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Serviceall Centre Ltd

HMS Sabre makes a fast pass past the ootgobtg CO in the RIB
Had you ever been to Gibraltar be fore you took up this job?
Yeslcameherein 1989ottL'rl fin ished university. 1 worked in a cou ple of bars and spent a lot of time travelling through Spain and Por tugal and I also managed to learn a little Spanish. Since joining the Royal Navy I have called in to Gi braltar on a few occasions,once on the offshore patrol vessel HMSL/ffdisfarue in 1994, twice on the type 22frigate HMS Battlfaxc in 1995 and with HMS Portland,the type 23 frig ate, in 2000,
When you were given this assign ment had you any preconceived ideas about Gibraltar and the Gi braltar Squadron itself?
I do think that Gibraltar is an in teresting place to work, with great weather and great people. I think the job is a fabulous opportunity to work abroad in a joint environment doing a pertinent task of helping to ensure the security of British Gi braltar Territorial Waters(BGTW). I was able to learn a lot about the Gibraltar Squadron from my brief ings and if anyone is interested in finding out more the unit's web page is hosted within the Royal Navy's website at www.royalnavy.mod.uk.
Obviously you have only been in Command for a short time, but since the Gibraltar Squadron is al most unique in the Royal Navy
The Command of the Royal Navy's Gibraltar based Patrol Boat Squadron recently changed hands with Lt. Cdr Mike McGuire leaving the Rock for a new post in Halifax, Canada after two years at the helm, and Lt. Cdr Rachel Maxwell taking over the reigns at the units HQ at Coaling Island. The Gibraltar Magazine man aged to catch up with her to see how she felt about the task after her first few weeks in charge. (apart from the Cyprus Squadron) what do you think it is, that makes it such a special unit?

It is very special because it has a very focused team who work as a cohesive team to ensure that they are able to fulfill their designated mission. The Squadron has a spe cial relationship with the key Gibraltarian waterborne agencies such as the Gibraltar Services Po lice,Customs and the Port Authori ties as well as the Royal Gibraltar
Police force. The Gibraltar Squad ron also has a dedicated team of six men from the Gibraltar Regiment who form a critical part in the sup port they provide to the Gibraltar Squadron. This has enhanced rela tions with the Gibraltar Regiment no end and the assigned men thor oughly enjoy working with us and developing their sea legs!!
What sort of feedback do you get from visiting warships about how they feel about the maritime secu rity they get from the squadron?
Actually we request feedback from the warships and auxiliaries after each escort patrol and they are entirely happy with the service pro vided by the Gibraltar Squadron and the Gibraltar Services Police.
How important do you feel is the (ask of maintaining a "Visible Maritime Presence" in British Gi braltar Territorial Waters?
Presence operations are the best deterrent not only against terrorism but also against infringements of British Gibraltar Territorial Waters. Patrols send a clear message of the Commander British Force's intent to maintain the integrity of British Gibraltar Territorial Waters and of course, Gibraltar itself.
What actually prompted you to join the Royal Navy in the first place? Did your family influence you?
I always wanted to join up and get a career in the services;I do have a brother who was a POMEM(L)in the Navy. However it was when I was fortunate enough to be work ing on luxury powerboats in the Mediterranean that 1 really got the taste for being at sea. So conse quently 1 joined the Royal Navy in 1992, which was shortly after fe males were allowed to go to sea and to be honest I have not looked back