5 minute read
When I passed Charles as he sat on the bench, he always had a kind word for me. He kept his belongings organized. I admired his fortitude while enduring a life on the street. Charles made me feel grateful that I could return to a home with running water. –Janet Folsom, Gulfport
Kenneth City
I enjoyed reading the article written by Jim Schnur titled “Kenneth’s Town”. It was well put together and accurate. Please extend my thanks to him. Thank you. –Kenneth D. Colen, Ocala (but yes, that Kenneth)
How Did Larry Die?
I thank readers for your concern regarding the cause of death recorded on my husband’s death certificate subsequent to his hospitalization for COVID pneumonia. I was finally able to speak with the physician who signed Larry’s death certificate. She gave me her reasons and, in this particular case, without going into details, I understand where she’s coming from. She understood my concern about underreporting COVID deaths, and said if I can get the medical examiner to let her change the death certificate she would be okay with adding COVID on one of the lines available for comments. —Maureen Kilroy, Gulfport
Gulfport Elections
This Monday (Dec. 17) the deadline passed for candidates to submit their applications to run for three elected positions including mayor and two council openings. Not one person applied and it’s not because the incumbents are so loved by the people. Gulfport in fact has a wealth of talented people with great vision and leadership experience but they chose not to run because the pay is undeservedly low for such an important yet thankless position.
Each council member earns only $10,000 per year, which equates to about $10 per hour. This is at or below minimum wage and in the bottom 10th percentile of national councilmember pay despite the importance and challenges of this position. We need to pay more than minimum wage to attract the right kind of people! It’s so rare to see a working parent in council. But who can blame them? Why would a mom or dad juggling both a fulltime job and family obligations want to take a pay cut to $10/hour while also sacrificing time spent with spouse, children and career? The tradeoff just isn’t worth it.
Or what about the many empty-nesters with considerable business leadership experience who live in Gulfport? Many want to improve the community and could be enticed to run if only the wages were more commensurate with the responsibility of leading a city within the important fast-growing Tampa Bay metro.
Until we can accept that we need to pay more to see the progress we desire then we should be not be surprised if we find an element of truth to the old proverb, “if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.” –Greg Simek, Gulfport
Please note: Edited for length; to read the full version, please visit thegabber.com/category/voices
BCYC Boat Parade
Boca Ciega Yacht Club wrapped up our very successful 36th Annual Christmas Lighted Boat Parade with 23 registered boats, including one fake “#10” boat that jumped the parade line, and a quick assist from TowBoatUS. Thank you to Gulfport Detective Priest, who led the parade, and to Councilman Paul Ray for filling Santa’s boots!
We collected over seven-anda-half large moving boxes of toys and over $1,000 for Gulfport Police Department’s Operation Santa program — our most significant haul of toys ever (per Francine)!
The parade was a fantastic display of light and sound, creativity and engagement, enjoyed by everyone in Gulfport. Reports were that all the restaurants, bars, and public spaces along Shore Boulevard and downtown Gulfport were at full capacity. Those who came out to see the parade, stayed to enjoy the community we love fulfilling our goal of bringing joy and holiday cheer to every community and neighborhood we visited.
Our local Gulfport businesses and supporters generously donated all the prizes for the boat captains, and we thank them for their support. So if you are in the Gulfport area, please share the love by stopping by to say “thank you” to the sponsors if you are able.
Have a wonderful holiday season, a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and we hope to see you next year! —Jenn Buckley, Christmas Lighted Boat Parade Chair, 2021, Vice Commodore, BCYC, 2021
Please note: Edited for length; to read the full version, please visit thegabber.com/category/voices
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