Leadershipmontgomery bg060412

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Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

2011-12 BOARD of DIRECTORS Executive Committee President - Marvin R. Dickerson Dickerson Technologies Vice President for Development - Bradley H. Colton Marriott International, Inc. Vice President for Finance/ Treasurer - Barbara J.V. Henry Full Gamut Professional Services, LLC Vice President for Membership Marguerite R. Van Ness Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.

Table of Contents Core Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Senior Leadership Montgomery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Outstanding Leader Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Vice President for Programs Keith Levchenko Montgomery County Council Central Staff David H. Anderson Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. Marilyn A. Balcombe Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce

Joshua Lee Bokee Comcast

Mark S. Scott Mark IV Builders

Jean A. Casey The Gazette

Larry E. Walker The Walker Group

George Dang Acacia Financial Advisors

Jean P. Whiddon Fixation Marketing

John J. Dillon Morgan Stanley Smith Barney

Paula S. Widerlite Adventist HealthCare

Anna A. Hargrave The Community Foundation of MC

Ronald M. Wolfsheimer Calvert Investments

Elizabeth S. Huntley MedImmune

Immediate Past PresidentMichael L. Mael Washington National Opera

Giuseppe A. Mastroeli M&T Bank Sanjay Rai Montgomery College Graciela Rivera-Oven Consultant Joan A. Schaffer Schaffer Consulting

General Counsel- Alan B. Sternstein Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC Esther B. Newman Founder and Executive Director

Inside Montgomery Executive Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Youth Leadership Montgomery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Youth Community Leadership Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Financial Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

PAST PRESIDENTS Frederick C. Gale* (1989-1991)

Marion H. Hull ('95) (2000-2002)

Leadership 100 Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Eliot Pfanstiehl (1991-1993)

Bradley L. Westpfahl ('97) (2002-2004)

Mita M. Schaffer ('90) (1993-1995)

William G. Robertson ('02) (2004-2005)

Leadership Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Sheldon I. Grosberg ('93) (1995-1997)

Solomon Graham ('03) (2005-2007)

Financial Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Robert L. Jones ('92) (1997-1999)

Debra L.C. Liverpool ('99) (2007-2009)

2012 Core Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Charles A Lyons ('95) (1999-2000)

Michael L. Mael ('05) (2009-2011)

Celebration Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

2012 Graduate Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Leadership Montgomery M & T Bank Bldg, 5910 Executive Blvd., Su. 200, Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 881-3333 Fax (301) 881-3799 www.LeadershipMontgomeryMD.org

STAFF Esther B. Newman Founder & Executive Director Katalin Gimes, Program Director Carol Ippolito, Leadership Assistant Wendy Peck, Administrative Assistant Regina Williams and Michele Williams Financial Management Eliot Pfanstiehl, Retreat Facilitator Special Advertising Publication | June 2012


Published by: 9030 Comprint Court Gaithersburg, MD 20877 240-864-1558 / www.gazette.net

Trina Lapier, Associate Publisher Terry Tillman, Advertising Director Katalin Gimes, Editor, Leadership Montgomery Kathleen Castellano, Production Coordinator Anna Joyce, Cover Design Son Young Lee, John Schmitz, Layout Greg Dohler, Cover photo of Esther Newman LEADERSHIP MONTGOMERY 2012 ANNUAL REPORT | 3


n Program


Connecting to Create a Community of Purpose Karen Kullgren ('12), Washington Parent Magazine

You just never know who you're going to end up meeting and what you're going to end up learning from them at Leadership Montgomery. We in the Core Program Class of 2012 just jumped into each experience headfirst, whether it was suiting up in a firefighter's gear, having a dialogue with the County Executive, tramping around a water recovery plant, or visiting an Islamic temple. We also took time to record the epiphanies that came with each presentation or experience, and there were plenty of those. Our learning leaps of faith were well rewarded. Yet when I asked a cross-sample of classmates what was the best thing about LM and Class of 2012, they didn't respond with all the cool things we got to do or cool places we got to go or statistics we digested. Instead, each person answered with some permutation of "getting to know my classmates" and "the friendships I made." It's not surprising, really. We came together as individuals, and thanks to adept facilitating at our opening retreat by Eliot Pfanstiehl, CEO of Strathmore and Founding Board Member of Leadership Montgomery, we became a community. Keith Danos, Chief Financial Officer of Jewish Foundation for Group Homes, said, "I never anticipated I would be able to develop relationships with as many people in such a short time." That sense of community strengthened each time we gathered and grew as we met leaders and visionaries in various sectors of the County and started working on our Nonprofit Discovery projects. Ron Dimaranan, Director of Business Development for MidAtlantic Federal Credit Union, enjoyed "seeing and learning from everyone's leadership styles and

how I can improve mine. And how type A personalities can get along!" Discussions and experiences related to the workings of the County and promoting the well-being of our citizens both enhanced and were enhanced by the personal bonds we shared. As Dr. Anna Maria Izquierdo-Porrera, Executive Director of Care 4 Your Health, put it, "The people I've met are a phenomenal group of individuals. For me, it was the intense conversations that have been the most rewarding parts of the whole experience." Our Nonprofit Discovery projects spanned education, literacy, the arts, disabilities, homelessness, and health. We learned about all the good that was being done by individuals and organizations and our government, and so much more that was still needed. Hopefully the tools we acquired in Leadership Montgomery would equip us better to tackle the complexities of the challenges facing the County. Leadership Montgomery provided rare windows into the present and the future of our County, from the Agricultural Reserve to the arts, from planning to public safety. Class members were encouraged to ask questions and offer our own perspectives, whether it was in small group discussions on diversity or a no-holds-barred dialogue on education with the new school superintendent. Almina Khorakiwala, Vice President for The Walker Marchant Group, marveled that "there were things in the County I'd never seen before, innovative ideas and places that were models for how to do things. One of my favorites was the Annapolis session and the access to lawmakers, being able to learn and understand the process and how we can all be better citizens." Deborah Broder, Vice President of


BSO Strathmore, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, was impressed "by the opportunity to learn more about the incredible resources in Montgomery County and resources the County government throws behind them."

"The most rewarding thing for me has been making new friends out of context." Our class year may be over, but the community is forever.

Susan Burkinshaw, owner of Snap Fitness, echoed this, saying she's impressed "to know so much goes on behind the scenes to make Montgomery County better--so many things we as a community need to participate in to keep things going, and going right." Many times we saw the power of one individual to make a difference, but also the exponential increase in making a difference that can occur when individuals and organizations collaborate effectively. We didn't wait to graduate to start putting that into action, building partnerships across our organizations and volunteering individually for each other's pet projects. My own favorite moment came during a break-out meeting with a scientist talking about his organization's research on Alzheimer's. In passing, he used the term "community of purpose." He continued talking, but my brain had stopped at that term. I love the idea of "community of purpose" and I also think it is a great way to describe LM and our class. Our community of purpose is to become more informed stewards of our County's people, environment, and infrastructure, and to create connections for sharing information, ideas, and resources toward that purpose. Whatever achievements, jobs, education, or opinions classmates brought to the table of the Class of 2012, everyone checked their egos at the door. DeRionne Pollard, President of Montgomery College, perhaps summed up best the personal connection we all made: Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

By Janet Lowenbach (SLM '12) There is a big difference between knowing and understanding. I lived in Montgomery County for 42 years before joining Senior Leadership Montgomery (SLM). I had long ago witnessed the transition from the quaint one-story buildings on Wisconsin Avenue to the massive Air Rights Building, from the picturesque Chevy Chase cottages to the imposing McMansions. I had seen the escalation of the traffic; the closing, building, and rebuilding of the schools; the waves of ethnically diverse neighbors, the octopus-like expansion of the roads. Although I saw these changes, I didn't know the pulse of it, the press of active public servants that would manage it, and the escalating population that would need services. Nor did I know the people I would meet in the SLM class of 2012 with whom I would learn how the County worked, how we provide leadership to those who provide services. We bonded in the first meeting where Esther Newman, Founder and Executive Director of Leadership Montgomery, led an exercise in which we "met" our ancestors, people who migrated over the generations from Asia, Europe, and Africa and then settled in Montgomery County. Our new friendships in hand, we embarked on a journey - over eight months of travel and meetings - to find the undiscovered parts of the County. On a magic bus tour from Rockville to Upcounty areas, we stopped at Button Farm, where I was moved to tears to learn that Montgomery County residents had slaves. "I felt how cruel the institution of slavery was, and I was proud that our forefathers had the physical and mental stamina to withstand this treatment and that it didn't enslave their minds," classmate Margot Hall said later about the experience. Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

The County spread out below us from the amazing vantage point of the traffic monitoring plane. Caravans of traffic moved below from the green northern part of the County over to the Potomac River and then through the burgeoning towns of Clarksburg and Germantown. The ride-alongs with the police and fire departments offered a window into those dangerous and effective public services. "Traveling with the medical unit of the fire department was wonderful," said Sybil Greenhut. "They were so kind and professional to a patient in medical crisis. As a nurse, I saw excellent patent care." As for myself, I felt right at home watching television with the firefighters in a row of giant leather chairs and then, startled when the bell announced a fire, jumping into the big ladder truck.

Front row, left to right: Margruetta Bright Hall, Sandy K. Elson, Sandra L. Hughes, Janet L. Lowenbach, David Spitzer, Dieneke Johnson, Mary Catherine Henderson, Clair Dangler, Lois H, Neuman Second row, left to right: Elizabeth A. Brooks-Evans, Thomas Brunetto, DaCosta R. Mason, Maurine H. Beasley, Sybil Greenhut, Robert F. Levey, Clare E. Keller, Sylvia McKaig Seawright, Barbara Rady Kazdan, Michael A. Richardson, Connie Heller, Peter K. Vaslow, Ann E. Evans, and Marilyn M. Massey-Ball.

We held our breath, collectively, when the door to the Montgomery County Correctional Facility shut behind us. But what a surprise! The jail was nothing like TV prisons - with their barred cells, dark corridors, and nasty guards. "I was surprised by the very open and trusting environment that existed between inmates and staff," Marilyn Massey-Ball said, "and the level of educational opportunities and employment assistance provided to support offenders' rehabilitation and re-entry into the community." In the program called Government 101, we saw that the County government was active and alive. "The legislative analysts made the budget more understandable," Sally Seawright noted, "and they emphasized the high expectations the County has for service."

On an uncharacteristically warm wintry day, we crossed the foot bridge from the parking lot over Minnehaha Creek to the unique buildings scattered about Glen Echo Park.

mayor led us on a tour among the hidden trees and Victorian houses of Washington Grove. In the afternoon, we learned that there was "life after graduation" from SLM.

"I was most inspired by the Glen Echo Partnership," Peter Vaslow said, "in which the community and two independent and powerful government agencies (Federal and Montgomery County) could work together to successfully deal with funding issues, save Glen Echo, rebuild it, and even expand its purpose and function!"

We could continue the connections we made during our tour of the County and exploration of each other. I made new friends and benefited from the support of the class network in my search for a job. Others vowed to stay connected to grow and to serve the County and the Leadership Montgomery organization that had given us so much.

The purple and gold seats at The Music Center at Strathmore vibrated with light on our Arts day. "I have been a fan of the arts in Montgomery County for a long time," said Bob Levey. "It was very instructive to see Strathmore from the inside."

I am so grateful to all the people we met: the County officials and nonprofit leaders who serve the County and to Founder and Executive Director Esther Newman, Program Director Kati Gimes and my colleagues in the SLM of 2012 who gave us so much in this single year and will stand in memory as the reason we continue to work together.

A spring ice storm rained down glistening diamonds as a former



Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

n Award


Outstanding Leader Award

Charles "Chuck" Lyons ('95) By Eliot Pfanstiehl (Founding Board and Core Retreat Facilitator), Chief Executive Officer, Strathmore There are heroes who walk among us each day who defy the dashing textbook caricature and deny their own heroic status. Yet we can see them more clearly in the rearview mirror of life as are able to examine the path they trod and see the victories they won once the dust has cleared. They are the quiet heroes of confident, bold and principal driven action who saw a future most of us could not and pursued it with dogged persistence others would not. They are the ones who advanced when others retreated. Who spoke out when others shied away. Who dreamed when others slept. Charles A. "Chuck" Lyons ('95), Chairman of The Gazette Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Newspapers, has been such a hero in Montgomery County. The 2012 Outstanding Leader Award, sponsored by Sandy Spring Bank, recognizes exemplary leadership that has had a significant impact on the lives of County citizens. Chuck Lyons' leadership in business, journalism, community, education and the arts is what made him the ideal candidate for this honor. Not only has he made significant contributions throughout our State and County in his own right, but he has given heart to so many others by his example and helped them to make their own mark. Chuck firmly believes in "Doing the right thing," no matter the cost or popularity of the cause. In 1997, Chuck served as Chair of Montgomery's Promise to its Children and Youth, which resulted in The Gazette adopting Viers Mill Elementary School and creating a mentoring program for employees and students. Lyons set the example by mentoring a young boy named Mario every week. The program soon expanded to include a newspaper club and an annual charity drive by Gazette employees. The program is still active after 15 years and has served more than 500 students with weekly one-on-one mentoring sessions or after school activities. Chuck rarely missed his own tutoring appointment despite his busy professional schedule Eleven years ago The Gazette, under the leadership of Chuck Lyons and in a partnership with Lockheed Martin and Marriott International, created the County Companies Caring Breakfast for Interfaith Works. Former Executive Director Becky Wagner ('01) described its purpose as "bringing together

people to buy expensive scrambled eggs and to hear and understand the needs of the low income community." Interfaith Works is a coalition of more than 140 congregations of diverse faiths helping more than 30,000 vulnerable men, women and children each year with advocacy and social service programs. For 10 out of its 11 years, Chuck Lyons has been the emcee, honoring the volunteers and the businesses that the partnership brought together to achieve these remarkable community services. In 1999, he was the recipient of the Salute to Youth Award presented by the Greater Washington Metropolitan YMCA. Lyons was honored in 1998 for his service to youth by the Boys and Girls Club, Montgomery Chapter, and the Points of Light national award for volunteerism. He is a graduate of Leadership Montgomery and Past President of its Board of Directors and is a graduate of Leadership Maryland. He also served on the Montgomery County Economic Advisory Council and was a member of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce Board. Lyons was a founding Board member of the Montgomery County Community Foundation, he cochaired the Montgomery Community College Humanities Endowment Campaign, and he was a member of the capital campaign for the Reginald S. Lourie Center to create a new Children's Center. Chuck Lyons joined the Strathmore Board of Directors in January 1994 when their budget was $630,000 and the Music Center was only a pipedream. He chaired Strathmore's

first million dollar capital campaign to renovate and expand the historic Strathmore Mansion and housed the entire Strathmore Foundation staff offices at the Gazette printing plant during the renovation. Chuck was the passionate and courageous community leader who, with County Executive Doug Duncan, lobbied the County and State Legislatures to secure the public and private funding needed to construct and operate the Center. In total, Chuck served as Chair for three terms and then returned in an emergency to finish the remainder of his successor's term for to make sure the Music Center project came to fruition. That was nine and a half years of service and four and half years of dedicated leadership of the Strathmore Board while he was running four newspaper companies in his day-job. Teddy Roosevelt once described a leader as someone who "at best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement: and who at worst, if he fails, fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." Chuck Lyons works hard, expects much, writes truth and dreams big. We need more leaders like Chuck. His legacy should be a lesson to those who would seek to build community here in Montgomery County. Sometimes, he said, "It's hard to do the right thing," but in the end, it made the difference. Chuck Lyons will receive $1,000 in recognition of his leadership and another $1,000 for the charity of his choice. He will donate the monies to Leadership Montgomery.


n Reception


n Transportation

Sponsor: RMA Worldwide Chauffeured Transportation


Inside Montgomery is a special program offered annually in the spring to a select group of senior executives who would like to learn more about the County. The one-day bus tour provides visual and verbal cues to the County's unique character. It concludes with a reception providing an opportunity to discuss what was seen and learned during the day. Tour guides are key business, government, and community leaders who offer a truly unique and informative perspective on local issues, such as economic development, transportation, land use, public safety and education. Participants heard from County Executive Isiah "Ike" Leggett and also from the Director of the County Department of Economic Development Steve Silverman. Program highlights this year included visits to Spark Matsunaga Elementary School, The Universities at Shady

Grove, and the Transportation Management Center, Emergency Communication Center, and

Emergency Operation Center. Leadership Montgomery thanks Dave Dabney ('01), Executive Director of

Bethesda Urban Partnership, for chairing the program again this year.

