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2 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013



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PUBLISHED BY THE GAZETTE/POST-NEWSWEEK MEDIA, INC. 9030 COMPRINT COURT, GAITHERSBURG, MD 20877 Private Schools is produced by The Gazette’s Special Sections and Advertising departments. It does not involve The Gazette’s newsrooms. Contact


Photo courtesy of Bullis School From left, Bullis School students Alexa Bartenfelder, Brooke Priddy and Charles Coleman 1906911



August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools


PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Why it enhances the school experience and increases understanding of faculty, mission BY KAREN FINUCAN CLARKSON


ne of the best ways to know what’s going on in school—to get to know the culture and people—is to get involved,” said Chuck Ehrman, assistant principal at Our Lady of Good Counsel High School in Olney. “It allows you to put names to faces, instead of just hearing about them from the kids at the dinner table. It helps humanize the whole school experience.” “The faculty-parent relationship here is remarkable and mirrors student-faculty relationships, which are incredibly strong,” said Robert Kosasky, head of school at St. Andrew’s “We use a Episcopal School in Potomac. “Parents who experience triangular our school on the inside are happier and more impressed model—parent, by what we do here.” child, school “We use a triangular model—parent, child, school and all have a and all have a role to play. We role to play.” view education as a coopera– Jean Visy tive effort,” said Jean Visy, chair of the Parent Teacher Fellowship at Washington Christian Academy (WCA) in Olney. Visy, whose family has been associated with the school for 16 years, now has a daughter in her second year of teaching at WCA. “Partners,” is how Dave Hawes, WCA’s head of school, described the relationship among the parents, administrators and faculty. “We want parents to get involved in the broader mission of the school and care about Christian education, beyond their individual student. By working alongside faculty, volunteering with and meeting other parents, and creating friendships, they become more excited about fulfilling that mission.” The feeling one gets at Landon School in Bethesda is that of an extended family, said Suzanne Davis, an active parent volunteer. A spirit of volunteerism and a willingness to share time and talents unites the faculty and parent body. Teachers work alongside parents during the annual Azalea Garden Festival, which raises funds for student scholarships and faculty professional development. They also share their insight with parents at meetings sponsored by the Landon Mothers Association. “Our faculty members are so incredibly knowledgeable,” said Davis. “They open our eyes to so many different educational opportunities and ideas. That inside view from faculty and administrators is invaluable.” So is the opportunity to get to know teachers outside of the classroom. “All of


Sahana Mehta, 4, shown with her mother Lili Mehta, is a rising pre-K student at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac. Below: Nicholas Brazier, 9, shown with his father Nigel Brazier, is a rising third-grader at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School.

our teachers coach a sport,” she said, which offers yet another venue for parent-faculty interaction and collaboration. For many years, Anne Duvall stood on the sidelines. “I was by no means active and involved in my children’s school,” said the 2012-13 president of the St. Andrew’s Parent Association. That changed more than a decade ago when she enrolled her now 24-year-old son at St. Andrew’s. “It speaks to the environment and feeling of community at St. Andrew’s, which made me want to become involved and to interact with teachers, coaches and administrators.”

4 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013

Unlike their public school counterparts, parents with children in private schools “agree to subscribe to its mission, follow its rules, and abide by its decisions,” notes the Association of Independent Maryland & DC Schools’ website. As a result, the bulk of parents generally are not involved in policy but, rather, in supporting the school through communitybuilding and fundraising efforts. Some parents, however, choose to take a broader role and interact with administrators and faculty on a policy and governance level. “About two-thirds of our board of trustees is parents,” said St. Andrew’s Kosasky. “They help govern the school. It’s a special opportunity for parents who love the school and are willing to give up their time, talents and treasures with the intent of making a great school even better, now and 20 years from now.” While private school administrators and parent leaders agree that parents’ involvement is key to the success of the school, the effect on students is more generalized than individual. “There are parents who don’t get involved and their kids are wonderfully successful,” said Good Counsel’s Ehrman. “But the fact is there are many things that wouldn’t happen without parents. They are critical to the success of our school.”



August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools





Lawrence Li, a third-grader at Norwood School

(From left) Daryn Fling, Nakiyah Greene and Michelle Cooke, third-graders at Norwood School

Ceci Thorlacius-Gurney (left) and Isabel Lustbader, first-graders at Norwood School


Extracurriculars offer many options to further enrich students’ lives BY KAREN FINUCAN CLARKSON



Middle-school students from The Barnesville School perform in a musical production of “Shrek.” Alyssa Tull as Princess Fiona is surrounded by the fairy tale princesses—Ali Nichols, Lindsay Mackintosh, Bridgette Kontner and Gabbie Umberger.

6 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013

xtracurricular activities are a gateway for students to express their creative talents, explore new interests, make a positive impact through peer relationships or contribute through service learning,” said Charles H. Abelmann, head of school at Barrie School in Silver Spring, which serves students age 2 through 12th grade. “Some students are successful academically and some are more successful in extracurricular activities. We create opportunities for all of our students to gain skills and enhance creativity.” Traditional extracurricular activities fall into two categories—athletics and arts. “We have both and design the schedule so kids don’t have to choose. They can do sports and theater … without pitting one against the other,” said Abelmann. The same holds true at The Barnesville School, for ages 3 through eighth grade, in Barnesville, where Tuesdays and Thursdays are reserved for arts-related classes; the other weekdays are for sports. “It’s a win-win for both dramatics and athletics,” said Vickie Roos, assistant head of school. “We think it’s important for kids to be exposed to many activities. It helps widen a child’s area of interest.” At Barrie, “we create an environment where people can take risks,” said Abelmann. “So, you don’t think of yourself as a basketball player, why not try it? Not a singer? You can still try the musical. For us, it’s not about having a perfect record as a sports team or the perfect choir.”

Only one sports team, basketball, at The Barnesville School has tryouts and cuts. “And that’s only because of space issues,” said Roos. “Part of the philosophy of the school is to have kids experience as much as they can at this age.” Recognizing the ways in which after-school clubs contribute to the development of “a well-rounded student,” The Academy of the Holy Cross, an all-girls high school in Kensington, sets aside time each afternoon before the select sports teams and performing ensembles meet for student-directed clubs, according to Phyllis Ouellette, director of student activities. As a result, nearly 80 percent of her students are involved in a club. “This should be a time in life when you can explore your passions … and take learning above and beyond what occurs in the classroom.” Extracurricular activities let students “explore whatever interests them and expose them to different opportunities for learning and exploring the world,” said Billy Vargas, director of After School Programs at Norwood School, for kindergarten through eighth grade, in Bethesda. “It makes them better prepared to tackle the world.” Such activities may also ignite a new interest. “You never know if they’ll lead a kid to become an engineer or make some amazing scientific discovery.” After-school activities also “help build community by allowing for cross-grade-level interactions,” said Roos. Older and younger students get to work together, something that doesn’t typically occur during the school day. Leadership development is an important component of the after-school program at

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Jamie Morningstar, The Barnesville School’s girls basketball coach, cheers with the 2013 Maryland Junior Athletic Conference championship team during a game.

The Academy of the Holy Cross, where all of interest,” said Ouellette, noting that clubs are student-driven. “I train the officers such failure is a learning experience for her of each club in ways to generate ideas, get students. “If they sink, we ask them to look members behind ideas and delegate tasks,” at what they could do differently and try to said Ouellette. “They learn leadership skills pick it back up.” “Because we allow for a level of entreprethat can be used in the classroom, on the neurship, it’s OK for things to start and job and in college.” Three things are required to form a club stop,” said Barrie’s Abelmann. Extracurat The Academy of the Holy Cross. “There ricular activities may be student-organized, must be a mission statement; members, such as a battle of the bands done to benefit more than just two; and a moderator— a health-related cause, or faculty-generated. our faculty members give most generously “When hiring, we want people who are of their time after school,” said Ouellette. competent but also passionate—who have That interaction between students and an interest in a wide range of things and can faculty has decided advantages. Students bring that to the community.” He pointed benefit from having another caring adult in to a faculty member who was “keen on hiking the Appalachian their lives and teachers get Trail” with students. to see students “in a differSue Wentzel’s passion for ent light. That quiet kid in “This should be horses has allowed her to the back of the algebra class a time in life expand Barrie’s after-school is suddenly more animated when you can equestrian offerings to and willing to take a leaderinclude lessons, competition ship role.” EXPLORE YOUR and stable management. The Catholic school has “Our students develop a close to 30 clubs ranging PASSIONS.” greater understanding of from service—such as – Phyllis Ouellette the horse and a connecBake for Hope, in which tion with and respect for students use their culinary arts skills to bring joy to those who are less another living being,” said Wentzel, director fortunate—to politics to arts and culture. of Equestrian Programs. That connection The two largest are the Onyx Club—“kind “encourages students’ social and emotional of like a black student union that welcomes growth and develops their self-confidence white students,” said Ouellette—and the and self-awareness ... There’s [also] a certain Pro-Life Club, which focuses not only “on amount of team-building and problemabortion, but the death penalty as well as solving involved in working with horses.” quality-of-life and beginning- and end-ofFor some students, extracurricular activilife issues … It is very project-oriented.” ties serve as an incentive to do their best in There is a club fair at lunch during school. “It’s a big deal for a lot of kids who the third week of school. “Some get very creative and do PowerPoint presentations look forward to our classes after working about the club and its issues. Others give hard,” said Norwood’s Vargas. “There’s no doubt that [after-school] classes add value out candy or cupcakes,” said Ouellette. A club’s success is in the hands of to the whole school experience, which is students. “I’ve had some die out for lack about learning, not just academics.”

