andra Siler, head of piano instruction, is KC’s nominee for the Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award, selected each spring. “I’m honored and humbled,” Siler said of the nomination. One glance at her teaching space is all it takes to understand her success; she is relentlessly dedicated to her students and to teaching piano. The walls of her classroom are richly decorated with pictures of her students and their achievements; and then there are the pianos. Two shiny black pianos dominate the center of the room and at least half a dozen keyboards are Randi Vinson / THE FLARE crammed together on the left side. Her room decor reflects Siler’s passion for Piano instructor Sandra Siler is KC’s nominee for the music which grew from the examples her parents Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award.
provided and her experiences growing up. Her mother recognized her talent and was unforgiving in her determination for her to succeed. Siler remembers how her mother would literally stand over her practice bench with a wooden spoon to make sure she did her scales. At age 11 she began playing for her church. By 10th grade there was a demand for Siler to begin giving lessons. “I taught myself to teach,” Siler said. “I learned more teaching by experience than anything else.” Siler’s father also had a great influence on her. “The hardest class he ever took was music appreciation,” she said of her father. “He hated it.” So, whenever she is looking for an idea on how to improve her class she asks herself, “Would Daddy love this?” Past Piper Professor recipient Anne Dean Turk See PIPER on Page 3
The Flare
Campaign battles the budget
KC is launching The Campaign for Excellence to combat the recent budget cuts and secure KC’s future. The Kilgore College Foundation Board is the driving force behind the campaign with the goal of raising $25 million within the next five years. Dr. Bill Holda, KC president, and Leah Gorman, director of student development and executive director of KC foundation, have been working with the Development Committee of the Foundation Board and are also the implementing the campaign. “As we expand to meet
Honors professors for superior teaching at the college level, including two and four-year colleges and universities, public and private Q
10 awards of $5,000 each made annually Q
Nominations submitted by each college or university in Texas Q
Candidates are nominated by peers through the college/ university President’s 2IÀFH Q
Friday, November 4, 2011 Vol. 75 No. 8
Serving Kilgore College since 1936
Heroes of
Tomorrow Trial by
the growing needs of our students and our communities, we must increase our financial needs to fuel the growth. The Campaign for Excellence is your opportunity to invest in the future of our students, our businesses and our very communities,” Holda said. “For the first year of this campaign, we want to raise a minimum of $250,000.” Statewide, colleges lost about 27 percent of the revenue they would and should have received. Holda says this means the college lost about $4 million because KC received approximately $11 million
See CAMPAIGN on Page 3
Final meningitis exemptions pass KASI DICKERSON Executive Editor On Oct. 27, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board passed the final rulings on the meningitis law. The exceptions, those who are not required to submit evidence of receiving the vaccination or the booster, are as listed: Q the student is 30 years or older by the first day of the start of the semester Q the student is enrolled in a continuing education course or program that is less than 360 contact hours or continuing education corporate training Q the student is enrolled in a dual credit course which is taught at a public or private K-12 facility not located on a higher education institution
campus Q the student is incarcerated in a Texas prison New students who are not exempt must have their meningitis shot before registering for classes. All new, transfer and re-enrolling students (those who have a break in enrollment) are required to have the vaccination at least 10 days prior to the start of the semester or within the last five years. Spring Semester classes start Jan. 17, 2012. Vice President of Student Development Mike Jenkins says even though the state exempts students enrolled only in online classes, KC does not have a way to track such students so this exemption does not extend to KC students.
Randi Vinson / THE FLARE
Fire Academy students NHPU YLHS SPML L_WLYPLUJL [OYV\NO [YHPUPUN KLTVUZ[YH[PVUZ Z\JO HZ [OPZ ÄYL L_[PUN\PZOLY [YHPUPUN session. The Academy is accredited by the Texas Commission of Fire Protection and the State Fireman and Fire Marshal’s Association.
Editor’s Note: KC and KC-Longview are homes to some of the most acclaimed public service academies in all of East Texas. More than 250 students are enrolled in public service job courses which include those training firefighters, police, nurses and EMTs. This is the first part of a three-part series highlighting these students. Today they are our fellow classmates, but tomorrow they may be our heroes.
DROP NOTICE Friday, Nov. 11, is the last opportunity for students and instructors to drop Fall 2011 courses with a “W”. Flex courses are an exception and the drop deadlines for [OLT HYL SPZ[LK VU ÅL_ JSHZZ WLYTHULU[ YVSSZ All dropped courses will be processed by 3:45 p.m., except for extenuating circumstances that have prior approval from the division dean. Instructor drops should be sent to facdrop@kilgore.edu. Students can contact Staci Martin, registrar and director of admissions, with questions. ~ Jessica Stovall
hey each have a story, a unique explanation as to why they’re here. Each represents a town or, in some cases, a province. “I heard about the fire academy through a friend. It’s a lot cheaper down here than it is up there,” said Chris Pow from Canada. “A lot of the guys come down here for the opportunity to get in some volunteer work.” Many, like Pow, live at the Flint-Gresham and
Elderville volunteer fire departments in order to gain experience in the life of a firefighter. “I definitely appreciate the opportunity to go to a different country, go to this academy and stay at the fire station,” said Kevin Board from Canada. “I look forward to increasing my skills and bringing them back home with me. I love knowing that I’ll have the opportunity to go to a job every day where I get to help people and make a difference.” Some have already secured a job and are just
Bre a k i n g n ews, videos an d exten ded cover age at www.thef lareonline. com
See FIRE ACADEMY on Page 4
Hunter Liles
The Flare
NOTEBOOK Nov. 4 – Nov. 11 FRIDAY, Nov. 4 Q Lady Rangers vs. Southern College 5 p.m. Masters Gym
Jamie Maldonado/ THE FLARE
Age: 18
Hometown: Tatum *SHZZPÄJH[PVU! Freshman Major: Theatre
Describe yourself in three words ... Fun, energetic, optimistic. What do you do in your spare time? ... I play guitar for my band, “Heights of Eden” and act for the school. Who or what inspires you? Why? ... My grandfather Sidney Brown. We spent a lot of time together when I was a small child. He raised me to be who I am. What is the best advice you have ever been given? ... Don’t settle for anything less than what makes you the happiest. What is the worst advice you were given? ... If it feels good, do it. What do you like best about Kilgore College? ... I like the environment. It’s very relaxed and studious. What is your finest accomplishment? ... Allowing
Christ to be my savior.