Congratulations to the Class of 2012! Dana M. Young, VP Class of 2007 The Blue Class

Dan Eckstein, VP Class of 2010 The Perfect Class

NOVA is a trusted leader in providing health research, evaluation, and communications support to federal, state, academic, and commercial research organizations. 4600 East-West Highway, Suite 700 Bethesda, MD 20814 301-986-1891 www.novaresearch.com


Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Inside Montgomery Participants: Niall Carolan

Director, Manufacturing Sciences

Human Genome Sciences, Inc. Robyn Dinicola-Wagle

Director, Student & Academic Services

The Universities at Shady Grove

June M. Falb

Vice President of Development

Suburban Hospital

Michael L. Fowler

Manager, Local Affairs

Baltimore Gas & Electric Company

Chris Hamilton


Hamilton Advisory, LLC Joanne G. Hamilton

EVP, Human Resources

Host Hotels & Resorts James W. Hendricks President

Macris, Hendricks & Glascock, PA Carolyn Hyman

Mark J. Hyman

Assistant General Counsel

Human Genome Sciences, Inc. Jose Latimer

Business Area Ex for Homeland Protection

Johns Hopkins U-Applied Physics Lab Margaret Latimer

Assoc. Dean for Instructional Programs

Montgomery College Julie Rosenthal President

JR Communications Michael L. Russell

VP & Chief Information Officer

Montgomery College

John C. Saber President/CEO

Encon Group, Inc. Neal Simon CEO

Highline Wealth Management Michael Zhuang Principal

MZ Capital Management

Congratulations Leadership Montgomery Class of 2012

Providing personal, customized financial advisory services to families and small businesses

7600 Wisconsin Ave. Suite 900 Bethesda, MD 20814

Tel (301)897-3600 Fax (301)897-0899 Toll Free (866)280-3509

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC Special Advertising Publication | June 2012


Inspires the Future Leaders Youth Leadership Montgomery (YLM) is a two-part program based on a partnership between YLM and Maryland Leadership Workshops (MLW) that provides an experience to develop leadership skills and community awareness for Montgomery County public or independent high school students entering grades 9-12. Maryland Leadership Workshops (www.mlw.org) has been conducting peer-led programs for middle and high school students for over 55 years. Through workshops, hands-on activities and individualized action plans, students from around the state of Maryland strengthen their skills and develop their own potential to lead at school and in the community. During the week-long residential MLW summer session at Washington College in Chestertown, MD, the students get to know each other by participating in daily workshops and have the opportunity to spend time on a college campus. In the fall, the young leaders learn about the role of nonprofit organizations and civic engagement in our society through the example of passionate leaders, as well as hands-on activities. To understand the importance of charitable giving, they research nonprofit organizations in Montgomery County that provide services to populations or causes the students feel passionate about. After a visit to the nonprofits, they decide to award a generous donation of $1,000 to the organization they feel is most deserving. The money comes from the Roberta F. and Lawrence A. Shulman Youth Leadership Endowment. Setting the criteria and awarding the money is always a challenging task for the students. "YLM was a uniquely worthwhile experience for my daughter. As much as she did extremely well academically in school, the additional exposure to peers from different racial/ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, exercises in leadership skills, and discussions of current social issues greatly expanded her horizon and, we believe, better prepared her for life beyond high 10 | LEADERSHIP MONTGOMERY 2012 ANNUAL REPORT

school." - Betty Lam, Parent The Pettit Family Charitable Foundation has been a program sponsor for the past 11 years. Dick Pettit explains why: "We have chosen to support the Youth Montgomery Leadership program because it gives kids from different schools and in many instances different socioeconomic backgrounds, the opportunity to work together for the common goal of a better community. We believe it is one of the beginning steps in producing the next generation of leaders for Montgomery County." After graduation, class members embark on new adventures, some of them continuing high school, some going on to college. They'll always remember what they learned about themselves and the leadership skills they gained. "In the beginning of the program, I was a reserved person because I thought people would judge me from what I am saying. Additionally, I've found that most of the members are older than me and that made me more nervous. But as time passed, I gradually became more comfortable with my peers and enjoyed how we all supported each other. MLW and YLM were a great experience for me and I greatly recommend these programs to a teenager."- Adini Parikh (YLM '12). According to Ranjit S. "Ron" Dhindsa ('01), President of the MLW Program Board, "There is no greater feeling than enabling and inspiring young people to find their passions, gain confidence, build life skills, and work together to improve their schools and communities." Leadership Montgomery would like to recognize and thank all the individuals and organizations that made this program a success. Philanthropic Donation and Scholarships: Roberta F. & Lawrence A. Shulman Youth Leadership Endowment Graduation Host: Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.

Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

n Program


of the County

n Award


SALUTE TO THE SHULMAN, ROGERS, GANDAL, PORDY & ECKER, P.A., YOUTH COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP AWARDS RECIPIENTS The Youth Community Leadership Awards program recognizes and rewards outstanding high school seniors attending public, private or parochial schools in Montgomery County. Youth Award recipients are selected from applicants who have completed a minimum of 260 hours of approved community service by the end of their junior year and who demonstrate exceptional leadership in their community service activities. Each student is required to submit an award application, essay and recommendations. Five students are selected annually to receive a $1,000 award at LM's annual Celebration of Leadership event.

Bottom row, left to right: Ethan Pelliccioni, Walter Johnson High School; Briana Hudson, Richard Montgomery High School; Alfredo Colina, Gaithersburg High School; Adini Parikh, Gaithersburg High School; and Maya Crutchfield, Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart; Middle Row: Daniel Menendez, Sherwood High School; Andrea Falcon, Watkins Mill High School; Randy Perez, Watkins Mill High School; Lina Abisoghomyan, Richard Montgomery High School; Priya Narang, Paint Branch High School; and Makaela Jones, Richard Montgomery High School; Top row: Xavier Acosta, Springbrook High School; Laura Hayes, Quince Orchard High School; Alexandre Alia, Montgomery Blair High School; Brandon Lahore, Watkins Mill High School; David Ramirez, Watkins Mill High School; and Morgan James, Clarksburg High School. Not pictured: Amalia Oven, Academy of the Holy Cross.

Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Kendra Battle John F. Kennedy High School

Connor Dantzler Damascus High School

Gabriel H. Gan Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School

Kathleen Mark Holton Arms School

Rebecca Stussman Sherwood High School


We could not have done it without YOU! The Board of Directors and Members of Leadership Montgomery acknowledge with great appreciation the support of the following businesses, organizations and individuals.

Financial and In-Kind Contributors - Over $250 Core Program Adventist HealthCare, Inc. Program Sponsor Session Sponsors

Comcast Ferno, Inc. Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc. Holy Cross Hospital Human Genome Sciences, Inc. Jerome S. & Grace H. Murray Foundation Johns Hopkins University M&T Bank Montgomery College Quality Biological, Inc. Sanford & Doris Slavin Foundation The Gazette The Universities at Shady Grove

Breakfast/Lunch Sponsors

AAA-Mid Atlantic

Automated Resource Management Associates Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union

for Education Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.

Senior Leadership Montgomery

Carol Trawick Spirit of Creativity Fund

Sanford & Doris Slavin Foundation

Carol Trawick

Youth Leadership Montgomery Pettit Family Charitable Foundation - Program Sponsor

Roberta F. & Lawrence A. Shulman Youth Leadership Endowment

Inside Montgomery Executive Program pepco - Reception Sponsor


Member Programs Alexander & Cleaver LLC Jeff Donohoe ('04) Human Genome Sciences, Inc. Montgomery County Business Roundtable

Bobbi ('92) & Larry Shulman Choice Hotels International, Inc. Joan Schaffer (SLM '10)

IN-KIND Alliances for Quality Education, Inc. Asbury Methodist Village

Marilyn Bagel ('97), Scriptwriter The Bean Bag, Mitch Wool ('09) City of Rockville Comcast, Josh Bokee ('09) Commercial Image Photography Fixation Marketing, Jean Whiddon ('09) The Gazette, James Mannarino ('02) Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman, CPA's Glen Echo Park Partnership, Katey Boerner ('07) IBM Corporation Imagination Stage, Bonnie Fogel ('95) M&T Bank Montgomery Community Media Montgomery County Correctional Facility Keith Newman Printing Images Public Service Training Academy RMA Worldwide Chauffeured Transportation Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC, Alan




Comcast Montgomery Community Media The Gazette



Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, PA


PREMIER - $5,000

Human Genome Sciences, Inc. Kaiser Permanente Lockheed Martin Corporation M&T Bank The Gazette The Meakem Group of Wells Fargo

GUARDIAN - $3,000

Adventist HealthCare College Tracks, Inc. Comcast Lerch, Early, & Brewer, Chtd. Marriott International Montgomery College The People's Community Baptist Church

INVESTOR - $1,500

Calvert Investments Family Services, Inc. MedImmune

MedStar Montgomery Medical Center Merrill Lynch PNC Della & Bill Robertson Sanford & Doris Slavin Foundation The Universities at Shady Grove


Ana G. Mendez University System Bank of Georgetown Barwood Transportation BB&T CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Danzansky-Goldberg Memorial Chapels, Inc. EagleBank Furey Doolan & Abell, LLP Interfaith Works Johns Hopkins University Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union Minkoff Development Corporation

Sternstein ('99) Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, Larry Gordon ('91) Smokey Glen Farm, Jim Sweet ('07) Social & Scientific Systems, Inc., Peggy Van Ness ('03) The Lutheran Church of St. Andrew, Greg Twombley ('10) The Music Center at Strathmore, Monica Hazangeles ('98) The Universities at Shady Grove, Stewart Edelstein ('03) Thomas Edison High School Total Wine and More, Ed Cooper ('08) Vamoose Bus Company/DC Trails Venture Works, Inc. VisArts Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Potomac Water Filtration Plant

As of 05/29/2012

NOVA Research Company Scheer Partners Snyder Cohn, PC Social & Scientific Systems, Inc. Suburban Hospital United Therapeutics Corporation Visionary Ophthalmology Larry & Paulette Walker

Wilma & Art Holmes Kathryn Sullivan Kolar Delegate Ben Kramer Colleen & Ron Luzier Tina Patterson W. Gregory Wims


FRIEND - $400

Vivian & Raymond Bass Chris Bruch John & Sheila Compton Mariana Cordier Kathy & Jeff Donohoe The Hon. Gail H. Ewing Dottie Fitzgerald Sheldon & Judy Grosberg Anna Hargrave & Jimmy Hernandez Mabrouka Hassanein Leigh & Peter Henry

Lee Development Group Sol & Dorothy Graham


Charles Atwell, Innovative Business Interiors Johns Hopkins University Catherine Meloy The National Center for Children & Families (NCCF)

Congratulations Leadership Montgomery Class of 2012! St. Luke’s House and Threshold Services United

Congratulates the Class of 2012 and recognizes its own graduates

Andrea Danko-Koenig ’01 Carol Shreve ‘11 Barrie Friedman ‘99 www.stlukeshouse.org 12 | LEADERSHIP MONTGOMERY 2012 ANNUAL REPORT

Established 1953

(301) 948-1518

www.SmokeyGlenFarm.com Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Leadership 100 Members Committed Leadership Montgomery Graduates, Board and Staff who choose to give each year above their yearly dues. Thanks to our special friends! Naomi D. Abrams ('11) Emanuel Alia ('02) Elaine Amir ('00) David H. Anderson ('05) Mahlon G. Anderson ('01) Charles H. Atwell ('06) John H. Axley, III ('08) Marilyn A. Bagel ('97) Marilyn A. Balcombe ('00) Lee Barnes ('00) Linna M. Barnes ('01) Lena S. Barnett ('05) Vivian G. Bass ('10) Nancy A. Becker ('04) Joshua L. Bokee ('09) Scot Browning ('11) Jean A. Casey ('05) Michael D. Citren ('11) Bradley H. Colton ('00) John G. Compton ('07) Edward R. Cooper ('08) Gene W. Counihan ('00)

Brenda Dancil-Jones ('08) Jacqueline E. Dennard ('10) Marvin R. Dickerson ('07) John J. Dillon ('94) Jeff D. Donohoe ('04) Shelley S. Ducker ('10) Jeanne H. Ellinport ('10) Dorothy M. Fitzgerald ('95) Edward F. Fones, Jr. ('04) Lorna P. Forde ('11) David G. Fout ('09) Eileen Frazier ('11) Robert J. Garagiola ('08) Trevor W. Garner ('05) Georgette W. Godwin ('04) Michael S. Gottlieb ('11) Solomon Graham ('03) Cheryl L. Green ('07) Sheldon I. Grosberg ('93) Avi M. Halpert ('10) Dennis Hansen ('09) Sara N. Harris ('90)

Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Mabrouka I. Hassanein ('11SLM) Robert E. Hebda ('98) Sylvia V. Henderson ('11) Barbara J. Henry ('04) Leigh H. Henry ('10) Charles F. Hess ('06) David A. Hill ('05) Peter M. Hodgson ('07) David B. Humpton ('92) Elizabeth S. Huntley ('10) Michael P. Jacobs ('09) Robert S. Jacobs ('10) Monica A. Jeffries Hazangeles ('98) Robert E. Jepson ('97) Betsy Johnson ('98) Clark A. Kendall ('08) Keith Levchenko ('08) Leslie S. Levine ('08) Debra L. Liverpool ('99) Michael L. Mael ('05)

Giuseppe A. Mastroeli ('09) Tracee A. Matthias ('08) Andrew J. Milisits ('08) Kenneth N. Nelson ('10) Esther B. Newman J. Manuel Ocasio ('11) N. Leslie Olson ('09) Barbara A. Ott ('07) Tina E. Patterson ('11) Sanjay Rai ('09) Graciela C. Rivera-Oven ('96) Terry W. Roberts ('11) William G. Robertson ('02) Mary F. Robinson ('10) David N. Rodich ('08) Michael D. Rosenbaum ('10) Catherine P. Roy ('06) Joan A. Schaffer ('10-SLM) David P. Shapiro ('09) Carol J. Shreve ('11) Stacy P. Silber ('11) Jeffrey Z. Slavin ('91)

Edward L. Snyder ('00) Ronald M. Stehlin ('10) Thomas J. Street ('11) Theresa Testoni ('09) Gregory L. Twombley ('10) Craig D. Uchida ('06) Marguerite R. Van Ness ('03) Larry E. Walker ('06) Muriel D. Ward ('04) Michelle E. Warmus Leetmaa ('11) Francine E. Waters ('05) Bradley L. Westpfahl ('97) Jean P. Whiddon ('09) Paula S. Widerlite ('05) Linda Z. Willard ('07-SLM) Daniel Willard, III ('07-SLM) Ronald M. Wolfsheimer ('93) John B. Wood ('08) Mitchell J. Wool ('09) Dana M. Young ('07) Kristie M. Zedler ('08)


FY '12 LEADERSHIP PARTNERS Diamond Level — $30,000

Platinum Level — $20,000

Gold Level — $15,000

Silver Level — $10,000

IBM Bronze Level — $7,500

Brass Level — $5,000

Financial Report July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011 Does not include In-Kind Receipts or Investment Income

Income Contributions $217,283 Tuition $186,006 Member Dues $50,910 Event Fees $18,749 Other Income $ 7,397 Total Income $480,345


Leadership Montgomery is completing 23 years and offering one of the most robust community leadership programs in the country with 2 full-time and 2 part-time staff and a parttime accountant. The staff has matured and grown and continually tries to find innovative ways of keeping the organization on a healthy financial footing with 100% customer satisfaction. This work could not be done without the continued support of contributors in the community who clearly see the value of the organization and the return for their investment.

Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Special Advertising Publication | June 2012


CLASS OF ‘12 Orlando M. Bullock, II

Thomasine Bannister

President/CEO Automated Resource Management Associates, Inc. 301-587-7077-x301 www.armainc.com


s Cell Leader (Asher Family), The People's Community Baptist Church s Outreach, National Advisory Board, National Finance Committee, Democratic National Committee s The People's Community Baptist Church Social Action Ministry, Bethesda Health and Rehabilitation Nursing Home s Montgomery County Inspector General Advisory Group

Helaine C. Barry

Vice President, Team Leader M&T Bank 240-632-7888 www.mtb.com


s s s s s s s s

Board, Corporate Volunteer Council Brain Tumor Society Hospice Caring St. Martin's Food Pantry St. John's Episcopal Church House of Ruth A Wider Circle Montgomery County Public Schools

Lynne M. Benzion

Associate Director Rockville Economic Development, Inc. 301-315-8096 www.RockvilleREDI.org


s National Philharmonic Chorale s Board, Tikvat Israel Synagogue s Board, Virginia Women's Chorus, UVA Alumni Association

Kathleen M. Boucher

Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Montgomery County Government 240-777-2593 www.montgomerycountymd.gov


s Treasurer; Co-Chair, Board of Social Witness & Open & Affirming Work Group, Christ Congregational Church- UCC

Richard R. Bowers, Jr.

Fire Chief Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Service 240-777-2435 www.mcfes.org


s Community Partnerships

Deborah Broder

Vice President, BSO Strathmore Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 301-581-5210 www.BSOmusic.org

David M.W. Denton

President/Owner SDSE, LCC 301-658-7237 www.sdsellc.com


s s s s s s

Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association National Defense Industrial Association The Charleston Defense Contractors Association The Gulf Coast Government Contractors Association Wounded Warrior

Susan J. Burkinshaw Owner Snap Fitness www.snapfitness.com


s Treasurer & Co-Chair, Health & Safety Committee & Northwest Cluster Coordinator, Montgomery County Council of PTAs s Chair, Health & Safety Committee, Northwest High School PTSA

Yinong Chong, PhD

Health Scientist National Center for Health Statistics/ Center for Disease Control 301-458-4145 www.cdc.gov


s Executive Director, Traditional Chinese Culture Institute s Board, Nightingale Initiative for Global Health

Keith J. Danos

Chief Financial Officer Jewish Foundation for Group Homes 240-283-6004 www.jfgh.org


s Special Needs Ministry, Blessed Sacrament Church s Board, Potomac Community Resources s Board, Maryland Association of Community Services

Eric A. Davis

Acting Director of School Performance for the Downcounty Consortium Montgomery County Public Schools 301-279-3100 www.montgomerycountyschoolsmd.org

Diann Dawson

Director, Office of Regional Operations, Administration of Children & U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 202-401-9277 | www.acf.hhs.gov


s Treasurer, Potomac Valley Section, National Council of Negro Women s Financial Partner/ Club Treasurer, RISE Investment Club s President, Whitley, Cotton, Taylor, Joyner Clan


Heidi S. Grolig

Executive Director Asbury Methodist Village 301-216-4021 www.Asbury.org


Board, Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce Preceptor- MHSA Students, The George Washington University Executive Mentor- MHSA Students, Georgetown University Board, Strathore Hall

Executive Director Friends of the Clinical Center 301-402-0193 www.focccharity.org


s Interpreter/Parent Counseling, Montgomery County Court Legal Services s Interpreter/Domestic Abuse Counseling, Ayuda Immigration Legal Services s Fundraiser, Special Love s Golf Coach, Wootton HS

Holly Jane M. Haliniewski

Rhonel A. Dimaranan

Director of Business Development Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union 301-944-1767 | www.mafcu.org

Visual Art Program & Education Manager Strathmore | 301-581-5125 www.strathmore.org

C. Marie Henderson


Executive Director Interfaith Works 301-319-1099 www.iworksmc.org

s Vice President of Finance, Corporate Volunteer Council of Montgomery County s Vice Chair of Membership & Retention, Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce s Vice President of Finance, Phillipine American Chamber of Commerce of DC s Chair, Golf Committee, Community Services for Autistic Adults & Children

George B. Dines, Jr.

Associate Chief Financial Officer Government Services Cluster 202-671-2202 www.dcps.dc.gov


s Stewardship Committee, Covenant Baptist Church of Christ

Anna Maria IzquierdoPorrera, PhD, M.D.

