2 minute read
Real estate financing with a maximum term to maturity of 35 years
- and thefirst 10 years paying interest only?
This is possible with the new Keyplan Mortgage from Jyske Bank, offered on Costa del Sol and Costa Blanca. It is primarily designed for the coastal areas but we can provide mortages up to 10 kilometres from the coast, subject to evaluation.
Why borrow in a foreign currency?
Giovanna Wright Jyske Bank
Buy or rent?
Is it still interesting to buy prop erty rather than rent? That is a good question.It could still be interesting to buy,although interest rates are rising. It depends on your outlook for the property market and the purpose of your dream house.
Mortgage or cash purchase?
Many investors who could pay for a property outright still choose to mortgage the property. In some cases, taking out a mortgage may better suit your tax planning. Others choose to take out a mortgage and invest it elsewhere in the expectation that the returns they earn may be higher than the interest they pay on the mortgage.
Equity release?
One area where Jyske Bank sees continued growth is in the area of equity release. This is where a client has already purchased a property for cash, probably some years ago, and wishes to borrow against the increaised value of the property. It could be that the funds released are used for other more liquid types of investments, which generate additional income.
Mortgages can be drawn down and repaid in most cur rencies including British pounds, US dollar. Euro, Swiss francs and Japanese yen.The interest on a currency mort gage can be very competitive and the currency mortgage is very often used for speculative purposes or to hedge assets in your base currency. Your adviser will explain all payment terms,and with Jyske Bank you'll never encoun ter hidden fees or other surprises.
It is important to remember when considering a property purchase to seek professional advice from people who deal in this market. We work together with professional lawyers and valuators.
How do you get started?
Simply call Jyske Bank in Gibraltar on +350 200 48703 or e-mail giovanna-wright@jyskebank.gi
Your advantages
The loan is available in most major currendes and at a competitive rate of interest.
Loans can be made for up to 35 years. An initial interest-only period can be arranged for up to a maximum of 10 years.
You can switch between several currencies.
The Keyplan Mortgage product is offered by Jyske Bank (Gibraltar) Ltd., licensed by the Financial Services Commission. License No. FSC 001 OOB, www.fsc.gi. jyske Bank Private Banking is a busi ness unit of jyske Bank A/S, Vestergade 8-16,8600 Silkeborg, Denmark,CVR-no:1761 6617,regu lated by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority,and the Financial Services Authority. The investment services referred to in this advertisement will be provided from outside the UK. Your local investor protection regime will generally be applicable and investors seeking further informa tion should request details from their adviser. Please remember that your property or home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage or other loan secured on it. The Keyplan Mortgage may not be offered to everyone,e.g. residents of the USA.
likely than not had a hand in the negotiation and drafting of the legislation itself!"
In 2006, in pursuit of a new op portunity, Selwyn left Isolas for a short spell at the employed bar as in-house Counsel and Director for one of Gibraltar's small company and trust management/family oh fices.Selwyn was then approached late last year with the suggestion of taking on responsibility for busi ness development at Isolas, which challenge he readily and happily accepted.
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