Gamification in Learning during a global pandemic The global pandemic has forced us to slow down and reflect on ourselves. One of the things emerging from these tough times is that now is a good time to upskill and learn. Introducing gamification in learning is a good way to engage remote learners. Have you taken up any new courses recently? Have you prepared a learning schedule?
What remote learning needs Remote learning requires content that is even more engaging than face-to-face learning. Even though there are a large number of online courses out there – the rate of completion is low. Something similar happens with upskilling professionally. To know more, you can visit
The challenge with learning right now A large number of organizations are rolling out virtual learning classes for their employees. This a wonderful initiative on their part. However, the key is the completion of such courses. The current environment is tensed and uncertain around the globe. Our threat-response is heightened. This makes learning and retention difficult. For example, if you have an employee who is uncertain about when their online order for essentials will be delivered, then you can expect a distracted mind to show up in a learning session.
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How gamification in learning emerges as a solution Gamification is a good solution to implement in such a situation. Why? Because it helps to create a positive learning environment. Gamification is the process of taking game elements and applying them to regular activities to increase engagement and productivity. The main
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idea of gamification is to remain human-focused. Applying gamification in learning leads to increased retention, higher completion rates and better overall scores of learners. Here are a few ways you can implement gamification in learning, ▪
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Pick a theme that is relevant to your organization culture and is easily understood by your workforce. For example, Detective theme, Magical world theme, Travel around the world theme etc. are some universally understood themes. Use this theme to create game elements that you can introduce to your regular learning activities. Design questions and answers such that the answer options are ‘good’, ‘better’, and ‘best’. This way the learner is not wrong when they select an answer. They simply need to improve. Create levels so that they have a sense of progression even while they are learning remotely. Assign mentors or learning partners. The rate of completion of courses will be much higher when the learner has someone to reach out to in case they get stuck. Social distancing has reduced communication so it would be a good idea to encourage communication while learning.
Let us know what you think about gamification in learning. We have been enabling remote learning for the past few years using gamification and technology. Get in touch with us and we will do our best to support your strategy.
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