If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be? ... Jimi Hendrix. He is my biggest musical inspiration. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? ... Either acting professionally or traveling the world with my band. What three items would you take to a deserted island? ... A microwave, Hot Pockets and a lot of Little Debbie snacks. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself ? ... That I wasn’t a procrastinator. If you won the Texas Lottery, what is the first thing you would do with the money? ... I would start out with buying a big house for my family and afterwords, give a big check to the “To Write Love on Her Arms” organization.
Q Rangers vs. Cedar
‘Fall back’ Sunday
7 p.m. Masters Gym
SATURDAY, Nov. 5 Q ACT Administration 8 a.m. Old Main
MONDAY, Nov. 7 Q Spring Advisement/ Registration current & all students TUESDAY, Nov. 8 Q KC Rangers vs. Tomball 7 p.m. Masters Gym
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 9 Q TRIO Workshop 11 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. DSC Ballroom Q Men’s Intramural
Basketball 5 p.m. Carpeted Gym
THURSDAY, Nov. 10 Q Who’s Who Among American Junior Colleges deadline FRIDAY, Nov. 11 Q Veterans Appreciation Day noon- 1 p.m. DSC Ballroom
Q PTK Chili Cook- Off 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. In between the library and LA building
STUDENT SUCCESS TIP “Use daily, weekly and semester calendars to keep track of appointments and assignments and plan how you want to use your time. Effective time managers don’t rely on their memories to hold important dates and times. They write them down! This clears their brains for more important tasks like thinking. Combine due dates for several major projects on a long- term calendar like the Semester-OnA-Page to help you set and accomplish goals. Plan and use your time wisely and avoid procrastination or last minute panics.” – Frank Mosley Jr. Director of, Instructional Student Support Services Kilgore CollegeLongview
Jake Scarborough / THE FLARE
Director Kathy Barber instructs actors (from left) Josh Wallace, Van sophomore, Trenton Bennett, Longview freshman, and Emma Shewmake, Frankston freshman, in their rehearsals for “The Diviners.”
Music sets stage for ‘Diviners’ LAINEY ARMSTRONG Staff Writer
he Diviners” is set to premiere 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15, and will run nightly through Saturday, Nov. 19, with a 2:30 matinee on Sunday, Nov. 20. in Van Cliburn Auditorium. A pre-show concert will start 7 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday to entertain audiences while they are finding their seats. Audience members are invited to sing along and listen to the songs of the 1930s. “It’s an opportunity to extremely boost my energy before the show,” said sophomore Sarah Sullivan who plays Norma Henshaw, a religious fanatic who runs the local dry goods store. “The Diviners,” written by Jim Leonard Jr. is, as described by director Kathy Barber, a “memory play.” The play reflects the life of a young man, Buddy Layman, and his life in a small community in rural Indiana during the 1930s. Despite brain damage from a previous drowning accident, Buddy has the gift of “divining,” discovering underground sources of water using a sapling stick. This play shows “almost all the different emotions of theatre,” Sullivan said. Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted into the theatre; mild cursing is in the production.
CAST AND CREW The cast is listed as follows, listed by part and actor/ job: Buddy Layman – Trenton Bennett Jennie Mae Layman – Emma Shewmake Ferris Layman – Nicholas Brown C.C. Showers – Joshua Wallace Norma Henshaw – Sarah Sullivan Darlene Henshaw – Cheyenne Horton Goldie Short – Jo Walker Basil Bennett – William Simmons Luella Bennett – Ayla Cook Melvin Wilder – Cody Carson Dewey Maples – Hunter Liles Ensemble/Musicians – Shelby Orwick, Daylon Howell, David Achterhof, Richard Cantu, Brandi Farrell Assistant to the Director/ Stage Managers – Dale Shelton and Victor Garcia Assistants to the Stage Managers: Brandi Farrell and Richard Cantu Music Coordinators: Joshua Wallace, Sarah Sullivan, and William Simmons Director: Kathy Barber Set: Michael Atkins
WINNERS... Jose Gallegos and ,YPJH 4HY[PULa JLY[PÄJH[L [V [OL )\YYP[V :OVW Claim your prize in CA 125
Look for the ranger in today’s paper! Then log on to www. [OLÅHYLVUSPUL JVT HUK JSPJR VU [OL ¸:WV[ ;OL Ranger” link. The winners will be featured in the next issue. +PZJSHPTLY! All KC employees and communications students, including those enrolled in journalism and photography classes, are ineligible to participate in the contest. All participants must be currently enrolled KC students. Only two winners per issue of The Flare. The Ranger may be featured in black and white or color and in different poses.
Make sure to set clocks back an hour when you go to bed Saturday night. Daylight saving time comes to an end at 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 6. The idea of daylight saving first came from Benjamin Franklin in 1784. From 1945-1966, there was not a federal law regarding daylight saving time, so states were free to choose whether or not to use the daylight saving time and could choose when it began and ended. This caused confusion for the broadcasting industry, railways, airlines and bus companies. Congress decided to end the confusion and established the Uniform Time Act of 1966, which stated a system of uniform within each time zone. In August 2005, Congress passed an energy bill that included extending daylight saving time by about a month. As of 2007, daylight saving time starts the second Sunday of March and ends on the first Sunday of November. ~Ariana Riley
The winners of the National Student Day Contest are Rene Marquardt, Longview sophomore, and Chad McKinney, Grand Saline sophomore. Marquardt and McKinney both won an iPad for placing fifth and sixth in the contest. KC was the only school that had two winners. They are computer networking majors seeking an associate of applied science degree. “We are really proud of both of them; we have some great students in our program,” said Judy Grotefendt, computer science and legal assisting chair. Marquardt heard about the contest from Grotefendt and decided to submit a story. After entering the contest, Marquardt encouraged McKinney among other students to submit a story. Once the National Student Day committee approved the stories, the stories were posted on the National Student Day website for people to vote on. The goal of this contest was to celebrate and promote social responsibility by students across North America. Any student who
Randi Branson / THE FLARE
KC President Bill Holda (left) congratulates Chad McKinney (center), Grand Saline sophomore, and Rene Marquardt, Longview sophomore, for winning iPads in the National Student Day Contest. volunteers or helps out in their community could have entered. Marquardt didn’t think he had a chance of winning and was surprised when he won, since it was a national contest with 561 schools participating and more than 275 students submitting a story. Marquardt volunteers at the Longview homeless shelter, teaching basic information on how to use a computer and how to use the Internet. After getting around 1,900
votes on his story he placed fifth. McKinney volunteered at the Van United Methodist Church by helping with the preschool’s playground. “If it wasn’t for my family I wouldn’t have won. My mother was going door-to-door during the entire contest trying to get my story votes and my wife would remind all of her friends at work to vote every day for me as well,” McKinney said. With 1,681 votes he came in sixth place.
