Issue 14 02-17-17

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KC Risk Management makes the million mark WHITNEY ERVIN Staff Writer A $100,000 contribution to KC’s Risk Management Institute brought the total donated by Texas Mutual Insurance Company to $1 million over the last 10 years. The funds will provide support to workplace safety courses for community employers, workers and the general public. Jeremy Hansen, the manager of regional safety services at Texas Mutual presented the $100,000

Tina Marie Reed / THE FLARE

grant check to Dr. Brenda Kays, KC president, during a ceremony held last week in the Stewart H. McLaurin Administration Building. “I’m glad I got to jump in,” Hansen said of his first check presentation. “I understand it’s been a long running partnership that Texas Mutual has had with Kilgore College. It’s really a mutually beneficial partnership and opportunity for us to provide training to bigger groups who we wouldn’t normally be able to access.” He added the company sometimes uses KC to train their own employees.

Jeremy Hansen, regional manager at Texas Mutual Insurance Company, presents KC Risk Management Institute with a check for $100k to help fund safety courses.

The Flare

“When we send our safety folks out to be with the company, they are really only able to see one company every time,” Hansen said. “But helping to find a program like this, we are able to make it so that our clients or policyholders have access to safety training classes that could have 50 people in them. You could have 30 different companies being trained all at once. “It makes it easier for companies to take a more proactive approach to workforce safety,” he said. “It makes a big difference. A lot more people can See CHECK, on Page 3

Friday, February 17, 2017 Vol. 80 No. 14 Serving Kilgore College since 1936

Nursing student, Blaise Wingo, is a regular performer at the Rainbow Members Club in Longview. His stage name has been Gemini Alexander Brooks for the last 17 years.

Timothy Stuckey / THE FLARE

Don’t be a DRAG just be a QUEEN Living The Dream: Part two of a series

Nursing student dazzles the East Texas night life TIMOTHY STUCKEY Staff Writer


n class he is Blaise Wingo: a Longview freshman working diligently for his Certified Nursing Assistant certificate with the long term goal of becoming a Licensed Vocational Nurse. On stage however, he is “Gemini Alexander Brooks,” an award-winning drag queen. Raised in a single parent household by his mother, Pamela Gordon, a former KC student and Rangerette, Wingo was first introduced to drag performance at the age of 16 after sneaking into Decisions, an alternative bar, and watching a show.

“I was drawn in by the performance and theatrics of drag,” Wingo said. His first performance was for a contest and Wingo was given $40 to find a dress and wig; with the winner being allowed to perform on Sunday with an experienced drag queen. “I went in and got the most ridiculous outfit and had to borrow someone’s hair,” Wingo said. “It was a fun experience. I won that night and that’s kind of where it started.” He was taken in as a “drag daughter” by Ricky Lund, a 25-year veteran of drag performance who went by the stage name “Brittany Brooks.” The concept and practice of “drag daughters” is common in the drag community. A more experienced performer See QUEEN, on Page 3

Timothy Stuckey / THE FLARE

Wingo places his makeup on the counter to plan out his look.

Enrollment increases seven percent in one year MEAGHAN MORTON Executive Editor Numbers rose in the Registrar’s Office as enrollment increased seven percent from the 2016 Spring Semester. This semester the registrar reported 5,354 for unofficial enrollment on the 12th class day. Last spring, 5,006 students were enrolled

in KC classes. “We’re extremely pleased with our enrollment numbers this semester,” said Dr. Brenda Kays, KC president. “I attribute the increase to the progressive vision of our board of trustees and a lot of hard work by our faculty, staff and administrators.” Out of the increase, 15.2 percent of the

increase was due to dual credit students, or students taking college courses while in high school. This spring there are 1,484 high school students enrolled at KC. Last year 1,288 high school students were enrolled. According to the Longview News-Journal, in the 2015-16 academic year, KC had to make budget cuts in certain areas of the college due to lack of state funding, local tax revenue

and enrollment. KC’s focus continues to be on student success. “Our hope is that this increase is also indicative of a growing number of students recognizing the necessity of post-secondary education to attain a degree and enter the workforce earning a family-supporting wage,” Kays said.

