Winter can produce the best and worst diving conditions.
With a frantic phone call asking me to change my to the next day, my yearly and organizing babysitters. At 0600 I departed
Auckland to grab the items
Rowan Hookto Omaha. the far edges of the Hauraki Gulf. A solid hour and half steam lay ahead but, me: “We might see the odd loner but unlikely to see many or any schools.”
Last month something tragic, totally unacceptable and completely avoidable happened. The All Blacks, the country’s number one team, the heroes to both normal and adult children, the men who represent the overwhelming favourite sport in the land were beaten. Nay worse than that, very soundly beaten, even slaughtered by a team, some descended from leprechauns, who play a sport that comes in a distant sixth behind darts and indoor bowls in their country.
particularly concerned about the loss, for a quick and heartbreak emanating from properties up and been mistaken for mass
aplenty. I quickly tried to beating out of my chest, to the edge put me face to face glance at me and he lazily
before I had the chance to land a shot.
past me to the closet point local.’
huge schools of pinkies and blue mao mao. As I came the only one of the day. As I helped the skipper load it point.
drops, coming up empty
in the distance. Sometimes it's just a matter of time, so I kept sticking to my drop
the edge of the last breath, I looked right and staring across and I struggled to these did the job.
After unloading the
I can only describe as a sea
impossible not to notice the after calling the police on multiple occasions reporting attempted suicides.
After stopping a middleaged man dressed in an All Black replica jersey and nothing else, from jumping in front of a fully
true reason for his distress. thing that completely tipped
represented Wigan for the career. At this club he numerous Challenge Cups. He also represented Great Britain in 34 league tests.
in his playing career, partly too old to take the knocks but mainly because of the English Rugby Union.
“It’s just disastrous,” he
thought and out coached by a bloody leaguey.”
I left the poor soul in the footpath.
much to the surprise of the
supporters, the sun came up and the the land had not and pestilence as many the
and blue mao mao so thick you could hardly see the bottom, the afternoon just couldn’t get any better for shooting snapper. With four a day. certainly something to look
social media baying for the blood of Foster, Plumtree
Blacks go to South Africa. the team and coaching staff has called for calm and is
All Blacks and kind to each South Africa.
Well, I’ll bloody tell you.
parents can’t afford to feed
their kids or put petrol in their cars, heaps of young
day. With all this happening, black jerseys, lost a game of
I thought I would share the news update below that was posted by Seafood New Zealand on their website. Seafood NZ is the main representative body for the seafood sector and is tasked with tackling national and global issues
that extra mile to question the outcome of their science or to not have that science peer reviewed before being published.
The following article was written by Seafood New Zealand and posted to their new ‘MythBusters’ section online. Go industry.
Chief Executive Carol Scott, Southern Inshore Fisheries Management Company Ltd
months after a claim that bottom trawling released more carbon into the ocean than all airline travel. The headline-grabbing claim was made in a press release that accompanied a paper journal Nature.
Sala et al.
2021 gained international media traction immediately.
offered up the opinion that and a reduced carbon on to make the claim about carbon production.
Whilst the industry had serious doubts about the science community to offer up a solid refutation and for the original authors of the
Ray Hilborn of the School of Fisheries and
and the result has been published in Nature. editor of Sustainable of Washington, summarises
“According to Hilborn and inconsistent accounting of
In the carbon and model, the paper assumes simultaneously reduce catch.
protected area, but in the not simply disappear— it generally goes to places
more effort is required to In their response to Hilborn the attention-grabbing statistic in the press release more carbon into the ocean than all airline emissions
effort disappears.
Nature has yet to publish a comment pointing out other issues in the carbon
projections by up to 100 times
Regardless, picking and assumptions for different computer models is a
paper, only deep into the supplementary materials.” column.
pioneers in the marine continue to question the
The waters around Delaware Bay, Pepin Island and Cable Bay near Nelson were once rich hunting grounds for Tim Skinner
youthful exuberance was tempered and energy expended as the a feed. Decades on, the successful professional photographer, family man, Nelson City Councillor and new mayoral candidate talked to Crimpy about how this tiny patch of natural real estate and a yearn for the water helped keep him…
Tim Skinner exudes a measured calm and while relaxed on the surface, he sports deep convictions. Talk family and those qualities immediately
6, Tim and wife Kirsty take parenting seriously.
entering teenage hood, the outdoors and fun stuff like possuming, but young men need support and encouragement to push through their fears and realise their potential.”
stamping ground and testosterone and challenge
means to get the family strength, agility, endurance and co-ordination, and ocean.
family relished in the process sponging tips off other
reading some of Crimpy’s old
catching small snapper and cod, but soon cottoned on to the thrill of trolling for sheltered beach to cook ultimately, building their manuka from the Grampians.
“We bought sonars for the kayaks but prefer reading
,focused, picking a spot on shore, keeping to a line and paddling steadily and continuously: the boys had to push through physical barriers and mental fears and hour an a half in order to get back safely.
“Pushing through those they came back stronger,
this in many other of their
as big a thrill from seeing
public asset right on our doorstep.
places existed ‘up north’,” he
a deeply profound impact Bay Estuary has been
Nelson City Council has pushed to ban locals from
Pepin Island—alternately launching from the shelter the area and the experiences learning experiences. ability and comfort zone.
teaching opportunity and coached the boys on staying
and grounded decision making,” he says. “Council
more resilient.”
