+ Friday, September 30, 2011
Vol. 75 No. 4
Serving Kilgore College since 1936
Queen Nominees from left: Q Jenny Ferrusquia, Latinos en Accion Q Bria Jones, Ranger Ambassadors Q Amanda Bailey, Rangerettes Q Chelsi Borders, Orientation Leaders Q Symone Brooks, Cheerleaders
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n i s ’ hat
r o f s d r a c the
r Ex-Student, Teache d ar Aw s ee tir Re and Dinner 6 tonight er Devall Student Cent Ballroom
KC Rahs Dutch-Trea t Lunch 11:30 a.m. S aturday Back Porch KC Twirlers Dutch-Trea t Lunch 11:30 a.m. S aturday Napolis Italia n Restaurant
KC Rangers vs. Northeast Oklahoma A&M 3 p.m. Saturday St. John Memorial Stadium
KC Rahs and Twirlers Performance 10 a.m. Saturday Masters Gym
+ Rangerettes Forever Luncheon 11 a.m. Saturday Devall Student Center Ballroom
Eternal Flare Reunion Noon Saturday Communications/ Automotive Building, Room 132
Read & WIN!
Play “ S POT T HE R ANGER ” !""#!"#$%&$#"'()#$%# &'("#)#*$+#,$%-".-#+/0".1 2$-"3#45"#6'%("+#78,-/+"9#:"0$;# 8.#%$-#-5"#5899"%#$%"1
Ashley Forrestier / THE FLARE Inset portraits by Joh Vashey, Illustrations by Cara Herbert / THE FLARE
King nominees from left:
Q Danual Fountain, BSM Q Tyler Simmons, Diversity Alliance Q Brian Morton, Orientation Leaders Q Joe Leftwich, Ranger Ambassadors Q Anthony Moore, Cheerleaders Bre a k i n g n ews, videos an d exten ded cover age at www.thef lareonline. com
Trent Raby
NOTEBOOK Sept. 30 – Oct. 7
Cara Herbert / THE FLARE
FRIDAY, Sept. 30
Age: 19 Hometown: Kilgore *SHZZPÄJH[PVU! Sophomore, Chemical Engineering
Q KC Homecoming Exes 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. DSC ballroom
Q Homecoming game, KC vs. Northeast Oklahoma A&M 3 p.m. R.E. St. John Memorial Stadium
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‘Charley’s Aunt’ opens Tuesday
SATURDAY, Oct. 1 Q KC Cheer/ Twirlers Homecoming Performance 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Masters Gym
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Q Fall 2011 graduation application deadline
GOLDEN RULES OF THEATRE ETIQUETTE A good audience will make the theatre experience enjoyable for everyone: 1. BE on time; arrive to the Van Cliburn Auditorium 1520 minutes before the show begins. Coming in late is distracting and disrespectful. 2. TURN off all cell phones, pagers and iPods before the play starts, not after they have already caused a distraction.
3. RESPECT the other members of the audience, the actors and your personal space. Don’t whisper or make comments during the play.
Q Ranger Yearbook Club Day photos 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. DSC ballroom WEDNESDAY, Oct. 5
4. EATING noises are very distracting and are prohibited.
Q Ranger Yearbook Club Day photos 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. DSC ballroom
5. FLASH photography is prohibited. 6. STAY in your seat once you get there.
FRIDAY, Oct. 7 Q KC Foundation meeting 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. DSC ballroom
7. RESPOND to the play. Laughing is encouraged during appropriate times. 8. LISTEN and pay attention to the play. You can’t rewind this show!
Q Next issue of THE FLARE SATURDAY, Oct. 8
Jake Scarborough / THE FLARE
9. SHOW your appreciation to the actors once the play is over. Clapping is always appreciated.
Q Football Game 3 p.m. KC @ Cisco Junior College
From left: Daylon Howell (as Charley Wykeham), and Josh Wallace (as Jack Chesney) rehearse for “Charley’s Aunt,” a play that premieres 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4, in Van Cliburn Auditorium.
FRIDAYS Q KC Art Club meetings Noon Back Porch
Club aims to draw creatives Zone offers free tutoring
STUDENT SUCCESS TIP “Your success depends on YOU! Take control of your life and don’t blame your failures on others. Make your life what you want it to be.”