Preview Day introduces prospective students LISA HARRIS Staff Writer Butterflies and excitement are in every high school graduate’s thoughts as they wonder what to do about college. Where to go? Will I like my dorm and/or roommate? Is the food going to be better than high school food? All very sensible questions. The goal of Preview Day at KC is to help answer as many questions as possible to all potential students. Students from Roswell, New Mexico, as well as Dallas and Houston plan to attend. “It’s been great since I’ve started with Kilgore College

to see the growth of this event and the increased exposure,” said Alex Knox, admissions counselor. In 2015, attendance was at 103; 2016 saw 142; as of press time attendance is at 196. The event kicks off at 8 a.m. and ends at noon. Students will check in at the Dodson Auditorium. The welcome speech will be given by Dr. Brenda Kays, president.
Discussions with Dr. Reggie Brazzle, Director of Financial Aid, will help ease the minds of parents alike wondering about scholarships, tuition and financial aid. After an introduction of the Ranger Ambassadors,the

students will be divided into three groups to tour the campus. The stops include:
information on admissions and testing; campus life; and academic/ organizations fair in the carpeted gym of Parks Fitness Center. 
The day will end at noon with the option to view the residence halls. Perks of this day include performances by the KC Band and the world-famous Rangerettes. Some local restaurants offering discounts for the lunch hour to students and family include Chili’s, The Back Porch, Subway and Whataburger. The East Texas Oil

Museum and the KC Bookstore are scheduled to be open to enjoy the history they bring to the campus. Knox wanted to remind groups interested in promoting their clubs, and organizations to sign up with him by Friday, Feb. 17, by either calling 903-983-8216 or email aknox@kilgore. edu. Preview Day is a special day for all those involved in setting up a great experience for upcoming and transferring students in hopes they will consider this famous yet small-town community college.



n Applications for spring graduation are to be turned in to the registrars office by March 1. For questions about your qualifications, contact Pam Davis at (903) 983-8232.


Organizations attending Preview Day Admissions & Registrar Advertising/Graphic Design & KC Visual Art Club Athletic Training Auto Body/Collision Repair Automotive Technology Baptist Student Ministries Catholic Students Chemistry Dept. Choral Music Corrosion Technology/Corrosion Club Counseling (next to KC-Longview if possible) Criminal Justice Culinary Arts Drafting Design Technology East Texas Police Academy Education Dept. Financial Aid Gamma Omicron Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) The Flare

KC - Longview KC Game Club (KCGC) Latino en Accion New Student Orientation/Zone Tutoring Lab Nursing (ADN) Occupational Safety and Health Tech Process Technology/Process Tech. Club PTA Program Rad Science Ranger Ambassadors Ranger Band Surgical Technology Testing Center TRIO Welding Workforce Development/ Continuing Education Young Conservatives of Kilgore College


n Order baked potatoes for $8 each to help support KC’s Relay for Life team. Order by noon on Monday, Feb. 27. For more information contact Jennifer Quine at jquine@


n On this day in 1936, the world’s first superhero, The Phantom, a cartoon strip by Lee Falk, makes his first appearance in comics.

Check for a full calendar activities, or go to for live updates

Presidents Day practices patriotism SARAH REDFORD Staff Writer Washington died in 1799 and the following year, his birthday was a day of remembrance. During the late 1870s the date became a federal holiday. Many patriotic and historical groups use Presidents’ Day to stage celebrations, reenactments and other events. A number of school districts require teachers to focus on our nation’s presidents in the days leading to the holiday. Arkansas senator, Steven W. Dorsey proposed the holiday and in 1879; President Rutherford B. Hayes signed it into law. At first, it was only a holiday practiced in Washington D.C., joining Christmas, New Year’s Day, the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving as bank holidays, but it soon expanded to the whole nation. It wasn’t until the Uniform Monday Holiday Act from the early 1970s (which was proposed to add more three day weekends for the nation’s workers,) that the date was changed to the third Monday of February, combining Washington’s and Abraham Lincoln’s birthday together. Lincoln was born on Feb. 12, Washington was born on Feb. 22 and Robert McClory, Illinois Senator, proposed the bill and the name “Presidents Day.” The bill passed but the name was not made popular until the mid-1980s when retailers used the name to boost retail sales. The changing of the date for celebration from the actual date of birth to the same day each year faced opposition. There were those who thought the act would lessen the commemoration in some way. There were still states who had individual holidays to celebrate Washington, Lincoln and other figures. Presidents Day is now popularly used as a day to honor all U.S. presidents, past and present. Washington and Lincoln are still the two most recognized leaders, but Presidents Day is now seen as a day to recognize all American Chief Executives.