Because of issues like mayoralty race.
What’s more, it has instilled in their hearts a deep urge to proudly and jealously protect this area.
importance of unfettered access to community
small craft there, claiming
fought by local community
Access Group.
“Launching from the
the pull and surge of the gliding beneath the kayaks, the ambience of place.”
disappointed at Nelson City Council’s handling of this situation, the lack aside by staff.
“Council has gone a bit rogue and thinks it has political agenda of the national scene,” he says.
needs to refocus on local
community, and ultimately make the best decisions for the community.
“Bring back commonsense
“With all the changes some old heads at the table and strong leadership—that comes from the top and it has been lacking in the past.” for social justice and is committed to robust engagement—not just ticking the boxes. For example,
team, encourage all councillors and staff to and get all parties around the table—you generally common than not.
He’s not scared to speak his mind, doesn’t shy from criticism and is not frightened to change the culture of council.
resilience to do it.
Spoon style lure with an enticing action and lifelike appearance. Ideal for trout, salmon and other freshwater species. Available in 13 colours in 7g, 12g and 20g sizes.
Ideal for chasing trout or salmon, these eggs are designed to mimic live or dead fish roe, which regularly flow in rivers, streams and canals.
Available in 2 sizes - 5mm (42 eggs per pack), and 6.5mm (30 eggs per pack). Both sizes are available in 8 UV and pearlescent colours.
The unique swimming action imitates an injured baitfish with a harmonically tuned ‘rattle’ which fish find hard to resist. Available in 7 colours in 7g and 14g sizes.
Bibbed lures with an enticing swimming action, ideal for trolling and spinning. Designed to dive while being retrieved.
Lifelike weighted body, treble hook and spinning blade provide action and vibration to entice nearby fish. Available in 9 colours in 4.6g, 6.5g, 9.3g and 13g sizes.
A high performance range of low visibility leaders. Renowned for a combination of high abrasion resistance, sensitivity and knot strength. Available in 4lb, 6lb, 8lb 10lb and 12lb.
Huge tussock covering mountains lured us up the valley as we pushed through the frozen puddles and light dustings of snow. Massive rolling hills with ice-covered rocky bluffs and not a tree in sight was unfamiliar territory for me but I saw it as a challenge. One to be conquered.
only really had one day to us from the opposing face, safe to lay around in the sun, public land ahead of us held good numbers of red deer, pigs, and the odd chamois.
this place earlier in the year spots and after dumping the
With binoculars glued to my face, I scanned our surroundings, hoping to
for an animal. It turned out to be a successful glassing
looked back at them, each seemed to turn into bush. A cheeky pig passed by and happening in our basin so checking it out.
With a bright red face, I pulled myself up the last couple of metres and
Nothing. All that effort for nothing. Feeling the considered heading back
It only takes one animal to change the day. With that in
Daniel Crimpround to see a large black bothered about shooting
tahr so it didn’t take long to decide. With the light quickly fading, the bull began sidling around the face heading straight for the
out of my comfort zone, gap and close it fast.
We darted through the long tussock, practically sprinting up the hill and out of sight.
the camera. I stared at the beast through the scope and settled my breathing. He stood staunch on a cluster of rocks perfectly broadside, so I drifted the crosshairs onto his shoulder and gently squeezed the trigger.
at each other, slightly unsure
“I see him. 408 metres,”
by far my longest shot, but
thick fur and into the engine room .
As I reached the rock, I spied a beautiful clump of dark fur sticking out amongst the hands through the coat and
I did my best hillside butcher and departed as fast as I could, just making it back to the hut before dark.
He measured 13 inches on the shorthorn, an absolute scratched and chipped from comes to a trophy: maturity, character, and some bloody happier.
Tin Signs The perfect gift for everyone
For the Mustang, hunter, fisher, tractor, car enthusiast, man-cave and more, there is a sign here on display at our show room to suit everyone. New stock arriving daily now for Christmas so visit us at Ellis Street Auto, Ph 03 542 4035 104a Ellis Street, Brightwater, Nelson From only $30 these signs make amazing gifts
Going back a few years, a couple of mates and I
White Island to chase big kingies. We hadn’t experienced catching these
could it be?
I treated myself to a 6/0
Off on our roadie to Whakatane, the charter inebriated, tangling each
projectiles as they hurtled across the deck, attracted by the lights. Good fun as I remember it.
the reef behind White Island.
baited a hook big enough to unimaginable degrees of pressure, trying to keep these beasts from busting off on the reef. All I remember for
incident sticks out more than the others. One of our leather hat. Apparently, he
little blustery. Predictably, the hat ended up in the drink upset but not comfortable
chatter about the resident
I’m comfortable in the
the hat and by the time I got to it, put it on my confused by a heap of something bounced off the so-called mates, including
pilchards to see if they could interest the afore mentioned
left his stupid hat in the
leading to some good banter and hopefully a successful
• No zero-shift ensures removal.
