32 minute read
Fresh & S altw ater Fly R ods
Freshwater Fly Rods
Spare Tip Included
Quality, Economy & Performance We’ve spent 44 years building our reputation, THE FLY SHOP ’ S FRESH H 2 O FLY RODS were designed to and 14 of them building fly rods. allow both the veteran fly fisherman and the every day anglers the ability to Just like The Fly Shop®, deliver the fly accurately and without a lot of effort, while forgiving inadvertent mistakes that are common in the casting stroke. these rods deliver everything we promise! These models are a baby step away from the ultra-fast trend and a slight shift toward a smooth, forgiving action that doesn’t require a sophisticated, fine-tuned sense of timing to deliver flies and best suits most anglers. Our Fresh H2O rods began to take shape when we became disillusioned with the direction that the top brands in the sport were going with their fly rod actions - faster and faster rods that tossed a tight loop for a mile in the hands of an expert, but were inappropriate for the less than expert fly fisherman. At that point, we teamed up one of the top rod manufacturers in the business and developed our own Fresh H2O fly rods by simply reverse-engineering and duplicating the most popular graphite, angler-friendly action that has ever been used on a trout stream. We took our time, spending three years tinkering with and field-testing dozens of prototypes before we made our choices and allowed The Fly Shop® logo to be printed on the first, new, emerald-green blanks. Since then we’ve added subtle improvements each season to the graphite and components without changing the essential action or our model names. At the same time we’ve reduced, instead of increasing, our prices each year. The latest iteration of Fresh H2O rods are a marriage of modern graphite materials and design that compensate for common errors and a less than expert casting stroke. It’s a rod that loads with very little line beyond the tip, and still has the cojones to turn over a long leader or deliver distance. When you put this rod to the test, you’ll discover, as several thousand of our fly fishing customers have, that it’s equal to other famous branded fly rods out there, and carries a price tag that’s just a fraction of what is hanging on comparable quality fly rods. An extra tip at no extra charge! We’re fishermen here at The Fly Shop® and understand the logic of including an extra tip with every rod, at no extra charge. It’s a built-in guarantee that’ll keep you fishing on the stream instead of waiting for the UPS truck. We also include a practical, lined, segmented rod case with a zippered reel pouch instead of one more aluminum tube for your closet. Our Fresh H2O fly rod and reel outfits This is more than a terrific rod, and at that price it’s a great deal, without the expensive, hidden premium many rod makers charge for their lifetime guarantee. All five of our 2022 models are identically priced at $189. Our warranty is just another good deal. Our warranty Fresh H2O and Signature Series rods are fully warranteed by The Fly Shop®. In fact, we’re very proud of our battle-tested, high performance rods. After 15 years in the hands of all skill levels of fly fishermens there’s been an almost insignificant failure rate. But rods are going to be broken, and we don’t care how they break. We’ll replace any section, on any of our rods for the original purchaser, charging no more than $35 plus $11.95 for shipping. Just send us what’s left of the entire rod along with your return address and a check or credit card number. We’ll do our part and try to get the rod started on its way back to you the very next day.
The best 4-piece rod for the buck in fly fishing
Build your rod outfit ...just add water
Add any of The Fly Shop’s fine reels to any one of our Fresh H2O or Signature Series fly rods and save a bundle with the bundle
1. Choose your fly rod and reel 2. Let us know whether you wind the reel with your left or right hand. 3. We’ll toss in Scientific Angler floating fly line ($80 value) matched to the rod weight, and the backing ($10 value) to the price of the rod and discounted reel. 4. Then we’ll tie all the knots, load everything on your reel, and ship it for free.
There isn’t a better performing fly rod anywhere else in the world of fly fishing at this price!

Katie Falkenberg photo
THE ACTION OF EACH FRESH H 2 O fly rod model is unique. Our smooth trout rods have actions that will protect light tippet on the strike and during the battle and don’t behave like steelhead rods, while our steelhead rods have all the power you’ll need to pack the mail and an action that will deliver flies as far as necessary.
Save up to $100
Combining an M2A fly reel and a Fresh H2O fly rod is the ultimate in economy! The emphasis is on performance and functionality, and this outfit will meet the demands of just about any freshwater fishing situation. It’s the ideal combination for the cost-conscious angler or someone new to the sport.