Care for Your Health Executive Director & Co-Founder 240-844-2552 www.care4yourhealth.org


s Chair, Board, Father Flanagan's Boys Town (DC) s Treasurer & Vice Chair, National Capital Area Cares s 100 Black Men of Washington, DC

Eric D. Gates

President Apex Home Loans, Inc. 301-610-5393


Mindi P. Jacobson, MPH Executive Director Future Link, Inc. 240-393-9443 www.myfuturelink.net



s Chair; Legislative Committee, & Past Pres., Board, Maryland Association of Mortgage Professionals s Co-Chair, Economic Development Committee, The Greater Bethesda Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce

Cindy A. Gibson

Chief of Staff Office of Councilmember Roger Berliner 240-777-7827 www.montgomerycountymd.gov


s Vice President, Programs, Pyle Middle School s Walt Whitman High School PTSA s Traffic Committee, Springfield Civic Association s Family Education Committee & Chair, Family Camp & Community Building, Congregation Beth El

Debbi L. Jarvis

Vice President, Corporate Citizenship & Social Responsibility Pepco 202-872-3358 www.pepcoholdings.com

Jeffrey A. Goldman

Vice President, Strategic Planning & Performance Kaiser Permanente 301-816-5821 www.kp.org


s Community Benefit Governance; Grant Making; Executive Director, Medicaid; Charitable Health Care Team, Kaiser Permanente-MAS s Healthy Montgomery Steering Committee

Latino Health Steering Committee Advisory Board, Welcome Back Center Community Participatory Research, Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County Granito de Arena s Board, Ideal Medical Practice


s s s s s s s s s

Resource Development; Board, United Way of the National Capital Area President, International Association of Business Communicators Communications Chair, Board, Capital Breast Care Center Executive Board, DC Police Foundation Board, Corporate Volunteer Council Board, Hands on Greater DC Cares Honorary Board, N. Street Village Board, Boys & Girls Club of Greater Washington Board, YMCA-Anthony Bowen Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

CLASS OF ‘12 Almina Khorakiwala

Leonard Mangiaracina

Vice President The Walker Marchant Group 202-466-6040 www.walkermarchant.com


Immediate Past President, Women's Information Network Communications Chair, Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee Planning Committee, Knock Out Abuse Against Women Young Professionals Host Committee, Sewall-Belmont House & Museum


s Chair, Board, First Tee Montgomery County s Board, Association of Corporate Growth

Zohreh Y. Movahed, PhD, PE

Joan D. Kleinman

District Director Office of Congressman Chris Van Hollen 301-424-3501 www.house.gov


s Co-Founder & Board, David & Dorothy Mulitz Davidson Scholarship Fund s Board, ADL (Anti-Defamation League) s Board, Kol Shalom

Karen A. Kullgren

Contributing Editor & Marketing Executive Washington Parent Magazine 301-294-4836 www.washingtonparent.com

Regulatory Services Group Leader Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission 301-206-8552 www.wsscwater.com


s PTA President, Ritchie Park Elementary School s National Committees, Water Environment Association s Iran Cultural & Educational Center s Professional Partner, Guatemala Project, Engineers without Borders, Johns Hopkins University s Activist, Women Study Group

Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Standard Supplies, Inc. 301-948-2690 www.standardsupplies.com

s Montgomery County Commission for Women s ESOL Instructor, Linkages to Learning

Director of Planning & Chief of Staff The Universities at Shady Grove 301-738-6323 www.shadygrove.umd.edu

Executive Director CollegeTracks, Inc. 301-986-4124 www.collegetracksusa.org


s Co-Chair, Human Relations Committee, & Chair, Guidance Advisory Committe, Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School s President, Westland Middle School PTA s Board, Friends of the Bethesda Library s Treasurer, Edgemoor Citizens Association

Susanna Nemes, PhD

Chief Executive Officer Social Solutions International, Inc. 301-774-0897 www.socialsolutions.biz


s Coordinator, Reunion Committee, Richard Montgomery HS Class of 1979 s Cancer Support Group Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Jonathan W. Powell

Senior Program Manager CACI 703-258-4735 www.caci.com

s President, Board, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Montgomery County s Board, Washington Adventist Hospital s Board, Maryland State Arts Council s Board, Montgomery Business Development Corporation s President, Board, Hispanic Business Foundation s Board, House of Ruth

Joyce L. Newmyer

President Washington Adventist Hospital 301-891-5651 www.adventisthealthcare.com


s s s s

Treasurer, IMPACT Silver Spring Board, Potomac Adventist Book & Bible Board, Greater Silver Spring Chamber of Commerce Board, Washington Adventist University

Attorney 202-447-3000 www.youthachieve.org


s Board, Montgomery County Revenue Authority s Board, Bethesda Lacrosse Association s Past President, Northern Virginia MCNA

Holli B. Rivera

President Intentional Philanthropy LLC 301-761-4433 www.intentionalphilanthropy.com

Director, Montgomery County Programs Junior Achievement of the National Capital Area 301-838-0470 www.ja.org


s Community Development Committee, The Greater BethesdaChevy Chase Chamber of Commerce s Partnership Committee, Rockville Chamber of Commerce s Election Judge, Montgomery County Board of Elections s Sandy Spring Garden Club s Volunteer Teacher, Montgomery County Public Schools

Beverly P. Valdez

Creative Director Social & Scientific Systems, Inc. 301-628-3126 www.s-3.com


s Co-Chair, Strive DC Project; Co-Chair, AIDS Quilt Project, Social & Scientific Systems

Lorna Virgili

President National Hispanic Communications Group 240-777-6535 www.NHCGmedia.com


s Board, Mead Family Foundation s Team Leader, Affinity Group, Council on Foundations s Small Group Leader, Montgomery County Church of Christ

Steven M. Rothenberg

President Talk of the Town 301-738-9500 www.tottevents.com


President, Board, Amusement Rental Business Association Alumni Chair, Board, Capital Camps & Retreat Center Board, Jewish Social Service Agency Assistant Coach, Rockville Football/ Rockville Baseball Business Networking International Board, B'nai Israel Congregation

Jon S. Rucker, Jr.

Director, Land Forces Systems Lockheed Martin Corporation 301-240-7295 www.lmco.com


s Catechist for Youth Program; Retreat Leader, St. Rose of Lima Church s Board, Encounter the Gospel of Life

Chair, Board, Montgomery County Victim Services Advisory Board Board, Ghandi Brigade sFounder, Youth Achieve Board, GapBuster Learning Center Board, The Barrie School 2nd Vice President, NAACP Montgomery County Officer, United States Navy Reserves

Chelsea R. Soneira



Neil A. Levine

Director, Office of Management & Mitigation U.S. Agency for Int'l Development 202-712-0121 www.usaid.gov

s Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Women’s Leadership Forum s The 21st Century Commission on the Future of Community Colleges, American Association of Community Colleges s Commission on Academic, Student, and Community Development s Presidents' Round Table, National Council of Black African American Affairs s Washington Higher Education Secretariat's Working Group on Persistence & Completion, American Association of Community Colleges s Board, Maryland Campus Compact s Board, Maryland Business Development Corporation s Board, Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce s Board, Universities of Shady Grove s Board, The Tech Council of Maryland s Board, IMPACT Silver Spring s Board, Strathmore s Advisory Board, O.P. Jindal Community College (India)

s Board, Montgomery County Workforce Investment Board s Montgomery College Construction Management Advisory Committee s Maryland Small Business Advisory Board


Nancy Leopold



s Montgomery County Workforce Investment Board s Planning Team, Pre K-20 Council (USG, MC & MCPS) s Citizens Advisory Board, Montgomery County Education/Training/Child Studies s MC Vision/Mission Task Force s Women in Business s Worship Chair & Heart Chair, Vale United Methodist Church

William C. Smith, Jr.

President Montgomery College 240-567-5264 www.montgomerycollege.edu

Deborah Murphy


Mary C. Lang

DeRionne P. Pollard, PhD

Vice President Merrill Lynch & Company 301-230-6656 www.ml.com


Board, Maryland Hispanic Business Conference Board, Latin American Advisory Group Board, Hispanic Lutheran Mission Society Board, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Montgomery County

Joan M. Weiss

Attorney/Mediator Law office of Joan M. Weiss 301-315-0840 www.asmarterdivorce.com


s Mentor, Bridges to Pals s Former Board, Collaborative Dispute Resolution Professionals

James A. Young

Vice President, Corporate Facilities, Services, & Real Estate Marriott International, Inc. 301-380-6071 www.marriott.com


s Bishop, 2nd Ward, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Washington DC s Vice President, North Bethesda Transportation Partnership



Frank R. Abbott '01 The Washington Post www.washpost.com Helen Abrahams

Gabriel I. Albornoz

'09 SLM

Montgomery County Department of Recreation 240-777-4968 '99


The Art of Polymer Clay 301-758-8898 www.franabrams.com Naomi D. Abrams, OTD

Chief Ergonomics Officer



Sam Abutaleb

Vice President


The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company 410-974-8352 www.whiting-turner.com Judy E. Ackerman, PhD


Vice President & Provost, Rockville Campus

Montgomery College 240-567-5010 www.montgomerycollege.edu

Satoko I. Ackerman 301-588-1063


Diane L. Adams, MD, MPH



Georgia Centers for Advanced Telecommunication Technology 301-570-0387 Guido Adelfio President


Bethesda Travel Center, LLC 301-656-1670 www.bethesdatravel.com Uma S. Ahluwalia Director


Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services 240-777-1198 www.montgomerycountymd.gov P. Case Aiken, II Attorney


Moses & Aiken, LLC 301-881-4860 www.caseyaiken.com Fred B. Ailes '95 717-352-2898 Larry A. Akman


The Akman Group 301-654-1675



Senior Vice President, Commercial Banking

Wachovia Bank, NA - A Wells Fargo Company 703-760-6369 www.wellsfargo.com

Anthony C. Alessi

Gordon A. Aoyagi


Vice President of Development

HMS Host Corp. 703-402-5531 www.hmshost.com Vanessa E. Ali


Barbara K. Angel

SLM = Senior Leadership Montgomery

Montgomery County Department of Recreation 240-777-6800 www.montgomerycountymd.gov/rec


Executive Director, Receivables Operations Manager,

NE Region, Treasury & Security Services JPMorgan CHASE 718-242-2605 www.jpmchase.com Louise L. Allentuck

'09 SLM

Community Outreach Liaison

Allentuck Landscaping Co. 301-515-1900 www.allentucklandscaping.com Philip R. Alperson BRAC Coordinator

Justice & Security Strategies, Inc. 301-535-1001


Marilyn A. Bagel


Marilyn Bagel, Writer

301-695-4656 www.marilynbagelwriter.com Ashlie Bagwell


Government Relations Consultant

Alexander & Cleaver LLC 410-974-9000 www.alexander-cleaver.com Hugh Bailey


Division of Workforce Services


League of Women Voters of the United States 202-263-1351 www.lwv.org

Montgomery County Department of Economic Development 240-777-2048 www.montgomerycountymd.gov

Christopher P. Arndt, Esq.

Marilyn A. Balcombe, PhD

Deputy Executive Director

All-U-Need Personnel 202-785-7341 www.alluneedpersonnel.com Emanuel Alia


Director of Homeland Security & Public Policy

Zaida Arguedas



Worksite Health & Safety Consultants 301-933-9675 www.workinjuryfree.com Stephen N. Abrams



Program Development Coordinator

Frances L. Abrams

Leadership Montgomery Graduate Directory

Principal Consultant


President & CEO

Washington Management Group 202-833-1120 www.washmg.com William H. Arnold

Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 301-840-140-0X15 www.ggchamber.org



Joanne Balkovich 301-299-2702

Marcher Consultants 703-734-0202x13 www.marcherconsultants.com Craig L. Arold


'09 SLM

Melissa C. Banach


Patient Concierge, Breast Health Service Unit


Howard County General Hospital 410-598-4876

Strategy & Business Development

Lenovo 301-240-5074

Sambhu N. Banik, PhD


Montgomery County Government 240-777-1000 www.montgomerycountymd.gov

Law Offices of William F. Askinazi, Esq., MBA

Sanford O. Ames, Jr. RCN 410-531-6251

Family Diagnostic & Therapeutic Center 202-342-3832 www.sbanik.net

Vanessa E. Atterbeary, Esq.

Attorney at Law

Elaine Amir


Executive Director

Johns Hopkins University, Montgomery County Campus 301-294-7004 www.mcc.jhu.edu President

'08 SLM

Always Something New 301-275-9445 www.fabulousjewelry.com David H. Anderson

Chief Operating Officer


Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. 301-961-6097 www.lerchearly.com

Glenn M. Anderson Attorney


Miller, Miller & Canby 301-762-5212 www.millermillercanby.com Mahlon G. Anderson


Managing Director, Public & Government Relations

AAA Mid-Atlantic 202-481-6820 www.aaamidatlantic.com



301-983-5110 www.askinazilaw.com Corporate Counsel


Beverly B. Anderson

William F. Askinazi, Esq., MBA


KRA Corporation 301-562-2331 www.kra.com Charles H. Atwell President



Aumazo, Inc. 301-272-5021 www.aumazo.org


QIAGEN, Inc. 240-686-7308 www.qiagen.com

John H. Axley, III Vice President

Monica Barberis-Young



Merrill Lynch & Company 301-230-6672 www.ml.com


Interfaith Works 301-315-1103 www.iworksmc.org President

Vice President of North American Operations


Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. 301-841-3827 http://www.lerchearly.com

Lee Barnes

James A. Auerbach '07 SLM Images by Jim Auerbach 301-871-9060 www.imagesbyjimauerbach.com


301-654-7825 Of counsel

Jacqueline T. Audige

Sean D. Augerson

Patricia S. Baptiste

Cynthia M. Bar

Innovative Business Interiors, Inc. 3015891-500-X103 www.ibi-inc.com Founder & CEO



Blue Star Group, Inc. 240-514-1204 www.barwoodinc.com Linna M. Barnes 301-654-7144 Lena S. Barnett

'01 '05

Attorney & Counselor at Law

Lena Barnett & Associates, LLC 301-654-2330 www.lenabarnett.com Patricia Colihan Barney Secretary-Treasurer


Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission 301-454-1537 www.mncppc.org Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Susan R. Baron


Robert G. Berger


Raymond D. Barry

Ronald Berger

Donna M. Bergstrom

Vivian G. Bass

Roger A. Berliner


Jewish Foundation for Group Homes 240-283-6023 www.jfgh.org Devin L. Battley

Battley Cycles & Battley Harley-Davidson, Inc. 240-364-2050 www.battley.com Kenneth W. Bauer


Erich Baumgartner 240-477-4916

'10 SLM

Toby Beach


Nancy A. Becker

United Communications Group 301-287-2233 www.ucg.com Bianca D. Beckham


Director of Foundation & Corporate Relations

Strathmore 301-581-5133 www.strathmore.org Sonia G. Beekman

'02 SLM



Features Reporter

'07 SLM

Michael J. Benefiel

'07 SLM

Mediator & Owner

Persuasive Information 301-929-5252 www.persuasiveinformation.com Thomas P. Bennett Executive Director


Corporate Facility Advisors, Inc. 954-923-6160 | www.corfac.com William E. Bennett, PhD 301-460-3969

'10 SLM


Divisional Vice President

The Brickman Group, Ltd. 443-766-1364 www.brickmangroup.com '94

Ring In Love 301-270-4089 www.ringinlove.com Special Advertising Publication | June 2012


Calvert L. Bowen, Jr. 410-730-4215



Creative Memories 301-229-1121 www.mycmsite.com/carolbowis

Jean Brady


Community Volunteer

'06 SLM

Washington Gas 703-750-5558 www.washingtongas.com


Producing Artistic Director

Adventure Theatre, Inc. 301-634-2261 www.adventuretheatre.org Sandra L. Bockhaus


Business Development Manager

Coverall Healthcare Systems 301-417-1415 Katey Boerner

Executive Director


Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts & Culture 301-634-2225 www.glenechopark.org Ellen C. Bogage President & CEO


'02 SLM

Susan G. Brickley Case


Senior Marketing Manager, Marketing & Communications

Johns Hopkins Medicine Andrew S. Bridge

Nicholas W. Brown


President & Chief Executive Officer


Vice President, Business Banking

EagleBank 301-738-9600 www.eaglebankcorp.com

'90 '01

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration 301-713-1706 x113

Maryland Public Service Commission www.psc.state.md.us/psc/index.htm Margaret A. Brenner

Prince George's Community College 301-583-5205 www.cmbd.biz

Resource Manager




Executive Director, Minority Business Development Center

Barbara A. Brown Edler

Director, Site Management


Carl E. Brown, Jr.

O. Robert Brown, Jr., PhD 301-770-6214


Lawrence Brenner

'06 SLM

Affinity Network Solutions, Inc. 301-562-7840 X7120 www.affinity-networks.com


James Blinkoff


Friends of the Library, Montgomery County 240-777-0020 www.folmc.org

Long & Foster Real Estate 202-364-1300 www.longandfoster.com

Independent Consultant

Marilyn A. Boyle


Real Estate Agent


Carol G. Bowis


Senior Risk Counsel

Ruby C. Brooks

Mary Jean Brady

Iris Design Associates 301-340-2242

The Potomac Almanac & Potomac Patch.com 301-469-0141


Karen-Ann Broe

Ari Z. Brooks


Daphne I. Bloomberg

'09 SLM

Stanley J. Botts


National Center for Children & Families 301-365-4480 X115 www.nccf-cares.org

Executive Director

Laura A. Blair

Michael J. Bobbitt

Susan C. Belford




APL2000 301-208-7150 www.apl2000.com

Ceceil C. Belong 301-384-0367


Frankie L. Blackburn 301-717-1800


Director of Sales & Marketing

Interfaith Minister

Howard N. Bernstein, MD Ophthalmology Practice 301-770-5252

Rex C. Bickmore


Chief Operating Officer & Vice President

SRA International, Inc. 410-228-1400 www.sra.com

Executive Director

United Educators 301-215-6401 www.ue.org

Magruder's Grocery 301-230-3000 X305 www.magruders.com

Social & Scientific Systems, Inc. 301-628-3045 | www.s-3.com



Bonnie J. Berger


Horace W. Bernton, MD 941-775-0993

Lenora L. Booth 410-402-2503 Gary C. Bortnick

Executive Vice President

Next Financial 301-681-1024

William Benoit

CentroNia 301-543-8040 www.centronia.org

Montgomery County Council 240-777-7828 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Vice President


Maryland Director


Kevin H. Beverly

Financial Consultant

Rosalba Bonilla-Acosta

LIA, Co.

Jeanne A. Bernard


President/Director of Happiness




Sheryl D. Brissett-Chapman, EdD

Montgomery County Humane Society 240-773-5971 www.mchumane.org

AFI Silver Theater and Cultural Center 301-495-6720 www.afi.com Chief Executive Officer


President & CEO




Deputy Director

Cris M. Bombaugh



Development Consultant

Allyson D. Browne


Patient Recruitment Specialist

National Institutes of Health 301-402-6417 Scot Browning President/CEO


Capital Bank 301-468-8848 www.capitalbankmd.com Dianne A. Bruce

Community Volunteer




Chesapeake Public Strategies 301-570-4852 www.chesapeakestrategies.com J. Michael Bogan '96 The Brickman Group, Ltd. 240-683-2019 www.brickmangroup.com Joshua L. Bokee


Director, Government Affairs (Montgomery & Frederick)

Comcast 301-294-7653 www.comcast.com


Christopher A. Bruch



Yvette F. Butler, M.D.