• Pulsar clip-ons are
• • • The shooter uses combination that they
• A clip-on has less features than a point-of-impact
• Clip-ons are unsuitable picatinny rail. and the recreational focussed Proton. Both
Pulsar Krypton XG50the finest available to civilians
alloy housing. It is at the Pulsar Proton XQ30ultra-compact and lightweight
size and distance.
Other features include a
lens and high resolution and a long detection range
shooting distances using a
but with the addition of
using a Pulsar PSP (Precision
body tube that can withstand settings including a night Pulsar are currently running a special that includes a free 1.5-6x42 Jaeger compact or 3-9x40 Jaeger riflescope with each Krypton or Photon purchased. That’s a pretty cool deal for an all European made daylight/thermal combo. For more info, visit our website to find your local dealer and for more info: www.advancedoptics.nz
To paraphrase Billy Joel,
Friday night is our club night when all the attended night of the week. We were at the club on a was of high interest to both
reckoned there were at least
with it.
This season has probably been the best year for tāmure in the Wellington region, for both shore and boat anglers. My local
Club’ recorded the most snapper caught in over 60
A couple of weeks ago, was invited out on a mate’s around Kapiti Island. The big difference for me was no bait or berley was allowed aboard! Luckily for me, had two very experienced jig anglers on board and very lucky for me was that I got to use their gear. Boy do they have the best rods, reels and jigs available in NZ, with one brand made here in Wellington (Junkie Jigs, one of which used, the Sonic).
One mate, Peter, was on the ‘slow pitch’ jigs, boat owner Luke tried all day with softbaits and was on slow jigs. And it turned out that the slow jigs were the order of the day, as had three snapper in the bin before anyone else caught any! And I dropped a really good one.
The last drift of the day found us reeling in the tamure, with 12 in the bin overall between the three of us. Peter got busted off on a nice kingie, I caught a spiny and Luke got one barra, but we caught.
No smelly bait or burley on your hands and clothes; it was very different to what I am used to, however, I might just have to buy myself a jigging rod and reel now.
Oh and some Junkie Jigs!
It was wet, it was cold, and it was winter. I was delicately caressing a new picked up, when my mind wandered back to Mrs couple of seasons ago, Mrs Simpson and I were skunked on the Karamea River. Fish were selectively sipping at something on the surface. Something tiny and black with gauzy wings.
all around us. Scrabbling fruitless because nothing quite matched. made my apologies to Mrs Simpson as
I tied on a small Black Gnat
a poor substitute and I was rebuffed repeatedly.
Back at the tying vice, I was still smarting about that day on the river while I set about
using only black thread and a soft grizzle hackle.
was nothing new but in fact a very old and simple
modern speak a Soft Hackle.
So simple, yet so effective, it could be tied weighted or, more traditionally, unweighted. It could come in a variety of colours, from
natural browns and greens, to red, yellow, orange, and Partridge and Orange, Purple and Grouse, and February Red can attest to their past popularity.
Although, sometimes less is best and Wee Wets should be tied sparingly, with a thin body and only two or three turns of soft hackle, on hook sizes 10 or smaller. In the or 18 would be perfect. They are a perfect uncomplicated their simplicity and minimal components. Swap out the
wire and it becomes a cross dresser…. a ‘Flymph’. Wee Wets were traditionally
downstream, swinging in the current with a slow retrieve.
Mrs Simpson caught plenty
Wee Wets upstream, and as or in tandem with a larger weighted nymph.
Wee Wets or Soft Hackles… call them what you wish, but only a fool would hike for two days to reach the Karamea River and not have a few of them in the
Waking up on Wednesday morning, I was greeted by heavy snow laying across the deck and trucks. Not exactly what you want when you’re meant to be out there on the hill chopping down wilding pines
After a quick chat with the team and some judgement on the road conditions, we decided it was to be yet another snow day. However, the prospect of staying home all day didn’t really get me all that excited and something had to be done about it. With that, a few other workmates and jumped in the truck
shop. After purchasing the cheapest rod and gear money could buy, we were off to the canals!
Arriving at the canals, it was obvious to see that we weren’t alone in our decision to make the most of a snowy day; the side of the canals was chock-a! Probably due to the salmon escape earlier
in the week.
With pretty low the canals before, couldn’t believe it when, second cast, my crappy little rod bent over and screamed off line at an alarming rate.
salmon to the bank, where we quickly put it out of its misery and straight into the its perks, bringing a chilly bin is pretty unnecessary when the side of the road is equivalent to a freezer.
After some unbelievably us, we headed back bloody happy. The boys would be eating well tonight and well deserved at that, after a hard week on the hill already behind us.
Cannot wait to get back to the canals and get into some more of these chrome tasties.
trip to the canals of many!
Stuart McBride
Bantam Press
Reviewed by Daryl Crimp
RRP $37
A detective crime novel
subtext of paranoia and more twists than a pretzel will enjoy this macabre read.
who enjoy a meaty read laced with dark characters, a
Detective Sergeant Lucy McVeigh is a Copper with unusual talents and one that doesn’t strictly conform to the book, nor does she conform to the archetypal ‘good guy versus bad guy’
role model. A well crafted anti-hero who appears has surprises up her sleeve for both crims’ and readers alike.
On the trail of the Bloodsmith, a butcher who guts his victims and is more slippery than a banana
skin, Lucy is sidetracked by another unconnected murder—or is it. Benedict Strachan hunted down and killed a homeless man 16 years-ago and now he’s back on the street, haunted by demons, and asking Lucy for help.