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301-770-5335 5100 Randolph Road, Rockville 20852 August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools



How technology encourages creativity collaboration, inquiry and sharing



AT HOLTON-ARMS SCHOOL IN BETHESDA, PATTY Carver uses blended learning, a mix of online and in-class instruction, to reconfigure class time. With blended learning, students are “engaged with the material, not sitting passively in class,” said Carver, an upper-school science teacher. “It’s not about giving kids tools with all the bells and whistles but increasing their opportunities to practice, interact and bounce ideas off each other.”


he rapid pace of the Advanced Placement calculus curriculum was taking its toll on Stacey Roshan’s class, leaving little room for discussion and problem-solving, let alone fun. Sharing her students’ sense of frustration and anxiety, Roshan decided to turn her classroom upside down with the help of technology. “My main focus was off-loading some of the teacher-directed activity so my classroom could be more collaborative and student-centered,” said the upper-school mathematics teacher and new technology coordinator at Bullis School in Potomac. Using a model known as a flipped classroom, Roshan got rid of classroom lectures, assigning recordings of them as homework, and began using her face time with students “for collaborative problem-solving and one-on“Grades have one work,” she said. The result? “Grades have been up, been up, anxiety has been down, and I anxiety has am a happier teacher.” Roshan is not alone in been down, her efforts. Private schools throughout Montgomery and I am a County are applying technolhappier ogy in new and different ways to enhance learning. “We are teacher.” always looking to give kids an authentic experience,” said –Stacey Roshan Peter Braverman, middle school head at Green Acres School in North Bethesda, which employs a one-to-one iPad program beginning in fourth grade. “We want kids working on projects and with things that mirror what the world does ... Given the obvious role technology plays in society and the evolution of that role, students need to be in touch with that technology and involved in it.”


Green Acres School in North Bethesda offers an iPad program for students, beginning in fourth grade. School administrators wanted a technology that allowed “kids to collaborate and be mobile,” said Head of School Neal Brown.

The development of new software and apps is empowering teachers to try new ways of reaching students. Camtasia Studio allows Roshan to use a tablet as a virtual blackboard, recording what is on the screen along with her voice. She can edit the videos, adding a variety of effects. Then, the Bullis math teacher uploads them to her class Web page and iTunes so that students can watch them at home on a PC, laptop, iPad, iPod touch or iPhone. As technology evolves, Roshan is able to enhance her videos. “When I did the calculus videos, I couldn’t embed quizzes. That changed with algebra 2,” she said.

8 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013

The quizzes are important. They “tell me if students have watched it and grasped it.” Roshan’s approach gives students control over their learning. “They can watch at a pace they determine, pausing or going back over material when they need to,” she said. “They also can use the lectures to review if a test is coming up or if they’re fuzzy. It gives them independence over their learning.” Those who miss class due to illness still have access to the videos. Students must view the online lesson before class and take notes on a printout of the PowerPoint presentation that served as the basis for Roshan’s video. “They can watch


Fifth-graders at Holton-Arms School in Bethesda work on a solar oven project during the monthly face-to-face portion of the school’s design technology class, which uses blended learning, a mix of online and in-class instruction.

WHEN SCHEDULING ISSUES BEGAN limiting the amount and quality of time Linda Caleb could spend with students in her fifth-grade design technology class at Holton-Arms, she began searching for alternatives that would “maintain the integrity of our program.” A 45-minute class every six days didn’t allow for the girls “to build kites, wind turbines, parachutes, solar-energy ovens and mousetrap cars,” she said. Caleb developed a series of online lessons to free up class time. Every six days, the girls complete a new module. About once a month, they meet for four hours, taking their engineering projects “from design to construction to test and modify,” she said. The online lessons are self-contained. “We never direct students out onto the Internet,” said Caleb, who incorporates slides, pictures and YouTube videos to make learning “fun and interesting.” After viewing the lesson, students complete an assignment. They may respond using VoiceThread, a secure application that allows students to ask questions or make comments using voice, text, graphics, video and audio. They also may create something, such as a drawing, to serve as the basis for a classroom creation. Each Thursday afternoon during the last school year, Treena Selak hosted an “appy hour” for her colleagues at Green Acres School. “I walked them through how to use the app and brainstormed ways to supplement the curriculum, enrich what we’re doing or offer support to students needing

help in certain areas,” said the technology integration specialist. While the one-to-one iPad program begins in the fourth grade, only students in the fifth through eighth grades may take them home. “They are student-owned and school-managed.” The iPads, while an expense, can help a school save money and reduce waste. Green Acres has been able to purchase digital versions of some textbooks, said Neal Brown, head of school, though many publishers have yet to make texts available for download. Obsolete texts need no longer be recycled. While the virtual explosion of apps weighed into Green Acres’ decision to go with iPads, the administration also wanted technology that allowed “kids to collaborate and be mobile,” said Brown. “On one of the first days, kids were outside using Leafsnap,” an electronic field-guide app. “You can literally map the whole campus.” While there are worries that technology can be isolating, some educators take issue with that. “The iPad, ironically, is a great tool for collaboration—creating videos together, rehearsing presentations and improving on them,” said Brown. It supplements rather than “replaces real conversation or creation.” “It is such a myth that doing things online is less personal,” said Holton-Arms’ Carver. “It actually increases my points of contact with students. I feel I have a better, closer relationship with students. I hear their voices more—on discussion boards and wikis—and I can see their online scores and where they struggle … I spend less time worrying about delivering information and more time focusing on each student’s learning.”



the video in class, but that takes away from time that could be spent on other options,” she said. “They learn quickly that it’s not an effective way to do things.”

August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools




PRIVATE SCHOOLS DIRECTORY ABOUT THIS LIST Schools that offer only pre-K and/or kindergarten are not listed. A number of schools listed do offer pre-K; see websites. Tuition is for the 2013-2014 school year unless noted. Photos courtesy of the school listed. Information is deemed current at the time of publication but may be subject to change throughout the year. “More about this school” information was provided by school personnel and/or the school’s website and is not necessarily the opinion of The Gazette. In order to report errors or omissions, email Any updates will be made exclusively online at Gazette.Net.

GRADES K-12 The Avalon School

Boys (Coed K) 200 W. Diamond Ave., Gaithersburg 20877 301-963-8022; -$14,500, upper school; $13,950, middle school; $12,450, lower school; $12,450, fullday kindergarten; $6,225, half-day kindergarten; $1,000 discount for second student; $250 activities/materials fee; $200 graduation fee; cost of books included -Need-based financial aid -Open house: Sat., Nov. 2, 1-3 p.m. -More about this school: Brings a spirit of adventure and friendship to boys in an independent day school with a challenging liberal arts curriculum Cultivates intellectual freedom, personal responsibility; fostering the gifts of faith and culture Core curriculum; interscholastic sports; transportation; dress code; drama guild; advanced math/Latin

Barrie School

Through grade 12 Coed 13500 Layhill Road, Silver Spring 20906 301-576-2800; -$14,500-$27,000 -Need-based financial aid -Accredited by American Montessori Society; Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges -Open houses: Oct. 2, 6-7:30 p.m., Middle and Upper School; Oct. 18, 9-10:30 a.m., Lower School; Nov. 11, 9 a.m.-noon, All School -More about this school: Founded in 1932 Equestrian program Montessori Lower School Rigorous, project-based, Middle-Upper School curriculum

Brookewood School

Grades 1-12 Independent school for girls 10401 Armory Ave., Kensington 20895 301-949-7997; -Catholic -$11,000, grades 1-5; $12,250, grades 6-8; $12,500, grades 9-12; activities and materials fee, $250/per student per year -Open house: Nov. 3, 2-4 p.m. -More about this school: Small classes where teachers have the time and energy to help meet the needs of each girl Rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum, wellbalanced in the humanities, math and science, and the fine arts Students develop cultural literacy; by undertaking challenging courses in literature, history, mathematics, science, religion, languages, art, and music, students become better citizens of their community and world. Outside the classroom, Brookewood takes advantage of the wide range of educational, cultural and natural opportunities in the greater Washington, D.C., area.

Open House

You are invited to Discover Sidwell Friends School Saturday, November 16, 2013 9am – noon Middle School & Upper School Grades 5th through 12th


10 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013


3825 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016 202-537-8111

Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School


Grades K-6 Coed 1901 E. Jefferson St., Rockville 20852 Grades 7-12 Coed 11710 Hunters Lane, Rockville 20852 301-881-1400; -Jewish -$22,060, grades K-6; $28,300, grades 7-11; $14,460, grade 12, first semester -Need-based financial aid -More about this school (from website): Commitment to educational excellence, a values-based environment of Jewish learning and pluralism and mutual respect Creative extracurricular opportunities Partners with the student and family in creating an educational and spiritual journey

Community School of Maryland

Nongraded, ages 6-21 21515 Zion Road, Brookeville 20833 301-649-8203 -For students with autism spectrum disorder -Tuition: Call for details. -More about this school (from website): Academic and behavioral programs in compliance with student’s Individualized Education Programs Community based program

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Boys Grades K-12



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301-963-8022 200 W. Diamond Ave., Gaithersburg, MD 20877 The Avalon School admits students of any race, color and national or ethic origin.


The Brookewood School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.

