Imaging™ and SideScan.
Add compatibility with a wide range of 1 kW transducers for even more target resolution, and there is nothing between you and your next adventure but open water.
Every year more than a hundred new trainees complete NZDA’s Hunter National Training Scheme (HUNTS) course through NZDA branches spanning the country. Stephan Kappelsberger outlines a dual experience gained through a recent Wellington-Porirua branch HUNTS course.
Yep that’s us—now how did we get into this position?
Let’s take you back to the not so distant past.
The scenario: Sunday
experience, we realised we
best way to start our journey
we enrolled and were sitting in the classroom on our
personalities, experience and even some very unexpected great and wise mentors were
I AM talking about Rob Howey and Les Ryan—and
The evening sessions
good conversations about practical experiences, good theoretical principles and the
a yarn about anything, even topics like the morals and
At this point we were
Nelson Tasman Hospice is seeking “Hunting Shooting Fishing” volunteers to join our patient support volunteer team . Become a valued volunteer
Hospice nurses and volunteers working together can help patients remain in their own homes.
get stuck into it and blood our hands, but it was not session was about honing
The excitement was tangible than they could physically bush with our wise mentors whether it was good or bad
The Role: Skills needed: You gain: We gain: Time requirement:
Usually 2-4 hours during
To apply or further queries: Krisca Gould - Manager, Volunteer Services Ph (03) 5463912 - Email: Krisca.gould@nelsonhospice.org.nz
All jokes aside, the balance by practical bush experience really helped to cement
More classroom and which culminated in
Deerstalkers Wellington
early on the Friday and
mention here that this was into the park, so we were a bit worried about what this would do to our chances
Foot and the most optimal stalking techniques that we intended unleashing on our unsuspecting victims at the
was a long weekend, so
As might be expected, being the well trained
we overslept an hour the driving past our campsite! We quickly gathered ourselves and with our single
Rob and Les, we headed out locked and loaded
Due to Intellectual property agreements and to make
exposed, I will merely say
We then packed up camp
meat on our backs!
course is much more
breaking stereotypical views, together, getting back to a good work ethic and being
exposed to similar minded connects us back to an ancient and authentic way and experienced people (yes, I am talking about Rob and Les again) sit around share principles, techniques, and wisdom to ensure that something that is culturally and socially important, is carried over to the next
Thoughts of a week in Kaikoura with a boat loaded with dive gear and rods was more than enough to get the excitement levels up as we made our way along the east coast. With the p once again opened, these black sea slugs were high on the target list and with the huge abundance that resides along the coastline, it didn’t even call for the use of a wetsuit, as we quickly had gathered enough for dinner without even getting wet.
The next day dawned crisp and albatross that kept us entertained, we may well
Reaching our chosen
we all dropped our lines, elusive Kaikoura h
Whilst the h puku never graced us with its presence, was nothing less than
cod we had ever seen, along
good size tarakihi into the chilly bin as well as a rather angry school shark, which was hastily unhooked by
bin, including an absolute
spot, I quickly got onto
catch bag with practical ease whilst Dan and Dad set about shooting some excessively well-conditioned day couldn’t get any better that Kaikoura possesses there was still an itch I had quite some time—the Lyell creek trout! The creek that runs through Kaikoura that nonchalantly go about their day whilst completely ignoring almost every lure I
MPI Fishery o cers patrolling around the Kaipara harbour area, caught two men with 138 snapper.
The daily bag limit per person is 10 with a minimum length of 27cm in the West Coast area – where the men were fishing. If fishing on the East Coast the daily bag limit is 7 per person with a minimum length of 30cm.
A Senior Fishery O cer, and an Honorary Fishery O cer were patrolling in the harbour on Saturday (26/3/22). Part of this work includes inspecting the catch of recreational fishers at the boat ramp when they’re coming out of the water.
The men, who were from Auckland had been fishing all day aboard their boat and were stopped at the Ruawai boat ramp which is about 30 kilometres south of Dargaville.
“They’d spent the day fishing and between them had nearly 7 times the legal limit. Just one snapper of their catch was undersize but again – the rules are there for a reason – to
protect the resource and ensure sustainability,” says MPI Regional Compliance Manager, Phil Tasker.
All the fish was seized by Ministry for Primary Industries along with the boat the men were fishing from.
And, it’s likely they will be charged under the Fisheries Act, given the large number of fish in their possession.
