Issue 11 01-7-17

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Need help finding your classes? KC employees are here to help. Volunteers will be manning four I-Help stations around the Kilgore campus Tuesday and Wednesday to print schedules and assisting students in finding where they need to be.


Devall Student Center Student Support Building Porter Business Administration Building Old Main


Tuesday: 7:30 a.m.- 8:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m.- 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m.-11:15 a.m.

Wednesday: 7:30-8:15 a.m. 8:45-9:15 a.m. 9:45-10:15 a.m.

In case of inclement weather, the stations will be moved inside the building.

Tina Marie Reed / THE FLARE

Students crowd the hallway of the Devall Student Center during late registration on Tuesday, Jan. 10.

The Flare

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 Vol. 80 No. 11 Serving Kilgore College since 1936

Fill the plate Students now able to receive goods from on-campus food pantry KAITLIN MITCHELL Staff Writer It seems to be a running joke to be a stereotypical broke college kid but the truth is some students actually struggle with purchasing basic necessities. This Spring KC is lending a helping hand by opening a food pantry with the intent of making a difference in the lives of some students. The pantry is designed to help students who may be experiencing “food insecurity,” which is a lack of access to affordable and nutritious food. It is also intended to aid those who may not be able to afford basic necessities like soap and other hygiene products. “The hardest part was coming up with the procedures and how to allow access to students,” said Dr. Mike Jenkins, Vice President of Student Development. In order to use the pantry students will need to fill out a form and present their student ID. The pantry is open to students, regardless of income; however, only non-residential students without a meal plan may use the pantry. There are no restrictions on what items students can take or how many visits a student may make to the pantry, however there is a limit of two bags per student. The bags and/or items must be picked up by the students themselves. Spouses and other family members will not be permitted to use the pantry. “We ask that students only take what they will actually use,” Jenkins said. “But if a student wants to come in and stock up on only mac and cheese they can. We just don’t want it to be put up somewhere and go to waste.” Although the pantry is still

in its beginning stages, there is a discussion in the works on expanding the program to the Longview campus, as well as a possible collaboration with campus Bible chairs in the future. “We are more than willing to work with anyone” said Jenkins. “If students want to be involved they can donate or come talk to me in my office.” There are also plans being made to possibly extend the service to students who may not have access to a meal plan during certain times of the year. “We are talking about extending the use of the pantry to international students who may not be able to afford to go home during breaks,” said Jenkins, “The extension would also be for students enrolled during mini semesters when there is not access to a meal plan because the cafeteria is closed.” Anyone wishing to donate can see Dr. Mike Jenkins in his office in the Devall Student Center Room 167 or contact him at (903) 983-8189 or email Donations should consist of nonperishable items, toiletries, and other hygienic products.

IF YOU GO: Items to donate: non-perishable food items hygiene products Contact Dr. Mike Jenkins in his office in Devall or call (903) 983-8189

Tiffany Johnson / THE FLARE

Non-residential students can fill out a form to request food from the new food bank located next to the Cashier’s office in the Devall Student Center.

Print shop moves to new location ALLISON TALIAFERRO Staff Writer

Tina Marie Reed / THE FLARE

Moving items out of the old print shop, Mike Ford, print shop superviser, closes the door behind him.

After 50 years of being in the Communications/Automotive building, the KC print shop will move to its new home located in the KC Commons building at 701 Houston Street. Superviser Mike Ford helped establish the KC Printing service when he was a student in 1966 and has claimed the management position for the past 23 years. Ford has witnessed the ultimate revolution of the KC print shop. “It’s been a great 23 years. I love this building; I love this room. I’m really going to miss it,” Ford said The move of the KC Printing Service was sparked when the

college needed more space for not only the print shop, but other potential programs. The room that houses the Printing service will be used by programs that will be determined later. The hours of the KC Printing Service will remain the same. The shop is open from 7:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. on Monday – Thursday and 7:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. on Friday. “One thing I’m going to miss about this building is the student and faculty traffic in the halls,” Ford said. Many students visit the print shop through the months of September to May and even some of the summer. “We are still getting adjusted to the new building and seeing how the customers react,” Ford said.

The Print Shop’s main focus has always been its customers and it all comes down to making it more convenient and accessible with this move. “It is going to take some time to get accustomed to this building. I’ve been coming to [the CA] building for years,” Ford said. Spending the past 50 years at this building, the move of the Print shop will be a huge change for Ford. While walking out of the doors of his second home will be hard for Ford, he is excited to get adjusted and see what the new Print Shop building has to offer for faculty members and the growth of the program.

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