The Gears Broadsheet (Aug-Oct 2016)

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Editorial| When it rains, does it pour? p.6 Column| Cha-Cha to Federalism p.7

VOL LVI NO. 7 | AUGUST - OCTOBER 2016 ISSUE | ISSN 1656-8699


DEVCOMM Greener Youth in Action p. 17

Young at Heart p. 10 Cultural Affairs and Arts Office: Reviving Culture, Providing Opportunities p. 12

Tangent 90: UNDEFINED p.7

Participatory Research for Climate Change Education p. 18





Sen. Bam Aquino promotes establishment of provincial zone for central development in LSPU / STORY ON PAGE 17

University welcomes ‘Senior High’ Population down by 21% due to major decrease of course offerings



aguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) showed readiness to blaze the trail for Department of Education’s K (Kindergarten) – 12 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) reform program, particularly its feature of adding two years of senior high school starting this School Year, 2016 – 2017. “We have the capability [to offer Senior High School] because we have enough classrooms and facilities at a lower price compared to private schools,” according to Curriculum Instruction Development and Quality Assurance (CIDQA) Director Zenaida O. Vitasa. BEYOND EXPECTATIONS Sta. Cruz Campus welcomed 135 enrolled SHS students, the most among the four campuses while San Pablo got the next highest number with 40 enrollees, Siniloan with 35and Los Baños with 32 enrollees. “Hindi na kami nag-expect naaabot ng 100 ang enrollment kasi late na kami nakapagannouce pero nakagugulat na lumagpas pa sa inaasahan kasi maraming nag-apply ng enrollment sa iba ang biglang naglipatan ditto ng malamang nag-offer tayong Senior High dahil mas mura.” Dr. Vitasa said. LIFELONG LEARNING TRACKS UNVEILED Total university population had gone through a deSENIOR HIGH / PAGE 3


New Electrical Engineers News on page 4


GETTING TO KNOW. New members of the academe, Senior High School students, are getting along with the university’s norms and undertakings.

photo by Shien Rhoel Moral

Prexy opens academic year Y.E.S. extends hands through bloodletting activity with drug free assurance BY LOU FATIMA MUEGA



ito sa LSPU kayo ay safe na safe. Walang droga.” Dr. Nestor M. De Vera, University President, exclaimed in the opening ceremony of this academic year, LSPU-SCC Activity Center, Aug. 8. With a loud bang from LSPU-Marching Band, Dr. De Vera surprised the university stating that a drug testing will be conducted within the whole academic community including students and faculty members. “Dito sa atin [sa LSPU], hindi dapat pinag-uusapan ang droga. Hindi dapat alam [ng lahat] ang droga.” Dr. De Vera added. “The said drug testing is essential because this could lead to a more suitable

university for good education. It could help students to be more motivated to study. If the university practices it and the students will learn to adapt, it will cause rippling effect. It could be a great start in a drug free environment.” Mary Anne T. Tolentino AB Broadcasting student said when asked about the startling drug testing. Moreover, Dr. De Vera pointed out the reasons of the shifting of academic calendar such as climate change which is one of the mere phenomena today. “This affects the suspension of classes. Kasi naman minsan malakas ang ulan sa Sta. Cruz tapos mainit sa San Pablo, baha sa DRUG FREE UNIVERSITY / PAGE 3

Senior High Enrollees News on page 4


side from entrepreneurial skills that we have, this bloodletting program is a form of social responsibility to be a good citizen now and for the future.” It was said by the president of Young Entrepreneur’s Society (Y.E.S), Jeralen Activa during the bloodletting program

conducted by Y.E.S. in partnership with the College of Business Management and Accountancy (CBMA) held at CHMT Function Hall, October 11. Dean Marissa Dimarucot of CBMA led the opening BLOODLETTING ACTIVITY / PAGE 3

ABS-CBN brings citizen journ program to LSPU BY RAYNS KENETH AMPON


o further improve the use of media platforms of broadcasting majors, ABS-CBN Bayan Mo Ipatrol Mo spearheaded responsible citizen journalism workshop held at Laguna State Polytechnic University, CHMT Function Hall, October 26. Mrs. Rowena Paraan, Head of Bayan Mo, Ipatrol Mo

shared her expertise in field reporting and the importance of contexts in covering news. “Context is important in reporting because in this way you will determine the background of the story,” Paraan stressed CITIZEN JOURN / PAGE 3

SSC empowers youth leaders BY JUNE LOUIE FLORES


9001:2008 ISO Certification Special Report on page 2

LISTEN THEN ACT. SSC encourages young leaders from different colleges to uphold truth and convergence, CHMT Function Hall, October 14.

photo courtesy of SSC

upreme Student Council conducted 5th Philippine I Transform & Trail Summer Camp, re-echo seminar with the theme “Students today, leaders forever,” CHMT Function Hall, Oct. 14. Aiming the youth to lead the development of the country, selected students from different

colleges of LSPU - Main Campus attended the said event to undergo seminar and activities to improve camaraderie inside the university and community. Through the success of the event which was led by the adviser of SSC, Mr. YOUTH LEADERS / PAGE 5






Going Global

LSPU aims for ISO 9001:2008 Certification Special Report BY JOHN CARLOS ALVAREZ


ith the vision to transform lives and communities, Laguna State Polytechnic University started efforts to become ISO 9001:2008 certified. This big leap of the university started August of last year. “It took a while before we prepared for this,” University President Hon. Nestor M. De Vera, Ph. D. stated during the launching and orientation of LSPU’s ISO Journey. “Attaining this kind of certification ensures that international standards are given through the services offered by our university,” President De Vera added. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) gives the ISO 9001:2008 or the Quality Management Systems certification to companies or organizations that can “demonstrate ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.” STARTING FROM SCRATCH University personnel were gathered through series of meetings and workshops. This was done to determine the foundation of the process and the following steps to be accomplished. On the orientation held August 24 last year, Engr. Helen Evalle, the university’s ISO consultant, exclaimed that it is not yet late for LSPU to become ISO 9001:2008 certified. This is despite the update of the certification on Quality Management Systems on 2017. As a primer, Engr. Evalle provided information on Customer Focus, Leadership, Involvement of People, Process Approach, System Approach, Continual Improvement, Factual Approach and Supplier Re-

lationship, some of the essentials in achieving quality system. NOT A NEW SYSTEM “We are trying to systematize the existing system as according to international standards,” Curriculum, Instruction Development and Quality Assurance (CIDQA) Director, Dr. Zenaida O. Vitasa clarified that there would not be a new system on the ISO process. On August 10 of this year, as the shifted academic year started, coded forms were utilized by the University for administrative and academic purposes. These forms were uniform for the four campuses of LSPU and include the documents used by student organizations as well. “It was difficult at first,” Zion Astronomo, Managing Editor of The Gears Publication stated. “Our first communication letters were sent back to us due to the use of old formats but as we receive the coded ones, the process became more convenient for all,” he added. QUALITY POLICY LSPU started to meet ISO requirements by the formulation of a Quality Policy. Various versions of the Quality Policy were submitted until the University President and the Quality Management Representatives (QMR) agreed on the final one. The Quality Policy reflected the university’s commitment to “continual improvement to provide quality, efficient and effective services to the University Stakeholder’s highest level of satisfaction through a dynamic and excellent management system imbued with utmost integrity, professionalism and innovation.” “At first, I thought that the reason why we are required

COMMITMENT TO SUCCESS. University professors signed the Launching and Orientation Banner of LSPU’s journey in to attaining ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems certification as indication of their commitment to success, Splash Mountain, Los Banos, Laguna, Aug. 2015. photo by Carlos Alvarez

to memorize the Quality Policy is Accreditation,” Ammi Grace Ramos, a fourth year Bachelor of Secondary Education student stated. “Then I realized that the university is going through ISO certification process and we, the students, should be aware on it,” Ms. Ramos added. Dean Josefina De Jesus of the College of Teacher Education stated that it is important for the students to know the Quality Policy because the students are the major beneficiaries of ISO and they should be aware on whatever steps the university is doing. Not only the students but also all of the university personnel were encouraged to memorize the Quality Policy. This includes the faculty members


non-teaching personnel. “We should memorize our Quality Policy by heart,” Dr. Vitasa shared. “It should be a part of our personal system,” she said. Last July, the Quality Policy was posted in every offices and activity centers in all of the campuses of the university. OTHER REQUIREMENTS LSPU’s Quality Manual describes the system and how the system works. The review, approval and distribution of the Quality Manual were done last October through the President’s office, Quality Management Representative, Mr. Nestor T. Mendoza and CIDQA. Also, Mandatory Procedures were also done simultane-

BY HEART. Not only students but also university personnel are encouraged to memorize LSPU Quality Policy by heart. photo by Carlos Alvarez

ously by the earlier said offices including the Vice President’s office and Document Control Office. These procedures include Control of Records and Documents, Internal Audit and Con-

trol of Non-Conformance, Corrective and Preventive Actions. ISO related plan scheduled this December is the InISO CERTIFICATION / PAGE 5

Highlights of Duterte’s First 100 Days as President Special Report BY JAMES BALLESTEROS


resident Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s first 100 days in office remarked a strong yet indecisive administration. Duterte startled with making a move on picking a fight to the USA President Barack Obama, the United Nations, the European Union and others who had criticized his brutal crackdown against drugs that has left more than 3,600 suspected drug personalities dead and pushed back his country’s 65-years alliance with the United States while reaching out to Russia and China. WAR ON DRUGS As Duterte said before he became the president of the republic, his fight against drug abusers will be bloody. Duterte’s obsessive focus on his deadly crackdown on illegal drugs and in his three-decade political career defined his early days in the presidency. After Duterte’s public announcement of his fight against illegal drugs, the police moved and recorded for at least

23,500 raids so far and nual war games would be 22,500 arresting suspectthe last because it was ed drug dealers and users. not part of the Enhanced A rough estiDefense Cooperation mate puts the death toll Agreement (EDCA). “Asat about 3,600 drug persess yourselves. Because sonalities including more if you don’t, you will lose than 1,300 suspects killed the Philippines,” he said. in gun battles with police and an average of LAWLESS NATION 36 killings a day since he Fifteen were left took office on June 30. dead after the bombing in According to the a night market on Davao Philippine National Police City. This Sept. 2 attack (PNP), President Duterte’s had prompted Duterte to public threat to kill crimideclare a “state of lawlessnals especially drug adness or lawless violence.” dicts had a big help to Right away, peoreduce the crime rate. INDEPENDENT. Rodrigo Duterte takes oath as the new president during his inauguration ple had gone afraid for A survey made by at Malacañang Palace on June 30. Month’s later, he acted what he meant by stating that this action may eventuphoto from the Social Weather Sta- the Philippines will be taking “a course of our own.” ally lead to the declaration tions (SWS) last October of martial law. But Presimedia. Liberation, a French ties with the United States leadshowed 84 percent of Filipino newspaper, dubbed Duterte ing to formation of a stronger al- dential Spokesperson, Ernesto adults are satisfied with his war as “serial killer president.” liance with China and Russia. Abella, explained that this “state on drugs, yet, 94 percent reIn a speech, he told of lawlessness” is only limited to acted to the police to arrest sus- PUSHING BACK TO U.S. Obama to “go to hell. Do not “calling out the armed forces to pects alive rather to kill them After almost six de- treat us like a doormat because suppress the lawless violence." without any criminal hearings. cades of being allied with one you will be sorry for it.” Duterte More so, Duterte stated This so-called war on of the strongest countries in the mentioned Obama’s name four that martial law is “not feasible” drugs had also caught the at- world, Duterte’s decisions had times in his speech as he re- at the time being. "I am not a fan tention of the international shown that the country is losing peated twice that this year’s an- of martial law. Abugado ako eh.


Natakot 'yung mga tao sa martial law but if ever, martial law is a contingency [against] widespread violence," Duterte explained. PULSE OF THE NATION 7 out of 10 Filipino people are “satisfied” with the performance of President Duterte for the first 100 days of his administration, according the SWS Survey. On the first SWS satisfaction poll for his administration, his Excellency scored +64 net satisfaction rating, making him the second highest start for the presidency after former President Fidel V. Ramos on September 1992 with a score of +66 net satisfaction rating. While about 13 percent of the Filipinos are undecided and 11 percent are dissatisfied with his act. Nicole Curato, a sociologist, said that the Filipinos already see how the President will be effective in taping the anxiety and issues today that tends to be ignored like the drugs and criminality which are very obvious. 





Drug free university FROM PAGE 1

LB…” the president stated. “The shifting of academic calendar at some point is irrelevant within the reasons about climate change. It is because we can’t really predict the weather that merely affects us, students, such April and May which to be expected as summer could lead to some sudden effects in the health condition of some students with asthma and the likes.” Angelica C. Gonzaga, student from College of Teacher Education (CTE) said in an interview. Subsequently, the number of school days was also considered as Dr. De Vera mentioned about less days to be allotted for college days’ celebrations and programs affecting the scholastic schedule of the students. On the other hand, the faculty members of the whole campus are expected to undergo a training program during the first week of class as mandated by the president to be spearheaded by the CTE thereof training exemption of the department is advised. The further talk of the president circulated with the rules and proper decorum with regards of using the comfort rooms and other facilities and also the proper wearing of uniform including the faculty. “While [you are] at LSPU, you are [going] to obey the policies in LSPU,” President De Vera uttered clearly as he ended his welcoming remarks. Meanwhile, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mario Pasion delivered his message encouraging thr students to perform well in their studies. Additionally, Campus Director, Dr. Roberto Miranda, expressed his warmest welcome to the students followed by the introduction of the teaching force of the university. "It was good that the university aims to provide quality service to the students," Reniel Gallardo, a fourth year Bachelor of Secondary Education Student said. "As a graduating student, I am happy that the new generation of LSPU students could stll have quality learning. "

Citizen journ FROM PAGE 1

out before the participants. The seminar was composed of different journalistic approaches. These included the use of social media as the most accessible news dissemination avenue for Bayan Patrolers. “ABS-CBN handles this kind of program in order to share a chance for a citizen to be a watcher in their society, imagine that we are like having a million of reporters in different part of the Philippines” she added. Meanwhile, students were tasked of different works such as taking photography (tight shot, medium shot and wide shot), also the news in proximity by providing the lead of the news. In an interview to Mr. RomwelS umague, Broadcasting Society President, said that “The program aims to educate the broadcasting students on the current things a media do.” 

The Gears Publication provides workshops to young student journalists in Laguna BY JAN ALDOUS VIRINA


xtend your pens! Despite the shifting of Academic Calendar, The Gears Publication (TGP) still extended helping hands to selected elementary and secondary schools around Laguna in preparation for the school year’s press conferences and competitions. TGP spread out and practiced their skills as they instilled and taught other young journalists from San Juan National High School (SJNHS) in Kalayaan; San Francisco National High School (SFNHS) in Victoria; Gulod National High School (GNHS) in Cabuyao; and Calamba City Science High School (CCSHS). More so, there were elementary schools that has been serviced by TGP in training young journalists which includes Sto. Niño Elementary School (SNES) in Lumban; Banilad Elementary School (BES) and Banca-banca Elementary School (BBES) in Nagcarlan; and Dayap Elementary School –

MOLD ONE. While the other students of Calamba City Science High School are applying skills they learned in the campus journalism workshop, Norman Belarma, The Gears artist, shares tips to a youg journalist. photo by Grecille Baldesco

Annex (DES-Annex) in Calauan; “Mabuti at maraming nakapasok sa Division. Unlike last year na kakaunti.” Mrs. Irene C. Vasquez, School Paper Adviser of Banilad

Elementary School (BES), said after winning the District Press Conference through a two week training rendered by TGP. Moreover, in conducting a school-based press conference

in CCSHS, Rhoan Jotojot, Grade 10 student, said that she learned new things in her category as a feature writer and it became clearer to her because the lecturer was understanding

and near of their ages. “What’s the feeling? Relieved! Because our age gap isn’t that too far that I am comfortable and I came to know that I have same struggles as the lecturers because I don’t feel like intimidated as experts lecturers made me feel.” Jotojot said in an interview. More so, Lara Mae Guelas, another student journalist from CCSHS exclaimed that she learned many things because it is her first time in listening to feature writing lecture. “I learned a lot because I only focused on editorial writing. Thus, I can now notice the difference between the structures in writing the distinct disciplines and it is a big help for me because I am still using those learning until now in my writing assignments.” Guelas shared. Furthermore, Thessa Mae Polias, a Grade 6 student from BBES blurted that she is grateful for the help of TGP because she established not only her skill improvement but also her confidence.

LSPU welcomes lifelong learners, other non-K12 university students BY JUNE LOUIE FLORES


s part of the institution’s activities, annual general orientation was conducted for Lifelong learners, transferees, continuers and shifters held at Laguna State Polytechnic University – Sta. Cruz, Campus (LSPU - SCC) Multi – Purpose Gymnasium and Hall, August 25. Dr. Roberto C. Miranda delivered his opening remarks for the students, preceded by the services that students can avail. Mrs. Josie Consebido, the University Guidance Counselor tackled their treatment to give with students emotional and personal problem, with the scholarship related program and the availability of it. Mrs. Melissa Rose A. Tupas discussed scholarship programs that suits students’ abilities with

maximum limit of one to avail. Dr. Edwin Pailan introduced the Job placement services for its importance to freshgraduates to be employed and students that will start their on-the-job training. The university also offers Multi-Faith services talked over by Prof. Maria Eva E. Diongco and the Safety and Security services discussed by A/Prof. Ronald Maglapuz. Dr. Henly F. Martirez introduced the Cultural Affairs and Arts presented institutional programs for students like exposing them to arts, and to represent the Chairman of the Gears Student Publication, Dr. Zenaida O. Vitasa, selected staffers promoted press freedom and the recruitment for new student journalists. Furthermore, Mr. Hoseal

B. Gayman discussed the details of services inside the Library and for students Medical and Dental services, Mrs. Catalyn Rose Angeles and Dr. Raymond Nonatos Cora introduced the proper health care and services to avail for free. A/ Prof. Freddie S. Pinuela and A/ Prof. Virgilio Bartolome provided students with the proper behavior inside the campus and the code and conduct, while Dr. Josie A. Capistrano discussed the organizations building up the institution. More so, Mrs. Evelyn Napiza discussed registration. Lastly, A/Prof. Rhoneil B. Vibora, adviser, and Lyndzei Bermudez, President of Supreme Student Council organized the program in coordination with the Office of Student Affairs and Services.

ALL GATHERED. New students, continuers and shifters are onriented with the basic information about the university,Aug. 25. photo by Shien Moral

University jives to new jingle BY MARK JETHRO RAMOS


ain Campus held 1st Jingle and Poster Making Competition centered on the University’s Mission and Vision at the Cultural Hall, October 25. College of Teacher Education bagged the 1st Place and the honor of having their composition become the new jingle of LSPU. With their musical

prowess and specialization in MAPEH, they had the judges grooving with the catchy beats of their performance. College of Industrial Technology’s representative placed 1st in the poster making competition, besting four other contestants through skill balance of aesthetics, technicalities, and relevance to the theme.

Int’l training center commends LSPU STs BY JOHN CARLOS ALVAREZ

A ENGLISH AS SECOND LANGUAGE. Rayne Tulio imparts her skills to young Enlish as Second Language Learners in Vietnam. photo courtesy of Rayne Tulio

Bloodletting activity


of the activity. Mr. Frank Gray Sorromero, MPA, the Chapter Administrator of Philippine Red Cross Laguna Chapter gave an introductory message. Moreover, students from different colleges were screened for bloodletting. Anyone who is in good health, at least 16 years old of age and weighs at least 50 kgs can donate. They must not be anemic and doesn’t

have any colds and cough. Additionally, women must not be on their menstrual period and men should not have been confined at the hospital for six months. The program ended with a closing remark by the Y.E.S adviser, Mrs. Merdeka Esmalde. Furthermore, Y.E.S. conducted the activity with “Give Blood for a Reason, Let the reason be life” mantra. 

fter five months of the OffCampus International Practice Teaching Program, Student Teachers (ST) from Laguna State Polytechnic University received highly-positive feedback from the International Training and Development Center (ITC) of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam. “This is the most successful batch so far,” Ms. Quynh Anh Le, one of the program’s coordinator, expressed her gratitude during awarding of Certificates of Completion ceremony last October 20. “We are really happy because most of the comments from the directors were positive; there were minimal


complaints,” Ms. Le added. The program, which started last May, aimed to provide authentic English as a Second Language Instructional Experience for Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English students. “I am really thankful that I became a part of this program,” Ria Mae Constantino, one of the STs from Santa Cruz Campus, said. “It was really difficult at first, especially because I was alone, but now that we were done, I feel fulfilled,” she added. Other STs from Santa Cruz Campus were John Carlos Alvarez, John Miguel Dungo, Joeren Duran, Alyssa Joyce Yosolon, Angela Cataquiz, Rayne Carolle Tulio and Rhona Mae Coracero. Also sent by Santa Cruz

Campus was Bui Huyen Trang, a Vietnamese student. While San Pablo City Campus also sent STs namely Claire Pasco, Cheska Mortel and Audrey Guttierez. Due to his desire to gain extensive training, Jerwin Fernandez expressed his intent to stay longer; extending the duration of his training up to December. More so, three other STs: Pauline Punzalan, Merienor Cosico and Angelica Cullano continue their training until November since they started a month later than the others. “We would like to see you again here, in Vietnam, as a real teacher not a Student Teacher.” Ms. Le said inviting the STs to work at ITC in the future. 






LSPU-SCC garners 32 newly registered ENROLMENT RATE EE; Yao ranks 9th in RME Examination 7, 905 Firts Semester | Academic Year 2016 - 2017


hirty - two graduates of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering of Laguna State Polytechnic University – Santa Cruz Campus (LSPU-SCC) passed the Electrical Engineering (EE) Licensure Examination.

These newly registered electrical engineers were consisted of 30 first time takers, with passing percentage of 73.17%, and 2 repeaters, with 40% pass percentage, successfully passed the said examination having a 69.57% overall performance. The passers are Engr. Chriselda Andrada, Engr. John Lester Audije, Engr. Jay-el Mercado Anonuevo, Engr. Anj Bayacal, Engr. Mark Jayson Blastique Bugtong, Engr. Justinemay Lee Justine Calso,


Engr. Richard Coronado, Engr. Danpaul Pascual Coronado, Engr. Jack Cura, Engr. Addam Bartolini Estenor, Engr. John Paul Garcia, Engr. Melanie Joyce Llamoso Gregas, Engr. John Rey Hingpit, Engr. Jayson L. Laguador, Engr. Calvin Jacob Lapiz, Engr. Sofia Loren Hara Matienzo, Engr. Jamilee Orsal, Engr. Marlon Panaglima, Engr. Joshua Corpuz Pangayao, Engr. Vernadette Noceja Ramos, Engr. Kim Rupert Ramos, Engr. Jeanzell Abellera Rancap, Engr. Girma Rose Ceria Roxas, Engr. Jereylyn Capati Santos, Engr. Paul Jhon Serg Sotoya, Engr. Enjo Tantoco, Engr. Bronwen Ramirez Tobias, Engr. Hardeef Valenzuela, Engr. Rafael Vertudes, Engr. Mark Angel Gecolea Vicente, Engr. Marjon Vines and Engr. Joshua Yao.