Could the events be interconnected? Yes, but in ways Lucy couldn’t imagine. Or could she? Or is it just imagination? Whatever, it is dark and twisted—and a good read. Rich, layered and brooding: MacBride is an author in a league of his own. Worth a read.
Any population of fish in a natural state does not need to be managed. What fisheries managers do is manage people in relation to their impact on fisheries. However, the track record of managing human impact has had mixed results, including some spectacular failures.
On the commercial front, New Zealand’s orange roughy fishery shows what can happen when fisheries managers get a species’ biology wrong.
Commercial fishers lawfully over-exploited this fishery until the science showed the species is long-lived and has low fecundity, which required severe reductions in initial harvest levels.
The recent re-opening of the Kaikoura pāua fishery is another example. It highlights the inevitable consequence of public access to a valued abundant fishery post-closure.
In hindsight, fisheries managers had some tough choices when advising Minister Parker on the re-opening. They could have opted to increase the 5-tonne recreational allowance and/or close the fishery when the allowance was harvested. They also had other ways to constrain
e ort.
Instead, they opted for the fewest constraints, which led to the 5-tonne allowance being exceeded more than 8-fold; estimated recreational harvest has been increased from 35 to 42 tonnes.
Such failures bring about the realisation that fisheries are often too complex to be e ectively managed with top-down control. This can lead to the public losing faith in fisheries managers’ ability to solve problems and, therefore, the public demands a greater voice in decision making.
Figure 1 shows a continuum of management arrangements, with the upper-left depicting a topdown approach. In New Zealand, this approach provides for public consultation on fisheries manager-defined problems and solutions (as options). The public has its say via submissions. Fisheries managers then set their priorities in formulating advice to the minister who generally has full discretion in decision making.
Nearer the other end of the continuum (lowerright), there are few New
Zealand examples outside e orts to uphold Crown-Iwi partnerships.
There are examples where the government benefits from commercial fishing organisations undertaking inter-area coordination, such as the rock lobster and
pāua fisheries that define areas, with each having a management advisory committee (CRAMACs and PAUAMACs). Coordination occurs at the national level via the New Zealand Rock Lobster Industry Council and the Pāua Industry Council, respectively.
There are also examples of advisory roles (middle of the continuum). These include the government-sanctioned multi-sector National Rock Lobster Management Group and the Marine Guardians of Fiordland and Kaikoura. However, there are occasions
when fisheries managers’ advice to the minister goes contrary to those in advisory roles; fisheries managers did not adopt the Kaikoura Guardians’ recommendations on the pāua fishery re-opening other than limiting it to three months. Had these recommendations been adopted, the recreational over-harvest could have been substantially reduced.
Fish Mainland is designed to support the Guardians and South Island recreational fishingrelated organisations to achieve their own goals. To accomplish these goals in shared fisheries, there is a recognised need to uphold the rights associated with quota holdings and the settlement of treaty claims.
Our South Island collaborative e orts provide greater opportunities to help fisheries managers and, therefore, move along the management continuum. In so doing, we can have a greater voice in defining problems and workable solutions regarding how to sustainably harvest while lessening our impact on fisheries and the marine environment.
Brian Bishop
We have a real problem with the whingers and whiners moving into the countryside, near facilities that make a little noise. These newcomers are happy to bitch about anything, be it shooting noises, aeroplanes or stockcars. I have even heard of them getting all upset with deer farms. Then they create havoc and try to shut down existing activities, simply on the basis it doesn’t suit them. They way I see it, if you move into an area with pre-established and existing activities or businesses creating noise—then suck it up. What is it about people
like but because they don’t like the noise, they bitch like a mummy’s boy until they
it lets these people ruin our and feelings but not at a cost
them the time of day pisses me off.
recently that has been hard and the sound restrictions person talking. In order to
suppressors on talking.
nothing of turning the music up a bit. Our process is it is often not of all types of people
noise in their chosen sport
if you don’t like it then take a
that makes me old,
dob in our neighbours
neighbours are the only in time for it to matter, fan. In some cases
the IPSC World shoot to end of the year has been
been selected as part of the congratulate the other team members.
• Forklifts, Trucks
The advantage of onsite training is less down time for you and small course numbers
While based in Nelson happy and willing to travel
Contact me now for a booking
In March this year, Wellington Branch of the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association had their trip to Roaring Stag Lodge and Cattle Ridge Hut in the eastern Tararua Ranges. Roaring Stag is a modern and hunters.
Hut is nestled in a slight depression on the eastern side of Cattle Ridge in the Roaring Stag Lodge and
Hut is at the top of one of the hardest climbs in the shelter for the more also has some of the best has a long and proud
the early 1960s and the building of the original Roaring Stag Lodge. In completely rebuilt Roaring
Cattle Ridge Hut, the raised $70,000 for the hut’s restoration.
management agreement
maintenance of both huts. In this annual maintenance cleaned, surrounding tracks their huts and thankful for the ongoing partnership they and care for these assets.
lobster are protected by
• • female rock lobster carrying external eggs the pleopods on the
• soft shell stage rock
• rock lobster that cannot be measured (e.g. because of damage to the
• Regulations prescribe that only hand operated loop or lassos may be used by recreational loop or lassos are puncture the shell must not be used. Possessing been speared is an offence.
