k c i r T Cheap
Shuffle Bot
On a budget this Halloween? Have no fear, the Flare staff is here with ghastly cheap costumes for this ghostly season. See INSIDE for more suggestions.
Supplies: A cardboard box, marker and party rock clothing Cost: -YLL Q\Z[ ÄUK H IV_ Steps: Draw eyes and a mouth on the front of the box and put on `V\Y WHY[` YVJRLY JSV[OLZ HUK Z[HY[ ZO\MÅPU Downside: Can’t see
Taylon Sharer / THE FLARE
Friday, October 28, 2011 Vol. 75 No. 7 Serving Kilgore College since 1936
Head twirler dies in car wreck Tuesday 7DWXP VRSKRPRUH &KHOVHD .LUNODQG’V ‘VZHHW VPLOH’ UHPHPEHUHG #")"4%#/--$5"+ !2&#,&.'23#2&)!*'&+,
*+ K;"%1(9B+ a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bE9"B+ U+ =)?"+ 9);J+ U+ *"?"'+ &-);#-&+ &-(&+ >);=1+ E"+ &-"+
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Jamie Maldonado / THE FLARE
*OLSZLH ,SHPUL 2PYRSHUK July 21, 1992 - October 25, 2011
Enrollment opens 6 a.m. Monday
!"#$%&$'!()#*+ !"#$%&'(#)!*'&+,
Cara Herbert / THE FLARE
A new state law requires new students under age 30 to have the meningitis vaccine before registration for the Spring Semester. Shots can be administered at local health departments or primary physicians. The cost is around $130.
Meningitis Mandate 1HZ VWXGHQWV ZLWKRXW VKRW EORFNHG IURP UHJLVWUDWLRQ !"#$%&$'!()#*+ !"#$%&'(#)!*'&+,
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WHAT IS MENINGITIS? Q Meningitis is an PUÅHTTH[PVU JH\ZLK I` Å\PKZ Z\YYV\UKPUN [OL brain and spinal cord and can be caused by viruses, parasites, fungi and bacteria, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Q The two common types of meningitis are viral and bacterial. Q Viral meningitis is common and most people recover fully, but bacterial meningitis is usually more severe. Q The CDC says bacterial meningitis can have serious after-effects, such as brain damage, hearing loss, limb amputation or learning disabilities.
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
Aid scam targeting students ,"$-(.%-/0(+,(-123%!"#$%&$'!()#*+ -&.// )0,'&#,1 H="'&\+H+,$*(*:$(=+($1+%:(/+$%+&('#"&$*#+ <.+%&;1"*&%8 H+ ="&&"'+ ,')/+ &-"+ %)C:(=="1+ O2&;1"*&+ ]$*(*:$(=+ !"%);':"+ ."*&"'P+ $%+ (%F$*#+ %&;1"*&%+ &)+ ,$==+ );&+ (+ ,)'/+ (*1+ %;E/$&+ $&+ (=)*#+ >$&-+ ^_`+ $*+ )'1"'+ &)+ (33=9+ ,)'+ ,$*(*:$(=+ ($18+ K-"+ ,)'/+ (=%)+ '"Q;"%&%+ %&;1"*&%J+ 2):$(=+ 2":;'$&9+ *;/E"'%+ (*1+ )&-"'+ 3"'%)*(=+ $*,)'/(&$)*8+ 2:-))=+ ),,$:$(=%+ %(9+ $, + &-$%+ ,)'/+ $%+ '":"$?"1B+ $#*)'"+$&8+M)+*)&+,$==+$&+);&+)'+%"*1+$&+$*8+ K-')>+$&+(>(9+(*1+1"="&"+$&8+ 2&;1"*&%+ :(*+ (33=9+ ,)'+ ,$*(*:$(=+ ($1+ 1$'":&=9+ )*+ &-"+ ]![[+ H33=$:(&$)*+ ,)'+ ]"1"'(=+ 2&;1"*&+ H$1+ D]H]2HG+ >"E%$&"B+ %)+ &-"+ %:(/%+ '"Q;"%&+ ,)'+ ^_`+ $%+ (+ :)/3="&"=9+ ;**":"%%('9+ "Y3"*%"B+ -##)!"#$)+2)4.5#)6
Bre a k i n g n ews, videos an d exten ded cover age at www.thef lareonline. com
k c i r T Cheap or
Leftovers Supplies: Tinfoil and plastic Tupperware Cost: $6 Steps: Wrap yourself in tinfoil and put Tupperware on your head. Downside: Lightning risk, mold See another budget-minded costume idea on Page 3 ...
Taylon Sharer
Russell Judkins
Heather Sims / THE FLARE
Oct. 28 – Nov. 11 FRIDAY, Oct. 28 Q Excellence in Teaching voting deadline Q Art for the Veteran’s Day Appreciation Celebration due
SATURDAY, Oct. 29 Q Football @ Tyler 3 p.m., Trinity Mother Francis Rose Stadium
Q Longview Habitat for Humanity Women Build Project 8:30 a.m., 210 Hopkins St., Longview
MONDAY, Oct. 31 Q Spring Advisement/ registration- current students
Age: 18 Hometown: Brigham City, Utah *SHZZPÄJH[PVU! Sophomore Major: Graphic Design
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Q KC Foundation Scholarship Appreciation luncheon Noon -1:30 p.m. DSC Ballroom
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 2 Q KC Retiree Luncheon 11 a.m. -1:20 p.m. DSC Ballroom
Q UT Tyler- Longview Recruiter 9 a.m.- noon DSC
FRIDAY, Nov. 4 Q Lady Rangers vs. Southern College 5:30 p.m. Masters Gym
Q Rangers vs. Cedar Valley
SATURDAY, Nov. 5 Q SAT Administration 8 a.m. Old Main
Q Football Playoffs TBA
STUDENT SUCCESS TIP “My best tip for sucess is simple... PREVENTION. Q Prevent fatigue with a healthy diet and lots of rest. Q Prevent sickness with immunizations and hand washing. Q Prevent not knowing what’s on a test with good study habits and great notes. Prevention is the key to success.”