Clint Fultner / THE FLARE
PTK-sponsored chili cook-off set for Nov. 11 Phi Theta Kappa is hosting a Chili Cook-off 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11, in the Lee Mall located between the Watson Library and the Ivan Liberal Arts Building. The deadline for entry is noon Nov. 10. Forms are located around campus or participants can pick them up along with a tax exempt certificate at Michele Daniels’ office, PTK adviser, in the Communication/Automotive Building, Room 108. “The Cook-off is for the Campaign for Excellence Scholarship fund. All Proceeds go toward this scholarship fund at Kilgore College. All students will benefit from participating,” said Cheryl Carver, PTK vice president. The entry fee for a KC organization is $100 and $150 for a business. It is $5 to attend the event and taste the chili. PTK is selling side dishes, desserts and drinks at an additional cost. First and second place trophies will be awarded for the best chilies. Each taster will receive 10 tickets to be used as currency for chili. For more information, contact Daniels at 903-983-8621 or mdaniels@kilgore.edu and Carver 903-387-8353 or cherylc961@yahoo. com. ~Melissa Aouad
Ambassador raffle tickets available Tickets are on sale for KC Ranger Ambassadors’ Rockin’ Christmas Raffle. Four names will be drawn to win prizes, including a fullcolor, Wi-Fi-enabled Kindle Fire, a $100 Walmart gift card, a $50 Texas Roadhouse gift card or a $25 Office Depot gift card. Tickets are $5 each or six for $20. The drawing will be Friday, Dec. 2, and winners do not have to be present to claim their prize. To purchase tickets, contact the Visitor Center in the Devall Student Center or call 903-983-8209 or find a Ranger Ambassador. ~Dillon Sandifer
Multiple formats available for math courses ASHTON JOHNSON Managing Editor The mathematics department now offers three approaches to developmental mathematics: the traditional lecture with arranged lab, lecture with lab and the modular approach. “The biggest difference between the other formats versus the modular approach is that the modular approach is mastery based,” said Brandon Walker, math instructor. In the other formats students cover one or two chapters in class
and then are given a test over that material. “Whether the student masters the material or not, they must go on to the next chapter,” Walker said. “In the modular approach the material will be broken up into smaller pieces that we are calling mini-mods.” Students will then take a pre-test over the mini-mod. If students pass the pre-test with a 75 or better, they may proceed to the next minimod without having to complete the full lesson. By passing the pre-test with a 75 or better, students have shown
mastery that material. “We do not want the students to spend time covering material they already know, when they could be using that time to cover topics that are unfamiliar to them,” Walker said. If students do not make a 75 or better, they must work through the mini-mod, consisting of watching a short video over each topic while taking notes in the workbook, taking a concept check over the video and then working through the homework assignment. Students must make at least an 80 on all concept checks and
homework before proceeding. “Once they have made at least an 80 on all concept checks and homework assignments in that mini-mod, they will then take a post-test,” Walker said. Students must make a 75 or better on the post-test to proceed to the next mini-mod. The modular classes will meet two days a week for two hours each day with the instructor in a computer lab. “There will be six sections of modular math, two classes in each course,” Walker said. “Like most courses there is a limited number of seats and each course
Piper: Siler leads keyboard orchestra
Old Main, Flare to mark 75th birthday
ASHTON JOHNSON Managing Editor A special 75th celebration will be hosted 11:50 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 9, on the front steps of Old Main to commemorate the birth of student publications and the opening of Old Main. The celebration will include a banner, balloons, and a photograph taken to be published in the Nov. 11 issue of The Flare and the 2012 Ranger yearbook. All are invited to attend. One year after KC was established, The Kilgore Daily news reported that KC was “operating today on a well-organized system, with plenty of space and time for everybody, for the first time since it opened a year and half ago.” The long-awaited opening of Old Main finally came on Monday, Nov. 9, 1936. The new building was fully furnished and equipped by King Furniture Company of San Antonio and Petroleum Electric Company of Kilgore at a cost of about $20,000. The Flare noted the week after the building opened that the “students were enthralled with the beauty of the new building.” Amidst the opening of Old Main, one of the most treasured KC institutions was born; the first college newspaper, The Ranger was published. Although the newspaper was a success, the Board of Publications was dissatisfied with the name. A contest was held to select a more appropriate name. The Flare, an entry submitted by Margie Reynolds, won and became the official name of KC’s newspaper. The Flare was selected as a symbol of the light of knowledge, radiating from the college district.
Randi Branson / THE FLARE
Halloween roundup
Left: Makenzie Miller, 4-year-old daughter of Shannon and Monty Miller, and Frank Abell, 3-year-old son of Amber and James Abell, rustle up some Halloween candy as part of the KC Early Childhood Center’s annual pilgrimage of costumed tots. Yee haw!
Campaign: Allows for designated donations FROM PAGE 1 from the state instead of about $15 million. If KC had been funded fully for what it earned, the budget would be $15 million instead of $11 million. “When you lose a quarter of your budget or what you could of had the question is how do you accommodate that,” Holda said. One solution is downsizing. KC has 43 fewer positions this year. It outsourced grounds and custodial services and eliminated nine faculty positions and other staff and administrative positions, leading to $2 million less in payroll. However, Holda says that even with this deduction in payroll KC had to turn around and add $1.4 million to health care benefits that were no longer state funded. The Campaign for Excellence is reaching out to more than 30,000 alumni. Holda and Gorman are asking for a 100 percent participation of the College Board and Kilgore College Foundation Board and are hoping to get more than 90 percent participation from all KC employees. Student participation is welcomed, but students are not being solicited. “The participation is more important than the dollar amount,” Holda said. “What that (staff participation) does is it empowers us to go out there to the public, business and industry and we can say, ‘Look our people
will be offered in the morning and afternoon.” These courses give students opportunities to work on only the concepts and skills in which they are deficient, work at their own pace, complete courses and advance to the next course in less time. “The math department is always looking for new ways to improve,” Walker said. “We feel that by breaking the topics into smaller pieces, it will lead to higher success rates.” For more information, contact Walker at bwalker@kilgore.edu.