Moreover, Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) also released the results of Master Electrician Examination on the same day where Engr. Yao, also board passer, ranked 9th and other 18 takers passed. These are Arañas Marven, Engr. Jayel Mercado Anonuevo, Conrado Paulo G. Cacalda, Jaymark Nepomuceno Castillon, Engr. Danpaul Pascual Coronado, Jay Mark Fernandez, Joshua Sosuke Gelera, Rachel Habijan, Engr. John Rey Hingpit, Engr. Joshua Corpuz Pangayao, John Ramos, Beverly Royo, Marvin Sablan, Engr. Hardeef Valenzuela, Engr. Rafael Vertudes, Dan Lester Austria, and Erwin Laberinto As Engr. Josepph Cabiente, RME, Dean of the College of Engineering, asked what can he say about Yao, he

said, “Malamang nag review siya ng maayos, nag review by heart. Sineryoso niya yung review kasi kung babalikan nàtin yung school days niya ay simpleng studyante o average lang siya”. Aside from this, he also gave an advice for those who are going to take the board exam in the future. “Sa mga magtetake ng board exam unang una wala na silang ibang gagawin kundi mag aral, mag aral at mag aral.. Seryosohin nila yung mga kanilang pinag aralan, mahalin nila kung ano Ying ginawa nila kasi hanggan't may resistance yan sa sarili nila hindi nila maaabsorb yung mga tinuro diba, kumpara MO yan sa mga bata kasi pag umayaw ang bata stop na ang learning nun eh. So dapat tuloy tuloy lang.”

as of October 2016


from last Academic Year’s

10,058 first sem population


SENIOR HIGH STUDENTS as of October 2016

41 ABM








42 ICT

Main Campus garners highest number of SHS enrolees BY JOHN ALFRED DIOCAMPO


SPU - SCC officially welcomed new students in the academic community as part of Basic Education Department with a total of 135 enrolled senior high school students.

CITIZEN JOURNALISM. Rowena Paraan of ABS-CBN’s Bayan Mo Ipatrol mo shares ways of news reporting for students and normal citizens through the use of mobile phones and social media. photo by Rayns Keneth Ampon

Senior High School crease of 21% as a result of the offering of K-12. Majority of the courses offered by the university were not offered until the first batch of SHS graduates. This semester tallied a total of 7,905 enrollees, lower that last academic year’s 10,058. These courses were deemed as lifelong learning tracks: Associate in Office Administration (AOA) and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT). From the data given by the Office of the Registrar, LSPU tallied 343 enrollees for BSIT in 234 male to 109 female ratio while two-year courses AOA and AIT chalked 181 (38 male and 143 female) and 139 (134 male and five female) students, respectively. ADMIN UNDERGOES ‘PERMISSION’ PROCESS LSPU’s rally to offer SHS started on the letter of intent created on September 18 last year according to Dr. Vitasa. Roughly a month after, on October 26, LSPU carried a proposal to the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) regarding the tracks the institution will offer. Board Resolution No. 1239 s. 2015 heralded the university’s new educational program. Also, Government Permits (R-IVA) No. 126 – 129 was given to San Pablo, Sta. Cruz, Siniloan and Los Baños Campus, respectively, pursuant to Republic Act 9155 or the Governance of Basic Education Act and Republic Act 10533 known as Enhanced Basic Education Act.

From pg. 1

UNIVERSITY COMMENCES ENROLLMENT LSPU started enrollment for SHS on May this year under the umbrella of College of Teacher Education (CTE) with its coordinator Dr. Vilma M. Geronimo. Moreover, admission scheduled last June 6 – 17 instructed students to undergo Entrance Examination, Medical Examination and Accomplishment of Personal Data Sheet; acceptance of enrollees began on June 20 – 24. First day of classes started on August 8, alongside with the implementation of academic calendar shift. PROGRAM OFFERINGS SLATED Dr. Vitasa shared that two strands under Academic and four strands under Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) were offered by the University. Under Academic track is the Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) offered in all campuses. Meanwhile, TVL track includes: Home Economics (Hairdressing, Tailoring, Caregiving, Food and Beverage, Bread and Pastry Production and Housekeeping); and, Information and Communication Technology (Computer Programming and Animation) which are offered in all campuses as well. Agri-Crop Production, Landscape Installation and Maintenance, Organic Agriculture, Rice Machinery Operation, Animal Production, Artificial In-

semination and Slaughtering Operation are offered by Siniloan Campus while Aquaculture is under Los Baños Campus all included in Agri-Fishery Arts. San Pablo City Campus offers Industrial Arts which has Automotive Servicing, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Services, Electrical Installation and Maintenance, Shielded Metal Arc Wielding, Carpentry, Plumbing and Tile Setting. Agri-Fishery Arts and Industrial Arts offerings on aforementioned campuses were based on their thrusts, Dr. Vitasa said. Sta. Cruz Campus doesn’t offer Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) which is the thrust of the said campus, because “within the vicinity there are private colleges offering STEM so we give the opportunity to them,” Dr. Vitasa said. ‘IN SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY’ Dr. Vitasa explained that even if the institution offers SHS or not, there will be no problem. “In private schools this (offering of SHS) is significant because if they don’t means they don’t have means of survival,” she added. She also stated that if LSPU were the first to offer SHS, a drastic decline of enrollment in private schools should be expected. “K12 is not actually our mandate according to Dr. [Nestor] de Vera (University President) but in support to DepEd and in service to the community we offered Senior High School,” Dr. Vitasa shared. 

Main campus has the highest number of enrollees compared to other campuses. San Pablo, Siniloan and Los Baños tallied 40, 35 and 32 enrollees, respectively. Two academic tracks were offered in the university in compliance with the DepEd

requirements such as Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) ABM being involved in Accountancy and Entrepreneurship garnered a total of 41 students, 15 males and 26 females. On the other hand, HUMMS senior high students tallied a total of 21 students with a ratio of 9 is to 12 more of female students. Further, Technical Vocational Livelihood Track has two courses being offered, Home Economics which has two areas

of specialization. First of which is Bread and Pastry Production with 6 enrolled SHS students and the second one, Food and Beverage Services with a number of 25 enrolled students. In addition, the Information and Communications Technology or ICT has Computer Programming as the area of specialization. As for the time being, a total of 42 students are enrolled, 29 being male students It is expected that the SHS students will be undergoing a series of activities and events for the whole semester. 

LSPU-SCC drops Enrolment record



ecreasing from the 10,058 total number of students in the previous academic year, Laguna State Polytechnic University – Santa Cruz Main Campus (LSPUSCC) recorded a total of 7,905 of enrollees for the first semester of 2016-2017, releasing the official tally or the number of enrollees from the Office of the Registrar. College of Engineering (COE) retained their top spot by having 1,860 students for this year and still considered the most populous college in the school.

College of Industrial Technology (CIT) still acquired the second spot by having 1,284 registered students. On the other hand, College of Teacher Education (CTE) earned the third spot as they got a total of 1,168 of enrolled students. Meanwhile, College of Computer Studies (CCS) holds the fourth spot with their 1,011 from the total number of enrollees. College of Business Management and Tourism (CBMA) listed 781 enrolled students for this semester resulting to move

up to fifth spot from the previous year. College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) placed sixth as they got 747 recorded registered students. Furthermore, College of Hospitality Management and Tourism (CHMT) was considered in the seventh spot by recording 653 enrolled students. College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) made a total of 319 registered students to place eight. Lastly, College of Nursing and Allied Health registered a total of 82 students for this semester. 

Future of InfoTech: CCS studes join 14th Y4IT BY BEA JOY JAVIER AND RAYNS KENETH AMPON


tudents from College of Computer Studies attended the 14th Youth for Information Technology (Y4IT) aimed to impart advance understanding in technology held at SMX, Sept. 28. The annual convention of technology hits the system again with virtual and augmented reality to revolutionize the power of modern gadgets. Dr. Paul Hilario; Instructor and Project Staff Philippine Micro Satellite Program, discussed the challenges that are being faced by the users of DIWATA and how Space IT can be the future of technology, followed by Mr. Kristian Melquiades; Country Manager of TALA who shares his expertise in science and financing. Furthermore, next generation user interface attracts the spectator by showing a sample of virtual reality and how it works in general, Prof. Henry Duh; Dir. Human Interface Australia moderates the first part of the seminar. Moving to the second


YOUTH AND TECHNIOLOGY. Henry Duh shares how the youth and technology may transform the future, MOA Arena, Sept. 28. photo from Y4IT Facebook Page.

part, the students engage in a much complex struggles of an IT graduate, which is to find a job specially those jobs that are parallel to their educational background. Atty. Ivy Patdu; Deputy Commissioner of National Privacy Commission started her lecture in the presentation of Data Privacy Act and then her

thoughts in the IT Processing and work related matters. Also, Ms. Jacqueline Van den Ende; Founder and CEO of Lamudi, encourage students to find a profession in the field of technology because this is an in demand job at present.





LSPU System participates in the second STRASUC Culture and the Arts Festival BY MARK JETHRO RAMOS


elegates of Laguna State Polytechnic University System (LSPU) participated the 2nd Southern Tagalog Region Association of State Universities and Colleges (STRASUC) Culture and the Arts Festival hosted by Southern Luzon State University (SLSU), Lucban, Quezon, October 4-6.

LSPU contingents showed their skills and competed against 10 other state universities and colleges from all over Region 4 on 23 art categories under literary arts, music, visual arts, dance, performing arts, and a special category – Festival King and Queen. The three-day, biannual event aimed to select the region’s bests and represent Region 4 in the national arts festival. This

year’s host and 2014 champion, SLSU, bagged the 1st place overall with 162 points followed by Palawan State University who garnered 101 points. LSPU obtained an overall score of 37 securing the 7th place. A foot parade gave the delegates a tour of Lucban and concluded with an opening ceremony graced by senior official of participating SUCs as well as local government officials topped with performances showcasing the culture and arts of the province of Quezon. Competition proper commenced in the morning of the 5th of October and was held simultaneously throughout the campus. A Rave and Foam Party was also held on the 5th joined by guests and local students. Main Campus’ bets

composed of LSPU Chorale members, Dance Troupe, and Keneth Ampon for literary arts. LSPU Dance Troupe placed 5th in the Indigenous Dance category with their execution of Taming, a warrior dance of the Tagbanuas. In other campuses, Los Banos’ Contemporary Dance performers bagged the gold and a ticket to the national competitions. Other entries who made to top 5 of each competitions are Aera Joyce Ciar (2nd Place, Story Telling), Daniel Balaaldia (5th in On the Spot Painting), Folk Dancers from Siniloan (5th, Folk Dance), Prenstelle Abando and Myca Agiela Capili (3rd, Vocal Duet), Zyrus Mores (1st Runner-Up, Festival King), and Ezra Ruth Delotindo (2nd Runner-Up, Festival Queen). 

SOAR HIGH. LSPU Dance Troupe executes an indigenous warrior dance bringing them to the 5th Place of this Years STRASUC Culture and Arts Festival Dance Compeition, Lucban, Quezon, Oct. 6. photo by Shien Rhoel Moral

LSPU crowns new King and Queen

CAS bet wins a 4-peat; CTE gent bags mister BY LOU FATIMA MUEGA AND RAYNS KENETH AMPON


ELEGANCE AND WIT. CTE’s Marco Monfero and CCS’s Vanessa Mae Anthony were hailed as this year’s Mr. and Ms. LSPU after showcasing their edge in elegance and wit amongst the other candidates from the various colleges of the university, Cultural Affairs and Arts Office, Aug. 31. photo by Shien Rhoel Moral

nce again, College of Arts and Sciences brought home the bacon, fourth in a row, as Vanessa Mae Antony of BS Biology grabbed the title Ms. LSPUSCC while Marco Monfero of BSED–Social Science is Mr. LSPU-SCC held at Cultural Affairs and Arts Office, August 31. Wit and Charm lure this year’s celebration of beauty and manliness in Laguna State Polytechnic University Santa Cruz Campus. Mr. and Ms. LSPU 2016 started the program with a rondalla performance and doxology which was quickly

followed by the opening remarks of Dr. Liza Bartolome, Sports Chairman, LSPU-SCC. CONFIDENCE AND GLAMOUR The program was composed mainly of three parts; Swimwear, Casual Wear and the Question and Answer portion which was a collaborative basis of the judges to choose the best candidate among the tough competing men and women. On the swimwear category, curves and figure awe the audience as the perfectly confident walk and introduction were projected.

Moreover, Casual wear feature the clean and sweet attire of the contestant that shows their elegance and charm. NEW KING AND QUEEN College of Arts and Sciences insulated the crown in a four-peat journey beating six other beautiful women from different college with her smart and confident answer on the relationship of sports and culture. Meanwhile, College of Teacher Education amazed the panel of judges with their bet Marco Monfero who stood out among seven gentlemen.

After the series of round the long wait, Cris Jefferson Mendoza from the College of Engineering was Mr. LSPU 2016 first runner-up and got the awards of Mr. Photogenic, Best in Swimwear and Best in Casual wear while Arielle Belmonte from the College of Hospitality, Management and Tourism got the Ms. Photogenic, Best in Casual wear and crowned as Ms. LSPU 2016 first runner up. Additionally, Raven Morsequillo, female candidate from College of Computer Studies, bagged Best in Swimwear. 

CONAH raises ‘Nurses Unending Dare’ BY JOYCE ANN FABULA


or nine consecutive years, College of Nursing and Allied Health (CONAH) has continually conducted their annual Capping, Pinning and Candle Lighting Ceremony to waive future nurses in their career held at LSPUSCC Activity Center, Sept. 23. This year’s theme “Race for Quality Health Care: The Nurses Unending Dare,” paved the way to share the nightingale’s creed for the candi-

dates of the ceremony together with parents, faculty and staff of Laguna State Polytechnic University-Sta. Cruz Campus. Rev. Fr. Michael Brosas officiated a thanks giving mass that centers to the Holy Eucharistic session in order to bless the caps, pins, lamps and candles. After a series of blessings, the program continued with a forum about nurses responsibility in their profession to serve others.

Elizabeth F. Valera, MAN. R.N. R.M. gave her talk to the spectators regarding her personal experiences in the field of medicine. Moreover, she stressed that there is a certain goal which is an unending dare to the nurses and that is to promote a quality health care to their patients The ceremony ended with a message from A/Prof. Virgilio F. Bartolome, OSAS Director. 

Rodman Papros: Pinas, ‘Art Capital of Asia’ BY RAYNS KENETH AMPON


rts and Passion Converge! The cultural promotion of the university visual arts sector conducted its 1st Guhit Pinas LSPU Chapter Meet-Up held at Cultural Affairs and Arts Office, Aug. 20. “This is huge, not expected for a 1st Meet-Up with lots of distinct speakers who render their time, well, compare to different meet-ups” Rodman Papros, President of Guhit Pinas said. When asked on the edge of their non-profit organization, Papros shared, “Inspiration is a powerful tool or catalyst for change.” He also added some of his dreams in the near future, “My dream for GP is to reach that name ‘Art Capital of Asia’ by harnessing Filipino talents”. The said event was attended by 266 Guhit Pinas mem-

bers from the whole LSPU system. Among the resource people of the event were Rommel Reyes, a graphic artist from Santa Cruz, Laguna, Oddette Cagandahan, a speed painter known for her participation in Pilipinas Got Talent and Paolo Tugano, calligrapher at Señoritos and a Front End Developer at ABS-CBN. Sarah Angeles, a crayon sculptor who was featured in some TV shows and Arthur Cortez, a ballpoint artist also hailed the event. “We are really overwhelmed by the students’ reception of this activity,” said Shien Rhoel Moral, Guhit Pinas LSPU Chapter President. “I, in behalf of the whole organization, am looking forward for more productive events like this,” he added. Guhit Pinas is the big-

gest art organization in the country with chapters on various universities, cities and provinces. 

ISO Certification ternal

Quality Audit


INFORMATION SPREAD “In ISO audit, everything would be random that is why you deserve to know what we are doing,” Ms. Diane Guieb, the Internal Quality Auditor said before Santa Cruz Campus’ faculty in an orientation held October 28. A series of orientation for all of the university personnel are scheduled on November. LSPU ISO team will be disseminating information around the four campuses. “Student leaders should

UNENDING DARE. Nursing students starts their path to quality health care as they undergo the Capping, Pinning and Candle Lighting Ceremony of the College of Nursing and Allied Health, Multi-purpose Gym, Sept. 23. photo by Shien Moral FROM PAGE 2

organize meetings to disseminate information to the student body, while deans for the faculty,” Dr. Vitasa emphasized. Santa Cruz Campus’ Supreme Student Council (SSC) will be organizing and event to disseminate ISO awareness to every college’s student leaders this November. Also university publications are one with SSC through information dissemination on news publications and on social media. After the identification of non-conformities and


presenting preventive actions, LSPU will start seeking external aid in the auditing process. Mock audit is scheduled on February 2017 with ISO consultant, Engr. Evalle and the LSPU ISO team. Colleges and offices shall be audited with emphasis on the use of systematic documentation reflecting the modifications brought by ISO. Further, stages one and two of Certification Audit with external certification bodies are expected on March 2017. 

Youth Leaders


Rhoneil Vibora, president, Lyndzei Bermudez and the rest of the organization members, participant also learn how to appreciate more things that surrounds the community “I should focus more on disciplining myself in proper segregation of waste and conserve our natural resources.” Abbygail stated. Lastly, they encourage the youth to be a responsive in all matters that could affect the community or be a leader to empower and transform the country for a better nation. 







When it rains, does it pour?


t is very likely for Laguna governor, Hon. Ramil Hernandez, to announce cancelation of classes every time heavy rain approaches. So as what happened last October 20 during typhoon Lawin that sprung fear for the people since it reached Signal 5 status, something which happens only once in a while. Classes for all levels in Laguna were canceled although the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) only advised that the province is under Signal 1 status. According to the Department of Education (DepEd), classes are automatically canceled when PAGASA raise the following storm signals: 1)

Signal No.1, public and private pre-school and kindergarten classes; 2) Signal No. 2, public and private pre-school, kindergarten, elementary and high school classes (including Senior High School); and Signal No. 3, classes in all levels. However, DepEd clarifies that Local Government Units (LGUs) have the right to announce class suspensions in times of calamities even without storm signal warnings. Hours after Gov. Ramil’s announcement on class suspension, the university administration, through the Supreme Student Council’s (SSC) Facebook page, clarified the case for LSPU – there were no classes canceled. Immediately, students

responded, angered and upset. With different statements from the provincial government and university administration, comments on the Facebook thread resulted to heated discussions and exchange of thoughts. SSC clarified that the university administration has the right to control university activities, including cancellation of classes. It is stated in Student’s Handbook 2014 Edition, Article IV Section 4, “The University President has the final authority to suspend classes throughout the University including all units or branches, or he may suspend classes in specific units or campuses for specified periods time.” Although, the administration has the responsibility in

Mockingjay x John Carlos Alvarez

Power in Numbers I

was scrolling through my Instagram feed when I saw a quote saying “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Right, I thought. Accomplishing tasks by group does not only make it more convenient but also makes it end up to something better. Then I came to ponder on how important togetherness is, on how individual whispers become shouts when grouped together. Before Rodrigo Duterte won the presidency, millions of his supporters worked together in various forms. One of the most successful was through the social media campaign. People ranging from adults to “millennials” had the chance to know him more due to his internet popularity. His campaign sprung discussions, even debates. But at the end was the achievement of their goal. More than 16 million

people voted for him that was nearly 40% of 44 million voters. A million signatures convinced the late Cory Aquino to run for presidency against the rotting dictator Ferdinand Marcos on the 1986 Snap Elections. People who signed this petition were also the ones of the thousands of peaceful protesters who filled Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA); the 1986 EDSA Revolution. These thousands of peaceful protesters, according to Bob Simon of CBS, taught the world about democracy. Clearly, a single advocacy sees the light of success when boosted en masse. On the other hand, contradictions on what is right are dangerous if widely spread. This is one of the reasons why Duterte run and won, his emphasis on the country’s drug menace. According to

reports, there are approximately four million drug users and pushers in the Philippines, a dangerous number, without a doubt. Now, with our university’s aim to attain ISO certification, numbers of people working together would be the most es-

making sure that the university runs the way it should run, external opinions, especially from local government offices should be considered. Both institutions ensure the safety of their stakeholders, in this case, the students. On the other hand, the local government unit should understand that the administration knows best on the flow of academic activities and aims to keep intact with the academic calendar. Dilemmas of this sort in the part of the students can only be resolved when the university administration and the local government attain mutual understanding on the gravity of the situation. Better yet, combined efforts and systematic announcements could be established for times

for a certification with an extreme gravity, while others continue in encouraging everyone to remain at the positive stance. Amongst the problems being encountered in this journey, commitment comes first. As I cover workshops and orientations done by the university, it gradually became normal to hear some people talking about commitment. The frequency of these statements just reflects how difficult it is to gather up

... some people may know nothing but they are three. One may know everything but he is alone.

sential factor to achieve its success. With the modified system, coded forms and even policies to memorize, cooperation and togetherness is a must. But inevitably, problems occur. Some says that the university is not yet ready

people in attaining a certain goal. What could be the reason behind this? I cannot say exactly, perhaps, vague clarity of foPOWER IN NUMBERS / PAGE 9


of typhoons or emergencies. But making this problem worse are the students themselves. While we understand that everyone thinks of safety before anything else, students tend to be stirred whenever other universities cancel classes, making them feel depraved if our university announced otherwise. By times like this, one easily affects the other and the process continues until everyone becomes affected. Hence, when it rains, it pours. It is good to be updated with the LGU’s announcements during calamities, but it is better to be aware on how the system goes inside the university. Student Handbooks are meant to be read and understood. 



Editorial Board A.Y. 2016-2017 Editor-in-Chief John Carlos Alvarez Associate Editor Ma.Xena Bautista Managing Editor Jan Aldous Viriña Circulation Manager Efren Sardova Jr. News Editor Joshua Aquino Opinion Editor Zion Krehl Astronomo Features Editor Lou Fatima Muega Sports Editor Reniel Renz Gallardo Literary Editor Rayns Keneth Ampon Devcom Editor Zynell Mangilin Chief Photojournalists Shien Rhoel Moral,Grecielle Anne Baldesco Junior Photojournalist Lloyd Lawrence Carpio, Christopher John Kabigting Graphic Artist Gerald Janolino Chief Artists Norman Belarma, Mark Jethro Ramos Layout Artist Bea Joy Javier Staff Writers Jade Leuterio, Jhon Alfred Diocampo, Joyce Ann Fabula, June Louie Flores, Shula Mae Castro, Jenny Melicio, John Chris Sabado, Jayrick Flores, Javesson Flores, Jay Malibago, John Paul Ablaza, Jerome Codera, Westlhey Canonigo, Romel Brian Florendo, James Ballesteros, Faith Macale, Princess Anunuevo, Harlene Gabrielle Origines, Romina Taracatac, John Steven Bacube, John Mark Dorado, John Gerber Ballesteros, Ma. Lyca Paet, Rio Porca, Ma. Carmina Pailan, Paul Riniel Yamo, Carvin Jorge, Adrian Cada, Marc John Banca Adviser A/Prof. MaryJane D. Fuentes Chairman Zenaida O. Vitasa, Ed. D. OSAS Director, Consultant A/Prof. Virgilio F. Bartolome Campus Director Roberto C. Miranda, Ed. D. VP Academic Affairs Mario C. Pasion, Ed. D. University President Nestor M. de Vera, Ph. D.,





Pollyanna x Maria Xena Bautista


Cha-Cha to Federalism

uring his first State of the Nation Address, President Rodrigo Duterte urges Filipinos to hurry up the federal system of government and to make sure a president with ceremonial power is elected- even if it’s not him. President Duterte’s statement brought chance to change the Philippines into a federal government. Starting 2001, many proponents attempted this kind of constitutional reform but up to this moment, all of them failed. Our government (Republican) is organized with a form of government in which power resides in elected individuals representing the citizen body. Excitedly, I joined this year’s election and just like many others, I am disappointed, disappointed with their performance in this past seven months. As a first timer voter, I have high hopes with our government and from now and then, I am always feeling upset. Poverty which is our main catastrophe is still out


uring our class in “Philosophy of Man,” our instructor asked us to write an essay about the questions written on the board. After reading those questions, one got my attention. I really don’t know how to answer that. Even though I conduct a research on the internet on how will I respond, I will not find the answer to that question, an answer that will satisfy me knowing who really I am. “Who am I?” It got my attention not because it was really easy to answer that, or it is even a really common question. No, it’s not. You have to answer this by your heart. If you think that this question will just answer literally who am I; stating what’s my name, how old am I, or even where do I live, no, it’s not like that. I think, this question is the toughest and hardest question I’ve ever heard in my life. It is not just answerable by yes or no. It does not have formula such as quadratic formula, area and volume formula, differentiation or integration, no, there’s no formula to get the answer to this question. These words are the same words I’ve used to answer the question of my instructor. At first, i really don’t know

there killing Filipino children. Local problems are not properly addressed to our higher officials and that is why we need change. Change is coming, an everyday cliché for hope thru the new administration. With federalism, we can have our diversity. Local governments can deal with their own specific problems and can solve it without the help of the National government. It can also manage conflict, it permits citizens to decide many things at the state and local levels of government and avoid battling over single national policies to be applied uniformly throughout the land. Republic system stretches parochial interest. Though some politicians contest elections pretending they were representing their constituencies, in the real sense, they only represent their own personal interest and neglect the interests of the people who elected them into office. That is one reason why I am dismayed with the people I voted.

