3 minute read
the silver shop Andrea Keeps on Entertaining
Since Andrea Martin returned to the Rock from her musical studiesin the USA, hercareerhas undergone dramatic changes — but she is still singing.
Andrea Martin
Horse Barrack Court & Casemates Arcade
1st May - 5th May 2004
Conference forAmateurs & Professionals on "The Wonderful Flora ofSouth Africa including the Succulent Plants "
There is u distinguished list t)f speakers including two from famous botanical gardens in S. Africa plus others from the UK. Portugal and Gibraltar.
For further information contact Brian M. Lamb (Programme Chairman). Gibraltar Botanic Gardens, Red Sands Road. PO Box 843. Gibraltar
E-mail: alameda@gibnet.gi Tel: 9567 72639 or 41235
Fax: 9567 74022 + your name and address
"It's my life!", as she crooned some of her favourite sounds dur ing our interview.
I reminded Andrea that was what she said in our last interview, for theGilmjihnMagozhie, fiveyears ago at her native Catalan Bay, fol lowing her musical studies at Bath University. She was setting off to follow her star.
"Was it that long ago? I look so young, 21 in my academic robes. I've travelled a long way and done a lot since then".
She still looks vivacious, sun tanned, different hairstyle. I told herthat 1 had heard hersingingjazz and felt it was the metier for her. How had this come about?
"My two vear classical scholar ship in New Yorkdidn'tcompletely work out. 1 am grateful for ail the help, including the Government grant, which I received. I didn'tlive up to my expectations; I am an ex trovert type of character and felt that the classical discipline re stricted my natural personality. I'm sure that there are singers who don't have this problem.
"1 was exposed to many influ ences — Mozart, the arias 'Mar riage of Figaro', 'Cossi fan tutte', 'Magic flute'; some Bellini, Massanet; no Wagner, nothing too dark, i also had to listen to others' opinionsofmy voice, not always fa vourable.
"1 loved the music, still do, and the classe.s but perhaps 1 found them too restricting. Those who succeed are dedicated, work hard to the exclusion of all else. People -said I was moving about too much during performances — 'too Latina'. But it's my nature. 1 feel a music inside and it just comes out.
"1 lived on the New Jersey side, just five minutes from Manhattan; through the Lincoln Tunnel — I'm not too keen on tunnels. I was in\ ited to share a flat in Manhattan and met lots of musical people and visited many concerts, shows and clubs. A friend took me to the Blue Noteand 1 experienced a jazzgroup playing — 1 can't remember who, but I thought what is this? Itopened a door.
"Previously friends at Bath had often said Ishould broaden my rep ertoire into the jazz field. 1 listened to a few CDs, Ella Fitzgerald, Natalie Cole and such and thought I could do this. So I learned some songs.
"When I returned to Gibraltar earlier this year, 1 felt very de pressed musically. I didn't know where I was going. My mum and dad felt 1 should continue with the classic career. But 1 had to earn a liv ing and was fortunate to obtain em ployment with GB Airways at the Aiqwrt,lovely job but the hoursleft me very tired. Work, sleep — not when I saw them with their hands to their eyes, 1 thought 'Oh, my; they don't like it'.
"They loved it. I hadn't realised it was their song. He had written it for her.
"The words are so meaningful. He's a brilliant writer. He invited me to his table and they said they loved my rendition.
"Leanne Delaney, a friend since childhood, inv ited me to meet the musicians at the Eliott Hotel, 'George Posso and His friends'and others and 1 sang with Albert Chiappe, Dennis and 'Chips'.
"Jazz is so free. You can put your own interpretation on a standard much time to sing
"I was successful at the Certamen de Musica Ligora in La Linea dur ing the summer. There were a dozen finalists and 1 was fortunate to win, with Albert Hammond's 'When you tell me that you love me'and Rocio Jurado's' La Septima Ola'. This led to an appearance on the La Linea TV, where i talked and talked. 1 also loved my 1."^ min. (16 min) spot with GBC's Gerard Teuma during Fair Week.But really it's the singing I enjoy.
"Henry Sacramento looks after my local engagements and I've managed a couple of gigs. The lat est was a Dinner date at'The Little Rock in Casemates Square,where 1 sang a varied repertoire of a dozen numbers, including Albert Hammond's ' When you tell me that you love me'. Albert and his wife were in the audience — 1 didn't know it was his place — and ballad, express vourseif and it's yours! I intend to include some well known songs — 'Summertime', 'Crazy','The nearness of you' and investigate more.
"I'm also booked for a jyske Bank function at St. Michael's Cave and a show in Madrid and in London. I'll sing whenever I have the oppor tunity and include my jazz when ever it's appropriate.
"I'm off to London shortly, with my demo,to meet up with a musi cal contact, through Eric EMul,and hope he'll open some doors and get people to listen to me. I'm getting enough money together for a few month's stay.
"The past few years'experiences have enabled me to find out who I am and what I am really good at and what 1 want to do. The love of my life is singing and there can be no better life than doing what you really like doing."