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Summer Must Haves
from The June Issue
Here is a list of students’ favorite summer items to have fun and keep up with the top trends while staying cool and comfortable.
1The problem of sunburns come around in summer for those with fair complexions. People who have a hard time tanning but want a sun-kissed appearance, try out fake tanner. Simply apply lotion to clean skin, and you will instantly look like you’ve been in the sun. Fake tanner beats the pain and damage of sun tanning. 2 Junior Nicole Khodabandelou uses a Whole Foods brand Aloe Vera 365 spray at home during the sunny summer months.
She likes to, “put it in the fridge, so when it’s applied, it cools the skin.” Aloe is perfect for retaining moisture in the skin, especially after too much sun. It also has healing properties.
4Popsicles appeal to any age and you can make them a healthier treat by making your 5 Sophomore Fiona Hernandez says bead crafts are her summer must haves; jewelry and own at home, using fresh pro- accessory making is a fun and duce and natural fruit juice. easy activity to do with friends and famJunior Freddie Russel enjoys strawberry ily. Whether at the beach, at a park or at Popsicles, “They refresh you after a long home, it is always entertaining to create summer day, by quenching your thirst.” colorful summer accessories. 3 In summer, senior Daisy Finefrock switches to tinted moisturizer when the summer sun starts to hit her skin. She recommends this product which, “isn’t heavy, has SPF for sun coverage and covers blemishes.” A lighter option as opposed to a foundation, tinted moisturizer is a great summer makeup product.
6During summer, many enjoy sunbathing by the pool or the beach. With that being said, a bikini is a must have; but not any plain bikini—a bright one to reflect the bright, fun nature of summer. Not to mention, bright bikinis are super fun and flirty.