Book List 2022
Cultivating Kindness
Crocodile Tales
Punchy Stories & Powerful Pace
A Rat, a Rocket, and Science
Writing Friends, Family, Foes & Crushes
The Writer’s Life
ASL Storytime
Phoenix Gets Greater
Illustrator Battle

Leonarda Carranza 13 Myriam Chery 14 Jillian Christmas 15 Matthew Dawkins 17 Natasha Deen 18 Trynne Delaney 19 Loridee De Villa 20 Sarah Everett 21
Joan Marie Galat 22
Aliya Ghare 23 Lawrence Hill 25 Jason Li 27 willie Poll 28 Jael Richardson 29 Emily Seo 30 Phoenix Wilson 31 Marty Wilson-Trudeau 31 Gaitrie Persaud 32
Hello and welcome to the FOLD Kids Book Fest 2022 Educator Guide! This guide was created to help educators engage with their students while attending the festival events. The pre- and post-activities below can be used for all our events. The exercises throughout are deeper dives into specific events and the author profiles are meant to find out more about the creatives participating in this year’s festival.
Before watching a festival event, look up the authors. Make note of the books they’ve written and discover a little bit about them.
1. What made you choose this writer or illustrator?
2. What was the most interesting thing you learned about them?
3. Share why you chose the author and what you learned about them with your classmates and teacher. Prepare one question that you would ask them if you got the chance.
After listening to the session, identify:
1. three things you learned
2. two things you found interesting
3. one question you still have about writing or about one of the authors
Check out the Scavenger Hunt section for a fun activity to incorporate into the classroom.

It’s time for stories!
First, author Leonarda Carranza reads from her picture book, Abuelita and Me, followed up by a Q&A on kindness. Then, join author Keah Brown as she reads from her picture book, Sam’s Super Seats, followed by a discussion on the creation of the book and the impor tance of kindness.

1. We live in a community with many different types of people who have many experiences. Why is it important to learn and listen to the stories and experiences of all people?
2. The two main characters in each book are very brave. Can you think of a time you were brave?
3. What are some activities you like to do with people you love?
4. There are people who help the main characters in the story. Who are the helpers? How do they help? If you were in the story, how could you help?
Join us for a fantastic conversation with award-winning author Lawrence Hill as he discusses his first kids book, Beatrice and Croc Harry, with teen Book stagrammer Ainara Alleyne. Whether you’re a reader or a budding writer, you won’t want to miss this discussion on imagining new worlds and tackling big issues in writing.

1. Pre-Reading: Using the cover as your starting point (and perhaps chapter 1) predict what you think may happen in the story. Use the details you see and read to base your predictions on.
2. During Reading: The writer gives the reader only a few hints throughout the story about how Beatrice and Croc Harry are connected. Predict how you think these characters are connected.
3. Post-Reading: Now that you know the circumstances that brought Beatrice and Croc Harry together, imagine Beatrice 10 years in the future explaining her situation to family or friends. Dramatize what and how you would recreate a part of the book using additional details of your own. Include details of Beatrice’s feelings towards Croc Harry.
Looking for a page turner? For genres like mystery and horror, pacing is incredibly important. In this event, authors Sarah Everett and Trynne Delaney discuss their approach to creating a mood and setting the pace for their novels. Join us for this powerful conversation as they explore their experiences as writers and why they decided to write these fast-paced stories with interviewer Liselle Sambury.

1. Imagine something in your life that you enjoy. Now write a short scene that turns that object/experience into a horror.
a) What have you done to create a scary mood from something that brought you joy? Was it the adjectives you used? Was it the sentence lengths that changed that pace?
b) Once you’ve written your scene, share it with the class or a partner. How have other students turned their prompt into something scary?
2. Find a short excerpt from a story (this can be something a fellow classmate wrote or a published piece of work).
a) What changes can you make to alter its pacing?
b) How have these changes impacted the excerpt’s tone/mood?
Discover how scientific facts and imagina tion mix, and what happens when a jour nal-keeping lab rat starts thinking about colonizing Mars. We’ll talk about research, misinformation, and correcting mistakes— both in writing and friendships—in this entertaining and informative session based on the STEM-themed middle grade novel: Mortimer: Rat Race to Space.