-Jeanette McFadden KC Nurse
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
Choir looking for new, good voices Food drive
7 p.m. Masters Gym
Randi Vinson / THE FLARE
From Left: Joshua Hines as the town clerk, Traci Romero as mayor and Matt Sullivan as the piper rehearse for the children’s opera “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” by Seymour Barab. Approximately 1,500 elementary students attended the performances this week in Dodson Auditorium.
Voice, diction course offered in spring M>NNI%!CK!>:9 !"#$$ %&'(")' >?( 5&77( 066*"( Q^?_( EU]W( ;0&'*( #-A( A&'.&0-1( #.( EV( #</<( =0-A#:1( @*A-*+A#:( #-A( R"&A#:( &-( X#-( ?7&23"-( H3A&.0"&3/( A3"&-,( .%*( Q$"&-,(Q*/*+.*"<(L%&+('7#++(&+(066*"*A( .0( .%*#."*( #-A( 2"0#A'#+.&-,( /#80"+( 0-('#/$3+(&-(0"A*"(.0(,&;*(.%*/(.%*( #2&7&.:( .0( '0-."07( .%*&"( A&'.&0-1( .%*( #''*-.( #-A( +$**'%9+03-A( I3#7&.:( 2:( #-(&-A&;&A3#7(+$*#D*"< ( L%*#."*( /#80"+( 5&77( 50"D( 0-( '0-."077&-,( .%*&"( A&'.&0-( 60"( $7#:+(
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under way for Newgate
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October 7, Issue 5
WINNERS... Alma Adams and John Melvin each won $10 from Downtown D’Lites! Claim your prize in CA 125
Look for the ranger in today’s paper! ;OLU SVN VU [V ^^^ [OLÅHYLVUSPUL JVT HUK click on the “Spot The Ranger” link. The winners will be featured in the next issue. Disclaimer: All KC employees and communications students, including those enrolled in journalism and photography classes, are ineligible to participate in the contest. All participants must be currently enrolled KC students. Only two winners per issue of The Flare. The Ranger may be featured in black and white or color and in different poses.
k c i r T
Supplies: Approximately 6 rolls of cheap toilet tissue Cost: $2 Steps: Wrap your head and all limbs in tissue and you’re ready to “roll” Downside: Being used by people with colds See another budget-minded costume idea on Page 6 ...
Taylon Sharer / TH
Developmental math testing modular approach ASHTON JOHNSON Managing Editor This spring KC will be testing a modular approach to developmental mathematics. While developmental mathematics is supposed to help community college students prepare for college-level math, it often becomes a roadblock to success. “The modular approach is going to help get rid of the roadblock and create a self-motivated course,” said Brandon Walker, math instructor. New approaches to developmental math are aimed at making it more relevant to real-world work and more engaging to students. The modular mathematics are similar to the traditional courses MATH 0304, MATH 0306, MATH 0308, and will be called MATH 0305, MATH 0307 and MATH 0309. “There will be six sections of the modular math, two classes in
each course,” Walker said. “Like most courses there is a limited number of seats and each course will be offered in the morning and afternoon.” With the modular approach, students can progress faster through material that is familiar and reserve more time for material that is new. Students will watch lectures and work through the modules on a computer with the assistance of an instructor. Once students have completed the video lecture, they may begin homework and the five question concept check. “If they do not pass the pre-test, they must complete what is called a mini-mod, or review,” Walker said. Each student must pass the test with a 75 or higher before moving on to the next session. “This approach could be beneficial to students who struggle in certain areas,” Walker said. “In
a traditional math class, if you do not do well you must take the class over, but in the modular format students can pick up where they left off.” These courses give students opportunities to work on only the concepts and skills in which they are deficient, work at their own pace, complete courses and advance to the next course in less time. Though most incoming students need developmental courses, not all need the traditional 16 weeks of developmental instruction to be ready for their first college-level math course. The mathematics department offers a variety of instructional formats in addition to the traditional lecture format. “The developmental math courses are offered in several different formats and each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages,” Walker said. The lecture with arranged lab
format is a three-hour weekly lecture meeting for 50 minutes three times a week or 80 minutes twice a week. A two-hour weekly mandatory lab component is part of the class requirement. The lecture component is familiar to most students, and the lab component gives the student a quiet place to complete homework and online assignments, while having access to math instructors and student tutors. This course is beneficial for students who need some flexibility in scheduling their lab time. The combined lecture with lab format is a five-hour course designed with a short lecture followed by a longer lab period in a computer lab during which students do online homework and quizzes. For classes meeting two days a week, the class period is two hours and 20 minutes per meeting day. For classes meeting three days a week, the class period is one hour
and 30 minutes per meeting day. Students who choose to take the combined lecture and lab will ideally be higher in material retention since students do their daily assignments immediately following the delivery of the material. Instructors will also be available to answer questions during the lab portion of the class. This course is geared to students needing structure. The textbook for the modular courses will include all three courses and will be available in the bookstore at the end of the Fall Semester. “The math department is always looking for new ways to improve,” Walker said. “This is a pilot program, and we want to see if it works.” For more information about the modular mathematics courses, contact Walker at bwalker@ kilgore.edu.
Kirkland: Services 10 a.m. today FROM PAGE 1
Randi Branson / THE FLARE
HALLOWEEN SCENE Yuta Suganuma, Japan sophomore, (bottom center) transforms a Watson Library window into a Halloween horror scene with zombies and Frankenstein using tempera paint. Suganuma is a graphic design major and plans on painting a Christmas design.