believe in us enough that they participated at this level.’ It sends a message.” Gorman also agrees that employee participation is a key aspect in this campaign. “It shows how much our employees are tied in and willing to give to the campaign,” Gorman said. Holda quotes St. Francis of Assisi, a priest of the Middle Ages, who said “preach the Gospel; use words when necessary.” Holda says, “We are trying to preach the gospel, the good news of Kilgore College, and doing it by example, not just verbally.” Employees will have options to give through a payroll deduction of 24 pay periods or give by using credit cards, checks or cash. Within the next two weeks, Gorman and Holda are taking the campaign to individuals, service clubs, church groups, businesses and industries, telling KC’s story and laying out a menu of choices in ways they can participate and support the college. KC is the best point of access for students in the entire region, according to Holda. Three out of four students who start higher education are using KC as their foundation. KC has about 1,100 to 1,300 high school students enrolled in dual credit classes, some earning up to 30 hours. KC is the engine that drives the economic development of this region through its
work force development. KC also provides the region with a variety of cultural opportunities like the Texas Shakespeare Festival, Rangerette Revels, the East Texas Oil Museum, etc. “We have a great opportunity to better our community and transform our world as we educate a trained workforce, prepare students to transfer to colleges and universities and provide cultural and intellectual enrichment to our own families and friends,” Holda said. The Campaign for Excellence keys off of the college’s motto: Emphasis Excellence and it allows people to designate how they want to direct their money. “Your gift will really make a difference in the lives of young people,” Holda said. There are six levels of recognition which correspond to the amount of the donation: Friend (below $100), Century ($100$499), Dean ($500-$999), President ($1,000-$9,999), Trustee ($10,000- $24,999) and Founder ($25,000-$50,000). One can donate by being a “Partner in Excellence” which means the donation is an unrestricted gift that enables the college to provide resources to areas with the greatest need. There are also naming opportunities. If one donates half the cost of the construction for a new building or for the renovation of a building he
will have the opportunity to have the building named after him. One can also contribute through scholarships, instructional innovation gifts, student life gifts, campus enhancement gifts or specific purpose gifts. Donations can be made by check or credit card. Make checks payable to the Kilgore College Foundation. To give using a credit card, go online to www.kilgore. edu/foundation or call the Developmental Office at 903983-8182. “You will make an immediate difference to the life of the college. It is not something that has to grow or build,” Gorman said. For more information, visit www.kilgore.edu and click on The Campaign for Excellence tab.
was Siler’s mentor and also had an important influence on her life. Three of Siler’s piano students played for the scholarship luncheon Tuesday with Turk in attendance. After the performance, an emotional Turk said, “Listen to what Mrs. Siler tells you. She knows what she is talking about.” Siler responded to her, saying, “I had a very good teacher.” “Many forget to take the time to thank those that have helped them become the person that they are,” Siler said. “So many teachers at Kilgore College have been influential in my career-Jeanne Johnson, Latane Speer, David Stroud-many have retired, but I do believe that Kilgore College has some of the best teachers in the nation.” Siler takes in any student for her piano program as long as he/ she is willing to work for it. This is not a common practice. “’You’re in the wrong field,’ [other piano teachers] say, but I just won’t do it,” she said of her desire to take students of all skill levels. She finds joy in seeing students who begin the fall semester with little piano experience develop the skills to play a concerto with a professional orchestra in the spring some nine months later. One such student to undergo this kind of transformation was KC graduate Galen Dean Peiskee. “It is impossible to overstate the value of such an experience,” Peiskee said. “I have heard of no other such place where a pianist can be certain of such a performance as an undergraduate, let alone a freshman or sophomore.” Peiskee also notes the great effort on Siler’s part in bringing together such a performance. Siler coordinates the hiring of a conductor and each musician in the ensemble, as well as raising the bulk of the funding for such an endeavor. “I know no one else who works as hard as Sandra Siler to produce opportunities for her students,” Peiskee said. Siler is also an inspiration to her current students. Piano major Hou Si Wong, Macao, China, sophomore, had wanted to be in music therapy, but later changed her major to one she thought would be more
practical. She credits Siler with reigniting her interest in piano and pushing her to make a future career of it. “If not because of her, I would still be an advertising major,” Wong said. “And I’m happy about that.” Siler doesn’t see a love for music and making a living as being mutually exclusive. “I don’t believe in a poor piano teacher,” Siler said. “I want them to succeed.” She emphasizes creativity and her class activities reflect that. “[Out in the real world,] they may face people who are so much more experienced than they are,” Siler said. She wants her students to stand out and be unique. She has an “American Idol” inspired activity where her piano majors dress up as characters and play classical and romantic works for her music appreciation students. She also has gameshow-inspired activities based on “Who Wants To Be a Millionaire” and “To Tell the Truth.” Then there are the keyboard orchestra and pedagogy programs. “There were opportunities here I couldn’t find anywhere else,” Brittany Crowe, Longview freshman and piano major, said of the piano program at KC and her decision to transfer. The pedagogy program allows second-semester freshmen to jump straight into teaching, making lesson plans and working directly with 35 students, schoolaged to adults. The proceeds from the lessons they teach go straight to their pockets. Keyboard orchestra has performed at five national conventions all over the country, including Utah, Washington, New Mexico, Georgia and Texas. The KC Keyboard Orchestra opened for the Texas Music Teachers State Convention last spring in Arlington. “My mother had a saying: ‘Make lovely that which you would have them love,’” Siler said. And so she strives to inspire her students with her love of music. “My goal is to produce artists from my piano students and lovers of music from all that I come in contact with,” Siler said.
