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Planting the seed for change

Speaking Frankly

Rams break scoring record

Mass. Congressman talks

T h e G aT e p o s T Framingham Sta te Unive r sity’s inde pe nde nt stude nt ne w s p a p e r s in c e 1 9 3 2






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O’Connell’s Pub offering Thursday night shuttle to FSU By Rachellyn Makuch STAFF WRITER This semester, local bar O’Connell’s Pub has been offering a free ride Thursday nights for students to and from their location

Alexis Huston/The Gatepost

Students take a break form studying to shoot hoops behind North Hall.

Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren making home-stretch push for student votes By Spencer Buell EDITOR-IN-CHIEF As part of a nearly yearlong effort to court student votes, senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren spoke to members of the Massachusetts college media Saturday via conference call. The Harvard Law Professor, a Democrat who helped the Obama Administration to create the new Consumer Financial publican Scott Brown, a political veteran from Wrentham running on a bipartisan

platform. “There’s a lot at stake in this election for college students, for young people all across the Commonwealth,” Warren said to representatives from The Gatepost, The MCLA Beacon, the Harvard Crimson and Northeastern’s Huntington News. Warren said her campaign works with over 300 interns on college campuses tasked with recruiting volunteers - over 1,500 of them so far - and helping students register to vote. The candidate stopped by the FSU campus last October, attracting few students, but many local Democrats for a campaign rally in DPAC.

Last Saturday, Warren held a rally at Northeastern featuring an appearance from actor Zach Braff, of “Scrubs” and “Garden State” - an icon for the twenty-something voters both candidates are after. Braff also appeared at Clark University and UMASS Amherst that same day. “I’m so proud of our efforts to reach out to college students, to engage young people in this campaign,” Warren said. “I’m in this race because I believe we need to invest in our future and create opportunities for the next generation. Having college students and young people all across the - Continued on page 3

The shuttle service, which began operation on Sept. 13, runs from 9 p.m.-1 a.m., picking up and dropping off students in front of the McCarthy Center, according to Co-owner Jen Madden. Thursdays are typically one of the most popular times for undergrads to get together and socialize. “It’s like the big night for O’Connell’s,” senior Danielle Landry said. Madden claims the shuttle isn’t being provided simply to transport inebriated students, and points to two other reasons for offering it. “Safety for everybody walking down here, number one,” Madden said. “Number two was the weather. Once it starts getting really cold and rainy, everyone is going to help everybody out up there?” Madden said the shuttles shouldn’t conhibits drinking and drunkenness on FSU property. Students who use the shuttle “shouldn’t [be in violation of the policy] because, regardless whether the students come here or another bar, or where they’re going to go, if they’re 21, they’re going to go out. … We’re just providing the shuttle for safety.” Framingham State University Chief of Police Brad Medeiros said so far, the shuttle - Continued on page 3

“Full-time man of principle” John Amaechi speaks about social awareness By Zachary Comeau EDITORIAL STAFF John Amaechi is a 6-foot-nine black man who weighs over 250 pounds. He is a psychologist. He is also a former NBA player. In a British grammar school, he was a “fat geek” who hid in the library. Oh yeah, he’s also gay. Despite all of these different categories ing the course of his life, Amaechi desires this “toxic” world has assigned him. Instead, Amaechi wants to be just a person - a stranger whom people know nothing about. Distinguished Lecture Series, Amaechi

opened the event last Tuesday with an acknowledgement of the peculiar difference between his appearance and his voice. “Some of you are going through a bit of a crisis in your brain because you’re looking at me and thinking, ‘How is this voice coming out of this body?’” he said with a thick, but eloquent British accent. Amaechi, who actually lived in Framingham during the early years of his life before moving with his family to Manchester, England, explained that in today’s supposedly post-racial world, people need to be increasingly aware of the impact they have on others - large or small. Just before arriving in New York, he played basketball. Longing to escape the - Continued on page 6

Alexis Huston/The Gatepost

Former Orlando Magic center John Amaechi challenged students to “live big.”

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