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The Mad Commineo
They call themselves the "Mad Committee" and though only its ex officio chairman can explain the origins of the name — "It just hap pened", chorus Barclays business bankers Jenny Tilbury and Sundra Botteridge when I ask — its fund raising for Gibraltar charities is far from daft and has grown from strength to strength since it was established.
In October last year the commit tee raised more than £4,000 for can cer related charities and the bank matched the funds they raised pound for pound.
"October is seen as the month in which international charities devote their activities to raising funds for cancer, and this year we will again be raising cash for cancer in Octo ber," Jenny says. "Hopefully, we'll double what we raise."
The "Think Pink" day for cancer relief and the sponsored "Walk for Life", which she and Sundra spear headed — and both of which Gi braltar took to its heart — raised cash not only for international can cer research but also gleaned more than £2,400 (again doubled by the bank) for the Lady Williams Can cer Relief fund. It will be used to improve facilities in the library area of the fund's premises in Devil's
Tower Road.
Bank staff will also give up some of their leisure time to sew curtains and put up shelving in the build ing, Sundra tells me.
"In the past year we've also raised funds — through cake sales and so on — for the Manacare Foundation and other charities... though nothing on the same scale and the cash we've raised for can cer," she adds."There are also regu lar'dress-down'days organized by Mark Harrison — usually with a
Also on the cards is a month of activities to raise cash for a school for the blind
In Sierra Leone...
specific theme — with prizes raf fled to raise additional cash."
This year the Mad Committee plans to focus its efforts on a differ ent area of charities and other vol untary organisationseach month.., including fund-raising for local youth groups such as the Boy Scouts and Guides."We may even look at ways to help youngsters' football and other sporting clubs," says Jenny.
Also on the cards is a month of activities to raise cash for a school for the blind in Sierra Leone.,. And that"mad" tag for the com mittee?
"It stands for'Make a Difference' and was coined by my former PA Harriet Wares," explains local Barclays Bank director Tim Streatfeild-James who has thrown his own, and the bank's, weight behind the charitable fund-raising.