6 minute read
Following Nature's Path to Good Health
lunch or prepare a vegetable feast you will discover that eating more healthily can be great tasting too. And whisper has it that Nature's Path will soon be offering organic salads and sandwiches,so you will no longer be able to blame lack of time for eating what's good for you.
Call in at Nature's Path,47 Gov ernor's Street Tel:77778—you will be surprised just how much good stuff can be put into a small shop.
DentalPractice new atTown Range
Nature's Path,the new and won derful natural health store at 47 Governor's Street offers everything from fruit and vegetables to breads and food supplements,but there is something quite special about this particular range of healthy food stuff... The majority of what is on offer at Nature's Path is organic, and that includes the delicious range of herbal teas and even the crisps!
There is a lovely range of natural baby products such as shampoos and nappy creams using organi cally produced essential oils plus a special range of organic baby food
— what better start in life could baby have?
Whether you want to improve the healthiness of your midday snack, or your children's packed
The Dental Practice, previously of Main Street will open doors at Baudelaire House, 15D-1 Town Range on Monday 30th January 2006. The /nave to more spacious premises will allow Dentist Mike Clark, to offer more sendees such as Botox and Dermal Filler therapies. TellFax: 52882forfurther information or to book an appointment.
DMA to Eliminate Knee Surgery Waiting list
During the coming months, the GHA will be taking decisive action to cut the waiting lists of patients who require knee surgery. A Government sponsored initiative which is estimated will cost about £700,000 will be launched on 28th January 2006 in co-operation with Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospital in London.
The majority of patients requir ing orthopaedic surgery are those needing total or partial knee re placements. There are over 80 pa tients awaiting such procedures. These patients are being prioritised in accordance with clinical criteria as well as the length of time on the waiting list and will be operated on at week ends in groups ofabout6 patients at a time. Surgery commences on 28th/29th January 2006 and 25th / 26th February 2006 and will con tinue at intervals thereafter until the programme has been com pleted.
Mr Peter Ernshaw,the Consult ant Orthopaedic Surgeon who spe cialises in knee surgery, will be leading the Orthopaedic Team, which includes Mr Jason Cross, a Clinical Nurse Specialist and other UK professionals, from Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospital. This team has an excellent reputation for knee replacement surgery and will be joined by local professionals.These include the GHA Anaesthetic Team, the Orthopaedic Team, Theatre nurses. Captain Murchison Ward nurses. Physiotherapists and Occu pational Therapists. Some of these local members of the team are go ing to Guy's and St. Thomas's for a period of familiarisation training.
GHA is writing to all patients on the knee replacement waiting lists asking them to confirm that they are willing to be included in this initiative. Fitness for surgery of each individual patient will be con firmed at a pre-assessment clinic at St. Bernard's Hospital which will take place in advance of actual sur gery.
The GHA is intending to sched ule the admission of each patient into hospital on an individual ba sis and will be contacting patients personally in this respect assoon as a surgery date has been identified. Patients will also be asked to indi cate if they would agree to being available on standby for surgery at short notice, should a cancella tion arise earlier than their sched uled date for surgery.
Patients are being advised that not all the dates on which the op erations are to be carried have yet been finalised with the visiting team from Guy's and St.Thomas's Hospital. Patients on the Ortho paedic Waiting List are therefore being requested to wait until they are contacted by GHA and pro vided with dates for their surgery and to avoid telephoning GHA at this stage for this information as it may not be possible to confirm the dates at this moment in time.
Protect Your Dog Against Fatal Summer Diseases
Heartworm, Leishmaniosis, Tickborne Diseases
Phone Gibraltar Veterinary Clinic for details 77334
TroptCai A^oaria
1% PET CENTRE> open: lOam - 7pm Mon-Fri, 10-2 Sat
International Commercial Centre Unit F11 (1st Floor)Tel: 78177 Fax: 51716
Jim is a two year old cat who has spent most of his life in a loving home but now finds himself at the cat shelter. He is desperate to love someone to bits!
Contact Sylvia Cat Welfare Society ;4- Tel: 42301
Petal is a lively inde pendent cat who would suit a household with no other pets. She is full of character and her curi ous nature ensures that those around her have a laugh.
