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Property Purchase with Charles A. Gomez & Co.
To get an idea of increases in the price of residential property in Gibraltar we conducted a survey of transactions from our firm's files. The average price differential from 1993-2003 came to 74.8'!;.. We had chosen conveyances from as many developments as possible. Some properties had more than doubled in price. that sellers know the value of what they are selling.
When repre senting buyers we ensure that exhaustive en quiries before contract are made so that our client knows ex actly what they are getting.
As members of the panels of solicitors of the main mortgage lenders we are able to offer cli ents some sav ings on their outlay without ever resorting to cutting corners.
The results show that now more than ever,home ownership represents the biggest outlay of money that the vast majority of people ever make.
They say that 'Fools rush in where angels fear to tread'. Inthe property department oflaw firm Charles A.Gomez& Co.,wo seek to ensure that clients; both buy ers and sellers enter into trans actions with eyes wide open and aware of all the facts. We have the good fortune of dealing with the main players in the industry lenders and estate agents to whom reputation is much more important than making a quick buck.
Unfortunately, not everyone thinks the same way and some try to give the impres sion that you can buy a £200,000 flat with the care and preparation that you might take in ordering a pizza for home delivery.
We make sure
The conveyancing department ofCharles A.
Gome/& Co prides itselfon a repuiuiion for turning transactions around in a diligent yet quick manner.
"We always put our clients" interests llrsi." says Lillian Kenny the executive in charge of property matters with the firm, "At the end of last year we accommodated a numtwr of house buyers who ur gently needed to complete before Christmas so whilst others were already celebrating, we were sign ing deeds; but that is the way we operate."
Wc are firm ad herents to the old Gibraltarian adage: "Lo barato sale caro" (rough English translation: cheap stuff ends up being costly).
We do not make claims that we cannot back up with facts but we would be very surprised if any other firm invests more time and energy in ensuring that our clients get the greatest degree of information and advice.
The firm has over 20 years experience and has rep resented literally 10(K)s of homeowners. "We work closely with surveyors and estate agents to ensure that buying a home is a pleasant event and that there are no 'surprises'later."says Lillian Kenny, "Gome/ & Co are also on the panels of solicitors i)f many banks and building six'ieties and we have an excel lent relationship with all to ensure the .smooth run ning «)f transactions,"
Appointments can be arranged on 24 hours notice, sometimes less. The firm is at 5 Secretary's Lane, phone 74998, Consultations arc between 9am and 7pm.