Executive Director

Paul H. Carlson

Donohoe Hospitality Services 202-625-8402 www.donohoehospitality.com

GapBuster Learning Center, Inc. 301-592-8652 www.gapbuster.org

Allison Bryant, PhD 240-453-9054


Joseph C. Bucci


Derrick A. Butts


Director of Marketing & Communications

Universities at Shady Grove 301-738-6356 www.shadygrove.umd.edu Cynthia M. Buddington

Montgomery County Commission on People with Disabilities 301-963-3606 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Vernice G. Buell

'08 SLM

Usa Bunnag, DDS

Adrianne L. Carr

Voice of America 202-203-4026 www.voanews.com/tvtoafrica '09

Strathmore 301-581-5190 www.strathmore.org

Smile on Wings, Inc. 301-896-0633 | www.smileonwings.org Michael W. Burgett, PhD 301-896-4034


'11 SLM


Senior Director of Accreditation Operations

Council on Accreditation 212-871-1796 www.coanet.org

Eileen M. Cackowski

Executive Director

Bryan J. Burke, PE '05 Millennium Resource Engineering, LLC 240-344-1510 www.mre-eng.com

Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism & Service 502-564-7420

Linda H. Burke

Vice President, Government & Community Relations


Executive Director


Chair, Health Services Management, & Professor of Health

George Washington University 202-994-5560 www.gwumc.edu David S. Burnett

Vice President - Tax


EnPro Industries, Inc. 704-731-1556 www.linkedin.com/pub/davidburnett/a/800/137 Joan W. Burns



301-588-4474 Lee J. Burstyn

'10 SLM


Weichert Realtors 301-656-2500 x156 www.LeeBurstyn.com Jeffrey J. Burton


Deputy Executive Director

Bethesda Urban Partnership, Inc. 301-215-6660 X123 www.bethesda.org Curtis L. Buser

Managing Director


The Carlyle Group 202-729-5301 www.carlyle.com Stephen Bush


Senior Vice President

Ohio Health 614-544-5918


Holy Cross Hospital 301-754-7841 www.holycrosshealth.org

Institute for Inclusion 301-871-4835 Robert E. Burke, PhD

Eileen Cahill

Wendy J. Calhoun


City of Charleston Fire Department 843-720-1981

George L. Child 301-963-2005


Charles I. Carter 301-924-2249

'08 SLM

Andrew S. Chod


Judith A. Carver


Minkoff Development Corporation 240-912-0200 www.minkoffdev.com

Stephen G. Carver 240-994-9236 Jean A. Casey



Circulation & Marketing Director

Margaret K. Campbell-Kotler

Manager, Office of Education


Mildred S. Cannon, PhD 301-593-9249 Juan M. Cardenas

'06 SLM


Director, Office of Communications

Montgomery County Public Schools 301-279-3106 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org William J. Carey, Jr.


Director of Donor & Community Relations

Strathmore 301-581-5135 | www.strathmore.org



Condie M. Clayton Rory S. Coakley






Garrett Park Elementary School 301-571-6920 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/garre ttparkes Nguyen Minh Chau


David M. Chavis, PhD Principal Associate/CEO

Charles M. Cochran, Jr.


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 301-296-5702 www.asha.org Donald K. Cochran 240-994-4932 Town Manager

864-944-2376 Principal


Rory S. Coakley Realty, Inc. 301-340-8700 X101 www.coakleyrealty.com

Jana S. Coe


Elaine L. Chang-Baxter


Chief Staff Officer for Operations


Cory S. Chambers

Defense & Veterans Brain Injury Center 240-821-1145


Public Safety Consultant

U.S. House of Representatives 202-226-6456 www.uscode.house.gov

'06 SLM

Judith A. Clark

Executive Director

Edward A. Clarke

Elliot C. Chabot

Americans for the Arts 202-712-2079 www.americansforthearts.org

ACECO, LLC 301-588-0707 www.acecoworld.com

Michael Cassidy

Senior Systems Analyst, House Information Resources



Women Who Care Ministries 301-963-8588 www.womenwhocareministries.org

Robert F. Cephas 301-593-4619


Michael D. Citren


Post Newsweek Media & The Gazette 301-670-2599 www.gazette.net

Senior Project Manager

Identity, Inc. 240-426-3920

Director of Membership

'09 SLM

The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company 240-297-3028 www.whiting-turner.com

Parent Involvement Coordinator

Theresa A. Cameron

Vice President

Montgomery College 240-567-5513 www.montgomerycollege.edu

Susan M. Castellan

Carolyn W. Camacho

Washingtonian Custom Media 202-862-3512


Walter R. Calvert, Esq.

Venable, LLP 410-244-7726 www.venable.com



Carole P. Carter 301-598-3741

TW Perry 240-364-0414 www.twperry.com




Visiting Professor, School of Medicine, & Adjunct Professor, School of

Clifford S. Chiet

Imagination Stage 301-280-1622 www.imaginationstage.org '94



Thomas W. Carr, Jr.

President & COO

Director of Human Resources

Rajiv K. Chawla

University of Maryland 410-448-6897 www.compmed.umm.edu

Program Director



First Congregational Church 802-862-5010 www.firstchurchburlington.org Chief

Vice President, Marketing & Communications


Consultant for Facilities Management

Alan M. Cheung, PharmD, MPH



Kenneth Chavis, Jr.

Organizational Coaching Associates 301-509-1133



Jennifer A. Buzzell



Christina M. Byrne, MSW


President & Founder

Renee P. Carlson


Television Manager Africa Division



Merrill Lynch & Company 301-230-6632 | www.ml.com

Continuums Corporation 301-370-0698 www.continuums.net Diane S. Butts


Financial Advisor, Associate Director, Metro Maryland

'06 SLM


Community Science 301-519-0722 X109 www.communityscience.com



Town of Chevy Chase View 301-949-9274 www.chevychaseview.org Anthony Cohen

Founder & President


The Menare Foundation 301-379-8898 www.buttonfarm.org Arnold S. Cohen, PhD



Pacific Northern Academy Scott M. Cohen President & CEO


Capitol Companies 301-699-1100 www.capitolsanitation.com Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Delores B. Cole 301-424-0127

Lee Cowen

'02 SLM

Carolyn I. Coleman, PhD

Senior Education Policy Advisor


U.S. Agency for International Development 202-712-0223 www.usaid.gov Irene B. Coleman 301-330-2785

'03 SLM

Gwyneth I. Collins

'09 SLM

Manager, Program Policy

'08 SLM

Independent Consultant


Bradley H. Colton


Strategic Projects and Sustainability in Global Operations Services

Marriott International, Inc. 301-380-1621 | www.marriott.com Carolyn D. Compton 301-572-8019

'06 SLM

George O. Compton 301-572-8019 John G. Compton

Amy W. David

Dutko Worldwide 202-484-4884 www.dutkoworldwide.com William A. Craig


Vice President, Business Development

Nolan Financial Group, Inc. 240-333-5122 www.nolanfinancialgroup.com Daniel C. Cramer


Vice President and Regional Executive

'06 SLM '07

Brett A. Crawford, PhD


Managing Director

Imagination Stage 301-280-1652 www.imaginationstage.org Wesley L. Creel

Bradford D. Crispell


Vice President, Regional Business Management

Covanta Energy 201-856-2917 x1 www.CovantaEnergy.com Sylvia W. Crowder, PhD

David A. Coolidge

U.S. Department of Education 202-502-7514 www.ed.gov/FIPSE

GeneDx, Inc. 301-519-2100 X101 | www.genedx.com '90


Deborah F. Cooper '98 The Frison Company 301-952-0111 Edward R. Cooper

Roger Dabbah, PhD


Vice President, Government & Community Relations

Total Wine and More 301-795-1000 X350 www.totalwine.com

Nivea Cordova Berrios



Michele Horwitz Cornwell

Vice President


Hispanic United of Maryland '98




Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission 301-977-5045 www.wsscwater.com Charles L. Covell, III President


Covell Communities, LLC 301-527-1400 www.covellcommunities.com Howard A. Covin


Dancil-Jones & Associates, Inc. 301-434-4606 www.dja-inc.com President


Gene W. Counihan

Bethesda Urban Partnership, Inc. 301-215-6660 X 22 www.bethesda.org

George Dang

Mary E. Cothran, PhD


Executive Director

President & Owner

BMC Property Group 301-767-2800 President

W. David Dabney


Deputy Director, Montgomery County Campus

Johns Hopkins University 301-294-7015 www.mcc.jhu.edu

Special Advertising Publication | June 2012



Brenda Dancil-Jones


Galo A. Correa, Sr.


Education Program Specialist

Fernando Cruz-Villalba 504-373-5678


Acacia Financial Advisors 301-881-9888 X108 www.acaciafinancialadvisors.com Han-Hoan D. Dang

Project Manager


DELTA Resources, Inc. 301-225-8541 Andrea L. Danko-Koenig Chief Administrative Officer


St. Luke's House, Inc. 301-493 4200 X298 www.stlukeshouse.com Marilyn C. D'Antuono

'07 SLM

Office Services Coordinator, Senior Nutrition Program

Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services 240-777-3810 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Lawrence J. Dark



Betsy L. Davis



Assistant Chief, Field Services

Montgomery County Department of Police 240-773-5041 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Deborah L. Davis



African American Chamber of Commerce 301-989-9112 www.aacc-mc.com John G. Davis


Paul H. Davis, Jr.


Senior Vice President of Physician Innovation & Integration/Chief

Jane de Winter, PhD


Community Leader

Elisabeth E. Deal

The People's Community Baptist Church 301-384-2601 X117 www.tpcbc.org

Joseph W. Devlin


Manager of Subcontracts

Lockheed Martin Transportation & Security Solutions 301-640-3105 www.lmco.com

Ranjit S. Dhindsa



President, Program Board

Maryland Leadership Workshops, Inc. 202-898-5806 www.mlw.org Andrea N. Dials


240-393-1303 www.janedewinter.org


Dials Communications 904-392-9669


Executive Director


Director, Social Action Ministry

Gelman, Rosenberg, & Freedman, CPAs 301-951-9090 www.grfcpa.com

910-947-1257 Gaurov Dayal, M.D.


Jacqueline E. Dennard

Walter H. Deyhle

'02 SLM


Beverly B. Denbo

Director, Tax & Business Valuation Department, Tax Partner

SSM Health Care 240-418-6529

Co-President & Scientific Director


New York Life Insurance Company 301-214-6600

Floyd E. Davis Company 202-296-5900 www.fedavis.com

Rockbridge Investments, LLC 301-907-3951

Rosalinda Delgado


IBM Corporation 303-773-5333 www.ibm.com/solutions/healthcare

Executive Vice President


Managing Partner


Vice President, Software Sales Western Region

Wexford Equities, LLC 410-579-3805

National Cancer Institute 301-435-3620 Naomi F. Collins, PhD


Senior Vice President

Marvin R. Dickerson


President & Chief Executive Officer

Olney Boys & Girls Community Sports 301-570-7049 www.obgc.com

Dickerson Technologies 301-353-8448 www.dickersontech.com

Marie W. Dean '07 SLM 301-253-6150 Luana M. Dean-Boone, Esq.

June G. Dickinson 301-365-0630



U.S. Department of Labor 202-693-6272 www.dol.gov Jimmie Lou DeBakey


Senior Development Officer for Volunteer Leadership

American Red Cross 202-303-4851 www.redcross.org

Susanne G. DeGraba Chief Financial Officer


Montgomery County Public Schools 301-279-7265 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org

Eileen M. Dillon


'03 SLM '01

Jerome S. & Grace H. Murray Foundation 301-577-2527 www.jgmurrayfoundation.org Gregory R. Dillon President


Dillon Development Partners, LLC 301-695-6955 www.dillonpartners.com Jack Dillon

'08 SLM

Tomorrow’s Leaders!

Family Services, Inc. is preparing the Leadership Montgomery Class of 2035 through our child development programs Child Development Fundamentals Effective Parenting Skills Tutoring and Mentoring Case Management Services

Parent Support Groups Enriched Childcare Health and Education Assessments Information and Resources

610 East Diamond Avenue, Suite 100 Gaithersburg, MD 20877-5323 301-840-2000 • 301-840-9621 fax www.fs-inc.org United Way #8098 • CFC #28943 • MD Charity Campaign #3190


John J. Dillon


Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor

David S. Duncan


Morgan Stanley Smith Barney 301-664-6874 www.fa.smithbarney.com/johndillon

Ferris, Baker Watts, Inc. 301-309-2630 www.fbw.com

Joseph J. DiPietro, Jr., CLU

Philippe J. Dupont, EdD

First Vice President


Alliance Insurance Services, Inc 301-263-6611 www.alliantinsurance.com Judith R. Docca, EdD


Board Member

Montgomery County Board of Education 301-279-3617 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org G. Diane Dodson 301-987-9338 Terri H. Dolan


Vice President, Dallas/Fort Worth, Regional Office

Marriott International, Inc. 972-244-5521 www.marriott.com Victoria L. Dolan-Sager


Chief Financial Officer, European & South Pacific Division

Colgate-Palmolive 004122-722-0712 Gary Donaldson 301-589-2233


Jeff D. Donohoe



The Donohoe Companies 202-625-4211 www.donohoe.com Devin J. Doolan



John J. Enzler

Arthur R. Dwight

Catholic Charities for the Archdiocese of Washington 202-772-4372 Donna N. Ersek


Valerie Ervin

One Decision, Inc. 904-885-2911 www.onedecision.com


Andrea Eaton '94 650-941-2120 '10

Vice President for Health Communications

NOVA Research Company 301-986-1891 X112 www.novaresearch.com Stewart L. Edelstein, PhD



Hertzbach & Company, P.A. 800-899-3633 www.hertzbach.com Brian K. Edwards Chief of Staff

Mary C. Egan-Boyle

Devin J. Doolan, Jr.

University of Maryland Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research 240-314-6244 www.umbi.umd.edu



Saul Ewing, LLP 410-332-8664 www.saul.com G. Stanley Doore

Meteorologist - Retired

'06 SLM

NOAA 301-572-4939

Michael J. Dorsey


Field Services Coordinator

Center for Construction Research & Training 202-756-4640 cpwrwebsite@cpwr.com Robert E. Dorsey Executive Director



Edward Eisenstein, PhD



Jeanne H. Ellinport



Ellinport Consulting 301-670-0770 www.ellinportconsulting.com Anthony Elliot

Lecturer in Theatre


Penn State - Erie (The Behrend College) 814-898-6279 Lucille L. Ellis, EdD



Montgomery Avenue Women's Center 301-424-5180

Bowie State 240-351-6331 www.ihaveagiftbasket4u.com

Shelley S. Ducker

Stephen P. Elmendorf


Director, Communications & Outreach

Consumer Healthcare Products Association 202-429-3528 www.chpa-info.org Timothy Dugan



Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, PA 301-230-5200 www.shulmanrogers.com Alan R. Duncan 301-482-0029


Partner & Attorney


Linowes and Blocher, LLP 301-961-5110 www.linowes-law.com Selma R. Emanuel 301-572-5808 John S. Emanuelson

'02 SLM '02

Vice President of Sales & Marketing

Travel-On Travel Management Company 240-387-4630 www.tvlon.com



Montgomery County Council 240-777-7938 www.montgomerycountymd.gov '09

Johns Hopkins University 301-315-2896 www.mcc.jhu.edu

Monica Escalante

Joseph A. Feuerherd


CFO / Vice President of Community Education and Outreach

Montgomery Hospice 301-921-4400 X190 www.montgomeryhospice.org '93



Steven M. Fine


Judith A. Fink 301-871-2712

'10 SLM

Deborah A. Finley, PhD


President & CEO

Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, PA 301-231-0956 www.shulmanrogers.com

Interactive Communication 215-477-0404

Thomas D. Evans, PhD

Robert Finzel '03 SLM 301-572-7956


Law Enforcement Consultant & Trainer

USATREX to U.S. State Department 301-986-1252 www.state.gov '09

Chevy Chase Land Company 301-654-2690 Barbara S. Faigen

'11 SLM

Vice President, DC Operations

Furey, Doolan & Abell, LLP 301-652-6880 www.fdalaw.com

Legislative Analyst

Communications Manager

Vice President, Public Affairs

Montgomery County Public Schools 301-279-3145 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org

Justina J. Ferber

Montgomery County Council 240-777-7960 www.montgomerycountymd.gov

Lisa M. Fadden



CEO, Livability Project, & Executive Director

Robin L. Ferrier



Universities at Shady Grove 301-738-6034 www.shadygrove.umd.edu Mark P. Edward, CPA, FCA


Glenn C. Etelson


Executive Director

David B. Feldman

Bethesda Green 240-396-2440 X101 www.livabilityproject.org


President & CEO


Keller Williams Realty 561-316-7445 President



Strategic Crossings

Realtor Consultant

Daniel S. Eckstein


David J. English, PhD

Senior Vice President, Investments

Gerber Tours, Inc. 301-983-3118 www.gerbertours.com Jane L. Fairweather


Coldwell Banker Real Estate 240-223-4000 www.janefairweather.com '97

Director, Addiction & Mental Health Center

Stella Serras Fiotes, AIA

National Institute of Standards and Technology 301-975-8836 www.nist.gov Audrey Fischer Partington

Lois Fishman, CFP, FPA

Fishman Financial Services 301-330-9455 www.fishmanfinancial.com


'08 SLM

'11 SLM

Museum Educator/Grant Reviewer: Maryland Humanities Comm/US Dept. of Education

Interpretive Services, Inc. 301-871-9254 '09

Montgomery County Office of Management & Budget 240-777-2768 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Michael Feinstein CEO


Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington 301-348-3701 www.jccgw.org


Certified Financial Planner & Senior Advisor

Frances M. Farrow

Budget Manager

'11 SLM

Library of Congress 202-707-0022 www.loc.gov

Vicki H. Fisk '91 619-435-4944

Beryl L. Feinberg


Chief Facilities Management Officer

Montgomery General Hospital 301-774-8803 www.montgomerygeneral.com

Amy Federman


Public Affairs Specialist

President, Jane Fairweather Team

Kent M. Fangboner

Domenick Fioravanti 904-379-9882

Dorothy M. Fitzgerald


Fitzgerald AutoMall 301-881-4000 www.fitzmall.com Michael P. Fitzgerald


President & Chief Executive Officer

Bank of Georgetown 202-355-1200 www.bankofgeorgetown.com Margaret Fitzgerald-Bare



Montgomery County Council 240-777-7924 Geary G. FitzPatrick

Executive Vice President


Impact Office Products 240-542-1330 www.impactofficepro.com Barbara J. Flack-Darko


Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Donald D. Flinn 502-848-0484 Bonnie Fogel


Mark E. Friis

Rodgers Consulting, Inc. 301-948-4700 www.rodgers.com


Founder & Executive Director

Imagination Stage 301-280-1699 www.imaginationstage.org David M. Fogel


Janis F. Froehlich


Edward F. Fones, Jr.


