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Need a Mask?
The City of Gulfport hands out free masks to all who need them at two locations: the Gulfport Casino Ballroom, 5500 Shore Blvd. S., weekdays from 1 to 8 p.m.; and the 49th Street Neighborhood Center, 1617 49th St. S., weekdays, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Find other local mask distribution sites at covid19. pinellascounty.org/free-face-masks.
South Pasadena Remains Distant
While some cities will resume meeting in real life, South Pasadena Commission will remain, for the time, socially distant. Commission meetings take place virtually, and the city has not yet announced plans to resume exercise, dance, and yoga classes. South Pasadena will post any and all updates at mysouthpasadena.com or on the Spectrum Channel 643.
Need Help with Rent or Utilities?
You can now apply for help with overdue rent, mortgage or utilities through Pinellas CARES by texting COVIDCARES to 898211. Pinellas residents need a signed form HOURS: MON - THUR 10AM - 4PM FRIDAY 10AM - 6PM SATURDAY 9AM - 6PM SUNDAY 9AM - 3PM attesting job or income loss from COVID-19 and $10K or less in the bank. You can get up to $5K per household, including new bills, even if you previously received help. Learn more at cares.pinellas.gov.
Are You Prepared for a Hurricane?
It’s hurricane season, and the City of Gulfport has Pinellas County Hurricane Preparedness Guides available at Gulfport City Hall, the public library and the fire station. Visit mygulfport.us/hurricanecenter for site addresses, planning tips, a list of recommended supplies and other useful hurricane-related information. The Atlantic hurricane season extends through November 30, so the time to prepare is now.
Watch the Watchers Virtually
Gulfport’s Neighborhood Watch has gone virtual, which means no matter where you are you can participate via Facebook. The group meets Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Find the group on Facebook by searching for “Gulfport, FL Community Crime Watch.” The meetings and group offer Gulfport residents a monitored way to learn about burglaries, BOLOs and stolen vehicles. Call 727-8931022 or email Gulfport’s volunteer coordinator Jim Wright at jwright@ mygulfport.us if you want more information.
Got Extra Food?
If you do, the Gulfport Senior Center Pantry needs it. They’re looking for non-perishables like tuna, peanut butter, dry cereal, pasta sauce, soups and canned meats. Any Gulfport resident 50 and older can use the pantry. The Senior Center keeps the pantry open from 1 to 3 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays. If you have food to donate, drop it off anytime. If you could use food, bring your photo ID, a utility bill, or bank statement (to prove residence) and your SSI proof of income. Wondering if you can use the pantry? Call Rachel at 727-893-1231.