The Gateway Gardener May 2013

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Gateway Gardener

MAY 2013



Your Guide to Enjoyable Gardening and Easy-Care Landscapes

p isers o h S vert ect ! f ifts d r e A r P Ou r the Day G fo er’s th o M

Perennial Picks for 2013


Favorites from Area Garden Pros

Our Cornucopia Corner Opens for 2013 Harvest Calendar, Growing Veggies, Recipes and More!

Not-So-Annual Salvias FREE Courtesy of:

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Gateway Gardener THE


Your Guide to Enjoyable Gardening and Easy-Care Landscapes

MAY 2013

Volume 9, Number 4

Publisher Joyce Bruno Editor Robert Weaver Columnists

Barbara Perry Lawton Garden Book Author and Garden Writer Connie Alwood Master Gardener Ellen Barredo Certified Nursery Professional Diane Brueckman Rosarian Joyce Driemeyer Master Gardener Cindy Gilberg Landscape Design Mara Higdon Gateway Greening Glenn Kraemer Turf Horticulturist Printing: Breese Publishing, Breese, IL The Gateway Gardener® is published monthly by Double Dig Communications, Inc. to promote enjoyable, successful gardening and livable landscapes in the St. Louis greater metropolitan area. The magazine is distributed free to the public at designated garden centers, nurseries, garden gift shops, lawn equipment rental, repair and sales establishments, and other locations supporting sound gardening, lawn and landscaping practices. Please send letters-to-the-editor, questions, event announcements, editorial suggestions and contributions, photos, advertising inquiries and materials, and any other correspondence to: The Gateway Gardener Magazine® PO Box 220853 St. Louis, MO 63122 Phone: (314) 968-3740 Fax: (314) 968-4025

The Gateway Gardener® is printed on recycled newsprint using environmentally friendly soy-based ink, and is a member of the PurePower® renewable energy resources network.


From the Editor

lot of people are complaining about this spring, but not me! For one thing, sure it’s been cool and rainy, but I’m hoping this return to more typical springs of our region will also lead to a less dreadful summer of the kind we suffered last year! Plus, taking advantage of one of the rare beautiful weekend days, I attacked spring cleanup a little overzealously, and my back chose to rebel. It’s a selfish thought, but I figure as long as I can’t get out in the garden and work, it might as well rain!

Besides, the rain allows the opportunity to take a break from plants and think about other things, even if those other things are still garden related. Like dragonflies. I’ve always been fascinated by these stunt aerialists of the insect world, so I was happy to learn more about them from Barbara Perry Lawton’s article (pg. 4). They’re voracious consumers of pest insects like mosquitos (and also, unfortunately, beneficial insects like bees) both as

see Randy Greene’s article (pg. 6) on all things related to soil testing.

The rain will end, though, and when it does, plants will be foremost on our minds once again. There’s plenty else to discover in this May issue regarding the green guys in our gardens, from new and favorite perennials choices of area adults and in their precocious garden experts (pg. 26) to Chris childhood nymph stage. A Kelley’s new favorite salvias special thanks, by the way, to (pg. 10) and Steffie Littlefield’s Barbara’s daughter and fellow new favorite crape myrtle (pg. columnist Cindy Gilberg for her 14). And of course everyone great photos. wants more information on edibles, whether herbal (pg. 8), The rain, saturating the soil as it native (pg. 10) or un-“beet”-able has, also led me to thinking about (pg. 21). We have you covered! that very soil, and how its health so indelibly stamps its imprint In the meantime, my back is on those things that grow from healing, and by the time you it. Last summer in many cases, read this, I hope to be out in the that stamp was marked “Return garden again! Happy Mother’s to Sender!” Of course, all plant Day! And… failures—especially those of last summer’s record heat and drought—can’t be blamed on Good Gardening! the soil, but it’s a good place to dig in and start putting things aright. If you have suspicions about the health of your soil,

On the Cover...

We hope you’ll pardon our pink cover this month, but we thought it was a perfect choice to celebrate Mother’s Day! ‘Pardon My Pink’ is, in fact, the name of this pretty bee balm (Monarda didyma) from Proven Winners. If you don’t like the pink, it has a sister named ‘Pardon My Purple’! For more great perennial suggestions see page 26. (photo courtesy Walters Gardens, inc.) FEATURES 6 Test Your Soil! 10 Not-So-Annual Salvias

16 It’s Garden Tour Season 18 Foodology 20 The Cornucopia Corner 26 Perennials for 2013 DEPARTMENTS 4 Dragonflies 8 Environmental Benefits of Herbs 10 Tea for Two (or more) 14 ‘Black Diamond’ Crape Myrtle 21 You Can’t Beat Beets! 22 Warm-Season Lawn Care 24 MBG Rose Gardens Makeover 28 Dig This 30 Upcoming Events


Text by Barbara Perry Lawton, Photos by Cindy Gilberg


e thankful every time you see a dragonfly in your garden. They are gluttons for mosquitoes, gnats, aphids and just about anything they can manage to catch. Not surprisingly, they are called mosquito hawks by some people. The nymphs have been called thunderbugs though I can’t figure out why—they are weird looking and don’t bear any resemblance to the adults. Oddly, the adults have been called devil’s darning needles. According to folklore, dragonflies were said to sew shut the mouths of children who misbehaved—not an ounce of truth in that one—I should know! There are eight North American families of dragonflies and damselflies, which include several hundred species. Damselflies are smaller relatives that can be identified by the fact that they fold their wings over their backs, while dragonflies hold their wings out

horizontally to the sides. Dragonfly fossils from many million years ago show that the carnivorous dragonflies used to be much larger, with wingspans up to two and a half feet. They ate not only insects but small amphibians as well.

Dragonfly Diets

Dragonflies are swift and agile as they chase down small flying insects. They can fly forward,


backwards or sideways and can hover for a minute or so. They also may eat moths, butterflies and even bees. They are not welcomed by apiarists as they may consume large numbers of bees. The adult dragonfly forms a basket with its legs to catch its prey. They are able to outmaneuver other insects and snap them out of the air in a chase that seldom lasts long. Often several dragonflies join in the hunt when the prey is swarms of insects such as ants or termites. A dragonfly can eat insects equal to its own weight in just a half hour. You may see dragonflies swarming—that is a feeding frenzy, not a mating ritual. Dragonflies are such efficient masters of the air that they flap

their wings only about 30 times a minute. Mosquitoes must flap their wings some 600 times a minute. This low-energy speed makes the dragonfly a fearful predator. Nymphs, the young dragonflies that live in water, also are good predators of pests such as mosquito larvae and other small aquatic animals, including an occasional small tadpole or fish. The nymphs live in the water, shedding several times as they grow and develop. You’ll find the shed husks of the juvenile dragonflies near the water clinging to nearby plants and constructions.

Dragonflies Garden



Dragonfly habitat includes all sorts of watery areas from seeps and rivers to ponds and swamps. Fortunately, these insects may range a mile or more from water so you may have dragonflies even though watery areas are not nearby. If your garden includes sizeable water features, you may attract fertile adults that will lay eggs on the water surface or in some cases insert them into soft stems of water plants. The British Dragonfly Society (the British have dragonfly societies the way we have birding organizations)

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The Gateway Gardener™

MAY 2013

recommends attracting dragonflies with a made pond 20 feet in diameter and two feet deep in the middle with shallow edges. While that is ideal, you can have breeding dragonflies in much smaller ponds. Protect the pond from wind and site it to get several hours of direct sun. The deep water will protect the nymphs from raccoons and other predators. By the way, nymphs also protect us from annoying mosquitoes as they voraciously eat mosquito larvae. Nymphs will remain in larval form from a couple of months to several years. Water plants including rushes, sedges, water horsetail and other emergent plants offer nymphs structures to

crawl up on and metamorphose into adult dragonflies. They also offer good perches for the adults. Let grass, cattails and other rushes grow up by the pond as they offer additional perches. A few flat rocks at the edge of the pond allow adult dragonflies to bask in the sun. A major order for those who want to attract dragonflies is simple: Never use pesticides in your garden! Spot check your plants for insect or other pest damage and either pick the pests off by hand or, in extremes, spot-spray with insecticidal soap. Further, don’t add large fish to your pond as dragonfly nymphs can make tasty treats.

Barbara Perry Lawton is a writer, author, speaker and photographer. She has served as manager of publications for Missouri Botanical Garden and as weekly garden columnist for the PostDispatch. The author of a number of gardening and natural history books, and contributor to many periodicals, she has earned regional and national honors for her writing and photography. Barbara is also a Master Gardener and volunteers at MBG.

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For A+ Gardens and Lawns, Test Your Soil! By Randy Greene


healthy, living soil is comprised of many things including minerals, various organisms, organic matter, air and moisture. Within a single cup of undisturbed native soil we can find 200 billion bacteria, 20 million protozoa, 100,000 meters of various fungi, 100,000 nematodes and 50,000 arthropods (mites, insects etc.). All of these organisms play a vital role in maintaining fertile soils around the world,

providing the environment and food for plants to flourish. But to do so, all of these soil web structures need food and certain conditions to survive. Most people recognize that it’s foolish to try to grow plants in our cold-hardiness region or zone that is too hot or too cold as indicated by zone hardiness information on the tag. But plants have soil preferences, too, just as they do temperature preferences. We know if you

Passing on the Passion... Of Plants!

plant a plant that is not suggested for a particular region it may not do very well. When you are considering a plant you should consider the soil as well. And to learn more about the soil, you need to have it tested!

If the plant likes nutrient-rich soils, and you plant it in soils lacking in some nutrients, it will struggle. The same is true of plants that prefer low-nutrient soils. Many native plants, for example, will grow too tall and flop over, or simply not perform well, if planted in the rich, organic soils most garden plants prefer.