Thought I chose the right one. We presently have a unitary form of government. Most administrative powers and resources are with the national government based in Metro Manila. It’s Malacañang that decides how much to give local government units. The process is prone to abuse, with governors and mayors sometimes having to beg Malacañang for projects they believe their communities need. “The most outstanding feature of a federal set-up is that our resources are ours to benefit from. If it is P100, you get P30, ipadala mo doon sa federal government (give it to the federal government), you retain P70,” said Duterte. If we turn into a federal system, the local government or state will not beg for a project’s fund. Honestly, I am not a Duterte fan, like Mocha Uson or whoever but his principle regarding to federalism is what I like about him. Dilaw at Pula. I am so exhausted with the Philippines’

how to respond and elaborate my perspectives, but as you can see, I didn’t answer the question straightforward, or should I say, I didn’t answer the question straight. Still, my answer didn’t answer the question very well. As I’ve heard from my selected block mates who were asked to read their answers in the front of the class, since I am at the back of the class, I really don’t know how they answered that question. But I heard some, stating that the person who re-

question because, the fact that as we got older and older, things in ourselves changes. So it is really hard to answer who really am I. In my childhood, I really like sweet candies, and I know, you too like those when you and I are at the same stage of life. But now, on my 18 years of existence, I don’t like now too much sweet. Plain taste is now better for me. This is just one of the examples that I observe to myself that was changed. If you are asked to an-

Once we find these kinds of people, cherish them, and let them feel that they are precious. Treasure them as gold that pirates want to have.

ally they are, such as they are a son of God or a good child for their parents and what so ever. As time goes by, people tend to change, change in attitude, characteristics, likes and dislikes and many other things. It is really hard for me to answer this

swer the same thing, how will you answer that? Do you think we have the same answer on that question? Or you can define who really you are and what you are? I know we are different people with different perspectives, personalities, life views etc. We have our

Masquerade x Jan Aldous Viriña

MASK is FAME What is shame? What is happiness despite shame? What is happiness for a cause? Does joy exist? Yes, probably not. As a twenty year-old lad, I always experience things ahead of others. I am luckier than them. But I must admit that life is crucial and a bittersweet ride. Rottenly, happiness springs out from nowhere. I know possibly that my dear readers are wondering about the meaning of this part, yet I just want to let you feel not oblivious about life. Emotion is the fine expression of one’s behavior or feelings. When one person is happy, he may show an unending smile, boldness etc. Colorless may describe life without emotions. Thus, does the sensibility of people is the expression of their

true selves? Definitely, not in all aspect as if observant people see. Everyone wears a MASK. MASQUERADE. It is my column name and you might think why am I explaining and informing you about this. It is because less people are unaware of mask’s purpose in our daily living and somehow I ask myself why this is my chosen representation of my being as a writer. One reason is that it is my very first time to write a column in the broadsheet. I always do reflections and I wondered if I am really an angel-like person. Kidding aside, it is my first opinion article as the opinion and acting managing editor and it is a challenge. Then, I’ll help you see my other reasons. Practically, people use mask in different manners.

This may serve as protective gears for fire fighters and also, for those people dealing with health issues. In ancient times, dramas use masks significantly to show emotion and transition of the storyline’s mood. Frequently, festivities and other ceremonies accommodate mask wearing practices showing devotions, culture and beliefs. Masks according to are objects that cover the face for variety of reasons. They are used for protection, disguise, entertainment or ritual practices. The given reasons might be simple and just words of a brief definition. Hence, the deeper side of it is not ever noticed. As I have written, we should not be oblivious about life. SHAME. Everyone has

partition on color. The rivalry between the Aquino and Marcos is the output of the republic system. It can be contentious. These two political families contending for the control of the higher political power produce serious conflicts where they jostle each other to gain political advantage. Color should not be a big deal and should not be embraced. Federalism divides us but doesn’t put barrier among us.

every community in the nation— police, schools, roads, fire departments, garbage collections, sewage disposal, street lighting, and so on—are controlled by a central government in Manila. Through fiscal autonomy for state governments, federalism will more evenly distribute the country’s wealth. In 2015, 35% of the national budget went to Metro Manila even if it represents only 14% of the Philippine population. Manila to Laguna

Excitedly, I joined this year’s election and just like many others, I am disappointed... with their performance.

Efficiency is the best advantage that we could get from Federal System. Local government officials will have their power to decide that doesn’t need the approval of the higher government. Imagine the bureaucracy, red tape, delays, and confusion if every government activity in

takes only two hours without traffic. But with our current situation regarding the huge problem on road traffic, a travel from Manila to Laguna takes almost four to five hours. This problem can be solved if we decongest Manila thru federal system. Mr. Joey Panaglima,

an Instructor at the College of Engineering and a barangay councilor is one of the many supporters of federalism. “Ako ay lubos na suma-sang ayon sa federal type of government una, para skin ito ay naaangkop sa kultura na meron ang mga Pilipino, Ikalawa ang bawat rehiyon ay may kaniniyang resources, funds and most especially pangangailangan,” Mr. Panaglima stated. With the fact that the Philippines is a country not only formed as an archipelago but also united from many cultures, federalism may be the key to attaining equality in the provision of resources and treatment of the people. Assuming more autonomy for regions leads to economic development, there will be more incentive for Filipinos to live and work in regions outside Metro Manila. Unlike, nowadays fresh graduates jostle themselves in Manila to find jobs. Hoping that more investors may decide to put up their businesses there, creating more jobs and opportunities, it can attract more people away from the jam-packed mega city. FEDERALISM / PAGE 9

Potato x Joshua Aquino

Tangent 90: UNDEFINED

own point of views in all things. In connection with this question, once we really don’t know who we really are, some people will find it hard to know who you are too. They will not understand why and how are you like that. Why did you come up with that decision, and how will you face some of your problems. As I write this column of mine, one song comes to my mind: “Iris” of Goo Goo Dolls. “And I don’t want the world to see me ‘Cause I don’t think that they’d understand” Some people really have low understanding in such things. It is really hard for them to respect their own perspective so the effect of this is people tended to like being alone because they know, they will not be understood. “When everything’s made to be broken I just want you to know who I am” But how they will accept you, if you are like me? – a person

who don’t know who really he is. All of us need someone who will be there when we are in difficult situations in life. We need someone to lean on. All we need is a shoulder and a helping hand that will be always be there for us. In life, it is really hard to have that kind of people in our life. In finding this kind of people, we tend to lose trust once they don’t meet the expectations that you have for them, expectations that they will be there any time that you want to. At the same time, it is also hard to find people that will accept who and what really you are. We don’t know what kind of people surrounding us. Some will be true but some will be a butt hurt to you, letting them backstab you or what so ever. Once we find these kinds of people, cherish them, and let them feel that they are precious . Treasure them as gold that pirates want to have. So what is the connection of this thing to knowing you are? Imagine, if you don’t know

who you are, how will people know you? How will people understand you? How will they accept you? Maybe some people will accept you, but not your whole personality. They will understand you, but not fully understand you. They will know you, but they will not know you’re wholesome. So as you reach this part you have reached that 900thword of my column, my nonsense column. Yes, it is nonsense. I want people who read this really know what they really are. But then, as I answered the question “Who am I”, I don’t have a concrete answer to that. I know people don’t understand me whole heartedly, or even understand me partially. But all I am doing, all my actions are defining who really I am. It just hard to say in words and verbally what kind of person am I. For the summarization of my answer to the question “Who am I”, do you have any idea what am I? I am tangent 90, undefined. 

been through embarrassment. Everyone has been into different state of shame. It is more like losing between the lines wherein a fight in the field is between oneself and oneself. Take a deeper look to the society today. Does peace already attained?

using a MASK in an abusive way to lessen the SHAME in them. Why? It is because even the officials are PROTECTORS of this disease of the society. They destroyed every life of users and pushers who also wears masks for poverty-related reasons. They

thing a person might do as I have experienced is to say “it is okay.” although in one’s heart it is not. See the Filipinos out there serving other countries. Have their families really understand what is really happening over the other parts of the world? I myself experienced this so far, as my father decided to go in Saudi Arabia to work which really provides big help for our family to grow stronger and tougher. But solitude of being alone is the greatest foe of our OFW’s and I’m proud that my father is a fighter. Although I know he is really tired and getting old, the FEAR of being alone is captivated by the masks namely LAUGHTER and SMILE every time we talk and see each other online. More so, as we go along questions are arising. Have you ever doubt yourself? Have you ever tried to experience #Lovewins? I think many of us are not

I am not encouraging nor discouraging you to go out of the closet.

Well, I should say “sort of”. As the new administration seated in the palace, a lot of people involving in drug abuse are likely near with their final destination as continual news incrementally presented that numbers of drug abusers all over the country were killed from police operations and vigilante attacks. This implicates that some are using the mask for protection. It is pertaining that big bosses of these syndicates is


took in the SHAME to provide for their families where most likely the root of their HAPPINESS. Let’s see it in another way with DISGUISE. Each one of us might encounter this but we choose not to, because most of us are AFRAID. We are afraid to tell the truth behind the SMILE we fake in front of people misjudging us. Everyone has his own story, his reasons to live, his rationale of life, his goals to achieve and so on. But the worst







Charlie x Shula Mae Castro


re we willing to accept the past? The past that will always haunt us! But I’m not talking about love; it’s about the Martial Law. Martial law per se is the historical amendment of the law that gave traumatic experiences to every Filipino who are ambiguously living during Marcos reign. This is why Filipinos showed their outraged through the People Power Revolution in 1986. But the wound in our hearts won’t last forever; we shall put an end to our nightmares. It is time to move on. It’s time to accept and to forgive to achieve our inner peace. But how can we be able to slip away from the dark past? People are still on wrath against the burial of the Former President and dictator, Ferdinand Marcos as the Supreme Court (SC) was on the middle of deciding to allow Marcos to be buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani (LNMB). People opposed about the idea of SC allowing Marcos to be buried but they said that

the fight is not yet over that even Associate Justice Marvic Leonen said that Marcos is no hero. Maybe, this is because they can’t accept the fact that once Marcos buried at the LBNM, he will be acknowledged as one of our heroes and they will think that the country’s democracy was weak to be accountable from an abusive leader wherein people would like to pass the file of motion of reconsideration as a solution to abolish plausible decision of making Marcos burial possible. This won’t be easy for the Marcos family, to bury the former president if people are still on rage about the past. Historically, we are commonly aware on how Marcos being blamed on many issues of Filipino protests died during his regime just to attain their democracy and fought until their last breathes. Let us look back from what happened during the Marcos reign, and why Filipinos were in fury whenever they hear the name of Ferdinand Marcos.

Marcos ruled as a dictator as he proclaimed and placed the Philippines under Martial Law in 1972. The declaration suspended the civil rights and imposed military authority in the country. Well, that is why democracy was prohibited to all Filipinos in the country that even the Freedom of Speech was not allowed then. If you ask your grandparents or your grand grandparents about Marcos, they will tell you bunch of horrors about him especially on the proclamation of the Martial Law. It was said that Martial Law is the dark chapter in Philippine history. Almost ten years of military ruled in the country. Although, I heard some of good things from my grandparents and from my father on what kind of president Marcos was. Actually, I have no idea of who is Ferdinand Marcos or why is he so big deal to everyone. But I am interested to know more about him. I just lean on


here’s always first for everything ‒ in our life. When we feel love for the first time it’s like God blessed our heart more than anything. We seem to walk in the world without the feeling of getting hurt and we are embraced by something that we can’t explain. Our souls tend to be alive and graceful every single day and we look to the future where the reality achieved the goals and impossible dreams with the one we love. We assume that all the products of love can make us be a successful person and we ignore the negative part of our lives. Imperfect becomes perfect. In our vision, love covers the faulty branches of our life because of its righteousness or divinity, but what if fear was still wandering behind our treasured life? Is it easy to take down and keep it on the lowest state of our emotions? Can fear overcome love? “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because it has to do with punishment. The one

who fears is not made perfect in love.” ‒ 1 John 4:18 – 19 Knowingly, if love is true, we know how to handle the fear bothering us. Letting ourselves to live freely, feel other’s heartbeat, and care for the ones who are in need will be the result of a happy life. But if we let the fear come always in the first place, it’s challenging to drive the negative

ing, confident will be enough for him to strive and change his life. To stand even in delicate death state is the one who’s strong. No child of God is destined to live alone because love is everywhere, the bright side of our hearts will never get placed in the dark if we can understand every meaning of life, wherein, small or greater things

No child of God is destined to live alone because love is everywhere. The bright side of our hearts will never get placed in the dark if we can understand every meaning of life...

state of our emotion away or it could end up in a love that might fade precipitately. Fear could lead a person in wrong life path because believing that being confident is not the only answer but putting his love in believ-

have value and purpose. Problems are called challenges; love is always been love, and live not survive. Memories of love can be played back as fear is to trauma. Many are saying that negative thoughts and experiences

Masquerade x Joyce Ann Fabula

Spreading kindness S

ocial media has great and massive influences to the society. People often forget that they have lives beyond their gadgets that commonly leading in isolating themselves. There are women and children experiencing abuse and teenagers are getting involved to drugs. This is the ugly truth in our society. Imagine the world without kindness. Do you think someone will give food to homeless people? Someone will give hands to those seeking for help? Or someone will share his blessing to strangers? In this world full of selfishness, wrath and evil people, does kindness still exist? Are you truly kind to oth-

ers or you’re just being nice? Being kind and nice could really create a difference. A nice person will ask if you need help, but a kind one will help without you even having to ask. Know the difference. Kindness doesn’t have to wait for a person to ask. You usually give coins to beggars or to someone asking for donation just to say you gave then go on your way. If you truly care you must be willing to talk to them and let their reasons and pain matters to you. In Proverbs 3:3, “Do not let kindness and truth leaves you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” Put everything into kindness and

put it into your heart. Your kindness will take you to something from your heart. It’s easy to say your kind but you never do it always remember that your kindness should lead into action. You don’t know how people cherish your act of kindness to them because it gives them hope. A video of students celebrating the birthday of an old man named “Lolo Alfredo” in the street goes viral in the internet. The story behind the video captured the hearts of many. These students has big heart to help, one of them welcome Lolo Alfredo in their house and take care of him without any hesitations. Lolo Alfredo wishes to see

to my learnings from what my teachers taught me in History. Most of their lessons were about the bad effect of Martial Law and if ever there was a good thing, I don’t remember much. The last time I asked my father about Marcos, he said that Marcos was the best president that the Philippines ever had. He had done many accomplishments in our country unlike the following presidents. He also brought up the economy of the country which the economy was at its finest. Our country was one of the most envied nations in Asia.

So I also knew that our country became extremely disciplined especially the curfew back then, if you think that our curfew in Duterte’s administration is very strict. You won’t imagine the curfew in Marcos’ administration. It is good to know that our culture became colorful, active, and alive during that time. They want to promote good things about Philippines through arts and movies. Creating movies before were very in demand and famous which they will compete in Cannes festival and Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF).

... it is time to let the pain go. I know, it is not that easy to do but we will make it in a slow but discreet process.

Good effects less than bad effects happened in Martial Law. Since the military ruled the country. Harsh and unfairly treatment terrified the whole nation but Filipinos tried to get the democracy they want. One time I saw a video, featuring teenagers and vic-

tims talked about the Martial Law. Teenagers like me want to bring back the proclamation did by Marcos in our today generation. And these victims shared their experience one-onone with a teenager in a room. While the victims were talking, almost all of them got

teary-eyed including me because you will feel the pain, grief, and suffering they have experienced in Martial Law. One of the victims experienced rape, and torture, and even they experienced to be on the edge between life and death. Even the media has no freedom of expression. All of them were dictated by Marcos. Some writers joined the underground propaganda to publish and to protest newspapers against the Martial Law. Honestly, there are still many stories from our dark history happened during the Martial Law. So, now that the SC is in between decisions to bury Marcos in LNMB. The majority of people will still fight against the occurrence of the eventuality. Well, I admit that I want to bring back the Martial Law in our generation because on what I see today, people are abusing their democracy inappropriately. Nowadays, people are lack of discipline and respect. But I should say that we are so lucky to be in this generation. But from now, it is time to let the pain go. I know, it is not that easy to do but we will make it in a MOVE ON / PAGE 9

Almond x June Louie Flores

Love overcomes fear

are parts of the fortification process of us, resulting as stronger earthlings. Our entire burden in life has its ending; we just need the time and action to survive. We might not understand but to we should and tend to know that God is just testing our strength in every challenge; to know if we still have faith and love for him. We, the child of God were given all a simple life yet special because we have him in our heart. Every heart beat is perfection but breathing is imperfection. The heart never failed to choose his everything but when mind comes in the first place, life is worst and surreal. Unfortunately, our soul will never get rid of fear but to subdue is the only way. Finding the root of fear will let us remain strong be-

cause of the solution or possible answers we can create in order to create love coving ourselves. It’s better to take fear expediently before everything comes in devastation. The best feeling a person could have is love that never leaves by our side; until every strand of our hair is gray or body is cold as endless as it could be the relief of our life is the prize of blood and efforts we give and sacrifice. But we must always put in mind that death is not in God’s plans for us. He wanted us to live forever and peacefully with Him. In fact, many people in the world today are loved by others deepest soul, but some can’t appreciate it. They are lucky because there is an in love soul adoring them and still wanted to

make it forever. Why some people come up to live alone? It is because God has a reason for it. When will someone love me; until your soul can wait? Those are the questions and answers that come up to my mind every time I feel stressed or lonely. In many interesting quotes and some are words from God that I import to my mind, they made me be a positive type of person who is always fighting and setting the self to be not hopeless in every challenges that may come and burden my living. Why? It is because God is always in my mind and heart who loves and taking care of me. They gave us family and friends to support our walk in this world. Love is the one which sets the person to live happily, always and forever. 

his daughters before he dies and this wish were granted after their story was shown in the television. After 5 decades Lolo Alfredo and his daughters was reunited. This shows that every small act of kindness can turn into something bigger. You don’t

other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you” It is hard to be kind to your enemies, even to those people talking behind your back, people who broke your trust, people making fun of you and even those people who hate you without knowing

A moment of kindness can change someone’s life. Your act of kindness can inspire others to do the same because everything we do is connected with each other. You will not notice that it changes you slowly, from being selfish you become selfless and we become thankful for everything we have even to little things. Believe that everyone has a heart to give and everyone has kindness inside. Proverbs 16:23-24 From a wise mind comes wise speech; the words of the wise are persuasive. Kind words are like honeysweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Your kind words give people hope, it can motivate them and encourage them but God’s kind words can change them. I believe that everyone has their own kindness we just need to open our eyes and our hearts to see it.

If you truly care you must be willing to talk to them and let their reasons and pain matter to you.

know how things can change into blessing. Remember that you don’t need a reason to help people. You will help not because it will recognize you; you will help because it is your will and it’s what your heart says. Stated in Ephesians 4:32,“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each


it. Take your kindness to different level, forgive them and be kind to them. For those people who likes you be friends with them and to those who do not, show them kindness until they realize their wrong about you. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” He shows the real love and kindness.






Photo by: Lloyd Lawrence Carpio

Sa kasulukuyan, hinahangad ng Laguna State Polytechnic University na makamtan ang ISO 9001:2008 Certification, isang internasyonal na katibayan ng maayos na sistema. Kaya’t samahan niyo kaming alamin ang pananaw ng mga batang LSPU patungkol sa inaasahan nilang epekto ng ISO Certification kapag naisakatuparan na ito.

from page 6

cus or lack of time allotted for preparation and orientations. A single problem is dangerous in its own. When not addressed, this single one may grow into two or maybe three, small number but it does matter because some people may know nothing but they are three and one may know everything but he is alone. These commitment problems should have been addressed earlier; the inability to commit of some people in an organization may result to uncooperative actions in the future. On the other hand, the university is still trying to address problems which arise every now and then. In ISO, the certification applicant should look for non-conformities. These non-conformities are tool for an internal or external auditor in determining the organizations compliance with international standards. Through preventive actions, non-conformities could be eradicated if not, minimized. LSPU, as other organizations, aims to provide quality services to its stakeholders as reflected by the aimed ISO certification. In order to attain this, the administration utilizes the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle. This has become evident with the obvious improvement which the students could see now. Primarily, the improved system makes use of coded forms for easy access and recording. Because of this, transactions have become more convenient and reliable. Every form is tracked with ease and security and the focus of every action are established well. In short, the system has become more organized. Since this ISO certification has a principle of involving the people, even the university stakeholders take part in meeting the goals. Students are encouraged to know and understand the newly formulated Quality Policy and student organizations are cooperating through launching activities to spread ISO awareness. With the combined efforts of the administration and its stakeholders, this nigh challenging task could be realized. 


Para maging epektibo ang isang bagong panukala o sistema na ipinatutupad sa isang institusyon, kinakailangan ang isang organisadong plano patungo rito. May kanya-kanyang pamamaraan ang bawat isa sa pagtanggap ng mga bagong sistema na inihahain sa kanila, pagbabago na maaring maghatid ng maganda o masamang pangyayari sa hinaharap.

Power in Numbers

Mask is Fame

Anong mga pagbabago ang inaasahan mo mula sa ISO Certification?

from page 7

still of what the society is facing and the people in it. LGBT Community. Do you think they should still wear their masks? For how long? I as a writer, I am really open about these issues. I do have friends who are happy with their orientation and chosen path. But still many of our colleagues are wearing their masks. However, I am not encouraging nor discouraging you to go out of the closet. I just have questions for you people, are you humane enough? Are you thirsty of equality? Well, this is very sensitive matter and the answer is depending on our own perceptions. But for me, what is equality if we still have a strong hold with the connotation that “Boys are boys.”, “Men should work for his family!” or “Men should let a lady sit in his place in a crowded LRT car?” and if not? Is that enough reason to humiliate a man for not doing that? There you could find equality (?). Well, gender today should not an issue for every aspect. Indeed, gender is some sort of establishing MASKS to everyone. Generally, DISGUISE is the mere representation of the mask every person is wearing; disguising in terms of emotions and the worst is disguising to be a demure person even its not. Many are so-called plastics or “hanggang una lang yan” or “I should be the bida-bida always”. There are many people who are just like that. Well, that’s life and we shouldn’t care of their masks. People are not meant to please each other. As long we are not disturbing others’ life, and then go on. MASKS should not serve as BARRIERS and GAPS. It should be a depiction of TRUTH, FAITH and HUMAN EMOTIONS.