goodday coffee + books 111 N Kilgore St. 903-984-3100
extended coverage and more at
Fire Academy: Students trained to quench scorching infernos FROM PAGE 1 here to receive certified training. “I made one of the highest scores on my civil service test and was hired on at Palestine. They’re paying for me to go to the academy to get certified,� said Rhion Jordan from Palestine. “They gave me a car and pay for my gas. Once I get out of the academy, I have a job.� With a class of 26 students, Kathryn Jones is the only female in Class 81. Jones began participating at North Hays County Fire Rescue at the age of 17 and officially joined at 18. “One of the guys in the department went through the program and I heard about the academy through him,� Jones said. “I grew up in a big family with five brothers so I’m used to being around a lot of guys. But after class I call up my girlfriends and go hang out with them. I like to let my hair down, put on a skirt and just feel girly again. My three older siblings, two sisters and one brother, all volunteered before me but they weren’t state certified. I’m the only one to go through the fire academy. I got used to being around the fire department life. I interacted with the station long before I actually joined. I would help with fundraisers and visit the station with my siblings.� Anyone 18 years or older is eligible to join the KC Fire Academy. Classes are offered for both those with no experience wanting to receive their firefighter certification and those who are already
volunteer firefighters. “I grew up around firefighters. Some of my good friends work for Longview Fire Department,� said Blake Barker from Hallsville. “I love what I’m doing. It’s awesome knowing that you’ll be making money doing the job you love.� The academy is accredited by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection and the State Fireman and Fire Marshal’s Association and is approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. “Kilgore is a one-stop shop for all fire training,� said Mike Fennell, lead instructor. “You don’t need to have had any formal training. We’ll take anyone and teach you what you need to know.� Founded in 1989, the onsite program is 13 weeks (475 hours) and students are required to attend class from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday in the Woodruff Adult Education Building. “There are usually eighthour days, but every now in then there is a 12-hour day,� Fennell said. “We really frown on absenteeism. It’s really hard to make up a class.� Some of the lessons learned in the onsite class require the use of expensive equipment and situations that are difficult to replicate on one student’s behalf. “Some skills can’t be made up for just one student,� said Lou Ann Parrott, administrative assistant. “Expensive equipment is involved and it’s not easy to bring it out again.� Academy training is extensive and is designed to
A Fire Academy student dons Ă„YL Ă„NO[PUN gear in preparation for H KYPSS \ZPUN Ă„YL L_[PUN\PZOLYZ 6M[LU JOLTPJHS L_[PUN\PZOLYZ HYL \ZLK PU SL\ VM ^H[LY K\L [V [OLPY \UPX\L Ă„YL Ă„NO[PUN JHWHIPSP[PLZ prepare students for a variety of possible real-life scenarios, including controlled burn training evolutions at North East Texas Fire School at Eastman Chemical Company. “It was great. I loved it. It was a great way to see how to react to fires. Really good experience,â€? Jones said. “I’ve
learned so much here. I’ve enjoyed it a lot but I’m ready to be back home and be on a fire truck again, be back on duty. When training, you act like it’s the real thing. Once you get out of the academy you know what you need to do. It’s drilled into our heads pretty well.�
Students graduate from the program with their basic Structural Firefighter Certification Firefighter 1 and 2. After graduation, students are required to take the Texas Commission on Fire Protection State written exam. This exam has four sections: Firefighter 1, Firefighter 2, HAZMAT awareness and HAZMAT operations. Graduates must pass all four sections in order to apply for their IFSAC seals. An online program is available to students who are not able to attend classes on campus. This allows the student to complete 336 hours of the online requirements with course work and practice and assessment tests. After completing the online portion, students must attend a 14-day onsite Skills Training Camp in which mastery of all required skills will be practiced and demonstrated. Upon completion of these skills, the student will be eligible to sit for the Texas Commission on Fire Protection Written and Performance Certification exams. The KC-Longview campus offers EMT and paramedic training for those who are required to receive training. “Depending on where they get hired on at, that station may require them to get paramedic training. I let them know that they may have to relocate depending on what a station’s regulations are,� Fennell said. “If you want to make this a career then it’s a good idea to get all of your training in. The program here offers that.� Many who
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have gone through the fire academy in the past tend to stay close to home. “Oh, it was fun. I really enjoyed the academy,� said Kevin Pfau, Longview Captain and Class 3 graduate of 1990. “I’m still working with a lot of the guys I went through the academy with.� Others had a life-long ambition to fulfill. “I thought it was great for an academy that was new to East Texas. I learned a lot from the instructors back then,� said Kyle Risinger, Longview senior firefighter and Class 3 graduate of 1990. “I decided to stay and work for Longview because that’s where my family was from. It was always my goal to be a Longview fireman.� Still others are forced away from home while in training. News and acclaim for the fire academy have reached far beyond the neighboring towns of Kilgore. “I know that many of the fire chiefs up there (in Canada) tell the guys that if they want good training then they need to come to Kilgore. We’re wellknown in Canada for having safety as a top priority,� Fennell said. “We cover material in depth and are very safety inclined. Many of them tend to go back home to Canada, but every now and then we have a few who choose to stay in the area.� Questions about the onsite academy or admission can be directed to Lou Ann Parrott at 903-983-8662 or lparrott@ kilgore.edu. Questions about the online academy can be directed to Rhonda Paul at 903983-8177 or rpaul@kilgore.edu.
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No NBA? No problem; watch KC WOMEN’S BASKETBALL
Lady Rangers open season with win at McLennan FROM STAFF REPORTS The Lady Rangers won their opening game of the season Tuesday, defeating the Highlassies of McLennan Community College, 63-45. Three Lady Rangers were in double digits on the night. Forward Bianca McGee, Michigan City sophomore, was the leading scorer for KC with 12 points, eight of which were consecutive free throws in the second half. Also for KC, Lauren McKinney, Grand Praire sophomore, scored 11, forward Demetrius Heard,
Orange freshman, scored 10 and forward Aundrea Gamble, Paris freshman and forward Alexius Hightower, Arlington freshman, scored seven apiece. Forward Cieara Jimmerson, Daingerfield freshman also scored, knocking down six points. The Lady Rangers look to improve on a successful 2010-11 season in which they finished at 19-8 and made the Region XIV playoffs. KC hosts Southern College 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 4, in Masters Gym. The team opens play in the threeday Tyler Classic tournament 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10, against
Collin County Community College. All tournament games will be in Wagstaff Gymnasium on the Tyler Junior College campus.
WOMEN’S SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 1 Nov. 4 Nov. 10-12 5V] Nov. 25
OPPONENT @ McLennan vs. Southern @ Tyler Classic
TIME > 5 p.m.
@ Southern @ Lon Morris Classic
5 p.m. W T
1 p.m.
