What’s Inside:
Project GOALS In Reading: Pandemic Series
Project RADIOS: Students’ Learning Aid
The Intelligence We, Humans, Have
Tibag HS Teachers bring modules closer to learners Paul Joseph S. De Jesus Tibag High School (THS) teachers supported the DepEd’s program, “Sulong Edukalidad’’ by conducting an outreach activity to deliver the learning modules to students in far-flung barangays, held in the first quarter of the school year 2020-2021. The teachers’ initiative provided the learners an opportunity to continue their education amidst the pandemic.
LEARNING IN THE NEW NORMAL. Stephanie A. Maxaraeg,
Grade 11 - Fleming, answers her Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) while listening to the discussions on RBI.
Project RADIOS eyes learning continuity amid pandemic Fiona E. Ramirez To address the academic needs of learners during the pandemic, Tibag High School initiates project RADIOS (Remote Alternative Delivery Instruction and Optimization on Schooling). Dr. Juvelyn L. Esteban, school head of THS, is the proponent of the project. The goal of the project is to cater the learning needs of the students as they answer the activities in the learning activity sheets (LAS). According to Dr. Esteban, Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) is one of the learning supplementary modalities the school implemented. It was being aired on THS Numero Uno:
Doble Otso (88.0 FM) Radyong Totoo, the official radio station of the school and combined with Facebook live streaming in the official THS page. This project aims to aid students on the printed modular distance learning modality of the school. Marianne N. Wage, one of the teacherradio broadcasters, said “These trying times should not prevent us from providing quality education to learners and one good way to supplement the printed modules being given is the RBI with live streaming through the school’s FB page. Through these supplementary modalities, the learners are further guided and given interactive activities that allow for a deeper understanding of the lessons found in the LAS.” Radio teaching episodes are provided for students from different nearby barangays
Based on the DepEd order no. 012 s. of 2020 or the “ Adoption of the Basic Learning Continuity Plan” for the school year 2020-2021 considering the COVID -19 public health emergency, all stakeholders, staff, and learners should observe the health protocols and ensure their safety to continue the education through K-12 curriculum adjustments. In response, Tibag High School promotes the Sulong Edukalidad to provide the quality education despite the threats and challenges caused by the pandemic. Jump to pg. 2
within the (5) kilometer radius of Tibag High School. The project RADIOS made learning at reach where various teachers discuss lessons to guide students regarding their Learning Activity Sheets (LAS).
Brigada Eskwela ‘20 donations, amount to PHP 149k
Yuri Kimo Robles, Grade 12 HUMSS student of THS, said, “It helps us when we don’t understand the modules and it is effective because we can be guided about our lessons as the teacher gives us clearer instructions about the activities that we don’t understand.”
Mayor Cristy Angeles supports learners in distance education
Very useful, survey says; THSians’ perception on usefulness of RBI
THS stakeholders, students, parents, guardians, faculty and staff are the ones who benefit from these supplementary modalities implemented by the school to ensure that education is unimpeded.
UP Sandiwa initiates '21 Pataasandiwa tilt;
THS clutches 2nd place in digital poster making of Tarlac regardless of the challenges they are facing right now.
Lucky E. Tabamo & Krisha Jen C. Corcuerra Tibag High School bagged the 2nd placer award in the Senior High School digital poster making contest as part of the UP Pataasandiwa 2021: Lockdown Competition last March 6-7, 2021 via zoom. The goal of Pataasandiwa 2021 is to showcase the speaking and writing skills of high school students from the Province
"I find this competition difficult because it is an online and on-the-spot competition. I really felt pressured and challenged while I'm competing. In spite of the pressure, I really enjoyed this event because I was able to showcase my talent and represent my school." - Vonne Orly Sadumiano, 2nd Placer of Digital Poster Making (SHS), uttered.
Jump to pg. 3
THS faces new normal learning; stude number continues to increase An increase of 8.2% or 201 students was accumulated in Tibag High School (THS) on the conducted survey of enrollees from S.Y. 2019-2020 to S.Y. 2020-2021 in Junior High School and Senior High School. Follow story on pg. 3
Sitio Paroba II, Tibag, Tarlac City