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Gibraltar participated in the first ever Special Olympics European Summer Games held in Dublin in July 1985. Six athletes, two bowlers, three swimmers and five coaches took part and three silver medals were gained in swimming — two for Marie Navarro and one by Magda Valarino. As a result of the success of this participation at these Games,a group of people decided to set up a Special Olympics Programme in Gibraltar.
In July this year, Gi braltar will be return ing to Dublin for the 11th International Summer Games - the first time that they have been staged out side of the USA.Dub lin won the right on account of facilities and financing.
In the intervening vears Gibraltar has competed at World Summer Games at South Bend, Indiana ('87); Minneapolis/ St.Paul('91); New Ha ven,Connecticut('95) and North Carolina ('99). Gibraltar has also seen success at National Games in Portugal ('88), Euro- Pive- a- side pean Summer G«imes at Glasgow ('90) and Groningen, Netherlands ('00); floor hockey at World Winter Games in Salzburg ('93)and Toronto('97)and Anchor age, Alaska ('01), Isl Jeux des Petites Pays at Monaco ('96) and 2nd at Luxembourg, and the UK National Championships at Port smouth ('97).Gibraltar's S.O.com peted for the first time at 'unified' Five-a-side football in the Nether lands and, subsequently, in the Czech Republic in 2002.
Responding fully to the words of the Oath'Let me win but, if I can not win, let me be brave in the at tempt' — little Gibraltar has lined up as a full member alongside the mighty contingents of the Ameri cas and Europe and , in terms of medals,brought back several from each participation — often Gold.
Gibraltar has also hosted Special Olympics teams from the UK and Portugal and Spain at Summer Games on the Rock. Gib. S.O. has also been instrumental in theMATP programme,now Individual Sport Activities, a sport-based pro- soccer team in training gramme for those with severe or profound learning disabilities, who are unable to compete at SO level.
"It is essential that we should al ways be represented at any cham pionship—since we joined in 1984.
It is our commitment to the Special Olympics movement. Our partici pation is greatly appreciated by the European and International Head have always been involved in swimming,athletics, ten-pin bowl ing and the team game of floor ! hockey. To these we have added football and, now,equestrianism.
"We have enjoyed great success at five-a-side football over the past five years. On the local scene our special athletes have done well and at wider international level even
We have 31 trainees at the Centre and over 75% take part in Special Olympics on a regular basis
Offices. We are seen to have a well structured programme."
Annie Risso, MBE, is National Director of Gib.S.O. as well as be ing Manageress of the St. Bemadette's Occupational Therapy Centre.She will be Head of Delega tion at Dublin.
"We have 31 trainees at the Cen tre and over 75% take part in Spe cial Olympics on a regular basis. We better at 'unified' championshipswhere the able bodied 'partners' play alongside the athletes. We are fortunate at having such splendid 'partners'. The sport is adminis tered according to UEFA rules and we,and Monaco,have been singled out for praise at how we play the game. In the Czech Republic last year, Gibraltar only conceded the Gold medal to Cyprus by a single goal in the final, after wc had beaten them in the preliminaries.
"For Dublin we have made the deci sion to participate at Special Athletes level — and not at'unified' — as we feel that it will give more oppor tunities for our special athletes.
"Our athletes are most keen, training twice a week with coaches Henry Danino, Brian Vinent and Brian Fernandez. There are eight foot ballers going to Dub lin — James Brancato, Stephen Cassey, Nicholas Danino, Darren Vinent, Carl Vantura, Aziden El Habali, Wayne Mason and Keith Medhurst.
"One of the keenest footballers is Glen Wimbleton, who excels at eve rything he undertakes. He will face the big challenge of Equestrianism at Dublin — the first time we have felt able to take part in this sport, although we have been working with horses for several years. Glen, and Michael Lima,are most able on horseback.Glen has achieved most on a structured programme, coached by Kerri Morgan at Tesorillo. We were able to qualify horsewoman Kerri on a SO course. Equestrianism is probably the most expensive individual sport, in terms of equipment and uniform. In Dublin, Glen will have to com pete at three disciplines — dres sage, obstacle course and English equitation.
"For Dublin, my Assistant is Elizabeth Sherrif who looks after the bowlers Carlos Yeo and Jan Lopez. Willie Paige and Fleur Graccione work with the athletes Michael Lima, Maria Cruz, Miguel
Rubio and Lee Guerrero. Swim mers Stephen Peggie, Sally Ann Maure, Malcolm Miel and Alfred Celecia have been trained regularly at the GASA pool by Johnny and Anna Marie Gelding, Many others are involved throughout the year.
"We are taking 19 special athletes trainer Kerri will be starting our'Adopt an Ath lete' programme. Already one of our footballers James Brancato has been 'adopted' by the Gib 6s or ganisation and we know several others always come forward.
"We are grateful to all those who make our international participa- to Dublin, with ten officials and coaches. Needless to say it is an ex pensive venture, over £20,000, Al ready we have received welcome contributions from the GBC Open Day and others. Government also helps us financially,
"We like to help ourselves and tion possible, especially the many coaches who give so freely of their time throughout the year to ensure Gibraltar's special athletes arc al ways able to give their best."
Gibraltar Special Olympics Na tional Director Annie Risso can be contacted on Tel. 78309.
Cheshire Homes Update
March. The Gibraltar Cheshire Homes group is now offering a Sponsor a Child programme where,forjust £10 a month, you can make a difference to a child's life. Forfurther information on this or the charity contact Vanessa Saccone,6 Kingston Court, Harbour Views, Gibraltar. Tel: 79030.
Courier Service from Gibraltar to Malaga
Mobile: 00350 54010076
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