– Jimmy Rieves
Director of student development/ athletic director
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6FKRODUVKLS ORDQV JUDQW PRQH\ UHIXQGV GLVWULEXWHG WKURXJK 5DQJHU &DUGV )!*&+,'!-."$-%&/ ,)"-- &.+%)/+ # DC"1!# P@HXW# 0!1)%+!0# '266# C%# (243%(# 4"*%# 7"+)&,@# Y4!-# P@# &/!%(# /2+&+42&6# &2)# )20!(2C1!%0# &# 62!!6%# ">%(# LF-W# *2662"+# "/ # 043"6&(0325@# 6"&+# &+)# $(&+!# *"+%,# "+!"# A1&62/,2+$# 0!1)%+!# Z&+$%(# 4&()0-# ?3%0%# +1*C%(0# &(%# %0!2*&!%0# *&)%# C,# [10!2+# Z24%@# 0!1)%+!0# &44"1+!0# 4""()2+&!"(@# &0# "/ # U%)+%0)&,-#Z24%#+"!%0#!3&!#!3%0%#+1*C%(0# &(%#01C\%4!#!"#43&+$%-
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Kilgore Crisis Center closes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
Jamie Maldonado / THE FLARE
PTK INDUCTEES From left: Chelsi Borders, Kilgore sophomore, Kim Bozarth, Gladewater sophomore, and Tessia Bradford, Longview freshman, participate in the Phi Theta Kappa induction ceremony Wednesday in the Devall Student Center Ballroom. Forty-six new members were inducted. Adam Switzer, former president of Phi Theta Kappa, spoke at the ceremony.
A hidden campus treasure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`#0&2)#E&!3,# R&2(@#U&!0"+#;2C(&(,#)2(%4!"(-#_U%#3&>%#$"")# 0!1)%+!# '"(=%(0# &+)# ">%(# !2*%# !3%,# 6%&(+# '3%(%#%>%(,!32+$#20@#C1!#'3%+#,"1#4"*%#2+@# &0=#/"(#&#62C(&(2&+#&+)#'%#4&+#)%/2+2!%6,#3%65# ,"1#/2+)#'3&!#,"1#+%%)#/"(#(%0%&(43-`# D60"#/"1+)#"+#!3%#62C(&(,#'%C02!%#20#_D0=#D# ;2C(&(2&+`@#&#62+=#2+#'3243#5&!("+0#4&+#0%+)# &+# %*&26# !"# I10&+# U260"+@# 51C624# 0%(>24%0# 62C(&(2&+-# I5%42/2%)# A1%0!2"+0# &(%# 0%+!# !"# 05%42&62S%)# 0!&// # 2+# !3%# 62C(&(,# 2+# "()%(# !"# $%!# !3%# C%0!# 5"002C6%# &+0'%(# '3243# 20# !3%+#
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Early childhood hosts â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Coats for Kidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; raffle !"#$%&'(%#&"%&' !"#"$%#$&'(%)*+ ?3%# E<# :&(6,# <326)3"")# 8("/%002"+0# <61C# '266# C%# 0%662+$# (&//6%# !24=%!0# C%/"(%# &+)# )1(2+$# !3%# /2(0!# 3&6/ # "/ # !3%# Q"*%4"*2+$# /""!C&66# $&*%-# # ?24=%!0# &(%# LJ# &+)# &66# 5("4%%)0# '266# $"# !"'&()# 51(43&02+$#_<"&!0#/"(#E2)0`# +%B!#*"+!3-# R2(0!# 56&4%# '266# '2+# !'"# /(%%# !24=%!0# &+)# &# /(%%# *%)21*# 5"54"(+# &!# Q"66,'"")# ?3%&!%(0# 2+# ;"+$>2%'-# I%4"+)# 56&4%# '266# &60"# (%4%2>%# !'"# /(%%# *">2%# !24=%!0# !"# Q"66,'"")# ?3%&!%(0#2+#;"+$>2%'-# ?3%# '2++%(# '266# C%# &++"1+4%)#&!#3&6/!2*%-#
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â&#x20AC;&#x153; S POT T HE R ANGER â&#x20AC;?
How it Works... How To Play:#The Flare newspaper staff is hiding the KC Ranger (pictured on page 1) ZVTL^OLYL ^P[OPU [OL WHNLZ VM LHJO PZZ\L 3VN VU [V ^^^ [OLĂ&#x2026;HYLVUSPUL JVT OVTL page and click on the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spot the Rangerâ&#x20AC;? link. Fill out the contest form letting us know where you think you found him and submit your form. We will draw two lucky winners each week. Winnersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; names will appear in the next issue of The Flare in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spot The Ranger Winnersâ&#x20AC;? information box located on Page 2. How to claim your prize:#Stop by The Flare lab in the Communications Building, Room 125 with your valid KC student ID once your name has appeared in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spot The Ranger Winnersâ&#x20AC;? information box. Prizes: Will vary each issue. Disclaimer: All KC employees and communications students, including those enrolled in journalism and photography classes, are ineligible to participate in the contest. All participants must be currently enrolled KC students. Only two winners per issue of The Flare. The Ranger may be featured in black and white or color and in different poses.
Attention! Early Childhood Development Majors!
In Your Field at...
$4 Thursdays For all Students with a valid ID ($6 for 3D) Call for show times or go online for show times and tickets WWW.FOOTHILLSENTERTAINMENT.COM
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t Part Time t 2:30-6 p.m. For Information Contact: Claudia Wood 903-663-6565 k.kountry@yahoo.com
Don!t let your wallet take the beating! All You Can Eat and Drink for only $4 When you purchase a punch card at the
Ranger CafĂŠ In the Devall Student Center Open 7 days a week
Knockout food at Knockout prices!
Rangerettesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; season includes trips, bowl game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
,%/7,C! B%&! ,/0%/1/)&! F"&33&,! 74''!0&)5/)1!#'/.6,4-&!3%&!N#''#,! ?/72/:! ?%&&)'&#-&),*! 5/8)! 7%/! #)&! 5/)1&)! "#.6&)&33&,]! U1&'4#! V143%*! ?#,,4&! "/7'#.-*! 9&6%#.! +%4''40,!#.-!;11#!N833/.C B%&!F"&33&,!74''!#',/!0&)5/)1!#3! 3%&!%#'5341&!,%/7!5/)!3%&!V;?!H,C! A46! P\! ?/33/.! A/7'! 6#1&! ^#.C! _*! \`P\*!#3!?/72/:,!V3#-481C B%4,! :&#)F,! N&$&12&)! 3)40! 3/! Y#7#44!3/0,!/55 !3%&!5#''!,&1&,3&)! 0&)5/)1#.$&,C! B%&! F"&33&,! 74''! 0&)5/)1! N&$C! a! #3! 3%&! X`3%! :&#)! $/11&1/)#34H&! $&)&1/.4&,! 5/)! 3%&!2/124.6!/5 !+&#)'!Y#)2/)C! B%&! 3&#1! 74''! 2&! 0&)5/)14.6! 4.! 5)/.3! /5 ! 3%&! bVV! U)4</.#! 1/.81&.3*!#.-!0&)%#0,!#!0#)#-&C! c/8)! /5 ! 3%&! ,8)H4H/),! 5)/1! 3%&! &#)':! 1/).4.6! +&#)'! Y#)2/)! 2/124.6!74''!2&!4.!#33&.-#.$&!#3! 3%&!$&)&1/.:C!
Jamie Maldonado / THE FLARE
5L^ 9HUNLYL[[L 6MĂ&#x201E;JLYZ HYL MYVT SLM[ ! Lt. Katie Canant from Beaumont, Lt. Mary Elizabeth Pennington from The Woodlands, Capt. Rachel Keller from Pasadena, Lt. Lauren Chapman from Victoria and Lt. McKenzie Robinson from Tyler.
Michelle Belto / Special to THE FLARE
Michelle Beltoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exhibit includes 18 pieces using her unique painting with beeswax method.
Belto art exhibit in FAC !%*"&1#22#3! !"#$$ %&'(")' B%&! B8)I! c4.&! U)3,! ?&.3&)! Z#''&):! 4,! ./7! ,%/7$#,4.6! ,&H&)#'! 04&$&,! 2:! 7&''LI./7.! #)34,3! 94$%&''&! A&'3/! 7%/! %#,! 2&&.!#!3&#$%&)!#.-!#)34,3!,4.$&! 3%&!&#)':!FX`,C! A&'3/! %/'-,! #! A#$%&'/)! /5 ! U)3,! 4.! ;-8$#34/.! 743%! 3&#$%4.6! $&)3454$#34/.,! 4.! #)3! #.-! 3%&#3)&! #.-! #! 9#,3&)! /5 ! U)3,! 5)/1! ^/%.! cC! (&..&-:! b.4H&),43:!4.!?#'45/).4#C Y&)! 7/)I! #,! #! 0&)5/)1&)*! 0)&,&.3&)! #.-! H4,8#'! #)34,3! ,0#.,! 1/)&! 3%#.! S`! :&#),*! 3%)&&! $/.34.&.3,! #.-! PS! 082'4$#34/.,C A&'3/!4,!./7!7/)I4.6!#,!#!58''L 341&!H4,8#'!#)34,3!#.-!4,!'4H4.6! 4.!B&J#,!743%!%&)!%8,2#.-C! Y&)!.&7!2//I*!D+#0&)!f!=#J*! B&$%.4M8&,! 5/)! Y#.-1#-&! +#0&)! #.-! ;.$#8,34$! +#4.34.6G!&J0'#4.,!%&)!8.4M8&! ,3:'&! /5 ! 0#4.34.6C! B%&! 2//I! 4,! ,$%&-8'&-! 3/! 2&! 082'4,%&-! 5/)! ,0)4.6!\`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c)4-#:C U-14,,4/.!4,!5)&&!#.-!/0&.!3/! 3%&!082'4$C
Brandy Eubanks / THE FLARE
KC Rahs (from left) Erica Ramos, Kilgore freshman; Kaliegh Benoit, Kilgore freshman; and Magan Jamison, Gladewater freshman, show their spirit as they cheer on the KC Rangers.