LONNIE ROSS Staff Writer

Korinne Stroud / THE FLARE

Victoria Gannon Hometown: Longview Classification: Freshman Age: 20 Why did you choose your current major? I have always enjoyed music. It is a soothing thing, so why not do something I enjoy? What youth group do you work for? I work as a youth intern for First United Methodist Church in Longview. This group opened me up to exploring new and fun things. Before working with them I didn’t know how to change out roofing or build ramps. It is always fun to listen to their crazy stories; they bring me joy. Where do you see yourself in five years? I hope to be working on my doctorate in vocal performance. Who is your biggest inspiration? My uncle was my biggest inspiration. He died when I was a sophomore in high school but to this day the encouragement he gave me to do what I love drives me.

How do you deal with stress? Music. It is the cure-all in my life. What is the best advice you can give regarding school? Don’t sweat the small stuff. I know it’s hard not but in the end you will have so much less stress; also, this is just the beginning of your life. Do what you want; change your majors and make mistakes. Being serious is for the adults and you don’t need to grow up if you don’t want to. What has been your favorite part of college life so far? I love the different types of people. What are you most grateful for? The support system I have in school. My teachers are there to help me succeed.

PTK n Phi Theta Kappa sent out 400 invitations to students this week to join PTK. If a student feels they qualify, but didn’t get an invitation, please contact Michele Daniels at mdaniels@ Qualifications for PTK: 12 hours of coursework in the previous semester, grade point average of 3.5. Benefits to joining PTK are scholarships, honors program, soft skill training, an annual convention, online transfer tool and a college completion initiative. PTK meets at 1:45 p.m. Monday Feb. 20 in the Communication/Automotive Building, Room 104. The meeting is open to all interested in joining PTK. Gamers Club n Gamers Club has moved from the Randolph C. Watson Library to the TV room in the Devall Student Center from 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. on Thursdays. Tri C n Wednesday night church in the Christian Campus Center Bible study will start at 5 p.m. instead of the 6:30 p.m. time in the Tri C to be more convenient in hopes of getting more people to the study. Food and drinks are available. BSM n Every Monday and Friday the Baptist Student ministry offers a free lunch for anyone interested in joining Bible study. The BSM is a great place to rest, or study between classes with the building being open Monday through Friday. Every Thursday at 7 p.m. at the BSM, they have a worship service with games, music, and a Bible lesson. Also, every Tuesday they feed the whole campus from 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.





Three students succeed at All-State competition LONNIE ROSS Staff Writer Three students from KC made All-State Band this year. The three students are Sarah Svehla, Caleb Bristow, and Lauren Warren. The requirements to be able to participate in the AllState Band are to learn a set of music, record it and send it off for judging in the fall semester. The band is made up of musicians from community colleges across Texas. Once selected

the student can go to San Antonio for competition in the spring semester. When competition begins, the students audition for a chair, then learn music to play with the band. Caleb Bristow, Lufkin sophomore, had his first year at competition. Bristow is a music major, plays the euphonium in the spring and baritone during the marching season. He said his experience in San Antonio was “very enjoyable, and I wish it would have been longer.”

He completed his goal of making it to the All-State band this year, where he placed third place. Bristow will graduate this semester with plans on transferring to Stephen F. Austin State University. He will continue his music degree with the goal of becoming a band director. Lauren Warren, Diana sophomore, spent her first year at competition. Warren is a music major who plays the flute, the piano and piccolo. Warren also enjoyed her time in San Antonio.