:H ZDQW WR PDNH LW DV ORZ RI D FRVW DV ZH FDQ Mike Jenkins, vice president of student development
Meningitis: New law affects registration FROM PAGE 1
the vaccination if he has a signed certificate from a registered physician saying the vaccination would be injurious to the health and well-being of the student. Also, if the student provides a conscientious exemption form stating that the student refuses the vaccination for reasons of conscience, they do not have to have the vaccination. Such reasons include refusal on religious grounds. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website, “although anyone can get meningitis, preteens and adolescents, college freshmen who live in dormitories and travelers to countries where meningitis is always present are at an increased risk for meningococcal disease.” This past February, 20-year-old Nicolis Williams, a student at Texas A&M, died after he was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis, according to an article by Reeve Hamilton in the Texas Tribune. At the time of Williams’ death,
college students who lived on campus were required to have the meningitis vaccine; however, Williams lived off campus and wasn’t vaccinated. The article also says that “since his death, Williams’ parents have been pushing lawmakers to close that gap by requiring all college students be vaccinated.” “On average, there are 1.4 million college and university students in the state of Texas and there are only 5-15 deaths nationwide a year. So if all 15 deaths happened in Texas then you’re looking at .001 percent of students in Texas that are at risk of dying from the disease,” Jenkins said. “But if you’re that .001 percent it’s devastating to your family.” KC is looking at the possibility of using the nurse’s office to administer these shots, Jenkins notes; however, the main focus right now is encouraging students to get the shot at local health departments or from their primary physicians. “We have seen that the cost of the shots at private physicians can range from $130-$200 based on seeing what comes in for
our housing students,” Jenkins said. “On the flip side, if the county health departments have adequate vaccines they are free or at a reduced cost. Part of the problem we are seeing there, like other state agencies, is their budget is cut, so I don’t know if they’ll have enough of the vaccine for students across the state.” KC is looking at charging somewhere around $130 for the shot; however, the price depends on what the clinic provider can get the shot for. “We want to make it as low of a cost as we can,” Jenkins said. “I think the one thing that will be helpful for many of the students is that we anticipate that the shot will just be added to their accounts as a charge, and if they are on financial aid or scholarships that will cover the cost of the shot.” Local health clinics administering the shot are listed with their contact information on www. kilgore.edu under the “Meningitis Shot Now Required” tab. Additional information concerning the law and the shot is also listed.
Donations should be sent to the Once…Always Kilgore College Twirling; Kilgore College; 1100 Broadway; Kilgore, TX 75662-3299. Make checks payable to Kilgore College and the memo line should read “Chelsea Kirkland Scholarship.” For more information, contact Paula Jamerson at 903-983-8187 or email at pjamerson@ kilgore.edu or Sherry Ransom at 903-983-8182 or email at sransom@kilgore. edu. “Chelsea was an amazing young lady… She just made life such a joy,” said Paige Keitt, twirler line instructor. “She had such a sweet, sweet smile.” Services for Kirkland will be held 10 a.m. Friday in the Rader Funeral Home Chapel in Kilgore with the Rev. Gary Orr officiating. Burial will follow in Danville Cemetery. Survivors include her
parents, Tony and Sonia Taylor of Tatum; Lloyd Roger Kirkland of Tatum; brothers, Hunter Murphy of Tatum, Tad Taylor of Virginia Beach, Va., Trey Taylor of Hallsville and Caleb Kirkland of Marshall; sisters, Britney Taylor of Hallsville and Callie Kirkland of Marshall. Carley Pruitt, Hallsville freshman, was Kirkland’s roommate and “little sister” for twirling. As she reflects on her time spent with Kirkland she remembers two phrases she always heard come from Kirkland. “Whenever something was going wrong she would always say ‘It’ll be fine. It’ll be fine’ and ‘I love you, little sister.’ These were what I heard her say more than anything and I’ll never get to hear her say that again... It’s terrible for people that didn’t know her because she was such a great person.”
Scam: FAFSA grants aid without charges FROM PAGE 1 according to Dr. Julie Fowler, executive dean of KCLongview. Each student who has received federal aid at KC during 2011-12 was required to complete the financial aid literacy workshop, either in person or through the KC elearning department. Annette Morgan, financial aid officer said the first two screens of the Power Point deal with the acronym “FAFSA,” and what it stands for: FREE Application for Federal Student Aid. “We stress to students that the operative word, and most important word of the acronym is ‘free’–since the FAFSA is free and so is the process of submitting it,” Morgan said. She also notes that in the workshop students were warned to be aware of unscrupulous agencies out there who will try and charge a fee for their services which is illegal. Before paying any fee, students should check all the details of the request. “I have heard students ask questions such as: ‘I figured the first time I filed a FAFSA, it was free–but now as a returning student, I was being charged a fee to refile.’ This is a wrong assumption; there is not a fee for anytime or any year with the FAFSA,” Morgan said. Aside from going online,
students can set up an appointment at the East Texas Educational Opportunity Center in Longview. This is a free service and is part of the federally funded TRIO program, provided by the Department of Education, and is available for anyone wishing to go back to school and apply for federal aid. Call 903-757-9660 ahead to make an appointment. “The East Texas Educational Opportunity Center is a wonderful source of support and advice for students,” Morgan said. The financial aid that is not free are student loans as is reminded through the Financial Aid Literacy Workshop, the Entrance Loan Counseling and the Master Promissory Note. Federal loans have restrictions and regulations which will last long after a
601A E. Main (903) 983-1480
student leaves KC. Loans are debts which will be owed back to the Department of Education until they are paid in full. Students need to be aware of the rules concerning direct loans before requesting they be added to their accounts.
