So here it is, Merry Christmas…
Another successful orbit of the sun and navigation of a semi-pandemi year; well done, all!
As we reflect on the last 12 months, I must say we’ve been pretty darn lucky to live in a place like Gibraltar. Although, as the world (hopefully) opens up further, I am sure looking forward to a trip away… where is next on your bucket list? Perhaps our travel writer Pete can tempt you to Malta
for a magical wintery getaway…(p. 67). We’ve attempted to sum up 2021 in photo form for our annual roundup – head over to p. 18 to see if you can spot anyone you know (my favourite part of local magazines). And for our monthly burning question, we asked you: What rule would you make the world follow? Your answers over on p. 8.
As it’s Christmastime, we have some particularly festive features for you: fashionista Julia once again knocks it out of the park with her partywear suggestions (p. 82)...