Rahs pumped up %#*"&'$%*+ !"#$$ %*'(")'
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
THE CHEERLEADERS ARE LISTED BY HOMETOWN, AS FOLLOWS: Anderson â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Latrice Revely Austin â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Andrew Munoz Beaumont â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Anthony Moore Dallas â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Symone Synclair Brooks Gladewater â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Magan Jamison, Porchia McCauley and Carra Smitherman Humble â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Laden Robique, Destin McCurly Kilgore â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Kaliegh Benoit, Erica Ramos and Kassidi Turlington ,0/.,/)*!#6)&&,C!! ! D>#,3! ,&1&,3&)! 3%&:! 7&.3! 3/! .#34/.#',!#.-!-4-!5#4)':!7&''!5/)! #!K8.4/)!$/''&6&*G!V0&&)!,#4-C ! B%4,! ,&1&,3&)! B:'&)! ^8.4/)! ?/''&6&! &'414.#3&-! 43,! $%&&)'&#-4.6! 0)/6)#1! 2&$#8,&! /5 ! ! 28-6&3! $83,! #.-! 3%)&&! K/4.&-!3%&!(?!,M8#-C!V0&&)!,#4-!
Leveretteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chapel â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tasha Dixon Linden â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Torri Henry Longview â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Scottie Agnew, Duâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Sharme Davis and Jenny Ferrusquia Medina Overton â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Kaylynn Raney Rowlett â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lacey Holland The Woodlands â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Chelsy Plaisance Union Grove â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Breanne Hagler
(?! -4-! ./3! )&$)843! #.:! B^?! $%&&)'&#-&),d! 3%&:! K/4.&-! 3%&! ,M8#-!/.!3%&4)!/7.C D(?! 7/8'-! .&H&)! )&$)843! #! $%&&)'&#-&)! 5)/1! #./3%&)! $/''&6&! 5/)! 3%&! ,M8#-d! 43F,! 8.&3%4$#'*G!V0&&)!,#4-C B%&! ,M8#-! 0)#$34$&,! 5/8)! -#:,! #! 7&&I! 5)/1! P]S`LS]S`! 0C1C! 4.!
3%&! ! +#)I,! c43.&,,! ?&.3&)C! B%&! $%&&)'&#-&),! #',/! 0&)5/)1! 5/)! '/$#'! %46%! ,$%//',! 7%&.! 4.H43&-! #.-! 3%&:! )#4,&! 1/.&:! 3/! 0#:! 5/)! 3%&4)! 3)40! 3/! .#34/.#'! $/10&3434/.!4.!3%&!,0)4.6C!B%&:! 74''! 2&! 0&)5/)14.6! /.! c)4-#:*! [$3C! Pa*! #3! Z'#-&7#3&)! Y46%! V$%//'C
Twirlers, Rahs to perform in Masters Gym Saturday *%,#"-&./0 !"#$$ %&'(")'
Jon Vashey / Special to THE FLARE
Twirlers are Front Row (from left): Kaitlyn Walker, Kahla Morris, Drum Major Emma Foster, Katie Hammers, Rachel Armistead; Back Row: Carley Pruitt, Hayley Clark, Head Twirler Chelsea Kirkland, Rebecca Walker and Marie Padron.
V&&4.6! 3%&! (?! B74)'&),! 0&)5/)1! 4,! #! Y/1&$/14.6! 3)#-434/.C! e/)1#'':*! /.&! 7/8'-! &J0&$3! 3%&! Y/1&$/14.6! 0&)5/)1#.$&! /83! /.! 3%&! 54&'-*! 283! &H&)! ,4.$&! #! 0/3&.34#'! )#4.L/83! 3%)&#3&.&-! 3/! ,/#I!3%&!Y/1&$/14.6!$&'&2)#34/.!,&H&)#'! :&#),! #6/*! 3%&! B74)'&),! %#H&! -&$4-&-! 3/! 0&)5/)1!4.!3%&!6:1C B%&! 0&)5/)1#.$&*! 7%4$%! 74''! 2&! #'/.6,4-&! 3%&! (?! ?%&&)'&#-&),*! 4,! P`! #C1C! V#38)-#:!4.!3%&!9#,3&),!Z:1C! DU'81.4*! 0#)&.3,*! &H&):/.&! 4,! 4.H43&-*G! ,#4-!+#46&!(&433*!(?!B74)'&),!'4.&!-4)&$3/)C! U53&)! 3%&! 0&)5/)1#.$&,*! 3%/,&! #33&.-4.6! #)&!4.H43&-!3/!&#3!#3!e#0/'4F,*!\P`!9#4.!V3C*! 4.!-/7.3/7.!(4'6/)&C B%&!(?!B74)'&),!%#H&!2&&.!7/)I4.6!%#)-!