Elizabeth Wisdom / THE FLARE
Hoberecht, Rangers hope for bright year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
Lady Rangers’ expectations high despite injuries ,"--"(.'./00$-# !"#$$ %&'(")'
MEN’S SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 8 Nov. 11-12 Nov. 16 Nov. 22 Nov. 26 Nov. 30 Dec. 3 Dec. 8 Dec. 10 Jan. 7
OPPONENT vs. SFA Club vs. Cedar Valley vs. Tomball @ Tyler Classic
TIME 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m.
@ Southern Shrev. @ Navarro vs. East Texas Flight vs. Bossier Parrish @ Trinity Valley vs. Southern Shrev. vs. Panola vs. Houston SW CC
7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m. 4:30 p.m.
See complete schedule online at www.kilgore.edu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WOMEN’S SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 1 Nov. 4 Nov. 10-12 Nov. 16 Nov. 25 Nov. 30 Dec. 3 Dec. 8 Jan. 7 Jan. 11 Jan. 14
OPPONENT TIME @ McLennan CC 5:30 p.m. vs. Southern College 5 p.m. @ Tyler Classic @ Southern Univ. @ Lon Morris Classic vs. Lon Morris @ Trinity Valley vs. Panola Ozarka Lady Ranger Classic @ Angelina @ TJC
5 p.m. 6 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 2 p.m. 6 p.m. 2 p.m.
See complete schedule online at www.kilgore.edu (>;9%%*=#($M*($,"#$@*>,$,"*,$.?;$@;#("%#&$ =.,$ *$ >"*&>#$ ,.$ =#,$ *$ -.,$ ;#/#,9,9.&(5$ *&4$ ,"#0$ "*4$ *$ >"*&>#$ ,.$ =#,$ )#,,#;5S$ !".%*($ (*942$ C@,#;$ "*79&=$ *$ (?>>#((@?-$ (#*(.&$ -*(,$ 0#*;5$#P/#>,*,9.&($M9--$;9(#$@.;$,"9($0#*;'($ ,#*%$ "./9&=$ ,"#$ [*40$ E*&=#;($ =#,$ )*>+$ ,.$ ,"#$ U?*;,#;$ @9&*-($ .;$ @*;,"#;$ 9&$ ,"#$ 6aLCC$,.?;&*%#&,2 RJ$ #P/#>,$ /#./-#'($ #P/#>,*,9.&($ ,.$ )#$ "9="$@.;$?(b$J$#P/#>,$?($,.$4.$=;#*,$,"9&=($ ,"9($0#*;5S$!".%*($(*942$ !"#$ [*40$ E*&=#;($ *;#$ ;*&+#4$ @9@,"$ 9&$ ,"#$ >.*>"#('$ /.--2$ !"#$ 8HGGY8HG8$ E#=9.&$ IJK$,.?;&*%#&,$M9--$)#$"#-4$:*;>"$1YGG5$ 8HG85$*,$!0-#;$a?&9.;$L.--#=#2$
Jon Vashey / Special to THE FLARE
Jon Vashey / Special to THE FLARE
Team members are Back Row (from left): Tre Potter, Derrick Fain, Travis Betran, Maurice Taylor, Chinedu Amajoyi, Ashton Khan and Tanodrio Bogues. Front Row (from left): Braylon Lazare, Patrick Gnagbo, Michael Eneh, Justin Felicia, Jalen Washington and Fred Mattison. Coaches are (from left): Gibby Gibson, manager; Kenderick Franklin, assistant coach; and Brian Hoberecht, head coach.
Team members are Back Row (from left): Cieara Jimmerson, Alicia Johnson, Laciona Saddler, Taylor Tucker and Aundrea Gamble. Middle Row (from left): Bianca McGee, Keira Phipps, Bethany Daily, Alexius Hightower, Shaetonee Campbell, Victoria Billingsley and Lauren McKinney. Floor (from left): Tanisha Winston and Demetrius Heard.
Season on line against Apaches .& 7-& LQ KHDG WR KHDG PXVW ZLQ EDWWOH IRU SOD\RË&#x201C; VSRW /%#0",&%$+)1$203 !"#$$ %&'(")' %&'(#)*$<288$+&B#$1#.$&(&2'$."#2)$;2((#*.$ )2D&8$ ,+ $ ."#$ *#&*,'$ !18#)$ O-'2,)$ 9,88#(#$ 0&.-)/&1:$WB.4$>N4$!"#$<2''#)$,+ $."2*$(&C#$ <288$ ;#$ &**-)#/$ &$ *E,.$ 2'$ ."#$ 0PO9_9$ E8&1,++*4 I2B6,++ $ +,)$ !O9A*$ ",C#B,C2'($ (&C#$ 2*$
