1 minute read
The Jyske Bank Story
Who is Jyske Bank?
Jyske Bank was established on 7 July 1967, following the merger of four banks in the mid-Jutland area of Denmark. In 1981, with the takeover of Copenhagen-based Finansbanken, Jyske Bank achieve nationwide coverage, and now has 123 branches across Denmark. There are also branches in London, Hamburg and Fuengirtila and later this year an office in Cannes in the South of France will be opened, plus one in Poland in 2004. Jyske Bank also has full subsidiary banks in Switzerland and in Gibral tar.
Jyske Bank is an independ ent bank owned by about 213,000shareholders. No sin gle shareholder has a control ling interest, which ensures the Bank's continued inde pendence.
And what about Jyske Bank (Gibraltar)?
jyskc Bank(Gibraltar) Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of jyske Bank A/S which has been operating in Gibraltar since 1987, when it bought Gibraltar's old est bank,Galliano's Bank. Since then the bank has continued to establish itself as a highly re spected and attractive business partner giving excellent quality, flexibility and value to its cus tomers, stakeholders and share holders.
Private Banking
Jyske Bank(Gibraltar)Limited prides itself in providing cus tomers with a wide range of fi nancial products designed to ac commodate all their require ments. Whatever the customer's banking needs, they are pro vided with a personalised ser\'ice. Every customer is appointed an account manager and the ul timate aim of each account man ager is to create long lasting per sonal relationships and provide flexible solutions to each custom er's individual needs.
...in eight different lan guages...
The bank understands that when discussing fi-
Tim Marschall, Getieral Manager oflyske Bank(Gibraltar) Liniitcil
nancial and Investment solutions, it is important for customers to speak their own language and so advice is offered in eight different languages. Each customer should therefore be able to discuss their banking and investment needs with an account manager who speaks their language.
...and in your vicinity
Being visible in defined markets by travelling to meet customers and by holding various events is ex tremely important. It gives the cus tomer and the adviser quality time to get to know each other thereby creating a close and long lasting re lationship, This relationship is nur tured by regularly contacting cus tomers to keep them updated with the bank's views, opinions and in vestment opportunities. Together with their customers the account managers create investment portfo lios and offer pro-active advice in currencies,equities and bonds. The bank also has its own extensive range of mutual funds which are managed by fund managers,jyske Invest. There are also four Portfo-