August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools


Covenant Life School

Coed 7503 Muncaster Mill Road, Gaithersburg 20877 301-869-4500; -Christian school -$9,240, grades 9-12; $8,400, grades 6-8; $7,370, grades 1-5; $3,920, kindergarten -Need-based financial aid -Accredited by Middle States Association; Association of Christian Schools International -More about this school: Educating students who will think biblically and live passionately for Christ

Echelon Academy

Coed 900 Olney Sandy Spring Road, Sandy Spring 20860 301-570-0999; -$22,644, grades 9-12; $21,114, grades K-8 -Uniforms required -More about this school: (according to website) Low student to teacher ratio at 5:1 Multisensory approach to learning; diverse learning and instruction Instructional levels adjusted to the student’s needs

The Frost School

Grades 1-12 Coed 4915 Aspen Hill Road, Rockville 20853 301-933-3452; -Special learning needs school -Tuition: Call for details. -More about this school: Four distinct programs (Therapeutic Community, Lodge, Oakmont Primary, Oakmont Secondary) that provide academic instruction and vocational training to students with emotional and behavioral disabilities and autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger’s syndrome A supportive and structured environment that integrates specialized academic instruction, counseling, transition services, and behavioral modification specific to each student population

German School Washington D.C. Coed 8617 Chateau Drive, Potomac 20854 301-365-4400; (website in German or English) -Tuition: Call for details. -Financial aid available -Accredited by the U.S. and German governments -More about this school: The German School Washington D.C., has been teaching children from preschool through 12th grade for more than 50 years. Strong focus on science and foreign languages;


12 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013

challenging German curriculum taught in a truly international environment Student body of more than 500 is comprised of families from German-speaking countries who temporarily reside in the area for professional reasons, as well as local families with or without a German-speaking parent Students have access to universities in Europe, as well as in the United States; alumni have been accepted to top universities around the world

Hampshire View Christian School

Coed 360 Ednor Road, Silver Spring 20905 301-570-8457, ext. 3 -Christian school -Tuition: $4,700, plus fees -Uniforms required -More about this school: Low student/teacher ratio in all classrooms Distinctively Christian education Continuous enrollment, grades K-7

The Ivymount School

Ages 4-21 Coed 11614 Seven Locks Road, Rockville 20854 301-469-0223; -School for students with special needs, including autism spectrum disorders -Tuition: Call for details.


-More about this school: Serves more than 200 students with special needs, ages 4 through 21, from throughout the Washington, D.C., area Named a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence twice by the U.S. Department of Education Has provided educational programs and therapeutic services for students with speech and language impairments, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, health impairments and autism spectrum disorders for over 50 years

Katherine Thomas School

Coed 9975 Medical Center Drive, Rockville 20850 301-738-9691; -Serving students through 12th grade with moderate to severe language and learning disabilities and/or high-functioning autism -$30,307, high school; $25,576, lower/middle school -Need-based financial aid; private pay ratio: 46 percent private pay, 54 percent funded -More about this school: Fully integrated, multidisciplinary team approach to teaching and curriculum Team includes a special educator, speechlanguage pathologist, occupational and physical therapist, social worker, teacher assistant, and transition support services teacher in high school Diploma-based high school program, which not only offers an academic path to earning a

diploma, but also a career/technology path and transition support services with job internship opportunities that provide students real-world work experience and development of independent living skills

Living Grace Christian School

Coed 20300 Pleasant Ridge Drive, Montgomery Village 20886 301-840-9830; -Christian -Tuition: Call for details. -Need-based financial aid -Tours offered by appointment -More about this school: Mission: To raise up champions for God— servant leaders of godly character who advance the cause of Christ and make disciples of all nations. Traditional classroom setting with small class sizes and individual attention; students take Spanish from kindergarten through high school. Secondary school students learn computer keyboarding and document processing. Students are encouraged to grow in character through a godly character training program. Sports Club, Chess Club, Music Worship Team, Math Learning Club and Homework Club

Lycée Rochambeau (French International School)


Grade K Coed 7108 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda 20817 301-767-1683; (Click flag icon on left of website for English) Grades 1-3 Coed 3200 Woodbine St., Chevy Chase 20815 301-907-3265; (Click flag icon on left of website for English) Grades 4-12 Coed 9600 Forest Road, Bethesda 20814 301-530-8260; (Click flag icon on left of website for English) -$15,025, elementary; $17,030, middle school; $20,045, high school -Open houses every month (See website for dates.) -Accredited by the French National Ministry of Education -More about this school: Educating young minds with rigorous academic and cultural experiences in a truly international environment All classes taught in French; non-francophones integrated in the preschool U.S. high school diploma and French Baccalaureate


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August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools


McLean School of Maryland

Coed 8224 Lochinver Lane, Potomac 20854 301-299-8277; -$25,000-$37,000 -Need-based financial aid -Open houses: Wed., Oct. 23; Wed., Dec. 4; Wed., April 16; Sat., Nov. 16 and Jan. 11; 9 a.m. all days -Dress code -Accredited by the Association of Independent Maryland Schools -More about this school (from website): Flexible programs within small classes that allow teachers to give each student individual attention College-prep curriculum that develops self-confidence and learning through the arts, physical education and computer technology, as well as essential academics Nurturing community of students and faculty that cultivates different learning styles and types of intelligence


Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy

Coed 13300 Arctic Ave., Rockville 20853 301-962-9400;; -Jewish -$20,615, grades 9-12; $17,350, grades 6-8; $14,040, grades K-5; $1,000 congregation membership; $150-$300, registration fee -Need-based financial aid

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14 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013


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4900 Strathmore Avenue • Garrett Park, MD 20896 Pastor: Rev. Msgr. R. Cary Hill • Principal: Lisa Maio Kane

-Dress code -More about this school: Modern Orthodox Jewish Day School Almost 70 years of coeducational excellence through grade 12, with an integrated Judaic and general studies curriculum Strong Israel studies and Zionist philosophy; more than 75 percent of graduating seniors study for a year in Israel before college. Strong arts integration program in all grades

Montrose Christian School

Coed 5100 Randolph Road, Rockville 20852 301-770-5335; -Established 1977 -Christian -$11,500, grades 9-12; $9,950, grades 6-8; $9,600, grades K-5; $350-$650 student fee; $300 application fee; sibling discount -Uniforms required -Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges & Schools -Association of Christian Schools International Member School -All faculty possess college degrees -Rolling (year-round) admissions -More about this school: Diverse student body Christ is central in the curriculum. Strong emphasis on parent/teacher partnership for the academic and spiritual development of students SEVP Certified International Program Competitive sports


Muslim Community School (Alim Academy)


Coed 7917 Montrose Road, Potomac 20854 301-340-6713; -Muslim -Need-based financial aid; scholarships available -Uniforms required -More about this school (from website): Maintains the highest possible educational standards Provides a well-rounded education that nurtures students’ intellectual, physical, emotional, social and spiritual dimensions An educational philosophy that is deeply rooted in the Quran and is shaped around the following verse: My Lord! Grant me knowledge that is useful (beneficial to mankind). Holy Quran 20:114

St. Andrew’s Episcopal School

Grades K-12 Coed 10033 River Road, Potomac 20854 (K-2) 8804 Postoak Road, Potomac 20854 (3-12) 301-983-5200; -Episcopal -$35,990, grades 9-12; $33,990, grades 6-8; $29,990, grades 4-5; $24,750, grades K-3 -Need-based financial aid -Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools; Association of

Independent Maryland Schools -Open house: Monday, Nov. 11 -More about this school: Comprehensive coeducational college preparatory program offered in an inclusive environment that embodies the faith of the Episcopal Church Programs serve students of varied interests and abilities who are capable of achievement in a challenging academic environment

Sandy Spring Friends School

Coed 16923 Norwood Road, Sandy Spring 20860 301-774-7455; -Quaker -$53,800, grades 9-12, boarding 7 days; $43,000, grades 9-12, boarding 5 days; $29,200, grades 9-12, day only; $26,350, grades 6-8; $23,800, grades 1-5; $19,900, kindergarten; $450-$625 books/fees; $100$2,800, upper school Intersession program fee

< see next page >

16227 Batchellors Forest Rd. Olney, MD 240.390.0429 August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools


-Need-based financial aid for grades K-12 -Open house: Sat., Oct. 26, 10 a.m.-noon -Discover SSFS—morning program with class visit and tour—Nov. 15, Dec. 13, Jan. 10, May 1, 8:15-11 a.m. Check website for registration and updates. -More about this school: Coeducational college preparatory curriculum based on Quaker values and taught by a dynamic faculty that fosters a stimulating and diverse environment to promote leadership, social awareness, intellectual and spiritual growth

Spencerville Adventist Academy

Coed 2502 Spencerville Road, Spencerville 20868 301-421-9101 -Seventh-Day Adventist -Uniforms required -$15,465, grades 9-12; $12,035, grades K-8; sibling discount -More about this school (from website): Challenging students, staff and community to achieve excellence Curricula that motivate students to reach their full potential in the pursuit of excellence and to think for themselves rather than to reflect others’ thoughts

Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart

Girls, grades 1-12; coed, through K 9101 Rockville Pike, Bethesda 20814 301-657-4322; -Catholic -$22,500, through grade 4; $24,000, grades 5-6; $24,900, grades 7-8; $27,900, grades 9-12 -Need-based financial aid and merit scholarships available -Uniforms required -Accredited by AIMS, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Sacred Heart Network -Open houses: Sun., Oct. 20, 12-3 p.m., Upper School (grades 9-12); Mon., Nov. 11, 8:45 a.m., Thurs., Dec. 5, 8:45 a.m., Thurs., Jan. 23, 8:45 a.m., all school -More about this school: Using innovative technology and best practices regarding how girls learn best at every developmental level, the Stone Ridge curriculum and faculty inspire young women to think critically and excel in areas of math, science, writing and the humanities. The Upper School’s unique Social Action program is fully integrated into the curriculum, affording each student the opportunity to engage regularly in meaningful service learning. As global-minded leaders of intellect, confidence and faith, Stone Ridge graduates are prepared for successful placement in highly selective universities and colleges.