&.$X$E4C4$&.$!18#)A*$!)2'2.1$K,."#)$_)&'B2*$ %,*#$0.&/2-C$8,B&.#/$,'$MRR$_&2)$a&)6$T)4$ c#'#)&8$&/C2**2,'$.2B6#.*$&)#$fX4 I9$8,*.$X@?X5$.,$!O9$2'$."#$+2)*.$B,'+#)#'B#$ (&C#$,+ $."#$*#&*,'$0#E.4$X4$$$ !2(".$#'/$K&*,'$a,<8#/(#$*&1*$."#$.#&C$ 2*$E)#E&)2'($+,)$."#$+2'&8$*",</,<'4 ZP#A)#$ E)&B.2B2'($ 826#$ 2.A*$ ,-)$ E8&1,++ $ (&C#$ &'/$ (,2'($ ;&B6$ &'/$ <&.B"2'($ +28C$
+),C$ ."#$ +2)*.$ .2C#$ <#$ E8&1#/$ ."#C:[$ a,<8#/(#$ *&2/4$ ZP#A)#$ +,B-*2'($ ,'$ ."#$ ."2'(*$<#$/2/$<),'($&'/$B,))#B.2'($."#C4[ !"#$%&'(#)*$<288$;#$B,C2'($;&B6$+),C$&$ 8,**$.,$782''$9,88#(#$=>?@=4$$ Z\.$<&*$&$.,-("$8,**$&'/$<#$B,-8/'A.$*"-.$ ."#C$ g782''h$ ,-.:[$ *&2/$ .&28;&B6$ O&C&8$ G'/#)*,'4$ ZI9$ 2*$ )#&/1$ .,$ B&E2.&82L#$ ,'$ C2*.&6#*$&'/$)#&/1$.,$E8&14[ !O9$ 2*$ )#.-)'2'($ &+.#)$ &$ /,C2'&.2,'$ &(&2'*.$ V,'$ K,))2*$ 9,88#(#$ 0&.-)/&1:$ <2''2'($@=?Q4$
I9$ "&*$ &$ X?=$ g>?Xh$ )#B,)/:$ B,CE&)#/$ .,$ !O9A*$=?X$g>?Xh$)#B,)/4$ G**2*.&'.$ B,&B"$ 9")2*$ 0C2.":$ )-''2'($ ;&B6*$ &'/$ )#B)-2.2'($ B,,)/2'&.,):$ +##8*$ (,,/$ &;,-.$ ."#$ (&C#$ &'/$ 6',<*$ ."&.$ ."#$ E8&1#)*$ <&'.$ ."2*$ <2'$ ]-*.$ &*$ C-B"$ &*$ ."#$ B,&B"#*4$ $ ZU,-$ <2':$ 1,-$ (,$ .,$ E8&1,++*$ &'/$ 6##E$ E8&12'(e$ 1,-$ 8,*#:$ 1,-$ .-)'$ 1,-)$ *.-++ $ 2'$ &'/$."&.A*$."&.:[$0C2."$*&2/4 782'':$ 3&D&)),$ &'/$ !)2'2.1$ J&88#1$ "&D#$ &8)#&/1$*#B-)#/$E8&1,++ $*E,.*4$
No. 1 Blinn overcomes 21-0 Ranger outburst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
Jamie Maldonado / THE FLARE
Fullback Braylon McCarty struggles to keep his footing as Blinn players edge closer. The No. 1-ranked Blinn continued its perfect season by nipping the Rangers, 52-45.
Heather Sims / THE FLARE
Offensive lineman Gregory Lunceford and fullback Braylon McCarty help clear the path for tailback Jamal (UKLYZVU K\YPUN [OL 2* ]Z )SPUU NHTL (UKLYZVU THKL [OL Ă&#x201E;YZ[ [V\JOKV^U MVY 2* K\YPUN [OL Ă&#x201E;YZ[ X\HY[LY HUK [OL [LHT RLW[ )SPUU ZJVYLSLZZ \U[PS [OL ZLJVUK X\HY[LY ^OLU )SPUU WPJRLK \W WVPU[Z
KC Hall of Fame induction surprises inductee *#++,&-%$-#.! !"#$$ %&'(")' !"#$I9$`&88$,+ $_&C#$2'/-B.#/$a&-8$ Z%#/[$ KBI#88#):$ &8,'($ <2."$ *#D#)&8$ ,."#)*:$ 2'.,$ 2.*$ )&'6*$ 0&.-)/&14$ !"#$ 2'/-B.2,'$<&*$&$*-)E)2*#$+,)$KBI#88#)$ +),C$ ."#$ "&88$ ,+ $ +&C#$ B,CC2**2,'4$ a&-8$ 0.#E"#'$ KBI#88#):$ &8*,$ 6',<'$ &*$Z%#/[$KBI#88#):$<&*$+),C$V2'/#'$ &'/$ *.&).#/$ &.$ I9$ 2'$ 5NM=4$ `#$ ;#(&'$ #&)'2'($ "2*$ B#).2+2B&.2,'$ .,$ ;#B,C#$ &'$ &."8#.2B$ .)&2'#)$ &.$ I94$ KBI#88#)$ ."#'$&..#'/#/$%2B#$b'2D#)*2.1$<"#)#$ "#$ *.-/2#/$ -'/#)$ )#',<'#/$ .)&2'#)$ H//2#$P,]#B624 KBI#88#)$)#B#2D#/$"2*$B#).2+2B&.2,':$ ."#'$ *#)D#/$ &*$ ."#$ &."8#.2B$ C&'&(#)$ +,)$ ."#$ 5NMM$ I9$ 3&.2,'&8$ 9"&CE2,'*"2E$ _,,.;&88$ !#&C4$ `2*$ ],;$ <&*$ .,$ B&)#$ +,)$ .#&C$ 2']-)2#*$ <"2B"$<&*$D2.&8$.,$."#2)$*-BB#**4 \'$ 5NMQ$ &+.#)$ B,CE8#.2'($ B,-)*#*$ &.$ I9:$ "#$ #&)'#/$ &$ *B",8&)*"2E$ .,$ ."#$ b'2D#)*2.1$ ,+ $ 3,)."$ !#S&*$ <#)#$ "#$ <&*$ &EE,2'.#/$ "#&/$ *.-/#'.$ .)&2'#)$ <"28#$ -'/#)$ ."#$ C#'.,)*"2E$ ,+ $ 062EE1$9,S4$!"#)#:$KBI#88#)$<,)6#/$ &8,'(*2/#$ +&C,-*$ +,,.;&88$ E8&1#)*$ *-B"$ &*$ ZK#&'$ O,#[$ c)##'#$ &'/$ 9#/)2B6$`&)/C&''4$ \'$5NMN$KBI#88#)$&**2*.#/$."#$T&88&*$ 9,<;,1*$ 2'$ ."#2)$ ,++*#&*,':$ 6##E2'($ ."#$ E8&1#)*$ ,+ $ GC#)2B&A*$ .#&C$ "#&8."14 _),C$ 5NQ>?QX$ KBI#88#)$ ;#B&C#$
