Y22 P040-041_SpeyRods.qxp_04/Pps.
2/3 Introduction 12/20/21 3:45 PM Page 2
Winston AIR TH
T H E N E W W I N S T O N A I R T H R O D S redefine
two-hand casting performance. SuperSilica resin system and Boron technology, makes these rods unbelievably light, perfectly balanced, powerful, responsive, and fun to fish. Deep loading action with fast recovery rates, are ideal for any steelhead and salmon fishing application. Adaptive and specified grain windows that are ideal for specific twohand applications. In addition to the dialed grain windows, AIR TH models utilize smaller diameter grips to give anglers more feel and intuition during the cast.
Sage X-Switch & X-Spey rods
S A G E ’ S K O N N E T I C technology is a proprietary fab-
rication technique using Sage’s resin and Konnetic Graphite. The result is less “wobble” as the rod moves through the casting stroke.These rods track perfectly and the decreased lateral movement and reduced vibration optimizes load and line speed for long, smooth, and flawless casts. Then it helps beyond the cast by improving connection through the line to the fly during the mend and swing.
Echo TR2 Spey & Switch rods
T R 2 S P E Y is light weight and dialed for far more than just two-hand swinging with Skagit and Scandi heads: Flick an emerger off the tip, mend a country mile of line with an indicator nymph rig, tight-line nymph, fish a dry
Echo Trout Spey rods
T R O U T S P E Y R O D Series is designed by world-class, expert fly casters for a powerful and compact casting stroke and is particularly appropriate for tight places, small rivers and large streams.
Winston Micro Spey rods I N N O VAT I V E
Sage’s two-handed X-Spey rods travel in a single plane while the power passes through the blank, allowing easy, efficient loading during and through the casting stroke. The shaft’s enhanced recovery and crisp tip stop optimizes line speed and delivers long, smooth casts. Reduced vertical movement and vibration in the blank results in a more accurate and efficient presentation. It’s the best bunch of spey and switch rods Sage has ever made.
fly hatch, and anything else you may find yourself needing in ever-changing trout fisheries.
Smaller models (3 and 4 weight) are beginner-friendly and an easy, inexpensive way to wade into the world of 2-handed trout fishing. And like most Echo products, they perform like rods costing twice the price. Winston Micro 4-pc. Spey Rod
have added a few light line (3, 4 and 5wt.) trout rods to two handed trout fishing. They combine the power of a spey rod with the finesse of a trout rod, and add a new, exciting dimension to the sport. These fast-action rods are perfect for trout, ultra-light steelhead, big, broad rivers, tree-lined banks, demanding weather and a great way for trout guys to graduate into double-handed angling.
Arian Stevens photo
AIR TH rods adjust to any casting style and preference by utilizing several standardized rod lengths across multiple grain windows. In the same way the 9´ rod length became the industry standard for a versatile single hand rod, Winston dialed in their famous 13´3˝ lengths in 6, 7, and 8 weight grain windows to specify the perfect rod length across different applications. Whether anglers prefer sustained anchor, touch and go, traditional, or mid belly techniques, Winston AIR TH rods support infinite casting styles, and offer unrivaled feel and performance across any two-hand casting application.
3106 Micro 10´6˝ 4110 Micro 11´
3 4
Small rivers and trout $1,099 Larger trout & light steelhead
Winston Air TH Spey 4-Pc. Rods Model
12´6˝ 13´3˝ 13´3˝ 13´3˝ 12´9˝
6 $1,295 6 7 8 9
Sage X Switch 4-pc. Rods Model
6110-4 X 7110-4 X 8110-4 X
11´ 11´ 11´
6 $1,195 7 8
Sage X Spey & Two -Handed Rods 12´ 6 $1,295
6120-4 X 7120-4 X 7130-4 X 7140-4 X 8120-4 X 8130-4 X 8140-4 X 9120-4 X 9140-4 X 10150-4 X
12´ 13´ 14´ 12´ 13´ 14´ 12´ 14´ 15´
7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10
Echo TR2 Spey/Switch 4-pc Rods 11´0˝ 3 $379
TR 3110 TR2 TR 4113 TR2 TR 6126 TR2 TR 7130 TR2 TR 8136 TR2
11´3˝ 12´6˝ 13´ 13´6˝
4 6 7 8
Echo Trout Spey 4-pc Rods 11´0˝ 2 $499
TS-2110 TS-3110 TS-4110
11´0˝ 11´0˝
3 4