Cha Cha to Federalism

from page 7 Additionaly, Mr. Panaglima believes that a fedaral type of government could be the solution to the country’s never-ending problem, corruption. “Ako ay naniniwala na ito ang solusyon sa korapsyon. Mahirap mawala sa kultura natin ang korapsyon dahil ito ay naging bahagi na ng sistemang pampulitika sa ating bansa pero sa federal hindi man mawala maiiwasan naman ang korapsyon.” Although it is quite impossible to eradicate corruption in Philippine politics, solutions like this could still be offered. Little by little we may find way in solving the problem. Since it is very difficult to end corruption, we should start this little-by-little process now. With Duterte’s assumption of office and his initiative to shift our type of government, the people finds light not only in ending the country’s drug menace but also the other aspects that keep us away from amelioration and global competitiveness. If we want to personally feel the change, adjusting the whole system is what we need right now. Maybe, we need to move on from the things we used to do and start looking to something that might help us move forward. 

Move On

from page 8

slowly but discreet process. I may not in the position of those victims, but if I were in their shoe that time I will feel the same way as theirs. If you will let it forever you will not be able to get away if you are still holding all the grudges from yesterday. Whatever it takes, wherever it goes, Filipinos should learn how to accept and forgive. This could be the most ideal way to know the direction of moving on.






Young at


ome studies suggest that good looking teachers improve the interest of the students in attending their class. However, does only physical attribute of a person is the basis of learning? How about those who are being attractive in their own way, do they have this so-called young-at-heart aura?



Fair skin, calm eyes and dashing smile; these would apparently describe and made Ma’am Cheerobie Aranas of College of Engineering, a popular one in their department. If you would ask the COE students, “Sino si Ma’am Aranas?” they would just say, “’Yung maganda, matangkad, maputi at higit sa lahat mahirap magbigay ng exam sa D.E. at Physics.” Well, the lady hustler in D.E. but goddess-looking professor has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and finished Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. Hilariously, she loves to sleep and to window shop. What a great convo though with this professor! Where can you find a beautiful yet humorous professor? Ma’am Che also gave her tips to look young. First, is to smile always and secondly, to moisturize. When asked about her secret to be young at heart? It’s just simple as “Just be yourself.” Moreover, she also said that for the students to be happy, it is to enjoy life to the fullest.

How Some University Faculty and Personnel Remain Youthful despite Stress and Setbacks BY JAN ALDOUS VIRINA AND LOU FATIMA MUEGA PHOTOS BY LLOYD LAWRENCE CARPIO

A PROFESSOR OF WIT AND GLAM Small but terrible; this connotation may describe this petite but pretty professor from the College of Arts and Sciences. Mrs. Lewelyn H. Palmero, also known as Ma’am Wyn is the jolly and fashionista instructor of College of Arts and Sciences. She is loved by everybody not only because of her jolly personality but because she treats her students as her kids. We can also learn from her that we can be happier by accepting what we have and not what we want. THE BEAUTY AMONGST COMPUTERS

Be Friendly Just be yourself Live and just laugh

- Sir Mylo

- Ma'am Che

- Dean Mia

Communicate with God

- Dean De Jesus

Grab every opportunity - Sir Rashid

Always do right things

- Sir Rivano

Magmahal ka


- Den Mark

High heels and Skinny Poise-ful woman! A representation of integrity and dignity may seem to be in the aura of this person. Her smile and attractive voice and her closeness to young people are good indicators that this phenomenal woman to her motherland of programming, circuits and animations, makes her a young-looking one. Who will not know the distinguished Dean of College of Computer Studies? Who will not know Dean Mia Villarica with her appealing looks a n d

welcoming personality? She always stays positive to live a happy life. She makes her students feel that they should be disciplined and should be professional in terms of job and relationship between students and professors should be founded in respect. “RAK NA ITU.” This reference to this young looking dean is very obvious with the programs her college is undergoing; the neon party night and balls with live bands! Who would not wish to be in the CCS Family! But despite her wittiness and happy characteristic, a piece of advice she can give to her students is that, live and just laugh! That’s it. She said that be positive in everything and always have good vibes so that it would resonate to other people. . PRESTIGE BETWEEN THE EYES OF THE SANDWICH DIVA Who won’t know the very lively canteener of the main canteen, Ate Cora? If you don’t know her, she’s the one who cooks egg sandwich, burgers and hotdogs for you. You will always hear her praises as “Ikaw pogi, anong sayo?” “Ganda, egg o hotdog?” Yes, it’s quite funny for everyone hearing those words from Ate Cora. Corazon De Leon also known as Ate Cora, is a very diligent and flexible crew member of the canteen. She is assigned in the sandwich area also known as the “pugad ng mga estudyante.” This is because students find a great time chatting with Ate Cora. She is very amiable and very easy to approach. She always cracks jokes and even gives pieces of advice about life. As she always says, “May mapapagraduate na naman ako,” every academic year referring to her student friends. She also said that students should study hard and enjoy life. THE BEARER OF WITTINESS AND GOOD VIBES! Now, in the field of Business and Management, everyone may know Mr. Mylo Redera. He is the beloved instructor of every O.As and Entreps for his wit and humor. An entrep student even said, “Sa klase mahilig si Sir mag-joke, kaya nagiging lively yung klase. Napakagaling din niyang magturo at napakabait din!” Sir Mylo said that his wittiness is his secret so that students and even other people will not be bored to him. He even shared a ‘deep’ love advice for us, “Dapat kapag ikaw ay magmamahal hindi mo ibibigay lahat ang pagmamahal mo para hindi ka masasaktan kapag ikaw ay iniwan. Kaya dapat magtitira ka para sa sarili mo.” Additional to this, according to Sir Mylo, to be young at heart—“First you need to be friendly, treat them as your brother or sister. Second, do not think of the problem, let the problem think of you! That’s all. Thank you!” YOUR GREAT-MOMMY-SLASH-BEST FRIEND Petite short-haired yet witty dean of the College of Teacher Education, Dr. Josefina T. De Jesus is the hardworking and always-on-the-go mother of the department. She is the planner, the implementer and the one who assists on the needs of the College of Teacher Education’s faculty and students. She already had a master’s degree in Social Science and already had a doctor’s degree, Major in Educational Management. Her hobbies are gardening, cooking and sewing. Aside from being the mother of teachers and future educators, she is also the heart-warming friend that every person should have. She is approachable and always ready to offer a helping hand to everyone. “Gusto ko na masasabi nila sakin ang problema para mapag-usapan at nang masulusyunan,” Dean De Jesus added. She also believes that every day and everybody is a God’s blessing, because we are created like our Creator’s image; we should be inspired by His love and His greatness in everything we do. Her tip to live a happy life is to let God always be in your line of communication whatever your state in life is. THE ULTIMATE ‘CELEB’ CRUSH OF THE ACADEME


Every not-so-sporty student would probably hate their Physical Education class but what if your professor is Mr. Paul Alan Lustre of the College of Industrial Technology? Yes, he is the artista-looking P.E instructor that would not only teach you the terms— agility, flexibility, endurance, etc. but would also teach you that camaraderie is vital in every group. His optimism is his key to be young at heart and his advice for students is to keep searching on things that inspire you to do your best. THE LEAD BALANCE: GOODNESS AND BLISS GUIDE Intelligence and intimacy for knowledge is what could be seen from this fine young man, instructor in Hospitality Management and Tourism; Mr. Rashid Jay S. Sancon is a mentor at CHMT who enjoys every single thing he does. He always looks on the positive things in life and he does get along with his students. He added that he is still part of the “young generation” because of similarities with students’ preferences. In fact, he loves to watch American TV series. He sleeps on time, eats fruit and vegetables and finds time to relax despite his busy schedule that is why he is still very young looking. His advice for students is to, “Grab every learning opportunity. Balance your academic and extra-curricular activities.” Sir Rashid shared his key to happiness; it’s to be yourself! Mr. Sancon added, “Always showcase your goodness and set aside all negativity in your life. MATH PROFESSOR OF PURE POSITIVITY AND JOY “Age is just a number. To look young, set aside your age and always look for things that will make you happy. Face and beauty are superficial, it’s very temporary but disposition and happiness though relative, when positive will always makes you young and look young,” said by Mr. Enrico Rivano. Who will not know the very energetic professor of College of Engineering? He’s liveliness as well as being friendly to students can put everyone at ease despite his difficult subjects. But did you know that aside from numbers and equations he loves reading, gardening and biking? Mr. Energetic, I mean, Mr. Rivano said, “Always do the right things and always do things right.” THE SENTINEL OF COURTESY AND GUIDANCE Every criminology student will, of course know, who Den Mark Martinez is. This forever-young-looking office staff of College of Criminal Justice Education is the “tanungan” by everyone who needs help. This well-mannered guy said that to live a happy life all you need to do is to be courteous to everyone. His tips to look young are to smile always and to be happy all the time. He also shared his secret to be young at heart, he said; “Magmahal ka.” LITTLE MISS DELIGHTFUL People know her as Ma’am Tiny even though she really has a big heart! She’s the very kind instructor of College of Nursing and Allied Health who is always there to lend a helping hand to everyone. Her real name is Myranie L. Sy. Aside from healing wounds she also loves to cook. Even though you don’t know her personally, we assure that when you see her, you will feel that she really has a kind heart for she smiles always. Her top-secret to have a happy life is to love and be contented on what you have. She also like to share to everyone the reason for her radiant look— it is to use honey on massaging your face for at least 5 minutes before going to bath. Oh See! Ma’am and Sir in LSPU are good in maintaining their looks. Nevertheless, it’s a great time to know them better. How and why they became attractive ones. Indeed, it’s not always the physical attributes but the way how they touch their students’ lives. 





words by June Louie Flores | graphics by Bea Javier


ollege life will never be as easy A, from the mountain of books and the valleys of papers to review, along with school fees and personal needs to calculate, social life to deal with, and other stressors that makes the students feel pressured. We need to accept the fact that we must face struggles in schools before we earn the degree we wanted. Life may be tough and being in the path you take with worth efforts to invest, in the end, you will realize how successful you are. Teachers have taught us that school is the training ground to ready the students in real life. Because in real life, things are unpredictable but if you are armed with knowledge, you can stay in the flow of your dreams. When time comes difficult to students, they think studying is a matter of life and death. With speaking of life, how can we survive college? Inside our campus, each student from different colleges has a concern or problem in their academic life in the interview I conducted. What are those concern and problem? And how they will be given a solution?

COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Some of the students’ concern is their professors are strict. They expect from students because they want them to focus and learn more in his/her subject. How can a student deal with a strict professor? 1.Answer and ask question smart-

COLLEGE OF NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Financial capability is the one that tops as the problem of modern education student, because of the books that is required by professors, miscellaneous for projects and reporting, and payments for school activities. Though, using of a coin bank may not be as effective or bringing the allowance for the whole week might not be good if you’re in budget, how can a student save his money? 1.Try the 80-20 saving formula, patterned from the “law of the vital few” the rule is to save money 20% of your net income, and spend the rest (50% needs + 30% wants = 50% spending) according to Money.Ph. The formula best suits for students under budgeting. 2.Instead of buying water or juice every day in canteen, use a tumbler to store your own water. Investing a 500 mL bottle that ranges from the price of 100 – 250 pesos is a must and you can save at least 50 or 60 pesos a week. 3.Spend much of your money if it’s necessary like in organization fees, photocopies, and books. Set aside the pocket books, cosmetics or the things you wanted, plan them to avail when Christmas is near or the school year ends.

COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Most of the students’ problem in this department is Academic which is reporting. Reporting in front of the class requires confidence and readiness to the topic you are going to present. How can a student handle a multiple reporting from different professors? 1.List all the reports that you are going to present in class. Include the topic and estimated date that you are going to start constructing the report. 2.Provide all the materials needed to your reports so it won’t be hassle when constructing it. 3.Stop procrastinating. Do all the reports as soon as possible or if you have more things that is assigned relating to academic.

ent distraction like computer games, surfing the web, having a day-out with friends for a while. 3.If you are given self-study topics and you don’t have any idea how to start, why not try to ask a help from other professors or friends you think have the knowledge to the given topic.

COLLEGE OF HOSPITALITY, MANAGEMENT AND TOURISM Financial matter is also the problem of CHMT students when the tour is near or the ingredients needed for the dish they are going to cook. How can a student earn money? 1.Try to find a part-time job if the class schedule is not hectic in time. Online selling is the job that doesn’t need to invest much money if you are reselling another product. But focus on your academic activities first. 2.Estimate the monthly (or weekly if possible) income and expenses, then budget your money properly. Save for your tour! 3.Buy ingredients with the same quality and taste of the branded whenever possible. Try to avail their cash cards to meet discounts.

Anything worth having is worth

Nursing students must impart more knowledge as in their field they are going to save other peoples’ lives. Multiple of reading and studying of books that tops in their problems. How can a student handle multiple readings of books? 1.Write only the most im-

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTANCY Proper decision making is not only a major factor in attaining success on business but also on schooling. Here are some ways for a business management and accountancy student to survive: 1.Apply theories to real life!

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND EDUCATION Some CCJE students have also a problem observed in their school mates. Still the police-in-the-making are breaking rules too. How can a student make an act to advise their schoolmates to follow department or school rules? 1.Alwayas give responses that you show concern and make time to hear their thoughts or opinions. 2.Explain that breaking rules may benefit good and bad effects

fighting for. | Swan Elizabeth Phillips

COLLEGE OF COMPUTER STUDIES COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Grades and Major subjects that make an engineering student feel pressured in college. Focusing might be hard if you are tired and still have more things that lined up to work on, sometimes self-study is the problem as they don’t know where to start studying. How can a student get focused on studying? 1.Make a list of the subjects that you need to study. For example, Monday is for Calculus, Tuesday is for Rizal’s life and works, and so on. 2.Try to resist temptation from differ-

Every time we see a CCS student, we may think that they are pro in programming and they have always a laptop in their bag but in my interview, some students have difficulty and our perception is wrong. How can a student handle and provide needs in programming? 1.Provide the needed tools in programming and follow the professor’s instructions. 2.Make some research about the tools in programming, its uses and purposes. 3.If in need of laptop but you are budgeting allowance, try to look for second hand in online shops that still in good condition and quality.


ly. Because they appreciate genuine interest towards the subject they’re teaching, according to an article in Candy Magazine. 2.Make the requirements be submitted on time. Avoid procrastination, although difficult. 3.Avoid testing the professor’s limits or they may be stricter than what you expected.

portant details after reading. So once, you are going to review the book, the details are very easy find. 2.If you have a smart phone, Ebooks are very easy to bring and could bookmark pages you need to review. Some applications in phone offer AI who can read every details of your book. 3.Organize your date and time of reading books, so you won’t be confused where to start with.

Use what you learn in managing money wherever and whenever possible, even into things not related to money. 2.Always aim to be organized. Organization keeps everything on track. Record everything you deem to be important. Check your records even when not necessary. 3.Be accountable, always!

to student’s performance in school. 3. Let the the authority decide on extra-sensitive issues. On the other hand, posses qualities that you would like others to immitate. College life may be challenging but after all the struggles is the degree that serves as the prize in the end. Making some research is also the best way to handle difficulties in our life. We must always remember that experience is always the best teacher, as we may learn and get motivated. 





Cultural Affairs & Arts Office Reviving Culture, Providing Opportunities E

Words by Mark Jethro Ramos and Romel Florendo | Graphics By Bea Javier

ver since the rain flooded too many skills for every student, the once known Association of Cultural and Literary Arts (ACLA) is now revived to be an organization to replace and take over the functions of its predecessor, that is when the Cultural Affairs and Arts Organization (CAA) was born. To date, there are eight different organizations registered and recognized under the Cultural Affairs and Arts, mainly, to give support to every field.

ORGANIZATIONS OFFERED BY CAA: First, the Choral, which aims to harness and develop talented vocal chords of students then, Indak Xencia, to shelter the feet of those who cannot stop dancing., third, GUHIT Pinas, which draws artists and skilled pen-holder to mold their canvas-moments. Moreover, Lente and Adorne, which lets camera owners be the best of they are. Then there is the Live Band, Marching Band/Brass Band, Rondalla, which molds students to be the best beat makers for every event of the campus. Lastly LAGALag Literary Arts Group, the home of skilled writer whose very aim is to share their hearts’ thoughts. REESTABLISHMENT The Cultural Affairs and Arts Office was a brainchild of Dr. Henly F. Martirez. As its predecessor slips away to obscurity due to lack of visible activities, Dr. Martirez felt a need to reestablish the office under a new name – like how a company rebrands. An open-hand nomination up to election was held last March this year for an entirely new set of officers. Franz Mendoza, then the CHMT’s president was elected as the CAA’s first president. As the academic year approaches its final days Mendoza employed the help of Shien Rhoel Moral and Mark Jethro Ramos, both his co-staffers at The Gears Publication, on organizing a summer art workshop to increase awareness on the new organization. They began posting tarpaulins and giving out leaflets to lure talents in the campus. Due to conflicting schedules and scarcity of students frequenting the campus, the event was pushed back followed by the resignation of the president on late May. The vacated office was offered to the Auditor, Moral, but got refused. It was accepted by Ramos who was working at BPO in Pasay at that time. “It was crazy. Processing request letters and org documents in the morning and talking to people overseas the rest of the day. It could have been easier if my offices were not a hundred kilometers apart.” Ramos said. He opted out of the company by start of the school year to take the helm of the organization. Upon assuming the post, Ramos had inactive officers replaced immediately and called for a thorough cleanup of the cultural hall and office and started shooting request letters for various activities. PLANS AND EVENTS Plans for a Summer Arts Workshop was put forward to be conducted during the long vacation but due to time constriction and limited availability of students, officers and intended participants alike, pushed the schedule to the last week of August. Winners of the Battle of the Bands and Search for Mr. and Ms. LSPU represented the Campus on the subsequent Intercampus competitions. Various competitions were held between the four campuses and the victors carried the university banner on the 2nd STRASUC Regional Culture and The Arts Festival at Southern Luzon State University last October. Due to the limited success of our two participations in the regional arts fest, the Cultural coordinators convened at Los Baños to discuss plans for the 2017 STRASUC arts fest. It was agreed upon that the Intercampus competition would be held on the Arts Month, February 2017 giving our representatives ample time to train and prepare for the regional competition.

CAA decided to hold an Intercollegiate arts competition in the campus wherein talents from different colleges would be tapped to select the finest artists for over nineteen different arts categories

With that said and done, in anticipation to the intercampus arts fest, CAA decided to hold an Intercollegiate arts competition in the campus wherein talents from different colleges would be tapped to select the finest artists for over nineteen different arts categories under music, performing arts, dance, visual, and literary arts. DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS AND THEIR ACTIVITIES: GUHIT PINAS LSPU CHAPTER The official intercampus visual arts club of LSPU is also part of an even wider conglomeration of aspiring, accomplished, and prominent visual artists in the Philippines. It also comprises the bulk of the CAA with more than 300 members in the Main Campus alone. Also, GP holds monthly meet ups and art jams which are often graced by luminaries from the Philippine Arts scene. Interested applicants are welcome to drop by at the Cultural Hall (Old Library Building, in front of the Chapel). The organization’s official FB page is also open for aspiring artists and those who got an eye for visual arts. Here’s the link of the fb page- groups/909631929084197/ LSPU LIVE BAND The Live Band, though not indicated by its official name, is actually a guild of eight groups of musicians who competed in the Main Campus Battle of the Bands 2016. Impressed by the performance of each band, Dr. Martirez declared that all eight would be part of the official LSPU Live Band. They hold practice sessions at the cultural hall every now and then, mostly after classes. Everyone is free to drop by and witness these Rock Stars while admission is still free. They’re also cooking a concert for a cause at The Fort in Taguig. The Fort! CHORAL The LSPU Chorale who competed in the last regional arts fest frequents various programs and activities and is the top choice for invocations and intermission numbers. Most of their members are also part of the Campus Ministry. They usually hold rehearsals before important performances at the Cultural Hall (Old Library Building, in front of the Chapel). Wherever they perform, their voices are sure to give you goose bumps. MARCHING BAND/BRASS BAND Schools would never be complete without the marching band. They carry the banners high and proud and greet esteemed visitors with a festive mood that somehow brings us back to the classical times. We get to see them every Monday during the flag ceremony and occasionally grace parades and opening ceremonies. INDAK XENCIA Previously the LSPU Dance Troupe, is composed of dancers that could jive to practically any beat and any genre. In fact, most of them audition for Hip Hop but nonetheless rocked their Indigenous Dance performance at the SLSU gymnasium during the Regional Arts fest where they got the 5th place. THEATRE ARTS AND DRAMATICS Several attempts were made to re-

establish one of the university’s finest and most prominent arts groups and another one is on the way. Dulaang Sanghaya fell out of LSPU’s list of accredited organization due to a series of misunderstanding and conflicts. A successor organization enjoyed limited activity by lending a hand on the conduct of various events including an intercampus competition. However, the would-be pioneers were gripped with a conflict among its brass and slid into inactivity. Filipino Majors saved the day by playing the role. Currently comprised of talents from CTE’s ALIBATA, the theatre guild is currently in the process of recruiting talents all over the campus in high hopes of reviving an organization that brought honor to the university. PHOTO LENTE AND ADORNE Photographers and ramp artists comprises this artistic organization. They recently held a photoshoot on the LSPU Library which is also the office of their adviser, Mr. Hoseal Gayman. This organization is led by the most beautiful lady at LSPU (officially referred to as supremo), no other than Jessica Bino, 2015’s Ms. LSPU! LAGALAG LITERARY ARTS Indeed a witty abbreviation for Literary Arts Guild Augmenting Laguna. Optimism is widely shown in their organization if you mostly talk about writing essays, poetry, and other literary foundations. Founded by restless scribes and journalists from publications all over the university, one could only expect the best out of this sprouting literary community. Trivia: A number of works from their writers are to be published soon - for the entire Philippines to see. HOW TO JO


HOW TO JOIN The entire CAA is now busy working on facilities request and organizing different competitions for the arts fest. But the first semester is almost over. This poses a threat similar to what happened at the wouldbe summer arts workshop. “Kulang na talaga sa oras pero susubukan naming is push to ngayong December…” said Bea Joy Javier, CAA’s VP Internal. She is expected to take the president’s role next semester as the incumbent Ramos is supposed to have an OJT. “Kukulangin na sa preparation for intercampus ‘yung winners kung ma-dedelay ulit ‘tong event.” She added. Colleges would be looking for their bets soon enough. For those who simply want to spend time with likeminded colleagues, you may get in touch with any officers at the Cultural Building (Reading this far, you should’ve known where it is by now). Don’t forget to bring in sample works or prepare a number or two for auditions. With this at mind, we all know we have innate talent and skills within ourselves. With CAA at the campus, we must also know where is our place and our home where we can both grow and be the best person we can be. 