Why Take A Soil Test? If you have a plant that likes to grow in acidic soils and you have alkaline soils, that could be why it keeps dying each time Turf grass is nothing more than you plant it, or its leaves turn a plant that we as homeowners pale green and it fails to thrive. have selected to cover the

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MAY 2013

soil in the areas surrounding our homes. As the geneticists have been working to engineer turf grass seeds and plants to become softer, greener, more disease resistant, more desirable to fit our expectations, they have also narrowed the soil conditions in which those turf grasses will grow. If the soil is not to its liking, the grass seed may germinate anywhere, as the grass seed companies often claim, but will it survive anywhere? The grass seed companies don’t mind if you have to buy more grass seed every year, but if you get the soil right, you might not have to. How do you do that? Again, a soil test can tell you this information.

more per test! Still they can be done, if you’re interested. For more information on these kinds of tests, visit the Missouri Botanical Garden website at at MissouriBotanicalGarden. org and type in the search box “herbicide testing.” How to Take A Soil Sample for Testing Detailed instructions on taking soil samples can be found at the MBG website mentioned above. The Gateway Gardener also has a video on its website at As an overview, you want to have different tests done for different “crop” areas; in other words, have a test done for the lawn, another for a vegetable garden, another for ornamental gardens. Within those crop areas, take 3-4 samples randomly through the area, digging about 6” deep with a hand trowel or bulb-planting tool. Remove all surface organic debris like grass, roots, twigs, etc., so the sample only contains soil. Put the sample in a plastic container—no metal. Add soil from two or three more spots within the same crop area and mix them together. If wet, let dry before submitting for testing.

What a Standard Soil Test Will Tell You You can get different kinds of soil tests. Basic tests may just test the pH (acidity/alkalinity) of the soil. More detailed tests can also test the nutrient levels, like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and in some cases micronutrients. They can also test the soil structure and texture (how much organic matter it has and what the percentage of sand/silt/clay comprises the soil contents). Cost of the test Where to Take Your Soil depends upon the detail you Sample? want. There are several options for having your soil tested. You can What a Standard Soil Test bring your soil into our store, Won’t Tell You or to one of several garden When plants suddenly centers in the region that offer or repeatedly die, some soil testing (call and ask first). people suspect their soil is You can also take the sample contaminated with poison of to the Missouri Botanical some sort, like herbicides or Garden Kemper Center. They heavy metals. Standard soil do pH tests for free while you tests will not reveal presence of wait, or for a fee, send off for these chemicals. Tests for such more detailed tests, and results contaminants are contaminant- and recommendations will be specific (each test targets only returned to you in the mail. one suspected chemical), so the Testing is also available through lab has to know what chemical the Universities of Missouri you want it to test for in order and Illinois Extension sites to do the test. And the tests (see contact information in the are quite costly, up to $200 or sidebar). Finally, there are direct MAY 2013

The Gateway Gardener™

products for those who are concerned for the environment How Often Do You Need a and the animals they care for as Soil Test well as the food they grow and Many of the solutions we eat, including the area’s largest have been told will combat selection of organic gardening some of the most common soil supplies and soil amendments. problems are just short-term You can reach him at (636) 561or single-season solutions to a 6637. soil problem. If, for example, a soil test indicates you have acidic soil and need to add lime, Helpful Soil Testing you will need to repeat that Information application every year until you For more information on reach the pH level desired, then where to have your soil tested, every few years to maintain. If contact us at the store or your you have a problem with a plant favorite local garden center, and you assume the problem or the following: is with the soil then be sure to have a soil test before randomly University of Illinois applying something. Extension Main Office (Waterloo) (618) Soil tests give you a focused 939-3434 targeted approach towards Collinsville (618) 344-4230 building better soil to support the plants you are wanting to soiltest/ grow. A soil sample shows you where and how to spend University of Missouri Extension your money in order to build (St. Louis) the deficiencies in the soil. The 314-400-2115 good news is, once you work on building the soil you will, Missouri Botanical Garden as a rule of thumb, spend 25% Horticulture Answer Service less supporting your plants each (314) 577-5143 year you improve the soil! Earth Co. (Direct Mail Randy Greene runs the family- testing service) owned Greene’s Country Store and Feed in Lake St. Louis, Missouri. They specialize in mail services (see sidebar).

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Environmental Benefits of Herbs in the Landscape by Joyce Driemeyer

After last summer’s terrible drought, we are going to be looking more and more toward plants that will withstand these conditions and at the same time provide beauty and enrichment to our garden spaces. Most plants with an herb history have the ability to thrive under adverse circumstances and provide a lure for birds, bees, butterflies and beneficial insects. I shall mention a few that have merit for different sites.

For back of the border, Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium fistulosum) ‘Gateway’, grows to 5-6’ with rosy pink flower heads in late summer into fall, is loved by butterflies, but not by deer, and makes a beautiful statement. The dried seed hulls, if left


native American plant that blooms in May-June with showy blue flowers at 3-4’, and is loved by many butterflies. Black seed pods form in fall and are useful in dried arrangements. Plant in a sunny spot.

Blooms of all lavenders, sages, oreganos, thymes, rosemary and basils will be visited by bees for nectar when in bloom. All require full sun and good Joe Pye Weed drainage. An annual with white umbel flower heads, Pimpinella on, are visited by birds in the hummers and the sphinx moths. anisum, anise or aniseed, gets fall and even in winter snow. Sometimes called Oswego Tea, only 20” tall, attracts beneficial Because of its deep root system, it likes full or part shade and parasitic wasps and repels it is drought tolerant. fairly rich soil and moisture. aphids. It needs sun and has licorice flavor. Another native American plant M. Fistulosa, wild bergamot hyssop (Agastache in Monarda didyma, beebalm or or horsemint, is tolerant of full Anise bergamot. The scarlet blooms sun and even drought. Baptisia foeniculum) is a highly in summer are attractants for austrialis, false indigo, is a ornamental perennial growing

The Gateway Gardener™

MAY 2013

to 3’, with spike-like purple flowers whose high nectar content makes it a great bee plant, and is often planted near bee hives.

Planting basils and dwarf marigolds close to tomato plants encourages pollinators for flowers and fruit production. I have found plants also deter squirrels and rabbits from my tomato plants. Foliage of dill and fennel attracts butterfly larva, while fennel foliage is a flea repellant for a dog bed.

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Our beautiful purple coneflowers, Echinacea spp., are loved by butterflies and finches even after flowers have dried in fall.

For dooryard plantings or picnic areas plant tall tansy, which will repel mosquitoes and flies. Leaves of feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) repel many insects, even bees. Cats may love it, but catnip (Nepeta cataria) is an Purple Coneflower effective mosquito and cockroach repellant. It also will reduce aphid populations.

Catmint, Nepeta faassenii, which only gets 12-18”, is a great front-ofthe-border plant or edging plant and will tolerate partial shade. By cutting back the blue/purple blooms, a second bloom will appear late in the summer. The plant is effective against ants and other insects.

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For a partly shaded site, close to woods, Cimicifuga, American bugbane, is an effective insect repellant as the name implies. Plants get 2-4’ tall, blooms with pretty foliage and white candlelike spears, the odor of which repels insects in late summer; plant should be mulched with leaf compost and it will provide an excellent background plant. If you have a sunny weedy area, plant artemesias. Otherwise I do not recommend them, except for French tarragon. Most artemesias are invasive and have a deleterious effect on surrounding vegetation. As a consequence they will suppress weeds also.

I have not addressed mints because they should be grown in pots to contain them; spearmint will repel rodents, ants and aphids while peppermint is effective against flea beetles and white cabbage butterflies.

Finally, for the compost pile there is comfrey. Not a pretty plant, but because of its deep-rooted habit, it collects minerals from the soil which will enrich your compost pile.

After 30 years as a landscape designer, Joyce is now retired. She has been a MBG volunteer since 1969 and a Master Gardener since 1985. She is also a past board member of the Herb Society of America, and is a current board member of the St. Louis Herb Society.

MAY 2013

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Not -So-Annual Salvias By Chris Kelley


They are superb front-of-theborder plants or rock garden dwellers. I also use S. x jamensis in containers in my gardens, and always enjoy the flurry of hummingbirds and honeybees after the abundant nectar in those bounteous blooms.

Heatwave™ Salvias Perusing plant labels and catalogs, you will often find them listed as S. microphylla, but this is a promiscuous lot, and parentage is often arguable. They are very similar and culture is the same. Collect them, plant them, and reap the

Many varieties easily fit into smaller landscape areas and, once established, are low maintenance. They are the perfect addition to mixed borders or your perennial garden. They add season-long color to foundation plantings, too.

Pick yours up today!

rewards. S. x jamensis charms us with an abundance of glittering two-lipped flowers born on terminal racemes over a long period summer through autumn ranging from red, pink, lavender, white, yellow and near orange, a generous color range not commonly found in any one perennial. Today’s smaller gardens benefit from their low, shrubby habit and handsome, small, rounded leaves that offer heady aromatherapy on hot summer days, while deterring hungry deer out for a munch.

Culture dictates well-drained soil to avoid crown rot during our often wet winters, and raised beds offer best results. S. x jamensis seems to accept a wide range of soil types including clay or loam, and benefits from compost incorporated into the soil at planting time. This also improves drainage. Likewise, avoid heavy mulches as they induce crown rot as well. Plants are best watered less often but deeply during hot, dry summer weather. Full sun is great, with a bit of afternoon shade acceptable. Remember that plants begin to produce dormant buds in their crowns in autumn for next spring’s growth and cutting them back at this time will interrupt this process. Therefore, I never cut the stems of my salvia back in autumn. Wait and trim your plants back conservatively at the sign of

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ntil recently Salvia x jamensis cultivars have dwelled only in the smaller niche and ‘mom and pop’ nurseries, plant jewels that have gone relatively unnoticed to the gardening public. I believe S. x jamensis has finally arrived and received its due attention. These wonderful hybrids of southwestern U.S. and Mexican sages, S. greggii (Autumn Sage) and S. microphylla (Mountain Sage), many formerly planted as annuals in our lower Midwest climate, are now considered winter hardy to USDA Zones 6-11. They are a welcome and worthy addition to our limited list of long blooming perennials that offer double duty as great container plants.

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MAY 2013

Enough said. Now allow me to share my favorite cultivars with you. Salvia ‘Hot Lips’ is perhaps the best known and most available, with bewitching red and white bicolor blooms and a long bloom season. ‘Dancing Dolls’ is a favorite with bicolor blooms of pink and lavender. Three plants set out in spring 2011 astounded me as they morphed into a six-footwide patch covered in bloom last fall. ‘Peter Vidgeon’ has super large flowers of lilac pink. I have great fondness for the endless blooms of ‘Marischino’, perhaps the most winter hardy of the bunch. It offers cherry red flowers always visited by a plethora of hummingbirds. A lovely shade of azure blue is found in ‘Mesa Azure’, a

Salvia ‘Hot Lips’ complement to the reds and pinks that are most common. ‘Orange Door’ is a warm shade of coral, turning pink in hot weather. The Heatwave™ and Stampede™ series offer a wide range of colors and boast hybrid vigor. Heatwave in particular was developed for its resistance to high temperatures and drought, although occasional deep watering of all cultivars promotes more bloom. All are eco-friendly, underutilized plants with much to offer, and quite addictive.