3%4,! :&#)*! (&433! ,#4-C! D=&! %#H&! P`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c/,3&)C
Rangers take on NEOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Norsemen .& KRVWV 1RUWKHDVWHUQ 2NODKRPD $ 0 IRU +RPHFRPLQJ !"#$%&'"()*+(,$!"#$$ %&'(")' H3$) @6(1$%0) 27<<) E6,$) -3$) R'%-3$60-$%() b:<63'86) YcF) d'<.$() R'%0$8$() 7() [SI0) ^'8$,'87(1) 168$) =6-/%.6&)
27-3) :7,:'EE ) 6-) D) +>8>) 7() =->) ;'3() F$8'%76<)=-6.7/8> [S)70)LCM)'()-3$)0$60'()6(.)LCO)7() ,'(E$%$(,$>)R"b)70)OCM)7()-3$)0$60'() 6(.) 6<0') LCO) '() ,'(E$%$(,$>) b($) -$68) 27<<) 1$-) 7-0) E7%0-) ,'(E$%$(,$) 27()=6-/%.6&>)
^$6.) S'6,3) ;>;>) ",:$%-N) 23') 70) 96,:)E%'8)6)'($C168$)0/0+$(07'(N) /0$0)-370)J/'-$)9&)U7<<768)Y>)U6%.) -') $(,'/%61$) 370) -$68) E'%) -370) 2$$:I0) 168$\) !Y.#$%07-&) ,6/0$0) 0'8$) 8$() -') 9%$6:N) 6(.) '-3$%0) -') 9%$6:)%$,'%.0>5)
H3$) @6(1$%0) 36#$) 0-6%-$.) -3$7%) 0$60'() '/-) -3$) 068$) 26&) E'%) -3$) +60-) -3%$$) &$6%0\) 27-3) E'/%) <'00$0N) 9/-) ) ",:$%-) 360) 9%'/13-) 370) -$68) -')-3$)+<6&'EE0)$#$%&)&$6%> !e-I0) ('-) 3'2) &'/) 0-6%-N) 9/-) 3'2) &'/)E7(703N5)",:$%-)067.>) [S)70)0-7<<)<'':7(1)E'%)6)27()6E-$%) 6) ,<'0$) 168$) 27-3) R'>) A) -$68) R6#6%%'N) <'07(1) OOCAQ>) @6(1$%0I)
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Slow start, strong finish not enough to get by No. 1 Navarro Bulldogs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Heather Sims / THE FLARE
Tyler freshman wide receiver Ricky Collins looks to run the ball \W [OL Ã&#x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b<7() H$%%&P) ,'897($.) E'%) AA]) &6%.0) '() AOC'ECDM)+600$0N)6(.)6()7(-$%,$+-7'() 237,3) 7%'(7,6<<&) -/%($.) 7(-') 6) [S) -'/,3.'2(>)H3$)R6#6%%')?/<<.'10I) J/6%-$%96,:) Y.%76() R$<0'() -3%$2)
E'%)O]B)&6%.0)6(.)6)-'/,3.'2(>) H3$)@6(1$%0)%6()]_)'EE$(07#$)+<6&0N) ,<'0$)7(),'8+6%70'()-')R6#6%%'I0)]Q>)
RS)167($.)fQ)&6%.0)%/037(1)6(.)[S) 36.)QD)+6007(1)&6%.0>
2011 Ranger Football Date
Hutchinson, Kansas
L 60-21
Tyler Junior College
L 34-31
Sept. 10
@ Trinity Valley C.C.*
L 38-20
Sept. 24
Navarro College*
L 22-17
Aug. 25
Hutchinson C.C. (Kansas)
Sept. 3
OCT. 1
N.E. Oklahoma A&M*
Oct. 8
@ Cisco Junior College*
Oct. 15
@ Arkansas Baptist College*
Oct. 22
Blinn College*
Oct. 29
@ Tyler Junior College*
KILGORE (Homecoming)
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
Little Rock, Ark.
2 p.m.
Kilgore (Hall of Fame; Parents Day)
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
*Conference Game
Happy Homecoming
Honored Retirees
,)$--"+$%./"0 -&.// )0,'&#,
Ex-Student, Teacher and Retirees Awards Dinner 6 p.m. today in the Devall Student Center Ballroom. Tickets are free, but reservations are required. Email pjamerson@kilgore.edu
Distinguished Alumni Award "#1-*+%2*1+#*+% 1.2.3'23)!*'&+,)
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1 Beginners
2 The Tree of
MPAA Rating: R Film Length: 104 minutes Shown through Oct. 1 An imaginative exploration of the hilarity, confusion and surprises of love through the evolving consciousness of Oliver (Golden Globe Award nominee Ewan McGregor), â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beginnersâ&#x20AC;? is a comedy/drama about how deeply humorous and transformative life can be at even the most serious of times. Oliver meets the unpredictable and irreverent Anna (MĂŠlanie Laurent of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Inglourious Basterdsâ&#x20AC;?) just months after the death of his father, Hal (Academy Award nominee Christopher Plummer). Oliverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new love for Anna brings back H Ă&#x2026;VVK VM TLTVYPLZ VM OPZ father who, after 44 years of marriage, came out of the closet at age 75 to lead an energized and tumultuous gay life. Halâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new-found and powerfully honest self, both comedic and moving, brought father and son closer than they ever could have been. Now Oliver attempts to love Anna with all of the bravery, humor and hope that his father taught him.