PAANO KA MABUBUSOG on tight budget? words by Jan Aldous Virina | photos by Carlos Alvarez


mmm. Langhap Sarap! Hahaha. Jollibee ba kamo? Mali ka! Dito lang sa may Trade matatagpuan ang tinaguriang food porn festival sa bawat araw ng iyong pagpasok. Mula sa miryenda, inumin at sa rice meals, siguradong matatakam ka! Halina’t tikman ang iba’t ibang putaheng patok sa lasa ng mga Estudyanteng LSPU Main. Kung bago ka pa lamang sa Trade, magugulat ka na lamang sa mga tanungan ng mga estudyante and it goes like this. Estudyante 1: Tara kakain ah! Gutom na ako’y! Estudyante2: Saan naman? Estudyante3: Sa engineering! O diba? “Sa Engineering!” means sa may second gate na malapit sa engineering building kung saan matatagpuan ang hile-hilerang food stalls at eateries sa tabi. Kaya siguradong tiyak na mabubutas ang iyong bulsa sa nakatatakam na mga pagkain! Sa unang destinasyon, pagtawid namin sa kabila ay matatagpuan ang isang maliit ngunit hitik na tindahan ng mga miryenda. Ang tindahang ito nila Mang Enteng at Aling Lucy ay nagsimula 23 taon na ang nakalilipas. Dito mo madalas maririnig ang mga salitang “Pogi anong sayo?” o kaya naman ay “Dun ‘yan sa magandang babae.” Ganyan palabati ang mga tao sa tindahan nila Mang Enteng. Lingid sa kaalaman ng lahat, dahil sa tindahang ito ay nakapagpatapos sina Mang Enteng at Aling Lucy ng dalawa nilang anak sa Trade. Sa kabilang banda malakas sa kanila ang tinaguiang butchi ni Mang Enteng na gawa sa kamote at may tamang lasa kapag gutom ka na, idagdag pa ang banana split, ube con yelo at mais con yelo. Saliwan pa ng mga tusok tusok na kikiam at tokneneng. Sa halagang 22 piso ay mabubusog ka na sa dalawang BUTCHI at isang banana o ube con yelo. Habang pausad na nang pausad ang paglalakad kasama ang aking mga katoto ay dumayo naman kami sa isang karenderya na kung saan malalanghap mo ang asim at tamis ng sisig ni TITA MARTY. Ang sisig na sinasabing powerful sa lahat ng recipe ni Tita Marty ay nakapagbibigay ligaya sa bawat namnam ng malambot na karne at piga ng kalamansi. Ang tindahang ito ni Tita Marty ay nagsimula lamang sa isang burger-ice tea stall sa loob ng unibersidad na malapit rin sa may engineering building. Sa pamamagitan ng negosyong itinayo ni Tita Marty ay masasabing umunlad unti-unti ang kanilang pamumuhay dahil dito nakapagpundar siya ng mga ari-arian gaya ng kotse at bahay, nakatulong ito

Tita Marty’s Sisig

Ate Isay’s Sweet Chicken BBQ

sa pagtataguyod ng kanyang pamilya at pagpapatapos sa kanyang mga anak. Sinabi rin niya sa isang panayam, na kailangan marunong tayong magbalik ng blessings sa kapwa. Kaya tumutulong si Tita Marty sa mga anak ng kanyang mga kaibigan sa pagbibigay ng libreng meals sa kanyang tinatawag na scholars. Nang tinanong namin siya kung bakit binabalikan ang kanyang sisig, “Cook with love.” Kanyang giniit at matitikman mo na ang kanyang recipe sa halagang 40 piso = 2 rice + 2 ulam. Sulit! Yum! Sa kasalukuyan ay nag-ooffer na ng catering services ang tindahang ito ni Tita Marty. Habang nagfofoodtrip kaming magkakasama ay napadaan kami sa isang kulay pink na animo’y piyestahan dahil sa ligalig ng videoke at ingay ng It’s showtime sa Telebisyon. Sa pagsuong namin sa aming curiosity ay natagpuan namin ang saucy sweet BBQ Chicken ni Ate Isay. Sa mahigit na siyam na taon ni Ate Isay sa ganitong negosyo ay masasabi niyang ang mga suking estudyanteng LSPU – Main eh talaga raw namang mababit at magiliw sa pagtanggap ng iba’t ibang putahe niya gaya ng sisig, tempura, hamonado, menudo, tortang talong at iba pa. Paglaon, dumarami ang suki ni ate Isay kaya nabili na rin niya ang karatig na lupa para sa space upang mas malawak ang galawan ng mga estudyante. Sa halagang 35 eh malalasahan mo na ang Chicken BBQ ni Ate Isay! Samahan pa ng suka at umaatikabong juice! Isa! Dalawa! Tatlo! Nag-uunahan ang aming mga paa habang binabagtas namin ang daan patungo sa lugar ng boarding house ng isa naming kasamahan at nagkaayaan na namang kumain! Kumbaga sa mga ibon ang mga batang boarding ay sa kainang ito namumugad dahil sa mura na eh masarap pa. Matatagpuan malapit sa may Lynville, Phase 8 ang tindahang ito ni Ate Gina. Si Ate Gina ang siyang parang ina ng mga batang umuupa sa paligid ng Lynville at mismong sa Lynville, sa kanya na rin bumibili at nagpapaluto. Sa katunayan kay Ate Gina na rin kami nagpapaluto tuwing may okasyon gaya ng Christmas Party naming noong isang taon. Doon namin nagustuhan ang puros rekados lumpiang shanghai ni Ate Gina na sa halagang sampu ay mayroon ka ng dalawang piraso samahan ng isang rice na limang piso lang. Sa 15 pesos busog na! Nagsimula lamang sa pagiging canteener niya sa isang kainan ang mas nagpapalago sa kayang hilig sa pagluluto. Sa pagtataguyod niya ng sariling negosyo ay unti-

Ate Gina’s Puros Rekados Lumpia

Ate Susan’s Thirst Quencher


unting umunlad ito sa pagdami ng kanyang suking estudyante at kapitbahay. Dahil sa negosyong ito ay naitataguyod niya ang pag-aaral ng kanyang mga anak na parehong nasa elementarya pa lamang at natutustusan rin ang pangunahin nilang pangangailangan. Idagdag pa ang pagdedeliver niya ng tubig inumin at pag-extra niya at kanyang asawa sa pagtatricycle. Sa loob ng isang taon ay umunlad ang negosyo niya at nagkaroon siya ng simpleng bigasan. Hooo! Busog na busog na kami. Ang sarap mag foodtrip. Ikaw ba naman dumaan sa mala U Belt na hilera ng kainan! Hahaha. It should be FU Belt. Don’t get me wrong mga bes! Food University Belt yan! Okay na? Pero syempre aba hindi pa kami umiinom! Ang init hoo! Yes! Pagtawid namin sa kabilang parte ng kalsada, swak sa bulsa ang various flavors ng tindang palamig ni Aleng Susan Napiza. May Chocolate, Lemonade, sago’t gulaman, coffee jelly at iba pa, na sa halagang limang piso eh makakatikim ka na! Burpppp! Hays ang sarap talaga! Habang uminom kami, kakwentuhan namin si Ate Susan. Sinabi niya na ang pinakapatok talaga ay ang sago at chocolate juice na halos makaubos sila ng 10 kilo sa araw araw. Marahan na pagtitimpla ang ginagawa nila sa mga paninda nila dahil sa katunayan niluluto pa nila ang karamihan sa mga ito. Kalakip ang halagang limang daan sa araw-araw ay nakapag-iipon sila Aling Susan para sa panustos sa pangangailangan. Sa paraang ito ng ikinabubuhay nakapagpatapos si Aling Susan ng isang future Electrical Engineer na kasalukuyang nagrereview para sa board exams. Pinayo pa niya, na dapat isalang-alang ang lasa ng paninda at linis ng lugar na pinagtitindahan. Sinabi niya na sinubukan nilang magtinda pa ng iba pang miryenda ngunit sa linyang ito sila umunlad kaya ang dating tatlong flavor ay may anim hanggang pitong flavors na sa araw-araw. Teka! Syempre di namin nalimutang dumaan sa canteen. hoooo! We love the spaghetti there. Sabi ng karamihan iyon ang specialty dito sa sweet and mejo spicy na sauce. Swak ang bente pesos mo. huho. Samahan mo pa ng double bans at kung gusto mo pa ay palabok na bente lang rin syempre. Oramismo! Garantisado! Swak sa bulsa busog ka pa. Haysss! Nakarating din sa pub. Ubos man ang pera masaya namang kumain sa Food Porn Festival sa Main. Hahahah. Oh! Paano hanggang sa susunod na kainan at kwentuhan. Hanggang sa muli. Paalam! 

Butchi ni Mang Enteng

Sweet Saucy Spaghetti ng Canteen





Cavinti Woven Past, Intertwined Culture words by Romina Taracatac | photos by Shien Rhoel Moral

Kapit sa Binti! C-A-V-I-N-T-I! Sounds interesting and somewhat unique, isn’t it? But do you ever wonder where does this municipality got its name? Here it comes. There is a legend that the word Cavinti came from a Filipino phrase “Kapit sa Binti” which the first Spanish found it difficult to uttered. It’s been said that when these colonizer first arrived in the place, a wedding ceremony was performed and there it was the story goes. The wedding was unique and infrequent. It is not similar with the common vow that we witnessed in the churches or in the civil courts. Perhaps, in that wedding ritual, the Spaniard saw the groom running after the bride. It said that the idea behind the whole thing was to let the groom run after the bride as the witnessing crowd kept watching and once the bride caught the nuptial was consummated. Furthermore, the bride run uphill and downhill, through clear and wooded area, on dry and swampy paths, as the groom kept running behind her. Down yonder the pair

reached the stream that probably the Cavinti River, which unfortunately has that time swelled due to flood waters. The unaware bride jumped into the water and suddenly, the undercurrent got the bride catching her ignorant of coming danger. And then, nearby the riverbank, the bride’s younger sister who was in the midst of the crowd, cried out yelling “Kaka, kapit sa binti” painting to the groom. She shouted it out on top of her voice in a desperate effort to save her older sister. For sake of her dear life, the bride gasping for breath obeyed it without hesitation. For this it not only to save the bride’s life or the wedding tragic ending but also significant most especially to the town having a name that can be call on as very own. Additionally, Cavinti now is a third class municipality in the province of Laguna and fortunately because of the town’s progress, may soon become a first class municipality. Moreover, it is located near the Sierra Madre mountain range and is situated in eastern side of the province of Laguna.

Rocks of the Past Cavinti is not only known for its splendor nature, but it is also recognized for its religious ecclesiastical and one representation of this is the Transfiguration of Lord Parish Church in the town which is the only Roman Catholic Clerical in Cavinti. Like other churches, it is also rich of antiquity stories of why and how this religious place is established. Folklore confessed that this church was built at an unusual location that had been revealed to two men known as the Puhawan brothers. This legend exposed that these two brothers were searching for foods to eat when they discovered an image of El Salvador, at this spot in the early 1600s. When they took the picture to their home in Lumban, one of the towns near in Cavinti, they surprisingly viewed that the image is gone on the position where they exactly place it. Indeed, their astonishment gets superior so they decided to look for it and in their amazement, the image found precisely in the place where they first saw it. Therefore, the church of Cavinti now stands on the holy


ground of where the image was retrieved. One of the largest earth quake in the Philippines, the Luzon earthquake happened July 1880. It completely destroyed the church’s bell tower and it also damaged the church walls. The transfiguration of our Lord Parish Church titular patron is Señor Del Transfiguracion or commonly known as El Salvador del Mundo (Divine Savior of the World) whose feast day is celebrated every August 6. Our Lady of Snows (nuestra Señora de las Nieves) and St.Joseph, husband of Mary served as the towns secondary patrons. Currently, It’s architectural type was church building that specified made of adobe. indeed, it’s administration archdiocese Manila and diocese San Pablo Province Manila clergy under archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle. and now, it was under the supervision of Bishop Bueneventuira M. Famadico and Priest Antonio Pablo G. Hidalgo. It’s rocks significantly tells the values of the past that in the present must be still valued.





Get hurt, Get up! The surroundings were occupied by the fresh air release by different trees and plants around the area. In the river side, a bamboo raft is waiting for us to be our transportation to the other side of the land which was the cave’s ingress main place. At the other side of the river, a tip of soil, huge rocks and tall trees are the primary entity that I notice in the area. Indeed, I really feel the excitement because I know I am closer enough to the cave. In the entrance, our tour guide and rediscuss to us the dos and don’ts in the cave and after this we begin to walk inside. Along in our path, we do some crawling because there are some portions that are narrow. It is also slippery that’s why we should watch our steps carefully. But all of this doesn’t matter because in the time that we saw the different rocks and minerals formation, it’s all worth it. And as we further move, we reach the little falls inside the cave that can be drink. We also see a variety of species of animals which is the one who gives life to the cave. Perhaps, this extraordinary and amusing experience helps me to realize how lucky I am to still see this wonderful creature of God. This beauty should be seen by more people. So why don’t you try to come and visit also the Cavinti Underground River and Cave Complex and to be in love also with its finest form.

Cavinti is abundant with indigenous materials like leaves of pandan that was use in weaving a unique hat which known in our town as Sambalilo. This hat is commonly intertwined by elders. Usually, it is the recreational bonding of the locals in our town and also considered as a good source of income. Since, then, sambalilo is used to promote the tourism of our municipality. That in every August, starting in the very first day, our town is annually celebrating Sambalilo Festival. Sambalilo festival is celebrated every August. For this year, the Municipality of Cavinti launched a variety of programs recognizing the great contribution of Sambalilo in the industry of tourism in our town and with the theme of “Pinakamalaking Sambalilo… Dala MO ay Turismo Ibandera sa buong Mundo! The town folks have come together to create a large woven hat, as part of the celebrations, with the goals of bagging the Guinness World Record for the largest Sambalilo. Sambalilo making and weaving other products has been Cavinti’s main specialization. The local government of this town formed “Kalakal Cavinti” on 2008. This group produces quality products which are being sold in different

Cavinti cave photos from various internet sources

I really become excited after I heard that I and my confidant will come and visit the newest ecotourism destination in my own town which is the Cavinti Underground River and Cave Complex that can be located at Paowin, one of the Barangay in the municipality of Cavinti. As such, I know it would be really fun and galvanic experience that I may bump into. And like what I am expecting, it really was! The road alone going to the cave complex is adventurous on its own. The road is unpaved and it was rocky. Aside from it, it also has a very steep portion which brings me the similar feelings of riding a roller coaster. Moreover, along our travel, Kuya Bunso, one of the tour guide discuss to as of how the cave discover. He stated that, Mr. Gardo Sanchez, a local resident and farmer is the one who accidentally find the opening of the cave when he was looking and garnering woods for charcoal making. Apparently, he also mentioned that on the 22nd of March, 2011, the Cavinti constables initiated an exploration on the cave complex and after 2 years, at March 30, 2013, they exposed it to the public as the prime ecotourism destination. Moreover, as we reach the pre-ingress of the cave, the river welcomes us with its pure and crystalizing water. Stones and a variety of rocks formation from the bottom of the river can be viewed because of its mirror like appearance.

World’s Biggest Sombrero! provinces like Bulacan and Mindoro. Kalakal Cavinti also sends products to Kultura shops in different malls. Crops made from our town is not that ordinary work that was only made because it was needed. This kind of deeds were done because it’s the passion of people in our town. it reflects the personality of them, in which, their patient in weaving every detail of the sambalilo. Last August, The largest sambalilo hat is 13.05 m (42 ft 9.7 in) in diameter, created by the Municipality of Cavinti (Philippines) and measured in Cavinti, Laguna, Philippines. The height of the hat is 2 metres and the width of the central dome is 3 metres. Every year the Sambalilo festival is organised in Cavinti. This was the 4th year and the hat was made as a part of the celebrations and to promote tourism in Cavinti. This event, really makes me proud as being a Cavintanian because I never believe that our town can make it, indeed, because of their fruitful mind, they made it and they attain their goals in capturing the title. In this event, my town become famous. How can I say so? many of my friends are asking of how they can

to Cavinti because they really don’t know this town before. they just often heard it and sometimes, they kidding that maybe my town, cavinti, is a hidden village in Cavinti. It’s funny to hear that they think that without knowing seeing the fantastic beauty of my town and ofcourse, affording the unpredictable thing that my kababayan can do, like, sambalilo, it said. One time, I brought a bag made of pandan in our school, and many of them look at it. They really like that thing. And as because I love my place, I use that opportuinity to promote the products of Cavinti. And As I said “Come and go to Cavinti, and buy one, altrhough it’s seems like a joke, why don’t you take it seriously now. And If you wanted to visit the place or include this on your itinerary better talked to the Cavinti’s tourism officer so that they can assist you better. Moreover, if you also plan to buy our products, then I would strongly suggest that you coordinate with them as they might give discounts in bulk orders. By the way, their products are of best quality. Well, I also got my own hat styled with ribbons in yellow and pink so why won’t you get your own?





16 FEATURES COLUMN Meliorist x Lou Fatima Muega

Isang Hiraya “O

ur life is made up of time; our days are measured in hours, our pay is measured by those hours and our knowledge is measured by years. We grab a few quick minutes in our busy day to have a cup of coffee. We rush back to our desks, we watch the clock, we live by appointments. And yet your time eventually runs out and you wonder in your heart of hearts if those seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades were being spent the best way they possibly could.” Those lines were from the book, Love Rosie written by Cecelia Ahern. I always put in my mind that yes, our life is made up of time; our days are measured in hours, our pay measured by those hours, our knowledge is measured by years. From the moment I woke up, time told me to do the things that I should be doing on a morn-


ho among us doesn’t love to eat or don’t want to taste a one of a kind food? It’s a big NO, right? Most of the people nowadays enjoy food that is not only good for our hungry stomach but also good for our eyes. Most of the foods today have a glamorously spectacular visual presentation of cooking, dining and eating and often by means of taking pictures of it and downloading it in the social media for some, to notice howmouthwatering the food is. And it is simply called as “FOOD PORN!” Food porn is a growing phenomenon that has been seized upon by “foodies” who now use social networks to share photos of food with their friends, fans and followers. The term Food Porn appears to have been coined by the feminist critic Rosalind Coward in her 1984 book Female Desire in which she writes: “Cooking food and presenting it beautifully is an act of servitude. It is a way of expressing affection through a gift... That we should aspire to produce perfectly finished and presented

ing. I should eat my breakfast, I need to prepare and go to school. On a specific time, I should listen to the lecture of our professor and on this hour I need to take my lunch. At that year, I should graduate and should get a diploma. And after that, on that month or year, I should have a job. On that time, I should be stable enough. On that time, I should love and marry someone. And on that time, I should have my own family and should be successful and rich. And at that moment I should have that and those and this and these. And I should have all of it because the “time” said so. So I always believe that time is important. It is something that cannot be retrieved once it is gone. It is not something that can be wasted since it is scarce; that there are things that you should be doing on that particular time because you cannot be doing it on other time. Addition-

ally, time is, well the quote that everyone knows, gold. Time is gold. We, people treat it as precious as gem. I, myself, from the very beginning I became aware of things, was taught by the society that time is gold. But as I tried to live my life according to time, it just frustrates me. It saddens me since there are many things— no, not many, but millions of things that I were not able to do when “time” told me to do so. Huhu. I was frustrated because I just have misspent yearssssss of my life because I was not able to accomplish the things that “time” dictated me to accomplished. So, yea. Time is a vital role in our life and should be used correctly because if not you will just write useless stuffs that will be published on a broadsheet. Well, kidding again! I’ll be serious. So here is really the thing that changed my

food is a symbol of a willing and enjoyable participation in servicing others. Food pornography exactly sustains these meanings relating to the preparation of food. The kinds of picture used always repress the process of production of a meal. They are always beautifully lit, often touched up.” Food Porn often takes in the form of Food Photography and styling that presents food provocatively. It is being used to describe food that was presented

ogy have given us the capability to make food taste better than ever before by adding unnatural amounts of fat, salt, and sugar. It’s ridiculous for someone to claim that junk food doesn’t taste good. Of course, it does. It was made to taste good. On a smaller scale, this would be like claiming an apple tastes better than an apple pie. Apples are great and all, but they don’t have a buttery crust or sweet, sticky filling. While most grown humans

Today, pleasure for the eyes is just as important as the pleasure for the taste buds.

and prepared in a manner that was aesthetically appealing and taking a picture of food became one of the norms for younger generation in the world. In some ways it is similarly like to pornographic photography. Why? It is because food porn photography arouses the desire to eat or to glorify food as a substitute for sex. Science and technol-

logically understand that an apple is better for you than a slice of pie, but there is no denying that you will be choosing the pie. Here in the Philippines, most of the Filipinos like us are an avid fan of a mouthwatering food. We are always hungry to taste and to know more about different kinds of food around the globe. Showing what we eat, a

Charlie x Shula Mae Castro

Cheaters Never Prosper Y

ou choose between your moral conscience or to survive. Cheating is inevitable in order to gain an advantage but in a dishonest means. Many of us already did ‘cheating’ and if you still haven’t, then congratulations! You’re a Good Samaritan. People see cheating as normal, but why? Because every day we do sins and cheating, for many, is a form of a “sin.” But sadly, people do it as a habit. According to Wikipedia, cheating is getting of a reward for ability or finding an easy way out of an unpleasant situation by dishonest means. It is generally used for the breaking of

rules to gain unfair advantage in a competitive situation. This broad definition will necessarily include acts of bribery, cronyism, nepotism, sleaze and any situation where individuals are given preference using inappropriate criteria. Cheating can refer specifically to marital infidelity. Mostly at schools, they say you are not a student if you haven’t cheated yet. Some students used ‘kodigo’ where they put the answers in a piece of paper. Then, they will hide it in some place wherein they will easily see the answer. Sometimes, they will hide it under their chair or arm-desk or put it

in an I.D, or write the answers on their hands and forearms. Let say that it is true since there are times that some or even everyone did not review their lessons before an exam, so maybe, the choice in order to pass is to cheat. If you don’t cheat you won’t pass because cheating, for the viewpoints of many, is the only way to survive. There will also come a time wherein that feeling we reviewed our lessons all night long, we only slept for 3 hours, and we did our best to recite all the terms or whatever. But then, your classmate who cheated during the examination got the highest

AUGUST TO OCTOBER 2016 way of thinking about life. (Wow. a stubbornly persistent illusion. I want to stop myself from dying Too deep.) About time, I mean. Einstein also suggested that the to live life according to an illuAbout time. After giving impor- only true constant is the speed of sion. Let’s just live to the fullest tance too much on “time” on my light. And according to Eckhart, and do things in the “now” and nineteen years of existence, a there is no yesterday nor any don’t let ourselves be dictated by friend of mine, told, let me realized tomorrow, but only now! It was the things that don’t even exist! words by June Louie Flores | graphics by Bea Javier Take a pause. Relax. Be and even enlightened me that supported by Brasington and “time” is just….tadaaa! An illusion. stated that time is an illusion cre- happy. And do not hurry. It is okay. I became curious about ated to try and measure the rate It really is okay to eat a breakfast it and even googled it on the in- of change of the Present—the menu at dinner time. It is okay to ternet if time is not real and found now—the ever changing now. enter college even though you’re out that even Einstein believes Brasington added that time is just already 36 years old. It is okay that time ain’t real! He stated a handy mental device that helps if you still don’t meet your soulthat the distinction between people deal with the higher order mate even though you’re on your past, present and future is only derivatives of the rate of change. late 20s. It is okay if you are not yet finish on your degree even though it’s already your sixth year at school. It is okay to still not know what you want to be or profession you’ll take even though you are already a 4th year college student. It really is okay if you still cannot figure out if the work you have for a decade really suits you. It is okay if you are not doing the things that the society And before my column just something created by men expects from you at this moment. will become a chapter two of a and undoubtedly, was accepted It really is okay. It really is. Bethesis or a review of related lit- by us, humans. I believe that cause there is no time limit since erature rather (Lol), I therefore time is just an illusion not be“time,” as I said earlier, is just an conclude and believe that time cause Brasington, Eckhart said illusion. An illusion. Imagination. is just merely an illusion. An illu- so or even Einstein told us but Isang ilusyon. Isang hiraya. sion. Imagination. Isang ilusyon. because I do not want to live Isang hiraya. Ganern. That it is my life again according to time.

It is okay if you are not doing the things that the society expects from you at this moment. It really is okay.

