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Armadillo on the Move
Armadillo Electrical now has a new, more spacious home at Unit 18, Ocean Heights Gallery. Previously tucked away on Governor's Street the move will allow the team, headed by Louis Bruzon,to offer the same great service and products from a more convenient location.
The concept of Armadillo is sim ple, you bring in your old games (X-box, PlayStation, GameCube etc),DVDsor music CDsand Louis gives you a credit note to put to wards purchasing anything else in the shop. It is a great way of turn ing old games into new — as their motto says "More fun for less cash!'". The Armadillo team test all products before reselling them, in cluding consuls and spare parts which they also have for sale.
The team offer PC and consul re pairs, and all BEEP services and products and can pretty much tackle anything electrical which is capable of being repaired.
Pop into the shop to see what's on offer or telephone or fax if your needs are more specific Tel/Fax; 44890/43321. Alternatively email the team at this address: armadillo("'gibtelecom.net