Washington Christian Academy

Coed 16227 Batchellors Forest Road, Olney 20832 240-390-0429; -Christian -$17,598, grades 9-12; $16,098, grades 6-8; $14,598, grades K-5; $7,299, half-day K -Need-based financial aid -Transportation available -Uniforms required -Open houses: Mon., Oct. 14, 9:30 a.m.; Mon., Nov. 11, 9:30 a.m.; Thurs., Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m.; Thurs., Jan. 23, 9:30 a.m.; Mon., Feb. 17, 9:30 a.m.; Tues., March 18, 7:30 p.m.; Tues., April 8, 9:30 a.m.; Wed., May 14, 9:30 a.m. -More about this school: “Reverent, Adventurous and Academically Serious” Prepares students for college and engaging the world Encourages a life of faith and critical thinking

Washington Waldorf School

Coed 4800 Sangamore Road, Bethesda 20816 301-229-6107; -Waldorf school (Waldorf education is a global and growing nonsectarian, independent school movement) -$24,150, high school; $22,900, grades 6-8; $21,600, grades 1-5; $7,100 - $19,300, children’s garden (through kindergarten); sibling discount


Mary of Nazareth prepares children for lives of service to God and neighbor, through a rigorous academic program rooted in the faith and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, as professed in the Creed, celebrated in the sacraments, lived in Christian virtue and affirmed in prayer.


A Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

14131 Seneca Road Darnestown, MD 20874

301-869-0940 1906907

16 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013

-Need-based financial aid -Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Association of Waldorf Schools of North America -Open houses: Sat., Oct. 19, 10 a.m.-noon, high school; Sat., Nov. 9 and Sat., Jan. 11, 10 a.m.noon, kindergarten -Observation Morning Tours: Oct. 8, Nov. 6, Dec. 5, Jan. 14, Feb. 5, March 6, April 1, May 7; 8-10:30 a.m. -More about this school: Rigorous developmentally-based curriculum with strong commitment to the arts, including visual arts, music, movement and handcraft from early childhood through grade 12 Early childhood program that is play-based using simple, natural materials and toys that encourage development of the imagination In grades 1-8, the class stays with the same main lesson teacher, who uses the advantage of time to gain a deep understanding of each student.

Yang Academy

Coed 111 Central Ave., Gaithersburg 20877 301-208-8821; -$25,000, grades 9-12; $20,000, grades 5-8; $15,000, grades K-4; sibling discount -More about this school (from website): Strong focus on mathematics and science, foreign languages



Bullis School

Coed 10601 Falls Road, Potomac 20854 301-299-8500; -Grades 2-5, $31,580; grades 6-8, $33,680; grades 9-12, $35,060 -Need-based financial aid -Dress code -Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and Maryland Department of Education -Open house: Sun., Oct. 27, 1 p.m. -More about this school: Balance among academics, arts, athletics and community service Global Studies and Service, STEM and Entrepreneurship signature programs

The Foundation School of Montgomery County

Coed 220 Girard St., Suite 300, Gaithersburg 20877 301-740-7807; -Special education school for students with educational, clinical and behavior needs -Students are typically referred by their local school system -More about this school: Program is based on the belief that every child can achieve school success given the right learning conditions designed to meet his/her individual needs




August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools


Heights School


Boys 10400 Seven Locks Road, Potomac 20854 301-365-4300; -Catholic -$22,850, upper school; $20,750, middle school; $17,000, lower school -Need-based financial aid; about 40 percent of families receive financial assistance -Open houses: Sun., Oct. 27, 2-5:30 p.m.; Tues., Jan. 7, 8:30-10 a.m. -Dress code includes a jacket and tie for grades 8-12; shirt and tie for grades 3-7. There is no uniform. -AdvancedED -More about this school: Challenging liberal arts curriculum, college placement, character formation and Catholic education, competitive athletics, advisory program, adventure Student:faculty ratio of 7:1 12 varsity sports (includes rugby)

Holton-Arms School

Girls 7303 River Road, Bethesda 20817 301-365-5300; -$35,200, grades 7-12; $33,560, grades 3-6 -Need-based financial aid -Uniforms required -Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools; Association of Independent Maryland Schools

-Open house: Sun., Nov. 3, 2:30-5 p.m. -More about this school: Tradition of inspiring young women to lead lives of positive influence Innovative and challenging academics, dynamic fine and performing arts, and vigorous athletics within an engaging all-girl environment Welcomes young women of diverse backgrounds in a setting where they can take risks, learn from mistakes, pursue opportunities for leadership and build lifelong friendships

Landon School

Boys 6101 Wilson Lane, Bethesda 20817 301-320-3200; -$32,516, grades 3-5; $33,565, grades 6-12 -Need-based financial aid -Dress code: coat and tie -Open houses: Oct. 10, 9-10 a.m.; Oct. 24, 7-8 p.m.; Nov. 10, 1-2:30 p.m. -More about this school: Prepares talented boys for productive lives as accomplished, responsible and caring men whose actions are guided by the principles of perseverance, teamwork, honor and fair play Dedicated to the ethical, intellectual, physical and social development of boys Build a strong sense of personal honor and respect to guide and enrich students’ lives Code of Character provides a model for daily ethical conduct

Laura & Joel Greenzaid Early Childhood Center GECC features programs that nurture the physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual development of our children.

10621 South Glen Road Potomac, MD 20854


18 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013



At GECC we are committed to excellence. We offer programming for children from six months to five years of age and provide parent education and Jewish family workshops. Our staff is made up of caring, qualified, and experienced teachers and assistants. Prospective families are always welcome to come see for themselves! 1894783



School for Tomorrow

Grades 4-12 Coed 4511 Bestor Drive, Rockville 20853 301-460-4747; -Tuition: Visit website for details. -MSDE, NAIS Candidate Member -Open houses: Held throughout year; visit website for updated list. -More about this school: Cutting-edge, model education program Customized, holistic approach for all students Efficient and contextual workload

The Siena School

Grades 4-12 Coed 1300 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring 20901 301-244-3600; -$34,430, grades 9-12; $32,870, grades 4-8 -Need-based financial aid; distributes about 15 percent of its tuition income each year in grants covering up to 75 percent of tuition/fees -Tours available every Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. -More about this school: Program for bright, college-bound students who are challenged by language-based learning differences, such as dyslexia Focus on student’s individual learning strengths Highly individualized instructional attention and use of research-based and multisensory instructional techniques


Private Tours Available All Year Long

St. Martin of Tours School Celebrating 88 Years


Grades Pre-Kindergarten-8 115 S. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Phone: 301-990-2441 Andrew R. Piotrowski, Principal

• Faith-based education and outreach program • Strong curriculum and standards emphasizing core academic content and 21st Century learning skills • Technology-integrated curriculum • iPad minis for Pre-K to 2nd grade use, iPads for 3rd to 8th grade classroom use • In-house student tv newscast • Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry (Middle School) • Dedicated faculty and committed parents • Full-day Pre-K and Kindergarten • Before and after-school care • Enrichment courses • Extracurricular activities

August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools



Academy of the Child Montessori School

Grades K-6 Coed 19711 Waters Road, Germantown 20874 301-601-0991; -Montessori school -$9,860; 5 percent discount for second student -Dress code -More about this school (from website): Guides children individually, according to their own developmental abilities and needs Encourages cooperative work with other students of various ages, and enables each child to learn at the child’s own pace, free from competition, understimulation and anxiety

Concord Hill School

Through grade 3 Coed 6050 Wisconsin Ave., Chevy Chase 20815 301-654-2626; -$24,000 -Accredited by Association of Independent Maryland Schools -More about this school: Focuses on the early childhood years Small classes with two teachers Knowledge, character, respect, play and community are the essence of a Concord Hill education.


20 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013


The Diener School

Grades K-6 Coed 11510 Falls Road, Potomac 20854 301-299-4602; -Special needs school -Teacher:student ratio of 3:1 -Tuition: Call for details. -Open houses: Weekly tours held Tuesdays at 9 a.m. -More about this school (from website): Provides a multisensory teaching approach for children who have learning disabilities, language delays, attention challenges, social pragmatic issues

Evergreen School

Through grade 3 Coed 10700 Georgia Ave., Wheaton 20902 301-942-5979; -$16,450, full-day kindergarten; $17,005, grades 1-3 -Need-based financial aid -Open houses: Nov. 15, 9-11 a.m.; Jan. 17, 9-11 a.m. -Accredited by Association of Independent Maryland Schools -More about this school: Outstanding Montessori program with small classes Experienced, master teachers Celebration of diversity and environmental education

Feynman School

Grades K-2 (K-3, 2014-15; with future expansions through grade 8) Coed 7730 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda 20817 301-365-1212; -$22,450 -Need-based financial aid -Open houses: Tues., Oct. 8 and Tues., Nov. 19 -More about this school: Educates young gifted and talented students World-class early science education Extraordinary programs in Spanish, music and drama

Grace Episcopal Day School

Through grade 5 Coed 9411 Connecticut Ave., Kensington 20895 301-949-5860; -Episcopal -From $18,500, kindergarten to $20,500, grade 5 -Need-based financial aid -Uniforms required K-5 -Accredited by Association of Independent Maryland & DC Schools -More about this school: Academic excellence and the development of the potential in each child Small class size and diverse student body Inclusive atmosphere and strong parental involvement Challenging curriculum for students

The Harbor School


Through grade 2 Coed 7701 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda 20817 301-365-1100; -$20,050; $390 building fee; $250 activity fee; $250 technology fee -Need-based awards to up to 50 percent of annual tuition -Admissions tours every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. -Before school, aftercare and enrichment programs available -More about this school: Early-childhood program with outstanding arts program built into a stimulating curriculum that encourages students to express themselves creatively Small class sizes

Jamon Montessori Day School

Grades K-1 Coed 52 Randolph Road, Silver Spring 20904 301-384-3131; -Montessori -More about this school (from website): An international flavor that celebrates the cultural differences and similarities of the world

Mater Dei School

Work Hard, Play Hard, Pray Hard And Be A Good Guy

First Grade Open House Saturday, October 26 9:30am to11:30am

9600 Seven Locks Road, Bethesda, MD 20817




August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools


The Julia Brown Montessori Schools

Lone Oak Montessori School Inc.