1. This TEDEx video of Phil Plait—who was a member of the Hubble Space Telescope team—explains how scientific discoveries and the scientific process requires making mistakes. Of the following, which of these scientific discoveries were discovered by accident: a) Peanut Butter, b) The Microwave, c) Penicillin, d) Chewing Gum, e) Bicycle, f) Silly Putty, g) Anesthesia
Answers can be found here: https://www.rd.com/list/10-accidental-discoveries-put-to-good-use/
2. How can you make sure the information you are reading is accurate and reliable?
3. What’s something new you discovered using your accurate and reliable research methods?
Young adult authors S.K. Ali and Natasha Deen will discuss the art of creating believable and engaging relationships—romantic, platonic and/ or familial with interviewer Alyssa Gray-Tyghter. They’ll offer practical tips for writers of all ages, explaining the stories behind the creation of their most popular and problematic characters.

Using a book you’ve read, analyze a character by their relationships.
1. What types of relationships do they have? Use the mind map below to explore this visually by writing the character’s name at the centre of the page. In the other circles, write the names of the other characters and the relationship type.
2. How do these relationships—whether romantic, familial, or platonic— affect their decisions?

Young adult authors Matthew Dawkins and Loridee De Villa join us to discuss writing on Wattpad, their publishing journey and what it’s like to have a book published while in university.

1. Before tuning into the session, imagine the different steps that might be involved in becoming a writer. After experiencing the session, compare authors Matthew Dawkins and Loridee De Villa’s journey with what you thought the process would be like.
2. Based on what Dawkins and De Villa shared during the event, use the Venn diagram to illustrate the similarities and differences between their ideas about writing and the writing process.

3. Did anything surprise you about Dawkins or De Villa’s career path? Which part of their career path interested you the most and why?
4. What qualities or skills would you like to or need to develop in order to pursue a career in writing?
In this event, Deaf artist and actress Gaitrie Persaud will present the incredible children’s book, Bharatanatyam in Ballet Shoes by Mahak Jain and Anu Chouhan, in American Sign Language (ASL). Suitable for children and families of all ages, this ASL storytelling event will provide learning and fun for adults and children. Oral translation will be provided by an ASL interpreter.

1. What did you learn about American Sign Language from Gaitrie Persaud’s ASL Storytime that you didn’t know before?
2. What’s one word you learned in ASL that you want to remember?
3. In the story, the main character learns that she can do both her cultural dance, Bharatanatyam, and ballet. What are the fun things you do with your family/at home that you’d like to share with your fellow classmates?
In conversation with Joshua Whitehead, Marty Wilson-Trudeau and Phoenix Wilson will talk about writing their picture book, Phoenix Gets Greater. They’ll also touch on what it means to be Two Spirit/Niizh Manidoowag and the importance of sharing their Anishinaabe culture.

1. After reading the quote on the right from Charlotte Nolin, how were Two-Spirit people regarded in their communities?
2. What are the ways you can help create an inclusive, welcoming, and safe space for your fellow classmates?
3. How can your school create an inclusive, welcoming, and safe space for all its students?
Before colonization, residential and day schools, and religious influence, Two-Spirit people were highly respected in Indigenous communities. “We were the ceremony keepers, we were name givers, we were the medicine people, and people looked at us with honour and respect,” says Nolin, who is also a day-school survivor. “Being Two-Spirited is like being a pipe carrier or being a lodge keeper: our lives are for the people. When you’re young, you don’t know these things. I had to learn from life itself — how to adapt, how to carry myself being Two-Spirited, and how it would affect other people.”
[From ‘You Belong in this World’: Two-Spirit survivors share their stories by Shelby Lisk, TVO]
The Illustrator Battle returns with a new crop of artists who will take up their drawing tools and battle it out from their own drawing tables. This not-tobe-missed interactive event includes hilarious and complex challenges, featuring Canadian illustrators Aliya Ghare, Jason Li and our Illustratorin-Residence Myriam Chery, with the FOLD’s very own Kids Coordinator, Ardo Omer, returning as its host.