Chris Kelley

new growth in spring. For increased winter hardiness plant S. x jamensis only in spring or early summer, thus allowing time for a well-developed root structure before winter’s arrival. Unbridled interbreeding of two or more varieties will nearly always develop “who’s-yourdaddy” hybrids of your own that germinate the following spring, blooming that same year. It is great fun. I presently have a brilliant red hybrid born in the nursery garden that I have yet to name and introduce. Container gardeners will want to use a bark based potting mix for free drainage. I recommend Fafard # 51 or #52 or Metro Mix Professional.

To Grow a Better Garden, Shop Where You See The

Ellen Barredo Bowood Farms

Ted Bergman

Symmetry Landscaping

Sheri Bohrer

Forrest Keeling Nursery

Dave Brakhane

Pleasantview Landscaping

Mark Brakhane

Pleasantview Landscaping

Bob Call

Longfellow’s Garden Ctr.

Jeff Coffey

Jeff Coffey’s Landscaping

Cynthia Collins Hartke Nursery

Mike Curran

SummerWinds Nursery

Damon Doherty

Chris Kelley and her husband Bill own Cottage Garden Nursery in Piasa, Illinois, where they grow and sell a wide variety of hardy and tender plants. Visit their website at

Hillside Landscaping

Steve Dorrell

Carson’s Nursery

Janet Dueber

Longfellow’s Garden Ctr.

Susan Ehlenbeck

Kristopher Fuller

Full Features Nursery & Landscape Center

Matt Hagemann

Meyer Landscaping

Staci Hentges

Longfellow’s Garden Ctr.

Sandra Hillermann McDonald Hillermann Nursery & Florist

Eric Lovelace

Forrest Keeling Nursery

Kim Lovelace-Young Forrest Keeling Nursery

Henry McCormick Carson’s Nursery

Anne McKinstry

McKinstry Plant Sales

Rain Miljan

Hillside Landscaping

Aaron Jung

Nikki Pettit

Glenn Kristek

Don Sherman

Horticultural Impressions Wickman Garden Village

Joe Krygiel

Baxter Gardens West

Gregg Larsen

Gregg Larsen Landscaping

Roland Lenzenhuber Forest Lawn Nursery

John Logan

Logan Landscape Design

Alice Longfellow

Longfellow’s Garden Center

MO Dept. of Agriculture

Doug English

Wickman Garden Village Hillermann Nursery & Florist

Kevin Sir

Bowood Farms

Arlene Trombley

SummerWinds Nursery

Jim Van Valkenburg Sherwood’s Forest

Donald Walls Hartke Nursery

David Wehmeyer

Hillermann Nursery & Florist

Lynn Young

Baxter Gardens West

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The Gateway Gardener™


Tea for Two (or more)! by Cindy Gilberg


have very high concentrations of elaxing with an aromatic vitamin C. Raspberry tea is high cup of tea is a great way to Monarda bradburiana enjoy some of our native in magnesium, potassium, and Bee balm iron and was used to treat mouth plants. Our natural landscapes and gum problems, anemia and were a cornucopia of useful plants leg cramps. Blackberry leaves for the Native Americans—for food and medicine, fiber and were commonly used to soothe gastrointestinal discomfort building materials. Most teas were prepared as medicine and as a gargle for throat inflammations. Strawberry for everything from fever to leaves are high in trace minerals, indigestion and coughs. Because iron and calcium. Harvest leaves of this, be sure to research the in spring and early summer. plant before using it – some should only be used in small Leaves may be used fresh or dried and steeped in hot water quantities and often it is a specific part of the plant that is for 6 to 8 minutes. Discard the used and prepared in a special way. Some are also not to be used leaves, sweeten with honey if desired and sit back and enjoy. if you have certain pre-existing conditions including pregnancy or Bee Balm (Monarda spp.) also goes by the common names of take medicine. Medicinal uses mentioned here were, and in some bergamot, horsemint and Oswego tea. Both leaves and flowers are cases still are, used in folk medicine and Native American cultures. used to make tea for treating colds, fever, as a digestive aid and for Most people are familiar with the delicious fruit of our wild brambles—raspberries, blackberries, and wild strawberries. We try to harvest the berries before the birds get them all, but how many know that the leaves make a tasty and healthful tea? All three If you can read this you’re OUR kind of customer!

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Bring Us Your


sore throats. The refreshing minty flavor with a hint of lemon is relaxing and was used as a sleep aid, much like chamomile tea. Bee balm and New Jersey tea (Ceonothus americanus) were commonly used as tea substitutes in early settlers’ homes after they lost access to the English teas as a result of the Boston Tea Party.

Pasture rose (Rosa carolina), a Missouri native rose, is attractive and useful addition to the garden. The fragrant petals of the flower, the leaves and rose ‘hips’ (red fruit that ripens in late summer) are all used to make tea, in combination or individually. Rose flower petals add delightful fragrance to the tea, which has a calming effect. The fruit is very high in vitamin C, making it a wonderful alternative to citrus fruits. Medicinal benefits are improvement of the digestive system and to strengthen the immune system to ward off colds, flu and viruses.

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The Gateway Gardener™

MAY 2013

Missouri Botanical Garden PlantFinder, Tammy Palmier

Recently, elderberry fruit (Sambucus) has received much attention for its multiple health benefits. The fruit is prepared as a juice rather than a tea. However, a tea made from the fragrant, flat-topped clusters of white flowers has many of its own health benefits. Be careful to only pick the flower clusters and not part of the branches or leaves below, as parts of the elderberry are poisonous! The flowers can be used fresh or dried to make tea and have health benefits that Sambucus spp. range from use as a detox Elderberry to improve the immune system, for sinusitis and to reduce inflammation, among others. In early spring appears the chartreuse flowers of spicebush (Lindera benzoin), a small woodland tree that grows in moist areas. The twigs, bark and young leaves are used to make a tea with an unusual and very pleasant spicy flavor. Native Americans used the tea as a “blood purifier” and for sweating, colds, rheumatism and Cindy Gilberg is a horticulturist and Missouri native who writes, teaches and does consulting and design work in the St. Louis area. Her work focuses on both native plant landscapes as well as other styles of landscape design. Contact cindy. www.cindygilberg. com This column is written in collaboration with Shaw Nature Reserve (Missouri Botanical Garden) in partnership with the Missouri Department of Conservation. Visit the Whitmire Wildflower Garden (at Shaw Nature Reserve), a 5-acre display garden, for ideas on native plant landscaping. Native plant conservation and the promotion of native plants in our landscapes is vital to restoring the rich biodiversity of our region.

anemia. Settlers used a twig tea to treat colds, fevers, gas and colic. These are but a small sampling of the many native plants for use as tea as well as having other beneficial attributes such as having habitat value or use in stormwater management. Try one or a few—all the plants mentioned here are aesthetic additions to the landscape.

For More Information About Native Plants: Missouri Prairie Foundation Grow!Native program: Missouri Botanical Garden Native Plant Garden, Classes and Plant Finder: Shaw Nature Reserve Whitmire Wildflower Garden, Native Plant School and other special events: Wild Ones a non-profit organization with local chapters:

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MAY 2013

The Gateway Gardener™


This Crape Myrtle’s a Jewel! by Steffie Littlefield


and a broad range of colors, including pinks, purples, reds, white and many shades inbetween. Now the amazing ‘Black Diamond’ is even showier with glassy dark near-black leaves to backdrop the vibrant clusters of flowers.

hat blooms from late June until frost, can be found in many different sizes and colors, grows from 3-8 feet in one year, loves hot sun and intense heat and is amazingly winter hardy? Crape myrtles! Yes, these southern bells have migrated north and are here to stay. Now they even come with dark almost black shiny foliage, which is simply stunning in contrast to its vivid red, pink or white bundles of flowers. The ‘Black Diamond’ crape myrtle is a revolutionary new plant that is truly unique and outstanding in the landscape.

What makes crape myrtles more than just a pretty flower is their incredible heat and drought tolerance that we in St. Louis can really appreciate after last summer’s record temperatures. There are not too many plants that will keep blooming in full sun from June through September. And I cannot think of another dark-leaved shrub or plant whose foliage will not scorch in the hottest summer sun. The ‘Black Diamond’ keeps its deep color and shiny leaf quality even in the blistering heat of a southern summer.

Over the last 10-15 years more and more gorgeous crape myrtles have been breed ‘Black Diamond’ to withstand moderate to difficult winters Crape Myrtle such as we have in the Midwest. Grown as a specimen tree in the south, newer crape myrtles are cultivated as medium to large shrubs. In our zone they There are many new dwarf varieties of crape myrtles and the more may be nipped back by winter’s harsh temperatures, but during traditional almost tree-like types, but the most popular and easiest the heat and humidity of our summers they thrive and flourish, to incorporate into the home garden are ones like ‘Black Diamond’ sometimes growing up to 8’ in one year. Many new varieties have that grow 6-8’ tall and wide in our area. These can be used as been created with shorter growth habits, longer blooming seasons specimen plants in a smaller yard or to create a flowering hedge in

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a larger landscape. The rich dark foliage can create an incredible border planting with another layer of shorter plants in front of it for a really striking effect.

When planting a crape myrtle loosen the soil of the bed in all directions. Incorporate good organic matter like cotton bur compost or wormcastings in the hole. Crape myrtles are very fast-growing plants so try to make sure there are plenty of nutrients in the planting hole to sustain the miraculously speedy growth of these shrubs. Also give the new shrub more than adequate water for the

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The Gateway Gardener™

MAY 2013

first couple of months. Once a secure root system has developed these plants will survive extremes in heat and drought. Attaining success in the garden doesn’t come much easier than these jewels for the garden, ‘Black Diamond’ crape myrtles.

Looking for Something Unique for your Garden?? Come Stroll Thru Our Gardens and Discover the Pleasure of Plants!

Steffie Littlefield is a horticulturist and garden designer at Garden Heights Nursery. She has degrees from St. Louis Community College at Meramec and Southeast Missouri State and is a member of Gateway Professional Horticultural Association and past president of the Horticulture Co-op of Metropolitan St. Louis.