1300 Milestone Drive, Silver Spring 20904 301-622-7808

Grades K-6 Coed 10201 Democracy Blvd., Potomac 20854 301-469-4888; -Montessori school -$11,100, elementary program; $10,750, fullday kindergarten -Open house: Email to schedule a tour. -More about this school (from website): 32 years of developing and educating wellrounded children Strong academic program that recognizes and addresses the social and emotional developmental needs of each child Instrumental, theatrical, foreign language and outdoor educational programs that complement the individualized learning environment

Grades K-3 3400 Queen Mary Drive, Olney 20832 301-774-5700

-Montessori -Tuition: Call for details. -Uniforms required -More about this school: Traditional Montessori setting with mixed-age groups Four locations in Maryland Teachers hold college degree and Montessori certificate One of first schools in Maryland to offer a before/aftercare program for students

Kemp Mill Montessori School Kehillat Montessori

Primary: Through grade K 519 Lamberton Drive, Silver Spring 20902 301-593-1117 Elementary: Grades 1-6 1840 University Blvd. W., Silver Spring 20902 301-593-4343

Grade K Coed 10100 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda 20814

The Lourie Center School

Age 4-grade 5 Coed 12301 Academy Way, Rockville 20852 301-984-4444; -Special learning needs school -$61,423.02, annually; $298.17, per diem -Approved by the Maryland State Department of Education -More about this school:

Therapeutic milieu with relationship-based programming Small class size; no more than 10 children in a classroom and a staff:student ratio of 1:3 Full-time multidisciplinary team of educational and clinical staff, including an occupational therapist and speech therapists

The Maddux School

Through grade 2 Coed 11614 Seven Locks Road, Rockville 20854 301-469-0223; -Tuition: Call for details. -More about this school: Early childhood/primary level, regular-education school offering state-approved challenging curricula and supportive programming for students preschool through second grade Combines creative approaches with traditional early childhood education methodology to create strong academic, communication and social-skill foundations that meet the needs and promote the self-esteem of each student in a warm, nurturing setting

The Manor Montessori School

Through grade 3 10500 Oaklyn Drive, Potomac 20854 11200 Old Georgetown Road, Rockville 20852 5450 Massachusetts Ave., Bethesda 20816 301-299-7400; -Montessori school -Tuition: Call for details.

OPEN HOUSE DATES Sept. 28th @ 9:30 am Nov. 2nd @ 9:30 am Dec. 14th @ 9:30 am


22 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013


-More about this school (from website): Specially constructed facility designed for children working in a Montessori environment

Mater Amoris Montessori School

Grades K-6 Coed 18501 Mink Hollow Road, Ashton 20861 301-774-7468; -Montessori -$12,000, upper; $11,750, lower -More about this school (from website): Montessori philosophy emphasizes the importance of spiritual and moral strength 13-acre rural campus that fosters the development of thinking, self-sufficient and flexible young people and that brings pupils into close contact with nature Assists students in attainment of self-discipline

The New Jewish School

Grades K-6 2200 Baltimore Road, Rockville 20851 240-399-6100;

Paint Branch Montessori School

Through grade 6 Coed 10309 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring 20903 301-434-0373, -Montessori school

-Tuition: Call for details. -Tours available by appointment. -More about this school: Focus on excellence in academics


The Primary Day School

Through grade 2 Coed 7300 River Road, Bethesda 20817 301-365-4355; -Tuition: Call or visit website for details. -Need-based financial aid -Open houses: Thurs., Nov. 7, 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Wed., Dec. 11, 9-11 a.m.; Sun., Jan. 12, 1-3 p.m. -More about this school (from website): Development of students intellectually, morally, physically and emotionally, according to each child’s gifts and talents Fosters independent thinking, intellectual curiosity and creative self-expression

Primary Montessori Day School


Through grade 3 Coed 14138 Travilah Road, Rockville 20850 301-309-9532; -Montessori -Tuition: Call or see website for details. -Tours available by appointment. -More about this school: Authentic Montessori education Beautiful environment designed for children Creates a lifelong love of learning through hands-on, fun, experimental learning



August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools


Quality Time Learning Center

Grades K-1 Coed 8101 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring 20910 301-588-3350; -$280 registration; $862/month, grades K-1 -More about this school (from website): Commitment to development of the whole child; environment in which all students will succeed

Redwood Montessori Academy Grades K-5 Coed 1605 Veirs Mill Road, Rockville 20851 301-762-2524 -Montessori school -Tuition: Call for details. -Call for tour. -More about this school: A supportive and stimulating environment where young minds grow Treats each child as an individual and allowing the child to reach his/her full potential Endows each child with personal, social and academic skills that will support a lifetime of joyful learning

Seneca Academy

Through grade 5 Coed 15601 Germantown Road, Darnestown 20874 301-869-3728; -$11,750 and $275 materials fee for elementary -Uniforms required for elementary -International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program World School; Accredited by AIMS and MSDE, Authorized by International Baccalaureate -More about this school: Mission: To provide a nurturing environment that meets the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical needs of our students through engaging, challenging, inquiry-based education. Vision: To develop globally aware, lifelong learners and leaders.

Sidwell Friends School

Grades K-4 Coed 5100 Edgemoor Lane, Bethesda 20814 3825 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016 (mailing address) 202-537-8111; -Quaker -$34,288 -Need-based financial aid -Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools; Association of Independent Maryland Schools -More about this school (from website): Challenging curriculum with flexibility to meet


24 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013

the needs of individual students Faculty that instills self-worth and self-confidence in students while also requiring they recognize others’ needs Balancing freedom and discipline

Torah School of Greater Washington

Grades K-6 Coed with classes separated by gender 2010 Linden Lane, Silver Spring 20910 301-962-8003; -Jewish -$13,380 -Tuition assistance is available. -More about this school (from website): Strong Judaic and secular studies A strong emphasis on the basics (e.g. English and Hebrew literacy, writing skills, mathematics, geography) and on higher thinking

GRADES K-8 The Auburn School, Silver Spring Campus

Coed 9545 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring 20910 301-588-8048; -Campuses also in Herndon, Va., and Baltimore -School for children with Asperger’s syndrome/ ASD, PDD-NOS, NVLD or ADHD, social anxiety, sensory processing -Tuition: See website for details.


-Open houses: Nov. 6, Jan. 15; tours given throughout the year -More about this school: Integrated social learning curriculum Differentiated academic instruction Small class size Integrated related services

The Barnesville School

Through grade 8 Coed 21830 Peach Tree Road, Dickerson 20842 301-972-0341; -$19,440, grades 5-8; $18,130, grades 1-4; $15,200, kindergarten -Need-based financial aid -Dress code -Accredited by Association of Independent Maryland Schools -Open houses: Wed., Nov. 6; Sat., Nov. 9; Wed., Jan. 8; Fri., Feb. 7 (age 3-K) -More about this school: Coeducational school of arts and sciences, offering an outstanding academic program rich in the humanities, arts, math and sciences Located on 50 acres in the Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve Dedicated to providing a joyful and supportive learning environment for the development of excellence

Butler Montessori

Through grade 8 Coed 15951 Germantown Road, Darnestown 20874 301-977-6600; -AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) Montessori -$14,390, intermediate (12-14 years old); $2,000, intermediate activity fee; $13,900, elementary (6-12 years old); $13,100, primary (up to 6 years old) -More about this school (from website): A 22-acre campus adjoining Seneca Creek State Park with access to an equestrian program, ropes course and summer camp Curriculum strong in humanities, language arts, math, science, Spanish, art and music Occupational projects under the supervision of an expert in the field

-More about this school: LIFT (Learning Integration for Tomorrow), offered in association with Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Education in Technology, is a project-based program where students work in high-performance teams to solve realworld problems.


Highly effective master teachers; daily physical education and chapel; small class size Welcomes students and families of all faiths

Church of the Redeemer Christian School

Coed 19425 Woodfield Road, Gaithersburg 20879 240-238-1500; -Christian -$6,445, grades 6-8; $5,960, grades K-5 -Uniforms required -More about this school:

Christ Episcopal School

Coed 22 West Jefferson St., Rockville 20850 301-424-6550; -Episcopal -$16,020 -Need-based financial aid

Trains young people in the highest principles of Christian leadership, self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal growth and citizenship A strong curriculum that builds enthusiasm for learning and emphasizes a solid basis in the Bible, language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, art, music and physical education

-Uniforms required -Open house: Private tours offered daily by appointment

TOUR DAY: Wed. 9:30 am “The greatest testament to a school is that your child wakes up and CAN’T WAIT to get there”


Covenant United Methodist Preschool (Ages 3 & 4) Maryland State Department of Education Approved and

Covenant United Methodist Terrific Twos Program

-Parent of an 8th grader

20301 Pleasant Ridge Drive, Montgomery Village, MD 20886 (corner of Wightman Road & Montgomery Village Ave – 4 miles from Milestone Shopping Center, Germantown)

OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 26th 4:30-5:30pm


Attendees receive priority registration before the general public for 2014-15 year Parent tours also available throughout the school year


Serving bright college bound students with language-based learning differences in grades 4-12.