YMCA of Metropolitan Washington 202-797-4478 www.ymcawashdc.org '11

University Research Co., LLC 301-941-8426 www.urc-chs.com David G. Fout CEO/President


Aquilent, Inc. 301-939-1146 www.aquilent.com Partner

Rosenberg, Martin & Greenberg, LLP 410-727-6600 www.rosenbergmartin.com David Fraser-Hidalgo


Partner, Director Business Development

Marian M. Fryer

Joyce L. Fuhrmann


Vice President for Strategic Planning & Partnerships

Orion BioStrategies 301-520-8111



President & Chief Executive Officer


Jewish Federation of Greater Washington 301-230-7250 www.shalomdc.org

Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County 301-628-3410 www.primarycarecoalition.org

Jennifer B. Freedman

Thomas J. Gallagher, PhD


Director of Development

HHS Accounts Manager

CASA de Maryland 301-270-7471 www.casademaryland.org Colette S. Freeman, PhD 301-299-6004 Janice M. Freeman

'03 SLM


President & Chief Executive Officer



Office of Attorney General of Maryland 410-576-6311 www.oag.state.md.us

Barrie K. Friedman

Robert J. Garagiola

Program Director

St. Luke's House, Inc. 301-896-4235 www.stlukeshouse.com Barry A. Friedman Partner


Thompson, Hine, LLP 202-973-2789 www.thompsonhine.com Sharon E. Friedman



Mental Health Association of Montgomery County 301-424-0656 X510 www.mhamc.org

Special Advertising Publication | June 2012


Deputy Majority Leader and Senator, District 15

Maryland Senate 301-858-3169 www.mlis.state.md.us

Maria S. Garcia ESOL Counselor


Montgomery County Public Schools 301-840-6373 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org Trevor W. Garner



Business Banking Market Manager for Metro

M&T Bank 240-632-7834 www.mandtbank.com


E. Janice Ghenene

'08 SLM

Dianne L. Gilbert


Consultatn, Comcast


Elsa L. Giles, EdD

Attorney General

Georgette W. Godwin


President & Chief Executive Officer

'02 SLM


RSVP Advisory Council 301-891-6786 '10 SLM

Internship Coordinator

Johns Hopkins University 301-294-7046 Amy Ginsburg

CEO & President


Neediest Kids 703-377-0648 www.neediestkids.org Girma H. Giorgis

'10 SLM

International Deputy Director

African Aids Initiative International, Inc. 240-380-3429 Robert R. Giraldi


Senior Vice President, Group Manager

EagleBank 240-497-1672 www.eaglebankcorp.com Evan Glass Director


'11 SLM

Senior Analyst/Course Director

SAIC 301-762-1399 President

U.S. Office of Health Info Tech & Quality Health Resources & Services Admin 301-443-6760 ops:html://www.hrsa.gov/healthit/meaningfulus e/workshops.html

Pradeep Ganguly, PhD


Goulston & Storrs, P.C. 202-721-1141 www.goulstonstorrs.com

Barbara Goldberg Goldman

Thomas F. Barrett, Inc. 301-320-9300

Virginia A. Gilbert

Douglas F. Gansler


Solutions Engineer

Science Applications International Corporation 301-230-4710 www.saic.com

African American Chamber of Commerce 301-428-9715 www.aacc-mc.com '99


Public Health Analyst

Eileen Frazier


Ronald Goldberg


Miryam C. Gerdine

'03 SLM

Adventist HealthCare, Inc. 301-315-3473 www.adventisthealthcare.com

Albert J. Genetti, Jr.

Major General, USA, Retired

Archdiocese of Washington 301-204-1789 www.adw.org '93


Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce 301-738-0015 X208 www.montgomerycountychamber.com

Special Assistant for Development & Government Relations

Harold D. Gabel, MD 843-971-7829

Susan L. Glover

Senior Vice President, Chief Quality & Integrity Officer

Washington Adventist Hospital 301-424-8369


William L. George, SJ

Keith P. Funger '00 Saul Centers, Inc. 301-986-6172

Steven M. Galen

'08 SLM

Tookie Gentilcore

'08 SLM

'09 SLM


Robert H. Gelenter

Marian's Connections 301-942-5818 www.mariansconnections.com

Emily R. Glazer 301-589-0034

Sean W. Glynn

Indiggo Associates 240-314-0533 www.indiggoassociates.com

'02 SLM




Founding Partner

M&T Bank 240-632-7816 www.mandtbank.com

Melvin W. Gaines 301-890-8992

Chief Operating Officer

Carol Wilson Garvey, MD, MPH

Vice President, Health Policy

Janeen Gelbart


Sandglass Systems 301-942-8400 www.sandglass.com '11

Garson Claxton, LLC 301-280-2700 www.garsonlaw.com

Enos K. Fry

Maryam Funches '99


Managing Partner

Garvey Associates, Inc. 301-299-3431

Sheila B. Fullenbaum

Newton B. Fowler, III

Jack A. Garson

Montgomery County Department of Police 240-773-5634 Group Manager & Director

Volunteer Leadership Director

Contracts Officer

'10 SLM

Director, Volunteer Resource Section

Space 88 301-437-6652

Lorna P. Forde


President & Chief Executive Officer


Regal Domestics, Inc. 301-770-4995 www.regaldomesticsinc.com Bruce A. Goldensohn 301-869-2821

'09 SLM

Marjorie E. Goldman



Marjorie Goldman, CFRE 301-758-8888 Robert A. Goldman



Montgomery Housing Partnership 301-622-2400 X14 www.mhpartners.org Alan I. Goldstein


Senior Project Manager

AHC Inc. 703-486-0626 X116 www.ahcinc.org Jan Goldstein

Executive Director


Arts on the Block 240-645-0730 www.artsontheblock.com Steven Goldstein, PhD Chief of Staff


Office of Council Member Craig Rice 301-340-1961 Edgar A. Gonzalez


Deputy Director for Transportation Policy

Montgomery County Department of Transportation 240-777-7185 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Larry W. Gooch


Senior Director, Architecture & Construction

Marriott International, Inc. 949-471-8546 www.marriott.com Earl G. Goodlett 301-384-2104

'09 SLM

Reingold Inc. 202-333-0400


Joan B. Goodman, LCSW-C Clinical Social Worker


Stephen M. Green


Manager, Design & Construction

Joan Goodman & Associates, LLC 301-881-0433 www.adolescentselfinjuryfoundation.com

The Peterson Companies, LC 301-749-6700 www.petersoncos.com

William J. Goodwin

Michael Greenhut 301-774-3967


Program Manager

Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services 240-777-1892 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Constance H. Gordon, PhD

'03 SLM


Larry A. Gordon


Land Use Attorney

Michael S. Gottlieb





Briana M. Gowing 301-980-1049 Erin N. Grace

Exobox Technologies Corp. 713-625-7800 www.exobox.com '10

Conference & Visitors Bureau of MC, MD 240-777-2062 www.visitmontgomery.com Sheldon I. Grosberg

Garden of Remembrance Memorial Park 301-428-3000 X101 www.gardenofremembrance.org


Joe R. Grossnickel, Jr.

Senior Manager, Health IT

IBM Corporation 301-803-2851 www.ibm.com

Edward U. Graham, PhD

Peter J. Grzybinski



President/Chief Executive Officer

Quality Biological, Inc. 301-840-9331 X1026 www.qualitybiological.com '02

President, pepco Region

pepco 202-872-3251 www.pepco.com

Helene S. Granof 301-229-0762 GRI, Realtor

Weichert Realtors 301-718-4100 X136 www.jayniegrant.com Katherine H. Gray


Vice President, Commercial Banking Division




Green Resource Group, LLC 301-652-4353 www.greenresourcegroup.com '07

Montgomery County Correctional Facility 240-773-9747 www.montgomerycountymd.gov

Strategic Direction Advisors 240-731-8537


SNG Engineering, Inc. 301-548-0055 www.sngeng.com '92

United Therapeutics Corporation 240-821-1688 www.unither.com '99

Charles C. Han, PhD


Senior Managing Director

Linda R. Handy, PhD


Daniel F. Hayes

Potomac Ridge Behavioral Health System 301-980-6848 www.potomacridge.com Caroline V. Hanover


Senior Director, Human Resources, Europe

Human Genome Sciences International www.hgsi.com Dennis Hansen



Shady Grove Adventist Hospital 240-826-6472 www.adventisthealthcare.com Michael G. Hansen


Washington Gas 703-750-4733 www.washingtongas.com


Weichert Realtors 301-704-2925 www.margieheathhomes.com Robert E. Hebda


Associate General Counsel

Freddie Mac 703-903-2610 www.freddiemac.com

'03 SLM


AMH Tax Consultant, Inc. 301-253-5902 '97


JNH Consulting, LLC 703-978-8095



Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, PA 301-230-5210 www.shulmanrogers.com Barbara Harr, MLS, CFRE


Thomas E. Harr, MLS, MBA


'03 SLM


Deputy Election Director

Montgomery County Board of Elections 240-777-8522 www.777vote.org Milton D. Harrison



Janyce N. Hedetniemi

Edward M. Hanson, Jr.

Sara N. Harris

G. Donald Heath

Anna M. Hebron


James A. Harris, Jr. 301-948-1691


Griffin Holdings, LLC 610-205-6104

Educator & Clinical Therapist


Delivery Project Executive, Nat'l Security & Justice Application Innov.

IBM Corporation 301-803-1685 www.ibm.com

Patricia C. Heffelfinger


Executive Director

Maryland Soccer Foundation 301-528-1480 www.mdsoccerplex.org Joe A. Heiney-Gonzalez


Special Assistant to the Director

Montgomery County Office of Human Resources 240-777-5070 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Susan K. Heltemes '00 Heltemes & Company 301-589-3380 Sylvia V. Henderson


Founder & CEO

Springboard Training 301-260-1538 www.springboardtraining.com Barbara J. Henry Principal


Full Gamut Professional Services, LLC

Mabrouka I. Hassanein

BC & CM Specialist, Security & Crisis Management


Executive Director

Carma L. Hammuck 301-776-6798

Kevin B. Hailstock

Web Emerse LLC 301-946-5247 www.web-emerse.com

Susan L. Hawfield

Rebuilding Together Montgomery County 301-933-2700 www.RebuildingTogetherMC.org

Barbara M. Hart



Genesis Training and Development 304-538-7469


Montgomery Alliance for Community Giving 301-990-3005 www.montgomeryalliance.org

Joan M. Hairston


Family Services, Inc. 301-840-3202 www.familyservicesagency.org




Jack C. Hauber

Chief Executive Officer

Head, Global Corporate Affairs Excellence & Stakeholder Relations

President of Board


Cheryl L. Green, PhD


'09 SLM

Michael J. Gugerty, Esq.

Harriet Guttenberg


Robert L. Green

Georgia S. Guenther 301-681-7243

Sachchida N. Gupta, PE

PNC Bank 301-740-3008 www.pnc.com

Robert N. Gray 301-215-7657

Lockheed Martin Corporation 301-296-4448

AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP 302-886-5816 www.astrazeneca.com


Managing Director

Hansen and Associates 301-765-0075


Proposal Writer

George A. Guido

Deloitte 301-279-8974



Gugerty Law Office 240-426-8146 www.gugertylaw.com

'11 SLM

Jaynie M. Grant


Client Executive, Federal Systems Integrators

Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality 301-427-1580 www.ahrq.gov

Thomas H. Graham


Executive Director


Solomon Graham


Chief Executive Officer



Vice President, Corporate Real Estate

Montgomery County Department of Liquor Control 240-777-1922 www.montgomerycountymd.gov


Rosel Halle

Donald M. Hathway


Avi M. Halpert



Kelly R. Groff

Apatoff/Peters/Ebersohl, LLC 301-315-5825 www.apatoffpeters.com Michael J. Gough

George F. Griffin, Jr.

Floyd H. Griffith

Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, PA 301-230-6576 www.shulmanrogers.com

'09 SLM

Timothy E. Hall 301-657-5548

Leigh H. Henry Principal


Executive Director

'11 SLM

Learning Centers Management 301-972-6599 Robert T. Hastings, Jr.


Senior Vice President, Communications

Bell Helicopter Company 817-280-2650


BP Realty Investment Company 301-299-2099 Mitchell H. Herbets


President & Chief Executive Officer

Thales Communications, Inc. 240-864-7601 www.thalescomminc.com John W. Herbkersman

Manager, Communications


GE Capital Retailer Financial Services 203-357-3282 Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Charles F. Hess


Principal/Owner & Chief Executive Officer

Russell J. Holt



Maurice C. Hurst

Hess Construction + Engineering Services 301-670-9000 X4681 www.hessconstruction.com

Access Information, Inc. 301-528-8664 www.disabilityguide.org/

Meredith M. Higgins

Sharon A. Holt, PhD


Group Facilitator

Executive Director


Barbara A. Hill, PhD



Senior Associate, Center for International Initiatives

Gary C. Hong

Magdy B. Ibrahim


David A. Hill

Washington Gas 202-624-6033 www.washingtongas.com


Francene M. Hill



Edmund F. Hodge


Senior Executive Officer/Chief People Officer

Florida Hospital

Peter M. Hodgson, CPA Principal


Reznick Group, PC 301-280-2998 www.reznickgroup.com Susan R. Hoffmann

'92 '06



Hogan Lovells US LLP 202-637-5672 www.hhlaw.com Arthur Holmes, Jr.



Montgomery County Department of Transportation 240-777-7170 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Rhonda C. Holmes Deputy Director


Washington Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights & Urban Affairs 202-319-1000 X113 washlaw.org Wilma K. Holmes Principal


Flower Valley Elementary School 301-924-3135 www.mcps-Flower Valley Dwayne C. Holt Partner


Executive Director

Maryland Leadership Workshops, Inc. 301-527-8222 www.mlw.org '07


Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP 703-923-8585 www.bakertilly.com

Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Heidi M. Hsia, PhD


Independent Consultant

301-983-8643 Vivien Hsueh


'07 SLM

Chinese American Senior Services Association 301-530-4880 Jennifer A. Hughes


Special Assistant to the County Executive

Montgomery County Government 240-777-2515 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Elizabeth P. Hull


Area Administrator, DC/SM

Kaiser Permanente 301-929-7137 www.kp.org

Executive Vice President

Corporate Accounting Services, Inc. 301-983-2800 '08

Founding Partner

Indiggo Associates 240-314-0533 www.indiggoassociates.com '91

Academy for Educational Excellence 757-596-5297

Ginanne M. Italiano


President & CEO

Kenneth C. Jackson, Sr.



Associate Director of Public Engagement & Corporate Citizenship

MedImmune 301-398-5870 www.medimmune.com

'02 SLM

Associate Minister

Mount Calvary Baptist Church 301-424-8717 James W. Jacobs, Jr.


Vice President

Gaithersburg Equipment Company/Frederick Equipment Co. 301-670-9300 www.GaithersburgEquipment.com Lawrence S. Jacobs Partner



XML Financial Group 301-770-5234 X104 www.xmlfg.com

Trudy R. Jacobson

'10 '09

Chief Development & Marketing Officer

ARC of the U.S. 202-534-3741 www.thearc.org

Nancy L. Janssen 301-588-1488

Wayne M. Jerman '09 Assistant Chief; Chief, Field Services Division Montgomery County Department of Police 240-773-5061 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Betsy Johnson


Brian K. Johnson, EdD 240-499-8309 Bruce D. Johnson




Accelerated Growth Consulting 301-602-0448 www.wiredtogrow.com Dale M. Johnson Deceased


Donna M. Johnson


Post Newsweek Media & The Gazette 301-948-3120 www.gazette.net Georgia M. Johnson President


Johnson & Lawrence, Inc. 617-232-7266 Janie M. Johnson


President & Chief Executive Officer

Insurance & Investment Services, Inc. 843-423-0163 Mark A. Johnson President


Mark Johnson & Associates 301-253-3706 Pauline G. Johnson, Esq. 301-460-7858

McMillan Metro, PC 240-778-2330 www.mcmillanmetro.com

Robert S. Jacobs


Vice President, Human Resources

The Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce 301-652-4902 X203 www.bccchamber.org

Managing Partner

Montgomery Village Foundation, Inc. 301-948-0110 X322 www.montgomeryvillage.com Elizabeth S. Huntley


Marc Inzelstein


Adventist HealthCare, Inc. 301-315-3042 www.adventisthealthcare.com

Michael P. Jacobs, CFP

Marion H. Hull, PhD '95 Montgomery Community Media 301-384-9262 David B. Humpton

Silvio C. Imas

Victoria H. Jennings, PhD

Vice President, Government Relations & Public Policy

Montgomery County Board of Education 301-279-3617 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org President

Strathmore 301-530-0540 www.strathmore.org

Robert E. Jepson


Chief of Staff


Georgetown University Medical Center 202-687-1392 www.irh.org


Co-Founder & Director

'06 SLM


Roland Ikheloa

Monica A. Jeffries Hazangeles


Director, Institute for Reproductive Health

The MBI Group, Inc. 301-793-9154 www.mbigroup.net

Diane Ippolito

Doris N. Howard '06 SLM National Council of Negro Women, Inc. 301-598-4974 www.ncnw.org Dorothy D. Howze

Montgomery County Public Schools 301-315-7360 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org Steven P. Hollman