Reel H 2 O Rod Line Code Package M2A 4/5 Hat Creek 4 #7793 $275 M2A 4/5 Fall River 5 7794 275 M2A 6/7 Sacramento 6 7795 285 M2A 6/7 Trinity 7 7796 285
The Hat Creek & Fall River models are both ninefoot, 4 and 5 weight rods that are just right for most freshwater rivers, streams and stillwater situations. They have enough muscle to cover broad, western spring creeks and employ the very “forgiving” actions that naturally open up the loop, help turn over long leaders, and have exactly the kind of action that will deliver dry flies and smaller nymphs accurately in all but the worst of winds. Our Sacramento River rod is a 6 weight, and the best all ‘round nymph and dry fly rod in the line up. This model is powerful enough for streamers, yet delicate enough for most dry fly fishing.
The Trinity & Mad River models are virtual wrist rockets with powerful actions and enough muscle to make tossing a tight loop to the horizon a lot easier. Both rods have fighting butts.
Fresh H 2 O Fly Rods
Model Code Line Length Pcs. Bonus Extra Bonus Grip Rod Price Hat Creek #6618 4 weight 9´0˝ 4 pc. Extra Tip Zippered Rod & Reel Case Half Wells $189 Fall River 6619 5 weight 9´0˝ 4 pc. Extra Tip Zippered Rod & Reel Case Half Wells Sacramento 6620 6 weight 9´0˝ 4 pc. Extra Tip Zippered Rod & Reel Case Half Wells Trinity 6621 7 weight 9´0˝ 4 pc. Extra Tip Zippered Rod & Reel Case Full Wells Mad River 6622 8 weight 9´0˝ 4 pc. Extra Tip Zippered Rod & Reel Case Full Wells
Features include: s Quality stripper guides and components on all models s An extra tip section at no extra charge s Lustrous, protective, emerald-green epoxy finish s Hardwood reel seats s Select cork half wells grips on the lightweight models s Select cork full wells grips on the mid-weight models s Fighting butts on the Trinity and Mad River models s Zippered rod and reel pouch case Complete Fresh H2O rod & reel outfits Choose either of our modestly priced Signature fly reels and we’ll add the backing and a top quality Scientific Anglers floating fly line to the package along with a few other extras, and knot it all together. You’ll just have to add the water. Either outfit you choose will represent a great fly rod and reel combo value in the sport.
Save up to $105
Adding an L2A fly reel to either a Fresh H2O fly rod model creates the best possible value. It is a super reel and a sensible step up in quality. This paring is a combination that any freshwater angler can be proud to own and will meet the most demanding situations.
Reel H 2 O Rod Line Code Package L2A 4/5 Hat Creek 4 #7493 $315 L2A 4/5 Fall River 5 7494 315 L2A 5/6 Sacramento 6 7495 325 L2A 7/8 Trinity 7 7496 325 L2A 7/8 Mad River 8 7497 325
The Fly Shop’s Bonus
Designed & Field-Tested by The Fly Shop® Staff. A Team You Can Trust to Deliver Great Fly Fishing Products at Great Prices!
Spare Tip Included

Signature Series H2O Fly Rods
Signature H2O rods for the anglers who have dialed in their casting stroke
THESE HANDSOME RODS employ a more expensive, higher modulus graphite than our Fresh H2O models (featured on pages 10-11). Those differences translate into a fly rod with a moderately faster action that’s better matched for experienced anglers who have a more refined, practiced, casting skills. These high performance rods employ what was once called “reserve power” – a resilience that’ll drive the line a little farther, help toss the line into the teeth of a stiff wind, or handle a larger dry fly or big streamer when extra power is applied. All four of our Signature H2O fly rod models sport components that are a step up from our Fresh H2O fly rods. All of the Signature rods feature handsome Buckeye hardwood reel inserts and more expensive components than you’ll find on comparably-priced rods. They also feature a dark, non-glare finish that won’t spook fish.
“At only $289 this rod is in a class by itself. There isn’t another in it’s price range that can match the quality.
Signature H2O Fly Rod features s Dynamic, powerful, progressive action s Superb components, tailored to each model s Beautifully finished Buckeye reel seats s An extra tip comes with every rod s Complete with The Fly Shop’s segmented rod/reel case
Signature H2O Fly Rod Warranty Signature H2O rods are warranteed by The Fly Shop®. We'll replace or repair any H2O rod for the original purchaser, charging no more than $35 plus $11.95 shipping. It’s a great deal without an expensive, hidden premium for a lifetime guarantee.