1. Which art style did you enjoy the most out of the three illustrators?
2. Draw your favourite animated character from memory. Once you’re done, look up the character. Were you close? What were the interesting differences between your drawing and the original character?
3. Make six medium-sized circles on a page. In each of the circles, either recreate your favourite and most used emojis or create entirely new ones.
S. K. Ali is the New York Times bestselling and award-winning author of several books, including the Morris Award finalist Saints and Misfits and Love from A to Z , both named top ten YA titles of the year by various media including Entertainment Weekly and Kirkus Reviews. Her novel, Misfit in Love , was a People best book of summer 2021. She has several upcoming releases, including Love from Mecca to Medina , sequel to Love from A to Z . She lives in Toronto with her family, which includes a very vocal cat named Yeti and a very quiet cat named Mochi.


from Mecca to Medina (2022)

Ages 14+
ISBN-13: 978-1534442726
Print, eBook,
• Misfit in Love (2021)
• Once Upon An Eid (2020)
• The Proudest Blue (2019)
Love from A to Z (2019)
Saints and Misfits (2017)
FEATURED AT THE FESTIVALKia Brown is a journalist, author, studying actress and screenwriter. She is the recipient of Ulta Beauty’s Muse 100 award, which is a celebration of 100 inspirational voices around beauty, she is one of The Root’s 100 most influential African Americans of 2018. Keah is the creator of the viral hashtag, #DisabledAndCute. Her work has appeared in Town & Country Magazine, Teen Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire UK, And The New York Times, among other publications. Her debut essay collection, The Pretty One , and picture book, Sam’s Super Seats , are out now.


Leonarda Carranza was born in El Salvador. She holds a Ph.D. in Social Justice Education from the University of Toronto. She is the author of the picture book, Abuelita & Me and one of the editors of Tongues: On Longing and Belonging Through Language . She currently lives in Brampton, Ontario part of the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit. website: leonardacarranza.com twitter: KLeonardaCarranz instagram: carranzaleonarda

Abuelita and Me (2022)
• Illustrated by Rafael Mayani
• Ages 4–7

• ISBN-13: 978-1773216102
• Available as: Print and eBook; in Spanish ( Abuelita y yo); print Braille via Centre for Equitable Library Access

Myriam Chery is


Written by Catherine Hernandez

• Le Zaillemeur de Papi (2022) written by Marie-Pier Meunier
• Le chat dans ma tête (2019) written by Maude Royer
• Ariella’s Wish (2019) written by Christie Lee


Jillian Christmas is an artist, creative facilitator, curator, consultant, and advocate in the arts community. She is the long-time spoken word curator of the Vancouver Writers Fest, and former artistic director of Verses Festival of Words. Utilizing an anti-oppressive lens, Jillian has performed and facilitated workshops across North America. She is the author of The Gospel of Breaking (Arsenal Pulp Press 2020), and the children’s book, The Magic Shell (Flamingo Rampant Press 2022). She lives on the unceded territories of the Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh and Musqueam people (Vancouver, BC.)

Johnnie Christmas is a #1 New York Times Best Selling graphic novelist. He is the author of Swim Team . He’s also penned the sci-fi series Tartarus , the haunted romance CREMA , and the fantasy graphic novel Firebug . He’s currently hard at work on two more new middle-grade graphic novels for the HarperAlley imprint of HarperCollins. He’s also worked with celebrated writer Margaret Atwood on the series Angel Catbird and adapted William Gibson’s lost screenplay for Alien 3 into a critically acclaimed graphic novel. A graduate of the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. Johnnie now makes Vancouver, BC his home.