V,'(D2#<$`2("$0B",,8A*$+2)*.$&."8#.2B$ .)&2'#)4$\'$dQX$KBI#88#)$<&*$)#B)-2.#/$ ;1$W/#**&$a#)C2&'$`2("$0B",,8:$."#$ .#&C$,'$<"2B"$Z_)2/&1$32(".$V2(".*[$ <&*$ ;&*#/:$ <"#)#$ "#$ *#)D#/$ &*$ ."#$ "#&/$&."8#.2B$.)&2'#)$-'.28$5NQQ4 KBI#88#)$ <&*$ &<&)/#/$ ."#$ 0&C$ I#.B"-C$G<&)/$+),C$."#$0,-."<#*.$ !#S&*$ !)&2'#)*$ G**,B2&.2,'$ 2'$ P&B,$ &'/$ ;#B&C#$ 8#(#'/&)1$ +,)$ "2*$ E),+2B2#'B1$ &'/$ *E##/$ &.$ .&E2'($ &'68#*4 02'B#$ 8#&D2'($ &."8#.2B$ .)&2'2'(:$ KBI#88#)$ "&*$ *E#'.$ >M$ 1#&)*$ &*$ ."#$ ,<'#)$ &'/$ ,E#)&.,)$ ,+ $ !#S&*$ %#+)#*"C#'.*$ 9,)E,)&.2,'$ 2'$ K2/8&'/4$ `#$ "&*$ ;##'$ C&))2#/$ .,$ "2*$ <2+#:$ 7,''2#:$ +,)$ XN$ 1#&)*$ &'/$ 2*$ &$ +&."#)$ ,+ $ .")##$ *,'*:$ %"#..:$ K2B"&#8$&'/$0.#E"#'4$`#$&8*,$"&*$.<,$ ()&'/B"28/)#':$HD#)#..$&'/$G2/&'4 G8,'($ <2."$ "2*$ `&88$ ,+ $ _&C#$ 2'/-B.2,'$0&.-)/&1:$K2/8&'/$9,-'.1$ O-/(#$ K26#$ 7)&/+,)/$ ,++2B2&881$ /#*2('&.#/$ WB.4$ >>$ &*$ %#/$ KBI#88#)$ T&1$2'$K2/8&'/$9,-'.14 Z!"2*$ <&*$ *,C#."2'($ ."&.$ #D#'$ \$ <&*$*E##B"8#**4$\$&C$D#)1$",',)#/$.,$ ;#$E&).$,+ $*-B"$)2B"$.)&/2.2,'$&'/$.,$ "&D#$"&/$."#$",',)$.,$6',<$."#$(-1*$ ,'$ ,-)$ 5NMM$ '&.2,'&8$ .#&C4$ \$ ."2'6$ #D#)1,'#$ 6',<*$ ",<$ B8,*#$ <#$ <#)#$ ;1$."#$<&1$<#$B,C#$;&B6$#D#)1$1#&)$ Kasi Dickerson / THE FLARE .,$;#$."#$;&'/$,+ $;),."#)*4$!"&'6*$.,$ I28(,)#$+,)$."#$C#C,)2#*:[$KBI#88#)$ Dr. Bill Holda, KC president (left), presents Paul â&#x20AC;&#x153;Redâ&#x20AC;? McKeller a framed JLY[PĂ&#x201E;JH[L [V HJRUV^SLKNL 4J2LSSLYÂťZ PUK\J[PVU PU[V [OL 2* /HSS VM -HTL *&2/4
!"#$I9$%&'(#)*$D*4$ !18#)$O-'2,)$9,88#(#$ +,,.;&88$(&C#$,'$ 0&.-)/&1:$WB.4$>N:$<288$ ;#$;),&/B&*.$,D#)$)&/2,$ &'/$,'82'#$<2."$K&''1$ G8C&'L&$E),D2/2'($E8&1? ;1?E8&1$&'/$K&)6$_)2#/$ (2D2'($B,8,)$B,CC#'.&)14$ !"#$(&C#$<288$;#$ ;),&/B&*.$,'$5R=4X$+,)$ I28(,)#:$5R@4Q$+,)$9"&86$ `288iV&6#$9"#),6##:$ 5R54N$+,)$V,'(D2#<$&'/$ 5R@4N$+,)$`&88*D288#4$ V2D#$&-/2,$+,)$."#$ (&C#*$2*$&8*,$&D&28&;8#$ ,'82'#$&.$6S&84,)($&'/$ <<<4.*)'*E,).*4B,C4$ K#'$&'/$<,C#'A*$ ;&*6#.;&88$<288$&8*,$;#$ &D&28&;8#$,'$."#$*&C#$ +)#F-#'B2#*$8&.#)$."2*$ +&884$ *%+(,,-%&#'.(/0
Basketball, billiards and more, oh my *"))#.%&)124%// !"#$$ %&'(")' \'.)&C-)&8*$ &)#$ 2'$ +-88$ *<2'($ &.$I94$ K#'A*$ ;&*6#.;&88$ *.&).*$ &.$ =$ E4C4$ P#/'#*/&1:$ 3,D4$ >4$ c&C#*$ <288$ ;#$ "#8/$ &.$ =$ E4C4$ 3,D4$ N:$ 5@$ &'/$ >5$ 2'$ ."#$ B&)E#.#/$ (1C4$ 0.-/#'.*$ C-*.$ "&D#$ &$ .#&C$ ,+ $ .")##$ &8)#&/1$ E)#E&)#/:$ &'/$ ."#$(&C#*$<288$;#$.")##$E8&1#)*$ &(&2'*.$.")##$E8&1#)*4$ 7&*6#.;&88$ 2'.)&C-)&8*$ &)#$ ,'81$ +,)$ C#':$ ;-.$ <,C#'$ &)#$ <#8B,C#$ .,$ *-EE,).$ ."#2)$ +&D,)2.#$E8&1#)*$&.$."#$(&C#*4$ _,)$ *,C#."2'($ <2."$ 8#**$ E"1*2B&8$ *.)&2':$ E2'(E,'($ &'/$ ;2882&)/*$ B,CE#.2.2,'*$ <288$ ;#$ "#8/$3,D4$5$2'$."#$c&C#$%,,C4$ K#'$&'/$<,C#'$C&1$],2'$&'/$ ;,."$&)#$*2'(8#*$,'81e$',$.#&C$2*$ '##/#/4$ a&).2B2E&.2,'$ 2*$ +)##$ &'/$ )#(2*.)&.2,'$ 2*$ &D&28&;8#$ 2'$ ."#$ c&C#$ %,,C$ 2'$ ."#$ T#D&88$ 0.-/#'.$9#'.#)$&B),**$+),C$."#$ B&+#.#)2&4$
k c i r T Cheap
Supplies: Old jeans, old T-shirt, stage make-up, hairspray Cost: Free, just dig through your drawers Steps: Find a pair of old jeans and an old T-shirt and start cutting like crazy. Use your deepest reds to paint your face; you don’t even ULLK H TPYYVY ;OLU ÅPW `V\Y OHPY \WZPKL KV^U HUK ZWYH` See another budget-minded Downside: People might follow you with shovels costume idea on Page 8 ...