The Fly Shop’s Signature H 2 O Fly Rods
Model Code Line Length Pcs. Price SG905/4 #8654 5 weight 9´0˝ 4 pc. $289 SG906/4 8655 6 weight 9´0˝ 4 pc. SG907/4* 8656 7 weight 9´0˝ 4 pc. SG908/4* 8657 8 weight 9´0˝ 4 pc.
*Fighting butt models and up-locking reel seats
Fighting butt and anodized, heavy duty reel seat Spare Tip Included
Build your rod outfit ...just add water
Add any of The Fly Shop’s fine reels to any one of our Fresh H2O or Signature Series fly rods and save a bundle with the bundle
1. Choose your fly rod and reel
2. Let us know whether you wind the reel with your left or right hand.
3. We’ll toss in a Scientific Angler floating fly line ($80 value) matched to the rod weight, and the backing ($10 value) to the price of the rod and discounted reel.
4. Then we’ll tie all the knots, load everything on your reel, and ship it for free.
Nobody knows more about indicator fishing than our team of
Sacramento and Trinity River experts. We’re the outfit that refined high-sticking and simplified fly fishing techniques for a generation of anglers. Then we built the perfect rod for it. Save up to $105
Katie Falkenberg photo Adding an L2A fly reel to a Signature H2O model creates the best possible value. It is a super reel and a sensible step up in quality to a combination that will meet the most demanding situations.

Reel H 2 O Rod Line Code Package L2A 4/5 SG905/4 5 #7659 $405 L2A 5/6 SG906/4 6 7660 415 L2A 7/8 SG Indicator 6 7527 425 L2A 7/8 SG907/4 7 7661 425 L2A 7/8 SG908/4 8 7662 425
Signature Series H2O Indicator Rods
THE FLY SHOP ’ S indicator rod employs features that help make this style of fishing easier, much more fun, and a lot more productive. The rod is designed with a high modulus graphite to add the strength so it won’t buckle under the weight of a multi-fly rig. It has a strong tip, slightly softer center section, and powerful butt. All of this forces the rod to flex lower down the blank and automatically opens the loop – making indicator terminal tackle easy to toss without messing up or tangling. Signature H2O Indicator Fly Rod features: s Designed, tested and tailored specifically for indicator fishing s Longer than normal for better mending and line control s Stack mends effortlessly at both short and long range s Non-glare, ultra-functional, matte finish s Fighting butt helps balance the rod perfectly s An extra tip comes with every one of our H2O fly rods
Signature H 2 O Indicator Fly Rod
Model Code Line Length Pcs Price SG966/4* #6416 6 weight 9´6˝ 4 pc. $289
Features fighting butt and anodized, heavy duty reel seat
Flex chart for The Fly Shop® Signature & Fresh H2O Fly Rods
Fresh H2O Rods
A forgiving action combined with an ultra-responsive high modulus graphite. (see pages 18-19)
SG-H2O Indicator
A medium fast flex action that combines a soft tip and a unique graphite blend that will help open loops and turn over indicators and split shot rigs effortlessly.
SG-H2O Rods
Fast flex action, and a powerful, sensitive tip that will tighten the loop and help make tossing a fly toward the horizon easier. Perfectly suited to expert anglers and big water.
Extra Tip
We’re common-sense fishermen here at The Fly Shop® and we understand the logic of including an extra tip with every H2O fly rod. It’s a simple, built-in guarantee, at no extra charge, that’ll keep you fishing on the stream instead of waiting for the UPS truck.
Our Warranty
All our Signature H2O Series rods are fully warranteed by The Fly Shop®. We don’t care how it broke; we’ll replace or repair any of our rods for the original purchaser, charging just $35 + $11.95 shipping. Just send us what’s left of the entire rod along with your return address and a check or credit card number. We’ll do our part and try to get the rod started on its way back to you the next day.
The Fly Shop’s Bonus
Scott Rods are made in Montrose, Colorado
Selected by Fly Fisherman magazine Gear Award as the best new freshwater fly rod for 2021 – Scott Centric
Eric R. Schroeder photo
High performance freshwater fly rods

Scott’s new star-studded lineup includes the best freshwater fly rod they’ve ever made
Scott’s Centric series fly rods are the most efficient rods they have ever created. Flat, stable, high line speed loops that can be easily generated at any distance with minimal effort from the caster. And they’re still fun to cast! What Scott did to build the new Centric was first develop revolutionary new rolling equpment (the machines that turn flat sheets of graphite into rod blanks) to allow them to control graphite fiber placement and manipulate the density of material. Then Scott incorporated a new resin to precisely bond the increased density of the fibers, and simultaneously created a stronger, lighter, and more stable rod. The end result is the creation of four weights that cast like they should – light and delicate at close range, but with enough power buried in the rod to turn over long leaders and flies at exceptional distances. Perfect spring creek rods. Using the same logic and technology, they packed progressively more power into the Centric five, six, and seven weight freshwater models at exactly the points in each of these fantastic freshwater rod models where it’s necessary. Centric rods feature more than technology and are one of the top rods ever to grace a rod rack! The cork is absolutely excellent, and the components include slick titanium SiC stripping guides, custom burl box elder reel seat inserts and Scott’s patented Universal snake guides.