Team (2022)
Ages 8–12

ISBN-13: 978-0063056770
Angel Catbird
Matthew Dawkins is a Jamaican award-winning author and poet whose works on Wattpad have amassed nearly half a million reads. His work focuses on subjects from his personal experience such as adolescence, love, loss, culture, and mental health. Matthew attends Western University in London, Ontario where he pursues a BA in The School for Advanced Studies in Arts and Humanities and English Literature. When he’s not writing, Matthew can often be found re-watching the Harry Potter series on Netflix for the millionth time and procrastinating his assignments. Until We Break is his debut novel. Matthew’s work has been published in Symposium , Semi-colon , and Uplifting Blackness: A Showcase of Art at Western University.

Ages 14+
• ISBN-13: 978-1990259692

Guyanese-Canadian author Natasha Deen ’s novel, In the Key of Nira Ghani , won the 2020 Amy Mathers Teen Book Award and her upcoming novel, The Signs and Wonders of Tuna Rashad , is a JLG Gold Standard Selection. When she’s not writing or visiting with schools and libraries, she teaches with the University of Toronto SCS and spends an inordinate amount of time trying to convince her pets that she’s the boss of the house. Visit Natasha at www.natashadeen.com.

website: natashadeen.com twitter: natasha_deen instagram: natasha_deen
The Signs and Wonders of Tuna Rashad (2022)
• Ages 13+
• ISBN-13: 978-0762478705
• Available as: Print and eBook, and Braille and DAISY audio via Centre for Equitable Library Access
• In the Key of Nira Ghani (2019)



Loridee De Villa is the author of the Watty Awardwinning How to Be the Best Third Wheel , her debut novel that has accumulated 2.7 million reads on Wattpad. She also wrote The Infinite Worlds of Ella Jane , which won the Shaw Rocket Fund Contest in 2020 and is being turned into a theatrical podcast by the film company Shaftesbury. When she’s not typing up a new chapter, Loridee spends her days drawing, sewing, and watching cartoons, all while balancing courses at the University of Toronto. Loridee currently resides in Ontario, Canada and is pursuing a career in health sciences.

twitter: LorideeDeVilla
How to Be the Best Third Wheel (2022)
• Ages 9–12

• ISBN-13: 9781777290085
• Available as: Print, eBook and audiobook

Sarah Everett is the author of several books for teens and a forthcoming middle-grade novel, The Probability of Everything . When she is not writing or reading, she is gearing up for her next travel adventure, dreaming about summer or playing with her dog. She lives in Alberta, Canada.

website: saraheverettbooks.com twitter: heysaraheverett instagram: heysaraheverett
How to Live Without You (2022)

• Ages 14+
• ISBN-13: 978-0358256229
• Print, eBook and audiobook, and Braille and DAISY audio via Centre for Equitable Library Access

• Some Other Now (2021)
• No One Here is Lonely (2019)
• Everyone We’ve Been (2016)
Johnnie Christmas is the international awardwinning author of more than 25 books. Her newest middle grade title— Mortimer: Rat Race to Space (DCB)—is about a journal-writing lab rat intent on using science and YouTube to prove his species is best suited to colonizing Mars. Joan’s STEMthemed books include Solve This! Wild and Wacky Challenges for the Genius Engineer in You (National Geographic Kids) and Dot to Dot in the Sky, Stories of the Aurora (Whitecap Books)— a Crystal Kite Award winner. Writing from the Edmonton area, Joan works with two noisy budgies who won’t stay off her keyboard.
website: joangalat.com

Mortimer: Rat Race to Space (2022)

• Ages 9–12

• ISBN-13: 978-1770866539
• Available as: Print

Kia Brown is a Toronto-based illustrator. She enjoys creating visually rich and magical imagery that explores social and political issues, human interest subjects, and fiction. Her illustrative work ranges from children’s picture books to editorial, advertising, surface design, and more. She has been recognized by the Society of Illustrators New York, American Illustration, Adobe, the National Magazine Awards, Applied Arts, and 3x3 Magazine.