“The Kaipara harbour is a popular fishing spot. Everyone is entitled to catch a feed – but we would encourage all fishers to understand the rules. Don’t take a gamble as you risk infringement tickets or potentially appearing before the courts.
We can all do our part in looking after our local fishery or fisheries by downloading the NZ Fishing Rules App wherever you get your apps from and protect our kaimoana for future generations,” says Phil Tasker.
If you become aware of any suspicious fishing activity, call MPI on 0800 4 POACHER (0800 47 62 24) or email ncc@mpi.govt.nz.
Unlike the canned variety at the supermarket with its convenient labels, it’s hard to tell the di erence between some of the varying tuna species when you get one on your line. To make it a little trickier the pacific bluefin and the southern bluefin tuna are very similar at a glance. Southern bluefin tuna have been making a strong appearance o the west coast of both the North and South Islands, including Fiordland.
Unlike the pacific bluefin, the southern bluefin tuna has a recreational daily limit of one fish per angler.
We recommend that when fishers catch tuna and aren’t sure which kind they’ve caught, they adopt the ‘one fish’ limit for southern bluefin. It’s better to be cautious rather than taking more fish and risking a fine.
Fisheries New Zealand monitors recreational harvest through reported catch (mostly from fishing club records), focussing on the areas where most fishing occurs. Recording or weighing your catch at a fishing club would ensure that it is accounted for in recreational catch estimates, which are vital to managing the fishery. If you haven’t reported your catch through a fishing club you can also report it online at fishcatch.co.nz.
Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii)
Pectoral fins (1) short, less than head length; top front of the body cavity has a prominent bulge (when gills and gut removed).
Coloration: dark blue back transitioning into lighter blue with dark fins; lower sides and belly mainly silver, faint vertical lines or dots fading on death; caudal keel (2) pale or yellow but may be darker in large fish. Attains 220 cm length and 165 kg in weight.
Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis)
Pectoral fins (1) short, less than head length; top front of the body cavity has a small narrow bulge (when gills and gut removed). New Zealand’s largest growing tuna attaining over 300 cm fork length and 400 kg weight.
Coloration: dark blue back transitioning into lighter blue with dark fins; may have spots on the head (2); 2nd dorsal fin (3) reddish-brown; caudal keel (4) at base of the tail dark; lower sides (5) and belly silver with consistent spots and faint vertical lines; anal fin (6) silver edged with black.
Keeping up-to-date with the recreational fishing rules for your area is easy with the NZ Fishing Rules app. Once downloaded the app can also be used o ine. You can find out more about the rules and download the free NZ Fishing Rules app from www.mpi.govt.nz/fishing-rules
email all your letters to
Coutta’s garbage, rot!
Dear Ed,
Re Coutta’s Cut, in issue
I have to say I’m very disappointed that you would
make up space in what I once thought was a great publication?
they are doing is breaking more laws than you can
they being allowed to stop going about their business by blocking streets, harassing those wearing masks and camping in a prohibited area?”
Has it ever occurred to you that the many law-abiding citizens who are trying to go about their business each day, that are getting
a mask (exemptions) and shops they have always had a right to shop at, (and still rights act) simply because they have made a medical decision, (not to partake in a clinical trial), which is a right
you do some thorough Rights and stick to publishing things that directly relate to what “The Fishing Paper & Hunting News” is actually
have made the choice to remain clean blooded and will be disgusted that you would publish utter shit like
The popularity of The Fishing Paper has never been in doubt and we are constantly surprised just where it is being read. That it impacts on readers’ lives is a given but to what level? Michael Hendriks sent in this pic to illustrate how The Fishing Paper came to the rescue with a useful tip They do say a picture is worth a thousand words! If you have found an interesting use for your The Fishing Paper or it has found its way into an unusual situation, send us a pic so we can share it with the readers.
The iconic and ubiquitous Kiwi shed has often been the spawning ground of many great inventions and innovations: think eggbeater, Hamilton jet boat, bungy jump A J Hackett, the jet pack, referees whistle and built by Richard Pearse—to name a few. It’s indicative of the Kiwi Can Do attitude and the ‘ol’ Number 8 wire’ philosophy that we are recognised by globally.