• So potting, hand are the legal options.
in a mutton cloth bag before hanging it in the pot. Bait
or possess up to three rock lobster pots in any one day.
use, set, or possess up to six rock lobster pots in any one day. All pots and surface
A traditional rock lobster or cray pot is a dome shaped entrance at the top. A neck protrudes into the pot to
constructed of a metal frame
steel cable at the base and strips of mackerel cane,
sometimes 10mm alkathene
Pots may also be a box shape made out of a steel
collar and neck. Welded collars and bait containers
is a good place to compare styles and prices.
A surface buoy must be used to identify each pot that is set and additional buoys or
undersized rock lobster to escape. No escape gap shall be incorporated in either the top or the bottom of any pot. an inside dimension of at
Escape gaps enable rock lobster smaller than the the pot before it is hauled. Check the regulations for different pot types. Escape your chances of catching of younger and smaller counterparts.
(tā attaching bait to the neck on the inside of the pot using can get better bang for bucks from your bait by placing it
soak time. Rough rule of thumb—no bait in pots, no lobsters in pots.
attracts the rock lobster to soak times are best although, at certain times of the year, daylight hours and pots set in the morning and lifted good catches. But for the are likely to catch are the in the pot after sunrise. Research into potting and out of pots during the night.
function of gear design and construction, bait quality, and the seasonal biological
you can set your gear in a
bait and catch nothing—for days on end. Other times your pots come up chocka.
take note of the conditions: tides, moon phase, sea conditions, bait type etc. Another rough rule of thumb—rotten bait means rotten catches. And do you that itself has eaten garbage
Hand gathering is an requires patience, guile, and and to successfully take a satisfying experience.
tested techniques are those āori. Ring āua, or crushed crab and kina, and dangled into a likely lobster and haul quickly but steadily come into the ring.
Another hand gathering
and seen the lobsters but
they’re too hard to get to try a different approach.
attached the kete in a certain
get the bait—crab and kinas
in, you pull the kete up and
contemporary but similar approach using an onion bag and a manuka stick. Crush some crabs and kinas and put them in the onion the manuka stick and put it
enough to get your snare
and tā preferred option. Bait them up, drop them near the rua and come back the next day
come at it for the crab and tangled in the onion bag, you pull it up and again,
ā get rock lobsters but in the
It might be fun and it can for rock lobsters is possibly not the best method, for a number or reasons. Lobsters all of their biological cycle, including moulting and and/or antennae. In fact it is likely that you only and failed to catch, and damaged in the process. can expose the lobsters to bacterial infections, and so ask the experienced an unnecessary cost to the lobster population and your
The Nelson Citizens Alliance is proud to endorse this group of outstanding Nelsonians, who have put their hands up to stand for the Nelson City Council in the coming October 8 election.
Never has there been a greater need for a new council to be elected. For the past three years we have witnessed the collapse of the present Nelson City Council into a totally ‘dysfunctional and politically influenced state.’ The infighting and selfish posturing around the council table has been deplorable and has resulted in many poorly made, undemocratic decisions, including: the introduction of a Māori Ward, supporting the 3 Water ‘racially inspired’ reforms and the sale of 150 Pensioner housing units for well under value. These are just some examples that have caused huge concern. The result of this councillor discord has been good, as
six current councillors are not standing for re-election, so now there is a huge opportunity to have a fresh new group of councillors elected, who are prepared to work as team and are committed to better future for Nelson. I cannot stress too much how important it is for all Nelsonians to vote, to make this a reality.
This is no time for complacency and it is important we all realise that we can’t just sit aside and allow our council to continue to operate in some sort of ‘removed from the Community Ivory Tower’ way.
The promise of a new future for Nelson depends on you voting for the candidates endorsed by the Alliance. Please give them your preference when you mark your voting paper.
During my nine years as a councillor I have witnessed the decline of the once accepted democratic standards that were in place when I was first elected. This must stop. I have constantly battled at the council table to achieve the best outcomes for the people of Nelson and have often ended up in conflict by councillors with party political agendas. The candidates endorsed by the Nelson Citizens Alliance believe, like me, that there is no place for party politics at local government level and are are totally supportive of the team approach to the management of the city’s a airs. If elected mayor, I will be honoured to work with these candidates to restore a democratic council focused on making the best decisions for the people of Nelson.
Tim Skinner
Street cred:
Married with four children, a keen footballer and outdoor adventurer.
Successfully run own photography studio business for 20 years.
Prior to own business worked for an Auckland corporate marketing & software technology company.
Studied marketing, finance, science and technology at Massey University.
Nine years City Councillor, Chairman of Sport and Recreation. Committee, Chairman of Community & Recreation Committee. Past Resource Management Commissioner.
As a born and bred Nelsonian and a resident of 35 years, it’s disappointing to see our wonderful city becoming the “Lost City”. It has also become the ‘city of red tape and reduced opportunities’. Together, the council and its residents must turn this around to return some vibrancy and colour to our region and make it the ‘go-to’ place for visitors. I’m a genuine team player and prepared to commit my time and energy to this cause.