Ages 3–5

Hetxw’ms Gyetxw, also known as Brett D. Huson (he/him/his), is from the Gitxsan Nation of the Northwest Interior of British Columbia, Canada. Growing up in this strong matrilineal society, Brett developed a passion for his people’s culture, land, and politics and a desire to share their knowledge and stories. Brett has worked in the film and television industry for over 16 years and is also a volunteer board member for such organizations as Ka Ni Kanichihk and sakihiwe Festival. The awardwinning series Mothers of Xsan is Brett’s first series of books and part of a larger vision he has in sharing the worlds of the Gitxsan Nation. As Brett continues creating new projects, he is also working with the Prairie Climate Centre.


Wolf Mother (2021)
Frog Mother (2021)
Eagle Mother (2020)

Grizzly Mother (2019)
Sockeye Mother (2019)
Lawrence Hill is the award-winning author of eleven books of fiction and nonfiction, including The Book of Negroes and The Illegal . In 2022, HarperCollins Canada published Hill’s latest novel Beatrice and Croc Harry. Hill has volunteered with Crossroads International, The Black Loyalist Heritage Society, and The Ontario Black History Society. A professor of creative writing at the University of Guelph, he also teaches and visits with book clubs in federal penitentiaries. Hill is writing new novel about the thousands of AfricanAmerican soldiers who helped build the Alaska Highway in northern British Columbia and Yukon during World War Two.

Beatrice and Croc Harry (2022)

• Ages 9–13

• ISBN-13: 978-1443463379
• Available as: Print, eBook and audio book, and Braille and DAISY audio via Centre for Equitable Library Access

Originally from Australia and Indonesia, Michelle Kadarusman’s home-base has been in Toronto since 2000. Her highly acclaimed middle-grade novels include The Theory of Hummingbirds , Girl of the Southern Sea and Music for Tigers . Her books have earned many nominations, including the Governor General’s Literary Awards, USBBY Outstanding International books, Green Earth Book Awards and a Malka Penn Award for human rights in children’s literature. Her debut picture book, Room for More , was published in July 2022 and a new middle-grade novel, Berani , released in August 2022.

for Tigers

Girl of the Southern Sea (2019)
The Theory of Hummingbirds (2017)
Jason Li (he/him) is an independent designer, artist and educator. His practice revolves around promulgating bottom-up narratives, exploring networked technology and helping people live safely on the internet. He is a co-author of The Hanmoji Handbook , and an editor at Paradise Systems.
website: byjasonli.com twitter: jasonli instagram: byjasonli
The Hanmoji Handbook: Your Guide to the Chinese Language Through Emoji (2022)

• Co-created with An Xiao Mina and Jennifer 8. Lee
• Ages 14+

• ISBN-13: 978-1536219135
• Available as: Print

Willie Poll is a Metis author from Sault Ste Marie, ON. She has been working in Indigenous education for the last 10+ years both as a teacher and for The Moose Hide Campaign, an organization aimed at ending violence against Indigenous women and children. She is the author of Together We Drum, Our Hearts Beat as One and has multiple books coming out in 2023!

website: williepoll.com

Jael richardson is the author of The Stone

A Daughter’s Lesson, a Father’s Life , a memoir based on her relationship with her father, CFL quarterback Chuck Ealey which was adapted into a children’s book in 2016. Her debut novel, Gutter Child is a dystopian story of courage and resilience and became an instant bestseller in January 2021. The novel was shortlisted for three Word Awards and was a finalist for the 2021 Amazon First Novel Award. Her most recent title, Because You Are , is a touching picture book written as a letter to her younger self. Richardson holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Guelph and lives in Brampton, Ontario where she founded and serves as the Executive Director for the Festival of Literary Diversity (FOLD).