Rangers reach triple digits against SFA club team JESSICA STOVALL Staff Writer
Heather Sims / THE FLARE
.\HYK 1HSLU >HZOPUN[VU W\ZOLZ MVY^HYK to score points for KC. The Rangers defeated Stephen F. Austin State University club team, 102-50, ZLHSPUN [OL 9HUNLYZÂť Ă„YZ[ ^PU VM [OL ZLHZVU
KC men’s basketball team dominated the Stephen F. Austin State University men’s basketball club team Wednesday night. The final score was 102-50 with KC on top. “It was a good first game and the team got their jitters out of the way,� said head coach Brian Hoberecht. Patrick Gnagbo, Ivory Coast sophomore, and Derrick Fain, Forney freshman, were the lead scorers for the night. Gnagbo with 13 points and Fain with 15 points were able to score quickly to contribute to KC’s win. SFA had 16 fouls while KC had five,
a factor that gave KC opportunities to step up to the free throw line where they struggled. “The team needs to work on free throws. The men left 12 points at the line,� Hoberecht said. “We are in a situation where we can play a lot of guys,we have a lot of versatility.� The starting lineup consisted of all sophomores, and they were able to keep their confidence on the court. “We talked about body posture and the character they are to play with,� Hoberecht said. As for the freshmen, Hoberecht said, “They had butterflies. They need to calm down a little bit and play the way that we play.� With the first game of the season
under their belt, Hoberecht said he is “happy the men got a taste of playing against college level and college guys.� KC men host Cedar Valley College 7 p.m. Friday Nov. 4 and Tomball 7 p.m. Tuesday Nov. 8, in Masters Gym before playing in the Tyler Classic Nov. 11-12.
MEN’S SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 8
OPPONENT vs. SFA Club vs. Cedar Valley vs. Tomball
TIME W 102-50 7 p.m. 7 p.m.
Nov. 11-12
@ Tyler Classic W T
Rangers miss playoffs for first time since 2005 7-& ZLQV EDWWOH IRU SRVWVHDVRQ EHUWK KEIRA PHIPPS LAINEY ARMSTRONG Staff Writers The Rangers fell short of securing a playoff spot Saturday, Oct. 29. Despite a 28-7 lead in the third quarter over the Tyler Junior College Apaches, KC ended the game with a loss, 42-35. KC ended the season (3-6, 2-4) just short of making the Southwest Junior College Football Conference playoffs. KC and TJC were fighting for the conference’s final playoff spot. This is head coach J.J. Eckert’s first time to miss postseason play since 2005. TJC (6-3, 3-3) will continue on to the playoffs to take on No. 1 Blinn in the semifinals Saturday. The Rangers rushed for 250 yards with five touchdowns on 56 carries against Tyler. KC’s tailback Vinnie Moore ran for 121 yards with one touchdown. Tailback Ja’mell Woodard rushed for 62 yards with three touchdowns. Quarterbacks Andrew Jackson and Tyler Copeland combined for 14-for-27 pass completions of 143 yards, but they had three picks and no touchdowns. Receivers Rickey Collins and Carey Fortson combined for 10 interceptions for 115 yards. Tyler’s Randy Price accounted for 269 yards and had two passing touchdowns with one interception. Quarterback Tyrik Rollison was 5-for-10 passing for 89 yards, with one interception and no touchdowns. Starting the third quarter with a 21-7 lead, KC Moore had a 1-yard touchdown with 11:25 remaining in the quarter. Tyler retaliated with a 33-yard touchdown pass from Price cutting the deficit to 28-14. Price struck KC with a 33-yard touchdown run to make the score 28-21. Billy Thompkins intercepted the ball to return to KC’s eight-yard line. Tyler’s Ryan Young tied the game up with a two-yard touchdown run. “We can’t just lie down and die!� said wide receiver Jacoby Stokes. The Rangers stole the game back with 33 seconds remaining in the third quarter with a 10-yard touchdown run by Copeland with an interception from cornerback Malcom Spriggs. In the fourth quarter, Price tied the game up with a 35-yard touchdown pass to Jalen Claiborne. The Apaches used a short 2-yard touchdown run by Chason White to catapult over KC late in the fourth quarter for the win. A critical touchdown run by KC’s Collins was called back due to a holding penalty. “They can’t be serious,� was all Collins could say to the refs’ decision. KC needed Collins’ 34-yard touchdown after a 99-yard drive was stopped by TJC’s Rikko Harris on a fourth down in the final seconds of the game.
Heather Sims / THE FLARE
Wide receiver Carey Fortson breaks away to gain yards for KC against Tyler Junior College Saturday in Tyler. Receivers Rickey Collins and Carey Fortson combined for 10 interceptions for 115 yards. The Rangers were unsuccessful in securing the last spot in the Southwest Junior College Football Conference.
Jamie Maldonado / THE FLARE
;HPSIHJR =PUUPL 4VVYL RLLWZ H Ă„YT NYPW as two TJC defenders come for the football. ;OL 9HUNLYZ Y\ZOLK MVY `HYKZ ^P[O Ă„]L [V\JOKV^UZ VU JHYYPLZ against Tyler.
Jamie Maldonado / THE FLARE
A TJC defender tries to block the way as full back Braylon McCarty holds tight for tailback Vinnie Moore who makes a quick escape with the football. The Rangers ended the season with three wins and six losses.
AIDE PRADO Staff Writer
know I can do it,” says Matthew Tyler Evans. Being blind since birth has not
stopped the Longview freshman from going after what he wants. There are many things Evans cannot do, like driving or joining the Army, but the one thing he can do is never giving up on his dreams. “I can do all the classes everybody does,” Evans said. “I’m determined to get it done. If it takes an extra semester so be it.” Evans’ parents have made sure that he gets the same educational options as any other student. When Evans was 6 years old he and his mother were part of a group of people that went to Austin to rally for the Mainstream Act coming into effect. The Mainstream Act was passed in Texas in the late 1990s, which gave all disabled students in public schools the right to be part of a normal class setting and not to be isolated to a resource or special aid class because of a disability. “If you fight for what you believe in you’re most likely going to get it 95 percent of the time,” Evans said. In the sixth grade Evans was part of his high school choir and from seventh grade through his senior year he was part of choir and band and in his senior year he was part of the debate team and student congress. “High school was awesome,” Evans said. Evans is taking math, English, public speaking and BCIS classes. BCIS can be a challenge at times because it requires him to use the mouse. Giving a PowerPoint presentation can also be a challenge. “He is very smart and talkative, knows more about government than the teacher sometimes,” said Joanna Evans, Hallsville sophomore. Joanna (no relation to Tyler) is one of Evans’ government classmates and she says “he is your go-to guy for government.” The most rewarding experience for Evans is being able to get to know his teachers on a personal level. KC has provided the programs and equipment for Evans’ success in and out of the classroom. The college bought a program called JAWS, which helps visually impaired students by streamlining keyboard functions,
automating commands and eliminating repetition. Evans and his teacher have set a schedule so he can get assistance when crossing the street. The college also provides aides for the classrooms and has purchased a new Braille machine which allows Evans stay on schedule by taking test and completing homework in Braille. Frank Mosley, director of instructional student support, said the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services and KC have shared costs of approximately $25,000 for Evans to attend KC. “This money was spent for equipment to be used for other visually impaired students as well,” Mosely said. “Tyler is helping pave the way for others.” The department of instructional student support and the office of disability support have worked with the instructors to better accommodate Evans. “Kilgore College will provide the necessary means for a disabled students, but students must have documentation of their disability,” Mosley noted. Evans is opening doors for other impaired students. In August he filed a grievance against the college because the Hendrix Building at KC-Longview does not have Braille signs on the doors, making it harder to get around the building. Evans has received a letter from the college stating that officials are correcting the problem. “He is always leading the way; he believes in himself that he can do it,” Mosley said. “Tyler is an outstanding student that works hard to accomplish his goals.” Evans wants to attend Stephen F. Austin University after KC to major in political science. “You can do it. It can be hard but you never give up just because you’re disabled,” Evans said. “Never give up, have the courage to work and you can do it. One step at a time.”