rer / THE
Taylon Sha
TRIO Fast Track ensures college success 3"2$%&'4#$$#"30 !"#$$ %&'(")' V2>#)$ ."#$ I*("#)$ R>,+/.*12$ '+.9$ %&U3$ !GTJ$ @/3.$ !)/+=$ *3$ ."#$ "#-8*2($ "/2>$ ."/.$ #-*(*A-#$3.,>#2.3$+/2$,3#$*2$1)>#)$.1$#23,)#$ 3,++#33$<"*-#$*2$+1--#(#;$@/3.$!)/+=$3./2>3$ ?1)$ @13.#)*2($ '+/>#0*+$ 6,881).$ /2>$ !)/23?#);$ '88-*+/.*123$ /)#$ /7/*-/A-#$ *2$ ."#$ 6.,>#2.$6,881).$K,*->*2(9$G110$OWP; !"#$8)1()/0$)#X,*)#3$/2$/88-*+/.*12$/2>$
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Nov. 10 deadline for Who’s Who forms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Ag students raise the bar !"#$%&'$()%*!%$$ +,-'.#$$/*'0"*.#1%2 !"#$$ %&'(")'*
Jamie Maldonado / THE FLARE
Dallas sophomore Bethany Ford performs the new Rangerette halftime routine to “Deep in the Heart of Texas” at the KC-Blinn game Saturday. The ’Rettes performed at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington on Sunday.
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Café KSalads KWraps
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Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to slow things down D
Ashley Forrestier / THE FLARE
;Y` [V Ă&#x201E;UK [OL WLYZVU ^OV PZ HJ[\HSS` ^LHYPUN H 2* 0+
Consistency crucial for ID enforcement !
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Photos by Ali Henderson / THE FLARE
Do you feel the ID cards are effective?
$%&'()*)+,-*&).*/)01,) 213-/)45(67,(-2-3&) *34)8--953+)79).5&:) /17,)053*3;5*<)*54=>
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$%&):-<9()54-3&50/) &:-)(&74-3&)*34)&:-) &-*;:-,=>
Richard Bigham
Annetta Christian
Samantha Strickland Tatum freshman
View more responses from students H[ [OL Ă&#x2026;HYLVUSPUL com
Saudi Arabia sophomore
Longview sophomore
Longview sophomore
$?@=)%).5<<)01,+-&)253-)*34)313-)10 )&:-)(&*00 ).5<<)*(8)2-)*617&).:/)%'2)31&).-*,53+)5&=) K<(1H)&:-,-)*,-)*)<1&)10 )9-19<-).:1):*B-).1,3)&:-5,()13</)13-)4*/)1,)(1)*34):*B-)3-B-,) 6--3);130,13&-4)*617&)5&=>)I2HSLI )SHJR )White Oak freshman
$!"#=)F:-)G*3+-,);*,4(H)*<&:17+:)*331/53+H)41)53)0*;&):*B-)(-B-,*<)<-+5&52*&-)7(-()&:*&);13(&*3&</),-2534)2-)10 ):1.) -00-;&5B-)&:-/)*,-=>)I9VZZ >LH]LY )Kilgore freshman $?@=)F:-/)*,-)18)*()%J)6*4+-(H):1.-B-,H)&:-(-);*,4(),-9,-(-3&)&:17(*34()10 )41<<*,()&1);-,&*53)9-19<-)*34);17<4)6-)-*(5</) (&1<-3)(53;-)&:-/)*,-)(7991(-4)&1)6-)13);13(&*3(&)45(9<*/=>)I9\[OPL (SL_HUKLY )White Oak sophomore
Viva la revoluciĂłn: Epic night reveals epiphany
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Q Friday, October 28, 2011
Copyright 2011, The Flare. All rights reserved.