Emily Seo holds a PhD in chemistry from the University of British Columbia and worked in science publishing in Germany. Her experimentation with words resulted in The Science of Boys . She currently lives in Vancouver, BC, with her husband and two young scientists.

emilyseowrites.com twitter: emilyseowrites instagram: emilyseowrites

• Ages 12–17
• ISBN-13: 978-1926890401
Phoenix Wilson is an Anishinaabe actor and dancer and is very proud of who he is. Phoenix started dancing ballet at age three, grass dancing at age five, and acting at age six. He can be seen in such projects as Longmire , Letterkenny, and the critically acclaimed movie Wild Indian . Phoenix is currently in Grade 11 where he excels in all his classes and has ambitions of becoming a corporate lawyer.

Marty Wilson-Trudeau is an Anishinaabe Kwe writer originally from M’Chigeeng, Ontario, and a drama teacher at St. Charles College in Sudbury, Ontario.


Gaitrie Persaud-Dhumoon is one of Canada’s most accomplished ASL music Deaf performers and actresses. Gaitrie’s original ASL musical interpretations and acting performances are featured on social media, live-performances and music videos seen all over the world. Gaitrie can also be seen on Blue’s Clues as Camila, a Deaf librarian, and as an anchor for Sign1news . She is recently involved in CBC kids show.


SAM’S SUPER SEATS Keah Brown 978-0593323892 Penguin Random House Canada

ABUELITA AND ME Leonarda Carranza 978-1773216102 Annick Press

WHERE DO YOUR FEELINGS LIVE? Catherine Hernandez illustrated by Myriam Chery 978-1443464291 HarperCollins Canada

THE MAGIC SHELL Jillian Christmas 978-1999156244 Flamingo Rampant

JOURNEY OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN Aliya Ghare 978-1459827608 Orca Book Publishers

THE RAVEN MOTHER Hetxw’ms Gyetxw (Brett D. Huson) 978-1774920039 Portage and Main/ HighWater Press

BHARATANATYAM IN BALLET SHOES Mahak Jain illustrated by Anu Chouhan 978-1773216157 Annick Press

ROOM FOR MORE Michelle Kadarusman 978-1772782523 Pajama Press

TOGETHER WE DRUM, OUR HEARTS BEAT AS ONE Willie Poll 978-1551528892 Arsenal Pulp Press

BECAUSE YOU ARE Jael Richardson 978-1443464802 HarperCollins Canada

PHOENIX GETS GREATER Marty Wilson-Trudeau & Phoenix Wilson 978-1772602531 Second Story Press

SWIM TEAM Johnnie Christmas 978-0063056770 HarperCollins Canada

MORTIMER: Rat Race to Space Joan Marie Galat 978-1770866539 DCB/Cormorant

BEATRICE AND CROC HARRY Lawrence Hill 978-1443463362 HarperCollins Canada BERANI Michelle Kadarusman 978-1772782608 Pajama Press

THE SCIENCE OF BOYS Emily Seo 978-1926890371 Tradewind Books

LOVE FROM MECCA TO MEDINA S.K. Ali 978-1665934152 Simon and Schuster Canada

UNTIL WE BREAK Matthew Dawkins 978-1990259692 Wattpad

THE SIGNS AND WONDERS OF TUNA RASHAD Natasha Deen 978-0762478705 Hachette Book Group Canada

A HOUSE UNSETTLED Trynne Delaney 978-1773216959 Annick Press

HOW TO BE THE BEST THIRD WHEEL Loridee De Villa 978-1777290085 Wattpad

HOW TO LIVE WITHOUT YOU Sarah Everett 978-0358256229 HarperCollins Canada
THE HANMOJI HANDBOOK: Your Guide to the Chinese Language Through Emoji Jason Li 978-1536219135 Penguin Random House Canada