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Now that we are back to some cooler weather, here is a construction job that will warm you up! A dry stone wall is one constructed without the use of cement,so that you can insert plants into the cracks or fissures.
It" you have a position in you gar den facing NW,N or NE it is ideal for a project of this sort, because there is a wide range of plants which can be used. A wall facing the sun will limit you to plant choice, as even many succulents including the true cacti can burn against a wall in this part of the world. It is possible to have a wall facing east,but one facing south or west should be avoided.
The choice of plants can range from the leafy succulents such as Aeoniums, Dudleyas, Echeverias, traiiingCrassulas etc,for a wall that has no overhanging trees, to ferns and moisture loving Anthuriums, Bromeliads and various Aroids for a wall shaded by trees or a neigh bouring building.
If you have an unsightly comer, this is a wonderful way of cover ing it up and beautifying it. Trail ing Pelargoniums can look superb too, in fact ideal for an east facing wall.
A dry stone wall should lean back at least 15" from the vertical. The method of construction is quite easy,but you must first create a firm base on to which the first row of rocks are placed. You then run in at the back of each row of rocks some soil,preferably not too sandy, lightly watering it as you go to set- tie in. This soil should come just over the top of each row of rocks, so that the next row sits on a thin layer of soil. It is best to stagger the them in place.
Once a wall has been constructed and planted, it can either be hand watered using a spray nozzle,or set rocks, and this makes the wall stronger,and it will look much bet ter too. Do not make all the fissures too narrow,so as to leave room for the plants. If you wish to create a wall thatlooks as though it has been planted for many years, use mod erately mature plants straight away, and literally build them in as you construct the wall.
The pictures accompanying this article are from my own garden, where I have used the local rock. The type of rock you use is a mat ter of choice, although slightly softer rocks tend to allow the wall to bond together better. However, local limestone rock as we have here in Gibraltar can be used.
At the top of the wall if there are no overhanging trees or bushes, you can plant anything you wish, provided they want much the same cultural treatment as the plants be low.
With a wall that has been con structed and planted, it is usually possible to insert cuttings later with a little care. An ordinary long screwdriver is an ideal tool in which to make the hole,into which cuttings are inserted, then jet in some water so that the soil settles back around the cuttings and holds an oscillating sprinkler in position a few metres or so from the base and switch on.
Some dry stone walling needs to be done atthe Alameda before long to accommodate various succulents from the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Cape Verde Islands.
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