Preschool: Cheryl Shalgian,, 301-527-9300 Terrific Twos: Marcia Pitts,, 301-926-8920 x105

1907270 August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools



The Forbush School at Oakmont Upper School

Nongraded; ages 12-21 Coed 610 E. Diamond Ave., Suite E, Gaithersburg 20877 301-330-4359 sp_locations/sp_loc_mont_oak.aspx -Special learning needs school -Tuition: Call for details. -More about this school (from website): Small class sizes to best serve children with autism, pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), developmental delays in one or more areas, severe behavioral problems, multiple learning problems, and other related disorders Highly structured settings 1:1 instructional aides

Forcey Christian School

Through grade 8 Coed 2130 E. Randolph Road, Silver Spring 20904 301-622-2281; -Christian -$7,450, middle school; $6,500, elementary; sibling discount -Need-based financial aid -Dress code -More about this school: Rigorous academics Christian values Accredited by ACSI and the Middle States Association

OPEN HOUSE Saturday, August 24th Noon - 5:00 PM Performances at 2 and 3 PM Free Class For Ages 3-6 3:30 PM

Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Lyrical For Ages 2 - Adult NOW OPEN 5-7PM Tuesday - Thursday

301-879-ELITE (3548)


26 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013


729 Cloverly Street • Silver Spring, Maryland 20905 In Cloverly Towne Center (next to Safeway)

Fourth Presbyterian School

Through grade 8 Coed 10701 South Glen Road, Potomac 20854 301-765-8133; -Presbyterian -$16,900 -Need-based financial aid -Drop-in open houses: Oct. 24, Nov. 21, Jan. 14, Feb. 11; 9 a.m.-1 p.m. all days -Uniforms required -More about this school (from website): A Christ-centered and academically challenging school committed to preparing young men and women for college and life by providing opportunities to excel in the vital areas of faith, virtue and knowledge

Green Acres School

Through grade 8 Coed 11701 Danville Drive, North Bethesda 20852 301-881-4100; -$31,450 -Need-based financial aid -Accredited by Association of Independent Maryland Schools -Open houses: Sun., Oct. 6, 1:30-3:30 p.m. (Family Campus visit, no RSVP required); Mon., Nov. 11, 9-11:30 a.m., Visit Classes; Sat., Dec. 7, 10-11:30 a.m., PK-K Parent and Child Morning; Wed., Dec. 18, 7 p.m., Parent-to-Parent Evening; Wed., Jan. 8, 9:30-11 a.m., Visit Classes

-More about this school: Challenging academics and creative hands-on projects that matter to children An inclusive community where all families are valued A structure that recognizes the whole child Small classes taught by caring, experienced faculty Successful students who excel in high school and college

Holy Cross School

Coed 4900 Strathmore Ave., Garrett Park 20896 301-949-1699; -Catholic -$7,689, Catholic; $8,899, non-Catholic; $385 registration fee -Need-based financial aid -Open houses: Nov. 11 and Jan. 26 -Uniforms required -Accredited by AdvancED -More about this school: Small, nurturing multicultural environment with a 1:13 teacher to student ratio Student-centered learning community with a strong Catholic identity and strong moralspiritual development Differentiated and inclusive instruction that meets individual needs of all students, from special needs (mild to moderate languagebased learning disabilities) to gifted and talented

Extracurricular activities including band, scouting, CYO sports and youth group, altar servers, student council, choir, musical theater and safety patrols

Holy Redeemer Catholic School

Coed 9715 Summit Ave., Kensington 20895 301-942-3701; -Catholic -$6,760 -Before and after care available -Open house: Wed., Nov. 6, 10-11:30 a.m. -More about this school (from website): Commitment to a strong academic education to produce well-educated, problem-solving students who become responsible, accountable citizens Focus on an appreciation of the arts and on all of God’s beauty

of Seventh-day Adventists Commission on Accreditation -More about this school (from website): Leads students to Jesus Christ … while generating a zeal for excellence in academics and citizenship for this earth and eternity Teachers provide an excellent instructional program in a caring environment

Kennedy Krieger School: Montgomery County Campus

Diploma Program Grades 2-8; Certificate of Completion Program ages 7-21 Coed 12301 Academy Way, Rockville 20852 443-923-4170 educational-programs/montgomery-countycampus -Special learning needs school -Tuition: Funded by the local school system

John Nevins Andrews School

-More about this school:

Coed 117 Elm Ave., Takoma Park 20912 301-270-1400; -$435 per month for constituent church members; $665 per month for non-constituent Adventists; $800 per month for other faiths; sibling discount -Seventh-day Adventist -Need-based financial aid, scholarships -Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools; North American Division

High quality education for students with autism and other developmental disabilities Low student to teacher ratio in a collaborative approach with parents and private specialist to address sensory and communication challenges using visual supports and technology designed to engage the learner Integrated support of services, state-of-the-art multisensory room, community-based instruction and work-based learning activities


ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC SCHOOL Preschool-3 through Grade 8

Rich in Faith, Scholarship, Service and Tradition Forty-eight years of providing a quality Catholic education to students in Rockville and the surrounding communities. Open Houses: Oct. 9, 2013 – 9:00a.m. – 11:30a.m. Nov. 13, 2013 – 9:00a.m. – 11:30a.m. Jan. 29, 2014 – 9:00a.m. – 11:30a.m.


917 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD 20852 301-881-1824 •


August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools


Little Flower School

Through grade 8 Coed 5601 Massachusetts Ave., Bethesda 20816 301-320-3273;


-Catholic -$7,750, Archdiocesan registered parishioner -Uniforms required -Accredited by Southern States Association of Colleges and Schools -Open houses: Wed., Nov. 13 and Jan. 29; any time by appointment -More about this school: National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Partners with parents in teaching strong Catholic values

Mary of Nazareth Catholic School

Through grade 8 Coed 14131 Seneca Road, Darnestown 20874 301-869-0940; -Catholic -K-8: $6,175, in-diocese; $7,175, out-ofdiocese; $300 book & technology fee -Uniforms required -More about this school:

U.S. Department of Education’s 2011 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence 2012 Golden Apple Teacher Award Winner Mission: Mary of Nazareth School prepares


28 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013


children for service to God and neighbor through a rigorous academic program rooted in the faith and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church as professed in the Creed, celebrated in the sacraments, lived in Christian virtue and affirmed in prayer.

Mater Dei School

Grades 1-8 Boys 9600 Seven Locks Road, Bethesda 20817 301-365-2700; -Catholic -Tuition: Visit website for details. Financial aid available -Uniforms required -More about this school: An academically accelerated curriculum in which consistent effort and reading are emphasized; however, character development is the school’s top priority Grades 1-4 have 40 minutes of physical education daily. Grades 5-8 participate in competitive sports with other independent schools.

Mother of God School

Through grade 8 Coed 20501 Goshen Road, Gaithersburg 20879 301-990-2088; -Catholic -$7,550; sibling discount can be applied for based on financial need; $425 book fee; $600 fundraising obligation

-Uniforms required K-8 -More about this school (from website): Preparing students who, grounded in sound academics and strong faith, go forth bearing Christ to the world in their personal and professional lives Academic excellence in the humanities, arts and sciences

Norwood School

Coed 8821 River Road, Bethesda 20817 301-365-2595; -$26,550, grade K; $27,350, grades 1-2; $28,220, grades 3-4; $31,310, grades 5-8 -Need-based financial aid -Dress code -Accredited by Association of Independent Maryland Schools -Open houses: Sat., Nov. 16, 1-3 p.m.; Sat., Jan. 11, 1-3 p.m. -More about this school: Academic excellence in a joyful learning community with an emphasis on creativity, collaboration and developing critical-thinking skills Unique strength in the arts and educational technology School motto, How You Lead Your Life Matters, reflects commitment to character and spiritual development Beautiful 38-acre campus with exceptional fields and facilities

Olney Adventist Preparatory School

Coed 4100 Olney-Laytonsville Road, Olney 20832 301-570-2500; -Seventh-day Adventist -$8,900, non-Adventists; $7,400, Adventists; 10 percent sibling discount; $375-$475 books/ fees -Uniforms required -More about this school: Small class sizes Individualized education Educates the whole child academically, spiritually, socially and physically Warm and family-friendly environment

Oneness-Family School

6701 Wisconsin Ave., Chevy Chase 20815 301-652-7751; -An independent international Montessori school -More about this school: Child-centered learning with a global perspective International student body Education in peace and mindfulness

-$7,380, Catholic, K-8; $8,220, non-Catholic, K-8 -Need-based financial aid -Uniforms required -Accredited by Assembly of Elementary Schools of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools -More about this school (from website): Develops the moral, intellectual and physical potential of each student Nurtures each child’s unique abilities and talents, which are fostered in small classes

Our Lady of Mercy School

Through grade 8 Coed 9222 Kentsdale Drive, Potomac 20854 301-365-4477; -Catholic -$8,850 -Open house: Thurs., Oct. 10, 8:30-10:30 a.m. -Uniforms required -Accredited by the Commission on Elementary Schools of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools -More about this school:

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School

Coed 7500 Pearl St., Bethesda 20814 301-654-5376; -Catholic

An inclusive educational environment inspiring students to live with faith and integrity and to share their unique gifts and talents in service to others


August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools


Saint Francis International School

St. Camillus Campus Through grade 8 Coed 1500 St. Camillus Drive, Silver Spring 20903 301-434-2344 -Catholic -Extended care hours available 6:45 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. -$7,158; $1,300 grant for active parishioners; $275 fee for books, technology and supplies; sibling discount -Need-based and sibling family financial aid -Uniforms required -More about this school (from website): Encouraging each child to grow academically, socially and spiritually in a multicultural, faithbased environment, and in a spirit of service

Saint Peter’s School

Through grade 8 Coed 2900 Olney-Sandy Spring Road, Olney 20832 301-774-9112

-More about this school:

-Tuition: Call for details.