Natives, Not-so-common Trees, Shrubs & Perennials

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See past Issues at TheGatewayGardener

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Red, orange, green, pink, white, yellow, variegated, dwarf, weeping, contorted, columnar, miniature, cold-hardy, heat-tolerant, sun or shade. 1 gallon size up to 65 gallon potted. Monthly specials for pick-up orders! Professional landscapers’ discounts!

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The Gateway Gardener™


It’s GARDEN TOUR Season! This is the season when gardens shine in our region, and you’ll find many garden tours scheduled for May and June. Many feature the beautiful flower gardens of garden club groups and communities; but two tours in particular are uniquely themed and feature gardens for other reasons than beautiful ornamental flower beds. Touring these gardens is not only enjoyable visually, it might help inspire you to garden in a whole new way!

13th Pond-O-Rama Pond and Garden Tour June 22nd and 23rd

These gardens are open to the public only during this annual event, one of the season’s best garden tours. The tour includes 50 of the area’s premiere private water gardens, ranging from small pools to large, elaborate installations featuring multiple waterfalls, tumbling streams, exotic fish and mature aquatic plants. Many have never been featured on the tour before. Tour visitors also will have an opportunity to learn about water gardening from those who love the hobby. Society members will be on hand to talk about their gardens, and to provide technical information. Sites throughout the St. Louis area and Metro East will be included— half on Saturday and half on Sunday. Tickets are $15 and cover both days with special prices for groups of 10 or more. For information on where to buy tickets, visit or call 314-995-2988. Left, The home garden of Todd and Chris Rundquist from the 2013 Pond-O-Rama Pond and Garden Tour.

Shady Characters!

Aralia ‘Sun King’

Hosta ‘Empress Wu’

Variegated Solomon’s Seal

• Add beautiful color and texture to your shade garden • Learn more about the value and sustainability of locally grown perennials at

For Personal Service and Quality Perennials, visit these fine garden centers

Hartke Nursery

1030 N. Warson Rd. St. Louis, MO 63132 (314) 997-6679

1057 Hwy. 79 St. Peters, MO 63376 (636) 278-4445

Shadycreek Nursery & Garden Center 201 Carl St. Columbia, IL 62236 (618) 281-7722

Hillermann Nursery & Florist

Sappington Garden Shop

SummerWinds Nursery


2601 E. 5th Street Washington, MO 63090 (636) 239-6729


Oma’s Barn Home & Garden

11530 Gravois Rd. St. Louis, MO 63126 (314) 843-4700

54 Clarkson Rd. Ellisville, MO 63011 (636) 227-0095

The Gateway Gardener™

MAY 2013

The 3rd Annual Sustainable Backyard Tour June 23rd A free, self-guided tour, this unique event opens the gates to private yards and gardens throughout the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County with the goal of drawing attention to greener ways of occupying the outdoors. A sustainable backyard is one that converts unproductive, high-maintenance lawn and pavement into something more useful and restorative—both to the earth itself and to the people it supports.

June 8th, Highland Garden Club Tour, Highland, IL, 800-654-6740 June 8th, Monroe County Garden Tour, Waterloo, IL, (618) 344-4230 June 22nd, 2013 Garden Tour, Edwardsville/Glen Carbon area, (618) 344-4230 June 22nd, Salem Garden Treasures Tour. Bryan Memorial Park, Salem, Illinois

Organic gardening is a big part of a sustainable backyard, especially growing vegetables, fruit and nuts, but local, wild, and perennials plants are important too. For some, a healthy backyard is home to chickens, goats, rabbits, and bees. To others it means xeriscaping, rainwater harvesting, composting, and eliminating the use of petroleum in fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides and lawn equipment. The sites selected for the Backyard Tour will showcase a range of green living practices, including using recycled materials to create fences, trellises, patio furniture and garden art, and producing electricity via solar panels on a garage, sunporch or patio roof. The tour is being organized by a network of passionate volunteers, and The Gateway Gardener is proud to be one of the sponsors along with Slow Food St. Louis, isabee’s, and the St. Louis Audubon Society’s “Bring Conservation Home” program. For more information, visit or search the same on Facebook. Here are a few other upcoming tours we’ve been informed of as of our deadline. Check them out and look for complete details in this or next month’s Upcoming Events Calendar! May 18th & 19th, Ste. Genevieve Garden Walk, 800-373-7007 June 1st-2nd, 19th Annual Hermann Garden Tours and Plant Sale, 800932-8687 or June 1st, Lake Area Master Gardener’s Garden Walk, Lake of the Ozarks. Email June 1st, Kress Farm Garden Preserve Garden Tour, 314-799-1594 June 1st, Gardens in Bloom Garden Tour, O’Fallon, IL. (618) 3444230 June 8th, Secret Garden Tour, Lebanon, IL. www.gardencluboflebanon. org

Above, the Bolduc Cottage and Herb Garden can be visited as part of the Ste. Genevieve Garden Walk. photo by R. Mueller P r e m i e r Fe r t i l i z e r

CRABGRASS PREVENTER 15-0-5 with .086% DITHIOPYR • Controls crabgrass, annual grasses, and broadleaf weeds up to 5 months! Rapidly thickens lawn. Provides longer window of application & control. Catalog # 07-2452 18 lb. Bag

DYNA GREEN LONG LASTING 22-0-8 with WEED KILLER & 1.757% VIPER® • Three-component herbicide fertilizer controls all major broadleaf weeds. Zerophosphorus fertilizer extended brilliant color. Catalog # 07-2470 18 lb. Bag. Catalog # 07-2471 50 lb. Bag.

DYNA GREEN LONG LASTING 23-0-8 • With 50% UMAXX & NutriLife • Zero phosphorus fertilizer Catalog # 07-2454 18 lb. Bag Catalog # 07-2455 50 lb. Bag

Raised Bed Brackets Economy Grade • 16 gauge powder coated steel • Redwood color • Weather-resistant screws included • Unique bracket design allows for trellis and fencing options • Model 226 designed for 2 layers of 2” x 6” lumber • Model 326 designed for 3 layers of 2” x 6” lumber • Easy to assemble – instructions included Lumber not included

Model K-116 Kit (1 Layer, 1” x 6’ lumber)

Professional Grade Model 226 Brackets (2 Layers, 2”x 6” lumber)

Professional Grade Model 326 Brackets (3 Layers, 2”x 6” lumber)

Look for Dyna Green and Dyna Bed at your local lawn and garden centers or call us at 314-506-4500 to find a distributor near you.

MAY 2013

The Gateway Gardener™


The Missouri Botanical Garden is dedicating the year to that subject we all love…Food! Specifically, the role plants play in feeding us and feeding all things on the planet. Where do they come from? How do they grow? How plants and places around the globe can teach us how to grow food and live more sustainably. Various programs throughout the year will be available, and if we take advantage, we’ll all graduate in December with a Masters degree in “Foodology!” Just Grow It!

At the Kemper Center for Home Gardening, an exhibit will focus on the little guys so important to the food chain: bugs! From beneficial insects that pollinate much of our food-producing plants to the helpful allies that keep down populations of their more pesty and pesky brethren, learn about how busy bugs keep our food growing. Plus learn how to be more successful bringing in your own home harvest!

Edible Gardening From A Kid’s View

The Doris I. Schnuck Children’s Garden will provide opportunities for kids to be kids, getting their hands dirty, helping prepare soil, plant seeds, water and care for baby plants, harvest fruits and veggies, and the best part—sample the bounty!

Digging In to the Roots of our Food

At the Brookings Interpretive Center, a year-long interactive exhibit will follow the journey our food takes from points

Home-Grown Flowering Shrubs Sun Perennials Small Trees

experience the magic of nature.

Hostas and Ferns

prairie. woods. ponds and streams.


just 2 hours from st. louis. contact us to schedule your free visit. 573.295.6349 or visit

1021 W. Delmar Ave. Godfrey, IL 62035 (618) 466-8475

Get Ready to Garden! • Vegetable Plants • Annuals & Perennials • Combination Planters • Seed Potatoes & Onion Sets

• Tropicals & Hanging Baskets • Statuary & Pottery • Fertilome® Potting Soil • Gift Certificates

Great Gifts for MOTHER’S DAY! Vegetable Market Now OPEN. 249 Schneider Dr. (Hwys. 141 & 21) Fenton, MO 63026 (636) 349-1225 Weekdays 9-6 Sat. 9-5 Sun 10-4 “Behind the Pink Elephant”


The Gateway Gardener™

MAY 2013

around the globe (or from the garden outside your door) to your family’s kitchen table. Test your Food IQ, calculate how far your food travels, journey around the globe to see what other family’s enjoy eating, and take home a Family Food Challenge journal of your own!

chefs making a difference, inspiring you to help local food pantries, expanding your horizons with global cuisine, and motivating you to grow a kitchen in your own backyard. Pick up your Savor Your Summer Guide & Journal, and visit regularly to collect rewards, tips and inspiring ideas for your own garden and table.

Savor Your Summer!

This is just a “taste” of all the events the Garden has planned to Throughout the summer months (May through August) the Garden celebrate Food in 2013. For more details visit their website at is hosting a variety of tasty events to fill your daily calendar and your appetite! Here’s the week in review: Celebrity Chef Mondays Herbs & Heirlooms Tuesdays Backyard Kitchens Wednesdays Food-for-All Thursdays Global Food Fridays Family Food Saturdays Spicy Sundays Each day will bring something new, introducing visitors to local

Bring Conservation Home

• Dreaming of your own wildlife sanctuary? • Fascinated by hummingbirds, butterflies or creepy/ crawlies? • Not sure how to get started or which native plants are best? Call (314) 599-7390 or check out our habitat assistance and certification program at:

Shaw Wildflower Market Largest Selection of Native Wildflowers in the St.Louis Area

Saturday, May 11 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Shaw Nature Reserve and other area nurseries will offer hundreds of varieties of annual and perennial wildflowers, ferns, trees, and shrubs to use in home landscaping and to attract wildlife. From full-sun to full-shade, you will find some of the hardiest, showiest native plants available. Enjoy live music and also shop for wine and beer, local foods, birdhouses, artwork, books, and more! Garden members and Reserve passholders: FREE Nonmembers: $5; Seniors: $3 Children 12 and under: FREE Cash or check only

ly ers-On Memb iew v e r P y 10 Ma Friday, p.m. 0 4 to 7:3 • (636) 451-3512


Ritter Greenhouse and Ball DPF are proud to announce the arrival of… Grow great plants indoors & out with NATURE’S SOURCE® Plant Food, a renewable source of plant nutrition from oilseed extract. With a new hose-end attachment on the 32oz. bottle, it’s the perfect choice for the time-challenged home gardener looking for a more sustainable fertilizer. “Bring out the best in everything you grow” …ask for it at your local independent garden center!