“Love it, I want to do it every year for the rest of my life,” Warren said “I never made it to state in high school, so I was really excited to do it now.” Warren placed fifth place in competition. She will graduate this semester with plans on staying close to the area, possibly going to East Texas Baptist University, or Texas A&M Commerce. Her goal is to be a woodwind instructor or band director. Sarah Svehla, Nacogdoches freshman, had her first year at competition with KC, but

had previously attended the competition with another college. Svehla, a music major who plays the bass clarinet, also plays B flat clarinet and piano. “There is never a dull moment. I was always learning something new,” she said. Svehla placed second in competition. “It was a lot of fun. There was a good bass clarinet section this year.” Svehla said. Svehla plans to transfer to Lamar University to finish her college career. She is looking to get a doctorate

in musicology. Her goal is to teach music history, or music majors. All three student’s expectations were met, when they got accepted to participate in the All-State Band. They were happy to make it and place. While in San Antonio the students were able to attend concerts, visit historical places and to walk the River Walk. During the convention, the students took seminars to help with teaching skills.

Left to right: Lauren Warren, Sarah Svehla and Caleb Bristow sit and play their instruments during a rehearsal.

CHECK: Safety program benefits students From Page 1 go to work equipped with the knowledge to do the job right.” KC sets the course topics in response to the needs of the area businesses and surrounding industries. Courses offered periodically at the Risk Management Institute include (among others): • accident investigation, • OSHA training,

• Spanish for supervisors, • defensive driving, • fleet safety management, and • small business safety. Since 1999, Texas Mutual – the state’s leading provider of Worker’s Compensation insurance- has awarded $5.2 million in safety education grants. Since the inception of KC’s Risk Management Institute in 2008, employees from more than 800 companies

have traveled to KC from 79 Texas counties to take advantage of these courses. More than half of these employees lived in KC’s county service areas which include Gregg, Harrison, Rusk and Upshur counties. For more information about the KC Risk Management Institute, visit w w w. k i l g o r e. e d u / r i s k _ management.asp or call 903983–8683.

FINANCIAL AID NOW AVAILABLE The 2017 Spring Refunds for students whose aid was disbursed to the Business Office on February 8th will be available on February 16th at the earliest. Students whose refunds are not going to their Ranger Card or who did not designate a direct deposit can pick up their checks with a photo ID at the Cashier’s Office on the Kilgore campus. Thank you for all the support and time spent by multiple departments and staff members to get these out to students ahead of the deadline! Thank you, Jonnie Stice, Controller

QUEEN: Drag mothers and daughters unite From Page 1

can take an up-and-coming drag queen and teach them various methods and skills in order to help them succeed and find their stage persona. In return for help, the newcomer will take on the last name of their new drag mother. A drag mother can also have more than one drag daughter, who become drag sisters. “You try to learn as much as you can and you get that one person who shows you how to do your face, how you should dress and how to put on your hip pads,” Wingo said. “Usually you wait for them to ask you to be your ‘drag mother’ and by that it means that she basically raised you; you become a family.” For 17 years Wingo has dazzled crowds in bars across East Texas and has won several pageants, bar titles and preliminary titles with his

performances, his proudest being, “Miss Gay Texas State at Large.” There are two titles for the “Miss Gay Texas State” pageant which are separated by weight class. There are many misconceptions about drag queens, mainly with confusing all drag queens as being transgender women. The prominent difference between the two is that drag is a style of performance while being transgender is an identity and daily part of life. There were times however, when the line between his stage persona and himself became blurred. “There was a time I was more comfortable being ‘Gemini’ than I would being Blaise,” Wingo said.” “Gemini was this confident stage presence and it was easy to get lost in that.” Wingo has also found that with drag performance becoming more

mainstream with shows such as “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” people don’t go out to see the local shows as much. “You sit there and watch the crowds decline and you don’t want to perform for three people because you don’t get that vibe that you get from larger crowds,” he said. Despite the somewhat dubious future of local drag performances, Wingo has decided to focus time on earning a degree in nursing, specifically in geriatrics. “I didn’t get to know my grandparents so I believe that is why I’m drawn to taking care of older people,” he said. With Wingo excelling in his classes and clinical studies, he applies the same perseverance and care into his studies as he did his performances. “Be yourself; don’t ever lose you, all you can do is be you,” Wingo said.