Scott’s G Series model dates back to 1976, the year Scott changed the market with the first-ever 9 foot 4 weight fly rod. The new G Series rods looks and acts a bit like the original model. Sensitive, but with an exponential elevation of performance and performance is what it’s all about. At the end of the day, the skilled craftsmen in Montrose have delivered a smooth-casting rod that may be the best trout fishing tool ever made.
Centric 4-Piece Rod Models Model Line Length Price 854-4 4 8´6˝ $945 904-4 4 9´0˝ 945 1004-4 4 10´0˝ 945 905-4 5 9´0˝ 945 955-4 5 9´6˝ 945 1005-4 5 10´0˝ 945
Model Line Length Price 906-4 6 9´0˝ $945 906-4 FB 6 9´0˝ 945 956-4 6 9´6˝ 945 1006-4 6 10´0˝ 945 907-4 7 9´0˝ 945
G Series 4-Piece Rod Models Model Line Length Price G772/4 2 7´7˝ $895 G773/4 3 7´7˝ 895 G843/4 3 8´4˝ 895 G883/4 3 8´8˝ 895 G844/4 4 8´4˝ 895 G904/4 4 9´ 895
Model Line Length Price G775/4 5 7´7˝ $895 G885/4 5 8´8˝ 895 G905/4 5 9´ 895 G886/4 6 8´8˝ 895 G906/4 6 9´ 895
High performance saltwater fly rods
Scott has developed an award-winning new generation of big game and saltwater fly rods!
SIGNIFICANT ADVANCES in fly fishing technology, whether it’s rods, reels, waders, fly lines, or clothing don’t happen very often. The advent of graphite was, of course, a great leap forward for the sport. Every move forward from that point – higher and higher modulus, boron fibers, nano resins, and other evolutions were baby steps in comparison. At this point it’s the creative application of already existing knowledge that usually makes headlines in fly fishing. So it was with Scott’s Carbon Web design and the creation of their Sector Fly Rods. It was the culmination of a series of small steps, new materials, tapers, and engineering that’s given saltwater anglers a reason to be excited! Scott’s Carbon Web technology improves torsional stability and rod durability by encasing unidirectional fibers in a web of ultra-light multi-directional carbon fiber. These fibers help counteract torsional forces giving you better tracking and power for long-line pickups and redirecting casts. They also help to reduce micro fractures from stress or impact. Expressed in English: These blanks are stonger, yet lighter, have more power, are more durable, and track better. With Carbon Web combined with ReAct, Scott has created a new kind of rod allowing the angler to hold more line in the air, lift more line off the water with less effort, and the ability to redirect a cast more easily when a fish is on the move.

The award-winning Sector saltwater fly rods
Scott’s goal with the Sector was to create the best saltwater & big game fly rod that’s ever been made. They began by bundling all of their technology into one model rod, then added the most cutting edge fly rod components imaginable. Imagine a rod that casts tight, high line speed loops with less effort and can turn over a leader straight into the wind; a rod that delivers the fly on target with just one false cast, and can pick it back up and redirect if the fish changes course; a rod that is intuitive so you can focus on the fish instead of your cast; a rod that feels light and alive in your hand and has the touch and feel needed to make short quick shots. We’ve used these rods this year in Mexico for bonefish, permit, tarpon and snook. We took them to Louisiana for redfish and to Alaska for silvers. They went with us to Bolivia for Dorado and to Brazil for tackle-busting, monster peacock. The Sector rods we used performed far better than we expected and, after all the hype, we expected a lot. And until Scott (or someone else) comes out with something better, it’s going to be the first fly rod we pack for the saltwater, the jungle, and any other big game fishing. s All Sector rods are fitted with the appropriate fighting butt extension s Reel seats are milled from aircraft aluminum with self-indexing slide hoods s CeRecoil stripping guides with nickel-titanium frames and Zirconia inserts s “Fluor” grade cork grips and a modified Wells grip s All of these rods are hand-crafted entirely in America!
