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Many Thanks from Midge
Dear Editor: The recent celebration of my 100th birthday [“Midge Wayland is Fabulous at 100,” October 29, 2020] was due to the efforts of many people. So many that is impossible to individually thank them. If you are reading this and you are one of those people, you have my heart-felt thanks for making me so happy. – Gratefully, Midge Wayland
Keep Up the Good Work Dear Editor: Your recent series “A Grave Situation,” inspired me to donate. I lived in Gulfport for many years and I loved the small-town feeling of it. (The frequent flooding drove me out.) At the library, I’d always pick up a copy of the “Gulfport Gabber,” as it was then called. It was always fun to glance through it, but it rarely had anything more than passing interest to Gulfport residents. So this is a real change! I appreciate your efforts to give the newspaper some real substance with this excellent and timely series. Also, I don’t want to forget to mention the interesting article on the Longleaf Pines [“Return of the Majestic Longleaf Pines,” October 22, 2020] and their role in Florida history.
I’m now picking up the Gabber at the Gulfport Library, which I started using again since it now has become almost easier to break into a bank than get into the St. Pete libraries – a bit of a unfortunate overreaction, even in these unprecedented times!
Thank you very much for your good work. – Nina Ramos
The Gabber encourages letters and commentary. Be brief and sign your real name. Email letters to news@thegabber.com or mail them to us at 2908-B Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL 33707. Any email sent to the Gabber may be used in print. If you do not want your letter published online or in print, you must let us know in the letter. Commentary posted on our social media channels may also appear in the paper. Opinions expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of the publishers, staff or advertisers.