MPAA Rating: PG-13 Film Length: 138 minutes Shown Oct. 2-4 Starring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Tree Of Lifeâ&#x20AC;? tells of the evolution of Jack, an 11-year-old in Texas during the 1950s. Young Jack sees, like his mother, through the eyes of his soul. She represents love and mercy, whereas his father tries to tell Jack that the world expects him to put himself Ă&#x201E;YZ[ 1HJR PZ [VYU IL[^LLU trying to please both of his parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; affections. Jackâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s world soon changes as OL ZLLZ OPZ Ă&#x201E;YZ[ NSPTWZLZ of sickness, suffering and death, turning his outlook on his own world from glorious to a chaotic labyrinth. Later, ^L Ă&#x201E;UK HK\S[ 1HJR PU [OL modern world, a lost soul seeking the ultimate eternal scheme. When he sees the great preparation that has been fed into the creation of our world, all things appear to be miraculous, precious and incomparable. From then on, Jack is able to Ă&#x201E;UK ^P[OPU OPT MVYNP]LULZZ hope, acknowledgment in beauty and more.
1 3 Buck
MPAA Rating: PG Film Length: 89 minutes Shown Oct. 5-8 Winner of the Audience Award for the Sundance Film Festival 2011, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Buckâ&#x20AC;? tells the story of Buck Brannaman, a true allAmerican cowboy and master horseback-rider who travels the country for nine months out of the year helping horses with people problems. This documentary follows Brannaman from his abusive childhood to his unusual approach to horses. This real-life â&#x20AC;&#x153;horsewhispererâ&#x20AC;? leaves behind the memories of his violent upbringing and teaches people to communicate with their horses through instinct, not punishment. The audience can see the transformation of horsesâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;and peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;with his compassion, understanding and respect. The animalhuman relationship becomes a metaphor for facing the challenges of everyday life. A truly American tale of an unsung hero, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Buckâ&#x20AC;? is about an ordinary man who has made an extraordinary life despite tremendous odds.
4 The Cave of
the Forgotten Dreams
MPAA Rating: G Film Length: 95 minutes Shown Oct. 9-11 In 1994, an archeological discovery was made in a cave in Southern France, known as the ChauvetPont-dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arc. Etchings were brought to light that dated back an estimated 30,000 `LHYZ THRPUN [OLZL Ă&#x201E;UKPUNZ some of the oldest remnants of humankind ever to be discovered. Due to their great fragility, experts made sure their discoveries were under the most delicate of conditions, not even allowing human breath near them for fear of severely damaging or destroying the drawings. Few were able to obtain access to the drawings, except for a .LYTHU Ă&#x201E;STTHRLY UHTLK Werner Herzog who not only gained permission to Ă&#x201E;ST [OL Ă&#x201E;UKPUNZ ^P[O SPNO[Z that emit no heat) but he captured them in 3D. This documentary doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just bring the remnants and cave to near real-life appeal, but it Ă&#x201E;UKZ IYVHKLY WOPSVZVWOPJHS questions about the nature of humanity itself and the transience of humankind.
5 Sarahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Key
MPAA Rating: PG-13 Film Length: 111 minutes Shown Oct. 12-15 July 1942 in Paris, France: Sarah, a 10-year-old girl, is taken by the French police, along with her parents, as [OL VMĂ&#x201E;JLYZ NV KVVY [V KVVY arresting Jewish families in the middle of the night. In an effort to protect her little brother, Sarah locks him in their secret hiding place- the bedroom cupboard- and promises that she will come back for him once they are released. Sixtyseven years later, Sarahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s story intertwines with Julia Jarmond, an American journalist investigating that same Jewish roundup. During her research, Julia Ă&#x201E;UKZ H [YHPS VM ZLJYL[Z [OH[ link her to Sarah and to questions about her own YVTHU[PJ M\[\YL ;OPZ Ă&#x201E;ST is based on the â&#x20AC;&#x153;New York Times Best-seller, by Tatiana do Rosnay.
6 6 Higher
MPAA Rating: R Film Length: 109 minutes Shown Oct. 16-20 A drama set against the backdrop of the 1960s, when feminism reached a new level of public UV[VYPL[` [OL Ă&#x201E;ST KLWPJ[Z the landscape of a tightknit spiritual community. Inspired by the memoir and screenplay from Carolyn Briggs, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Higher Groundâ&#x20AC;? shows one womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s internal struggle with the primary love relationships of her life.
