Marketing Tips
Cause Marketing
Can Build
Goodwill and Business by Michele Rempel
Has there ever been a time when the call for a connection between business and social causes has been stronger? When many consumers expect businesses to take a stand on the social issues of the day? Several events in the US this year have caused a large number of businesses to inform their customers and audiences of their positions on everything from the pandemic to Black Lives Matter to sex trafficking to the upcoming Presidential election choices. “Cause marketing” is now the norm, and customers who see your marketing and visit your website often want to know where your business stands on various issues. What exactly is cause marketing? Cause marketing happens when a business supports a social issue or charity and also reaps marketing benefits from their stand and/or action.
20 The Franchise Woman
For example, a business might hold a golf tournament to raise funds for a local domestic violence shelter and encourage its customers to participate by donating personal care items to the shelter. If your business or brand does not stand for something, especially in your local market, customers may look to your competitors. The number of consumers who say they would switch from one brand to another if the other brand were associated with a cause or charity has climbed to 87 percent, according to a Cone Cause Evolution Survey. For franchisees, cause marketing can reap huge benefits, but can also get you in trouble with your franchisor if your “stand” or the charity you are aligning with does not match that of your franchise. Franchisors can
also benefit, but a “rogue” outlet can put your entire brand at risk if their non-compliant marketing causes confusion among customers and prospects. Done well, cause marketing unites franchisees and their employees with their communities and conveys a positive brand image, boosting their local profile. Cause marketing certainly is not new, and there has always been a strong partnership between small business and giving back to the community. The challenge today is to find a way to truly benefit and engage your community while remaining authentic and also (hopefully) increase your business’s bottom line as you increase your goodwill. Here are a few steps to follow when launching a cause marketing campaign.