Admissions to top high schools in the Washington metropolitan area

-Need-based financial aid

Faith-filled community, rigorous curriculum, reading-readiness preschool program

Sligo Adventist School

Coed 8300 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park 20912 301-434-1417; -Seventh-day Adventist -$8,150 -Uniforms required -More about this school: Strong academic foundation in cross-curriculum subjects areas; music, handbells and band are part of the curriculum. Member of the National Elementary Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society; Middle school students have a chance to be a part of journalism/newspaper class, science club and audio visual team. Student body is divided into ‘families’ that include K-8 students. This allows students to mentor and be mentored by their peers.

-Catholic -$8,955, non-Catholic families; $7,300 Catholic families -Financial aid available -Open house: every Tuesday, November-March, 9-11 a.m.


2012 National Blue Ribbon of Excellence School

St. Andrew Apostle School

Through grade 8 Coed 11602 Kemp Mill Road, Silver Spring 20902 301-649-3555; (Click School on left.)

-More about this school (from website): Well-rounded education of students in partnership with parents and the parish Teaches appreciation of human diversity and dignity as modeled by Jesus Christ Use of common core curriculum; provides foreign language, art, physical education, computer technology, music, and service learning, as well as after-school enrichment

St. Bartholomew Catholic School Coed Through grade 8 6900 River Road, Bethesda 20817 301-229-5586 -$7,830, K-8 (Catholic) -2011 National Blue Ribbon School Award -Accredited by Advanced Accreditation Commission by the Southern Association of Accreditation -More about this school: Warm environment where teachers personally get to know the students and their families Partners with parents to inspire each child to reach his/her fullest potential Before/after care available; sports and extracurricular activities available after school

Your child deserves the best! Pre-school and Day Care Now enrolling! Accepting ages 18 months to 6 years old Open from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm (240) 813-0713


Top Hat Montessori is conveniently located at the intersection of Muncaster Mill Road, Woodfield Road, and Snouffer School Road in Gaithersburg’s Flower Hill neighborhood at 18203D Flower Hill Way, Gaithersburg, MD.

30 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013


St. Bernadette School

Coed 80 University Blvd. East, Silver Spring 20901 301-593-5611;

St. Elizabeth Catholic School

Through grade 8 Coed 917 Montrose Road, Rockville 20852 301-881-1824; -Catholic -$7,055, Catholic; $8,555, non-Catholic -Need-based financial aid -Uniforms required -Blue Ribbon School of Excellence -More about this school (from website): Challenging academic curriculum built on the basics of religion, reading, writing and mathematics Maximum 30 students per homeroom

St. Jane de Chantal School

Coed 9525 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda 20814 301-530-1221; -Catholic -$6,555, non-Catholic families; $5,555, Catholic families; $490 books/fees -Uniforms required -More about this school: National Blue Ribbon School 2011 High academic standards

St. John the Baptist Catholic School


Coed 12319 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring 20904 301-622-3076 -Catholic -$7,050, Catholic; $8,150, non-Catholic -Morning care and after care -Accredited by AdvancEd -More about this school: Environment that inspires self-discipline, selfrespect and self-confidence Blue Ribbon School 2010 Hallmarks: Faith, Academics, Community and Service

St. John the Evangelist School

Coed 10201 Woodland Drive, Silver Spring 20902 301-681-7656; -Catholic -$7,929, non-Catholic $9,800, Catholic $7,300 -Open houses: Nov. 7, 8:30-11:30 a.m.; Jan. 9, 8:30-11:30 a.m. -More about this school (from website): Integrates service-learning into all areas of the curriculum; teaches students the importance of imitating Christ by serving others as He did Resource teachers who advise faculty about the individual needs of students with educational challenges


3 & 4 Year Old PreK thru 8th grade


20501 Goshen Road Gaithersburg, MD 20879 301-990-2088 Email:

• Private Catholic School • Faith-filled Catholic Education • Rigorous academic curriculum • Advanced Math classes • Culturally rich & diverse student body • Technology integrated curriculum • Small class sizes & low student teacher ratio • Before & After Care program • Extracurricular activities • Affiliated with the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. 1890516

August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools



Through grade 8 Coed 3427 Olney-Laytonsville Road, Olney 20832 301-774-6804; -Episcopal -$18,750, grades 6-8; $17,850, grades 2-5; $16,950, grades K-1 -Need-based financial aid -Uniforms required -More about this school: Accelerated academics, small class size, character education, global experience Prepare each child for a successful future—in high school and in life after Academics, arts and athletics, global perspective, and community of faith The St. John’s experience inspires and guides students toward a successful life filled with meaning, purpose and confidence in the world they will inherit.

St. Jude Regional Catholic School Through grade 8 Coed 4820 Walbridge St., Rockville 20853 301-946-7888; -Catholic -$6,845, Catholic; $8,300, non-Catholic -Need-based financial aid -Uniforms required -Accredited by AdvancED Accreditation Commission Board of Trustees of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on

Accreditation and School Improvement -More about this school: 57-year tradition of academic excellence Strong parental and community involvement

St. Martin’s School

Through grade 8 Coed 115 S. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg 20877 301-990-2441; -Catholic, $6,400; non-Catholic, $7,850 -Open houses: Wed., Nov. 13, 9-11 a.m. and Jan. 28, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. -More about this school: Educates children in a Christ-centered environment Encourages the spiritual, intellectual and social growth of students, as well as their emotional and physical development Challenges students to become lifelong learners by meeting and exceeding expectations

St. Mary’s School

Through grade 8 Coed 600 Veirs Mill Road, Rockville 20852 301-762-4179; -Catholic -Tuition: Call for details. -Open house: Mon., Jan. 13, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. -More about this school: Recognized as a 2011 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

2011 USDE Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

St. Mary’s School Rockville Open House

October 27th, 10AM-1AM January 13th, 10AM-2PM January 27th, 10AM-1PM 10 am – 2 pm

600 Veirs Mill Road Rockville, Maryland



32 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013


Makes the spiritual well-being of students the highest priority; believes that students flourish academically, socially and emotionally when this priority is honored Teachers and parents partner in a student’s education

St. Patrick’s Catholic School

Coed 4101 Norbeck Road, Rockville 20853 301-929-9672; -Catholic -Tuition: Call for details. Applications now being accepted for kindergarten and first grade for the 2013-2014 school year. Call for more information. -More about this school (from website): Small, faith-based, nurturing environment Standards-based curriculum that teaches responsibility for/pride in accomplishments

and School Improvement (SACS-CASI) through a partnership with AdvancED -More about this school: Customized instruction for every student in new state-of-the-art building (iPads assigned to all middle schoolers), with an average studentteacher ratio of 9:1 for math and reading. A warm, welcoming environment with strong Catholic identity Based on research that shows fitter bodies beget fitter minds, grades 3 and up have PE four times a week and recess daily. Lower grades have PE weekly and recess twice a day.

Coed, day 5600 Little Falls Parkway, Bethesda 20816 301-652-7878; -Episcopal -Financial aid available

Coed 1513 Dunster Road, Rockville 20854 301-762-2143; -Catholic -$7,880 (includes school supplies and field trips) -Open houses: Mon., Oct. 28, and Mon., Jan. 13, 9:15-10:15 a.m. both dates -Uniforms required -Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation

Through grade 8 Coed 6801 Greentree Road, Bethesda 20817 301-365-3080; -$19,975, grades 5-8; $18,870, grades 1-4 and full-day Montessori; $12,225, half-day Montessori -Need-based financial aid -More about this school: An inclusive Catholic community preparing boys and girls to lead lives of significance Program includes daily foreign language, comprehensive arts curriculum, innovative technology use, robotics and competitive athletics

Washington Episcopal School


St. Raphael School

The Woods Academy

-Uniforms required, Grades 1–8 -Open houses: Tues., Oct. 15, 9 a.m.; Mon., Nov. 11, 9 a.m.; Thurs., Jan. 16, 9 a.m. -Accredited by Association of Independent Maryland Schools (AIMS); the Middle States Association -More about this school: Joyful learning environment features strong academics, arts, languages, technology and foreign study trips included in tuition

MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOLS Connelly School of the Holy Child

Grades 6-12 Girls 9029 Bradley Blvd., Potomac 20854 301-365-0955; -Catholic

-$27,220, grades 9-12; $275 technology fee; $24,950, grades 6-8; $500 books and activity fee; $275 technology fee -Open house: Sun., Oct. 27, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. -Middle School Discovery Days from October through December; check website for details. -Need-based financial aid

Provides an intellectually challenging and creative program of study that leads to academic excellence Personalized Program Educates women of faith and action for compassionate service to humanity

National Children’s Center School-Maryland Campus

Nongraded, ages 12-21 Coed 410 University Blvd. West, Silver Spring 20901 301-593-0642; -Nonpublic school for ages 12-21 who have autism, intellectual disabilities and multiple disabilities -Does not accept private pay students. Students are placed at the school by their school district. -More about this school: A developmentally appropriate curriculum, with each student’s success measured via individual goals Related services such as counseling, speech/ language, occupational therapy and physical therapy as identified on each student’s IEP Weekly yoga and art classes taught by certified instructors Low staff:student ratio allows for an intense, focused, individualized program for each student

-More about this school:

Discover Forcey Christian School Open House Dates:

Thursday, December 12, 2013, 7:30 p.m. or Tuesday, January 21, 2014, 7:30 p.m. Come discover what the Forcey Christian School advantage can mean to your family. Call to schedule a Tuesday morning or Wednesday afternoon tour of Forcey’s preschool to grade 8 accredited program.