Vines x James Ballesteros

Craving Satisfaction

given brand, and a type of food or the place in which we are eating is a way of staging and describing ourselves. And when we saw and taste it, we always take a picture of it and make it as a status update on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter or in any kinds of social media site that our common friends, even not, can see. Then all of their heroic dieting efforts will go to hell. This is how food porn evolved in our lives. Also, some certain digital cameras now offer specific settings for shooting food, allowing the user to obtain even brighter, more detailed and more colorful pictures. The elements of photographic production help direct the way an audience experiences the food object. Unlike the presentation of food, which we can experience in front of us in a restaurant, photographic composition reminds us that someone else is shap-

ing our experience of the food. Like in some of the commercials of known fast foods here in the Philippines; they are always exaggerating their ads for them the consumers will come. Just like pizzas, cakes, chickens, beefs, pastas, chocolates, ice creams and everything that is craving for. As a result, non-professionals can now shoot an enticing trickle of sauce, the sensual curve of a tomato or a tantalizing drip of chocolate… Food porn takes us to another dimension of imagination using its own deliciousness. Today, pleasure for the eyes is just as important as the pleasure for the taste buds. Herein lays the essence of food porn. The visual enjoyment to be had from looking at a photo of burger has become almost physical, stirring up excitement, desire or fascination. As with pornography, it is the image that excites. The

more the photo makes people’s mouths water, the more it will be shared and “liked” on the social networks. As you see buddy, nowadays, the value of a dish is enhanced by the number of likes, comments or shares it garners and unfortunately, not by the actual recipe or techniques employed by the chef, who has taken the time to cook it, do it and prepare the dish. They can unite by just a picture and get along with each other. They can agree and discuss about how delicious and mouthwatering and exaggerated, glamorized, magnified and made unattainably attractive using filters of picture of food. Isn’t it really amazing? Everything in this world isn’t about money. It is about how we enjoy our life. Let’s live life to the fullest like how food did to us. They became beautiful once and forever.

score than you and what makes it worse, is that you failed and he passed. Very wrong, right? But sadly, not only in schools but also in our society, cheating becomes rampant especially to those high-profiled people that are continually do-

who will find a way just to win. Even in our loved ones we commit cheating. He can love you wholeheartedly but that doesn’t mean he will not cheat on you. There is no perfect relationship and probably, one of the reason of break ups is because

that you cheated but God knows everything. He will give you the consequence that you deserve and He will assure that you will learn a lesson from it. And that is how karma really goes. So to avoid karma, avoid cheating! Do not do it! There are many ways to avoid cheating, try to have some perseverance and passion. And don’t ever tell me that you just cheat because you have no choice. Cheating is a choice, after all. Cheaters will not find true success, happiness, contentment in life and are forever failure. So if you are a cheater, learn to change. Once a cheater is not always a cheater. There is always a chance to change and a chance to prove something worthy for yourself. And remember, as much as we hate drugs, we hate cheaters.

But sadly, not only in schools but also in our society, cheating becomes rampant especially to those high-profiled people...

ing the heinous sin just to gain power, money, and fame. They are taking advantages from the people around them. We all know that politics is very complex. In every election, there will always be cheaters


they cheated them by their ex’s. Furthermore, alongside of cheating is the partner of ‘Karma.’ They have a good chemistry indeed. If you cheat, there goes with karma. And the consequence is so sweet. Maybe no one knows






FROM RUGS TO RICHES Innovation for Professional Business Orientation BY JAN ALDOUS VIRINA


ugs to riches. This common connotation for business oriented people, that small things could lead to bigger ones as proper education, science and technology innovation and business orientation as guidelines would be followed, was delivered by Sen. Paolo Benigno “Bam” Aquino IV in his visit in the main campus Oct. 5. Objectively, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) through the establishment of Institutionalized Business Advisory and mentoring Service (I-BAMS) provides these kinds of events in provinces where its goals are to: 1) provide local advice and guidance to the Provincial Director and Provincial Implementation Team on the institutionalization of the BAMS program; 2) an on-going communication link with partner organizations on the development and implementation of the BAMS program; and 3) a strategy to help identify and continuously recruit potential volunteer mentors for the program. These objectives of I-BAMS program seek to engage the university community in creating a business oriented community as the PANULUYAN,

Your One Stop Lagunense Food Outlet was established in Laguna State Polytechnic University – Sta. Cruz Main Campus (LSPU-SCC) as the second branch in the province. This pasalubong center was established for the enrichment of the organic and provincial processed foods and the likes. More so, this one-stop shop favored more of the development of the students of the College of Business Management and Accountancy (CBMA) to practice their skills and analyze business situations as volunteers came from the college in maintaining the program. This includes the young entrepreneurs of the province to develop and discover volunteer mentors. Sen. Bam expressed his joy as he delivered his message to the students about his first approved and passed law which is, the Republic Act No. 10644, otherwise known as Go Negosyo Act. This is to establish Negosyo Centers in the different areas of the country as its primary goal. This would be of help to those people who wants to be entrepreneurs. He mentioned all the services that negosyo centers could cater as it helps the country grow economically.

“I am happy that this project [PANULUYAN] was established here [LSPU-Main] as it is a zone for central development of the province.” Sen. Bam stated. Meanwhile, as Sen. Bam also stated in the forum with CBMA Entrepreneur students, he pointed out proper education as one of the mere necessities in establishing foundation for good traits and characteristics of good feature entrepreneurs. He even stressed that the proper education will help businessmen to be capable of professionalism phases. Then, as the progress of industry arises, science and technology is needed to be considered. Innovations of the processors of food, machineries for manufacturers and the main area of work are those of some indicators to be observed. He elaborated the importance of utilizing the technological improvements in the business process. As Sen. Bam discuss his tips of business orientation he exclaimed that putting up a business is not easy, everyone will surely encounter a lot of struggles. But he emphasized that it is worth it if future entrepreneurs put their minds and hearts on

Greener Youth in Action:

SSC promotes proper waste disposal

it. At the end of his speech he repeated that Filipinos’ nature is to help their family to grow financially and it will only happen if everyone has stable and profitable business. He assured the students that he will find solutions and most precise way to take good care the laws and rights of businessmen. The final rite of his visit ended in scrutinizing machines in CALABARZON's Food Solution Hub (CFoSH), a collaborative project of DTI - Laguna, LSPU - Sta. Cruz Main Campus, Department of Science and Technology (DOST) - Laguna and Association of Laguna Food Processors (ALAFOP). He personally witnessed how the equipment are being used by the ALAFOP members, other food processors and LSPU students and he participated the official opening of the PANULUYAN food outlet near the main entrance of LSPU-SCC together with with DTI IV A Regional Director Marilou Q. Toledo, DOST - IV A Assistant Regional Director Lydia Manguiat and LSPU President Dr. Nestor M. De Vera, Campus Director, Dr. Roberto C. Miranda and Dean Marissa Dimarucot, CBMA. 

CCS welcomes MAC!



lean, Green, and GO! To ensure the living quality of students inside the campus as a community, the Supreme Student Council (SSC) has promoted proper waste disposal through their Project: Waste Segregation which directly implements collection different class of garbage throughout the campus, signed and implemented, October 25. The new project of the SSC, spearheaded by its President, Lyndzei Bermudez, invocates lesser effort for everybody as it encloses garbage bins for every college inside the campus. Understating “Renewable” and “Non-Renewable” as two colored trash bins that were placed at every department to make sure that students will be able to place their trash in proper podiums. Also, the project is also to help maintenance personnel and utility in segregating which consumes a lot of time. Ever since the municipal

ordinance of Santa Cruz was placed, garbage were ought to be collected only if they are segregated in their designated bins. Upheld with the same revenue, the campus also implements the same virtual cooperation between students and the community. Moreover, the project aims to promote discipline between the students and their actions. This strengthens the university’s values in attaining ISO certification. “To promote clean and green environment, we encourage all students of the campus to follow proper segregation. Also, we are planning to produce more trash bins for the community inside or campus.” Bermudez stated. Furthermore, the SSC will continue to apprehend more projects for the campus to help and to prioritize cooperation between students and the community inside and outside the campus. 




ollege of Computer Studies as a well-known area for innovating multimedia tools in developing students as future practitioners of media, underwent some innovation as it was designated with 30 MAC Units, Sept. 30. MAC units are operated and installed through the perseverance of the people of the college specifically Associate Dean Mia Villarica. In addition, installing these PC’s serves replacement for the malfunctioning units and it would be of help to the students to be trained as probable call center agents as part of their curricula. Also, ac-

tivating and imploring the sense of creativity and resourcefulness as this improvement could be a great help in practicing, studying and integrating multimedia soft wares and practice the proper communicative aspects needed in a call center. Students of CCS could utilize the MAC lab every 9:00 -11:00 am as they are given a chance to use it for thirty minutes per student for there are limited units only. But these add up units are indicators of improvements for aiming quality education in the college and university. Seminars for application then followed afterwards. 







xplore Mars and other planets, fight zombies in front of you, travel around the world in 10 days. Is it really possible? Yes, it is! Even you are just staying at home. That’s the power of the new emerging technology, the ‘Virtual Reality’. Virtual reality or VR comes from the definitions for both ‘virtual’ and ‘reality’. The definition of ‘virtual’ is near and reality is what we experience as human beings. So, the term ‘virtual reality’ basically means ‘near-reality’. This refers to the reality emulation of the technology. In more technical terms, VRs is the term used to describe a three-dimensional, computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person.

So, what this new techie look alike? Simply, it’s just a wearable, eyeglass like headset which simulates a Three-Dimensional world when you wear it. Video is sent from the console or computer to the headset via a HDMI cable. In the Case of other VRs, it's already on the smartphone slotted into the headset. There are lenses which are placed between your eyes. In some instances, these can be adjusted to match the distance between your eyes which varies from person to person. Also, some VRs features sensors such as head tracking, controllers, hand tracking, voice, on-device buttons or trackpads.

Except for gaming, here are the uses of Virtual Reality:

education VRs was found to be useful in teaching and learning situations. It enables large groups of students to interact with each other as well as within a 3D environment. For example, students who study the universe can learn about the solar system and how it works by physical engagement with the objects within. They can move plan-

ets, see around stars and track the progress of a comet. This also enables them to see how abstract concepts work in a 3D environment which makes them easier to understand and retain. Students find ease and fun in using VRs due to its interactive objects. Plus these students can interact with the objects in that environment in order to discover more about them.

Scientific Visualization Virtual reality enables scientists to demonstrate a method or convey complex ideas in a visual format. This includes semi-immersive and

full immersive environments in which they visualize research theories or discuss large data sets. Through VRs, illustarion could be more exact.

HEALTH CARE VRs can also be used in surgery simulation, phobia treatment, robotic surgery and skills training. One of the advantages of this technology is that it allows healthcare professionals to learn new skills as well as refreshing existing ones in a safe environment as allows this

without causing any danger to the patients. A common use of this technology is in robotic surgery where treatment is done by means of a robotic device – controlled by a human surgeon, which reduces time and risk of complications.

SPORTS Athletes use this technology to tune certain aspects of their performance like a golfer looking to improve their swing or accuracy in targeting the golf ball. Three dimensional systems

can pinpoint aspects of an athlete’s performance which require changing, for example, their biomechanics or technique.This may diagnose problems and could be a way to find solutions.

Telecommunications Modern communication methods such as video calling (VC) are a matter of interest in Virtual Reality. With the use of VRs, VC can simulate

an illusion that looks like you are talking in front of the caller. With this, people away from their families may experience a better way of communication.

These are some uses of Virtual Reality in everyday living. Maybe in the near future, this technology might supersede the use of monitors and screens in our computers and desktop. 

Participatory Research for Climate Change Education: an Antidote to Environmental Ignorance BY RAYNS KENETH S. AMPON

Schools imparts various knowledge that a person can apply in their lives. Part of it was their educational background because through that they can apply the basic principles that they acquire inside the institution. Concentrating on core concepts that is applicable on the current problems of the community. Department of Education (DepEd-Laguna) together with the Los Baños-based Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) and University of the Philippine Los Baños (UPLB), collaborated to incorporate environmental issues specifically climate change to the lesson plans of primary and secondary education. From the idea of educating young generations to the physical state of our environment, the project blooms to cater different instructional materials. Specified guides where given in schools near Laguna area.

Climate change alarms the local and international environmental advocates that the problem is getting worse. Due to some harmful activities that the humans did the ecological balance is at stake. With the on-going effects of this phenomenon different group has move for change. Evidences being seen support the fact that the change cannot simply be explained by natural variation. Through the calamities that cause many casualties to the affected area especially on those places which is consider as disaster prone.

The most recent scientific assessments have confirmed that this warming of the climate system since the mid-20th century is most likely to be due to human activities; and thus, is due to the observed increase in greenhouse gas concentrations from human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and land usage. Presently, some autonomous adaptation is taking place, but we need to consider a more pro-active adaptation planning in order to ensure sustainable development. For and only at the suppressor of ecology and environment.


Bound to the lesson plans which embodies knowledge on how to control climate change, and it’s latter in promoting edible gardening as part of the course. It lies on the participatory research that was conducted by DepEd-Laguna.

According to SEARCA, programs has been envisioned to improve the nutritional conditions and dietary habits of school children through experiential learning activities that instill the importance of agriculture, environmental concerns, and use of locally adapted agricultural technologies. Schools who is now under the said program includes: the elementary schools in the


towns of Alaminos, Cabuyao, Majayjay, Nagcarlan and Pila while the high school is in the Laguna capital town of Sta. Cruz. It includes the concepts of instructional materials to integrate sustainable ecology and organic agriculture, nutrition, and climate change in subjects such as science, mathematics, English, and Business Education (for Grade 4) and Technology and Livelihood Education (for Grade 7). “Science-based knowledge and simple productive technologies will play major roles in the project, one of which is the introduction of edible landscaping systems in schools” the project proponents discussed.




YOUTH “ cross


Instead of having a moment with the new era of gadgets, one could give time to study basic first aid, or a simple pre-emptive evacuation procedure for earthquake or a storm.”

for a


The Philippines, known for its topographical location, is composed of thousands of islands and is graphed in between of bodies of water, making the country a magnet to all disasters. With this at mind, the government has made an organization that has an aim to inspire, inform and involve. An organization that has a goal to save lives of others, more than theirs. With their humanitarian involvement, it has always been their inspiration to lead safety for everyone and that is the very motivation of the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC). The organization itself has made people, men and women, from all walks of life, dedicate themselves for the service of humanity. In every concurring disaster, they are always there to help others and even those in need of humanitarian escort. With several activities and help at hand, most of the members cannot handle all at once. Given the fact that disasters don’t give a head start to anyone. They appear at the most unexpected time. Due to this, not all people are getting attention most of the time. Given the situation, the organization has made a valuable decision of making the younger generation a part of their humanitarian dedication. In the early period, the youth are the priorities to be saved, and now they are the one who saves, the very aim

of the Red Cross Youth (RCY). RCY is a youth volunteering program that has a mission to educate and empower the minds of the young generation with their constructive training and leadership that aims to harness energy and idealism to promote humanitarian service. With the help of the PRC, the young volunteers, given enough knowledge can be a significant aspect to the service of humanity and mankind. Lately, a storm has bounded the Philippines in a short period and the action of the RCY has been set in stone. Typhoon Karen, being the latest storm to enter the country has yielded rains and winds that more or less

Climate change scenarios outputs are an important step forward in improving our understanding of our complex climate, particularly in the future. These show how our local climate could change dramatically should the global community fail to act towards effectively reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This product seeks further improvement to the application of naturalistic preferences based on the scientific notions. Like a warrior

destructed properties. Records detail that typhoon Karen had affected 102 municipalities, 200 barangays, and an estimated 9,737 families and 43,311 individuals from the provinces such as Aurora, Nueva Ecija, Bulacan, Batangas, and the Bicol Region. But with the help of RCY, they displayed their knowledge through preemptive medical attention and reduced the casualties with 13,499 individuals were brought to 87 evacuation centers in their respective areas. Moreover, the RCY is still on standby and ready for anything. Given everything at hand, everyone could be a youth saver—a life saver. With enough knowledge about basic first aid can mean a life to s o m e b o d y. The youth has

many things to learn about humanitarian acts. Humanity doesn’t only mean saving lives, it also means valuing life in a different aspect. Life is as valuable as anything in this world and the youth, having enough knowledge about humanity and life could change how we see everything. The youth doesn’t only mean they are the ones being protected, they could also be the ones who could save others. Instead of having a moment with the new era of gadgets, one could give time to study basic first aid, or a simple pre-emptive evacuation procedure for earthquake or a storm. This would be a big thing, especially for those who are in need. A simple first aid kit could save lives. Having knowledge about disasters doesn’t make less of what you are but more of what you can become as a significant

fighting for a united advocacy of change but not in climate but rather the people’s ideology on the importance of our environment. Furthermore, the participating schools is required to have at least an optimal-sized greenhouse with rainwater collection system that was assembled to ensure a sustainable and continuous production of vegetable crops throughout the year.

AIDS FOR LASTING EFFICIENCY With the support of the Local Government Units, they divide their set goals easily. Having supported program for schools that includes the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management program during natural calamities and precautions. This has been approved as another feasible program for the mandated DepEd curriculum. The primary goal is to break the ignorance amongst youth to the current status of our nature and what they contribute to eradicate the cause of this tragic events and catastrophic malice. Also, the research provides some tips and recommendation in order to facilitate climate change. Moreover, the efficacy of the matter pre-concludes the essence of first-hand teaching as shown by the program. So, the chance

for accepting idealistic measurements for the proposed study has a greater impact to the students, to communities and to our mother earth.

Some autonomous adaptation is taking place, but we need to consider a more pro-active adaptation planning in order to ensure sustainable development.


part of the youth. The youth should have in mind that materials can be bought again, but there will never be anything as valuable as life. 





Literary Time to get tired Rich Anne Dayo

Sometimes; the worst thing that could ever happen is to get tired. Get tired to listen, to talk and to mingle with the person that means a lot to you. These are the things that isolate us to the fantasy that we make in the four corners of love. You want to know why? It is really hard to love someone when you found out that they were so selfish. They brought problem that couldn’t mend a solution. Those ideas that hurts people but what hurts the most is the fact that they choose few paper bills over someone that was tightened with their own blood. Very irresponsible! People are group of headaches. They keep on making everything miserable for others. Those evils do not doubt to hurt others for the sake of themselves. Very pathetic creatures on earth, I cannot blame anyone who is Philophobic because I feel that we’re on the same boat. Yes, recently, my heart failed to love. I admit that truth. My heart seems to be that senseless, useless and functionless. It cannot feel anything but a selfish love to me, it is better than to feel those worthless emotions. I should have known. You don’t have to mention it. I have nothing to show. Just as that, I am free. No hurt, no sleepless nights, no dry eyes, no tears, no happiness and no rejoice. Just as plain and mundane sense better than something you can feel. It is the best thing you can feel---NOTHING. I don’t hate feeling something. I am just tired of facing those head bursting problems alone. Those things that made me a whole craft of anger and frustrations. All my life, I do face it. All my life, I am alone in that dark place with a puzzle-like problem. I can’t feel anything now. Please, not again I’m tired. ‘People, stop bothering me. I suffered a lot because of you. I am so tired.’ Heartaches are not bearable. Above all of those, the most sinful thing is hate. You started to hate when you get tired to love. Maybe, I’m not in to hate but I am one step forward from it because I’m tired to feel everything including hate. I am emotionless. I am me. This is my real self. So, can you still forgive me if I act like this? Can you still accept me? Please judge me! ‘cause I fail to feel anything again. Not now I’m tired.

Past Tense Kevin Reyes

Essential Death Jan Aldous Viriña

Struck Strike Stroke The black fluid overflows Mold Hold Bold The uncertainties decode Speak Tweet Utter The world is the mirror of code Up Elevate Fly I wonder how the air subsides But no one dies? I wonder why the lights are up But no one tries? Squeak Pick Kick The voice inside is the answer To the so-called earth you bring Whispers Talks Rumors The height I see smaller ones The mouth summon them all They are fighters of the wall Born Live Die The destination of everyone It’s up to someone What it feels to be done?

I had a chance to say But I didn’t I hid my feelings On a lonely heart Embedded by pain Before Yesterday Last Time I had a chance to say But I didn’t I don’t have to Live in my past

Galactic Romance June Louie Flores The stars, they always hear my beating heart; Confessing , how I adore somebody who can’t love me back Crying for lifetime, letting me fall in love on the wrong Thinking, that miserable is coating my body Hoping, before my body gets buried there’s no much pain in my soul Believing, I can wander the timeliness place where everything’s fine


Looking on the horizon Basilio Cruz On a vast array of universe Rigel mingles with Betelgeuse Moon wraps the tide on its lunacy Cloud project the infinite sky Wind revolves on the midst of the night Beast murmurs on their kingdom Plaque of monster devour the hill Pisces swam with cancer Leo stares Virgo the whole night Constellation appears as a twinkling body of thee Looking on the horizon felt like ethereal mage





Universe Wish upon the universe Rayns Keneth S. Ampon

before like forever we use to play on the old street which occupies our dreams and ambitions. Our little home when we use to engage with our fantasies. Its photographs that I want to treasure are the pieces of my past. The universe revolves between the two of us. Like the stars that relocates love, like love that shines eternity. A reflection of the entirety of life that once caress our innocent minds. Indeed, my childhood memories with you. silhouette of happiness time passes underneath our hearts. I still reminisce that moment when you walk with your Traje de boda: it is pure as your intention and as plain as your thoughts. When we decided to build our dream home you still dance under the hypnosis of that classical music. Our pathway is the aisle you are walking every day and I, as the groom stand near the altar of our home; praying. Wishing to the universe to cure your pain, a disease that started this misery in our fairytale. shattered memories as we grow older we learn to appreciate every single memory we share together. And we continue to put another chapter to our love story. I even ask myself many times if I had to let go. This whole test really wreck me into shattered pieces of love, I never expect how lethal it was to have that curse of losing one’s memory. So, when that day came that you ask me, who are you? I cried like a child who was neglect by his best friend. But then again, I never doubt how much I love you because no matter what I will choose to stay… graveyard love the deep-rooted grass that seldom cuts through my maong pants is a perfect spot for me to talk with you. I brought a bunch of sweet flowers during our anniversarry, set candle lights on our child’s birthday. Still, even it was 20 years ago when you passed by I can smell your perfume that was showered with love. I miss you, as much as I miss your cute giggles when we first met. I really enjoy talking to you all day while dreaming for our future together. So now, I will wait for that day, that special day that we’ll meet in heaven.

Checklist of Lies Lyod Alanguilan

1. I’m on my way 2. We will just have a conversation 3. I’m busy 4. She’s my friend 5. Its ok 6. I’ll never do it again 7. I will just touch it 8. I will marry you 9 You will be happy 10 I love you

Bittersweet Surrender

Zion Krehl Astronomo

I am afraid Of your piercing sense of sight Cutting like a sharpered knife But blind to see that I’m grieving I am bleeding, I am bleeding I am afraid Of your seductive breeze of breath Killing me softly to my death Indeed a deadly dark riddle I am on spell, I am on spell I am afraid Of your voice like thunder Leading my body to surrender Even your silence echoes in my head I am ahead, I am dead I am afraid To turn back on worshipping my own You’re my universe, my life, my lady That pledge is pain and pleasure to me ‘Coz I drunk the holy grail of poison I surrender , a bittersweet surrender

Amorphous Paradise

Justine Mae Sanchez

Yesterday, a beautiful painting was made It is a virgin canvas of brethren love A diversity of colors from the sun Streams sustain the enigma of nature Rivers embodied the essence of life Through the evolution of time Earth gives birth to a monster A boastful mortal of greed and sin Their selfishness destroy the unrotten home They treasure the unholy wealth On the amidst of great despair The paradise allures them Forest burned into ashes, trees murdered into papers Nature revenge aback the monster with fear Typhoons, Earthquakes, Floods and Disasters Heaven and earth revolves… Today, a catastrophic world has created ILLUSTRATION BY ADRIAN CADA








Laguna State Polytechnic University Santa Cruz -Main Campus Sta. Cruz, Laguna







1 11


5 3


1 4

1 3 1 1

2 1 2 16 1

1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 2 11 3 1

1 1 6 7 5



Grand Total

Modern Standard

Latin American




Beach Volleyball


2 2



1 1 3 2 3 10 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2

6 5 1 1 4 5 1 4



2 1 1




Ms. Bebot







Sepak Takraw






Dance Sports






















3 4 9

Mrs. Jensen F. Yutiampo

Dr. Ray Samuel G. Grecalda

Approved by:


7 2 1


9 1



7 7 3 4




6 1




Prepared by:







Rooting for Robin Sharing the limelight to LSPU Lakers Archery Team BY LOU FATIMA MUEGA AND RAYNS KENETH AMPON


o you really think that life is so exciting? We had so much pressure and all that we do tend to be habitual like school activities, office works and household chores. Admit it, life is too tiring specially when we are not mixing the reality to our fantasies. So, let’s be honest with ourselves that at some point in our lives we all want to be a superhero we always dream of. Imagination will never founder.