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SPORTS Doubleheader does damage to KC Rangers PAGE



Tina Marie Reed / THE FLARE

TJC’s Sky’Lynn Holmes stuffs Lyrik Williams before she can reach the net.

Legendary coach misses shot with Women’s Basketball HOF induction From Staff Reports

Chad Bowie searches for assistance while being blocked at the top of the key.

Tina Marie Reed / THE FLARE

Both teams lose after grueling grudge match against Tyler Junior College in Men’s and Women’s doubleheader WARREN THOMAS Staff Writer

The Lady Rangers had their three-game win streak snapped Wednesday, Feb. 15 with an 88-75 loss to Tyler Junior College. The Lady Rangers fought against the Lady Apaches the entire game and lead through three quarters before being outscored 28-14 in the fourth quarter. Jade Thurmon, KC freshman guard, had a 28-point outing and added three steals to cap off her birthday performance. Lyrik Williams, KC sophomore guard, had another double-double with 15 points and 11 rebounds. Williams also added eight assists and three steals. The Lady Rangers now fall to 16-8 overall and 7-7 in conference. The women will visit Bossier

Parish this weekend, Saturday, Feb. 18, to face the Lady Cavaliers head-on. The women’s sophomore night is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 22. Sophomore students involved with the basketball team will be honored. The team will also be hosting the annual “Cancer Awareness Game.” All gate proceeds and donations collected will be given to help fund cancer research. The Rangerette Swingsters and the KC Dance Club will perform during the halftime of this game. The Rangers lost their fifth straight game, 86-70, Wednesday, Feb.15 against the Tyler Junior College Apaches. In a previous game at Trinity Valley Community College

on Wednesday, Feb. 8, Brian Hoberecht, head basketball coach, was suspended for one game after teching out; consequently, he was not able to lead the Rangers in the game against TJC. The Rangers went into the half down 35-34 but a second half explosion by Tyler ultimately was their demise. KC freshman guard Jamar Sandifer put up an eye opening 29 points and added six rebounds in a losing effort. KC freshman guard Chad Bowie had a well-rounded game scoring 15 points and turning in six assists and rebounds. The Rangers were shorthanded missing both sophomore forward Ndene Gueye and freshman guard Tre Evans both starters. The Rangers now fall to 12-12 overall and 3-10 in conference.

Evelyn Blalock was not one of the remaining six inducted on Sunday for the 2017 Hall of Fame Class. Blalock started the KC women’s basketball program in 1979, and spent 18 seasons leading the Lady Rangers from courtside. Her first KC team finished 1712, followed by seasons of 16-16, with her lone losing season (1418) coming in 1981-82. KC returned to the national tournament two years later, finishing 35-2 and again winning the championship. After placing fourth nationally in 1990-91 with a 25-6 record, Kilgore went 15-7 in 1991-92, winning Blalock’s third national championship a year later with a 26-5 record in 1992-93. Blalock’s final season was 199798, and her team finished 16-12 to

give her a 408-166 career record with the Lady Rangers. Following her leave of KC, Blalock was an assistant coach at the University of Georgia for the 1988-89 seasons before returning to East Texas to coach at Spring Hill High School, where she led the Lady Panthers’ golf team to three straight appearances at the UIL Class 3A State Golf Tournament – capped by a thirdplace finish in 2006. On Jan. 16 the former coach was honored posthumously as one of 12 finalists for the Hall of Fame. Of the finalists, Official Sally Bell, contributor Christine Grant, coach Rick Insell, veteran nominee Louise O’Neal and players Sheryl Swoopes and Kara Wolters were selected for induction in June in Knoxville, Tennessee.

FIGHT CANCER Lady Rangers’ Cancer Awareness Night: n Tip-off is at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 22. in Masters Gym. n All gate proceeds and donations collected will be given to fund cancer research.