MAY 2013

The Gateway Gardener™


The Cornucopia Corner May Harvest

2013 Farmers’ & Produce Markets It’s always impressive how the local farmers at area markets are able to bring in a harvest despite challenging growing conditions. It was never truer than last summer, when most home vegetable gardens suffered in the heat and drought, unwilling to produce even the occasional thirst-quenching tomato for a parched squirrel. Yet visits to the market never failed to yield the required ingredients for whatever was on the evening’s menu.The same is true this spring, when lingering cold has postponed many of our vegetable gardening efforts.The local farmers haven’t let that stop them! Reliability is just one reason to shop the local 20

markets and produce stands. Locally grown, inseason produce is good for us in many ways. Because it is fresher than shipped-in out-ofstate produce, it retains more nutritional value and simply tastes better. And because it doesn’t have to travel far to our dinner tables, it uses up less energy in packaging and transportation. Plus you help support local farmers who in turn put their money back into the local economy. So visit one of the participating farmers’ markets or produce markets supporting this section, and stock up! We’ll publish this guide monthly through the growing season, with great in-season recipes, tips for growing your own veggies, a monthly

harvest guide, and of course, information about our local farmers markets!


Here are some fruits and veggies you might find in the garden or your local farmers’ market this month: Asparagus Beets Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Cherries Cucumbers Gooseberries Greens Herbs Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuce Onions Peas Potatos Radishes Rhubarb Spinach Squash Tomatoes Turnips

Fresh Ideas

R adish & avocado Romaine salad with lime dRessing


4 cups Romaine chopped 4 Radishes thinly sliced 2 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 ripe Avocado chopped into ½” pieces Juice of 1 lime Salt & Pepper to taste

Yields: 2 servings

Preparation Instructions

In a small bowl whisk lime juice, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Add avocado to bowl and gently toss. Chop lettuce and divide equally on two plates creating a nest. Place avocado in center and sprinkle with radishes. This recipe adapted from Please share some of your favorite recipes with us. You can FAX your recipe to 314.968.4025 or email us at

The Gateway Gardener™

MAY 2013

Tips for Growing, Buying and Cooking Fresh, Locally Sourced Food for Your Table

You Can’t Beat BEETS! By Mara Higdon


eets are a great addition to the garden for their beauty and as a healthy vegetable. Traditionally, the root is what they are grown for, but the young beet tops are also a delicious addition to salads. Beets originated in the Mediterranean region and were traditionally used for medicinal purposes. Beets were not used for their beetroot until the 1600s. Used later as a source of sugar by Napoleon in the early 19th century, the agriculture industry has since improved beet varieties to increase the sugar content. The beetroot is a good source of folic acid, potassium and dietary fiber. Beets are fond of soil that drains well. They prefer to sit in the sun, but will do okay with partial shade. Beets are tricky to transplant, so direct seed at two- to three-week intervals to have a continuous harvest. The seeds planted earlier in summer may grow faster due to the warmer temperatures. Since you are planting beets in the spring, place the seeds at a depth of 1/2”, if later in summer, plant at 1” depth to protect them from drying out in the heat and ensure germination. Seeds should be spaced about 1” from each other. Once the seeds have germinated, thin them to 2”. Beets can be planted in rows or broadcast over the planting area. If you broadcast seed, be sure to thin them after the second set of true leaves appear.

The photo of Detroit Dark Red beets was provided courtesy of Seed Savers Exchange, a source of these and other heirloom variety seeds. You can reach them at: Seed Savers Exchange 3094 North Wind Road Decorah, IA 52101 563-382-5990 www.seedsaversexchange. org

Detroit Dark Red receive about 1” of water a week. For a fall planting, check to see that the seeds are moist. Watering in cooler months is not necessary unless there are long periods without rainfall. Beets should last for 5-6 weeks after the 1st frost. Harvest the leaf tops sparingly when they are small for salads. Use the older leaves, when the beetroot is harvested, as you would other greens. Beetroots are ready after 50-60 days, but remember that they grow a little faster in warmer weather. Keep an eye on them and pull them when they are a little bigger than a golf ball to about tennis ball size depending on the variety.

There are numerous varieties of beets to try. Some basic red beets to start out with are Detroit Red and Red Ace. Chioggia beets are a pretty striped variety and there are golden and white varieties as well. Cook the beets and add them to salads, rice dishes, noodles and soups. Beets will grow and develop My favorite is to simply roast with their shoulders popping them in the oven with a little up above the soil. They should olive oil and salt and pepper. MAY 2013

The Gateway Gardener™

M a r a Higdon is the Program Director at G a t e w a y Greening, Inc. They focus on community development through gardening throughout the St. Louis area. You can reach her at (314) 588-9600 x22 or by email at mara@

Overland Farmers’ Market

2500 Woodson Road Overland, MO 63114 Hours: 8am-12:30pm Saturdays May-Oct. Visit us for locally grown seasonal produce, homemade bread and sweetrolls, entertainment and special events. Food available for purchase. Centrally located and accessible by public transportation. Have fun and eat well. We look forward to seeing you at the market!

Stuckmeyer’s Farm Market and Greenhouse 249 Schneider Rd. Fenton, MO (636) 349-1225

Hours: April-Oct. Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm Visit our family-operated farm market and greenhouse. We offer a large selection of flowers and vegetable plants from early spring thru mid-summer. Fresh, homegrown vegetables are available mid-April thru October. The month of October is family “Farm Fun Days” featuring hayrides, pumpkins and Stuckmeyer-grown mums!

Schlafly Farmers Market Schlafly Bottleworks

7260 Southwest Avenue Maplewood, MO 63143 (314) 241-2337 Hours: April-Oct. Wednesdays 4-7pm. One Sat. per month Nov.-Mar. 9am-1pm 28 vendors each week selling local produce, flowers, meats, eggs, cheeses, baked goods and more. Live music on the Bottleworks patio starting at 5pm.

The Land of Goshen Community Market

South of the Courthouse Edwardsville, IL (618) 307-6045 Hours: May 12-October 20th Saturday mornings 8am-noon An open-air farmers’ market that is a great source for locally grown, fresh, naturally ripened farm products, tasty baked goods with locally grown ingredients, and wonderful art and gift ideas. Live entertainment and free demonstrations add to the festive atmosphere. A safe, wholesome place for kids and the whole family.


Warm-Season Lawn Care By Glennon Kraemer

May is the best month to start your warm season lawn care applications. Until the soil reaches 60 degrees consistently, you are not going to see a whole lot of activity in zoysia, Bermuda or buffalo grass lawns. Your edges will green up first. Warm season lawns are treated totally different than cool season (fescues, blues & ryes) lawns and even differently amongst themselves.


All warm season lawns like to be mowed at 1-2” (cool season lawns like to be mowed at 3- 4”). As with all mowing operations, be sure to use a sharp blade (sharpen after 8-10 hours of use), try to remove 1/3 of the grass blade per mowing and rotate your mowing pattern to prevent soil compaction. Nothing prevents weeds like a good thick grass and zoysia is one of the best at chocking out weeds when healthy.

Fertilize with a high nitrogen fertilizer or an organic option, now and again in mid-June. 1-2lbs. of nitrogen per year is usually enough. I like to suggest Ironite (granule iron) around August 15th to keep it greener into the fall. Establishment Zoysia can be established by seed, plugs or sod. The seed rate is 2 pounds/1000 ft. sq and works best when you apply to totally bare soil. Apply a seed starter fertilizer and water every day for 3-4 weeks. Plugs should be planted 4-6 per sq. ft. and should be watered every day until you can’t pull them out of the ground. Seeding can be done May through June, but plugs and sod can used May through Mid August. You want the plant to be hardened off before its first winter.

Miscellaneous Core aerate or power rake from Mid-May to August. It usually doesn’t need preemergent unless you do one of these procedures. Apply a fertilizer & crabgrass preventer after one or both of these operations. Apply grub controls and fungicides only if needed and you can water ANY time of the day without consequences (unlike cool season lawns). Only spray weeds after reading the label! Spraying weeds too early in the season can damage the lawn.


It is the most aggressive of all the lawn types. It wins all battles and can only be stopped by shade. Mow and fertilize like zoysia. Establishment Can be seeded or sodded (most of us have this or zoysia without even asking for it). Use the same establishment procedures as zoysia.

Miscellaneous The biggest difference between Bermuda and zoysia is the aggressiveness. Bermuda will grow 1-2’ “runners” or stolons in a growing season, but zoysia will not. Both are easy to get rid off… just buy a new house.


Mow like the others but only 2-3 times a year. Only fertilize maybe once all year with a simple organic or 12-12-12. Establishment Seed or sod with the same windows as above.

Miscellaneous If it sounds to good be to be true, it usually is. You can see an example of buffalo grass growing at the Kemper Center in the Botanical Garden or along the border of the raised bed north of the History Museum. It has a different texture than most grasses and is just different. Check it out before you buy.

All successful lawn programs start with basic information and a basic soil test is important. If you have persistent lawn problems and haven’t done a soil test lately, get one done as soon as possible. ( is who I use). Soil tests help us make better and wiser lawn care decisions. Remember folks…it’s just grass. Glenn Kraemer owns and operates GR Robinson Seed and Service, and can be reached by phone at 314-432-0300 or by email ag

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The Gateway Gardener™

MAY 2013

Tips from e d the Boni d... he potting s

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Captain Jack’s DeadBug Brew contains spinosad, a compound first discovered on a Caribbean island at an abandoned rum distillery. This all natural product provides excellent insect control on your fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamentals. Go gardening with The Captain.

It’s better than Sevin. Eight brand insect control lasts for up to 4 weeks and kills over 100 different types of insects on vegetables, fruits, roses, flowers, trees, shrubs and lawns.