Sector Series 4-Piece Rods Model Line Length Price S907/4 7 9´0˝ $1,045 S908/4 8 9´0˝ 1,045 S909/4 9 9´0˝ 1,045
Model Line Length Price S9010/4 10 9´0˝ $1,045 S9011/4 11 9´0˝ 1,045 S9012/4 12 9´0˝ 1,045
Scott Sector Fly Rods stole the spotlight with awards for both Best Saltwater Fly Rod and overall Best of Show at the annual International Fly Tackle Dealer (IFTD 2019) show!
The brand is iconic, and nowhere in the fly fishing world is their reputation stronger than it is on the flats with saltwater fanatics. Hands down, SAGE is the first choice and often only choice made by veteran saltwater and big game fly rodders. And these two models are considered to be the finest saltwater fly rods they’ve ever made! And they’re made in the USA
Sage Salt HD
Each model is designed for specific saltwater situations There’s a lot of saltwater out there, lot’s of target fish species, and in the high stakes ‘one and done’ atmosphere of flats fishing, you’ll do a lot better with a tool built for the exact fishery and conditions you’ll be facing. So, each rod weight and length in the SALT HD lineup is constructed using the same graphite and technology but with a different, unique action.
Each of these rods are fine-tuned tools for saltwater situations
s 6–7 WT Skinny water / floating line / calm conditions / presentation quality Built for casting smaller, lighter flies and precision distance casting s 8 WT All-around light duty / floating & sinking lines / increased fish fighting The top choice for trophy bonefish, baby tarpon, snook, and redfish s 9 WT Permit / sinking lines / increased casting power for stiff winds and big flies s 10 WT Small tarpon & big permit / increased casting power for tossing big flies s 11 WT Tarpon / quick-loading for maximum line pickup and quick, accurate shots s 12 WT Flats edges & light bluewater / any variety of sinking & floating lines s 13-16 WT The ultimate fish fighting tools / intentionally short for casting off of crowded boats with incredible lifting power in the extended fighting butt

Sage’s Konnectic HD technology improves the transfer of energy from the loading point. So, these rods are stable, don’t ‘shudder’ and casts are accurate. These powerful fly rods will reach further, respond more quickly and delicately, help you deliver flies where they’re supposed to go, and catch more fish.
s More lifting and fighting power than a standard fast action rod s Larger guide set allows bulkier saltwater knots to smoothly move through guides s Narrow blank profile that will slice through the wind with less resistance s Oversized Fuji ceramic stripper guides and larger hard-chrome snake guides and tip-top s Heavy-duty Stealth Black anodized aluminum uplocking reel seat s Hidden hook keeper in reel seat s Super Plus full-wells cork handle s Laser etched line weight on slide band for quick, easy rod identification
Salt HD 4-Piece Rod Models Model Line Length Price 690-4-SALT HD 6 9´ $995 790-4-SALT HD 7 9´ 995 890-4-SALT HD 8 9´ 995 990-4-SALT HD 9 9´ 995 1090-4-SALT HD 10 9´ 995 1190-4-SALT HD 11 9´ 995
Salt HD 4-Piece Rod Models Model Line Length Price 1191-4-SALT HD 11 9´ $995 1290-4-SALT HD 12 9´ 995 1291-4-SALT HD 12 9´ 995 1386-4-SALT HD 13 8´6˝ 995 1686-4-SALT HD 16 8´6˝ 995
The Sage X-Rod
Truly great fly rods for all occasions and all anglers
The X rod’s fast action taper built with their Konnetic HD Technology delivers a new generation in rod blank recovery and a crisper tip stop – creating tight, efficient loops throughout all ranges of casting styles. This taper allows you to dig deeper into the rod and access the power closer to the lower command center. Then, decreased lateral and medial movement and vibrations in the blank result in more accurate and more efficient presentation. It’s all the result of a performance driven, forgiving, fast action blank – refining the synergy between angler, the rod, the line, and the fly.
