By Adam Parshall / Gavel Media Staff
“You get off school for what? What’s Patriots’ Day? So like, no classes at all?” These were some of the many questions I heard from my friends who go to school in different states. Living around Washington D.C. my entire life and going to Catholic school, I would often have school holidays that public schools and private, secular schools didn’t celebrate. Coming to Boston College, I learned the glory of celebrating a holiday that is literally not recognized in any other city: Marathon Monday. Even the name sounds incredible. I had vaguely heard about Marathon Monday before I came to Boston College from my mother who went to graduate school at Boston University (sorry, everyone), but I had yet to experience it for myself. Little did I know what was to come in the springtime of my freshmen year… Each year of Marathon Monday has brought something different. Freshmen year, my friends and I were woefully unprepared for the ridiculousness and debauchery of the day. Sophomore year brought the rise of the Marathon Monday rager that took place in my suite in Vandy and on a large chunk of Comm. Ave. Junior year…alas, I was not here for Marathon Monday. It has pained me every day since last April. I will not, however, make the same mistake this year. This is why I hope to impart some 32
Top: Photo courtesy of Greater Boston Convention/
wisdom on you, loyal readers, so you can make the most out of your Marathon Monday, whether you are a mere freshman or a battle-hardened senior. If you happen to be a freshman, especially living on Newton, it would behoove you to make plans to sleep elsewhere the night before. Your chances of making it into the Mods are slim to none, since every year BCPD is remarkably diligent about people sleeping over there or simply trying to jump the fence. Find a friend on Upper or Lower and crash on his or her couch. Just be glad they aren’t charging you rent for his or her valuable floor space. For sophomores, your prospects of easily enjoying Marathon Monday are much better. I would say I feel bad for those of you stranded on CoRo…but I do not. Suck it up and wake up early, Comm. Ave is right down the street, and you also shouldn’t have a problem finding a friend to let you sleep over that night. If you’re on Lower, then kudos: half the work is done for you. Just wake up early, grab a capri sun and you’re made in the shade. Juniors are either in Vandy, Edmonds, 90 or the Gate, or they’re off campus. God forbid you chose to go abroad spring semester and have to miss this spectacular day (I don’t really have the authority to talk about this, as I was living off campus last year and still wasn’t here
Bottom Left: Photo courtesy of squinn0401/ Flickr
April 2013
Photo courtesy of Jeremy Thomas/ Flickr
I now will be focusing on seniors. We have the ability to get into the Mods whenever we want come Marathon Monday. The ultimate tailgate/pregame spot offering maximum access to both Comm. Ave and Lower Dining Hall for some midrace snacking, the Mods are simply the place to be if you aren’t out watching the race. If you don’t have friends in Mods …find some new friends. It should be so easy for seniors to enjoy Marathon Monday, simply from the location alone. Unless you are an RA somewhere far away, you’ll be living in Voute, Gabelli, Iggy, Ruby, the Gate, Edmonds or the Mods and will have ample access to the festivities. Take the time to invest in some kind of large, colored plastic mug or
sippy cup with a straw and handle, so you don’t have to run back to the Mod or suite every 20 minutes to replenish your “marathon fuel.” The runners have water stations set up, but unfortunately, there won’t be anyone out on Comm. Ave with big tables full of paper cups of Natty or OJ and vodka (but in a perfect world…ahhhh). Plan accordingly. Make a big pitcher of your favorite mixed drink that won’t cause you to collapse in a bush, and simply pour a decent amount of it into one of the aforementioned portable containers. That way, you can pregame for a little, go enjoy the marathon, then go back after a while…see the pattern? Good. Shall we move on to clothing? This, by far, is as important as the marathon fuel you will need to enjoy the marathon. There are about a thousand (no exaggeration) pages on Facebook of people selling Marathon Monday hats, pinnies, tank tops, wristbands, and even fannypacks this year (I already bought two). It is paramount that you dress like an absolute fool for the day. For one thing, it’ll probably be hot, so sleeves are a big no-no. Besides, sun’s out, guns out, right? Grab one or several different tank tops and change throughout the day. This is a marathon for everyone,
Photo courtesy of jonathanfean/ Flickr
for the marathon). For the juniors living on Lower, see my section for sophomores. But for those of you living off campus…you, my friends, have been given a rare gift: the ability to have off-campus parties, pregames and everything in between. This is a responsibility: cherish and appreciate it. Co-party with your friends so you can bring down the cost of your soiree, or simply relax at your off-campus house or apartment, knock back a few cold ones, and make your way out to Comm. Ave every once in a while to cheer on the real athletes.
not just runners: you need options and you need to be prepared for the whole thing. For dudes, cargo shorts are your best friend. How else will you be able to carry around the 20 beers you so desire? Ladies, I’d guess running shorts are your best friend here. They’ll keep you cool, you’ll look good, and you’ll be kindred spirits with the girls running the marathon. Solidarity! Add a flatbrim, some cheap shades and you’re good to go.
I truly hope this has been a helpful guide to your Marathon Monday. Supporting the runners is also a time-honored tradition at BC. A lot of people run this race for charity, and you will no doubt see many runners with Campus School shirts on. These people have been training and busting their humps to run this race and raise money, so the least you can do is cheer them on and maybe even run a mile or two with them (try to find an entry point without any cops…good luck). Have fun preparing for arguably one of the greatest days of the spring semester! I’ll be out there with bells on, probably wearing jorts, because it’s MARATHON MONDAY.
Gavel Media encourages students 21+ to celebrate Marathon Monday safely and responsibly. 33