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MAY 2013

The Gateway Gardener™


Missouri Botanical Garden Rose Gardens Makeover By Diane Brueckman


Roses are native to all temperature zones in the Northern Hemisphere. It stands to reason that we can find roses that are happy in our climate. Many rose hybridizers have been doing their part producing roses (mostly shrubs) that are very

At Missouri Mulch, we understand the importance of mulch that is free of pesticides and contaminants. Our products are made of pure oak derived from barrel making, allowing us to offer you premium mulch products that are both safe and sustainable.

that may have been left behind as well as other rose disease pathogens that have built up over the years. Gunn worked in compost, Turface and horse manure to give the new roses a fresh start. The old shrub borders (lower terrace) will have species roses combined with plants that came from the same area as the species. The old test garden (middle terrace) will Disease- and pest-resistant roses like these Peach Drift® have Old Garden Roses. The roses are the focus of both the Gladney and Lehmann Rose upper terrace will consist of a Gardens. (This photo was not taken at MBG gardens.) mixture of David Austin, some carefree and still very beautiful. up with 13 roses that survived of our favorite Hybrid Teas that EarthKind™ in Texas started and still were garden worthy; have stood the test of time such testing roses under extreme at this writing that number has conditions with no fertilizer, expanded to 21 roses. Two no spray, minimal watering examples are Belinda’s Dream and no winter protection. From and Carefree Beauty, both of that experiment, they came which are in the new collections at MBG along with others from the EarthKind study. New roses from Kordes, Star, Weeks, as Queen Elizabeth, Chrysler Poulsen and Baileys are also in Imperial and Touch of Class, and several of the EarthKind the collection. roses as well as many shrubs. Anybody who has visited MBG The idea is to find roses that like and toured the rose gardens our climate and resist disease. knows about the disease issue that has been plaguing the Anyone who visited Gladney garden for the last ten years. last year knows it has been MBG rosarian David Gunn replanted, again with a mixture has removed the top 8” of soil of old and new roses. Many of from both gardens to get any the roses are on their own roots. roots from the diseased plants Own-root roses are less likely Star Roses and Plants

he Rose Gardens at the Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) will always be dear to my heart, and like so many of the historic public gardens they are becoming the face of new rose collections, collections that reflect the best of the old and new roses. The emphasis is on growing plants that are happy in their climate and giving them the growing conditions that allow the plants to resist disease and even bugs.

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Matt Michaelis | 913.209.4074 Tracy Stewart | 573.645.2271 Office: 573.252.2520 55 Stave Mill Rd. New Florence, MO 63363


The Gateway Gardener™

MAY 2013

MBG rosarian David Gunn preparing the Lehmann Rose Garden for its makeover. to suffer winter kill and will not sucker like a root stock. If an own-root plant dies back in winter it can come back from the roots and any suckers are the original plant. There is no bud union to die and leave you with a rootstock to dig out. Plants such as Peach Drift®, one of the own-root varieties, provides beautiful color and are easy care at the same time. Many of our favorite Hybrid Teas are represented along with Buck, Kordes, Poulsen and Meilland roses.

composted horse manure and mulching with leaf mould instead of wood chips. For the most part pest control will be new biological products. Gunn’s program builds healthy soil for healthy plants to resist pest pressures.

The AARS (All American Rose Selection) is no more. A new organization AGRS (American Garden Rose Selections) is filling the gap. The mission of the AGRS is to test roses and make regional recommendations for health and hardiness. It is a Other cultural changes Gunn two-year testing program but is making include winter unfortunately we will not see protection with 7-year-old the results for a couple of years.



Family-owned since 1958 Remember MOM on Mother’s Day!

Diane Brueckman is a retired rosarian with Missouri Botanical Garden, and currently owns Rosey Acres in Baldwin, Illinois. You can reach her at (618) 785-3011.

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MAY 2013

The Gateway Gardener™

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Pro-Picked Perennials for 2013 Last month we got recommendations from local garden experts on their favorite new or newer annuals. This month we asked some pros for their top picks for powerful perennials that stand up to St. Louis summers! friendly. Looks great with Monarda’ Cranberry Lace’.

2013 by the American Hosta Society. Light lavender flowers are produced on tall 18” scapes in midsummer.

Annie Stanley Sappington Gardens

‘Cajun Fire’ Heuchera. Great for morning sun, afternoon shade. Changes colors with the seasons, fire red in the spring, followed by black in summer and maroon in the fall. The white flower stands out on dark stems.

Jamie Granger Lake St. Louis Garden Center

‘Cranberry Lace’ Monarda. Grow in full sun or part shade. It will handle normal to moist soil and is deer resistant. The light pink to lilac bloom attracts many butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. Great texture.

‘Bonfire’ Euphorbia. Deep purple-red and orange leaves with a touch of chartreuse are set ablaze with crackling sulphur yellow flowers. They prefer full sun and are extremely heat and drought tolerant.

‘Mercury Rising’ Coreopsis. With its deep wine red blooms and deep golden center, long bloom time, and large 1.5 to 2” blossoms, this coreopsis is sure to set the garden on fire. Great for containers too!

Ann Lapides Sugar Creek Gardens

‘Thunder and Lightning’ Knautia macedonica. WOW for color. Light green leaves with creamy yellow to white margins. Flowers are reddish purple and blooms most of the season. Prefers full sun and is deer resistant and butterfly 26

‘Rainforest Sunrise’ Hosta. Radiant gold leaves with deep dark green borders are cupped and dramatically puckered. Named Hosta of the Year for

‘Snowy Mountain’ Digitalis. Extremely beautiful upwardfacing white bells with speckled burgundy throats are produced on very strong, strictly upright 3-4’ stems. Deer and rabbit resistant, thrives in heat and humidity.

‘Marque Moon’ Hemerocallis. This fragrant white daylily with heavily ruffled edges and throat in bright yellow, make it a musthave in any garden. Heavy bloom count and large size blooms around 5”!

The Gateway Gardener™

MAY 2013

open lemon yellow, brighten to light butter yellow and finally mature to creamy white. Extra row of flower petals gives this shasta a full look. Compact, clean dark green foliage.

switch grass that begins turning red in early summer. A great substitute for the annual red fountain grass.

‘Pardon My Pink’ Monarda. Bee balm is a great addition to any sunny border. This one grows in a petite compact shape and produces an abundance of bright pink blooms throughout the summer. Great for attracting hummingbirds and ‘Little Spire’ Russian Sage. A butterflies. compact form of Russian sage that stays more upright, not leaning as is common. Great for hot, dry summers! Blooms late-summer through fall.

Chris Wagner Rolling Ridge Nursery

‘Cheyenne Sky’ Panicum. A

MAY 2013

‘Fireball’ Monarda. A true red bee balm with very good mildew resistance and a compact size. Great for the butterfly garden!

The Gateway Gardener™

Trudy Effinger Effinger’s Garden Center

‘Sienna Sunset’ Coreopsis. Rich burnt sienna flowers lighten to peach as the summer progresses. Densely branched, heavy blooming and superb disease resistance. Can handle our heat and humidity!

‘Banana Cream’ Shasta Daisy. Large 4-5 inch flowers

‘Little Trudy’ Nepeta. Compact silvery green foliage is smothered with tons of tiny lavender flowers almost all season long. Only 1012 inches. Bloom time is lengthened with occasional trimming. Loves the hot weather! Photo Credits: All plant photos except those noted below courtesy Walters Gardens, Inc. ‘Cranberry Lace’ Monarda courtesy Redwood Barn Nursery. ‘Fireball’ Monarda courtesy Burpee Home Gardens ‘Snowy Mountain’ Digitalis courtesy


Dig This!

Gateway Gardeners and Businesses in the News New Garden Centers Blossom!

Two new garden centers have taken root in The Gateway Gardener region. Ann’s Gardens & Greenhouse opened in April at 5130 Mexico Rd. in St. Peters. The new business is owned by JoAnn, Gerald and Richard Buchheit. JoAnn and Gerald have been in the plant business for over 40 years, growing wholesale tropical and houseplants for many of the region’s top garden centers. Now, their son Richard is taking the lead in this new retail venture.The garden center will feature a large assortment of annuals, perennials, tropical and nursery stock, plus lots of quality products and sound advice. The Buchheit’s purchased the business from the family of Kevin Koenig and his parents Norb and Winnie Koenig family, who had started the business at that location in 1947 as a truck farm, growing Koenig’s Farm into one of the area’s popular destinations for plants and gardening supplies. Jenniffer Elliott has opened Roots & Blooms, a garden, flower and gift shop at 915 S. Kirkwood Road in Kirkwood. Using her 23 years of experience in the industry, Jenniffer says the new garden center will offer a unique mix of trees, shrubs and perennials, as well as annuals and houseplants. She also plans to augment the plants with an eclectic gift shop featuring pottery, statuary, fountains and “garden-inspired” gifts. In the supplies department, the store will concentrate on organic fertilizers and remedies. More information can be found at their website

Green Businesses Help Green Up Campus

Several local green-industry businesses chipped in plants, equipment and a fair amount of sweat equity this spring to help landscape a new classroom building at the Great Circle’s Edgewood Campus in Webster Groves. Several of the professionals gathered on a cold March day, along with some enthusiastic students to plant trees and shrubs, mulch the landscape around the campus’ new autism classrooms. The project was coordinated by Bill Spradley, president and forester for Trees, Forest and 28

Staff and student helpers and local area business volunteers who helped with the landscaping project include (Back row from left): John Darmody of TFL (Trees, Forests, & Landscapes, Inc.) Bill Spradley of TFL, Matt Schmittgens of TFL, Patrick McNulty of Houlihan Gardens, Edgar of Houlihan Gardens, Mike Sestric of TFL, and Jamie Emmett of TFL. Landscapes, Inc. Bill’s company also donated the use of equipment and a team of workers for the day. Pea Ridge Forest donated nearly a dozen trees and shrubs to the project, and other contributions of labor, equipment and materials were provided by Jost Greenhouses, Jerry’s Landscape Nursery, Houlihan Gardens and Loyet Landscape Maintenance. Volunteers and students worked for several hours, digging, planting and mulching. Students learned about landscaping from the professionals through direct experience, while contributing to a project they could look at every day they go to school and say they were part of making the campus environment special, giving back to nature and creating beauty for others to see. The students participating in this project are in the vocational program headed up by Emily Mess, vocational rehabilitation specialist, who works with students to explore new life skills and create real world experiences valuable for building confidence and character.