s Konnetic HD Technology® to help deliver flies further, more accurately, and easier. s Hard chromed snake guides and tip-top s Black Spruce blank color s Dark green thread wraps with metallic grey trim wraps s Fuji ceramic stripper guides and the finest quality cork and components in the industry
X Freshwater Fly Rods Model Line Length Pc’s Price 376-4 X 3 7´ 6˝ 4 $950 390-4 X 3 9´ 0˝ 4 950 486-4 X 4 8´ 6˝ 4 950 490-4 X 4 9´ 0˝ 4 950 4100-4 X 4 10´ 0˝ 4 950 586-4 X 5 8´ 6˝ 4 950 590-4 X 5 9´ 0˝ 4 950 591-4 X* 5 9´ 0˝ 4 950 597-4 X* 5 9´ 6˝ 4 950 5101-4 X* 5 10´ 0˝ 4 950 690-4 X 6 9´ 0˝ 4 950
* These models have a fighting butt
s Spectacular Vera wood insert with Stealth Black anodized aluminum up-locking reel seat s Premium grade half-wells cork handle
X Fresh & Saltwater Fly Rods Model Line Length Pc’s Price 691-4 X* 6 9´ 0˝ 4 $950 697-4 X* 6 9´ 6˝ 4 950 6101-4 X* 6 10´ 0˝ 4 950 790-4 X* 7 9´ 0˝ 4 950 796-4 X* 7 9´ 6˝ 4 950 7100-4 X* 7 10´ 0˝ 4 950 890-4 X* 8 9´ 0˝ 4 950 896-4 X* 8 9´ 6˝ 4 950 8100-4 X* 8 10´ 0˝ 4 950 990-4 X* 9 9´ 0˝ 4 950 1090-4 X* 10 9´ 0˝ 4 950
* These models have a fighting butt
s Black anodized up-locking reel seat s Hidden reel seat hook keeper s Flor quality full-wells cork handle with EVA fighting butt
Sage Igniter
Ultra-powerful, Ultra-smooth, and Ultra-light The most demanding conditions require a different kind of tool. Strong head wind? Fish at distance? Bulky rigs? Heavy sink-tips? Built with Sage’s Konnetic HD technology the Igniter is tuned to handle the most technical of conditions. Extremely sensitive, this rod loads easily at shorter distances and is equipped with a high line speed taper that adds distance and will cut right into the wind. The Igniter has a very versatile action and is appropriate for a lot of situations. Lighter Igniter line weights are great for trout and heavier models are optimal for saltwater, the jungle, steelhead, and salmon.
Igniter Freshwater Fly Rods Model Line Length Pc’s Price 490-4 Igniter 4 9´ 0˝ 4 $995 590-4 Igniter 5 9´ 0˝ 4 995 690-4 Igniter 6 9´ 0˝ 4 995
s Half wells grip s Chipolte finish blank s Fuji Ceramic stripping guides s Cocobolo hardwood reel inserts

Igniter Saltwater Fly Rods Model Line Length Pc’s Price 691-4 Igniter 6 9´ 0˝ 4 $995 697-4 Igniter 6 9´ 6˝ 4 995 790-4 Igniter 7 9´ 0˝ 4 995 7100-4 Igniter 7 10´ 0˝ 4 995 890-4 Igniter 8 9´ 0˝ 4 995 990-4 Igniter 9 9´ 0˝ 4 995 1090-4 Igniter 9 9´ 0˝ 4 995
s Full wells grip with a fighting butt s Chipotle finish blank s Fuji Ceramic stripping guides s Hidden hook keeper in real seat
Sage Foundation
Whether you’re getting into the sport or looking for a solid back up rod, the Foundation is a great option and the least expensive Sage fly rod in a decade. Priced at only $350, they take the game to another level without breaking anyone’s budget. Foundation rods are equipped with a high-performance,Graphite IIe blank and a fast action to deliver power with what seems like effortless control and what’s always defined a Sage rod – Performance!
Foundation Fly Rods Model Line Length Pc’s Price 490-4 Foundation 4 9´ 0˝ 4 $425 590-4 Foundation 5 9´ 0˝ 4 425 690-4 Foundation 6 9´ 0˝ 4 425 790-4 Foundation 7 9´ 0˝ 4 425 890-4 Foundation 8 9´ 0˝ 4 425
s Stealth Black finish blank s Ceramic stripping guides s Hard chrome snake guides s Rugged black nylon rod tube s Black anodized up-locking reel seat
* These models have a snub-nose cork handle with a fighting butt
Sage Payload
Created by Sage in 2020 from butt to tip top for bass fishing The Payload incorporates Konnetic technology, abandoning Generation 5 graphite in order to create a faster, more responsive, and better tracking rod that will set the hook quickly and doesn’t waste the energy needed for repetitive casts, and will carve through the wind to deliver big, meaty flies to the target.