Allan Hoult
Street cred:
Education Waimea College Supervisor JC Contracting; Chief Fire O cer Stoke Volunteer Fire Brigade (18 years); Former Nelson representative cricketer.
Hear how our candidates will implement a range of new policies to get Nelson moving again.
Camp Conference Centre - 7.00pm
-enlist volunteers to help deliver promotion pamphlets -give you the best platform to be elected NELSONIANS..... WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAND FOR NELSON CITY COUNCIL?
-provide training and support -help with promotion and advertising costs -arrange election meeting venues
With a lifetime connection to the ocean and being a member of the Dawn Breakers Fishing Club, I believe our ocean and beaches are a crown jewel of our region.
Nelson requires more vibrancy over the next few terms. With the change in the world over the last two to three years, there has been a narrative that implies “we are closed” and this needs to change. We need to inspire a more connected prosperous community that everyone can feel proud to be associated with.
Peter Win
Street cred:
Self employed. NMIT fully qualified chef.
Founder of NZCS (New Zealand Coastal Seafood) listed on ASX and Medical Kiwi, soon to be listed on ASX.
Contracted into the oil and gas industry for eight years, working on projects globally and extensively traveled to over 50 countries.
Community Positions Held:
Brought the Warriors and Snapper Fest to Nelson with Trafalgar Events. 100% private enterprise to get Nelson moving. This was a huge achievement for our region and a massive boost for the region’s economy.
I’m standing for the Stoke—Tahunanui Ward. I’m currently an experienced independent councillor and one of the roles I hold is the Deputy Chair of Community and Recreation Committee. I am a qualified Commissioner, in line with the Resource Management Act via the Ministry of Environment requirements. Nelson is a beautiful region and has a lot to o er to meet the needs of people who live here. I strongly believe people are the backbone of our community and engagement builds collaboration and trust.
Trudie Brand
Street cred:
Current Councillor (1 terms)
Qualifications: Making Good Decisions Resource Management Act Hearing Certification; Commissioner Ministry of Environment
Post Graduate Diploma Social Services Supervision - Massey University
Bachelor of Commerce and Management - double major Management and Marketing Lincoln University VCANZ - Celebrant Association NZ and Diploma in Celebrancy - Celebrant Training College (Australia/NZ)
Diploma in Career Guidance - NMIT
Diploma Life Coach - Sackville Academy Australia.
Current Employment: self employed independent celebrant
Current Community: Nelson YMCA - Board Member and Youth into Governance; Mentor; Rutherford Rotary - current financial member and Trust Board member
Past President; National Council of Women Nelson Branch
The current council ignores what Nelsonians have to say—87% of submissions were against 3 Waters. The council discarded all appearance of being democratic when they barely paid lip service to this in their pro 3 Waters submission to the government. We need a democratic council in practice, not just in theory. I intend bringing back reasoned debate based on scientific principles. I’m a committed team player with an emphasis on consensus reached through respect for others’ views
Zoe Byrne
Street cred:
Educated Nelson College for Girls.
Studied genetics at Otago University.
Spent 18 months teaching English in China. Well travelled. Interests include tramping and diving – has diving qualifications and is studying further. Brook Sanctuary volunteer. Has scientific literacy and good understanding of economic cycles.
After seeing the city I love slowly lose the spark that made it special, I knew I couldn’t stand by anymore—I needed to stand up for Nelson. I want my daughter to grow up in a safe, vibrant city full of opportunity where business is booming and community is at its heart. I am very concerned over the lack of community support and the financial oversight of the previous council—this must change, and it will be my focus. I am a strong team player, with the tenacity to tackle hard issues and see the job through.
Cleo Cowdrey
Nelson needs a strong purposeful vision for future development and my extensive leadership and management experience will help council achieve this. I have empathy for citizens’ needs and ideas and am committed to good decision making through genuine communication and collaboration with the people of Nelson. I am an active sport enthusiast and involved environmentalist.
Murray Cameron
Street cred:
A well rounded person with exceptional communication skills and background in education as primary school principal in many areas. Qualifications include:
ChCh Institute of Management – Non-Accountants and Company Management Certs.
Diploma of Educational Management – Massey University
Advanced Diploma of Teaching – Massey University
Bachelor of Education (Massey 17/21) – Massey University credits
Was education consultant to NZ schools – self-owned education consultancy business.
Strong administrative abilities.
Other interests include cycling – has held executive positions within various cycling bodies – South Island representative at Cycling NZ. Currently President Cycling Nelson.
Nelson—New Zealand’s solar city: as a business owner with a science and engineering background, it is obvious that we need to use the sun to sustainably reduce our cost of living, increase our resilience and power us up! Locally owned and managed community housing is desperately needed so, as a council, let’s get it sorted. A bylaw banning the dumping of consumable food will ensure a ordable, healthy food is available for those in need.
Harry Pearson
Street cred:
New Zealand Certificate of Science, Central Institute of Technology (CIT), Diploma in Horticultural Management, Lincoln College, Marine Engineer (Class 3 and 4), Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT), Diploma in Small Business Management, Barbican Training Centre
Superyacht Engineer
Investor and residential property manager and owner
Owner Operator of Storage Nelson Limited and Park and Fly Nelson
Current member of: Nelson Property Investors Association, Nelson Business Networking Group, Nelson Tree Crops Association, Maire Stream Guardians, Nelson Canoe Club, Nelson Squash Club
My motivation to stand for council has arisen out of the almost complete disregard the present council has for the Nelson business community. All business owners have experienced very hard times for many reasons and a new council with business management experience is desperately called for.