Anyone can come up with ‘the best idea since
very long and expensive
Fishing Equipment Ltd, a Kiwi company based in Invercargill and with its roots
waist belt to assist playing
new but business partners (Rocky) Rickard have applied Kiwi ingenuity to invent a revolutionary new product that is… well the name says it all… a RodASSISTA !
idea almost two decades and recreational charter operator, he watched people
there had to be a better way and came up with a rod holder strapped to the thigh, that ergonomically loads the rod without stressing the lower back
pose while mechanically stainless prototype proved the concept was not only workable but exceeded
Enter Rocky Rickard, a
entrepreneur and astute Rocky had seen dozens
to the Coromandel where hours and ‘did his back gimbal, the meeting up with
“I instantly recognised this to be a genuine gamechanger and immediately introducing Innovative Fishing Equipment Ltd and
Developing the initial plastic was not as easy as it might sound, with around
The rod holder component is high loads, whereas the acetal to provide the good wearing properties needed to backing plate and ring are strength and wear, and is loaded with a stainless 316
Thisunique ergonomic design transfers the load through the leg rather than the back, thereby following the natural ‘energy highway’ of the body; a far more e cient and less stressful transference of load than traditional gimbals.
the new revolutionary RodASSISTA is versatility: shapes, sizes and age, it
also a boon to those with disabilities who might otherwise struggle with snugly, it can be worn all day, much like a pistol holster, and it doubles as an actual rod holder, allowing
you don’t need to put the aboard, which invariably
Traditional gimbal belts tend
Revolutionary new style gimbal belt designed in New Zealand for all types of fishing, boat, salmon, surfcasting, wharf and more.
• Less back strain by reducing load through to your legs, not your back
• Lightweight
• Hands free fishing
• For fishers of all shapes, sizes, abilities and age
to be restricted to deepwater the RodASSISTA has already salmon anglers and those who target the monsters
While those sporting injury also has a key role in injury will not only be less likely
be demonstrating the RodASSISTA at the available on line and at some
Trade enquiries:
Call Brian on 027 326 4132 or call Graeme on 027 572 2136
involve travel to the river, lake or sea shore. Getting there and back safely is paramount, so recent developments in New Zealand to help with this should be welcomed.
What a bold initiative Waka
with its vision where no one is killed or seriously injured
speed limit reductions on State Highway 6 between strategy was widely opposed joined the mob against this
Brian Bishop
Over the last few months New Zealand has had to deal with segregation—the vaxxed and un-vaxxed. I don’t care what different people have done as far as having it or not, that’s their personal choice, not my business. But we have had to live with some restrictions.
The good news is this looks to have come to an end but, while we have this government, nothing is
While we have been having a hard time with the limits on numbers at events,
Speed limits had been Whangamoa Saddle and to
What an enjoyable drive there and back it turned no nitwits roaring past and everyone heeding the well
And Waka Kotahi proudly reduced speed limits, zero deaths have been reported and the serious crash rate
On the West Coast at
Christmas time it was pleasing to see the new signage on the notorious trouble spot at Mokihinui,
others, I have complained to about this narrow accident-
narrow road nearly every I saw only one incident where someone had put
event isn’t really that big a deal and just something that
While events were one thing, bitching between each other at home clubs was something I couldn’t clubs and its members have looked at restricting other
anyone would think they were more important than another member is just more and more people shooting, and while I have
truth is I don’t care, be it
Otherwise, you are helping the other side, because
and that’s easy to see in their
The new Shooting Range Manual has been released and it is going to have more
you don’t think so, have a thought about where you shoot because anything more than a little sighting the target you sight in on is permanent, then it may soon be considered a range
relatively straight section
This marked change to mishap numbers can be attributed to the signage now
Available in Black or Burnt Orange
generic road signs but bold custom-made ones to very
doing your bit on the Road
when what we should have been doing is banding
The more people we can get shooting and holding a
We have more than enough backup and look at how
Look it up, as this will you think they are going to this is just another step to get people to quit and to
Expect the
Fish Mainland’s policy for South Island marine
goals that form the basis for prioritising efforts in the coming years:
To support recreational
South Island culture at
To establish recreational
the South Island marine
to improve management
sustainable recreational very limited quantitative recreational catch and disadvantages the when decisions are made on
Fund, Fish Mainland, in
South Island recreational fishers, fishing clubs and other groups, including the Guardians of Fiordland and Kaikoura, have highlighted the value they place on collecting more information and with greater frequency to gain a better understanding of localised trends in abundance, size distribution and availability of fish stocks that are important to recreational fishers.
