3 minute read
Summer Plans
from The June Issue
Students take advantage of summer vacation to begin academic programs, get ahead on school work and prepare for college admissions.
Summer is the time that students Working and learning among actual look forward to all year. The college students introduces a unique months-long break allows stu- and special chance to gauge college-life dents to relax and have liberty in how experiences, even if that experience may they spend their time. take place on Zoom.
Ambitious students prepare for col- Molly is using this opportunity to lege over their summer vacation, espe- gauge how she likes the "learning style" cially for rising upper-level students who and "environment" of NYU and if she can prepare for standardized tests, revise see herself at the school as a college their college essays and work on com- student. pleting college applications. Demonstrating an expressed interest
Summer is a perfect time to take col- in a college is one way that admissions lege trips because once the school year officers can understand the extent to starts, there isn’t enough time to travel. which a student wants to attend their
Some current juniors shared their school. Participating in a program lead summer plans and how they are going to by that college is a prime method of prepare for the school year ahead. communicating interest.
Taking courses at some of the nation's Rising senior, Jack Shiebler, shares his top colleges seems to be a popular ave- summer schedule, which will consist of nue for many. a "civil engineering course at UCSB" that "I'm taking a biomedical ethics class at will be "a mix of both [online and in-perWash U [St. Louis]" ju- son learning]." nior Ben Rodgers said. The course will be conducted online and will “I’m taking a biomedical ethics Jack said that this summer, he will "be studying for the ACT span over a few weeks.” Washington Univerclass at Wash U and writing college pa pers." sity in St. Louis is one [St. Louis]” Although challenging, of the top colleges in summer presents an the country, especially excellent opportunity for programs in the natural sciences and to invest time into SAT/ACT preparation STEM. while working hard on college applica-
Courses like the one Ben describes are tions and essays for college admissions. a great way to concentrate on a specific Since there is no distraction from otharea of study that is unlikely to be of- er school work during the summer, it is fered at high school. a prime time to take advantage of and
Similarly, junior Molly Newell will take start the college application process. part in a summer program starting this Whether participating in programs June. Molly says she "will be attending over zoom or in person, immersing onethe NYU pre-college on Zoom at home. self in extracurricular activities of some "The NYU pre-college program is a kind during the open months of summer summer school for the NYU students distinguishes students in the large pool opened to juniors and seniors in high of applicants to highly selective colleges school across the country." and universities.
The University of California in Santa Barbara offers pre-college programs across various areas of study to promote students’ academic development.

Washington University in St. Louis provides a pre-college opportunity, the Young Scientist Program, aims to attract students to scientific careers.