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The GCSP Way
The GCSP Way lies at the heart of what we do and how we do it.
In order to fulfil our mandate we build on a unique approach to design and deliver learning journeys. The GCSP Way encapsulates our belief in the legitimacy of our purpose and the power of collective wisdom. We help individuals build bridges, challenge assumptions and break down silos.
Everyone comes to the table with their mutually enriching viewpoints. There is no hidden agenda.
The GCSP Way brings together the experience of practitioners, the expertise of academics and the knowledge of participants from around the world. Global security issues are systematically unpacked from different stakeholders’ perspectives. As a result, our participants discover new ways of thinking and thriving in today’s tumultuous world.
Based on 25 years of experience in educating professionals from all sectors, we have developed an approach to executive education that is specific to the GCSP.
The GCSP Way:
▪ is grounded in our guiding principles of impartiality, independence and inclusiveness
▪ applies a holistic approach that combines a comprehensive portfolio of topics related to international security and peace with strategic and leadership tools and skills
▪ stimulates strategic and creative thinking and challenges professionals to explore the boundaries of their own capabilities
▪ enables the co-creation of knowledge among speakers (who are both academics and practitioners) and course participants, as well as through peer-to-peer learning
▪ focuses on impact and the transfer of learning into the workplace, and gives course participants continual opportunities to practise and apply the skills they are learning.
The GCSP is eduQua certified
eduQua is a quality label for continuing education institutions recognised and supported by the Swiss government.
Certification is awarded following an external audit focusing on clients’ needs and satisfaction in the following areas: course portfolio, information and communication, course design and delivery, qualifications of teaching staff, quality management system, and leadership.
The GCSP is ISO 9001:2015 certified
ISO 9001:2015 is an international quality label specifying requirements for a quality management system within an organisation.
The certification is obtained following audits based on a number of quality management principles; including strong customer focus, management motivation and commitment, process approach, and continuous improvement.
Obtaining an ISO 9001: 2015 certification ensures, inter alia, that GCSP customers are supplied with consistent, good-quality products and services.