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GCSP The Geneva Centre for Security Policy is an international foundation with 45 member states from across the globe that provides forwardthinking and innovative solutions for leaders and policymakers concerned with international affairs and security in today’s complex, globalised world.

In the heart of “International Geneva” Hosting over 35 international organisations, more than 250 non-governmental organisations, 173 diplomatic missions, representations and delegations, Geneva represents one of the world’s richest networks in international affairs.

UN Photo / Mark Garten

8-month programme

21st Century Security Policy: Responding to the Emerging Security Landscape The 30th edition of this eight month international training course in security policy is designed to increase the knowledge and skills of highperforming professionals, who seek to enhance their career and engage in leadership positions in solving the world’s most pressing security challenges. Participants can also opt to take part in the concurrent Master of Advanced Studies in International and European Security, jointly run with the Global Studies Institute of the University of Geneva.

Key benefits for you The course will provide you with the conceptual framework and practical skills to: • Develop your understanding and capacity for leadership in a security policy environment, • Address the challenges created by the current evolution of security actors, • Devise concrete policies to address global strategic challenges, and • Develop your network to pursue collaborative solutions.

Teaching staff profiles The LISC teaching staff includes GCSP’s own international team composed of academics and practitioners with broad experience in security policy, diplomacy and/ or military affairs, as well as highlevel experts (government officials, military officers, representatives from international institutions and civil society, academics and researchers) from across the globe.

Why you should attend

Alumni community

This course offers you a unique opportunity to: • Enhance your leadership skills, drawing on your own strengths and those of a network of security professionals, • Generate effective policy options to address complex security threats, • Work across cultures, organizations, and professional sectors to ensure sustainable solutions in a complex world.

Upon completion of the course, you become part of the expanding GCSP alumni network and enjoy continued access to our events. Security policy conferences enable current and past participants to meet, debate policy issues and share ideas and experiences in an informal setting.

Admission Course curriculum Term 1: The Strategic Security Context • The Security Environment, Concepts and Theories • Leadership and Decision-Making • Global Security Issues • The Conflict Management Cycle Term 2: Transnational and Transatlantic Security • Human Security and Emerging Challenges • Institutions & Actors in the EuroAtlantic Area • Geostrategic Perspectives on Security Policy

Term 3: Global Security Dynamics • Emerging Leaders: Decision-Making in the 21st Century • Emerging Regions: Security Policy Challenges • Alternative Futures: Strategic Foresight & Horizon Scanning Participant Profiles Open to mid-career professionals working in national ministries and international organisations. Candidates must have a relevant university degree and exposure to peace and security issues. Serving officers must have completed an advanced military staff course.

Course design This intensive 8 month course engages you through classroom analysis, peer to peer networking, and individual skills enhancement. Conducted by internal and visiting experts, you will experience a range of activities including presentations, panels and thematic debates. A particular focus is placed on interactive sessions involving case studies, simulations and collaborative peer to peer learning, to turn knowledge into practice. Finally, you will have the opportunity to network with GCSP’s global expert community, as well as the multitude of actors present in International Geneva.

Master of Advanced Studies in International and European Security Participants can concurrently take part in the fully accredited Master of Advanced Studies in International and European Security (60 ECTS), run jointly with the Global Studies Institute (GSI) of the University of Geneva. This Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) has been accredited since 2013 by the Swiss University Conference, the highest level of recognition for a Swiss degree. Participants who take the MAS follow two additional modules that deepen the conceptual focus through university lectures and an academic dissertation. www.unige.ch/formcont/mas-security.html

For further details about the course and the application process, please contact: c.administration@gcsp.ch +41 (0)22 730 96 00 Application deadline: Wednesday, 10 June 2015 Tuition fees: The LISC is offered free of tuition charges for all participants as part of Switzerland’s contribution to the Partnership for Peace Programme. Travel costs between the home country and Geneva, as well as living expenses and accommodation in Geneva, are the responsibility of the respective sending government or organisation. Requirements: English, the working language of the course. Venue: GCSP Maison de la paix Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2D P.O. Box 1295 CH-1211 Geneva 1 www.gcsp.ch Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

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