Learning Abroad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
Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient From the Rangerettes
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Habitat for Humanity offering volunteer opportunity Oct. 8 ,*''"-(&'.$/(## !"#$$ %&'(")' OC,%)F1)3.)*/)%*)/)$$53-P%.$%.*%+,0(%0)&&)3$% ,*% 5% +3.76&% 1.*M% ^5+.&5&% 2,3% ^'45*.&-% 20.)3% 5(8)3&.$.*7%&6)%X,4)*%I'.0(%L>NN9% :6)% )8)*&% $&53&$% <% 5949% B5&'3(5-?% _/&9% <?% 5&% LN>%^,1M.*$%B&9%.*%R,*78.)E9 O:6)% 2,/'$% .$% ,*% /,00)7)% 57)% 8,0'*&))3$?P% $5.(%!)00-%X5&$,*?%(.3)/&,39% ^5+.&5&% /5*% E,3M% E.&6% 5*-% $&'()*&#$% $/6)('0)?% 5*(% $.7*'1$% /5*% .*/0'()% ,*)% B5&'3(5-%,3%45*-9% D)7.$&)3.*7% /5*% +)% (,*)% 5&% &6)% /)*&)3%
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Happy Homecoming S M I L E
Best of Luck to the Rangerettes
on a Beautiful Halftime Performance! Congratulations to our Homecoming Queen Nominee Miss Amanda Bailey
We Love You Kathryn Heller Zwick ’76-’78 *Erin Oian ’00-’02 *Joanne Hankins ’45-’47 *Eloise Ashley *Sandra Sanders *Beverly Adams *Bill Shirley
Randi Branson / THE FLARE
(From left) Michael Freeman watches as Thomas Waltman and Louie Snider weld and cut a steel beam in industrial maintenance technology class.
Heather Sims / THE FLARE
Jeff Ebersole, Henderson sophomore, (left) and Fernando Dominguez, Hallsville freshman, are a part of the diesel mechanics program at KC-Longview.
Randi Branson / THE FLARE
The KC-Longview campus features many career programs and lab spaces for programs including cosmetology, industrial maintenance technology and KPLZLS [LJOUVSVN` (SVUN ^P[O ZL]LU ÄLSK VWWVY[\UP[PLZ [OL JHTW\Z HSZV WYV]PKLZ H JVSSLNL YLHKPULZZ WYVNYHT HUK JVYL J\YYPJ\S\T JSHZZLZ
C-Longview offers seven fields in which students are able to earn a degree, making it easier for someone who lives in Longview. The campus is located in downtown Longview at 300 South St. and is at times an undiscovered jewel. It boasts seven programs in which students can enroll and earn a certificate, plus it has an adult education program that “exceeds state standards in student learning,” said Dr. Julie Fowler, executive dean of KC-Longview. Fowler estimates about 2,000 students are currently enrolled, the most popular class being nurse aide which enrolls about 36 new students every month. Along with these programs, the college also provides an intensive college-readiness program which helps GED graduates be better prepared for college. Upon completion, students receive their choice between a laptop or a scholarship, all free of charge. KC-Longview has “an excellent staff of teachers and counselors who are dedicated to helping students,” Fowler said. Another advantage for students is being able to prepare for a four-year college transfer through classes offered at KC-Longview. Testing services are available for the Accuplacer, GED and instructional areas. For more information, contact the testing manager at 903-753-2642 or in the Hendrix Building, Room 210. KC-Longview also has a partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration and offers classes through the Small Business Development Center which helps prospective small business owners–all free of charge–achieve their goals of opening their own business one day. Fowler said many students may not know that they can also earn an associate degree without ever leaving Longview. In addition to core curriculum, the following programs are offered at KC-Longview: Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology, Cosmetology, Diesel Technology, Emergency Medical Technology, Industrial Maintenance Technology, Office Professional and Vocational Nursing (LVN).
Taylon Sharer / THE FLARE
Erica Nichols, Kilgore sophomore, works in the nail technology lab in the KC-Longview Cosmetology classroom.
Taylon Sharer / THE FLARE
Students learn basic healthcare skills in a nurse aide class taught by Montez Easley. Jake Scarborough / THE FLARE
Biology instructor Dorothy Puckett demonstrates different human diagrams in the biology lab located in the Longview North Building.
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Ashley Forrestier/THE FLARE
Back to the Future: Homecoming style
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!=' *#5/&' /+>%' ()%' 6#,7+1%0'(#';#@%'6-;>' 6%;-50%' +(' +0' .%((+,.' ;)+//:8< Joe Lopez Gladewater freshman
The Hunchback (Jeff Grote) gives Dr. Pete Rodriquez an award for best imitation of an administrator at the 1981 Homecoming pep rally.