2011 Sweepstakes Winner in Texas Intercollegiate Press Association and Texas Community College Journalism Association 2010 First Place, Texas Associated Press Managing Editors â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Non-Daily College-University Division
,?,*<;0=, ,+0;69 Kasi Dickerson
(+=0:,9 Bettye Craddock
4(5(.05. ,+0;69 Ashton Johnson
7/6;6 (+=0:,9 O. Rufus Lovett 3() 4(5(.,9 Jamie Maldonado
(+=,9;0:05. 4(5(.,9 Betsy Foreman >,) ,+0;69: Jonathen Ruesch Timothy Stuckey
,5;,9;(054,5; ,+0;69 Sarah Sullivan (9;0:; Ashley Forrestier
:;(-- >90;,9: Melissa Aouad, Lainey Armstrong, Kade Bittick, Daniel Guy, Kenneth Huggins, Bailey Lugenbell, Brittani Pfau, Keira Phipps, Aide Prado, Ariana Riley, Dillon Sandiffer, Jessica Stovall, John Walsh, Jimmy Warwick, Marley Williams PHOTOGRAPHERS Randi Branson, Brandy Eubanks, Betsy Foreman, Ali Henderson, Victoria Kelley, Ashley McCurley Ana Rios, Amanda Robbins, Jake Scarborough, Taylon Sharer, Heather Sims, Carolyn Terrell, Randi Vinson, Elizabeth Wisdom *67@ ,+0;69: Jarred Crenshaw, Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Anzia Robertson, Taylon Sharer, Dasha Yusupova
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LETTERS THE FLARE welcomes any letter to the editor and encourages all readers to use this as a sounding board to express thoughts and opinions on current campus-related topics. We also welcome news or feature ideas. Due to space limitations, letters should be as concise as possible and may still be edited for space. Letters must be signed and include an address and telephone number so that we can verify their authenticity. Letters should be delivered to the newsroom in Communications-Automotive Building, Room 125, mailed to The Flare, )YVHK^H` 2PSNVYL ;? VY LTHPSLK [V! RJFĂ&#x2026;HYL'`HOVV JVT
+0:*3(04,9 THE FLARE is the student newspaper of Kilgore College and is published every Friday by the journalism department, except during examination periods and vacations. First copy is free, subsequent copies are available for 50 cents. THE FLARE is a member of the Texas Community College Journalism Association and the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. All people holding editorial staff positions are Kilgore College journalism students. *VTTLU[Z HUK ]PL^Z L_WYLZZLK PU ;/, -3(9, YLĂ&#x2026;LJ[ [OL [OV\NO[Z VM [OL PUKP]PK\HS ^YP[LYZ HUK KV UV[ ULJLZZHYPS` YLĂ&#x2026;LJ[ [OL ILSPLMZ VY VWPUPVUZ VM V[OLY Z[\KLU[Z Z[HMM TLTILYZ MHJ\S[` TLTILYZ HKTPUPZ[YH[P]L VMĂ&#x201E;JLYZ VY [OL )VHYK VM ;Y\Z[LLZ
Cereal Killer
Taylon Sharer/THE
Supplies: Trash bag, milk jug, spoon and cereal boxes Cost: Free, just go Dumpsterdiving Steps: Cut three holes in your trash bag: two for your arms and one for your head. Glue or tape torn cereal boxes to your trash bag. Carry the jug for candy and a spoon for your “weapon.” Downside: Being chased by the milkman
Halloween Hot Spots
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Graystone Haunted Manor +
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Doc Wilkes House of Horrors c'*%b/1;$3%!'(3$%'5 %!'))')3%/3%8"*;% "6"/0%5')%"0'-+$)%3*)$"7/06%6'',% !"11'2$$0%"0,%5/#$%0$2%)''73%'5 %5$")C%<+/3% 7"03/'0%'5 %7"&+$7%2/11%8$%'.$0%5)'7%G% .C7C%-'%MN%.C7C%Z(0,"&B%H*-C%PNB%"0,%9'0,"&B% H*-C%PMC%<+$%"--)"*-/'0%2/11%"13'%8$%'.$0% 5)'7%G%.C7C%-'%7/,0/6+-%'0%D)/,"&%"0,% Z"-(),"&B%H*-C%IJKILC D')%-+/3%!"11'2$$0%2$$;$0,B%-+$%!'(3$%'5 % !'))')3%/3%3$)#/06%(.%"%3.$*/"1%-)$"-%2/-+%
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Terror Nights Haunted House: three times the thrills Patient Zero Y0-$)%/0-'%"%3$*)$-% 6'#$)07$0-%.1'-%/0%"0% (0,$)6)'(0,%1"8')"-')&C% >,#"0*$,%cF>% $d.$)/7$0-"-/'0%+"3%6'0$% -$))/81&%2)'06%"0,%-+$% /05$*-/'0%/3%8$6/00/06%-'% 3.)$",%5"3-C%H01&%&'(%*"0% 3"#$%&'()3$15 %5)'7%-+$% (0,$",%0'2C
Chiseltooth Family <";$%"%#/3/-%-'%-+$% W+/3$1-''-+%+'7$3-$",%8(-% ,'04-%$d.$*-%-'%3-"&%1'06C%]$% "%2/-0$33%-'%-+/3%,$)"06$,% 5"7/1&%"3%-+$&%+"#$%"%1/--1$% 5(0%2/-+%*+"/03"23%"0,% 7')$C%H0*$%&'(%7$$-%-+$3$% .3&*+'3%&'(411%)$"1/?$%-+"-% -+$&%,/,04-%/0-$0,%-'%+"#$% &'(%'#$)%5')%,/00$)C
SATURDAY BUFFET 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
The Void >)$%&'(%"5)"/,%'5 %2+"-% 6'$3%8(7.%/0%-+$%0/6+-=%>11% '5 %-+$%7'03-$)3%5)'7%&'()% 7'3-%5)/6+-$0/06%,)$"73% +"#$%8$$0%*)"77$,%/0-'% <+$%V'/,O%-+$%3."*$%8$-2$$0% 1/5$%"0,%,$"-+%2+$)$%&'(% 7(3-%5"*$%&'()%6)$"-$3-% 5$")3C%:(3-%)$7$78$)%0'-% -'%3*)$"7%-''%1'(,e%-+$&411% '01&%5/0,%&'(%5"3-$)C
Terror Nights Information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