Ilaya R. Hopkins

Freddie Mac 703-918-5141 www.freddiemac.com

Montgomery County Department of Recreation 240-777-6962

Donna S. Hollingshead, EdD


CEO Business CafĂŠ 240-393-2090 www.ceobusinesscafe.com

Project Manager


Community Superintendent


Owner & General Manager

Julie A. Hoskyn

Manager of Special Projects

Hunter R. Hollar 540-833-1445

Doreen C. Hope

Regional Manager




G. Myrick Hopkins

BOSS: Business Owners of Silver Spring 301-641-0879 www.silverspringbusiness.com

Matthew G. Hussmann 202-544-1372 Albert A. Hutchison 301-696-2080



Maurice C. Hurst & Associates 301-384-3613

New Jersey Council for the Humanities 609-695-4838

American Council on Education 202-939-9414 www.acenet.edu

Independent Legal Consultant & Advocade

'07 SLM

Security Consulting

'09 SLM

Shelley A. Johnson


Shirley L. Johnson



Susan L. Johnson


'02 SLM

'08 SLM

Director of Customer Relations

Project Reboot, Capital PC User Group Trudye M. Johnson 706-645-9419


Annette E. Jolles, LCSW-C Clinical Social Work 301-469-9202 Alice G. Jones Owner

'11 SLM


AJ Designs 301-984-0588


Delois G. Jones

'03 SLM

Eta Iota Sigma Scholarship Chair

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. 301-460-5563 Diane R. Jones



Montgomery County Department of Planning Services 240-777-2561 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Kim C. Jones


Jones International 301-890-1857 www.internationalalliances.com Community Volunteer




Robert L. Jones '92 310-372-6201 Carolyn D. Jordan '11 SLM 301-587-8421 Craig S. Juengling



Juengling & Associates, LLC 225-757-1559 Margaret A. Jurgensen


Election Director

Montgomery County Board of Elections 240-777-8500 www.777vote.org Cheryl C. Kagan


Executive Director

Don S. Katzen

State Director

Identity, Inc. 301-963-5900 X12 www.identity-youth.org

Marketing Director

'03 SLM

Jennifer A. Kaye

Harkins Builders, Inc. 410-480-4277 www.harkinsbuilders.com

Rooftop Events, LLC 301-202-7663 rockvillerooftop.com Marie S. Keegin 304-754-7940

Suzanne H. Kim, DDS Owner


William C. Keller, CFA

Regional Investment Manager


Kensington Volunteer Fire Department 301-929-8000 www.kvfd.org Donald R. Kelly


Senior Pastor

Olive Branch Community Church 240-389-1037 Vonda B. Kemp


Systems Engineering Manager

Camille E. Kendall 301-469-5866

Anne R. Kaiser

Clark A. Kendall


Maryland House of Delegates 301-858-3380 www.mlis.state.md.us Esther Kaleko-Kravitz


Director of Service Excellence

Adventist Behavioral Health 301-838-4912 www.adventistbehavioralhealth.com Anthony J. Kamerick


Executive Vice President & Chief Regulatory Officer

Pepco Holdings, Inc. 202-872-2056 www.pepco.com

Popsy Kanagaratnam Advanced Analyst


Worldwide Performance & Innovation 301-528-1906 www.wpi.org

Mary D. Kane

President & CEO

Mansfield M. Kaseman Kaseman’s Consulting 240-481-0690

'07 SLM


William Kominers



Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. 301-841-3829 http://www.lerchearly.com Luann W. Korona


Chief, Community Development

Montgomery County Department of Housing & Community Affairs 240-777-3656 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Matthew R. Krafft


Senior Managing Director - Forensic & Litigation Consulting

Debra L. Kraft


Old Mutual Asset Management Trust Company 301-652-4467 Katha S. Kissman


Interim Leader & Organizational Development & Senior Board

BoardSource & Clinical Hypnotherapist 202-669-4423 www.kathakissman.com

Gayley F. Knight




Executive Director


Choral Arts Society of Washington 202-244-3669 www.choralarts.org Alan K. Kreger '08 SLM Montgomery County Commission on Aging 301-299-3847 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Judith S. Kreger 301-299-3847

'08 SLM

Chris A. Krinock-Davis 703-690-5877 Jane E. Kubasik


Montgomery County Business Roundtable for Education 301-279-7958 Karen F. Kuker-Kihl


Civic Activist/Consultant


Caroline M. Kursman

Terrence S. Kenny

K. Paul Knott

Manager, BioNetwork BioBusiness Center

Thomas L. Kwako


Market President, Washington/Baltimore Region

TD Bank 301-289-3577 www.yesbank.com Thomas E. Kettler Vice President


Sheila H. Khatri

Founder & President


Assistant Director, Division of Business Empowerment



Moti International 301-661-1003 Gene W. Kijowski

Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College 828-254-1921 X5844 www.ncbionetowrk.org Katie Knowlin

Kettler Forlines, Inc. 301-258-0980 X17 www.kettlerforlineshomes.com Melody T. Khalatbari Eaton




Mother Geek Productions, aka Business Her Way www.mothergeek.com

U.S. Department of Justice 202-445-9615

Sister Cities International 202-347-8630


Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services 240-777-4577 www.montgomerycountymd.gov/services/hhs/

Trial Attorney



Chief, Aging & Disability Services

Kathryn S. Kolar

Attorney & Community Volunteer

Mary J. Kirby

Corporate Director


Sutherland Consulting 214-691-7024

FTI Consulting 301-214-4150 www.fticonsulting.com

Jane Knaus '07 SLM Graphics by The Sea 301-604-4518 www.graphicsbythesea.com

Kendall Capital Management 301-838-9110 www.kendallcapital.com


Holy Cross Hospital 301-754-7025

Susan Kleinberg, PhD SBK Consulting 410-997-0727


John J. Kenney, DSW


Marilyn R. Kodish Sutherland

Division Administrative Assistant

Aileen Klein '10 SLM 301-762-4246

'07 SLM


Delegate, District 14, Chief Deputy Majority Whip

Helen D. Kinney


Deputy Fire Chief


Complete Family Dental Care 301-654-1100 www.bethesdadentist.com

Wells Fargo Private Bank 703-760-5381 A. Michael Kelley


Preconstruction Mgr., Employee Owner

Deborah C. Kahley Monument Bank 301-841-9509

John J. Kim


Managing Partner


Maryland Court Appointed Special Advocate Association 410-828-6761 www.marylandcasa.org

B'nai B'rith Senior Housing 301-774-4925 Shirley Kay, EdD

Independent Practice 301-656-5334

Edward T. Kilcullen, Jr.


Lockheed Martin Corporation 703-466-3212 www.lockheedmartin.com



Family Therapist/Career Counselor

Americans for Democratic Action Education Fund 202-785-5980 www.cherylkagan.org Marketing Officer

Anne J. Kilcullen

Senior Advisor to the Executive Director



Martha C. Jones

Candace A. Kattar

Educational Consultant


240-683-0625 Consultant


301-897-5592 Stella H. Kwan President


HCI, Hightech Consulting, Inc. 301-998-6113 www.hcimd.com

Montgomery County Department of Economic Development 240-777-2056 www.montgomerycountymd.gov

Peter M. Lafen

Martin E. Kobren

Oliver W. Lancaster, EdD '10 SLM African American Festival of Academic Excellenee 301-236-4742


Vice President, General Counsel & Chief Financial Officer

Unique Specialties, Inc. 410-309-1100 www.uniquespecialtiesinc.com



Long Branch Neighborhood Initiative 301-439-9709



Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

John S. Landesman


Philip L. Lee

Coordinator of Study Circles

Montgomery County Public Schools 301-279-3455 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/ studycircles Walter N. Lange 301-251-0869


Carla P. Larrick


Vice President of Operations, YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase

YMCA of Metropolitan Washington 301-530-3725 www.ymcawashdc.org Carmen O. Larsen

Sandra A. Lawrence


Assistant Vice President, Business Development

Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union 301-944-1753 www.mafcu.org Dong Phuong N. Le


Cultural Markets/Financial Services

New York Life Company 301-581-4131 www.newyorklife.com Erica A. Leatham, Esq. Of Counsel

Ballard Spahr, LLP 301-664-6254 www.ballardspahr.com N. Diane Leatherman Deceased

Benedict Lee

'02 SLM

Bruce H. Lee, RPA, GRI



Executive Director

SEEC 301-576-9000 www.seeconline.org Kien S. Lee, PhD

Principal Associate


Community Science 301-519-0722 X108 www.communityscience.com, www.senseofcommunity.com Special Advertising Publication | June 2012


Major Gifts Officer


Chief, Pre-Release & Reentry Services

Montgomery County Department of Correction & Rehabilitation 240-773-4262 Norman Locksley, PhD

'07 SLM

Chief Executive Officer

Pedrick Associates, LLC 202-541-0436 www.pedrickassociatesllc.com


Bruce A. Levine


Jeannie M. Lohmeyer, RN 301-854-4960

Vice President, COO



CapStar Commercial Realty 301-738-7777 X114 www.capstarco.com Wilma I. Linares

Len Maenza

General Manager

David W. Magill

Delores Lincoln-Willis 301-589-6582

Nancy Aliquo Long, JD

'06 SLM


Competitive Power Ventures, Inc. 240-723-2306 www.cpv.com

'99 '91

William J. Mahoney 301-586-1565 Charles A. Maier

'02 SLM



Mid-County Government Center

Maier & Warner Public Relations 301-424-4141 www.maierwarnerpr.com

Alan C. Lovell, PhD

Nabil A. Makar

Chief Executive Officer


CHI Centers, Inc. 301-445-3350 www.chicenters.org Marsha R. Luce 301-279-1279

TransCen, Inc. 301-424-2002 X230 www.transcen.org



'09 SLM

301-949-9466 Sako Maki, MSW, MPA

'02 SLM

Richard G. Luecking




Chelsea Property Group 703-737-3077 X1

Ana R. Lopez van Balen, LCSW




Vice President



Washington National Opera 202-416-7807 www.kennedy-center.org/wno

Regional Director

LIPAM International, Inc. 301-913-0204 www.Stage2.com John P. Lin

Michael L. Mael


Thomas J. Long, PhD



Executive Director

The Catholic University of America 202-319-5809 www.cua.edu


Lewis Limited, LLC 703-564-7725 www.lewislimited.com Phyllis Lieberman



Resa D. Levy '99 Financial & Community Resource Development 301-924-9140

Post Newsweek Media & The Gazette 301-670-2080 www.gazette.net

Montgomery College 240-567-5274 www.montgomerycollege.edu

Brian T. Long '93 LongView Resources 303-453-9797 Retired



Chief Government Relations Officer

Alvina E. Long '02 Mercy Health Clinic 301-972-9600

Eugenia M. Long

Charles A. Lyons

Susan Cottle Madden

Montgomery Consulting, LLC 301-854-4970

InvisiTrack, Inc. www.invisitrack.com

HR Solutions, Inc. 301-765-6285

Maryland Senate 301-858-3137 www.mlis.state.md.us

'08 SLM



Founder and President

District 18, Montgomery County

Gloria B. Levin 301-320-5068

J Street Consulting, LLC 301-529-8469 www.jstreetconsulting.com

Colleen Luzier

Richard S. Madaleno, Jr.

Hughes Network Systems 301-548-1160 www.hns.com President

PMM Companies 301-258-9151 www.pmmcompanies.com

John H. Macklin 301-384-4199


Douglas E. Lohmeyer


The Nasdaq OMX Group, Inc. 301-978-8492

Planning & Development Consultant

Assistant Vice President

Steve D. Lustig


Lilliam L. Machado


Michael S. Lohman

Riderwood Village Retirement Community 301-572-8492 www.ericksoncommunities.com

Office of the General Counsel

Berman Ventures 301-774-2966

Laura S. Levengard '10 Starpower Fitness, LLC 301-603-7668



Debra L. Liverpool

Charles R. Loehr


Geoffrey P. Lewis

Asian American Political Alliance 301-774-2474 www.henryleedds.com Karen J. Lee


Marcia Levy '99 703-527-8721

LDG Inc. 301-585-7000 X21 www.leedg.com Board Member

'03 SLM

Senior Legislative Analyst

Leslie S. Levine


Henry Y. Lee, DDS, PA


Chairman, Board of Directors

'02 SLM


Keith Levchenko



Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority 703-417-8746 www.mwaa.com

Stefan F. LoBuglio, EdD

Darryl J. Lesesne, CBA, CFSA

Montgomery County Council 240-777-7944 www.montgomerycountymd.gov



American Red Cross, National Capital Region 703-584-8440

Calvert Investments 301-657-7047 www.calvert.com

Vice President of Administration


'03 SLM

Director of Corporate Communications

Gateway 913-339-9024

Glen M. Lazovick



Assistant Executive Director

Manager, Governmental Affairs

Min Leong '04 410-544-1676

Elizabeth A. LeVaca

Lassiter Associates 240-235-5045 www.lassiterassociates.org

Ellyn Lederer

Judith L. Leitner, EdD 301-652-7523

Patricia K. Lesnick, EdD 301-565-4684



Marilyn Thomas Leist, EdD 240-499-9030

Bo Lundh

'02 SLM

Deborah S. Lipman

District of Columbia Courts 202-879-1783

AQUAS, Inc. 301-654-4000 www.aquasinc.com Valeria Lassiter


Results Leadership Group, LLC 202-312-7120 www.resultsleadership.org

Chief Auditor



Jean D. Linehan




Roberta A. Mancini J. Thomas Manger Chief


'11 SLM '06

Montgomery County Department of Police 240-773-5005 www.montgomerycountymd.gov


James F. Mannarino


President & Publisher

Sandra B. Mayo, EdD 410-266-6093

The Gazette 301-670-2648 www.gazette.net

Edward R. McCain

Susan M. Mannina

'03 SLM '93

Maureen W. McCarthy




Long and Foster Realtors 301-975-9500

Snyder Cohn 301-652-6700 www.snydercohn.com

Sally S. Marchessault 301-869-0090

Barbara S. McCreedy 703-538-4568


John W. McCutcheon



M. Elliot Margolis

'97 '11 SLM

Vice Chair, Board

Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union 301-840-0599 www.mafcu.org Leslie Y. Marks


Senior Fellow

County Executive’s Office of Community Partnership 240-631-2577 lifeechoes.net Peter C. Marks


Vice President, Education Non-Depository Programs

Conference of State Bank Supervisors 202-296-2840 www.csbs.org James T. Marrinan 301-340-1325 Lee C. Marsteller

'02 SLM

J. Alberto Martinez, M.D. Owner


Visionary Ophthalmology 301-896-0540 www.myeyesurgeon.com '00

Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services 240-777-1864 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Giuseppe A. Mastroeli


Montgomery County Business Banking Regional Manager

M&T Bank 240-632-7841 www.mtb.com

'09 SLM

Lisa McKillop '90 Hospice Caring, Inc. 301-854-0771

Elizabeth A. Mead

Mead Family Foundation 301-570-3013 '05




Montgomery County Upcounty Regional Services Center 240-777-8040 www.montgomerycountymd.gov/upcounty Tracee A. Matthias



Montgomery College - EOC 240-567-5641 www.montgomerycollege.edu/admissions/mce oc '06 SLM

James W. Mayo, PhD 410-266-6093


Senior Legislative Analyst

Montgomery County Council 240-777-7943 www.montgomerycountymd.gov '03 SLM

Andrew J. Milisits


Managing Partner

Executive Director

Montgomery County Revenue Authority 301-762-9080 www.montgomerycountygolf.com

Menke Scientific, Ltd. 301-407-2224 www.menkescientific.com '02 SLM

Menke Scientific, Ltd. 301-407-2224 www.menkescientific.com

Karen L. Mitchell

Dee C. Metz


Office of the County Executive 240-777-2510 www.montgomerycountymd.gov John R. Metz Attorney


Universities at Shady Grove 301-738-6319 www.shadygrove.umd.edu Kathleen A. Mitchell


Clarksburg Ombudsman, Office of the County Executive

Montgomery County Government 240-543-6175 www.montgomerycountymd.gov '06 SLM

Britta M. Monaco


City of Gaithersburg 301-258-6310 www.gaithersburgmd.gov Frank W. Mondell, Jr.


President & Chief Executive Officer

The Williamson Group, Inc. 301-545-1171

Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. 301-996-2297 www.lerchearly.com '11 SLM

Raquel D. Montenegro


Ballard Spahr, LLP 301-664-6200

J. Henry Montes, MPH JHM Consultation 301-762-1103


Bank of America 202-442-7472 www.bankofamerica.com

Marilyn T. Mower

'08 SLM


James G. Muir, III


Assistant Vice President, Administration

Hughes Network Systems 301-428-5829 www.hns.com Tracy E. Mulligan

'08 SLM

Nhora Barrera Murphy President


The Media Network, Inc. 301-565-0770 www.themedianetwork.com Thomas D. Murphy '05 President, Community Banking EagleBank 240-497-2042 www.eaglebankcorp.com Gareth E. MurrayMDiv., PhD G.E. Murray & Associates 410-260-4519 www.mhec.state.md.us



Associate Director for Community Development

MedStar Montgomery General Center 301-774-8771 www.montgomerygeneral.com



Meredith J. Myers, MSW


Real Estate Business Development & Government Affairs Specialist


Our Lady of Good Counsel High School 240-283-3250 www.olgchs.org

Eugene & Agnes E. Meyer Foundation 202-552-7465 www.meyerfoundation.org

Chief Executive Officer

White Flint Implementation Coordinator


Director of Programs & Communications

Director of Administrative & Financial Services

Peter W. Monge

Director of Annual Giving

Rick Moyers

Bobby L. Mills '96 Alliance Business Services 301-431-3041

Director, Department of Community & Public Relations


William M. Mooney, Jr.

Director, Global Government Division

John L. Menke

'02 SLM

Law Offices of Donald Mooers, LLC 301-652-4488 www.Mooers.net

Oliver M. Moss




Maricela Moreno '94 National Hispanic Health Coalition

AITHERAS, LLC 301-306-9702 www.aitheras.com Keith R. Miller

Donald L. Mooers, Jr.