Cat Welfare Society
Tel: 42301
obtainable from Bookshops in Gibraltar hobbies pastimes
Book Wholesalers
Book Distribution
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Europa Business Centre Tel/Fax: 75842 first Floor, Caicmates S/ioppi)i^ Precinct & Giiirfllfur Butaiiif Cnrrfcns
The A lameJa. Tel:4170«/72619
The most imaginative gift shop. If nature hasn't thought of il — it's not worth having. Come and enjoy shopping with us.
To advertise on this page contact 77748 or email:
Sue Esserti of Candle Fantasy on the 1st Floor of the ICC has some lovely gift ideas — for a friend, for a Valentine or just for yourself!
Sue is delighted to have opened the little candle shop with the sup port of her daughter and friends and is sure her gifts will prove popular with all. In addition to thecandles—aromatherapy, nov elty, ball, birthday, church etc etc — Sue has in stock aromatherapy oils and room fresherners, oil burners,candle snuffers and hold ers, plus some extra special hand made cards, table decorations and Dead Sea products. The Dead Sea products contain healing miner als for natural therapeutic skin treatments. Try the bath salts, natural mineral soap, mud mask or body lotion. Sea of Life prod ucts are free of detergents and animal fats, and arc packed with minerals and herbal oils which have given relief to suffers of pso riasis and eczema.
And Candle Fantasy has some fantastic Valentine's gifts! Don't miss this great addition to the ICC, Casemates. Tel: 46546
Med Golf Update
Terry's of Irish Town
Terry's, that well known Irish Town emporium of second-hand books and DVDs plus greeting cards, balloons and of course.the famous cake decorating supplies, has just got bigger... much much bigger.
Terry and Georgina Jesty have now taken over the Art Shop next door and expanded their premises through the wall... literally.
The colourful shop, packed to the gills with paper things and ic ing sugar now opens onto the equally fascinating world of artists's supplies... Next door to stacks of paperbacks are paints and frames and canvases and brushes. aano hemps
The combination of the two colourful browser's delights can only add to the joy of finding things you never even knew you needed alongside just what you were looking for to start with.
Visit Terry's at 96 Irish Town.
It was a good end to the year 2005 for local restaurateur Denny
To, when he won the Med Golf tournament, sponsored by Aage Hempel Marine Electronics, at Alcaidesa on Sunday 11th De cember. Denny now secures his spot along with last month's win ner Louis Calvente, for the Med
Golt Masters, which will be held at Valderrama in November 2006. Not content with winning the main competition, Denny also took the top senior prize and top team prize with Darren Warren.
Second place went to Dan Aldridge who had an excellent round of 73 in very windy condi tions, with Les O'Reilly taking third place and Julie Brewer being the top lady on the day.
Members should note that all the tournament dates, where winners receive their invitation to the Med Golf Masters at Valderrama, are now in place with the next compe tition being at Monte Mayor on
Sunday 12th February for the Fa mous Grouse Trophy.You should make sure you book your tee time at www.teetimespain.com or ring Johnathan Goodson on 0034639741886. You can also get the full tournament schedule and membership details at the website or from Johnathan.
Tuesday 24th January to Thursday 2nd February
4th Gibraltar International Chess Festival at The Caleta Hotel. For information contact The Caleta Hotel Tel:71050 www.caletahotel.gi
Monday 6th February
Gun Salute in honour of HM the Queen's Accession to the Throne 12.00 noon at The Tower(Berth 41). For further information Tel: 53624
Tuesday 7th to Friday 17th Febru ary
33rd International Art Exhibition at John Mackintosh Hall, Upper & Lower Exhibition Rooms & Gallery 9.30am to 10.30pm. Entrance free. For information contact Ministry of Culture Tel: 44691 Email: mincultured'gibtelecom.net
Monday 6th February
TheGibraltar Philharmonic Society Cello Recital, Franz Batholomey (Principal Cellist, Vienna Philhar monic Orchestra) at The Convent 8.30 pm. Tickets £15.00 available at Solomon Levy Estate AgentConvent Place & Sacarello Coffee Shop - Irish Town. For info contact Angelo Sanquinetti Tel: 72134
Thursday 16th February
Danze Academy Annual Choreog raphy Competition at John Macktintosh Hall Theatre 7.30 pm. Tickets £6.00 available from John Mackintosh ticket office. For infor mation contact Ann Marie Gomez Tel: 44828
Saturday 18th February
Gibraltar Botanic Gardens Tour. Meet: George Don Gates (at the south end of Grand Parade) 10.30am. There is no fee but dona tions are welcome.Tel: 72639 Email: alamedad'Wildlife.gib.gi
Sunday 19th February