THE FINAL COUNTDOWN On the 12th class day, KC tallies and sends in the number of enrolled students and contact hours to determine how the school will be funded. Check in the next issue of The Flare to see the final headcount.
Block Party and KC Kickoff inside on Page 6.
The Flare
KC student and faculty enjoy a picnic on the lawn at the KC Kickoff in the Mike Miller Plaza, Thursday September 1st.
Tina Marie Reed / THE FLARE
Friday, September 9, 2016 Vol. 80 No. 2 Serving Kilgore College since 1936
The Write Stuff ’Rettes DVD set for release ALLISON TALIAFERRO Staff Writer The Rangerettes have captured the hearts of many over their 75 years of high kicks. So it was of no surprise that one day these tenacious women would receive their own documentary. “The film does a great job of showing the audience many aspects of the Rangerette lifestyle and the tryout process,” said Hilary H a g l u n d - W a l k e r, Rangerette Forever and film producer. The Sweethearts “Being a Rangerette DVD cover taught me about hard work, dedication, and determination. The experience taught me how to focus on a goal and not give up just because things get difficult.” Chip Hale, director of the film Sweethearts of the Gridiron, received inspiration for the inspiration for the film after being a Rangerette manger in 1995-1996. Hale moved to Los Angeles in 2001 and started making films, and has returned to KC on a few occasions to host The Revels. See SWEETHEARTS, Page 3
Renovations in the works at Quads LEAH BRYCE & ANGELA MCFARLAND Managing Editor & Staff Writer
Cheyanne Huntsman / THE FLARE
The Letters from Home table is located on the second floor of Watson Library. Students are encouraged to write letters to soldiers overseas.
Community given opportunity to send letters overseas KAITLIN MITCHELL Staff Writer
he KC community has the opportunity to send personalized letters to deployed troops, wounded warriors, as well as veterans and new recruits. A letter writing station is located on the second floor of the Randolph C. Watson Library. The letters are collected and delivered once a month, but the letter campaign is active all year. “Letters from Home” was in place last year, but the program did not get a very large response, according to Susan Wilson, public service librarian. “It’s a shame so little students knew about it. Not only are you learning about yourself as you write but it’s a simple way to support our people in service,” Wilson said. She got the idea from a letter she had received from someone in Kilgore and because
she grew up writing letters. Stationery and envelopes are provided; however, everyone is encouraged to add their own personal touch. Pictures and drawings are always great things to add. It has been requested politics and religion not be discussed in too much depth out of respect for those receiving the letters. There is no way of knowing who the letter is being sent to until it has already reached its destination. Participants should write about their daily life, hobbies and interests, along with any gratitude they might have toward our military. “People don’t understand what a simple piece of paper with some words on it means to someone in the service” said Tommy Nettleton, a U.S. Marine in active duty currently stationed overseas. See LETTERS, Page 3
Echos of hammers ringing against nails filled the air surrounding the 700 Block Quads throughout the summer, as the men’s honors dorms were being refurbished. KC President Dr. Brenda Kays set out to make the residence halls a more acceptable living environment as one of her first acts as president. This project includes new paint, new floors and new furniture. “The strategic goals associated with this priority include: Improve campus safety and security,” Kays stated in her yet-to-beapproved strategic goals for the college. “Provide well-maintained learning and living environments for KC students and provide accessible learning environments for students.” Edward Williams, director of residential life, took the initiative on this project to improve the conditions for incoming students, in particular American Honors students attending KC for the first time. At this time, the Quad units are housing 19 students in a 10-room block. “I’m in the honors program and I knew I was going to live on campus and they said that they were re-doing the Quads,” said Toby Palmer, Diana freshman. See QUADS, Page 3