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gives youngsters 'a sporting chance'
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'Sports and recreation' is very much on the National Curriculum syllabus for Gibraltar's schoolchildren on their way from the Junior schools, through Middle (years 4,5,6 and 7)and on to the Comprehensives, where they can pass it over when they take their 'Options' at the end of Year 9.
The range of sporting and mcreational activities which the young sters are exposed to varies from year to year, school to school, but is very much removed from the bygone days of'physical jerks'and football — in my ca.se cross-coun try running on winter Saturdays...
In chance conversations with teachers at St.Anne's School's first Tag Rugby Festival if was made apparent to me that they, and their pupils, very much enjoy the sheer joy of a wide range of sporting ac tivities — which merited a closer
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The presenting ofthe monies raised by the Gib 6s sporting tournaments 2002 to charities took place last month. Each of6 charities received £500. The charities were Elderly Care Agency, Alderhey Children's Hospital, Cibrallar Special Olympics, Gibraltar League of Hospital Friends, GSPCA andRlCC.
by Eddie Elliot
examination (now there's an emo tive word).
Mr. Joe Cortes has been Head Teacher at St.Anne's since 1990, when he took over from Mr Cecil Gomez,a noted thespian. It seems that all those dedicated to educa tion have many strings to their re spective bows.
"I came to the school just before the Gibraltar Education Depart ment adopted the UK National Curriculum with its three core sub jects — Maths,Science and English — and several 'foundation' sub jects, including Sports and Recrea tion. Each Authority is able to ad just the course, within certain pa rameters, to suit the community's needs—of course,in Gibraltar that means we have adopted the teach ing ofSpanish as a preferred option.
"As regards sports, our succes sive Heads of the PE Department have introduced their own prefer ences into the curriculum. As with all other subjects, pupils have to at tain targets and they can do so in a variety of games and sports.Differ ent pupils excel at different things.
"They continue with their sport ing programme up to Year 9 at the Comprehensive,when they have to choose their'options' — PE can be dropped, but games lessons con tinue. Sport is good for the physi cal and educational development of the schoolchild.
"The sports programme at our school has increased in variety since I started and we have had a lot ofencouragementfrom the Gov ernment Sports Development Unit and the Education Department. 1 like to think that good teachers have had a lot to do with it as well."
Joe Martinez was appointed to St. Anne's at the same time as his Head,after specialising in sport at university and college.
"The Head gave me the oppor tunity to take over the PE Depart ment and I remained in that post for six years until becoming a Year 4 Coordinator. I was able to imple ment the recommendations of the National Curriculum into the PE programme. The GASA swim hall opened and I was able to convince the Department that swimming would be advantageous. Recently we held a Gala at which everyone took part during a five week period — nearly all are able to look after themselves in the water, perhaps 1% have fears that can be overcome and probably 40% are good swim mers.
"We each bring some changes to the curriculum — my predecessor Leo Alvarez's speciality was hockey and I liked football, as well as athletics. 1 didn't think dressing up as wallies suited the pupils so we introduced throwing events for those not on the track. We also in- troduced vaulting and box work during my time.I have always been keen to take my own class for their
PE lessons.Zuleika Green who fol lowed me in the post, for three years, was keen on dancing, for girls and boys, which continues. Graham Hawkins has introduced lag rugby, which is proving an ideal sporting activity for all the school children. I believe all should take part in everything."
Graham Hawkins, with a major reputation on the hockey field when he came to Gibraltar, has strong views on the benefits of sport amongst schoolchildren pro viding a lasting benefitfor the com munity.

"Every child has a record made of their height, distance and speed attained at the beginning and end of their five week game sessions it provides a sense of achievement, not just for the House teams. We offer a wide range of sports and activities as well as the traditional sports.Recently we tried'orienteer ing'— competing around a course with map reading — it's proved very popular.This encourages team work as well as individual skills.
"We also introduced 'tag rugby' for year 7, and now year 6, with over a hundred taking part. Rugby is a particularly good game which can channel aggression. I under stand that Alan Sparks of the Gi braltar Rugby Club is trying to get this ideal sport introduced into other schools,although we lack the facilities for rugger proper.
"Nowadays the emphasis is away from making children play adult- sized games — games are mini-sided and children led. Re cently we were the first local school to offer lunchtime sports sessions which are proving very popular. Ten of my colleagues are giving up their lunchtimes to help out,
"I believe that our varied sport ing programme can keep children in school and off the streets — and build up self-esteem."
Squash Update
On 29th March from 12 noon the Squash Club will hold its very popular Open Day at the Squash Centre, South Pavilion Road from 12 noon. There will be substantial reductions on membership fees or free good quality raquets on a first come basis while stocks last, plus25% offfamily memberships. There will also be an opportunity for those attending to join indoor bicycle spinning sessions free of charge, plus free food, T-shirts and other small gifts.
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