(Above) The KC Rangerettes revealed a delicate blend of spirit and beauty in the Flag routine which was dedicated to the U.S. Armed Forces around the world in 1971. (Left) The picture shows the ILNPUUPUNZ VM [OL AL[H ÅVH[ PU
!=' *+0)' *%' ;#5/&' )-$%' 6#,7+1%0' /+>%' *%' 50%' (#' 6-;>' +,' )+.)' 0;)##/8' 4%' ;-,?(' ,#*' 6%;-50%' #7 '()%'651,'6-,08< Clarissa Leach Henderson freshman
1971: “Homecoming was more than just another game; it was an entire week of spirited hard work and purposeful preparation. The unity and enthusiasm aroused remained even after the game.” -Ranger 1972
1951: KC students conclude the year’s Homecoming festivities with a dance.
1961: For the Homecoming parade, organizations created ÁRDWV LQ KRSHV RI ZLQQLQJ ÀUVW SODFH LQ WKH ÁRDW building contest. Pictured above is the third-place winner, the Deltas.
VOL. 75, NO. 4 Friday, September 30, 2011
2010 Sweepstakes Winner in Texas Intercollegiate Press Association and Texas Community College Journalism Association 2010 First Place, Texas Associated Press Managing Editors – Non-Daily College-University Division
ADVISER Bettye Craddock
ADVERTISING MANAGER Betsy Foreman WEB EDITORS Jonathen Ruesch Timothy Stuckey
LAB MANAGER Jamie Maldonado COPY EDITORS Jarred Crenshaw, D’Anzia Robertson, Taylon Sharer, Sarah Sullivan, Dasha Yusupova
STAFF WRITERS Melissa Aquad, Lainey Armstrong, Kade Bittick, Daniel Guy, Kenneth Huggins, Bailey Lugenbell, Brittani Pfau, Keira Phipps, Aide Prado, Ariana Riley, Dillon Sandiffer, Jessica Stovall, John Walsh, Jimmy Warwick, Marley Williams PHOTOGRAPHERS Randi Branson, Brandy Eubanks, Betsy Foreman, Ali Henderson, Ana Rios, Jake Scarborough, Taylon Sharer, Heather Sims, Carolyn Terrell, Randi Vinson, Elizabeth Wisdom ARTISTS Ashley Forrestier
Copyright 2011, The Flare. All rights reserved.
Photos by Jake Scarborough and Ali Henderson /THE FLARE
1991: Homecoming Queen Tina Malone shows off her mum after being crowned. It was tradition for a man to give his date a mum for the Homecoming game, the bigger the better. 1981: Students paint a banner welcoming KC alumni. The banner featured the haunting theme, “That Bewitching Ranger Spirit.”
LETTERS THE FLARE welcomes any letter to the editor and encourages all readers to use this as a sounding board to express thoughts and opinions on current campus-related topics. We also welcome news or feature ideas. Due to space limitations, letters should be as concise as possible and may still be edited for space. Letters must be signed and include an address and telephone number so that we can verify their authenticity. Letters should be delivered to the newsroom in Communications-Automotive Building, Room 125, mailed to The Flare, )YVHK^H` 2PSNVYL ;? VY LTHPSLK [V! RJFÅHYL'`HOVV JVT
DISCLAIMER THE FLARE is the student newspaper of Kilgore College and is published every Friday by the journalism department, except during examination periods and vacations. First copy is free, subsequent copies are available for 50 cents. THE FLARE is a member of the Texas Community College Journalism Association and the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. All people holding editorial staff positions are Kilgore College journalism students. *VTTLU[Z HUK ]PL^Z L_WYLZZLK PU ;/, -3(9, YLÅLJ[ [OL [OV\NO[Z VM [OL PUKP]PK\HS ^YP[LYZ HUK KV UV[ ULJLZZHYPS` YLÅLJ[ [OL ILSPLMZ VY VWPUPVUZ VM V[OLY Z[\KLU[Z Z[HMM TLTILYZ MHJ\S[` TLTILYZ HKTPUPZ[YH[P]L VMÄJLYZ VY [OL )VHYK VM ;Y\Z[LLZ
Pep rally heats up
Homecoming R
anger spirit was in full blast at KC’s Homecoming pep rally Thursday morning. The Rahs, Sophomore Swingsters, Ranger Band and Twirlers performed after weeks of preparation. Coach J.J. Eckert inspired his players and the crowd by giving a speech to motivate the football team for Saturday’s game against the NEO Norsemen. Following the pep rally, ARAMARK provided free hamburgers, hotdogs and sides. Charlie’s Sno-balls also served snow cones.
Jamie Maldonado / THE FLARE
Kaitlyn Walker, Longview sophomore, twirls to the melodic tune of the Ranger Band.
SATURDAY BUFFET 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
Jamie Maldonado / THE FLARE
Head Coach J.J. Eckert lifts the spirit of the crowd by giving an inspirational speech to his football team which has suffered four losses.
! Jamie Maldonado / THE FLARE
Tyler Simmons, Kilgore sophomore, aims to motivate [OL JYV^K I` SLHKPUN [OL IHUK PU [OL ÄNO[ ZVUN
Heather Sims / THE FLARE
Micah Johnson, Centrailia, Ill., sophomore, savors the taste of a free meal provided by ARAMARK.