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Around Town...
Youwould havethoughtthatsummerinGibraltar wasquitehot
enough (it is for me anyway)but if there is one subject that comes up every year which issure to make temperatures soar even higher it's the question of"Summer Hours". What you think aboutsum mer hours of course depends on whether or not you have them, and for those lucky devils who are able to spend half the summer on the beach the answer is of course "yes" we must have them.To be absolutely honest I can see both sides of the argument, it is indeed a fact that here on the Rock it docs get very hot during July and August, and who wouldn t like to take the afternoons off. But these days most offices have air-conditioning so the old excuse about the heat shouldn't really count,but I'm sure the argument for and against them will go on for years to come,so enjoy them while you can but 1 think their days could be numbered.
Stillon thesubjectofsummerI'm reliably informed thatastheschool
holidays began and just to get into the spirit of summer "Sparky" who wears shorts all year round has now gone from winter shorts to summer shorts. Just what the difference is I don't know,but I'm sure that all you regular readers will sleep easier in your beds now you know about Sparky's shorts.
The Naked Truth family wedding was the reason for Ian McMahon to spend a few days in the UK recently, and while I'm sure the time spent with his family in Eng land was enjoyable,(an will remember his trip for other reasons too. Ex actly how it all happened I'm not really sure, but what I do know is that at some point in time during his hotel stay Ian ended up on the wrong side of his hotel door wearing nothing more than an embarrassed smile on his face. Now as 1 said, I'm not really sure just how it all happened and that's probably just as well as some things are best left to the imagination.
Many HappiesBirthday boys and girls this
month include Louise, Alex Almeda, Big Phil, Christopher and his Aunt Jane, and over the pond in the good old US of A John Lane, gone but not forgotten, gets a year older. Happy birthday to you all and congratulations to Emma and Paul on their wedding anniversary. Talk ing of anniversaries...
A walk along Main Street is usually
the perfect place to bump into a few people for a chat and to find out what's going on. On a recent stroll one of the first people 1 bumped into was none other than my good friend Natalie of Mike Clark's dental surgery. Now Nat's always a good source of gossip and scandal... "Hello there Nat," 1 .said but she never ut tered a word, I was shocked to say the least after all it's usually a job to stop her tell ing me all sorts of stories mostly about her husband Mike and his henchman Denis and their escapades. But when 1 got over the shock of a mute Nat, she eventually managed a croak or two and ex plained that she'd lost her voice and that it was her wedding anniversary as well. Now if there's any con nection between wedding anniversaries and losing your voice I don't know them, but I'm pleased to tell you that the next time I saw her the voice was back in full workingorder.Incidentally MikeClarkhasanew young lady working at the surgery by the name of ^enka and ifshe sanything like the other team mem^rs I m sure we'll be hearing more about her in the
Legging It...
i[ he"Bad Leg"club gainsone new member this month and I don't think there has ever been anyone who deserves membership more than this lady who over the last few weeks has been struggling around on a crutch in agony after damaging a knee. I know how an injured knee can hurtfrom pa.st personal ex periences so Kay Eggleton is this month's new "Bad Leg" club mem ber and never has membership been more deserved. I can only hope it gets better soon.
TV Addicts
With the Eurovision song contest, which I can still hardly believe, but now vet another television