action related to this goal has been to explore with methodologies, including
The data is collected via a mobile app used appropriately named
Mainland Catch collects recreational catch and bycatch to better manage light system implemented
captures data that indicate trends in an area, which will help substantiate when a light colours, such as an area
Mainland Catch is an
provides a handy personal
will be aggregated to indicate what blue cod area
personal data will not be Fishers will be able to access
Data generated by Mainland Catch will allow
blue cod area, the average catch rates, the average are also able to record bycatch and marine mammal
the opportunity to provide simple and enjoyable way trips, while also providing valuable data to better which is so important to
two videos on Mainland Catch that provide a simple ‘how to use’ explanation
So now we have the trilogy, the ongoing amazing stories of the Long family that began when ‘my father’ wilds of South Westland and made himself a home in an abandoned hut and began a life of “living off the land”. book, then ‘my mother’ came along and she wrote the second book, and now, after 17years of growing up in this remote environment, the eldest child, Chris (born 1991), left home for a spell at outdoor pursuits Mt
Aspiring College in Wanaka It is this year that naturally divides the book into two halves as Chris relates the many outstanding aspects opens the door on his phase starting with the chapter
you hold you spellbound
to the bottom and many countries around the middle, the book takes us on many adventures, relationships, near death experiences and challenges that The book is one that most readers will not be able to put down as each page seems to have so much challenge and excitement in yet engaging and passively in two sessions was the passed quickly as I sought
Poppa Mikewill need to read the book
Along the way Chris whom he shared many adventures and experiences including her coming to stay at his home with ‘mum
her way in the world and write her own book to
beaut coloured photograph on the back cover is any clue I am sure it will also be a
Bowl of torn hydroponic lettuce leaves
1 cup cherry tomatoes halved
1 ripe avocado diced roughly
1/2 red pepper sliced
1/2 telegraph cucumber peeled and sliced
1/2 medium red onion sliced thinly
1 hard boiled egg per person halved (8 minutes)
2 tbsp sunflower seeds
125g Feta cheese
Plum Mayo
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1-2 tbsp plum sauce
2 tbsp cream
1/8 tsp white pepper
Pinch flaked chilli
Combine all ingredients and whisk until smooth
150—200g venison fillet per person
2 tbsp oil
Bring venison to room temperature.
Season liberally with salt and cracked pepper.
Pan sear over moderate heat till browned on all sides but still spongy to the touch. Remove to chopping board and rest for 10 minutes.
Slice venison into medallions and plate.
Combine salad ingredients and drizzle over plum mayo. Serve with venison and enjoy.
The Marlborough Anglers and Surfcasters Club oppose the proposed Marlborough District Council (MDC)
Bylaw prohibiting vehicle access between the Awatere and Waima River mouths on the east coast.
Council has already voted on and has a universal
but there are national issues at stake and the matter needs
a wider audience than a council hearing can provide:
1) Public access:
as an egalitarian society, countries in having a mountains, rivers, lakes and attempts to remove that
According to the Land Transport Act, beaches are public roads and subject to existing laws relating to
regulations already available
Council maintains a bylaw is the best solution, common law that already council states vehicles will Ure River with a speed restriction, implying they can selectively use common law
2) POOR legislation: Council will be unable to suspect, will rely on people ‘dobbing’ others in, requiring or expecting council to
motorbikes took place!
public complaint are likely
already cost council multiple dollars—throwing more
3) Do councils OR Kiwis own the coastline? Kiwis should be concerned
it sets a precedent and councils can then impose conditions on any stretch are being eroded in all
in an area widely used and
4) In the interests of Public Safety? Really? Rubbish statement; without any accident history,
how on earth can council
5 Restore Unique Habitat: Really? Councillors should We would like a councillor Awatere River mouth OR mouth and demonstrate the and environment—the gravel proposed area!
people daily walk over the encouraged by DoC and
in this location?
6) Maybe the ‘crux’ of the reasons for the proposal: Lighthouses hold a special
and this lighthouse was recently used as the setting
including Cape Reinga, Cape Kidnappers, Wellington Coast, Farewell Spit and many other, lighthouses are visited each year by
Since the earthquake, access to the Cape Campbell lighthouse has been easier
It would be a mighty long
Everyone should have Cape Campbell lighthouse so they can continue to enjoy
Why would a council want
Two rescues on inReach 66i in one trip unlikely? Not likely—it happened.