Forcey Christian School

2130 E. Randolph Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904 Telephone 301-622-2281 Email: Website: 1906975


August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools


The Ridge School of Montgomery County


Grades 6-12 14915 Broschart Road, Rockville 20850 301-217-5412, 301-838-490 locations/profile/?id=1138

Yeshiva of Greater Washington, Boys Division

Grades 7-12 Boys 1216 Arcola Ave., Silver Spring 20902 301-649-7077; -Jewish -Tuition and fees: $17,150, grades 7-8; $19,525, grades 9-10; $19,675, grades 11-12 -Need-based financial aid -More about this school (from website): Inspires students to a lifelong commitment to Torah observance, spiritual growth and the pursuit of advanced knowledge 100 percent of upper school graduates pursue post-secondary education Comprehensive Judaic and general studies programs, Yeshiva Gedola/Yeshiva College Program

Yeshiva of Greater Washington, Girls Division Grades 7-12 Girls 2010 Linden Lane, Silver Spring 20910 301-962-5111;


34 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013


-Jewish -Tuition and fees: $17,000, grades 7-8; $19,375, grades 9-10; $19,525, grades 11-12 -Need-based financial aid -More about this school (from website): Inspires students to a lifelong commitment to Torah observance, spiritual growth and the pursuit of advanced knowledge Comprehensive Judaic and general studies programs, Yeshiva Gedola/Yeshiva College Program


HIGH SCHOOLS The Academy of the Holy Cross

Grades 9-12 Girls 4920 Strathmore Ave., Kensington 20895 301-942-2100; -Catholic -$19,550; sibling discount -Need-based financial aid. Scholarships for academic excellence in grades and standardized testing -Uniforms required -Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools -Open house: Sun., Oct. 27, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. -More about this school (from website): Dedication to developing young women in a Christ-centered community, which values diversity Senior Project, a career education graduation < see next page >




August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools



requirement, in which seniors participate in offcampus career placements for three weeks at the end of the fourth quarter IB/AP/Honors academics program Championship athletics program–WCAC division Award-winning performing arts program

Georgetown Preparatory School

Grades 9-12 Boys 10900 Rockville Pike, North Bethesda 20852 301-493-5000; -Catholic -$30,960; $52,735 with board

Don Bosco Cristo Rey

1010 Larch Ave., Takoma Park 20912 P.O. Box 56481, Washington, DC 20040 301-891-4750; -Catholic; Salesians of Don Bosco -$13,000; CWSP students earn $6,800 toward tuition; family contribution, $2,500 -Open house: Sat., Nov. 16, 12-2 p.m.

-Need-based financial aid. An average grant of $19,000 is awarded to 27 percent of students. -Uniforms required -Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools -Open house: Sun., Oct. 20, 1-4 p.m. -More about this school: Oldest Jesuit high school in the United States, founded in 1789

-Application Deadline: Jan. 10 -More about this school: 100 percent college acceptance among each graduating class $5.2 million earned in merit and need-based scholarships by the graduating class of 2013 Rigorous college-preparatory Catholic education with a Salesian approach of “Faith, family, future, fun” for hardworking students with limited economic resources Member of the Cristo Rey Network, a national association of 25 Catholic high schools that feature a college preparatory curriculum and a unique Corporate Work Study Program through which each student gains professional experience while financing the majority of the cost of his/her education.

Nationally ranked lacrosse, swimming Mission: Forming men of competence, conscience, courage, and compassion: “Men of Faith, Men for Others.”

The Marcia D. Smith School

Nongraded, ages 11-21 Coed 9075 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg 20877 301-926-2300 -Special learning needs school -Tuition: Call for details. -More about this school (from website):

A 57 Year Tradition of Academic Excellence

Regional Catholic school partnered with St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Our Lady Queen of the Grace Parish, and Our Lady Queen of the Americas Parish

Open House Nov. 13, 2013 9-11:30 & Jan. 29, 2014 9-11:30am; 6-8pm • Pre K(3&4 years olds) - 8th • Spanish K thru 8th Grade • High School Preparation Focus • Small Class Size • Challenging Academic Curriculum

• Resource & Learning Skills Program • Extended Day Program • Athletic Association (soccer, baseball, softball, basketball, cheerleading, T-ball)

“We are....St.Jude!!! Live Jesus in our hearts....Forever!!”


36 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013


—Glenn Benjamin, Principal

4820 Walbridge Street, Rockville, MD 20853

301-946-7888 •

Instructional program designed to enable the student to realize his/her potential to learn, communicate, develop social competency and transition successfully into adult life


Vocational program where students can develop skills at local government and nonprofit volunteer work sites

The Nora School

Grades 9-12 Coed 955 Sligo Ave., Silver Spring 20910 301-495-6672; -$25,800 -Need-based financial aid. About 90 percent of recent financial aid awards went to families with adjusted incomes below $50,000 per year -Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools -Open house: Private tours by appointment -More about this school: A small, progressive, independent, college preparatory day school for bright students who have found themselves frustrated in larger or more rigid institutions. “Think Differently.” Offers college preparatory curriculum in a relaxed, nurturing and small-class environment

Over 50 Years Of Excellence

Serving Students in Pre-School through Grade 8

Small Class Size • Accelerated Academics • Global Experience • Character Education • 301.774.6804

3427 Olney Laytonsville Road, Olney, MD 20832 1906851


August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools


HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC SCHOOL 9715 Summit Avenue, Kensington, MD 20895


Half Day Pre-K 3’s & 4’s Full Day Pre-K 4’s Kindergarten-Eighth Grade Holy Redeemer School is wonderful school with excellent academic programs, vibrant Catholic identity, and dynamic school community life. For more information and questions regarding Admissions please contact Mrs. D’Avella at

Our Lady of Good Counsel High School

Grades 9-12 Coed 17301 Old Vic Blvd., Olney 20832 240-283-3200; -Catholic -$18,050 -Need-based financial aid; academic and fine arts scholarships available -Uniforms required -Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools -Open house: Sun., Oct. 27, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. -More about this school: A private, Catholic, Xaverian Brothers sponsored college preparatory school established in 1958 State-of-the-art, 52-acre, wireless campus includes more than 50 classrooms, 10 science and technology labs, a well-equipped media center, a 150-seat chapel, two gymnasiums, a turf field and multiple athletic fields Faculty and staff are committed to preparing students with diverse learning abilities for the challenges of life by providing programs and activities that advance academic excellence, service to others, and embody the Xaverian values of humility, trust, zeal, compassion, and simplicity upon which the school is founded Collectively, every four-year graduating class contributes 32,500 hours of community service Students from the Class of 2013 were awarded $30.5 million in academic merit scholarships and $2.5 million in athletic scholarships



38 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013

Pathways School Edgewood

Grades 9-12; Nongraded, ages 15-21 Coed 801 University Blvd. West, Silver Spring 20901 301-681-4112; -A school for students with behavioral and emotional disabilities -Tuition: Call for details. -Students may volunteer to attend a Drug Intervention Program taught by an instructor with a LCSW-C and certified through DMHS to provide the Substance Abuse Intervention. Students also may volunteer to attend the Young Entrepreneur Program taught by experts using a nationally recognized curriculum. -More about this school (from website): Helps students transition to post-secondary life through classroom instruction, communitybased experiential activities and therapeutic support Enables students with emotional or behavioral disabilities to become independent, contributing members of society

Pathways School Springville Re-Entry

Grades 9-12; Nongraded, ages 13-18 Coed 2601 University Blvd. West, 3rd Floor, Wheaton 20902 301-942-1115; -A school for students with behavioral and emotional disabilities -Tuition: Call for details.

-Students may volunteer to attend a Drug Intervention Program taught by an instructor with a LCSW-C and certified through DMHS to provide the Substance Abuse Intervention. Students also may volunteer to attend the Young Entrepreneur Program taught by experts using a nationally recognized curriculum. -More about this school (from website): Academic, therapeutic, and transition services for up to 20 high school students, male or female, with emotional disabilities, that facilitate the student’s return to the public school environment Small, self-contained classes

Takoma Academy

Grades 9-12 Coed 8120 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park 20912 301-434-4700; -Seventh-day Adventist -Tuition: Call for details. -Need-based financial aid and scholarships available. -Unified dress code -Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools -Open house: every second and fourth Tuesday, October to May, 9:30 a.m. -More about this school: Fosters a commitment to faith, service and a passion for learning Small student:teacher ratio College Preparatory Diploma, Advanced Placement and Dual Credit college courses



August 2013 | Special supplement to The Gazette | Private Schools



40 Private Schools | Special supplement to The Gazette | August 2013

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