Every child dream to be someone who has superpowers like robinhood, they even bend a “Walis Tingting” and decorate some thread to have an improvised Bow while the other piece will be the arrow, simple yet creative. Likewise, we always fantasized of seeing superhero moment whenever we are watching our varsity team. Like for example; we imagine that our basketball team captain can turn to Superman to snatch the

Fun Facts! In the 2012 London Olympics, two of the elevenmember Philippine contingent, Mark Javier and Rachel Anne Cabral, are proud archers. The modern Olympic re-curved bow may look hitech, but it is actually based on a design that originated over 3500 years ago (1500 BC).

Aiming for Bow and Arrow The etymology of the word archery is the latin word—arcus, meaning a “bow.” Historically, this activity was merely for battle and hunting. With its competitive approach, this activity has evolved into archery and from then on, it was recognized as part of the competition, where athlete uses bow and arrow to hit the target. From simple beginnings as a sport, the archery has conquered different places in the world, building a better nation of archers aiming for the victory not just in the battlefield but also in life.

An archer can also be referred to as a toxophilite (although they rarely are!). The word comes from two Greek words that together mean 'lover of the bow'.

ages, could arrows arrow

During the middle a skilled long-bowman release between 10-12 per minute. That's an every five/six seconds.

Five-time US Olympic archery champion Khatuna Lorig trained Jennifer Lawrence for the Hunger Games films. She's not the only Hollywood star to be adept with a bow.

tourney from their opposing team, our volleyball libero can turn into Cat woman to dig the ball and even our swimmers as Aqua man to dive for the gold. These are just few examples on how imaginative we could be, and that’s the reason why Robin Hood hit our imagination this time. So, come with us as we discover the modern robinhood of the university.

In the Philippines, the World Archery-Philippines, known before as the Philippine Archers’ National Network and Alliance (PANNA), is the major organization for archery in the country and is recognized by the World Archery Federation. Through the evolution of the said discipline, archery also caters for different events and categories which is also introduced to the State University and Colleges as a sport program that is a home for talented and skilled athletes who aim for the bow and arrow in order to attain their goals.

Bull’s Eye Perspective Joining this sophisticated game is a dream for others; somehow. Since archery is not hitting the mainstream of sports unlike basketball and volleyball, this has come to a notion that only the elite can excel in this kind of sports. But Archery is not just a dream for others this is also a life, a way of living. Recently, Global Media Arts (GMA 7) produced a primetime series: ‘Robin Hood’ starring Dindong Dantes who portrays a superhero that uses his bow and arrow to fight his opponent. This teleserye was based on the Classic Marvel Comic Book character Robin Hood who is a patriotic hero to his own beloved land of nottingham.

Robin Hood who is not just a superhero but an inspiration to a child’s fantasy revives the ambition of Filipino youth and opens a new platform in this kind of sports. This on the latter part is spreading in the Philippines specifically in College level. In Laguna State Polytechnic University there is also what we called local Robin Hoods who aim for a medal finish in the regional archery competition. These students are part of the varsity or the LSPU Lakers team that competes in the STRASUC Olympics together with their hope to strike the bull’s eye in order for them to qualify for the nationals finals.

Truly, passion leads us to where we should be even there are times that we swim against the tide. A clear proof that dreams can’t be improvised.

Lakers Road to Arrow Supremacy As part of the university goal in harnessing student’s welfare including their extra-curricular craft, LSPU together with its founding administration fosters sports programs that suit the recreational side of its students. It also includes the scholarship grants and other privilege of the athlete. In fact, in the last STRASUC Olympics held at Western Philippines University; Lakers snatch a total of 6 Gold Medals in the archery alone. Lead by John Mark Velasco who shot a 2 gold victory in the mixed and team event to raise the flag of LSPU. Luckily, we had an interview with the

‘MVP’ of archery, Velasco shared to us that playing archery is not easy. It’s not just about stretching and shooting the bull’s eye, Velasco said that it’s not only using your physical strengths, archery also needs cognition, “Gamit dito ang mind at body, hindi lang puro katawan,” he said. He even added that sometimes he wants to quit because it’s really exhausting; balancing extra-curricular activities and academics is never and will never be easy according to Velasco. Another struggle he faced often is during national competitions; he is always almost, very close towards triumph but is still never enough to have a medal, “Lagi na lang muntikan,” Velasco shared.

In addition to that, it was love at first sight when Velasco saw archery being played at his campus when he’s in freshman in high school. So without any doubt, he tried that unknown thing to him because he thought it’s challenging. Little he knew that day that it would also be the start of his journey in archery. Moreover, according to the LSPU players of archery, they do not have a coach that will train them for months or weeks to enhance their skills. They just simply teach themselves on how to use a bow to propel arrows. In addition to that, equipment use for archery, including the bow and arrow is acidic on ev-

eryone’s pockets because a pair of bow and arrow will cost around hundred thousand pesos. But despite from all of these, the academe provides the bow and arrow including its others equipment for the players to use. Additionally, LSPU gives incentives like full scholarship grant to deserving athletes, assuring that they can meet the grade requirement and a good moral character inside the university. The student also has a chance to chase their dream by keeping academics and sports properly intact. With the unending support and love of the University and its administration staffs. They, the athletes, can strike two birds in one arrow.

Dreams Can’t Be Improvised Determination really matters. Even for superheroes like ‘Robin Hood’ who undergoes a rigid kind of training. The charisma of the underdog suits the best example of his journey to be geared on the arena of life. He also counterfeits personal struggles and catastrophe before he becomes the superhero we know. But not just that, Robin Hood also separates his name to just a mere superhero but a real-man. He, himself, proves that he also deserves the limelight. Like LSPU Lakers Archery Team, even there are existing problems like facilities and trainers. The athletes are still determined to

have the same light as other athletes have. “Mahirap pero wala namang madali diba? Tiyagaan lang talaga at kung gusto mo, makakagawa ka ng paraan” Velasco stressed. Though LSPU name would not appear on your searches of Best School for Archery, they can assure you that the institution can sustain the motivation to win. The flambeaux that the athletes bare every intramurals has different story that flares individually, ranging from everyday training to their struggles before they can achieve the victory. Athletes can be superheroes too, if the basis is the heart that is never giving up;

LSPU breeds another superhero. Indeed, their everyday practice on the field despite of the heat and sweat plus their personal problems is somewhat a superhero way of doing so. “Kung lalahok man si Robin Hood sa STRASUC ay handa parin kaming lumaban, maraming pwedeng mangyari sa laro, marami...” Velasco shared with a grin on his face. They are not just school athletes but a good son and daughters to their parents as they have shown personal respect in both their passion and individual life to achieve their dreams. Showing enthusiam whenever they are streching their bows and aiming for that one central spot.


“Parte ng bawat pawis at paghihirap namin ay ang pangarap namin sa aming pamilya at ito yung rason kung bakit ko ipinagpapatuloy ang sport na archery” Dreams do come true. Even if others think that it is way impossible for someone who attain a certain thing. John Mark Velasco shared a great point by telling others that with hardwork one can achieve their dreams. Truly, passion leads us to where we should be even there are times that we swim against the tide. A clear proof that dreams can’t be improvised, never, because even superheroes dream to be one. 








rom the family of athlete, who was inspired by his brother and his father in ball games, he grew and played numerous sports during intramurals. Sport is his hobby and became bonding with friends that leads him to engage in many sports. He is Angelo Liwanag, a 19 year-old athlete who is taking up Bachelor of Science in Criminology. He came in Laguna State Polytechnic University- Sta. Cruz Campus with talent and

By Jayrick Flores

has a talent in basketball. When he was on grade four, he was one of the player at the prestigious sports festival; the Southern Tagalog CALABARZON Athletic Association (STCAA). And after having several awards in different sports, he received four Most Valuable Player (MVP) in basketball awards inside and outside the school since he started playing until now. Angelo likes to be the point guard on the

San Juan De Letran, his future academe for college but since the course he wants to take is not available on that school, he enrolled at Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) Sta. Cruz campus. Angelo competed in different level of competition like intramurals, intercampus and even in Southern Tagalog Regional Association of State Universities and Colleges (STRASUC.) He is a varsity player of LSPU in Volleyball. He is the quicker of the team who spikes and delivers points to the team. He received two Most Valuable Player (MVP) medals and two times became champion in volleyball. FLASH ON THE0 FIELD

“Kaya ko sinusubukang laruin lahat ng Sports para masamahan at makabonding ko ang mga kaibigan ko.”



knowledge in sports thru experience and practice. His family and friends became the great influence to Angelo to participate in different sports like Basketball, Volleyball and athletics. But because of playing several sports, he needed to choose one in order to be the best in one field. He was asked to choose by different coaches like Sir Juacalla; coach in volleyball, Sir Daran in basketball and Sir Roguel in athletics and at the end he chose volleyball in the end. “Kaya ko sinusubukang laruin lahat ng Sports para masamahan at makabonding ko ang mga kaibigan ko,” Angelo said.



DUNK ON THE RING Inspired by his father, Mauricio Liwanag, inter-town player and played in intertown and D-league way to PBA and having a brother who is also a player in inter-town, it proves that it really runs in the blood. His first game on the court was when he was on grade three and discovered that he


court but he is not good for that position because of his height. But during his training in Letran, with the encouragement of his brother-in-law, he acted as the point guard. And when he went at LSPU, he is the sinco; the highest or the center in the team. Angelo’s most unforgettable game was when he played with Jayson Castro, a Philippine Basketball’s Association (PBA) player at the Southern Tagalog Regional Athletic Association (STRAA). "Wow" is the only word came out from his mouth. He even said, "Ang hirap ikumpara ng laro ko sa kaniya. Kasing height ko lang siya pero iba na yung dating nang paglalaro niya sa court, iba talaga 'yung antas ng paglalaro niya kasi sa dalawang minute palang ng takbuhan ay hindi na ako tumatagal sa kanya pero dito kaya kong sumabay pero sa kanya wala ako."

Being active in different fun run, particularly in Letran, he doesn’t know anything about athletics but when he saw his brother while running and participating in such sports, he continued practicing and training for almost four years. He won first place in Manila and Pasig. In athletics, during intramurals he received several medals since he started playing this game. He even bagged awards in different fun runs and collected a total of 18 medals. He mentioned that it is hard to manage time in different activities in sports fest since he is also a student doing academic stuff. But he never fails to prioritize his studies. Furthermore, Angelo is not an ordinary student in school because he is also a member of cultural affairs and arts. He is part of a band outside the school. Lastly, Angelo’s piece of advice is that to don’t forget to study because it will give you a brighter future for being good at sports is not forever. 

SPIKE ABOVE THE NET Liwanag started his journey on the field of volleyball when he was in second year in high school. He was trained and practiced in Colegio de


ulti-tasking seems to be a minor thing for Lyndzei Bermudez, a 19-year-old Criminology student, President of the Supreme Student Council and a varsity Arnis player. From hitting bodies of her opponent to hitting mishaps in the university, Lyndzei showcases agility and wit; a true epitome of an ideal student. VENTURING TO THE WORLD OF SPORTS

Lyndzei started playing Arnis in her Physical Education subjects. As a Criminology student, Arnis has contributed much in developing her skills in self-defense; providing her agility and stamina. Before stepping into the Arnis ring, Lyndzei played softball for her college and for the campus by participating in Intramurals and Intercampus Sports Fest. This was during her second year in college. She shared that there are people in her community who play football and seeing them enjoying the game aroused her eagerness to learn. But her career in softball did not prosper much. She was not able to participate in the Southern Tagalog Regional Association of State Universities and Colleges (STRASUC) Olympics. According to Lyndzei, she shifted her interest in softball to Arnis simply because she was afraid of the ball itself. Since Arnis is a contact sport, she finds it easier to showcase her strength. Like other athletes, Lyndzei experienced downfalls especially during her first takes in the athletic world. With a spirited mind, Lyndzei continued in doing what she likes with passion and enthusiasm. Unlike her fate in softball, she prospered in playing Arnis and now, she is expected to take her skills at STRASUC Olympics.

Behind her success were the people who continue in supporting her. “I often hear my coach saying that I should do things again and again, besides it is only me who knows when I commit a mistake. And yes, I did it!” Lyndzei expressed her sincere gratitude for the people who make her work even harder. One among of her coach is Ron Astronomo. She often goes home with bruises after training but she never heard any dis-

SSC is a big responsibility and she can’t take that kind of responsibility. All she wants is to become a part of it and to participate in team building. But there was Noel Bartolome, the former president of Supreme Student Council, who believes that she can be a great Student leader and convinced him to be the president. “Being the president is a big responsibility, but being president doesn’t mean that you are doing all the works, I taught them how to work


“I often hear my coach saying that I should do things again and again, besides it is only me who knows when I commit a mistake. And yes, I did it!” couragement from her family. Lyndzei’s family is aware how her training contributes in the development of her over-all personality. LEADING THE STUDENT BODY Not only sports but also her duties in the Supreme Student Council interfere with her management of time. During high school, Lyndzei said that she was more focused on academics or in learning per se. She only had the chance to participate in extracurricular activities when she entered college. Lyndzei’s leadership desires started with her being the class president while her extreme value to discipline started with her being an officer in the Reserved Officer Training Corps (ROTC). Running for president is not on her mind. She knows that being a president of the

without me, I thought the process of the activities and process of the papers,” Bermudez said. Last year, during STRASUC, Lyndzei is not around but then the SSC organization managed to conduct the programs like Christmas party in the university. It’s because they know what to do and they follow the instruction. Before she went to the game, she do first all the paper works and the job that assigned to him so the whole SCC body will just execute when the exact day came. Lyndzei is the person who can do everything but also give chance to others. In the beginning, although she doesn’t have a clue about the ability of her co-officers, she taught and trained them wholeheartedly. For Lyndzei, to produce another great student leader is her biggest achievement as a leader. 












Time to Train


ur university is continuously providing quality athletes competing not only on their specific court but also on academics requirements and responsibilities. Due to this reason, athletes often find it difficult to divide their time in attending classes and training afterwards. Lack of time in trainings results to weak connection between the athletes and their coaches; even worse, poor communication between the two may also happen. Members of a team might not be able to have an easy game because of having miscommunications during the game that usually leads to a heartbreaking defeat sometimes even to the weaker opponent.

Because of having conflict schedules, an individual might miss his training and might encounter unexpected problems. With this reason, misunderstandings inside the court may occur like unorganized team play and weak game plans. Supremacy in the court or virtuosic skills of the team is not always the factor leading to a team’s success. Understanding and communications inside the court play a significant role. Every Sports Fest, Intramurals, and STRASUC Olympics athletes will undergo different trainings and preparations before stepping inside the court. Some athletes spend too much time on their trainings to improve their abilities well and

to explore more about their limitations in the sports they are into. On the other hand, some athletes neglect their trainings which make it harder for them to improve know their limitations and work beyond it. Trainings of athletes do not only mean physical and mental preparations in upcoming sports event, but it is also a preparation of the team to build camaraderie between its members and to have mental alertness to cope with unexpected turns and momentum of the game even without enough time to plan. Talent in a certain sporting event could be innate but the ability to work in a team successfully needs time to flourish. 

PARDZ x Reniel Renz Gallardo

Extra Needs D

uring intramurals, as a three-year sports writer, I already know needed information and facts to have a good sports article. So as editor, I suggested my co-writers to interview the winning team with their coach about their performance on the game. Amazingly, the team or the department who dominates the particular sport event had no coach. I doubt the fact that they don’t have one so I suggested to conduct further interview. To my surprise there is one professor claiming that he is the coach of that team in their department. The team is unaware of having their coach because the coach don’t even visit them during the training, before the game, during the game and now after winning he just claim that he is the coach. This scenario really


match is incomplete if there is no a massive audience who are yelling and cheering for their bet teams. It seems the game is dull if there is no other person involve that feels the similar hit that the players sense when they are in fire playing a particular sports or game. And also, feeling the bitter part of failing to achieve the victory they want. However, the yell and screams they made brings life to the floor and of course, also to the heart of an athlete. Like I mentioned earlier, their special role in player’s life is one of the important factor in attaining the goal of every personality in field of sports, of course to win. Apparently, how can we distinguish them? Noticeably, they are the noisy individuals in the sides, sometimes covered by paraphernalia of balloons and tarpaulin and shouting the name of the group and that what we called “the bully” of the opponents side. Silly to think but their participa-


got my attention. Athletes who succeed without coach undeniably amazing but the coach who claim the position after the team won the game is more amazing. One thing that made the athlete to stay on the team and track of sports is that they are enjoying the company of their team mates without the presence of their coach. They train each other and give feedback on the performance of everyone. They have their leader who will stand as a coach or there is studentcoach. They are sharing different experiences encountered while playing the game and giving some tips on how to deal with it. In the end of the game, they won because everyone is eager to have the top rank. But sadly not everyone is recognized. Instead the one who recognized is

the coach who claimed the team after winning and the department who acknowledge them after winning. Even before the game they don’t claim the team. They are just claiming the awards that the team got. It is simply the team made their effort for the name of others and to the honor of the institution where they belong. It is acceptable that every professor in the university is busy doing their work not as coach but as a teacher. It is unquestionable on that part because it is their primary duty but they should not claim the team after receiving the award because they contribute nothing to the improvement of the team. They say that they are not good in that sport and they are just the assigned person. Yes, that’s it they are ASSIGNED so they are required

tion really plays a great function in boosting the players confident and beliefs that they can make it on top or them vocally involvement makes one to back off. In part of players, athletes don’t just do: they think. Decisions have to be made in an instant, and it takes a strong mind with excellent sports awareness in order to know and predict the game. And performing

to make or break some professionals’ psyche and can enhance or undermine concentration. Furthermore, sports fans don’t simply watch, however, they are actively involved in the experience. Many cheer for the team or contestant they are backing and jeer or boo the opposing team or contestant. In 2011, the scholar from North American Journal of

...they have the power to make or break some professionals’ psyche

under pressure can be difficult for anyone, but doing so at the highest level, let just say in front of millions of fans is a whole new game. So where do spectators fit into all this? While sports fans typically don’t have any effect on influence on an athlete’s physical ability, they have the power

Psychology published an article exploring the phenomenon of sports fan. As they investigate, it is commonly accepted that cheering positively influences a team’s performance. This is why the “home court advantage” is so coveted; when playing in their home city, a team

to look after those athletes, motivate them and give some tips. They may say that they are not playing those sports but they should know how to contribute on the game strategy of the team. I know that there is no extra payment for being coach

are professors who have a responsibility in the university. It is just the same to both of them to do their task during sport fest because they have their other responsibility in the institution. “I don’t believe on that athlete’s potential to have gold.”

...they should not claim the team after receiving the award because they contribute nothing to their improvement.

of certain team and engaging in sports events is not their primary role why they are in the university but to the point that they accept the fact that they put their names as coach in certain sports events, they are required to do it. Also there is no extra payment for playing the game or there is no extra grade given after the game but the players still do their part. Players are students that needs to study and coaches

This may be the hardest words that an athlete will receive from his or her coach but honestly it happens sometimes. I’m not referring all coaches on the university but there are few who stated this line during intrams, intercampus, or even STRASSUC. The coach primary responsibility is to enhance the skills and ability of every athlete to be able to snatch the medals on different level of competition. So if the

coach stated that line to his or her athlete maybe he or she has no potential of being a coach. We can say that particular athlete have of proper training but remember that potential may be develop thru proper practice. It is better to train committed athlete though lack of experiences rather than athlete who are full of knowledge and skills but lack of dedication. One good thing is they got the experience of the game, bonding with the team and enjoy the game. The coach is not there to humiliate the players, I can accept that he or she is not that good but the coach should lift the self-steem of his players in order to finish the game. Gold, silver and bronze requires great effort to achieve. There should be cooperation between the team captain, coach and the whole team. But the coach should over think about the medals to be receive though it is part to motivate but he should focus on what the team needs. 

Alcyone x Romina Taracatac

Supporters not Jeerers

receives much support from the crowd in attendance. However, other researchers found that affects from cheering and jeering alike differed depending on the sport. For example in basketball, free throw performance was not affected by any audience contribution or lack thereof, but jeers hurt baseball pitchers’ performance and in both jeers. Moreover, fans can have some obvious and tangible effects on the game, especially particularly loud or aggressive fans. The most basic way fans distract and influence the outcome of a sporting event is through sheer volume. It can be difficult for a coach to call plays or for players to communicate over the sound of screaming fans. Supporters can not only


be the audience. In terms of family, they moral supports contribute a lot in igniting the spirits of an athlete. It is good to know that you’re not the only one who is fighting but in your back there is a loving family who is willing to give their one hundred percent attention and provisions. Seconded by your coach that you can lean on whenever you are about to give up since, you been in the same position and having the same goal of bringing home the triumph that every players are dreaming. We cannot ignore the supports coming from your team mates and friend. They know your pain and hard work to make it on top and since there are your companions in believing that you can make it, they can serves as the athlete’s inspiration. And

lastly the support of the management, it is vivid; the provisions of the management provide the equipment, the facilities and training ground, the foundation of building a dedicated athlete. In overall outlook, no matter what kind of supports we’re giving of, either moral support coming from the group of people and management or financial support from the head. It is significant to know that being a supporter, we help the player overcomes the fear and pressure that the games bring. We all know that being an athlete is tough, so, even in words let them help to progress and grow by the words we uttered. Let be the sweet sound that help them and not a nonsense noise distracting them to meet their goal. 







COE seals Volleyball title; dethrones last year’s champion

C DEFENSE. CHMT blockers defending the spike from CIT spikers in Campus Sportsfest 2016. photo by Shien Moral


ollege of Engineering Spikers (COE) secured the sweetest revenge against the College of Hospitality Management and Tourism Blockers (CHMT) as they blasted their rivals into a 25-21, 25-19, 25-23 victory in Men’s Volleyball Championship as part of the Intramurals event in LSPU-SCC held at Volleyball Court, September 28. Filled with euphoric crowd from two colleges, Spikers immediately took Blockers at bay with

CCJE governs the pool; Dela Cruz bags 5 gold BY JOHN PAUL ABLAZA


ollege of criminal justice education (CCJE) finally booked a victory as they out strip other colleges and hooked 14 gold medals in swimming competition held at San Luis sports complex, Sept. 27. Driven with eagerness, Marjorie Dela Cruz a third yeard BS criminology student urged to make distinc-

tion by representating their colleges in swimming competition after bagging 5 gold medals. "Hindi ko iniisip yung paghakot, gusto ko lang talagang lumangoy," Dela Cruz shared. Gushing like spear, CCJE's top leading player Dela Cruz emerged as the 1st place winner in 50 meter backstroke, 100 meter freestyle, 100 meter

backstroke, 4 x 50 meter relay and 4 x 50 medley in women's category. Adding to this gold medal collection, CCJE invades in 50 meters breaststroke, 4 x 50 meter relay and 4 x 50 medley. With their 14 gold medal haul, CCJE assured their spot on the top of the ranking and deprives the last year champion. "Lack of players and time force

us to choose the recent representatives yet we still managed to won the championship." said Mr. Ronald Romorosa swimming coach of CCJE. "with only a day of preparation." He added. Meanwhile, College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and College of Hotel Management and Tourism (CHMT) both bagged 3 gold medals. 

CCJE, COE predominate Arnis men, women match



rom elimination to finals, victory were on College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) together with the rival College of Engineering (COE) as they possess battling excellence in the conduct of different Arnis category held at LSPUSCC Activity Center, Sept. 26. It was fiery and scorching as it was started with the induction of Individual Anyo followed by the in-heat competition of Arnis combat that is divided in flyweight, bantamweight, featherweight, lightweight, welterweight, middleweight and heavyweight. MEN’S CATEGORY DJ Javier (CCJE) managed to counterfeit his opponent as he snatched the gold medal from Richard Malacoco also from the same college and Capiz from the College of Teacher Education. He continues to showcase his skills as he perform well and firm in the use of Arnis baston in the combative part of the tourney.