Rangers defeated in doubleheader against MCC ALLISON TALIAFERRO Staff Writer McLennan used walk-off doubles in both games to capture a pair of 3-2 wins over Kilgore College on Saturday in a non-conference doubleheader. in the top of the eighth Kilgore took a 2-1 lead in the opening game, but McLennan pushed across two in the bottom half and won the game on an RBI double by Ruby Trejo. Hannah Carpenter doubled and drove in a run for KC in the loss, and Rivera with two singles and

an RBI. Kaitlyn Stebelton tripled, Manda Wilmoth doubled and Laci Hambalek came through with a single. Katy Worrell would take the pitching loss. She struck out three, walked five and allowed three earned runs on six hits in 7.1 innings. In the nightcap of the top of the sixth, KC scored twice in the top of the sixth to go in front 2-0, but McLennan tied the game in the bottom of the sixth and won on a two-out RBI double off the bat of Elizabeth Svienty. Rivera doubled and drove in a

run for Kilgore. Hambalek and Shelby Edwards added doubles, and Brianna Davis singled. Cheyanne Phillips took the loss for KC in relief of Renee Jones, who pitched five innings and gave up two earned runs on six hits with one strikeout and a walk. Kilgore (6-8) will host the Ranger Shootout next Saturday and Sunday at The Ballpark at KC Commons. The Rangers will face Murray State at 9 a.m. and Independence (Kansas) at 3 p.m. on Saturday and then will take on Murray State at 1 p.m. and Cisco at 3 p.m. on Sunday.

2017 Ranger Shootout Saturday, Feb. 18 9 a.m.- Independence vs Kilgore 11 a.m. - Independence vs Cisco 1 p.m. - Murray vs Cisco 3 p.m. - Murray vs Kilgore

Sunday, Feb. 19 9 a.m.- Independence vs Murray 11 a.m. - Independence vs Cisco 1 p.m. - Murray vs Kilgore 3 p.m. - Cisco vs Kilgore

KC will be the home team in each of their games. Teams listed last will be in the 3rd base dugout. All games are at The Ballpark at KC Commons on Houston St.





YOUR VIEW What special precautions do you take to keep from getting sick?

“Always wash your hands.”

“Keeping up to date on what is going around.”

Ashleigh Douglas Longview freshman

Branden Alexander Dallas freshman

“Drink a lot of water, eat healthy and drink tea.” Isis Martinez Henderson sophomore

“Listen to your mom.”

Brandon Hagler Longview sophomore

Photos by Max Cervantes / THE FLARE


Facing frailness during sick season


Beat the Bug Photo illustration by Grant Worley / THE FLARE

tudents and faculty members walk through a battlefield of sickness spreading like wildfire to the unarmed victims they encounter, but with the right guards of protection, one just might be safe from the contagious illnesses at war. Avoiding sickness should be an important responsibility that should be implemented by taking care of your overall health. To be a surviving soldier in the midst of an illness war, one must start with self. Make sure every day you wake up, your first responsibility is taking care of your personal hygiene first, and throughout your day. Morning showers are essential to starting the day off healthy. It allows your body to wake up refreshed, and opens your sinuses and pores. Practice your oral regiment faithfully. Mornings and bedtime are not the only times you should brush your teeth. Brushing should also be acquainted with dental floss and mouthwash for a thorough cleanse. Frequently wash your hands, and try not to touch your face throughout the day. Eat healthy foods that promote immunity and fights off some internal bacteria. Wipes can be used on all door knobs, handles and anything else you come into

direct contact with. Remember that germs travel freely with everything, so be mindful including the air we breathe. Disinfectant spray is a good weapon in war of fighting off airborne germs and undetected infectious surfaces. One spray a day goes a long way. Keep some wipes in your car or bag, and a travel size sanitizer close by for a quick squirt to kill the dirt. These essentials are beneficial in keeping your hands an acceptable clean until your next good wash. If you are already sick, please be mindful of others you come in contact with,and take extra precautions to ensure you are not contributing to the sicknesses already floating in the air. The listed guidelines can help anyone protect themselves from catching an illness, and should be practiced every day to ensure positive results. Take care of yourself and the people around you to defeat the wars of spreading sickness at school. A nurse is also available in the Parks Fitness Center 9 a.m.- noon, MondayFriday. Student health services are available at no cost. The campus nurse can be reached at (903) 9838632. For emergency first aid, an athletic trainer is also available in the Parks Fitness Center.

