2 minute read
Creativity Without Boundaries: The MAR St Pete
By Jeff Donnelly
“Imagine a place where anyone seeking creative background. And we could work together!” education, encouragement or expression is welcomed And what makes St. Petersburg the ideal location for with open arms and open minds.” such an ambitious project?

Heather Hamar says, "My husband Dave and I dreamt this idea up on January 24, 2019."
That’s how the mission statement for The MAR St. Pete “It is one of the most artistically inspirational cities I have begins. It goes on to mention building been in,” Hamar says. “It’s a smaller community, celebrating mistakes, city that packs a big artistic punch!” and collaboration as driving forces The Hamars have lived all around, for the new multi-purpose arts space but for them St. Pete was easily the opening in the Grand Central District place best suited to The MAR. Not on September 1. only does it have a robust artistic
“My husband Dave and I dreamt community to serve and embrace, this idea up on January 24, 2019,” but as far as Heather and Dave are says Heather Hamar, MAR CEO and concerned, it’s a small-business co-founder. “However, this idea of friendly town like no other. owning my own performance arts “The love and community of the business has been a dream of mine small businesses here is incredible,” since high school.” she says. “Every business feels like
That dream has come to fruition as a a partner rather than a competitor.” space for singers, dancers, actors and The MAR recently put the finishing musicians to teach, rehearse, record, touches on its space in the Grand live stream and collaborate. Hamar Central district, where they count an says The MAR will rent the facility to Heather Hamar says, “My husband Dave and eclectic mix of shops and eateries local artists and educators – including I dreamt this idea up on January 24, 2019.” as neighbors on a block that is in use of professional lighting, sound and the midst of steady growth. streaming equipment – for performances, classes, and any For Heather and Dave, the plan is solid, and the number of arts-related endeavors. path is clear, but they says they aren’t going to restrict
Hamar believes The MAR’s expected adaptability to so themselves to any fixed set of offerings. The possibilities many different artists and mediums makes it unique in the for arts education, practice and exhibition are vast, and area. the couple will adapt their model around the needs of
“We had heard of a place called The House of YES in the community. New York and it was very similar to the idea I had in my “In our minds, there is no limit to what we could include,” mind initially,” Hamar says, “which was to offer a place for Hamar says. “As we tap into our community of working creative work without boundaries.” performing artists, we can use their expertise to pave the
She and Dave were also inspired locally. way to the programming we will offer. That is a part of our
“We also love Studio 620 here in St Pete. 620 focuses dream – to utilize the amazing artists in this community more on visual arts, which we thought really opened the to give them work here, in the city they live.” door for us to focus on the performance arts, which is our For more, visit themarstpete.com.

Heather and Dave Hamar's multi-purpose arts space, The MAR, will open September 1 at 2309 Central Ave.