As is the case for many wisdom cultures, not just Native American ones, the continuation of traditional belief systems and ways of life has relied primarily on storytelling rough storytelling, wisdom cultures are able to pass down vital information from generation to generation Listeners are able to connect with their own ancestors and learn how to continue important rituals and traditions in order to maintain the most valuable and important ways of life. Storytelling can also place the body and mind of the listener into a higher spiritual state or transmit spiritual teachings in a way no other vehicle or method can. e◉FLOWERBORN is a modern story imbued with just this purpose. e◉FLOWERBORN is a novel, in the tradition of storytelling as a way to impart traditional wisdom through entertaining the reader Many opportunities are given to receive the medicine and spiritual wisdom of not just ancient culture, but the transplantation of that wisdom in our modern world and American culture e◉FLOWERBORN is intended to teach the reader about the meaning of life, death, and our purpose in the world. And most of all how to actualize our purpose in what author Terry Lausch calls, "