Charles A. Moose, PhD 808-689-6667

'10 SLM

Patricia A. Moles

Elizabeth A. Meyer 301-320-8189


'10 SLM

E Com Communications 503-588-6924 www.ecomcommunications.com


Catherine E. Matthews



President & Treasurer

Mary E. Menke

M. Cristina Maya 240-888-0578

'97 '06 SLM

Walter S. McKee 301-340-1212

Lora D. Meisner

Diversity Outreach Coordinator

Nancy C. May 301-681-5029

Nancy E. McIntyre 301-340-3032

Freedom Bank of VA 703-667-4168

MaeWanda L. Michael-Jackson 301-384-1146

Mike Michaelson 301-916-1046


Senior Vice President, Government Contracting Group

FranQulits 703-841-3213 www.franquilts.com

John G. Miers

Anne C. Mead '05 Partner Linowes and Blocher, LLP 301-961-5127 www.linowes-law.com

Aercrete Systems, LLC 301-363-4663 www.aercretesystems.com

Luis G. Martinez

GEICO 301-986-3371 www.geico.com

Janice D. McDonald 843-236-7799

Gregory L. Montgomery


Business Owner

Marlene L. Michaelson

Vice President for Underwriting & Project Management

Douglas B. McNeeley '92

Managing Member

Francine H. Meyer

Family Services, Inc. 301-840-3231 www.fs-inc.org Gail R. Nachman 301-770-6228 Frances S. Nam


'09 SLM

Christyne Nasbe President

'92 '07 '96

Small Business Success, Inc. 301-670-6140 www.smallbusinesssos.com

'03 SLM


Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Nancy Navarro

Charlene R. Nunley, PhD


Vice President


Program Director & Professor

Montgomery County Council 240-777-7900

University of Maryland, University College 301-452-4008

Herbert Nechin, PhD

J. Manuel Ocasio

'06 SLM


Kenneth N. Nelson



Seneca Community Church 301-869-9326 www.senecachurch.org Michael S. Nelson


Executive Vice President & CEO

National Association of Enrolled Agents 202-822-6232 X101 www.naea.org Sonya A. Nelson


Director of Human Resources

Comcast www.comcast.com

'07 SLM '11

Director, Communications/Community Relations

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission 301-206-8188 www.wsscwater.com Carol L. Nevins

Holy Cross Hospital 301-754-7051 www.holycrosshealth.org Richard A. O'Connell



Vistage International, Inc. 301-320-2876 www.vistage.com Jerry R. O'Conor, Esq.

O'Conor & Co., LLC 703-948-9009 www.OConorLaw.com


Managing Director, Greater Maryland Complex

Merrill Lynch & Company 301-230-6600 www.ml.com

Barbara A. Newland '95 Community Volunteer 301-926-5922 Robert D. Newsome


Director of Outreach & State Relations



The Mental Health Association of Montgomery County Kenneth A. Oldham, Jr. President


National Philharmonic 301-493-9283 X112 www.nationalphilharmonic.org Carren S. Oler

Attorney at Law


Oler & Associates, PC 301-838-3005 Carol M. Olmstead


National Association of Independent Colleges & Universities 202-785-8866 www.naicu.edu

Feng Shui for Real Life 505-690-1814 www.fengshuiforreallife.com

Tony Nguy

N. Leslie Olson


Vice President & Branch Manager

HSBC 301-693-4984 www.HSBCUSA.com An N. Nguyen

'08 SLM

Vietnamese Outreach Coordinator

The Senior Connection 301-962-0820 www.seniorconnectionmc.org


U.S. Coast Guard 202-226-7170 www.uscg.mil



SVN Marketing, LLC 301-588-6430 www.svnmarketing.com Barbara I. Norland

Assistant Vice President

Chevy Chase Land Company 301-654-2690 www.cclandco.com '10 SLM


Onder Communications 301-367-7023 Patrick L. O'Neil


Senior Librarian, Building Projects

DC Public Library 202-727-2936 www.dclibrary.org

Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Heidi A. Onkst



Senior Director of Development for the Performing Arts

University of Maryland, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center 301-314-2684 www.claricesmithcenter.umd.edu

Karen A. Orlansky


Director, Legislative & Public Affairs

Housing Opportunities Commission 240-773-9159 www.hocmc.org

Carlos E. Ostria


Loiederman Soltesz Associates, Inc. 301-948-2750 www.lsassociates.net Cindy E. Ostrowski


Director, Office of Legislative Oversight

Montgomery County Council 240-777-7996 www.montgomerycountymd.gov



YMCA Youth & Family Services 301-587-1382 www.ymcawashdc.org Cesar E. Palacios, MD, MPH Executive Director


Proyecto Salud Clinic 301-962-6173 X308 www.proyectosalud.org Melissa I. Pappas

Athena Consulting 301-216-9654 www.athenaconsultingllc.com William T. Pappert

The United Methodist Church 202-488-5625 www.umc-gbcs.org Dianne D. Pearce 301-871-0744


Margaret C. Pearson


St. Luke's House, Inc. 301-299-1845 Maria E. Pena Faustino

Transition Assistant

Steven A. Pereira


Organization Development Consultant

Kaiser Permanente 301-816-6113 www.kp.org

Denise M. Perry 305-623-3000


Sondra H. Peskoe

Suburban Hospital 301-896-2700 www.suburbanhospital.org

Donell Peterman


Joseph D. Petti

Parsons & Associates 301-503-0697

R. Scott Pastrick






Robert A. Partington 301-774-0441

Sharon F. Peters


Independent Consultant

Zippy Shell USA, LLC 240-790-0290 www.zippyshell.com President

The Joshua Group Ministries 301-587-1621 X11 www.tjgm.org

Nancy E. Petrisko



Adventist HealthCare, Inc. 301-315-3677 www.adventisthealthcare.com

Edmund R. Peters 561-842-3862


Richard N. Parsons


Executive Director, Center on Health Disparities

Dennis L. Parnell

Senior Vice President, Human Resources

'11 SLM


BKSH Worldwide 202-530-0500 www.bksh.com


Vice President of Healthcare Solutions

PROTEUS Technologies 410-978-3346 Tuan Q. Pham

President & Chief Executive Officer


Certified Mediator &Training Specialist

Diversity Solutions, Inc. 703-354-3322 David E. Phillips


Associate Dean for the Arts

Montgomery College 240-567-5417 www.artsinstitute.montgomerycollege.edu

Barbara Patigalia 301-424-7282

'11 SLM

Denise Phillips 918-728-8407

'03 SLM

Tina E. Patterson 301-832-2239


Robert Phillips


Jann E. Paul '92 317-573-0720


Montgomery County Public Schools 301-840-0802 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org


Merrill Lynch & Company 301-215-4427 www.fa.ml.com/pappert

'11 SLM


First VP-Investments,Wealth Management Advisor

C. Javier Parraga


Chief Financial Officer, General Board of Church & Society

Marcos L. Pesquera




Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. 301-657-0738 www.lerchearly.com

Lieutenant & Congressional Fellow

Susan V. Nickbarg



Chau Nguyen '05 Moonlight Group, LLC 703-812-8205 Benjamin L. Nicholson

Certified Feng Shui Practitioner

James Onder, PhD

Tedi S. Osias

Barbara A. Ott

Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP 703-923-8608 www.bakertilly.com Project Consultant

Montgomery County Council 240-777-7936 www.montgomerycountymd.gov

Executive Director

Regional Managing Partner, East Region

Jacqueline H. Ogg

Wesley E. Paulson


Deputy Staff Director

Senior Vice President & General Manager


Attorney at Law

R. Edwin Offterdinger

Umberto Neri, PhD 301-588-6968 James J. Neustadt


Vice President, Human Resources

Glenn S. Orlin, PhD


California Tortilla Group, Inc. 301-545-0035 www.californiatortilla.com Russell L. Phillips, CPA Principal


Reznick Group, PC 301-280-3578 www.reznickgroup.com


Donna Phillips Mason '11 SLM Consultant, Aging & Caregiving Issues Marylin Pierre Attorney at Law


Pierre & Associates, Attorneys & Counselors at Law 301-279-9020 www.Attnorney-Pierre.com Hercules Pinkney, EdD President Emeritus


Arlington County Department of Human Services 703-228-1779 Linda M. Plummer


Realtor Associate

Remax Realty Services 240-403-0400 www.lindaplummerhomes.com

Gregory A. Prince, DDS, PhD Chief Executive Officer

'11 SLM

John Q. Porter, Esq.

Bethany Portner


Transformations: Improving Lives by Design 301-279-7242 Michele R. Potter


Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture

City of Gaithersburg 301-258-6350 X116 www.gaithersburgmd.gov Donald E. Praisner


'02 SLM

Deborah E. Preston, PhD Dean for the Arts


Montgomery College 240-567-5031 www.montgomerycollege.edu Joseph R. Price Chief


Leesburg Police Department 703-771-4500 www.leesburgva.gov Kelly M. Price


Vice President, Retail Asset & Property Management

The Peterson Companies 703-227-2000 www.petersoncos.com

Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. 301-657-0747 www.lerchearly.com Daniel M. Robinson 202-457-4272


Leonard L. Proctor, SC, USN Ret. 301-949-1074


'07 SLM


Sugarplum Tent Company 301-869-2054 www.sugarplumtents.com David M. Richman

Office of the County Executive 240-777-2524

Joseph R. Robinson, MD

'02 SLM

Robert P. Quinn, CLU


Financial Representative


Managing Member

GenCounsel-Metro, LLC 240-482-3597 gencounselnow.com Carol D. Rieg

Montgomery College 240-567-7711 www.montgomerycollege.edu

Catalyst Health Solutions 240-268-5833 www.catalysthealthsolutions.com

'07 SLM

Shady Grove Adventist Hospital 301-610-6385 www.adventisthealthcare.com Patricia A. Ritter, PhD


Montgomery Parks Foundation 301-495-2490 Thomas L. Ransom

Paul R. Rivera, Esq.


County Executive/Senior Vice President

BB&T 301-347-4107 www.BBandT.com



Career & Life Coach

561-573-1900 www.virginiarebata.com

Senior Pastor

'10 SLM

Elsie Love Reid, Esq. Managing Partner


Furey, Doolan & Abell, LLP 301-652-6880 www.fdalaw.com Doris B. Reinhart





Senior Vice President, Real Estate Banking

Sandy Spring Bank 301-774-6400 X6916



The RKtects Studio, Inc. 301-657-7820 X12 www.rktects.net '94

The JayBrit Group, Inc. 240-603-9519 George B. Rose



NPower Greater DC Region 202-234-9670 X4 www.npowergcr.org

Justine D. Robertson

Fitzgerald AutoMall 301-881-0058 www.fitzmall.com Brian M. Rosen


Chief Operating Officer


Gabriel Romero


Vice President, Customer Relations

Carolyn M. Roberts

Terry W. Roberts


Lorraine A. Rogstad 301-299-9117

President & CEO


Josephine S. Roberts 202-635-2183

New Creation Church 301-649-6000


SEIU Local 500, CTW 301-740-7100 www.seiu500.org

Gerald J. Roper


Graciela C. Rivera-Oven

Virginia P. Rebata

Ella V. Redfield


Attorney at Law

Capacity Partners, Inc. 240-462-5151 www.capacitypartners.com

Executive Director

The Treatment & Learning Centers 301-424-5200 X153 www.ttlc.org

Executive Director



David N. Rodich

Executive Director



City of Scottsdale Police Department 480-312-1900 www.scottsdaleaz.gov

Bentley Systems, Inc. 301-379-6397 www.bentley.com



Executive Director Accounting/Corporate Controller

Mary F. Robinson

Alan G. Rodbell


Kenton L. Rippetoe


Joseph R. Robinson, MD, PC 301-670-4633

Chief of Police

Corporate Foundation Officer


Debra H. Rankin

Montgomery County Public Libraries 301-770-3608

Michael C. Ridgway



Library Aide, Davis Library


Kristin A. Raker

Mosaica Turnaround Partners 405-808-6811



The People's Community Baptist Church 301-384-2601 www.tpcbc.org

Vice President & Provost, Germantown Campus


Steven A. Robins, Esq.


Sanjay Rai, PhD



The Washington Campus 202-234-4446 www.washcampus.edu

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network 301-217-6450 www.nmfn.com


Clarence A. Porter, PhD 410-290-8079

Vice President

Shady Grove Adventist Hospital

Davis M. Richardson

Lily H. Qi



'08 SLM


Haywood A. Robinson, III

Special Projects Manager

Founder & CEO

United Food & Commercial Workers, Local 1994 301-977-2447 www.mcgeo.org

Philip L. Robins

'06 SLM

'10 SLM

Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services 240-777-3053


Cherry S. Richardson 301-460-4156

Melanie R. Polk

Director, Senior Nutrition Program

Adventist HealthCare, Inc. 301-315-3538 www.adventisthealthcare.com

President, Montgomery County Government Employees

Joshua S. Richards


President & Chief Executive Officer

The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation 202-223-3100 www.cafritzfoundation.org

'09 SLM

Nancy J. Poole 301-299-2824

Gino Renne


Program Officer

Jean S. Polatsek 301-279-9180




Tobi J. Printz-Platnick

William G. Robertson

Time Warner Cable 704-206-6926

Virion Systems, Inc. 301-309-1844 X605 www.virionsystems.com JaLynn R. Prince


Vice President of Engineering

William N. Price, CPA, CFP 301-428-8191

Gabriel A. Purviance 410-248-0232

Tracye A. Polson

Susan L. Reinhold

Madison House Foundation 301-330-9402 www.madisonhousefoundation.org


Deputy Director


President & Founder

Montgomery College 240-567-3212 Joan M. Planell

William N. Price



Managing Partner Bio Enablers, LLC


301-351-8871 www.bioenablers.com Jonathan H. Rosen

Chief Revenue Officer


WebVisible, Inc. 949-333-3964 www.webvisible.com

JD Robertson Consulting

Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Michael D. Rosenbaum


Senior Vice President, Operation Manager

SAIC 703-676-8727 www.saic.com

Marjorie A. Rosensweig



RMA, Inc. 301-460-1306 John P. Rosiak


Adam L. Sachs


Odile Saddi Brunetto, EdD

Director of Development & Community Partnerships

MedImmune 301-398-2448

Director, Area Agency on Aging

'11 SLM

Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services 240-777-1132 www.montgomerycountymd.gov/senior

Agnes G. Saenz

Arthur A. Rossi

Community Ministries of Rockville 301-637-0208 www.cmrocks.org


Senior Manager

Raytheon Company 401-842-2270 '08

Hope Connections for Cancer Support 301-493-5002 www.hopeconnectionsforcancer.org Executive Director

Executive Director


Pan American Health & Education Foundation 202-974-3845 Jane F. Salzano

'10 SLM


Mark D. Rother 301-933-9111

'10 SLM

Parent Educator

Catherine P. Roy


Senior Vice President, Chief Investment Officer-Fixed Income

Calvert Investments 301-657-7068 www.calvert.com

Cynthia A. Rubenstein Executive Director


Passion for Learning, Inc. 301-562-6014 www.passionforlearning.org '06

Senior Vice President & Area Executive

BB&T 202-835-9350 www.bbt.com

Carol S. Rubin


Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission 301-495-4646 www.mncppc.org Elisabeth S. Rubin


Staff Attorney

Court of Special Appeals of MD 410-210-3712 Teresa H. Rudman


Chair, Board of Directors

Great Strides Therapeutic Riding, Inc. 301-570-2999 | www.greatstrides.org Sally Rudney



June P. Sampson


Parenting Plus Associates, Inc. 301-762-5118 www.ppaionline.org Anne L. Sanderoff-Walker Owner


Jeanetta G. Sanders '92 Horizon Health Group 301-330-1000 www.horizonhealthgroup.com Margie R. Sanders 301-570-4023

'07 SLM

The Community Foundation for Montgomery County 301-588-2544 X11 www.mccommunityfoundation.org Kathy L. Russell


Chief Executive Officer

The Children's Inn at NIH 301-451-9201 www.childrensinn.org Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

'03 SLM


TV Producer & Citizen Activist


Odessa M. Shannon 301-384-4184

Susan J. Schmidt




Friends of the Library, Little Falls Chapter 301-229-4374 www.folmc.org Ellen V. Schneider



Nancy K. Schneider 410-349-4666

'11 SLM '97

American Hunters & Shooters Association 301-948-2462 www.huntersandshooters.com Randolph R. Schools



NIH-NOAA Recreation & Welfare Association 301-402-6493 www.recgov.org Daniel J. Schrider

President & CEO


Sandy Spring Bank 301-774-8473 www.sandyspringbank.com Abe M. Schuchman Executive Director


Stuart A. Schwager

Principal & Attorney


Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, PA 301-230-5207 www.shulmanrogers.com Mita M. Schaffer



Martin Schaffer, Inc. www.martinschaffer.com

Executive Director

'02 SLM

Lenora J. Sherard


Sarah J. Sherhols 306-244-5333


Robert H. Shope



Ernst & Young, LLP 215-448-5592 www.ey.com Charles L. Short


Special Assistant to the County Executive

Montgomery County Government 240-777-2513 www.montgomerycountymd.gov '11

St. Luke's House, Inc. 301-896-4266 www.stlukeshouse.org


Peggy J. Schwartz

'02 SLM

Director of Development


Joan A. Schaffer


Reed Smith, LLP 202-414-9370 www.reedsmith.com

Carol J. Shreve

Housing Unlimited, Inc. 301-592-9314 www.housingunlimited.org Partner

Harriet S. Shugerman


Project Coordinator, Montgomery County Community Foundation

Manna Food Center 301-229-4088

Andrew P. Shulman


Assistant Vice President, Commercial Sales & Leasing

McShea & Company, Inc. 301-417-2558 www.mcsheaco.com


Transportation Action Partnership, Inc. 301-770-8108 www.nbtc.org

Roberta F. Shulman '92 Shulman Associates, LLC 301-765-0870 www.bobbishulman.com

Mark S. Scott, CR

Alan M. Shusterman




MARK IV Builders, Inc. 240-395-0400 www.markivbuilders.com Charles W. Scriven, PhD President




William L. Shelton 301-933-1765


Paley Rothman 301-951-9358 www.paleyrothman.com

Schaffer Consulting 301-320-2728

Olivia Shay-Byrne

Ray F. Schoenke

Allworld Language Consultants, Inc. 301-881-2284 www.alcinc.com '10 SLM

Mary Catherine Shartle-Galotto, PhD

Rosa V. Shelton 301-933-1765

Linda D. Schwartz

Independent Consultant

Paley Rothman 301-968-1644 www.paleyrothman.com

American Academy of Pediatrics, DC Chapter 301-655-4767

Carlos A. Scandiffio



Johns Hopkins University, Montgomery County Campus 301-294-7240


Isabelle Schoenfeld 301-530-6298

David P. Shapiro


Director Osher Program

Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. 301-347-1271 www.lerchearly.com

President & Chief Executive Officer

Cabin John Park Volunteer Fire Department 301-365-2028 www.cjpvfd.com

Universities at Shady Grove 301-738-6113 www.shadygrove.umd.edu

Montgomery Community Media 301-424-2255 www.mct-tv.org

Martin P. Schaffer

Executive Director


Designer Fabrications, LLC 301-977-5282 www.designerfabrications.com

Carla Satinsky

William M. Schlossenberg


Burton M. Sapin, PhD 301-652-7523

Associate General Counsel


Executive Director

David M. Sampson


Fire Rescue Chief

Nancy L. Schoenfeld

CSAAC 240-912-2220

Urban Land Institute Washington 240-497-1919 www.washington.uli.org

Jeffery M. Rubery



Paula B. Rothenberg

Lisa W. Rother


Richard D. Salvatierra

President & Chief Executive Officer

James P. Seavey, Sr.