Planting it Pink Several members of the Fleur de Lis Garden Society refreshed the “Plant it Pink” planter at BJC Progress West Health Care Center in O’Fallon, Missouri. Using a pink spring design consisting of pink, purple and candy striped hyacinths and Johnny jump-up violas donated last year by Daniel’s Farm & Greenhouse, the volunteers created a cheerful planting that can be seen by passersby outside the cafeteria and even from Hwy 40. The Gateway Gardener™

MAY 2013

The “Plant it Pink” project was initiated in 2009 by National Garden Clubs, Inc., President Renee Blaschke, of which Fleur de Lis Garden Society is a member. The purpose of the project is to provide encouragement and a note of cheer to women dealing with breast cancer. Club members keep the planter “in the pink” by planting new flowers appropriate for each season. The Fleur de Lis Garden Society holds monthly meetings and also meets for additional programs, trips and projects. Drop-ins and new members are welcome. For more information, visit

Exhibitors and Talent Sought for Faust Park Fall Festival

Faust Park Historic Village is seeking crafters, historic organizations, guilds and clubs to to participate in their Fall Festival September 21st and 22nd, from 10am to 5pm each day. Opportunities exist for crafters, guilds, clubs and organizations to take part. If you would like to participate with a space to showcase and sell your items that are handcrafted and pertain to the 1800s, you can email for information and registration. Surrounded by beautiful 1800s homes, gardens, barns and outbuildings, this is an opportunity to sell toys and gifts, homesteading supplies and much more. If you are an historic guild, club or organization, they are also looking for individuals and groups to demonstrate skills such as dancing, music, sports, quilting, tatting, embroidery. The deadline for applications is August 10, 2013. Faust Park is located at 15185 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO.

Deer Creek Alliance Announces RainScape Rebates for Round One

The Deer Creek Watershed Alliance recently announced that it has awarded $90,000 in RainScape Rebates to homeowners and landscapers in Round One of the RainScape Rebate Program. RainScape Rebates financially assists landowners in the Deer Creek Watershed wishing to voluntarily landscape their yards to improve stormwater management. Each landowner is eligible to receive a rebate of 75% of approved and documented costs up to a maximum of $2,000. In the first round of the program 60 projects were awarded funding. Types of projects awarded include rain gardens, rain water harvesting, bioswales, lawn alternatives, and woodland restoration. The projects will be installed throughout 13 municipalities in the Deer Creek Watershed. You can MAY 2013

The Gateway Gardener™

go to their website at to view a synopsis of the projects awarded in Round One including the number of qualified proposals reviewed and awarded in each municipality. Application forms and additional information for Round Two will be available on the RainScape Rebates page beginning May 15, 2013; orientations will be available in June, and the application deadline is July 15, 2013. Communities that have recently joined the program include Crystal Lake Park, Glendale, Huntleigh, Shrewsbury and Town and Country, all of which will be eligible for Round Two of the program along with previously participating communities. See the website for complete details.

Organizations Partner to Bring Community Resources Outdoors

In a unique collaboration, the St. Louis County Library District and Gateway Greening have partnered to establish community gardens at several library branches throughout St. Louis County. Libraries have long thrived on the concept of sharing resources for education and entertainment. Establishing community gardens at library sites builds on this concept while activating the library’s outside landscape and establishing it as a community hub as well.

The first in a series of community gardens was installed this spring at the Prairie Commons Branch at 915 Utz Lane in Hazelwood, MO. Local community members turned gardeners, accompanied by Gateway Greening volunteers, assembled the 20 raised garden beds. Lumber, tools and soil were generously donated by project grantee Missouri Foundation for Health, along with St. Louis Composting and Accenture. Members from the St. Louis Audubon Society were also on hand to install a 500-square foot butterfly garden. St. Louis County Library staff will also maintain a library garden bed, donating the produce to a local food pantry. To learn more about the Prairie Commons Community Garden please call Matt Even at 314-588-9600 or visit 29

Upcoming Events Saturday Kids. Play in the garden with Sheri. Plant a flower for Mother’s Day. FREE. Hillermann Nursery & Florist, 636239-6729,

Meetings, Classes, Entertainment and More Updates to this information are often posted on our online events calendar at, so check there for the latest details. If you have a smartphone, scan this code to go directly to the Upcoming Events online calendar. [Insert QR code here]

Give us the details of your upcoming gardening, lawn or landscaping event and we’ll add it to our website and include it in our next issue. Deadline for printing in the July/August issue is June 1st. How to reach us: Mail: PO Box 220853 St. Louis, MO 63122 Email: (314) Fax: Call (314) 968-3740 to arrange to send a fax. Automatic fax reception is no longer available.

Garden Clubs and Plant Society Meetings Interested in Joining a Garden Club or Plant Society? We have meeting dates, locations and contact information on more than 50 area garden clubs on our website at Don’t have access to the internet? Just call us at (314) 968-3740, or write us at PO Box 220853, St. Louis, MO 63122, and we’ll get the information to you. So share your joy for gardening and join a garden club or favorite plant society today!

Fun for Kids May 4th 9am—Children’s Garden Club-Annuals and Vegetables. FREE, no reservations required, everyone welcome. The Children’s Garden Club is designed to educate and bring delight in gardening to children with projects they do themselves. Museum of Transportation, 3015 Barrett Station Rd. (314) 965-6885. 11am-2pm—Hillermann’s



June 1st 9am—Children’s Garden Club. FREE, no reservations required, everyone welcome. The Children’s Garden Club is designed to educate and bring delight in gardening to children with projects they do themselves. Sherwood’s Forest Nursery & Garden Center, 2651 Barrett Station Rd. Also sponsored by Schnuck’s Markets.

3109 Godfrey Road in Alton. 9am-Noon—Four Winds Garden Club Perennial Plant Sale. Members will share hand-raised plants that are tried & true & do well in our region. The sale location is Clayton Road at Woods Mill Rd. 314-2107893 New members are always welcome. 9am-1pm—Bethel UMC Plant Sale. Large selection of annual, perennials, houseplants and much more. Great bargains. Bethel UMC, 17500 Manchester Road, Wildwood, MO. For more information call: 636-458-2255.

Park. St. Louis City Greenhouse, 5600 Clayton Avenue. May 18th 12:30-4:30pm—The Annual Rose Show of the Rose Society of Greater St. Louis. The Atrium in Edward Jones, 12555 Manchester Road, Des Peres. Featuring many varieties of roses and flower arrangements. Show is FREE

May 18th-19th 10am-4pm Sat., 11am-4pm Sun.—The Ste. Genevieve Master Gardeners Garden Walk and Plant Sale. $7 per June Mondays and Wednesday person or $6 for groups of five or more. 9-10:30am—Junior Gardener Training. 9am-3pm—Kress Farm Garden No reservations required.Tour public and Hands-on gardening teaches kids where Preserve’s 15th Annual Plant Sale. private gardens in historic Ste. Genevieve. food comes from and how to grow their Annuals, perennials, vegetable plants, Plant Sale begins at 9am Sat. 11am Sun. own. Willoughby Heritage Farm and daylilies, succulents, and more. Native Farmers Market, garden merchandise, Conservation Reserve, 631 Willoughby shrubs, trees, and plants from Forrest specials at area shops and restaurants, Lane, Collinsville. $41 or $35 with CARD Keeling and Missouri Wildflower Nursery. and other activities. Purchase tickets at benefit card. Ages 8-12. Class on “Edible Landscapes” at 10:30am. Ste Genevieve Welcome Center, 66 South Raffle. Lunch available. Master Gardeners Main St. 800-373-7007 or email events@ on site to answer questions. 5137 Glade Plant Shows, Sales Chapel Road, Hillsboro, MO. Call Jo at and Tours May 25th 636-296-9306 for more information. 9am-5pm—The St. Louis Carnivorous May 4th 9am-3pm—Perennial Plant Sale. The Plant Society Show and Sale. Missouri 7am-noon—Central Missouri Master Garden Club of Lebanon will be selling Botanical Garden. Terrarium supplies and Gardeners’ Plant Sale. Featuring select native perennials, herbs, and demos. Venus flytraps and lots of other natives...natures drought tolerant plants. vegetable starts from their gardens at plants. Learn the advantages of natives and the the Lebanon May Market. May Market best way to use them in their landscapes. includes other gardening vendors and May 25th & 26th 7500 square feet of master gardener grown crafters--fun day for all! 221 W. St Louis 9am-5pm—Rose Display. Hosted by vegetables, heirloom tomatoes, herbs Street, Lebanon, IL. For more information The Rose Society of Greater St. Louis. and 2013 introduction perennials and Missouri Botanical Garden, Orthwein see annuals. Visit our Demonstration Garden Hall. Garden admission only. with a beautiful view of the Missouri 9am-4pm—Mayfest and Plant Sale. River and bicycle or walk the historic Annual and perennial plant sale, garden May 31st & June 1st Katy Trail. Jaycee Fairgrounds, 1445 classes, artisan and craft booths, live Noon-8:30pm Fri., 8:30am-5pm. Sat.— Fairgrounds Rd., Jefferson City, MO. music and more. St. Andrews Episcopal Springfield Council of Federated Church, 406 Hillsboro Ave., Edwardsville, Garden Clubs 60th Annual Flower 8am-noon—Edwardsville Garden Club IL. More info at StAndrews-Edwardsville. Show.Themed “Go Country.” The Library Plant Sale. Most of our plants are tried Center Auditorium, 4653 S. Campbell, com. and true, dug out of members’ gardens. St. Springfield, Mo. For details contact 417Mary’s Catholic Church parking lot, 1805 9am-3pm—The Franklin County Master 766-2230, 736-9131 or email skneff@ Madison Ave., Edwardsville, IL. Gardeners Plant Sale. J.C. Penney parking lot off Hwy. 100 in Washington, 8am-noon—St. Clair County Garden MO. In the event of severe weather, the June 1st Club Plant Sale. Annuals, perennials sale will be held May 11th. 636-583-5141. 9am-2pm—The Lake Area Master from members’ gardens. In front of Wild Gardeners’ 7th Annual Garden Walk. Birds Unlimited, 2657 N. Illinois (Hwy. 10am-4pm—Mid Illinois and Southern The tour features a wide variety of 159) Swansea/Belleville. Illinois Iris Societies’ Annual Iris Show. plantings and outdoor living areas. Lake The Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows’ Area Master Gardeners will be on hand to 8am-1pm—Huge Plant Sale Event! Guild Center. (Hwy 15, Belleville, Il) teach people not only what is possible but Webster Groves Women’s Garden also how to garden responsibly. Tickets Admission Free. Association will offer great prices and great are available at any Central Bank or First advice on truckloads of donated perennials National Bank location in the lake area, May 11th from local gardens,) plus nursery grown 9am-4pm—Spring Wildflower Sale. or day of tour at Willmore Lodge in Lake annuals & hanging baskets. Also featured: Native wildflowers, ferns, trees and shrubs Ozark. Email Glenda_hinrichs@yahoo. Container gardens (perfect for Mother’s for home landscapes brought to you by com or call 573-365-5033 for info. $10 Day!), “Garden Treasures” Resale, and a Shaw Nature Reserve and local native rain or shine. Westlake Hardware gift certificate raffle. plant nurseries. Shaw Nature Reserve, Rain or shine at Webster Groves Masonic Gray Summit, MO, at I-44 and Hwy. 9am-5pm—Kress Farm Garden Preserve Lodge, 12 E. Lockwood (next to City Hall 100. (636) 451-3512. Admission Free for Garden Tour. 10 diverse gardens/ at Elm). members, $5 non-members. Members landscapes throughout Jefferson County. $10 per person and tickets available the only preview May 10th 4-7:30pm. 8am-noon—Mississippi Valley Garden day of the tour at Kress Farm, 8197 Glade Club Plant Sale. A large variety of 8am-3:30pm—Floral Conservancy of Chapel Road in Hillsboro, or ahead of time perennial plants will be available including Forest Park Plant Sale. All proceeds at Master Gardener classes at Jefferson hostas, day lilies, sedums, iries, herbs and benefit Flora Conservancy, a not-for-profit College. For more information call Suzie bulbs. Most plants are priced between one volunteer organization that helps landscape at 314-799-1594. and five dollars. The Sportsmen’s Club, and maintain plantings throughout Forest

