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The Mayor's Awards
The presentation of the May or's Awards took place at the City Hall in late January. Three nominations for the Awards were received and His Worship presented the Mayor's Silver Award to Ms Melba Moguera, Mr Alfred Gerada, and Mr Christopher Galea.
Melba Noguera and Alfred Gerada for the promptness of mind shown, when,in the early morning of 20th April 2005,they acted promtly in assisting in sav ing the life of Victor Ferro, who had collapsed and wasin a semiconcious state on the science staff room floor of the Bayside Comprehensive School.
Christopher Galea for the prompt action taken, when, on Tuesday 12th July 2005,he dived into rough seas to save the lives of Francis Torres, Tyrone Castro and Jonathan Field, who had en countered difficulties while in a dingy at Eastern Beach.
His Worship took the opportu nity to remind the general public that any individual,or number of people, can be recommended for the Mayor's Award in any of its three Categories. Nominees should have shown that through their courage, unselfishness and regard for other people, animals or the environment, have per formed a rescue, life saving act, preserved life in any manner or form,or have contributed to such an act by deed, regardless of dan ger,circumstances, time or place.
Recommendations in writing should be made to The Secretary Mayor's Award,Mayor's Parlour, City Hall, Gibraltar.