I have been in business in Nelson for 19 years so, if elected, I am well positioned to be a strong advocate for the people who own and operate Nelson businesses—and, coincidentally, many are my customers.
Mani Rai
Street cred:
Married with two children.
Bachelor in Food technology.
Owner/Operator Little India Restaurant 19 years.
Is intimate in his knowledge of Nelson CBD issues and is prepared to be a voice for the business community.
Golf when time permits.
If elected to council I want to: Advocate for those most vulnerable in Nelson, considering how council decisions a ect budgets, accessibility and wellbeing. Transform the way our council works with our community, engaging local assets, voices, and expertise. Collaborate across our diverse community to ensure none are overlooked: seniors, young people, families, and beyond.
James Hodgson
Street cred:
Educated in Nelson and two years working at accountancy practice.
Married with two children.
Diploma in Social Work.
Currently leader in Uniting Church, Advisory committee member of Habitat for Humanity
Founded Nelson Hub of Kai With Love food rescue service—supporting
Murchison oasis
A recent trip from Nelson to Westport found our car
seeking a tummy refuel
What a pleasant surprise—
selection of homemade
by the huge scone full of accompanied by home made
None of this plastic sachet
Chris Cascade
Folk hero not appreciated
The Fishing Paper & Hunting News has been great and I make sure that there is a fresh copy out.
a medium for political comment by a self-appointed folk hero is taking a trek those sort of comments out issue.
Regards Bruce Horton
Arriving back home in Nelson, I was distraught to meat. I knew I had to get hunting as soon as possible, with this meat crisis hanging over me.
After a couple of phone
explored. We had gained access to hunt along the beach for goats that adorned
right and centre across the steep faces and before long nanny goat alone on a slip,
Sam Boothroyd
the perfect meat animal.
moments the peaceful boom—the goat dropped. hidden from sight, appearing Another shot boomed out another goat dropped.
got onto another tribe of goats. I managed to put a bullet straight through another nannie’s engine room. Feeling bloody stoked and my meat crisis, probably time to dry.
We didn’t get far though, as just around the corner
goats, the skies opened scramble across the boulders turned into a slip and slide.
lenience for error. After put a good shot into her. She
dropped on the spot before practically to our feet. With a day. on the beach.
Fisheries New Zealand and the Department of Conservation are seeking public feedback on a new plan of action for the conservation of sharks.
The draft National Plan of Action Sharks 2022 (NPOA-Sharks 2022) sets out directions for the conservation, management, and sustainability of sharks caught in New Zealand waters. It has a vision that: New Zealanders work toward ensuring the longterm viability, biodiversity and functional role of sharks in our marine ecosystems, and that any utilisation of sharks in Aotearoa is sustainable.
Fisheries New Zealand’s Director Fisheries Management, Emma Taylor says as apex predators, sharks play an important role in maintaining healthy ocean ecosystems.
“We’ve made good progress towards protecting sharks through introducing a ban on shark finning practices in New Zealand waters in 2014, and by careful management within the Quota Management System. The draft plan aims to strengthen protection
for sharks by ensuring best practice is followed to return any unwanted sharks to the sea alive with the best possible chances of survival. It also promotes research into new shark-derived products to maximise the use of sharks that are taken commercially and support sustainability of shark populations.
Department of Conservation, Aquatic Director, Kirstie Knowles says due to the biological characteristics of sharks, they can take a long time to mature, and only produce a small number of young with low rates of survival so it’s important that we do everything we can to maximise the survival of any unwanted and protected sharks that are caught in our waters.”
The draft plan builds on the previous NPOA-Sharks 2013 and was developed by a Shark Advisory Group representing government agencies, tangata whenua, environmental groups, and commercial and recreational fishers.
“Many of the goals and
objectives from the previous NPOA remain relevant, and these have been included in the draft NPOA-Sharks 2022. On top of that we’ve included several new goals and objectives which reflect new information and priorities,” says Kirstie Knowles.
The draft NPOA-Sharks 2022 includes seven goals and 22 objectives; each goal and objective has a rationale and performance measures associated with it.
The goals include:
• ensuring biodiversity and maintaining shark
populations over time
• encourage increased utilisation of sharks subject to the quota management system
• avoiding protected and unwanted shark captures, and maximising post release survival
• managing non-fishing threats to sharks and their habitats
• better integration of tangata whenua perspectives and values in shark management
• maintain and
develop international engagement for shark management; and
• improve research, data and information about sharks and their habitats.
“We encourage anyone with an interest to provide feedback on the draft plan before consultation closes on 13 September,” says Emma Taylor.
A copy of the draft NPOASharks 2022 and further information, including how to make a submission, can be found online at: https:// www.mpi.govt.nz/national-
Following consultation, Fisheries New Zealand and the Department of Conservation will analyse the submissions and provide an amended final NPOA-Sharks 2022 to the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries and the Minister of Conservation for their approval.