The Gateway Gardener™

MAY 2013

10am-4pm—Gardens in Bloom Garden Tour. Eight gardens in the O’Fallon, Illinois, area. Master Gardener plant sale at First United Methodist Church, Rte. 50, O’Fallon.$10 tickets can be purchased in advance at tour sponsors including Sandy’s Back Porch, Eckert’s Country Store and Garden Center, and Effinger’s Garden Center. $12 day of tour. 10am-3pm—Garden/Kitchen Tour. 6 gardens in Kirkwood plus Mudd’s Grove Herb Garden, gift shop and house open for ticket holders. $15 in advance or $20 day of tour. Proceeds benefit Kirkwood Historical Society. Call Mudd’s Grove at (314) 965-5151 or Carol Ann at (314) 821-0184. June 1st and 2nd 9am-5pm— 19th Annual Hermann Garden Tour and Plant Sale. Two Tours in 2013: the popular Town Tour, a walking tour of gardens in downtown Hermann, and the Country Tour, a driving tour to country gardens. Separate $10 ticket for each tour includes visits to four private gardens and the Garden Demonstration Area. Town & County Garden Tour Combo Ticket for $15. Also Special Ticket By-ReservationOnly Luncheon/Silent Auction on May 31st. Visit the Hermann Garden Tours website at for up to date events, ticket prices, and photographs. “Like” us on Facebook at Hermann Garden Club Tours 2012. Call Hermann Welcome Center at (800) 9328687 or go to

Classes, Lectures and Events Now through October 31st 9am-5pm daily—Plastic Pot Recycling. Recycle plastic garden pots, cell packs and trays. West parking lot of the Garden’s Monsanto Center, 4500 Shaw Blvd. at Vandeventer. (314) 577-9441. Look for Plastic Pot Recycling at several satellite collection centers throughout the metro area through Sept. 30; for a complete list of participants, visit plasticpotrecycling. Now through June 28th Heart of the Park Walking Tours. Hourlong behind-the-scenes tours of Forest Park guided by Forest Park Forever staff. Each tour is specially themed, from Missouri natives, “Buds and Beyond”, “Birds and Bees of Deer Lake” to “History and Habitat of Kennedy Forest” and more. Free to the public. For more information and a schedule, visit ForestParkForever. org. May 1st 6:30-8:30pm—Home Landscape Design. Basic landscape techniques, plant selection and arrangement and growing needs . St. Charles County Extension Center, 260 Brown Rd., St. Peters MO. Visit stcharles/gardenclasses.aspx or call 636970-3000 for information. Pre-registration required. $20.

May 2nd 1-4 pm—Native Plant School: The Art and Function of Combining Native Plants. Bring your questions, comments, photos, drawings, and plant specimens for discussion. Session includes handson tours and demonstrations. Audience participation encouraged. $15 ($10 Garden members). Whitmire Wildflower Garden at Shaw Nature Reserve. For reservations or more information, call (636) 451-3512 or visit 6pm—Dazzling Containers for Entrance Ways, Patios and Gardens. Learn creative combinations of plants, colors and textures to amaze your family and friends. Sugar Creek Gardens, 1011 Woodlawn Rd., Kirkwood. FREE. May 4th 9-11am—Growing Summer Vegetables in Home Gardens. Learn vegetable growing principles, specific procedures to prepare soil, planting, growing, dealing with insects and diseases, and harvesting summer vegetables. St. Charles County Extension Center, 260 Brown Rd., St. Peters MO. Visit http://extension. or call 636-970-3000 for information. Preregistration required. $20.

May 11th and 18th 10am—Garden Stroll with Ann Million. Class takes place at Ann’s extraordinary garden in Crestwood. Sugar Creek Gardens. FREE. Call (314) 9653070 for reservations and directions. May 14th 6pm—Oh Deer: Rabbit and Deer Resistant Gardening. Hear about the techniques and repellents that will keep the animals away from your prized beauties, along with the many perennials and annuals that they find distasteful. Sugar Creek Gardens, 1011 Woodlawn Rd., Kirkwood. FREE. Call (314) 9653070. May 16 6pm—The Ultimate Hydrangea Guide. Kim Reiss, President of the St. Louis Hydrangea Society, discusses the top choices for sun and shade. Sugar Creek Gardens, 1011 Woodlawn Rd., Kirkwood. FREE. Call (314) 965-3070. th

10am-3pm—Salsa Garden Saturday. Celebrate Cinco De Mayo in the Garden! Plant and herb specials to help you create a salsa garden. Staff will help you create the perfect container salsa garden to take home. Hillermann Nursery & Florist, 636239-6729,

May 18th 9-11am—Accessible Gardening. Learn ideas and techniques that make gardening accessible to those in a wheelchair or those who move from a sitting or leaning position — old or young. St. Charles County Extension Center, 260 Brown Rd., St. Peters MO. Visit http://extension. or call 636-970-3000 for information. Pre-registration required. $20.

May 7 5pm—Fairy Gardening, Mini Landscaping. Learn about doll size shrubs, plus the perennials, annuals and vines with teeny tiny leaves and flowers. Sugar Creek Gardens, 1011 Woodlawn Rd., Kirkwood. FREE. Call (314) 9653070.

9 and 10:30am—Composting Made Easy (9am) and Raised Bed Gardening (10:30am). Horticulture classes taught by U. of I. Extension Master Gardeners. Willoughby Farm and Conservation Reserve. 631 Willoughby Lane, Collinsville. $5 or free with CARDS benefit ID. Ages 16 and up.

6pm—Herbs in the Garden. Horticulture classes taught by U. of I. Extension Master Gardeners. Willoughby Farm and Conservation Reserve. 631 Willoughby Lane, Collinsville. $5 or free with CARDS benefit ID. Ages 16 and up.

May 18th & 19th 10am-5pm—Chinese Culture Days. Annual celebration features a Grand


May 7th or 9th 1pm (May 7) or 6:30pm (May 9)— All About Tomatoes: Strategies for Controlling Pests and Disorders. Horticulture telenets by University of Illinois Extension, Waterloo and Collinsville offices. Pre-registration deadline is 2 days prior to class. $5 fee for black and white handouts, $10 for color. Register online at web.extension.illinois. edu/mms/ or call (815) 758-8194. May 9th 6pm—Beginning Gardening. Horticulture classes taught by U. of I. Extension Master Gardeners. Willoughby Farm and Conservation Reserve. 631 Willoughby Lane, Collinsville. $5 or free with CARDS benefit ID. Ages 16 and up. 6pm—Successive Blooms. Keep your garden in bloom spring til fall. Sugar

MAY 2013

Creek Gardens, 1011 Woodlawn Rd., Kirkwood. FREE. Call (314) 965-3070.

The Gateway Gardener™

Parade with 70-foot dancing dragon, authentic regional cuisine, t’ai chi and acrobatics. Special tours in the Grigg Nanjing Friendship Garden (the Chinese Garden) focus on the symbolism of many plant species and architectural details. $12 adults (ages 13 to 64), $10 seniors (65+), $5 children (3 to 12), $5 members. Buy tickets in advance online at www. May 21st 5pm—Colorful Shade Gardens. Learn how to create a shady retreat with the ever expanding selection of perennials and ferns, along with our cherished natives. Sugar Creek Gardens, 1011 Woodlawn Rd., Kirkwood. FREE. Call (314) 965-3070. May 21st or 23rd 1pm (May 21) or 6:30pm (May 23)— Don’t Doubt the Drought. Horticulture teleconferences by University of Illinois Extension, Waterloo and Collinsville offices. Pre-registration deadline is 2 days prior to class. $5 fee for black and white handouts, $10 for color. Register online at or call (815) 758-8194. May 23rd 6pm—Curb Appeal 911. Learn creative ideas to make the most of your home’s appearance to entice a buyer, or to give a warm welcome to your friends and family. Sugar Creek Gardens, 1011 Woodlawn Rd., Kirkwood. FREE. Call (314) 965-3070. May 28th 5pm—Colorful Summer Shrubs. Discover the Hydrangeas, repeat blooming Azaleas, hardy Gardenias, Crapemrytles and others that look great all summer and well into fall.Sugar Creek Gardens, 1011 Woodlawn Rd., Kirkwood. FREE. Call (314) 965-3070.

stand up and garden

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SAVE THE DATE! International Compost Awareness Week May 5-11, 2013 Details Coming Soon!


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