Ali Henderson / THE FLARE
Tyler Evans, Longview freshman, types on a JAWS Braille machine. Evans hopes to attend Stephen F. Austin State University as a political science major and work toward his goal of becoming a lawyer.
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Let’s talk about rocks! A nap sounds good right now...
Neeeed sleeeeep...
Ashley Forrestier / THE FLARE
Sleepless in Kilgore
t’s an endlessly exhausting and vicious cycle: You stay up all night writing that paper that you’ve been putting off for weeks, only to drift off into a half-slumber during your lecture the next morning. You’ll try to nap off the damage and replenish your energy, but that will probably only result in yet another sleepless night. As a college student, it is generally accepted, if not socially and academically required, that you will be nocturnal. In the realm of higher education, all-nighters are just as commonplace as the exams and papers that cause them. Disruptions in sleep and college life often go together due to a combination of stress, coursework and social activities. The National Sleep Foundation has found that 63 percent of college students, on average, do not get enough sleep. This causes 15 percent of students to fall asleep in class semi-regularly and lose 30 percent of the knowledge they have gained during the class time when paying attention. So that extra 3 a.m. study session to get a high score on that exam may actually be negatively impacting your GPA. College students are among the most sleep-deprived age group in the U.S. Sleep deprivation can have detrimental effects on a person’s daily performance, including academics and driving, and has also been linked to depression and behavioral problems.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, research is revealing that sleep is a dynamic activity during which many processes vital to health and well-being take place. New evidence shows that sleep is essential to helping maintain mood, memory and cognitive performance. For most people, sleep deprivation and college go hand-in-hand. Sleep Deprivation studies have also shown that students who get A’s and B’s get an average of 35 minutes more sleep per night than those that get D’s and F’s. Their sleep is consistent, meaning that they go to bed at the same time during the week. Most students don’t realize they are lacking sleep, until they have frequent illnesses, general fatigue, increased anxiety and impaired concentration and memory retrieval. So what can you do if you know you are not getting enough sleep? Turn off the TV at night. TV noises and flashing lights will only keep you from getting a sound sleep. If you can remember anything you hear during your sleep, it’s a sure sign you’re not sleeping well. Also learn to manage your time wisely and set priorities. The more you know about your own sleep patterns and your sleep needs, the more you can use sleep as a tool to increase your productivity and help you manage the symptoms of sleep deprivation.
Photos by Ali Henderson and Ashley McCurley / THE FLARE
How much sleep do you get on a daily basis? Why?
RESULTS 2-4 Hours 24%
8 Hours or more 14%
5-7 Hours
5-7 Hours
5-7 Hours
2-4 Hours
“I have too much homework and other activities going on in my life.”
“That is normal for me.”
“Home, kids, grandkids and life.”
“Morning P.E. is killing me”
Cody Gillis
Sherry Fulp
Shunell Oliver
Tatum freshman
Diana freshman
Longview sophomore
Jessica Tille
Kilgore freshman
“8 or more. TYLENOL PM.” –Trayvoin Coates, Baton Rouge, La, freshman
View more responses from students at [OLÅHYLVUSPUL com
“5-7 hours. Studying and talking on the phone.” –Natasha Wallace, Longview sophomore “5-7 hours. Depends on how tired and hungry I am.” –Jalen Washington, Austin freshman
“2-4 hours. I work late nights, come home to do homewok and have 8 a.m. classes.” –Chesney Lockhart, Longview freshman
Wreckless drivers evoke wrathful road rage
believe that we should impose a new law that requires people to take a driving test every six months, because if one more person stops short in front of me without turning his blinker on, I can’t be held responsible for what happens next. Common sense is your best friend, people. If you’re going to make a turn put the signal light on, lest you risk the chance of making an infuriated web editor spontaneously combust.
When it comes to intersections and stop lights, it never ceases to amaze me how many cars will rush to beat the light as if something TIM STUCKEY terrible will Web Editor happen if they don’t. When the light turns yellow, that means slow down. You’ve known this since you were 4 years
The Flare
VOL. 75, NO. 8
old and if you’re in such a hurry that a two-minute light will make or break you, you might need to learn some scheduling skills. Just remind yourself that while waiting at a red light is not the most exciting thing in the world, it is far less exciting explaining why you ran the light to a police officer. The common rules and regulations of driving have been overshadowed by a blatant disregard toward human life, mixed with a little stupidity. I
Q Friday, November 4, 2011
Copyright 2011, The Flare. All rights reserved.
2011 Sweepstakes Winner in Texas Intercollegiate Press Association and Texas Community College Journalism Association 2010 First Place, Texas Associated Press Managing Editors – Non-Daily College-University Division
ADVISER Bettye Craddock
COPY EDITORS D’Anzia Robertson, Taylon Sharer, Dasha Yusupova
PHOTO ADVISER O. Rufus Lovett LAB MANAGER Jamie Maldonado
STAFF WRITERS Melissa Aouad, Lainey Armstrong, Kade Bittick, Daniel Guy, Kenneth Huggins, Bailey Lugenbell, Brittani Pfau, Keira Phipps, Aide Prado, Ariana Riley, Dillon Sandiffer, Jessica Stovall, John Walsh, Jimmy Warwick, Marley Williams PHOTOGRAPHERS Randi Branson, Brandy Eubanks, Betsy Foreman, Ali Henderson, Victoria Kelley, Ashley McCurley, Ana Rios, Amanda Robbins, Jake Scarborough, Taylon Sharer, Heather Sims, Carolyn Terrell, Randi Vinson, Elizabeth Wisdom
ADVERTISING MANAGER Betsy Foreman WEB EDITORS Jonathen Ruesch Timothy Stuckey
Sleeping bliss, hit or miss
Zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz...