s A totally new taper that is tailored to cast large, wind resistant flies s A stronger tip and center section to help lift heavy line and flies off the water s More leverage for fighting larger fish s Tannin Blank Color s Tangle Free Fuji ceramic stripper guides s Super Plus full-wells cork handle
Payload Fly Rods Model Line Length Pc’s Price Model Line Length Pc’s Price 789-4 Payload 7 8´ 9˝ 4 $650 989-4 Payload 9 8´ 9˝ 4 $650 889-4 Payload 8 8´ 9˝ 4 650 1089-4 Payload 10 8´ 9˝ 4 650
Tenkara Revolution
Ours is a sport limited by it’s resources. As they diminish our angling focus narrows and the obvious turn is, to small streams, small fish, and lighter tackle. We’re re-defining our pleasure and what makes a great day of fly fishing. That’s where Tenkara comes in!
THE JAPANESE DIDN ’ T invent fly fishing. Similar styles were used all over the world. But, in their small mountain streams they didn’t need long casts, and small fish make no long runs.So, there was no need to abandon traditional tackle after reels were invented. Instead they refined Tenkara. What remains is still only a rod with a line tied to the tip and a fly and, like many things Japanese, they do a great job of marrying technology, and tradition. Modern Tenkara rods are made of high modulus graphite, lighter and stronger than the bamboo predecessors.They’re telescopic and extremely compact when collapsed. Fully extended, Tenkara rods range from 10 to 15 feet long. Latest Tenkara lines are furled, tapered, and made of high-tech materials. They’re lighter than the lightest fly lines New technology allows the angler to keep most of the line off the water, reducing drag and improving presentation.
Tenkara Rods & Accessories テ ン カ ラ

Tenkara Rod Company photo
Tenkara’s Teton Zoom
A new generation rod that adjusts to both 10.5 or 12 feet long., The Zoom is very responsive at short distances, but has more backbone and is able to handle large fish when fully extended. The higher modulus graphite used in its construction helps promote more precise casting at distances up to 20 feet.
Code Weight Length Telescoped Length Grip Price #27542 3.5 ounces 23 inches 10.5 to 12 feet 11.25 inches $245
WE ’ VE SELECTED four great packages to help you get started in the world of Tenkara. The differences are mostly length and action – how flexible they are and how appropriate they might be for where and how you plan to fish. Each package include a hand-crafted, single strand fly line and a 3mm. nickel alloy tippet ring. The lines are level, yet turn flies over as well or better than any mono lines made. The braided line is useful in the different types of water you’ll be faced with as you learn the sport. As Tenkara anglers move from spot to spot, they spool their line to keep it from snagging on branches or obstructions. The winding spools in our packages allow for simple and easy traveling to and between your fishing destinations. We’ve included three excellent, traditional. Tenkara-type flies to begin your journey, though proven flies appropriate for the destination are recommended.
Tenkara’s Sierra Rod
The lightest and shortest Tenkara rod in our line-up absolutely maximizes the pleasure you’ll get from small fish and tight, tiny streams. 10´ long, the Sierra is a sure bet for narrow, brush-lined streams. Tenkara’s Sawtooth Rod
These rods absolutely maximize the pleasure you’ll get from fish in the 6˝ to 16˝ range. There is a lot of play in this rod, what we call a 5:5 action that still qualifies as ultra-light. There are 9 telescopic sections and a swivel tip is to help keep your line from getting tangled. The colorful design is traditional Japanese.
Code Weight Length Telescoped Length Grip Price #18202 3.2 ounces 20 inches 12 feet 11.25 inches $195
Tenkara’s Rocky
Much more powerful than many Tenkara-type rods, the Rocky is built using very high modulus graphite and intended for carp, salmon, sea trout, and big fish. Fully extended, it’s 14´ 6˝ long with a swivel tip to minimize line tangle. The stronger, faster action handles bigger fish without sacrificing the ultra-light, Tenkara-style touch that makes this kind of fishing such fun.
Winston Super 10 Specialty Euro Nymph fly rods
These long, mini-rods were created with an action to meet the demands of those anglers interested in the European style of nymphing, and Winston’s three 10-footers (3, 4 and 5 wt.) are the perfect tool for modern high sticking methods. Each of Super 10 rods has a finely tuned, progressive medium action with a super-sensitive tip thats perfect for both Euro and indicator nymphing. Super 10 rods feature specialized guides for tossing monofilament, a down-locking reel seat to re-distribute weight, and a 2˝ cork grip extension to reduce the arm fatigue common to Euro nymphing.