Once finalised, the NPOA-Sharks 2022 will be fully reviewed as required to ensure the ongoing e ectiveness of New Zealand’s e orts to address the conservation and management of sharks.
their choice of and use of baits from time to time. This
is time well spent if you Your bait is that tempting and catching, to you. their go-to baits depending on the species targeted.
targeting snapper. If chasing rig they’ll go for paddle crab
the gurnard like oily bait
A cocktail bait usually crab and mussel cocktail bait
mussel cocktail acts in a and mussel could entice
Squid and mussel is a hardy combination, as is octopus
and mussel. In suitable conditions, pilchards and more resilient bait species. contender in the cocktail mix. It is an imported product called Fishbites—a
and scented exterior that
scissors it a can be put in
Publisher Fraser Books
By Phil Walsh RRP $45
your left and the thick bush
Waimangaroa , Granity, of signposts to others—
Face and Coalbrookdale.
bush clad mountains there
is Cascade Creek and at its head the remnants of
Author Phil Walsh has
An epic Saga of Denniston coal
spent many years researching the history of this mine and the many tons of high quality coal (“the best in Westport Coal Company.
in a fascinating record of brings to life so much of life for a West Coast coal
appendices such as the glossary of coalmining terminology - “buckshunt”, and ”rake” among the many. Another section of the book
titled Remembering Cascade Creek—a series of recorded
coloured photographs, of some of the key characters
Cascade coal at some stage
Lots of maps, graphs of historic photographs make this book a genuine collectors item, a historical record of our pioneer history conditions.
interesting and absorbing
I realised that each chapter title intrigued me and encouraged me to keep
chapter headings such as “Auspicious Predictions”, “A
“Calm Before the Storm” did many ‘characters’ that are a feature, Next time you take that
of those side roads, get out and a poke around you— once you start looking it is
be a good one to get you https:// philwalsh.net/
next season.
take good care of it. Use ice and a chilly bin at the beach.
Only a small number of
the real treat of a cocktail.
years tells me that these in the results of surfcasting contests on the West Coast.
cotton and bits of bait they Use bait elastic to secure the elements of your cocktail one component is on the soft side and remember, fresh is better.
JL Audio, manufacturer of high-performance marine audio systems, is pleased to announce the all-new MediaMaster® 105’s arrival in New Zealand from August.
The MM105 benefits from Bluetooth® 5.0 with Qualcomm’s aptX™ technology, to reproduce music streamed from smartphones with the highest possible quality.
“The MM105 IS purposeengineered to complement our premium amplifiers and loudspeakers to achieve the best marine audio experience. With the new MM105, we now have source units with global radio capabilities and the best audio performance designed to integrate with modern boat systems,” said Chris Radford, Vice President, Sales at Navico.
The MM105 is a premium, full-featured source unit that boasts a sleek, weatherproof (IP67 rated) chassis, and an ultra-bright,
full-colour display o ering outstanding visibility, even in bright sunshine with selectable day/night display mode. For maximum versatility, the MM105 is also NMEA 2000® Certified and compatible with onboard multi-function displays (MFDs) from Lowrance, Simrad, B&G, and others with NMEA 2000®.
The MediaMaster® 105 emphasize audio performance, dispensing with on-board amplifiers in favour of an audiophilequality preamp output architecture, ideal for use with JL Audio marine amplifiers. Four configurable, nameable audio zones, each o ering independent tone and level control options, make the MM105 ideal for larger vessels with multiple entertainment areas, like the aft deck, sun deck and salon or cabin. Three level control modes – Relative, Absolute, Fixed or O – and
customizable setups make it easy to adjust volume levels of each audio zone while underway. JL Audio’s zero-clipping audio circuit design enables self-limiting tone control to keep audio clear and distortion free at high listening levels. Features of the MM105
4 audio zones with topquality pre-amp outputs (4V RMS) for left, right and subwoofer.
• Each audio zone o ers 3 level control modes (Relative, Absolute, Fixed or O )
• Each audio zone o ers its own tone (bass, midrange, and treble) and balance controls
• DAB+, HD Radio® (services subject to local availability) and AM/FM tuners with 24 presets across all tuners/ bands
• Bluetooth® Streaming with advanced Qualcomm® aptX™ audio codec
• Dual rear USB 2.0 inputs with power for charging
Snapper fillets (or any firm white fillets: groper, gurnard, blue nose, tarakihi, rig, greyboy etc)
50g butter
Smoked paprika
Dried bell pepper granules (optional)
Salt & pepper
Olive oil
Lime juice
Grease baking dish with olive oil.
Slice fillets diagonally with the grain, 1 cm thick and lay, overlapping in a baking dish.
Sprinkle with lime juice and season with salt and pepper.
Dust with smoked paprika and a sprinkle of capsicum.
Dot the top of fish at even intervals with dobs of butter.
Bake in oven pre-heated to 180 C for 20 minutes.
Serve with mash potatoes, stir fry cabbage and winter vegetables.
(USB1: 1 A / USB2: 500 mA)
• Dual rear analog AUX inputs with RCA
connections (2V/1V RMS Input Sensitivity)
• NMEA 2000 network port, for connection to MFD’s
• IP67 rated and built to withstand the elements
• Expected RRP: $1,149.99 NZD