never need to use the rescue
it, you’ll be so pleased you
Victoria and her sevenyear-old daughter Emilie are walking Te Araroa and carrying an inReach as a being able to message were reassured by the SOS button and the ability to call
Coming to the completion couple they’d met the night
“However,” Victoria said, “they staggered in early the next morning having camped on the way as the husband
had been extreme and he
The gentleman was unable to continue walking and the couple had no way to
“I used my InReach 66i
liaised with emergency services and asked some decision was made to send a helicopter to transport the patient to Christchurch
Unbelievably a very similar
This time it was a young walkers who needed medical
“They had passed us on the trail,” Victoria says, “but the next morning the husband came back to tell us his
They knew I had my device because they’d met us earlier
So, using the inReach’s and organized a medical Victoria says, “It was easy, have been able to help these being unwell can become bags and other gear and but don’t want to spend money on a device they hope they
just ridiculous, especially when they are so easily
Victoria was really impressed with the speed emergency services as well
“They were there when we needed them and helped
My brother-in-law and his wife had been catching large snapper in Golden Bay during early spring and summer, and had been sending us photos urging us to make the trip ‘over the
Christchurch to Collingwood when the weather was more settled, with nice cool mornings and sunny days, so that we could enjoy the
First to arrive at the Collingwood boat ramp,
vehicles and trailers, cleared
incoming tide so that we channel and bar—two hours
Excitement was building as we launched the boats
brother-in-law out to Spot
given the unusually large swell, we moved to calmer
members and continued to “Time to have one quick
with calm weather, and we headed back out to the
All set for Spot X
There were two long weekends coming up but when the weather for the weekend prior was looking mint and the long range still too uncertain, we quickly rallied to get things sorted for a trip to the Sounds.
Our lovely house/dog sitter was available (no I’m not sharing who she is haha!) so we invited a friend of our daughters to join us for her and set off.
The trip to Havelock was quick; we launched easily
dinner time so we parked gurnard on sabikis! At least we knew dinner was sorted
The wind changed as predicted so we moved into
kahawai milling around the
a ball! It was particularly lovely hearing our daughter knowledge, acquired over Next morning was a cruisey start with poached eggs for breakfast, spots around the mussel farms.
stretch the legs and enjoy a cold beer and iceblocks (something that had only been mentioned eleven or so times over the morning) watching the boats come and go whilst enjoying the
The line went in and then very small nibble through the rod and then it was
shakes nodded and the reel
nervousness crept in as the head-shakes and runs and watching the rod bending at an alarming rate, the I gasped… I had hooked hooks—now known as the
have got the big one!”
so good!
Another relaxing evening,
with the ‘oh yeah—heard a surprise when she looked over the side and saw the two large snapper on the
Then came the sudden determination to get then turned out to be personal and then dropped into the ice slurry, as we wanted top
in a neighbouring bay and debate about sharks and temperature (me!), we were
waves slapping against the
The next day we tried a and it must’ve been meant the calm bay we could see the water looked cloudy, Moving closer, we could see in number and density until we realised that the cloud
Something we’d read
there is an increased chance warm waters combine with along the outside, watching
The girls were intrigued and quite glad not to be swimming right then—a very special end to a lovely time
Ultimately, we headed back ‘over the hill’ with
couldn’t help wondering where the next adventure
Some may remember the Tauranga Taupo River before
In those days you could drive to the ‘Crescent’, join the always present group
operative. And mostly they were!
I’ve always loved the TT season, usually with little enough to have a good run right over the winter but small enough to be able to get around without risking
I reconnected with the TT
conditions, I’m not supposed admit I need a little help know where the action is and can save time by taking
We crossed the TT and
As I worked the line out to cast, a small rainbow slashed weapon, Chubby Chernobyl, with extra wings, cicada back down-stream in classic disappeared in a huge boil
The trout raced up and down the pool determinedly but,
(I don’t do run anymore so there was no way I could
cicadas dropping on the
Tupand down the pool put every thing down, but about forty
disappeared again as it drifted near the opposite bank. Fish number two. Two
to the net before we got to the fast water at the head of the pool.
brown trout were hanging in
them produced nothing—
were not going to provide any action, we crossed the river, while the browns moved aside and then went
We moved to where we
the pool: the sweep where the river pushes close up to
Waiting until they were where the next trip around
who was still on patrol, was taken similarly—I dropped
Having totally stirred up moved up to where we
casts to get the distance right and—bang—down went the
tricky cast across the current with an upstream mend to
vicious take and this proved brown trout that took us around the pool several “Sometimes it just all
the same water the next
a Hare and Copper hanging