CIT dominates... from pg 28

set and secure the First Place. “Nakaka kaba pero think positive lang namakakapasok lahat ng tira at sinet ko sa utak ko na kailangan kong manalo para mawala yung kaba.” Dalena said. Furthermore, in Women’s Division, the team of Melisa Baquiran and Rica Figura of College of Teacher Education (CTE) beat COE’s best duo Jillian and Trixie. Ryna Fye Ngipen of College of Business Management and Accountancy (CBMA) got her best shot and hailed as the champion against COE’s Abigael Villarante in sigle B while a lady smasher from CIT got the gold medal by defeating the COE’s player, Jerlyn Madrideo in single A. 

The college maintain their intensity as they continue to bagged gold medal in the competition for them to catch the title Other gold medalist from College of Criminal Justice Education were distributed to; Ramilo in bantamweight, Malacoco in featherweight, Calatin in middleweight and Comendador in heavyweight as they capture a total of 5 gold medals in men’s category. As the point favors for CCJE in men’s division hitting the victory for them. “Mahirap ang naging journey namin para makuha ang title this year para na rin sa CCJE at syempre masaya kami dahil nagbunga ang aming mga trainings” Javier shared . WOMEN’S CATEGORY Meanwhile, Robbie Cerida (COE) wiped out her contenders in both bantamweight and arnis anyo as she got the medal against Zhailla Sansano (CCJE) who in the latter received silver. Cerida said in an interview “Nakaka-kaba pero kaya naman, masakit pero kakaya-

COE remains...

FURIOUS. College of Teacher Education Arnisador (blue) on focus phase strategically planning to oppose its foe. photo by Grecielle Anne Baldesco

nin. Masaya ako kasi ‘yung kaba ko ay dinala ako sa gold” She also shared the cause of her match injury, “Nagkasugat ako nung paghampas dun sa head gear ko, bumaba ‘yung gear. Hindi pa kasi napapalitan” COE emerged as the champion for women’s category leading to their preparation for the upcoming intercampus. “Masaya ako dahil ngayon ay time ko na para sa COE,” Cerida shared in an interview after the game.

from pg 28

yell when they secured second and third place, correspondingly. “Before, we’re that being trained”. Ezekiel Pambuan and Elma Evangelista, last year’s champion, proudly shared. “We didn’t expect that we will be the one who’ll train the competitors”. They added. COE CAPTURES TITLE IN MODERN STANDARD COE Modern Standard dance couple Kevinhowell and Jerbelle Apalat captured the title with their gracing routines against their only contenders, College of Teacher Education (CTE) dance couple, Reniel Renz Gallardo and Eyra Lei Del Mundo who landed in the second spot. Executing their smooth flexes and syncopation of the Waltz, Tango and Quick step,

competitors began showing grace and composure in the showdown. Smooth flow of graceful movements of COE pair made them to the rank even though they found a hard time to synchronize with the beat of the music. Moreover, the CTE couple made their way to find the right execution of exhibiting their routines. However, the COE found a massive impression from the crowd by their alterations of steps that made it more graceful and elegant. With persistence and perseverance, the pair secured their victory in the category. “Just enjoy the competition”. Tabirara shared.”While executing your steps, you should relax so you’ll be on time" he added. 

Angelo Corcuera and John Ernest Regir leading the Engineers into a 25-21 victory at first set. As the yelling crowd increased for the two teams, Red Blockers sent gallant blocks against Engineers but able to bounce back with the successive kills which dominated the second set against the costly error attacks of their rivals taking the second set in favor of them, 25-19. Despite of the errors registered by Spikers, Blockers didn’t

made it an opportunity to take the third set turning the crowd from their college shut down,25-23. “Teamwork, tinanggal ang pressure tapos enjoy lang. Pinilit talaga naming manalo tapos work hard,” Corcuera said. Meanwhile, the College of Industrial Technology (CIT) bagged the gold as they shut off the College of Business Management Administration (CBMA) in the Womens Volleyball Championship during Sports Fest 2016. 

Loosing 3-year Futsal reign


Filled with determination, women’s Futsal team from College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) made a stellar performance after dethroning last year’s champion, College of Teacher Education (CTE), 1-0 as part of intramurals ‘16 held at LSPUSCC Football Field, Sept. 26. CCJE showed their aggressiveness to destroy equally dynamic CTE as Saira Marie Lobina lead the team executing tricky moves and blocking every attempt of the opponent to get a goal. “Hindi ko akalain na kami ang magchachampion dahil malakas ang player ng CTE pero ginawa namin ang best namin then cooperation and determination talaga ang nagpapanalo sa amin,” Lobinia shared in an interview. It is hard fight for both team to register a point as it become the battle of defense but

Lobinia from maroon athletes registered a goal after CTE’s keeper Reinalyn Ganal failed to block that attack and took a lead for CCJE resulting 1-0. With the combination of Ethel Gavia, Annarose Cabral and Jaylene Magana, CTE futsal team keeps their head on the game from their several attempts to retain their championship title and tried to hack out the game against the rival with a series of shots but CCJE’s keeper Lady Nichole Del Mundo, stick in their solid defense blocks every attempt. As the tilt came to its final shot, the CCJE striker kicks onto victory to diminish the hope of CTE to catch the gold. “I felt hurt kasi natalo kami against CCJE kasi hindi man lang namin na defend yung title namin, but ok na may next year pa naman,” Ethel Gavia, CTE Futsal Player, mentioned on an interview. 

COE Chess Wizards retains their name in limelight; bags six gold and two silver BY JADE LEUTERIO AND CARVIN JORGE


nother year, another bundle of gold medals for the College of Engineering (COE) as they dominated the whole bout and scattered six golds and two silvers during the Chess Tournament in Laguna State Polytechnic University Library, Sept. 27. Amidst of the hard struggle of Joseph Carganilla of COE who cleared seven wins and one lose (total of 7.0 points), he still fell to the succumbing defeat to College of Teacher Education’s (CTE) Mark Banca, who registered seven wins and one draw (total of 7.5 points) “Deserve ko talaga manalo dahil gustong gusto ko ipanalo ito para makarating ako ng intercampus at plano ko din magchampion.” Banca stated.

Reinald Salvador, Jomar Codeva and John Ray Delcoro all from COE won the gold in men board games. Meanwhile, Princess De los Reyes, Concepcion Anicete and Alyssa De Castro all from COE got the gold together with the College of Arts and Sciences’ (CAS) Rona Villarosa. “Bago mag game nagpapracticekamingmga player one weak, kailangan galingan talaga namin at mahirap talaga.” De Castro said, ”Nakakakaba kasi hindi ko alam kung ang kalaban ko ay magaling pero masaya ako na nanalo kasi pasok na kami sa intercampus.” She added. 

BATTLE OF WITS. Chess players from College of Engineering (COE) (left) and College of Business Management and Accountancy (CBMA )(right) as they duel over the by Christopher John Kabigting






Olympic Medal Drought Ender

Mindanaoan weightlifter takes silver in Rio National Sports News BY EFREN SARDOVA


fter 20 years of Philippines’ Olympic medal drought, Hidilyn Diaz snatched the silver medal after finishing a lift of 200kg during the Women’s 53kg Weightlifting in 2016 Rio Olympics, August 8. Before the Rio, the 25year old Mindanaoan weightlifter had already bagged bronze in 2015 World Weightlifting Championships and the gold medal in 2014 Asian Games. Our nations’ pride was the first Filipina Olympic medalist and the first to clear an Olympic medal since 1996 after Onyok Velasco took home the silver in boxing event. Hsu shu-Ching (Chinese-Taipei) and Li yajun (China) took the other lifters at bay early at the snatch portion as they both garnered 101kg

and 100kg lift, respectively while Rebeka Kohn of Latvia grabbed the lead for the rest of the bronze medal contenders. But Diaz cleared her 111kg lift on her first attempt in the clean and jerk portion, forcing Yoon Jin Hee of Korea to have the same lift. Yoon forced to take the same lift on her third attempt but Diaz came out with a giant outburst securing at least a bronze medal after managing 112kg on her second lift. Chinese Taipei’s ShuChing successfully logged in 112 kg on her first lift giving her nation a gold medal. Meanwhile, Li failed to clear any lift in the clean and jerk portion due to hyperextended left elbow which gives our Nation’s pride to notch the silver, while

Yoon bagged the Olympic bronze. “Ginawa ko talaga yung best ko para sa country. Yun lang talaga yung goal naming, tapos mag medal. Bronze lang talaga yung aim naming ng coach ko.” Diaz told in an interview. With her achievements in Rio, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) had awarded Zamboangan athlete for winning in the Olympics and promoted from Second Class Airwoman to First Class in Villamor Airbase, Aug. 22. Meanwhile, P5 million pesos were given to Diaz by the government in accordance with the Republic Act 10699 or the the National Athletes and Coaches Benefits and Incentives Act, while President Rodrigo Duterte also gave her an additional P2 million during his courtesy call in Davao City. 

1-2-3 UP. Hidilyn Diaz performing her winning routines in the 2016 Rio Olympics. photo/AP



ith strong willingness to achieve the victory, College of Computer Studies (CCS) and College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) grabbed the crown in Badminton Tournament in men’s division held at LSPU – SCC Activity Center, Sept. 26.

1-2-3 SMASH. CCS smasher preparing winning hit against his opponet during the final tournament. photo by Grecielle Anne Baldesco

Guico tops Men’s taekwondo; Estremeja caps Women’s BY RAYNS KENETH S. AMPON AND SHULAMAE CASTRO

Determination and perseverance was the edge of the former STRASUC Bronze medallist Renz Guico from the College of Business Management and Accountancy (CBMA) as he prevailed on this year’s taekwondo tilt held at LSPUSCC Activity Center, Sept. 27. “Actually mahirap yung training namin specially kailangan din naming humabol para sa academics namin, pero salamat parin kasi nakakuha ulit ako ng gold para sa college” Guico said. Renz Guico who is the representative of Sta. Cruz

Campus in Bantam Weight Category also shared his training experiences “Ayun kung gusto mo talagang manalo ay kailangan mo ng sapat na training and hardwork kasi talagang mahirap pero fulfilling naman.” Meanwhile, Grace Estremeja from light weight division emerge a glory for the College of Engineering. “Siguro ang pinakasikreto lang ay tiyaga at focus lalo na sa laro, kasi kung babalewalain mo yung training ay hindi ka makakapunta dun sa gusto mong pwesto-sa gold,” Ramos shared. 

CCS PREVAILS IN SINGLES A CCS smasher, Rick Justine Nacional claimed the title with a close fight against his twice to beat opponent Cary Earl Kolimlim of CIT. Nacional showed his strategies to outscore equally dynamic opponent, resulting to a score of 21-17.

Meanwhile, Joelle Palencia from College of Hospitality Management and Tourism (CHMT) bagged a bronze medal in the said category. In an interview with Nacional, he shared: “Para sa akin, sobrang saya kasi nung first na laban namin natalo niya ako. Ang sarap lang ng feeling na nakabawi ka hindi dahil sa galit ka kundi dahil napatunayan mo na mas magaling sa isang player.” expressing his joy after winning the championship. “Kasama naman sa sports yung manalo at matalo. Ipagpapatuloy ko pa rin ang paglalaro ng badminton”

Kolimlim said as he accepted his loss against Nacional. COE RULES IN SINGLE B Exhibiting his techniques in footwork and strokes, athlete from College of Engineering (COE) Rodmir Buensalida captured the gold medal as he overpowered his opponent Luther Dee Salem from College Computer Studies (CCS). Buensalida suppressed Salem showcasing his effective shots, ending the game with an 11-point deficit, 21-10. Meanwhile, College of Hospitality Management and Tourism (CHMT) Justine Es-

cario secured third rank for this category after a pumped up competition with CCS. CCJE PAIR CRUSHES COE IN DOUBLES College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) pair Rex Carasco and Joseph Tegala triumphed over Jacson Cervantes-Aedrian Quidayan tandem of College of Engineering (COE) with a 21-16 tally. Jobert Calimutan and Rondilla Edizon from College of Industrial Technology (CIT), on the other hand, secured third spot for doubles category. 

CAS Lady Blockers registers gold in Beach Volley BY LOU FATIMA MUEGA AND FAITH MACALE


ollege of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Lady Blockers bagged this year’s title with guts as they shut down the hope of College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) Lady Spikers to take home the crown in Women’s Beach Volleyball Championship, Sept. 28. Lady Blockers immediately took their game supremacy and create a quick victor as they blasted the duo of CCJE on the first set, 21-12.

Amidst of the great start of Lady Blockers, Spikers came out with a huge second set as they showcased their endurance giving a space for them to create better ball movement edging their rivals into 20-22 score. “Masaya kasi hindi rin namin inexpect na mananalo kami. Madami ring department ang nakalaban namin. Akala naming hindi kami makakapasok (in championship round) kasi hindi talaga kami pang

beach volleyball ni Ronalee (Teammate),”said by Ara Pontipedra (a player from CAS). With their great will to capture the gold, CAS showed their game prowess and took Spikers at bay while earning them an easy third set, 21-7. Lady Spikers didn’t let the game to be finished on fourth set but refused the gallant rally made by Blockers earlier giving up the game into deadlock. CCJE battled toe-to-toe

but wasn’t able to fill the gap between their rivals making their team fall against Lady Spikers. “Magtiwala kayo sa sarili niyo at ‘wag mainit ang ulo. ‘Wag sasabayan ang laro ng init ng ulo,”Pontipedra said. Lady blockers edged their opponent with teamwork. “Siguro wala pa sila connection sa isa’t-isa. Kasi based on what I saw nung naglalaro kami medyo tahimik yung iba,” Ronalee Bagabagon shared. 

CCJE reigns in Komite Manalo burns-out contender in Karatedo BY RAYNS KENETH S. AMPON AND SHULAMAE CASTRO


trikes of determination and hits of perseverance was this year’s edge of karatedo champion John Paul Manalo of the College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) as he astound competitors in individual komite held at LSPUSCC Activity Center, Sept. 27. Ferocious attempts from the champion starts the tourney in karatedo as he hits opponent’s extremitiesto catch the victory for the college. “Oras na para ipakita ko naman yung natutunan ko mula sa trainings at para

mapaghusay ko pa ang aking skills sa karatedo na magagamit ko sa pakikipaglaban sa loob ng mat” Manalo uttered. As the fight continued, Manalo kept on executing kicks and strong punches as he eliminates his twocompetitors both from the College of Hospitality Management and Tourism (CHMT) On the other hand, former champ Jonas Edward Jara came short as he fell on second place finished this year consecutively with his team mate John Cawil who notch the bronze medal.

Moreover, due to the less number of athletes who compete this year Mr. Ian Recto, officiating referee shared that the individual komite that will represent the campus needs a lot of practice to grab a medal on the intercampus. “Ngayong taon ginawa namin na ranking system ang gamitin para ma-determine kung sino ang pinakamalakas na panlaban natin at dahil nga sa konti ang sumali kaya isa rin ‘yung rason kaya ganon ang naging basehan” Mr. Recto shared. 

KEEP IT DOWN. Goal keeper from COE slaying down a possible point from the opponent team in the championship game of football men’s division in the campus sports fest 2016 at LSPU SCC Grounds. photo by Shien Rhoel Moral










COE Chess Wizards retains their name in limelight; bags six gold and two silver p. 26 CCS, CCJE share badminton supremacy p. 27

Editorial| Time to Train p. 27 Column| Extra Needs p. 27 Supporters not Jeerers p. 27

Rooting for Robin; LSPU Archery Team p. 23 IN FOCUS p. 24


VOL LVI NO. 7 | AUGUST - OCTOBER 2016 ISSUE | ISSN 1656-8699

COE noses out CIT; ends game with 5 kicks BY JAYRICK FLORES


ain drops did not stop the intensity of Men’s Football Championship in a neck to neck battle ending the game with five kicks in favor of College of Engineering (COE) against College of Industrial Technology (CIT), 8-7, held at LSPU Football Field, Sept. 28. CIT led the game by the combination of Jeff Agato and Ron-Ron Sacluti by the score of 1-3. But Edward Aquino had shown them that the game is not yet over as he scored two consecutive goal leading to a tie. “We did not just focus on defense but also in attack since most from CIT are varsity players. Even though they lead the game at the mid-

dle of the second half, we don’t lose our hope and trust and we believed we can do it and we can win this game,” a¬ccording to COE ace player Edward Aquino. John Esteves of COE kicked a goal to lead the game against opponent. CIT showed their dedication to take over the lead from COE by the help of their ace players Jeff Agato and Ron-Ron Sacluti’s aggressive attacks that break the wall of COE. But Edward Aquino from COE made two consecutive goals resulting into five kick showdown. Renel Garcia, David Valdeo, Jayrus Parillo, Angelo Niño Palay and Lubugin successfully goaled four out of five kicks to seal the game. 

KICK SLASH. COE Kicker, David Baldeo, driving his final kick towards the goal sealing the championship title under the rain showers on muddy grounds, LSPU Sportsfest’16. photo by Shien Rhoel Moral

COE outdoes opponents on Basketball finals

Castillion, Laguisma shoot to victory BY JOHN MARK DORADO AND JOHN STEVEN BACUBE


hy we pick one, if we can take down both?” With Jaymark Castillon and Jerico Laguisma combined 48 big points, College of Engineering (COE) overpowered the College of Industrial Technology (CIT) to dethrone the defending champs,96-88,Sept.28. After having a 31-24 lead early at the second quarter, Laguisma grabbed the limelight and lit his team to turn back the lead in favor of them, 81-79. Castillion who scored in all four quarters exploded for 30 big points leading his squad together with Laguisma who scored 10 of his 18 points in the 4th quarter. With their great will to win, CIT nailed a back-to-back 2-pointer to recover

the lead, but Velina on the other hand, rushly answered it with a trey which gave them back the leaduntil the end of regulation. “Pagpapakita ng cooperation at teamwork at paglapit sa Diyos, iyon ang nagpanalo sa amin,” Laguisma said after his 18-point performance. Meanwhile, Irell Carlo Balasoto led the CIT Warriors with 20 big points, including three treys with Hernandez who cleared 17 while Nino James Buemio added 11 points. “Nung una di akalain na mananatalo kami ng championship, ginawa kung preparation bago sumabak is nagtetrain ako ng solo then pray to god! It is not enough to know the fundamentals but you must work on daily,” Castil-

lon emphasized after the game. “Masayang masaya ako, kasi pagkapasa ko ng RME ay nagchampion rin kami ngayong taon. Pakiramdam ko, lahat ng paghihirap ko ay nagbunga,” he added. Castillon admitted that they struggled as the game went on. “Mahirap talaga magkapuntos sa loob kaya kaya nagpapasalamat ako kay God,” he shared. On the other hand, COE immediately showed their game supremacy against CIT and never relented as they pulverized their rival with a 17-point lead to seal Women’s Basketball championship,22-5. With their shooting prowess which was a big advantage for them against CIT, COE squad secured easy baskets midst of the defense held.

CIT dominates table tennis; bags 3 gold


ith dazzling moves and outrageous routines, College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and College of Engineering (COE) duo ruled the dance floor as they swayed to the rhythm with elegance and sensuality to seal the throne in their respective categories in the dance sport competition, September 27.





ollege of Teacher Education (CTE) Batters Team dethroned last year’s champion with a five-point advantage to bagged the gold medal in Baseball bout in 2016 Sports Intramurals, LSPU-Field, September 29. Dazzling rain appears to have ceased to give way to another baseball match between CTE Batters and College of Engineering (COE) Pitchers. COE pitcher Bas Oarga believes that good communication with their coach brought their opponents to victory. “Communication sa coach ang nagdala sa kanila patungo sa tagumpay.” he said of the other team. “Nagkulang kame sa cooperation at training.” Oarga added.

COE remains dance floor’s undisputed; CAS Latin duo sways hips to success W


ollege of Industrial Technology (CIT) hailed as the over-all champion as they captured 3 Gold in the Table Tennis Competition held at CTE Function Hall and LSPU Gymnasium, Sept. 22 and 26. CIT Men’s Bryan Puno and Elizier De Leon surpassed a hard to beat team against College of Engineering (COE) duo Christopher Habijan and John Mar Magana as they scored a quick demolition and sealed first gold medal, 3-1 in doubles. While Ered Cambe, another CIT pride, ruled the game as he made his best shot and got his first gold medal against Melvin Derecho of COE in sigle B. Meanwhile, Lou Joshua Dalena of COE defeated German Ramiro III of College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), 8-11, 11-9, 11-7, 8-11, 11-6 and 11-7. Dalena had a tough game between Ramiro , yet, he made waves in the last 3 games of the

COE annihilated CIT with furious offense and solid defense in the first half. It was CIT's Sombilla who first strikes in the game with a three pointer but after that, it was all COE in the first half leaving CIT with a 17 point deficit as it ends, 22-5. Despite of CIT's efforts to get back in the game in the second half, COE still end up on top and still reigns supreme as defending champs. It was team play that led COE with a dominant victory. Marilyn Zubiaga and Christine Joy Sales led the scoring for COE with a combination of relentless efforts resulting to a15-point addition to their score, while Allison May Sombilla and Haleina Palentinos score with a combination of 16 pointsleading their team to victory. 

CTE turns the table in Baseball

STUNNING. Astounding stunt from CAS winning pair, Mark Anthony Sison and Honeylee Austria in the Latin American Category Dance Sports Competition LSPU-SCC Sportsfest ‘16. photo by Grecielle Anne Baldesco

CAS BAGS LATIN AMERICAN CAS Latin American dance couple Mark Anthony Si-

son and Honeylee Austria set fire on the dance floor as they executed their winning performance with astounding movements which made their way to Intercampus. Filling up with screams and applause, five competitors began their swift exhibition showing Cha-Cha, Rumba and Jive in the showdown. With prominence of facial expression, Sison-Austria turned the excitement into cheers as they showed what

they’ve got in performing their breathtaking stunts and routines. In an interview, Austria said, “We prepared and worked hard for it and being a champion for this kind of activity, made us happy. All the hardships that we went through are worth it.” Meawhile , CTE and CAS dancing couples Wilson Dalnay and Aljane Viduya, Von Eimer Legisma and Jenny Veridiano intensified the crowd’s COE REMAINS / PAGE 28

CCS dethrones CTE; secures Baseball throne BY JAVESSON FLORES AND MARK JETHRO RAMOS


ith their full coordination, College of Computer Studies (CCS) battered the former champion, College of Teacher Education (CTE), 11-6 at the final round of this year’s softball competition held at LSPUSCC Soccer Field, September 28. Despite the slippery field caused by the rain, both teams showed what they’ve got to capture the crown. Martinez from CCS made the first good hit. In the first two innings, CCS left CTE behind scoring 5-0, 4-0 respectively.

Cheers from the crowd seem to boost CTE batter’s confidence despite lacking any point as Salvador hit a homerun base in the third inning marking their first two points but CCS remained composed not allowing CTE to gain more points in the fourth inning advancing the score to 11-3. CTE once again tried to strive harder as Cabral, Macalalad, and Cacalda making excellent hits in the last inning but three points is not enough to surge over CCS batters. The game formally ended,

CCS creating an 11-6 win over CTE. “We are really overwhelmed; we just defeated the champion of last year’s competition. We trained for only less than a month so we didn’t really expect to win. What we are assured of is that we did what we can and showed what we’ve got in this game,” CCS representative said. Alvarez from CTE said, “Our skilled pitcher graduated last year so it’s been difficult to face their pitcher who had been playing for years.” 

READY TO HIT. Robert De Mesa from CTE as he attempted to hit the opposing throw. by Shien Rhoel Moral

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