Super 10 Boron 4-Piece Nymphing Rods
Model Line Length Grip Price Super1003 3 10´ 0˝ Full Wells/FB $875 Super1004 4 10´ 0˝ Full Wells/FB 875 Super1005 5 10´ 0˝ Full Wells/FB 875 s Extra length to cover water effectively s Sensitive tip to detect subtle takes s Stronger mid-section for accurate fly placement s Strong lower half to control larger fish
Echo Carbon XL Nymphing fly rods
Extremely light, the Carbon XL Nymph rod is the entry point for the angler interested in exploring the possibilities of Euro nymphing with a euro specific rod without breaking the bank. The XL features a soft tip to protect light tippets used in Competition styled fishing applications.
Echo Carbon XL Nymphing Rods
Model Line Length Price Echo Carbon XL-3 3 10´ 0˝ $199.95 Echo Carbon XL-4 4 10´ 0˝ 199.95
Echo Shadow II Nymphing fly rod
Team USA used these rods to navigate the fly competition scene for several years! The design came from Pete Erickson and his success on the international fly tournament schedule. These rods compare in performance to other nymph rods costing three times their price.
Echo Shadow II Nymphing Rods
Model Line Length Price Echo Shadow ll-3 3 10´ 0˝ $289.95 Echo Shadow ll-4 4 10´ 0˝ 289.95 Don't let the name fool you though this rod has the capacity to turn over a dry dropper rig should the need arise to change the game at half time.
s Added length to increase effective nymphing range s A proprietary high modulus graphite to add tip sensitivity and compensate for the added length
Echo Shadow X Nymphing fly rod

Few know more about competition in fly fishing than Tim Rajeff and he’s designed this rod to compete on even terms with far more expensive Euro models. The graphite employed in the Shadow X is super high modulus and allows for the softest takes to be transmitted to the minimal cork for faster hooksets.
Echo Shadow X Nymphing Rods
Model Line Length Price Echo Shadow X-3 3 10´ 0˝ $459.95 Echo Shadow X-36 3 10´ 6˝ 459.95 s Light, small guides to speed mono and thin lines s Exceptionally light weight with a stealth matte finish s Balance weight system to help fight the arm fatigue that comes from holding the rod high all day.
Scientific Anglers
Mastery Euro
Nymph Kit
Easily convert almost any single hand trout rod quickly to a Euro Nymphing setup with this kit. Includes a 20´ floating Euro Nymph Tip (0.025˝dia), our Absolute Euro Nymph leader, and foam storage spool. s Kit includes 20´ floating Euro Nymph tip, Absolute Euro Nymph leader, and foam storage spool.
#28056 $39.95
AirFlo Super Dri, Clear Euro Czech Nymph Line
Unquestionably the most popular European competition fly line with an extra thin (.6mm) diameter for minimum drag and a low-stretch Power Core for strength. Supple to minimize coiling, and sensitive to help you control your presentation, and feel and react to every strike. SA Euro Nymph Leader
Attach tippet to the tippet ring included at the end of this Euro leader and go. The leader features an integrated Tricolor “sighter” to keep knots and tippet rings to an absolute minimum, reducing any unneeded drag in your system. #26673 13.5´ 2x $9.95 29839 30´ 4x
Scientific Anglers “Sighter” Tippet
Tri-colored tippet material that’s designed specifically for Euro-nymphing style rigs. The High-Viz colors alternate every 10˝ and will help you to see your drift a lot better, while allowing you to build customized leaders.
s Green, White, and Orange colors alternate every 10 inches
Code Diam. Strength Spool Price #26576 .011 0x 10 meters $12.95 27700 009 2x 10 meters 28336 .007 4x 10 meters Galvan G.E.N. Euro Reel
Specifically designed to balance longer Euro style rods, the Galvan Euro Nymph reel uses the same proven chassis and drag system as Galvan’s Torque series of reels but with a full “cage” between the reel and spool, preventing fine diameter ESN lines from slipping between the two. The new Galvan Euro Nymph reel features an increased spool arbor diameter to maximize line retrieval and minimizing line coiling in colder water.
#28176 G.E.N. 3.5 $440 #28177 G.E.N. 3.7 465 Visit our website and see all of The Fly Shop’s Euro Nymph terminal tackle.