1 minute read

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ers like O'Brien, O'Cara, and my predecessor Antonia Gladstone.These and all others will be included in a commerative magazine due out at the end of the academic year. This will coincide with an exhibition of memorabilia at the John Mackintosh Hall which we are all excited about, and the teachers are busily seeing to this."

1 caught his enthusiasm as he talked and of course wanted to know how he first came to Gi braltar. With warm sincerity he recounted how he first came here in 1980 with a Gibraltarian friend from college, wentback to finish his stud ies and then applied for a job here,"(a)because I loved the place, and (b)I met the girl who is now my wife". Coming from the small village ofCayphorpe in Lincolnshire this has helped "to make me feel comfortable here as the parochial characteristic was never a problem".

He went on to praise the warmth of the lo cal people and from the very first instance "I thought I'm happy to spend the rest of my life here, and now, well, 1 consider myself more Gibraltarian than English," he shared with a big smile,and 1 smiled too, this being a sentiment 1 could so easily relate to.

With six years of committed headship to speak of 1 wondered where he had worked before.


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