Attorney at Law

Senior Project Director

Education Development Center 301-742-1219

Steven H. Schiff

Senior Director, Manufacturing Collaborations


School for Tomorrow 240-476-6041 www.schoolfortomorrow.net '97

Kettering College of Medical Arts 937-395-8618 www.kcma.edu

Laura J. Siegelbaum 301-565-1688

'11 SLM


Stacy P. Silber



Edward L. Snyder

Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. 301-841-3833 www.lerchearly.com/team/stacy-p-silber Robert M. Silberfarb 301-279-6760 Laura Sildon President

'07 SLM

Herbert S. Snyder


Assistant State's Attorney

Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office 240-777-7383 www.communityprosecution.org Stephen R. Simon


Vice President

Charlotte Sommers

Christine M. Sorge, Esq.

Margaret E. Simons 301-977-9586


Suzanne Simpson



The Tonley Foundation, Inc 301-495-2777 www.tonleyfoundation.org '11 SLM

Marvin Sirkis, DDS 301-330-1318

'11 SLM

Lee M. Sislen '09 SLM 301-254-2520

Howard D. Spector '08 Scott L. Spector '91 Managing Member

Vice President for Client Services

John C. Sprague


Vice President for Consulting

Leon Snead & Company, PC 301-738-8190 Craig A. Snedeker Principal


All Pro Marketing, Inc. 240-793-9252


Kathryn E. Stevens, JD


Executive Director

Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy 301-613-5463

Jere D. Stocks




Montgomery County Government 240-777-2559 www.montgomerycountymd.gov

Sheila S. Sprague

Sharon D. Subadan


Deputy County Administrator, Public Safety & Community Services


Hillsborough County Government 813-744-5580 X230


Michael L. Subin Executive Director


The Center for Adoption Support & Education, Inc. 301-476-8525 www.adoptionsupport.org

Montgomery County Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission 240-777-2539 www.montgomerycountymd.gov

Nicolette M. Stearns, MED

Linda S. Sullivan



ArtStream, Inc. 301-941-1008 www.art-stream.org Ronald M. Stehlin


President & CEO


Arts Council of Fairfax County 703-642-0862 X2 www.artsfairfax.org '10

Nicholas P. Sussillo


Director, Office of Sustainability

Family Services, Inc. 301-840-3204 www.familyservicesagency.org

Town of Silver City 575-538-3731 www.townofsilvercity.org

Murray Stein

Wendy J. Susswein


'02 SLM






Andre Sobel River of Life Foundation 301-365-1137 www.andreriveroflife.org Todd S. Switzer


Director, Actuarial Pricing

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield 410-998-7107 www.CareFirst.com Charles W. Sye


S. Esmail Tabibi, PhD


'10 SLM

Project Officer

National Cancer Institute 301-435-9187 Shahnaz R. Tabibi


Senior Vice President/Regional Manager

Monument Bank 301-841-9544

Carolyn Tamarkin 301-251-8799

'09 SLM

Elizabeth N. Taylor


Community Volunteer

301-589-4868 Guy J. Tegler


Senior Vice President

Signal Financial Federal Credit Union 301-933-9100 X247 www.sfonline.org Theresa Testoni

Assistant Chief Administrative Officer


Anne P. Swire

Chief Executive Officer



Thomas J. Street

Smokey Glen Farm Barbequers, Inc. 301-948-1518 www.smokeyglenfarm.com



Rifkin, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC 301-951-0150 X115

Toni M. Stiefel

'03 SLM

Allison K. Stearns

Christopher L. Snead

Sally L. Sternbach



Community Volunteer

Sprague and Associates 301-279-2877

Deputy Director

Snapp Strategic Partners, LLC 301-460-6140 www.snappstrategic.com


Emory Grove United Methodist Church 301-963-3434 www.emorygroveumc.org

The Washington Post 301-738-1564 www.washpost.com

Otis B. Smith '02 Applied Methods, Inc. 443-451-7265 www.appliedmethods.net Founder


Family Resolution Coach




Janice Stanton 206-780-1447


Michael W. Stern, PhD

Paulette M.E. Stevens

Kodiak Properties, LLC 301-654-9160 www.kodiakproperties.com

Calvert Investments 301-951-4821 www.calvert.com

Steven R. Snapp


American Occupational Therapy Foundation 301-652-66-1 X2555 www.aotf.org

Miranda S. Spivack


LINK Communications Group, LLC 202-449-5658 www.linkmdc.com

Alan B. Sternstein, Esq



Saschane M. Stephenson



Chief Executive Officer


Town of Somerset 301-657-2229 Alison Smith


Pamela D. Spears, FAHP, CFRE

Kathryn Singleton Cane

410-740-2403 www.welcomingamerica.org

Montgomery County Department of Economic Development 240-777-2078

Associate Executive Director for Advancement/Director of Development

Simpson Law, PA 301-421-0190 www.simpsonlaw.biz


Deputy Director






Grossberg, Yochelson, Fox & Beyda, LLP 202-296-9696 X211 www.gyfb.com

Stephen J. Spano




Dianna L. Souder 301-417-0709


Rachel Steinhardt

Friends of Welcoming Consultant


Van Eperen & Company 301-836-1516 www.veandco.com

Jeffrey Z. Slavin

'10 SLM

Jewish Community Centers Association 212-786-5097 www.jcca.org

George E. Simms, III

James J. Sweet

Montgomery County Park & Planning Commission 301-652-0895

Senior Vice President, Program Services

The Jellie Group 240-447-3418


Legislative Liaison to Chair

Snyder Cohn 240-514-5488 www.snydercohn.com

Arnie Sohinki


Ellen M. Sirkis 301-330-1318

Merle J. Steiner




Governor's Commission on Service and Volunteerism 301-681-2702 Donald A. Thigpen, Jr., Esq. 301-587-3560 Jan Thomas

'09 SLM


Senior Training & Development Consultant

Kaiser Permanente 301-816-6476 www.kp.org

Joyce A. Thomas, PhD 301-388-2270 Michael A. Thomas

Executive Director

'02 SLM


George B. Thomas Learning Academy 301-320-6545 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org Percy W. Thomas, ScD



My Career Target 410-997-3997 John E. Thompson President


Kensington Fire Protection, Inc. 301-896-0880 Jaqueline W. Thompson Marquez

President & CEO


The Onyx Media Group 301-928-2211

Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

Gary D. Thorud, PhD

'10 SLM

Director of Development

The Kidney TRUST 650-376-4993

LaVonne J. Thorud, PhD

'10 SLM

Writer/Educational Consultant/Volunteer


Jean M. Threadgill 301-926-9470 Paul M. Tiao

'08 SLM


Assistant U.S. Attorney

James A. Todhunter 301-365-8512 Dana M. Tofig


Sovan Tun, PhD






Tightrope Media Systems 240-994-7452

Kim Viti Fiorentino


Attorney at Law

Gregory L. Twombley, NCA, AFM


Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, PA 301-230-6567 www.shulmanrogers.com

The Lutheran Church of St. Andrew 301-384-4394 X223 www.mystandrew.org

Thelma B. Toler

Craig D. Uchida, PhD '06 Justice & Security Strategies, Inc. 301-438-3132

Lesley Moore Vossen 301-273-3929

Mark E. Uncapher

Charlotte S. Wade

'06 SLM

Imperial Deputy for the Desert of Maryland

Daughters of Isis 301-871-0789

Kathleen Tomasello


Vice President, Sales & Service Excellence Leader

PNC Bank 301-695-3067 www.pnc.com

Deborah L. Tomlinson Vice President


Tomlinson Builders, Inc. 301-253-6595 www.tomlinson-builders.com



MT Pinero, PC 240-395-4500 www.mtpcpa.com Caroline Touchton 301-530-4152

Executive Director

Identity, Inc. 301-963-5900 X11 www.identity-youth.org

'06 SLM '03 SLM


Cook Ross, Inc. 301-565-4035 www.cookross.com Terrance N. Treschuk Chief of Police


City of Rockville 240-314-8912 www.rockvillemd.gov/residents/police '96

Chief Operating Officer

Sheldon Good & Company 212-213-9770 www.sheldongood.com William E. Trumbull President


TCA, LLC 410-917-4510 Linda L. Tse '94 301-977-7515


Marguerite R. Van Ness


Social & Scientific Systems, Inc. 301-628-3110 www.s-3.com '02 SLM

Van Nevel Communications, Inc. 301-299-7881 www.pvannevel.com Linda K. Vann

'10 SLM

School Community Health Nurse

Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services 301-340-0234 Terry Vann


'10 SLM

Montgomery County Human Rights Commission 301-340-0234 Judith Vaughan-Prather

Executive Director

Vita Domas Consultants, LLC 301-351-1625 Clark M. Wagner


Vice President/Land Acquisition & Entitlements


Montgomery County Commission for Women 240-777-8333 www.montgomerycountymd.gov/cfw

Jonathan B. Walker, Sr, PE

Charles L. Washington, Jr.

Hattie N. Washington, EdD

President & Founder


Aunt Hattie's Place, Inc. 410-367-2472 www.aunthattie.org '05



Arthur M. Wallenstein Director


Montgomery County Department of Correction & Rehabilitation 240-777-9978 www.montgomerycountymd.gov Edward I. Wan, PhD 301-983-2279

Sara E. Watkins


Washington, DC, Friends Director

Boardroom Bound 301-873-2163 www.boardroombound.biz

Shirley Watkins Bowden

'11 SLM



Rockville Fuel & Feed Co., Inc. 301-762-3988 X322 www.rockvilleconcrete.com

H. Winton Watkis, SPHR '91 Diversity and Human Resource Management 301-346-0123 Kim M. Watson


Vice President, Corporate Philanthropy

pepco 202-872-3389 www.pepco.com

Mary C. Watters Deceased

'06 SLM

Jerry D. Weast, EdD


Founder & CEO

Partnership for Deliberate Excellence Leslie F. Weber


Senior Vice President, Government & Community Relations

Suburban Hospital 301-896-3916 www.suburbanhospital.org Elizabeth H. Weiner Deceased

Donald Weinstein 301-330-0382

'93 '11 SLM

Meredith K. Wellington 301-986-9458 Special Advertising Publication | June 2012


Senior Public Affairs Manager

SR Watkins & Associates, LLC 301-476-7533

The Walker Group 30165-400-05x1 www.walkergroupadvisors.com

J. Richard Ward

County Executive's Office of Community Partnerships 240-777-2503


Applied Wireless Local Area Network, Inc. 301-424-6857 www.appliedwlan.com

Vice President


Lerner Enterprises 301-692-2563 | www.lerner.com


President & Chief Executive Officer

Larry E. Walker

Timothy B. Warner

Community Liaison for African American & Faith Communities

Senior Director of Transportation

Deirdre I. Walker '07 Naval Postgraduate School 301-367-5547



M&T Bank 240-632-7812 www.mtb.com

Francine E. Waters

Charles R. Walker '02 SLM Nation's Capitol Bass Federation 301-977-5282

Director, Center for Health Communication & Vice President



Michelle E. Warmus Leetmaa

Vice President, Retail Regional Manager, Eastern Montgomery County

pepco 202-872-2132 www.pepco.com

Advocates for Children and Youth 410-547-9200 www.acy.org


J. Paul Van Nevel

'11 SLM

'07 SLM

Executive Director

Linowes and Blocher, LLP 301-961-5147 www.linowes-law.com



Rebecca R. Wagner


Lesley M. van der Lee

Mary Ann Viverette 843-390-2372

Bozzuto Homes, Inc. 301-623-1501 www.bozzuto.com


Daniel A. Valenti

Lester N. Trachtman 301-762-6994

Mark L. Troen

Diego Uriburu


Maribel Torres-Pinero

Managing Partner

Montgomery County Republican Central Committee 301-417-9256 www.mcgop.net

Emily J. Vaias, Esq.

Pilar Torres '01 301-625-3373

Leslie E. Traub



Thayer Lodging Group 443-758-9005 www.thayerlodging.com

Montgomery County Council 240-777-7972 www.montgomerycountymd.gov




Managing Director


Director, Public Information & Web Services

Montgomery County Public Schools 301-279-3853

Carroll M. Warfield

Triumph Development, LLC 301-657-1112 www.triumphdev.com Patricia M. Vitale

Muriel D. Ward, PMP

Program Manager

Serco North America 301-871-4647

Chief of Staff to Councilmember George Leventhal



Steven J. Virostek


Barbara S. Turner '03 Lee Hecht Harrison 301-421-1740 Regional Sales manager

'03 SLM

Licensed Certified Social Worker

Cambodian Buddhist Society, Inc. 202-663-4796 www.cambodian-buddhist.org

Richard D. Turner

U.S. Attorney's Office 410-209-4817

Martha M. Vayhinger

Thomas Tucker 301-434-6874



Lloyd P. Welter


Sarah E. Wendt



Susan P. Werber

Alfred W. Williams

Mier Wolf



Allie Williams Consulting, Inc. 301-881-3559


Sr. Dir., Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action &

Dennis K. Williams



Immigration Services Marriott International, Inc. 301-380-5596 www.marriott.com

Edith C. Williams 301-933-3681

'02 SLM

Elvira F. Williams

'06 SLM

Bradley L. Westpfahl

AHEAD Inc. 301-530-3697 www.aheadinc.org

Executive Director


Director of Operations

IBM US Federal 301-803-1860 www.ibm.com

Medical Director

AHEAD Inc. 301-530-3697 www.aheadinc.org


President & CEO

Fixation Marketing 240-207-2081 www.fixation.com Germaine White '93 GW Insurance Associates 972-922-8312 www.buycoverageonline.com Jean M. White

IBM Corporation 301-803-6164 www.ibm.com

Paula S. Widerlite


Adventist HealthCare, Inc. 301-315-3033 www.adventisthealthcare.com Richard A. Wieczorek, Jr.



Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union 301-944-1724 www.mafcu.org Timothy R. Wiens Executive Director


Jubilee Association of Maryland, Inc. 301-949-8626 X105 www.jubileemd.org Katherine R. Wiernicki


Laura A. Wilkinson

Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP 202-682-7260 www.weil.com Daniel S. Willard



William D. Wilson, Jr.



CTIKids.com 301-983-2690 www.ctikids.com W. Gregory Wims Founder

'07 SLM

'07 SLM

Senior Vice President, Chief Financial & Administrative Officer

Calvert Investments 301-951-4833 www.calvert.com

'09 SLM


Executive Director & Founder

Red Wiggler Community Farm 301-916-2216 www.redwiggler.org Donald L. Woodsmall '91 Institute for Classical Achievement 434-973-0332 Mitchell J. Wool



The Bean Bag 301-251-4794 www.thebeanbag.com '05

Interim Executive Director

Independent Education 202-625-9223


Douglas M. Wrenn



Katherine Winfree


Parent Resource Teacher ESOL


Ballard Spahr, LLP 202-661-7632 www.ballardspahr.com Barbara Casper Winston




Assistant Secretary, Chief Technology Officer

Maryland Department of Business & Economic Development Christopher Xenos


Deborah A. Yancer


Assoc. Prof. & Chair, Health Sciences Division & Director of Nursing

Union College 402-486-2343


Genetic Consultants of Maryland 301-770-5300 Joy E. Young



Crime Solvers of Montgomery County 301-424-4830 Linda A. Youngentob Adjunct Faculty


Montgomery College 301-983-6692 www.montgomerycollege.edu Robert D. Youngentob



EYA, LLC 301-634-8600 www.eya.com Helen Youth

Professor Emerita

'08 SLM

Montgomery College Retiree Association John R. Zakian 508-988-8003


Verl B. Zanders




Consultant to Nonprofit Organizations


'09 SLM

Gilberto A. Zelaya, II, PhD, CERA Community Liaison


Montgomery County Board of Elections 240-777-8532 www.777vote.org Mary Ann Zimmerman Senior Training Advisor


PRO-telligent, LLC 703-752-8942 www.state.gov Andrew A. Zvara AAZ Consulting 301-622-3877



Human Resources Manager

Winter Consulting, LLC 301-641-8602

Acentia 703-712-4124 www.acentia.com

Adriane E. Wodey 301-228-8110

Lowell W. Yoder


Marcia R. Wolf, PhD


Montgomery County Public Schools 301-230-0670 www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org

Alice Yang Yeh


John L. Young, MD

Beth M. Zeidman 301-502-4676

'07 SLM

Benjamin H. Wu



Teresa R. Wright

Letitia A. Winfield 301-622-4428

David L. Winstead, Esq.

NOVA Research Company 301-986-1891 X142 www.novaresearch.com

Kristie M. Zedler

Rodgers Consulting, Inc. 301-948-4700 www.rodgers.com

Office of Attorney General of Maryland 301-576-6311 www.oag.state.md.us


Frank W. Young

The Columbia Bank 301-309-8362 www.thecolumbiabank.com

Woody Woodroof

Dana M. Young



Mary C. Worch

Victims' Rights Foundation 301-212-4141 www.victimsrightsfundation.org

Sarita T. Winter

301-530-0408 Daniel Willard, III, PhD

Charis Worship Center Ministries 301-388-0835 www.chariswcenter.org

Long & Foster Real Estate 301-907-7600 www.longandfoster.com

Linda Z. Willard, CPA, JD



LaVerne A. Wilson


Daniel S. Willard, PC 301-424-1177 www.willardlaw.com


Mark G. Anderson Consultants 202-942-4470 www.mgac.com

Of Counsel




Chief Deputy Attorney General


Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP 703-827-9808 www.bakertilly.com




Vice President of System Strategy & Chief Development Officer


Montgomery County Vital Living Committee 301-907-6903

Vice President


Chief Financial Officer & Government Project Manager

Barbara S. Woodall

J. Steven Willmann, CCM

Principal - Education Southeast U.S.

Ronald M. Wolfsheimer


Mildred H. Williams 301-592-9328



Vickie York at the Beach 302-539-2145 www.bethanysbest.com

Senior Vice President

'06 SLM

Vickie L. York

County Executive's Office of Community Partnerships 240-777-2584 www.montgomerycountymd.gov

John B. Wood

Irving C. Williams, MD

Jean P. Whiddon


Senior Fellow, Veterans, Sister Cities


Administrative Vice President


Licensed Clinical Psychologist



M&T Bank 240-632-7859 www.provbank.com

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Special Advertising Publication | June 2012



Special Advertising Publication | June 2012

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