Strive to be a positive influence for all E

very day our communities suffer from the lack of positive influences and true leadership. All it takes to conquer peace is to be wise and bold enough to take charge and spread the love. I strive every day to make sure I am contributing to whatever it takes to gain true success, and I want you to know it takes hard work and some true humbling of oneself to truly achieve your dreams. Keep in mind that to prosper, you must share the wealth. Do not allow yourself to be closed in and block out the world from the good you can bring. The goal

is to strive to become p o s i t ive influences to ourselves, our families and to our communities. To quote a WHITNEY famous poet, ERVIN L a n g s t o n Staff Writer H u g h e s , “when a man starts out to build a world, he starts with himself.” Start with yourself and flourish to others. A great start would be to set positive goals for yourself that can help you become the ideal leading example you want to be. Being successful in school shows

The Flare

students who come after you how to conduct themselves in a positive manner. Every day, young students learn from what they see older students doing. Whether it is good or bad, be mindful that someone is watching your education performance. For most, procrastination is a personal flaw that should be confronted and corrected to move forward in being a positive influence. Stop letting yourself wait until the last minute to get things done, and strive to get them done much earlier than the deadline. Defeating procrastination is very important in self-discipline. It makes us fall short of

fulfilling true potential, and causes mistakes, miscommunications and misunderstandings. When you procrastinate with others, it is very easy for you to lose accountability. Plan your career goals to strive for after your completion of school. The career path choices we make speaks volumes of our desired public image, and regardless of the path you may choose, be a prime example of what a dedicated professional can contribute to the company. Being proactive, whether in school or at work gives positive influential qualities for those who do pay attention

VOL. 80, NO.14 n Friday, February 17, 2017 Copyright 2015, The Flare. All rights reserved.

2013 Sweepstakes Winner, Texas Intercollegiate Press Association • 2014 Sweepstakes Winner, Texas Community College Journalism Association Spring 2012 Gold Crown, Columbia Scholastic Press Association • 2012 First Place, Texas Associated Press Managing Editors

PHOTO ADVISER O. Rufus Lovett ADVISER Rachel Stallard

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Meaghan Morton STAFF WRITERS Fungai Peta, Lisa Harris, Yosef Ibitayo, Kaitlin Mitchell, Sarah Redford, Lonnie Ross, Timothy Stuckey, Allison Taliaferro, Gabriel Wade, Alexia McGee,Whitney Ervin, Da’Jah Thompson, Warren Thomas and Yasmine Wilson PHOTOGRAPHERS Max Cervantes, Lisa Harris, Cheyanne Huntsman, Yosef Ibitayo, Tiffany Johnson, Hailey Pennington, Sarah Redford, Tina Marie Reed and Grant Worley

or look up to you as an inspiration. Once we have become one with ourselves, we are now able to share our gifts and talents with others. Give generously to those who have supported you, and those included are your family, church, school, and local community. Recognize that you didn’t complete your journey without them, and share your appreciation by being proactive and giving yourself back. When you are not busy with school or work, volunteer some of your free time by helping with special projects or committing to being proactive in community

outreach. To give generously to our supporters and community doesn’t necessarily mean buying gifts or giving money. It also means to express acts of kindness with common courtesy, compliments and in compliance of being a good Samaritan. A simple “hello” or “nice shoes”, could brighten someone’s day. With knowing positive influences begin with you, I now close with an inspirational quote from Langston Hughes, “I look at my own body with eyes no longer blind and I see that my own hands can make the world that’s in my mind.”


THE FLARE welcomes any letter to the editor and encourages all readers to use this as a sounding board to express thoughts and opinions on current campus-related topics. We also welcome news or feature ideas. Due to space limitations, letters should be as concise as possible and may still be edited for space. Letters must be signed and include an address and telephone number so that we can verify their authenticity. Letters should be delivered to the newsroom in Communications-Automotive Building, Room 125, mailed to The Flare, 1100 Broadway, Kilgore TX 75662 or emailed to:


THE FLARE is the student newspaper of Kilgore College and is published every Friday by the journalism department, except during examination periods and vacations. First copy is free, subsequent copies are available for 50 cents. THE FLARE is a member of the Texas Community College Journalism Association and the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. All people holding editorial staff positions are Kilgore College journalism students. Comments and views expressed in THE FLARE reflect the thoughts of the individual writers, and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or opinions of other students, staff members, faculty members, administrative officers or the Board of Trustees.





