1 minute read
Hope Is in the Air
Dear Editor: Thank you, Gulfport! Such an over-the-top display of fireworks eased the aches of the past year and helped us look toward the New Year. While all good things take time and miracles are hard to come along, hope is in the air. The array of splendid colors and aura of excitement is greatly appreciated. – A. E. Lynch, Town Shores
They Only Had 10 Months
Dear Editor: Pinellas County opened an online (and phone) registration for corona vaccines yesterday. Of course it crashed immediately. But honestly, we did not expect any smooth sailing from the state or the county based on the demonstrated lack of leadership on this whole corona epidemic from any government source. And after all, they had only had 10 months to work on it.
I was wondering if any of the people in charge at the county thought about contacting companies like Amazon, Orbitz, Expedia, Bank of America, airlines, colleges or NYSE for some help or insight into setting up and managing real time websites for user registrations? All of these companies and agencies deal with massive website traffic daily.
I’m guessing they could have just had Ticketmaster set it up and we would all be registered now. – Vic Miller
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