5-7 Hours 62%
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Sarah Sullivan ARTIST Ashley Forrestier
don’t know if it’s an obsession with going fast or just ignorance of the repercussions of our actions, but it needs to stop. These behaviors can easily be avoided with a little self-control, along with the knowledge that if you don’t; I will find you. Also, please refrain from riding my bumper; it has enough dents in it. Timothy Stuckey is a freshman communications major from White Oak.
leep – my body gets it in where it can fit it in. I am a single mother with three children – including twins boys. I have an 18hour course load, three job responsibilities at the college newspaper and I am an active member of Phi Theta Kappa. The upside: My life is exciting, full and I never have BETSY FOREMAN enough time Assistant on my Editor hands to profess boredom. The downside: Little downtime, thus I often deprive myself of sleep. I want to get more sleep and feel rested, but I just can’t find the time. I cannot convince my body to adopt my mental attitude. It has its own physical requirements and desperate way of dealing with sleep deprivation. It has decided to attain R.E.M. or dream state at the most inopportune times. Little do instructors know that they often set the atmosphere for slumber during PowerPoint lectures. My body takes its cue, translating dimmed lights into nap time. It does not matter that I need to take legible notes. My subconscious gives it the old college try however, and I continue to take illegibly useless notes in my sleep. It is strange and unfortunate, but some of the best sleep I get is during that five-minute countdown from snooze. Thus, the obvious presents itself. When you press snooze, the alarm will go off again five minutes later. In a lethargic stupor you think just five more minutes will bring the rest you need to be able to face the day, but it never does. Since my phone is my alarm clock, I wish an application existed that would magically extend that five minutes into a full eight hours. In an attempt to extend those precious early morning hours of sleep, I found a person can fivemore-minutes themselves into being late. Pressing the snooze button does not transport you to an alternate universe where five minutes transforms into eight hours of blissful sleep. That happens only in your dreams, which I have very little experience with lately. However, this semester I have developed a special love for my Monday and Wednesday class schedule. I have a 30-minute nap both of these afternoons between my 1 o’clock class and 2:30 p.m. lab. A few days ago, the sleep was so good I drooled on my makeshift pillow/ backpack. When I awoke, I raised my head with drool glistening on the side of my mouth. As I wiped my cheek, I took a look around to see if anyone noticed. I was lucky. Everyone was asleep. Betsy Foreman is a sophomore advertising/ public relations major from Longview.
LETTERS THE FLARE welcomes any letter to the editor and encourages all readers to use this as a sounding board to express thoughts and opinions on current campus-related topics. We also welcome news or feature ideas. Due to space limitations, letters should be as concise as possible and may still be edited for space. Letters must be signed and include an address and telephone number so that we can verify their authenticity. Letters should be delivered to the newsroom in Communications-Automotive Building, Room 125, mailed to The Flare, )YVHK^H` 2PSNVYL ;? VY LTHPSLK [V! RJFÅHYL'`HOVV JVT
DISCLAIMER THE FLARE is the student newspaper of Kilgore College and is published every Friday by the journalism department, except during examination periods and vacations. First copy is free, subsequent copies are available for 50 cents. THE FLARE is a member of the Texas Community College Journalism Association and the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. All people holding editorial staff positions are Kilgore College journalism students. *VTTLU[Z HUK ]PL^Z L_WYLZZLK PU ;/, -3(9, YLÅLJ[ [OL [OV\NO[Z VM [OL PUKP]PK\HS ^YP[LYZ HUK KV UV[ ULJLZZHYPS` YLÅLJ[ [OL ILSPLMZ VY VWPUPVUZ VM V[OLY Z[\KLU[Z Z[HMM TLTILYZ MHJ\S[` TLTILYZ HKTPUPZ[YH[P]L VMÄJLYZ VY [OL )VHYK VM ;Y\Z[LLZ
Fantastic Fives SARAH SULLIVAN Entertainment Editor
As the residents of East Texas prepare for winter two things are soon to occur: heavy coats are going to become the norm and the end of the year is approaching. With the passing of another year, you will soon see plenty of television shows with D-list celebrities humorously recapping all of the events of 2011– so why can’t we?
The Flare staff is here to provide you with the highlights of the entertainment of 2011 from the infectious hit singles ruling the radio charts to the visually viral films of the box office and YouTube. If you’re afraid you may have missed out on the last 10 months of tantalizing entertainment tidbits, it’s OK. Feel free to crawl out from under that rock and catch a taste of the current culture. Jump on in; the mainstream is fine!
“If I Die Young” by The Band Perry has spent a whopping 48 weeks on the charts!
Adele’s song “Rolling In The Deep” has been starting fires in our hearts for 42 weeks.
LMFAO, Lauren Bennett and GoonRock have been using their song “Party Rock Anthem” to keep us shufflin’ through the radio stations for 31 weeks.
Eli Young Band with their song “Crazy Girl” has been enjoying a place on the charts for the past 32 weeks.
“Give Me Everything” by Pitbull, Ne-Yo, AfroJack and Nayer has kept us questioning if we will get tomorrow for 30 weeks.
YouTube Videos
Justin Bieber and Ludacris take first place and the hearts of millions of preteens with their music video for “Baby” with 650,789,723 views.
“Bad Romance” is the music video from Lady Gaga that keeps the shock factor raised and is withholding something under its diamond studded belt– 424,367,763 views.
An international music masterpiece- “Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)” by Shakira and Freshlyground was the official song of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The music video has 414,299,699 views.
What song keeps getting you caught dancing in traffic? “On The Floor” by Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull is the answer. This music video has 418,854,560 views.
The music video for “Love The Way You Lie” by Eminem and Rihanna comes in last, but not least, with 398,385,812 views.
SATURDAY BUFFET 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
Money-Raising Movies ;OL Ä]L ÄSTZ [OH[ YHPZLK [OL TVZ[ TVUL` ^OPSL PU [OLH[LYZ K\YPUN ! 3.
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” made movie magic by raising $381 million.
The film that makes us want a robot for a car– “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” raised $352 million.
“Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” sent us on another quest with Jack Sparrow and raised $241 million.
“The Hangover Part II” made us wonder why the Wolfpack doesn’t just stay at home once again. The film raised $254 million.
The series that has kept men dreaming of their ultimate sports car released their latest film “Fast Five” and raised $210 million.