Lisa Harris / THE FLARE

Madison Gable, Longview sophomore, paints the set for the production of Middletown. Date The play is set for 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, Feb. 23-25, with a matinee performance 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 26. Admission General admission tickets are $10 for adults, $7 for students and $5 for KC students with a student ID. * The play is appropriate for all ages but children under the age of 7 will not be admitted. Late arrivals will also not be admitted.

Lisa Harris / THE FLARE

Hunter Ballard and Hannah Garner adjust the lighting fixtures to achieve the right ambiance.

Making ‘Middletown’

Tiffany Johnson / THE FLARE

Michael Rojas and Jennifer Barajas supervise while working on the technical side of production.

Technical director’s mission: Make ‘Middletown’ masterpiece ALEXIA MCGEE Staff Writer Meghan Potter, the new Interim Technical Director for the KC theatre department, prepares for the newest production, ‘Middletown.’


uestion: As a newcomer to KC, how is your experience so far? Are you enjoying being a part of the KC team and do you plan on staying? : KC has been wonderful; although, I’m no stranger to the campus. I started making a yearly pilgrimage every summer for TSF back in 2011 so I’m quite familiar with the campus and VCA, but it has been wonderful working with the students for the first time. I do hope to stay on as full time.



: How do you plan on achieving a dark comedic look for the set? How do you plan on accomplishing this feel? : This show has an interesting dichotomy to it. Just when you think you’ve figured it out it goes and changes on you. The deeper meaning I’ve found in my journey through this heartfelt exploration of life’s meaning is that nothing is quite as it seems. Life’s truths can only be hinted at. I try to incorporate this into the design through suggested locations: a hint of a house, a hint of a town square, constantly


changing locations. Most of the productions that I had researched kept a fairly stationery set. Mr. Goodding and I agreed very early on that we liked the constant flow of scenery. Fleeting moments if you will. Life can change in an instant and so can scenery.


: Do you want the set to communicate to the audience, just as the actors do? : A designer always hopes that the set communicates to the audience but the fine line many of us walk is how communicative do we want the scenery to be? Scenery should complement the world the actors bring to life without detracting the audience’s attention.


: What emotions do you want the audience to experience while watching the performance and the different set changes? : My hope for the audience is that they will appreciate the many comedic nuances Will Eno has written into his play while still being able to appreciate the deeper questions presented throughout the story. The set changes aren’t particularly meaningful but much energy has been invested in maintaining a certain mood and flow present even in the shifts. We shouldn’t feel taken out of the journey because a roof needs to disappear.


Lisa Harris / THE FLARE

Above: Meghan Potter works on construction for the Middletown stage. Right: Thomas B. Thornburg uses a buzz saw to being building sets for the production.

Concept By Design: In his play, Middletown, Will Eno provides us with a dark comedic look at the infinitely connected nature of our lives. Eno bookends seemingly mundane moments peppered with impressionistic existential accents. Our routine day

today observations are infiltrated with splashes of absurdity as we are taken on a comedic pilgrimage throughout the many intersecting points of the human experience.

Lisa Harris / THE FLARE Scenic Design Concept I would like the set to visually communicate Eno’s portrayal of the intersecting nature of life. I would also like to visually communicate the mundane reality speckled with splashes of absurdity by grounding the two houses in reality but enhanced through vibrant abstract accents.

Lighting Design Concept Through the lighting I would like to highlight a heightened reality by staying in natural color families but using saturated versions thereby creating a muted graphic stage novel. I think it best to utilize a standard area plot for maximum control over lighting angles and implied location as well as a subtle

boost to concentrated areas of action. Sound Design Concept Continuing the theme of a heightened reality, the soundscape for Middletown will be comprised of unique realistic aural landscape for each location interspersed with acoustic underscores

combining distinctly human instruments and the slightly removed automated sounds of computerized music. The journey should subtly morph from quirky upbeat punchy interludes to a somber musical expression increasing to a feverish pace ending in a cathartic ethereal composition. -Meghan Potter

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