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Developing with Care
Whenlocal property de
veloper, the Fairhomes Luxury Property Group, found a Canary Date Palm,prob ably planted some 30 years ago, in cramped conditions at their Lord Napier Mews site on Rodgers Road the cheapest and easiest option would have been to chop it down.
"This seemed such a pity," said local director Barbara Sellors, "and we were keen for the tree to survive in Gibraltar so I called Paul Naughton-Rumbo in the Planning Department and asked him if he could think of a good home for it. He suggested con tacting Cynthia Eagle of the En vironment Department;she found a very good home for it; right in front of the Cathedral on Main Street where one of the four plant ers containing the very same va riety of palm tree, had had its oc cupant terminally vandalised".
Moving the tree was no easy task and required the careful co ordination of building contractor. Dew Construction Ltd,tranporter Portman Ltd,the Police,and land scape company, Gibralflora.
EPOS point-of-Sale
The whole operation took over 3 hours, but the tree now looks so much at home that many regular promenaders along Main Street might not have noticed its arrival!
The developer who funded the operation, the Fairhomes Group, are also behind Ocean Village. "We were very pleased to help make this possible," said Barbara, "and are iso supporting the Bo tanic Gardens Palm Bed Project. Trees and plants help to make Gi braltar an even more pleasant place to live, work and visit."
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